Sad Raf Shari 2016
Sad Raf Shari 2016
Sad Raf Shari 2016
DOI 10.1007/s10470-016-0845-7
Abdollah Khoei1
Abstract This paper presents a new gain stage for high 1 Introduction
accuracy and fast settling applications. In the proposed
structure a novel combination of closed loop and open loop High gain and high-speed amplifiers are the key compo-
amplifiers is employed to achieve high accuracy and nents that determine the overall resolution and speed of
enhanced settling behavior while adding only negligible modern analog systems. The ongoing miniaturization of
power to the main circuit power constraint. To evaluate the CMOS transistors, in advanced fabrication processes,
functionality of the proposed idea, a zero cross based cir- improves the device switching speed and reduces the area
cuit and a switch capacitor amplifier are designed to of digital circuits. However, the device transconductance
implement the open loop and the closed loop stages, and its unity-gain bandwidth decreases in this trend that
respectively. Though, other topologies for implementation translates to severe constraints on the settling behavior of
of open loop and closed loop amplifiers are applicable in amplifiers. Hence every advanced process set a more
the presented gain stage. The proposed structure is imple- stringent limit on the achievable gain and speed in CMOS
mented in 0.18 lm CMOS technology. HSPICE simulation analog circuits. In addition, increasing the bandwidth even
results, using level 49 models, demonstrate that the new in the process-dependent margins leads to increased power
configuration improves the power efficiency and the set- consumption. Another issue in modern process technolo-
tling behavior as well as the system accuracy. The pro- gies is the drop in supply voltages, which causes the loss in
posed scheme shows very fast settling times of 0.8, 1.01, the dynamic range. Specifically higher current and larger
1.41 ns for the gain accuracies of 6, 8 and 10 bits, load capacitance have to be used to reduce the circuit noise
respectively, while loaded with 1 pF capacitance and the and enhance the signal to noise ratio (SNR) that in turn
output swing is 1.6 V. In comparison with a conventional degrades the bandwidth of the amplifier. As a result,
switched capacitor closed loop amplifier, the proposed designing an amplifier with high gain, high frequency
architecture improves the settling performance by a factor range and low power consumption is a major challenge.
of 3 for 6 bit resolution, while it adds only 0.63 mW power The wide variety of tradeoffs imposed by the advanced
to the total power consumption that is 8.68 mW. fabrication processes has encouraged integrated circuit (IC)
designers to investigate new amplifier structures depending
Keywords Closed loop amplifier Gain stage Open loop on the required specifications.
amplifier Zero cross based circuit In this paper, a new structure is proposed that take the
advantage of both open loop and closed loop amplifiers to
achieve high speed and accuracy, simultaneously.
The proposed structure is implemented in 0.18 lm
CMOS technology as a proof of concept. However, the
& Shamin Sadrafshari design procedure can be applied in other modern processes
[email protected]
for achieving power efficiency as well as high accuracy and
Microelectronics Research Laboratory, Urmia University, fast settling behavior. The amplifier slewing efficiency is
Urmia, Iran also improved in comparison with conventional closed
Analog Integr Circ Sig Process
loop amplifiers. A switched capacitor (SC) amplifier [1] As a whole, gain stages can have either a closed-loop or
and a zero cross based circuit (ZCBC) [2] are used as open-loop configuration. The open-loop structures such as
closed loop and open loop amplifiers, respectively, in order ZCBC is generally suffer from poor accuracy, especially
to introduce the new structure. where significant tolerance to process, internal and external
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 transient variations and total integrated noise are important.
describes the contradicting tradeoffs and technology con- Hence, open loop approaches are useful for lower to
straints in gain stage design. The new method is introduced medium resolution. They require calibration and are not
in Sect. 3. Section 4 introduces building blocks of the suitable for high resolution applications.
proposed circuit including a ZCBC and a conventional SC Therefore, most operational amplifiers are used with
topology. Settling time and power consumption have been feedback (closed-loop operation). A closed loop amplifier
discussed in Sects. 5 and 6, respectively. The simulation such as switched capacitor, CDS, PCDS and CLS topolo-
results are discussed in Sect. 7 and finally the conclusion is gies reduces the gain of the operational amplifier but
given in Sect. 8. greatly increases the stability of the circuit. This method
offers high accuracy in comparison with the open-loop
structure but it exhibits low speed performance.
