Final Lean-Canvas of Group B

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Lean Canvas
Problem Solution Unique Value Proposition Unfair Advantage Customer Segments
Top 1-3 problems Top 1-3 Solutions Single, clear and compelling Can’t be easily copied or bought Target Customers
message that states why you
1. Safety issues. 1. Access of live CCTV are different and worth buying
2. Lack of technological footage to parents. This idea cannot be easily Our target customers will
facilities. 2. Gadgets such as 1. The unique selling copied or brought as it be working mothers and
3. Health concerns and wristbands, health purpose of this idea is requires trained staff and upper-class people who
upbringing issues. monitoring devices. that we are competing technology advancements and can afford this daycare
3. Interactive playzone. based on technology. different gadgets. and want their children to
4. Mind games and other be exposed to
activities that promote 2. Trackchild's activities. technological
brain development. development early.
3. Help in Childs brain

4. Trained and
experienced staff.

Existing Alternatives Key Metrics High-Level Concept Channels Early Adopters

List how these problems are Key activities you measure List your X for Y analogy Path to customers List the characteristics of your
solved today (e.g. YouTube = Flickr for ideal customers.
videos) 1. Social media marketing
1. AMI day care and We measure in terms of 2. Smart day care website Early adopters will be
learning center. quality and satisfying our 3. Collaboration with schools those that are prone to
2. Purple, pink customers and we have 4. Community outreach accept technological
daycare/Montessori designed this business idea programs. developments so people
3. Inaya day care and specially keeping in mind who believe in
pre-nursery the preferences of our technological
. advancements and want
good facilities for their
child will be our first
Cost Structure Revenue Structure
List your fixed and variable costs. List your sources of revenue.
1. Rent. 1. Subscription payments.
2. Utilities. 2. Collaboration with companies for their employees.
3. Maintanence. 3. Different payment packages according to the needs of customers.
4. Smart devices. 4. Revenue generated throgh monatization of content.
5. Security system. 5. Per hour plans available for certain customers.
6. Interior design. 6. Membership plans.
7. Educational material. 7. Summer camps.
8. License and certification.
9. Software and marketing expense.
10. Staff training.
11. Meals and snacks.
12. Recreational activities.

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