Sine Inverter Controller With 8 Bit Microcontroller
Sine Inverter Controller With 8 Bit Microcontroller
Sine Inverter Controller With 8 Bit Microcontroller
DOI: 10.15598/aeee.v14i3.1715
Abstract. This article describes the design of a sine choices in situations when there was a need to change
wave inverter control unit. We will define the basic the voltage, waveform or current.
principles and requirements to control and maintain
The simplest constructions use a low frequency Pulse
a good quality of inverter’s output. The solution that
Width Modulation (PWM) to approximate a line sinu-
can achieve full 8 bit output resolution with 10 bit mea-
soidal waveform with a rectangular waveform. This
surement and regulation time shorter than mains pe-
type of converter is not very suitable to power many
riod is proposed. Furthermore, the possibilities and
commonly used appliances and can also be dangerous.
ways of implementing the control unit using the 8 bit
For example, let’s mention devices based on a single
microcontrollers are described, so it is possible to gain
a complete understanding of this issue. phase asynchronous motor. The rectangular waveform
is not able to create rotating magnetic field and the mo-
tor will not work correctly. These motors can be found
in building’s heating systems as a circulation pump and
Keywords their failure may result in considerable damages. An-
other example is energy-saving lamps, which can be
Inverter, microcontroller, PID, pulse width even destroyed by the sharp rising edge. Therefore,
modulation, regulator, sine wave inverter. more advanced inverters must be used.
units, FPGA and single purpose (dedicated) integrated rent to reach the constant output voltage. The switch-
circuits. The inverter can be based even on multivibra- ing power supplies regulate the flow of the current by
tor IC, but this is rather an awkward construction [10]. chopping the same input voltage and maintaining the
mean value of the output voltage by changing the duty
General purpose microcontrollers and FPGAs are
cycle. If it is necessary to supply greater amount of the
popular choices for driving sine wave inverters. A sin-
current to the load, the width of pulse is increased to
gle phase full bridge inverter using Field Programmable
compensate the change.
Logic Array (FPGA) was proposed in [2] and [4]. The
designs based on microcontrollers differ mainly in the The DC input voltage can be converted to the AC
control software and microcontroller architecture, the by the semiconductor circuit operating in the switching
hardware design remains almost the same, e.g. [7], [8] mode. The AC current is transformed and the output
and [9]. Probably the most similar approach to ours voltage is, therefore, dependent on the conversion ratio.
is the work presented in [3]. However, proposed sine The operating frequency of such transducers is in the
inverter based on 8 bit PIC microcontroller 16F84 pro- range above the audible range, at frequencies higher
vides only basic functions without voltage regulation. than 20 kHz. The transformer does not require a heavy
iron core, but due to the higher operating frequency, it
The sine inverter we describe approximates the AC
can use a lightweight ferrite core.
waveform using a high frequency PWM. Such inverter
has the output waveform (after the filtering) much The transistors QA and QB in Fig. 1. are driven by
more similar to the true sine wave. Moreover, we have the control unit. They supply the current to the dif-
added additional features, such as frequency shifting, ferent parts of the primary wiring. On the other hand,
battery monitoring and computer control interface. the current is rectified and smoothed by the output fil-
ter. The output voltage and current are sensed by the
The operation of the proposed inverter is controlled
probes of the control unit. The control unit evaluates
by the control unit. The control unit is responsible for
the deviation between the output voltage and the ref-
the correct pulse timing, pulse duration, measurement
erence and uses the controlling algorithm to determine
and maintaining the operating parameters within the
the width of the pulse width modulation. The unit
required limits.
calculates the duration of switching QA and QB tran-
The remaining part of the article discusses the im- sistors. The method is typical for the low-frequency
plementation of the converter control unit based on modulation. For the high frequency PWM, the switch-
a modern 8 bit microcontroller. Special attention is ing time of the transistor is based on the regulation
given to the computational performance and optimiza- algorithm and the current instantaneous voltage value.
tion techniques.