2 Amplifier design trade-offs in CMOS Another crucial limiting parameter of the closed loop
amplifiers is the slew rate that plays an important role in
Different circuit approaches have been reported to increase the settling behavior of amplifiers. Slew rate of closed loop
the speed and accuracy of gain stages. The most commonly- amplifiers cause the settling time to increase for large input
used structure is closed loop switched capacitor gain stages. variations.
That needs high gain and bandwidth amplifiers for high
resolution, high speed gain stages. Several types of ampli-
fiers have been presented to increase the DC gain of an 3 Proposed structure
amplifier without degrading its high frequency performance
[36]. Telescopic and folded cascode structures feature high In order to achieve high speed and accuracy, we operate a
unity gain bandwidth and DC gain. Although telescopic closed loop amplifier (CLA) together with an open loop
amplifiers are fast and have high gain but they need large amplifier (OLA) in the proposed architecture. Concurrent
voltage headroom whereas folded cascode structures dis- operation of the two amplifiers is illustrated schematically
play large output swing but they generally have medium DC in Fig. 1(a). The input signal is simultaneously amplified
gain. High gain can also be achieved by cascading multiple by both CLA and OLA until the output voltage reaches its
gain stages although it might lead to stability issues [7]. final value. At the instance, a control signal disconnects
However, the methods still fail to suggest a high gain OLA from the output while CLA improves the accuracy of
amplifier without trading other desirable properties such as the output voltage. The control signal is generated by a
high linearity, output swing, phase margin and bandwidth. comparator that receives input signals from the amplifier
An alternative for achieving desired specifications in a input and its output voltage divided by the amplifier gain
gain-stage is open loop structures [8, 9]. For instance, (Vout/n). Figure 1(b) illustrates the timing diagram of the
Comparator-based switched-capacitor (CBSC) circuits can gain stage. When control switch is on, output voltage set-
overcome some design challenges of switched capacitor tles to its final value with an error that is mainly caused by
gain stages [10]. A ZCBC [2] was introduced later in which the open loop amplifier. CLA diminishes the voltage error
dynamic zero-crossing detectors are used instead of com- while OLA is switched off. It should be noted that OLA has
parators, provides higher power efficiency and speed. to operate faster than the CLA to improve the settling time.
However, these techniques achieve medium accuracy. CLA is a switched capacitor gain stage that consists of a
Correlated double sampling (CDS) gain-stage proposed p-type folded cascode amplifier and the switching network.
in [11] is another technique optimizes gain at the cost of A ZCBC is employed to implement OLA in the proposed
three-phase complex clocking and noise power. Subse- structure. The open loop nature of ZCBC makes it a suit-
quently, a parallel correlated double sampling (PCDS) able option for open loop configuration. Figure 2 shows the
method was presented in [12] that does not meet the noise proposed gain stage for the total gain of n.
power problem like CDS approach. Both CDS and PCDS In order to clarify the operation of gain stage, lets
techniques suffer from low output voltage swing since they assume that input voltage is positive. For positive values,
are constrained by headroom considerations. To offer a output of the second comparator (Comp2) is set to low state
solution for both gain and swing limitations, the correlated that turns off the related current sources (In) until the next
level shifting (CLS) [13] technique was proposed while amplification phase. Therefore, the dashed section of Fig. 2
three-phase clocking remains as a major problem. does not contribute in amplification process for positive
Analog Integr Circ Sig Process
In VC1
CM Vin1
Cf VC2 Cx 1+
2 Ip
1 2+
1 Ci Vout/n Comp1
(n-1)Cx 2-
Out+ Vin2 1-
1 Amplifier CM
Out- 1+
Vin2 Vdd
(n-1)Cx 2+
2 Ci VC2
VC2 Vout/n Comp2
CM 1 Ip 2-
Cf Cx Vin1 1-
1 VC1
V1 V2 0 Vc 1
In comparators:
V1 V2 0 Vc 0
Fig. 2 The proposed gain stage for the total gain of n
Analog Integr Circ Sig Process
4 Building blocks
4.1 CLA
Amplifier settling time is a crucial factor in data acquisition
M5 M6
from CMF systems, particularly for high precision applications. To
have an accurate data acquisition, the output of an amplifier
Out+ Out-
Mf1 Vi+ M1 M2 Vi- Mf2 must settle within a certain error level in a certain time
Cl Cl interval, which is defined by the system sampling rate.
