Opentext Po Exstream16 6
Opentext Po Exstream16 6
Opentext Po Exstream16 6
OpenText Exstream
Transform customer communications into exceptional experiences
Matt Connor
Step 1: Design communication templates from scratch
Former technical consultant at E.On
Mario designs new multichannel communications in Exstream’s web design
Read the Success story environment for an insurance correspondence document, allowing certain sections
to be controlled by marketing. It is then enabled for use by business users in the
authoring environment.
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(content producer)
1. Design communication template
2. Author additional content
3. Produce communication
Content producers can also create, access and repurpose existing content,
resulting in a much faster time to market for new products and services. The UI
is friendly for non-technical users and the simulation view tests multiple variables,
ensuring all options are just right before ever leaving the design stage.
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Mario Phyllis
(designer) (content producer)
Jessica is preparing an insurance document in Empower for one of her clients. She
can edit the document with content that was just produced by Phyllis, the content
producer, and once complete, can submit the document for fulfillment and, ultimately,
distribution to the customer.
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(customer care agent)
1. Customize communication
2. Produce communication
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Barb David
(process owner) (systems administrator)
companies love Through a partner integration, Exstream can leverage data to create personalized
videos during the composition process. In addition to reflecting unique information
OpenText CCM about a user, these personalized videos can simplify complex information,
solutions, too! be enhanced with additional marketing messages and can offer a choice of
products and services based on data analytics. This solution does not require
9 of the 10 Fortune 500 technical video production expertise and provides information at point-of-need by
life insurers use OpenText embedding native video personalization directly into Exstream output, improving
CCM solutions open, click-through and conversion rates.
Browser-based design • Allows users to drop in and preview content for mobile and desktop screens
• Provides same design experience for mobile, email, HTML and page-based
communications with full content re-use across channels
Expand and integrate design and • Exports content from Exstream’s Design Manager to CAS
authoring with interactive editing
• Includes impact control for resources and themes
• Enables authoring in web-based design
Visual compare and improved section • Enables users to create and manage nested sections and their content
management in authoring
• Allows users to create and manage content in Content Author, which will be
selected in an Exstream Empower Editor document
• Allows approver to see text changes when comparing the latest submitted for
approval version and the previously approved version
Web-based communication flow • Includes a drag and drop dashboard to easily model communication flows from
modeling input types and templates for potential delivery channels
Key integrations extend ease of use • Includes enhanced ecosystem integration for Guidewire, SAP and Salesforce
Web-based communication flow • Includes a drag and drop dashboard to easily model communication flows from
modeling input types and templates for potential delivery channels
Key integrations extend ease of use • Delivers enhanced ecosystem integration for Guidewire, SAP and Salesforce
End-to-end tracking, communications • Provides graphical visualization of communications jobs and processes
flow (job) visualization
• Offers job notifications and performance enhancements
Why OpenText?
Learn more Exstream is OpenText’s strategic, innovative and continually evolving CCM platform.
The solution extends organizational CCM capabilities to include business user-
driven content creation and modification, a premier batch engine that is faster than
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other CCM solutions and the ability to ingest data in any format, greatly reducing
document processing time. Exstream is the No. 1 CCM solution in market share
and enterprise deployments. It is part of the OpenText™ Experience Suite Platform,
which includes solutions for digital asset management, web content management
and more to provide a complete, 360-degree customer experience across
all interaction points of the customer journey. The Experience Suite Platform
enables organizations to improve customer loyalty and create connected, engaging,
personalized experiences that yield better, longer-lasting results related to customer
lifetime value (CLV). 6/6
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