Output Output Current
Input bulk Base drive rectifier filter sense
EMI filter filter capacitor
2. Pulse Inverters supply
The selection of the suitable power source type is heav- Controller V cc
ily affected by the requirements of the application. For Oscillator control
the linear power sources speaks the simple design, silent C
V ramp
operation and relatively low price. As the biggest dis- amplifier
Comparator Voltage
advantage, we can consider low efficiency that ranges
between 30 − 60 %. Another problem is required power amplifier
design factor, where every component needs to be de-
signed according to the limits of possible operating
load. These edge conditions are rarely met in everyday Fig. 1: A walk through a representative switching regulator cir-
operation. It is important to mention a significant con- cuit [12].
straint of the linear power supplies - they are not able
to operate in a step-up mode. The pulse inverters pro-
vide much higher efficiency, up to 68 − 90 %, but they The control unit must provide the following func-
require more complex structural design. A substantial tions:
part of the structural complexity lies in the necessary
control electronics. The following Section describes the • voltage measurement,
basic principles of an increasing DC to AC inverter. • current measurement,
Understanding the basic principle is not hard. A ma- • calculation of the regulation deviation,
jor difference from the linear regulator is that the lin-
ear sources continuously regulate the amount of cur- • evaluation of the regulation algorithm,
• generation of the PWM carrier frequency, performance. However, they are necessary for comput-
ing the pulse width or measurement of the operating
• PWM coding. parameters. The Tab. 1 gives an idea of an AVR core
performance, such as the machine cycles counts for dif-
The control unit may also include other parts like ferent kinds of software multiplications with the opti-
circuits for synchronization, soft start or remote control mized versions of the algorithm.
and monitoring.
Tab. 1: AVR core performance [13].
For the testing purposes, we have created a simple
push pull construction made of discrete components. Machine Code
The power of the prototype was limited to 100 W as cycles size
it was not designed for deployment in the real-world 8*8=16 bit unsigned 34 34
conditions. 16*16=32 bit unsigned 105 105
8/8=8+8 bit unsigned 66 58
16/16=16+16 bit unsigned 196 173
3. Control Complexity and In the worst case, the multiplication of two double
Microcontrollers data precision float types can take almost up to 1800
cycles. This is totally unacceptable for this application.
The preceding paragraphs assume that calculations
are made by the software and processed by the binary
In this Section will be discussed the performance re-
adder. Most of the modern MCUs include a hardware
quirements that are necessary to be considered for
multiplication unit. We provide the Tab. 2 for a quick
a suitable microcontroller core selection.
comparison. The table shows performance for several
We have chosen Atmel RISC architecture (called families of microcontrollers. We have included differ-
AVR), with performance up to 20 MIPS at 20 MHz ent families of 8 to 32 bit microcontrollers. We have
clock timing. The core is capable of processing single highlighted the number of cycles needed to execute un-
instruction per clock cycle and provides two cycles 8 bit signed 16 × 16 multiplications. It should be noted that
hardware multiplier. An important advantage is that not all architectures necessarily complete one instruc-
it is supported by the highly optimized C compiler. tion per one machine cycle. The instruction completion
The developed control unit was based on the ATMega may consume more cycles.
644PA model.
Tab. 2: Machine cycles count to perform multiplication on dif-
The performance requirements for the inverter con- ferent MCU architectures.
troller can be easily demonstrated as follows. In the
previous Section, we have discussed that the switching PIC PIC dsPIC Atmel Cortex
16F 18F 33F xMega M0
frequency should be higher than 20 kHz. When using 140 28 19 1 1 1
16 MHz clock frequency and 8 bit counter in the Fast
PWM mode, the switching frequency is given by the
Eq. (1) [11]: As you can see, the 32 bit MCUs are equipped with
hardware multiplier of sufficient width. On the other
fosc hand, the 8 bit MCU multipliers are limited with the
fPWM = =
prescaler · countermax
(1) bus width, which is usually only 8 bit.
= = 62.5 kHz. It was necessary to carefully consider the desired pre-
1 · 256 cision of each variable. For the development purposes,
it was decided to keep the accuracy of calculations be-
When using the phase-correct mode, the modulation
tween 8 and 16 bits.
frequency will be 31.3 kHz. From Eq. (1), it is obvious
that the core of the microcontroller will be forced to One of the basic techniques for limiting calculations
handle the interrupt from counter every 255 machine is the usage of a look-up table. This technique can be
cycles. demonstrated on the calculation of the sine function.
If we know that the input data will always be in the
Handling the AVR architecture interrupt and the re-
range from 0 to 255 - i.e. with an accuracy of 8 bits and
turn jump require about 10 cycles on average. There-
the desired result will be also in the same range, the
fore, only 245 cycles remain (until the arrival of the
simplest solution is to allocate an array of 256 elements
next interrupt) for calculating the regulation algorithm
to which the individual results will be pre-calculated as
and processing any additional features.
shown in following code example. The calculation func-
Mathematical operations and especially multiplica- tions can be then limited to a simple memory access,
tion can quickly become a bottleneck of the software which is much faster.
void initSinusAprox() { The counter operates with the constant frequency and
for( uint8_t i=0;i<255;i++) { the maximum is usually set to the maximum value of
SinusAprox[i] the counter. Usually, two interrupts are needed. When
= 255 * sin( i *(M_PI / 256)); reaching the maximum value, the output is set to log 0.