Therefore, it is the main factor that specifies the data
transfer rate of the A/D for a given accuracy.
In closed loop amplifiers, two distinctive settling regions
M7 M8
cas1 cas2 appear in response to large signal input voltages. The first
M9 M10
region is called slew time in which the amplifier operates in
its non-linear mode. The slewing period is generally
defined by the available input stage current to charge the
Fig. 3 Folded cacode amplifier used in the CLA
load capacitor. The second part starts after the slew limited
Analog Integr Circ Sig Process
period when the output of amplifier is within a close range its linear region and the maximum output current is limited
of its final value. During this time the circuit operates in a to Isource.
quasi-linear mode. In the simplified form, Eq. 1 can be determined as:
Slew rate limitation due to the non-linear behavior of
differential stage for large input voltages is the main speed tsettling;cl s:N: ln 2 tslew s ln 5
Vfinal Vslew
degrading factor. Although increasing the tail current of
input differential stage reduces the slew time but it Now, lets consider the settling behavior of the proposed
increases power consumption and occupied area. structure. The time needed for output signal to settle to its
In the proposed scheme, OLA charges the output final value with N bit resolution, tsettling, consists of two
capacitance with a relatively large current during the parts, following the timing diagram shown in Fig. 1(b):
slewing time of closed loop amplifier. Consequently, tsettling tZCB tcl 6
slewing does not appear when the output settles to its final
value. where tZCB is the time interval that ZCBC and the closed
Figure 5 illustrates a simplified model of conventional loop amplifier operate simultaneously and tcl is the time in
closed loop amplifiers that we use to elaborate on settling which the closed loop structure improves the accuracy of
behavior of the proposed circuit. gm represents the the output voltage. The open loop amplifier, ZCBC, pro-
transconductance of amplifier. vides the main part of load capacitance (CL) charge during
Assuming that the output value changes from 0 to Vref, tZCB, using the current sources (In,p). Throughout this per-
the settling time of the output for N bit resolution is iod, the load capacitance is approximately charged in a
obtained as: linear mode [2].
tsettling;cl tslew texp 1 Vfinal
tZCB In;p 7
where tslew is the slewing time and texp is the time interval CL
that output voltage is exponentially achieves its final value. After this period, output signal reaches to its final value
Hence, tsettling, cl can be calculated as [8]: with an error introduced by ZCB comparators finite delay.
Vfinal Vslew The voltage error can be determined by:
tsettling;cl tslew s ln 2
Vref =2N In;p
VeZCB tDcomp 8
where Vslew is the output voltage at tslew. While tslew and s CL
are [8]: where tD-comp is the time delay of comparator. Equation 8
CI CP CF suggests that Ve-ZCB is proportional to tD-comp, which can be
tslew Vi;i Vi;lin mitigated by adjusting the comparator design parameters.
3 According to Eqs. 7 and 8, increasing the current value
(In,p), decreases the settling time of ZCB. However, it
causes an increase in the voltage error that can be cancelled
1 cI cP cF by the closed loop of the proposed architecture. Hence,
s cL cF kcI cP 4
gm cF although increasing In,p improves tZCB, it degrades tcl.
where Vi,i is the initial voltage of Vi and Vi,lin corresponds Therefore, to minimize the total settling time, an optimum
to the input voltage in which the MOS amplifier operates in In,p should be obtained.