}; The current value of the modulation signal is stored in
}; the comparator register. If the counter register value is
equal to the comparator register, the output is flipped
We can consider some loss of the legibility of the
to log 1. Generating is implemented in the hardware
code as the biggest disadvantage. When we call the
and it does not require any additional cooperation with
function sin(value), it is immediately apparent that
the core. The principle of the operation and usage of
the unit of value is radian. When accessing the
the registers is shown in Fig. 2.
SinusAprox[value] array the parameter is losing its
dimension and obviously its accuracy as well. Counter MAX
(Timer capture interupt value)
If the situation requires the use of more tables for
the calculation, it could be necessary to convert the di- Output
log 1
mensionless variable to some unit. This is the case of
the creation of, so called, magic numbers. Their origin OC1x
or purpose is not obvious at first glance. The limit- value
ing factor for this approach is the amount of available
log 0 Counter value
Another significant limitation factor is the very sim- Timer overflow
ple interruption unit, which does not allow the ad- interupt value
vanced techniques, such as the masking. Interrupts are Fig. 2: Registers usage for PWM generating.
processed according to the priorities that are set by the
address of the interrupt - the lower address, the higher
priority. It seems logical to divide software into indi-
vidual layers according to the priority given to their 5. Measurement and
functionality. The masking is a necessary precondi-
tion for this approach. The PWM signal generation is
the most crucial function while for the communication,
we can assign lower priority. Simple interrupt unit is For the regulation purposes, it is necessary to know the
a hardware limitation that is not possible to overcome regulation deviation, which is derived from the desired
by the software. The only option is to use the nested value and the real value of measured output. For the
interrupts (but with the risk of stack overflow). measurement we used an integrated 8-channel approx-
imation converter with the 10 bit resolution.
The timing of the conversion was derived from the
4. Generating PWM master clock of the microcontroller via the frequency
divider. The suitable timing was determined to be in
the range from 50 to 200 kHz. The conversion is fin-
The pulse width modulation is discrete in its value
ished in 13 cycles. Firmware was designed to measure
and the modulation variable is voltage or current. The
three variables. From the above-mentioned parame-
value is transmitted and encoded by the impulse width
ters, we can derive the maximum sampling rate as in
during the constant period. Width can take a range of
Eq. (2):
0 − 100 %. We need to know the range of modulation
voltage in advance, because when the maximum value fSAMPLE =
is exceeded, the information is lost. fCP U
= (2)
The PWM has to fulfill the condition of the Shannon PrescalerADC · ConversionCycles · Channels
Nyquist theorem. The carrier frequency must be twice 16
greater than the maximum frequency of the transferred = 128 · 13 · 3 = 3.2 kHz.
The battery voltage, which is not galvanically sep-
The carrier and the modulation signal are compared
arated from the control unit, is fed to the pins of the
in the comparator. When the value of the carrier sig-
microcontroller via the voltage divider. The protec-
nal is smaller than the modulation, the output of the
tion against the battery undervoltage has been imple-
comparator is set to logical one.
mented in the firmware to avoid the battery damage.
The microcontrollers offer the ability to generate The measuring range is 0 − 15 V with an accuracy of
the PWM with the usage of the integrated counters. 8 bits.
In the prototype, it was necessary to isolate the volt- and the velocity algorithm calculates the additions to
age and the current of the output. The output cur- the y value. In our case we use the discrete (digital)
rent is measured on the resistor using the SHF-615 PI velocity algorithm.
optocoupler. When using the optocoupler, it is nec-
essary to compensate its non-linear characteristics. So
the conversion characteristics of the current and the 5.1. PID Controller
ADC value had to be determined. Subsequently, the
linearization using three lines with the least squares The setting signal consists of a weighted sum of the
method was performed. The transfer function is stored three components. P part, the integral of P component
in a look-up table. The measured current values are (I part) and the derivation of P component (D part).
used in the overload protection. The part P is proportional to the control difference.