After ZCB circuit is disconnected, the output voltage is:
Analog Integr Circ Sig Process
Fig. 6 Step response of the proposed amplifier for a 6 bit, b 8 bit, c 10 bit resolution in comparison with the conventional closed loop amplifier
Analog Integr Circ Sig Process
Table 1 Performance
Parameters This work [15] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21]
specifications comparison of the
proposed gain stage Technology 0.18 lm 0.35 lm 0.18 lm 0.18 lm 90 nm 0.18 lm 65 nm
Power supply (V) 1.8 3.3 1.8 1.8 1.2 1.8 1
Cload (pF) 1 0.3 0.5 2 0.3 1 1
Power (mW) 9.3 6.4 12.5 88 20 5 1.6
Normalized power (mW)a 9.3 1.79 12.5 88 60 5 7.98
GBW (GHz) 0.48 1.1 1.44 2.56 1.2 0.45
Settling time (ns)b 1.65 5.52 2.43 1.86 1.04 2.22 5.94
Normalized settling time (ns)c 1.65 18.4 4.86 0.93 3.48 2.22 5.94
Normalized to the 0.18 lm process with a 1.8 V supply as the following equation:
0:18 lm
PN Power1:8
VDD Process minimum gate length
For the references that the settling time is not reported, it is calculated according to the following
equation: t = sNln2 where N is the resolution and s is the time constant of the amplifier and is equal to
Normalized to a 2 pF load capacitance as the following equation: ts;N ts C1pF
stage based on the proposed method in comparison with a time of all the studies are normalized to the 0.18 lm pro-
simple closed loop structure with folded cascode amplifier cess with a 1.8 V supply and the load capacitance of 1 pF.
for a high (800 mV) and a low (200 mV) output amplitude.
Simulation results exhibit that the settling time of the
presented method is considerably shorter than the settling 8 Conclusions
time of conventional closed loop amplifier. From Fig. 6(a),
the settling time has been reduced by about 3 ns compared A new structure for the gain stage is presented based on a
with that of the simple closed loop with 6 bit gain accuracy. unique combination of closed loop and open loop ampli-
The open loop amplifier, added to the conventional closed fiers in which the settling time, accuracy and power con-
loop amplifier, consumes only 0.63 mW while the power sumption are significantly improved. The improvement is
consumption of CLA is 8.68 mW for 6 bit gain accuracy. predominantly due to the fact that the output gets near to its
Since OLA draws no static current to charge the output final value linearly with a rate much higher than expo-
capacitor, its power consumption is negligible compared to nential and slewing form. In addition, the structure
the total power of the amplifier. The similar comparative achieves high accuracy since the voltage error is reduced
simulation results have been illustrated in Fig. 6(b, c) for the by the closed loop amplifier.
gain accuracy of 8 and 10 bit, respectively. The estimated improvements are confirmed by rigorous
In the proposed gain stage, the improvement is basically HSPICE simulations using a switched capacitor structure
due to the fact that the output signal is not limited by the based on a p-type folded cascode and a zero cross based
slewing matter and the exponential settling of the system circuit as corresponding open loop and closed loop ampli-
when it is far from its final value. It gets near to its final fiers. Since output capacitance is charged directly by a
value in a linear mode with a rate much higher than current source, the settling behavior of presented structure is
exponential and slewing form. In the next phase, when the enhanced while the accuracy of the output signal is deter-
output of amplifier is within close range of its final value, it mined by the closed loop amplifier. All the results are also
settles exponentially by CLA with a high accuracy. compared with a single conventional closed loop amplifier
Moreover, the effects of process and device variations which reveals the efficiency of the presented gain stage.
are studied through corner analysis to characterize the gain
stage performance in Fig. 7. The circuit is simulated in
slow, typical and fast parameters for the given process.
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scaled CMOS technologies. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, electronics Research Laboratory
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13. Gregoire, B. R., & Moon, U. (2008). An over-60 dB true rail-to- sity. Her research interests are
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14. Laber, C. A., & Gray, P. R. (1988). A positive-feedback
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15. Dadashi, A., Sadrafshari, S., Hadidi, K., & Khoei, A. (2011). An
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17. Farsani, M. E., & Ghaderi, N. (2016). DC-gain enhanced folded from University of California,
cascode Op-amp using a new positive feedback method. Analog Los Angeles, all in electrical
Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing. doi:10.1007/s10470- engineering. His research inter-
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19. Berntsen, ., Wulff, C., & Ytterdal, T. (2005). High speed, high improvement in analog circuits.
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of the 23th NORCHIP conference (pp. 99102). Oulu. Engineering Department and Microelectronics Research Laboratory
20. Kouzehkanan, M. K., Dadashi, A., Teymouri, M., Masoumi, S. in Urmia University, Urmia, Iran. He holds several US and Japanese
(2012). Fast-settling gain stage using replica amplification for patents.
high performance pipeline ADCs. In Proceedings of the 19th
Analog Integr Circ Sig Process