The P controller creates an immediate permanent last-
The output voltage is measured with the voltage ing change of the adjustment signal, when the first con-
measurement transformer that reduces the amplitude trol difference occurs. I part creates an active part of
for the ADC converter. The input has a floating center, the adjustment signal even at small regulatory differ-
which is equivalent to 511 after the conversion. With ences, which can remove the lasting P difference at the
the 10 bit, it is possible to achieve a range of ±350 V achievable time. D member is applied while changing
with a resolution of ±512. That means that the accu- the regulatory differences. It would predictable over-
racy of measurement is approximately 1 V. shoot the adjustment of the signal and speed up the
The evaluation of the true Root Mean Square (RMS) compensation of the difference.
of output voltage is performed according to the mea- The PID is difficult to setup. For this reason, P
sured values. Each calculation is made from 256 sam- or PI controllers are used. The suitable controller is
ples according to the Eq. (3): selected according to the regulatory dependences and
r the behavior of the object.
1X 2
URMS = xn . (3)
n The Discrete adjustment algorithm is given by the
following Eq. (5):
The calculation of the true RMS is the most difficult
P part: yP n = Kp · en ,
operation, which is implemented in the control unit.
One of the considered options was to use the IC with TA X
I part: yIn = Kp · ei ,
the function of the true RMS to the DC conversion. TI i=0 (5)
The generally available ICs for this purpose are, e.g., TV
AD 7360 or LTC 1966. However, the full integration D part: yDn = Kp · · (en − en−1 ),
was prioritized.
where Kp is proportionality constant, TI integral time
The converter, the output sensing and the control constant, T is derivative time constant and T is sam-
unit together constitute the control loop. The evalua- pling period time.
tion and the maintaining of a constant output are the
main tasks of the controller. By using the modified Eq. (5), the Eq. (6) for the
speed algorithm can be obtained. From this Eq. (6)
The PWM width is changed based on sensing the we can obtain the equation of PI controller by omitting
output. The goal is to achieve a state where the actual the derivative part.
value corresponds to the desired output value. The sta-
bility of the output can be disrupted by the interference TA
∆yn = KP en − en−1 + · en + . . .
sources, such as changing the load. TI
The control unit determines the control difference TV
... + (en − 2en−1 + en−2 ) .
according to the Eq. (4): TA
setting up, at first the integral and then the derivative followed by a numeric parameter. The message ends
part are eliminated. The constant of proportionality with the End of Transmission (0×04). In the firmware,
is incremented from zero until reaching KU, where the we have implemented messages related to the opera-
regulation loop starts to undamped oscillation with the tional status, monitoring of the input voltage, the out-
constant amplitude and period tp . Then the parame- put voltage and the current. It is possible to setup the
ters of proportional and derivative component can be control constants and the reference values as well. For
calculated according to the Tab. 3. example, the message for setting the reference output
value in volts should look like this: STX, E230, EOT.
Tab. 3: Setting of controllers constants by Ziegler-Nichols If the completion of setup message is successful, the
answer of the firmware is OK.
The only byte transfers from USART registers are
operated within the interrupts. The actual processing
P 0.5KP - -
is carried out in the main loop. The time used in the
interrupt is minimized and the idle time in the main
1.2KP loop is used as much as possible.
PI 0.45KU -
PD 0.8KU -
2KP KP TP 7. Functionality Testing
TP 8
The development of both hardware and software parts
This optimization implementation is suitable for de- coincided. The various implementation variants were
velopment and educational purposes, some advanced considered in order to find the optimal solution.
tuning methods based on fuzzy logic, artificial neu- In the first part, the basic principles of generating
ral networks or genetically inspired algorithms achieve the sine wave using the PWM were tested. The output
much more precise results. It is also possible to im- of this stage is shown in Fig. 3, showing the output sine
plement several advanced and modified PID algorithm wave filtered by the RC elements.
versions for example predictive PID variant as sup-
posed in [15].
6. Communication
One of the design requirements was the integration of
the communication and remote control of the unit.
The RS 232 interface has been selected due to its
simplicity and widespread in personal computers, as
well as in industrial applications.
Atmel AVR microcontrollers contain integrated,
full-duplex, hardware-operated universal syn-
chronous/asynchronous serial ports.
The clock generator is derived from the MCU clock.
The port provides high precision and allows a large Fig. 3: Sine wave generated by MCU (H: 4 ms per div, V: 80 V
spectrum of modulation speeds. There are three inter- per div).
rupt vectors available for the communication control,
receiving a byte, empty the output queue and complete
The testing and the verification of the measurements
a transmission. For the controlling purpose, a simple
followed. If the firmware is able to effectively measure
text-based protocol was implemented in the firmware.
the output values, the regulatory deviation can be cal-
Characters are encoded in ASCII. The protocol oper-
culated and the control algorithm checked. The P algo-
ates in the request/response mode. The unit acts as
rithm itself was not sufficient, because of its permanent
the slave controlled by the master.
deviation. The PI algorithm was sufficient enough.
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