1 E20231217 - 3rdsun - Advent - B

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Year 37 No.

27 3rd Sunday of Advent (B) — Rose or Violet December 17, 2023

Gaudete Sunday | Simbang Gabi — White

by Leo-Martin Angelo R. Ocampo, OP

T he entrance antiphon from

Paul’s Letter to the Philippians
gives a special name to this Third
highlighted by its contrast
with all the merriment
around us.
Sunday of Advent: Gaudete. It is Nevertheless,
the imperative form of a verb in Christmas joy cannot be
Latin, which the liturgy addresses equated with feasting on
to all of us here today. “Rejoice good food and opening
in the Lord always; again I say, expensive presents, not
rejoice. Indeed, the Lord is near.” even with a happy family
Gaudete signals that Christmas gathered together in
is near. Purple gives way to rose perfect harmony. Without
or pink in the candles of the all these, Christmas is
Advent wreath and the vestments still possible, as surely it
of the liturgy. Sorrow yields to happened nowhere else
joy as we anticipate the coming but in the poor stable of
of Jesus. Everywhere we go, we Bethlehem and dawned
find ourselves surrounded by the on shepherds in the deep
sights and sounds of “the most of night. Even in poverty
wonderful time of the year.” and darkness—in fact,
Christmas is very near indeed. precisely in poverty and
But is the Lord also near? Are our darkness—Jesus is born.
hearts filled with gladness as we As we read the
wait for his coming? entrance antiphon more closely, problems and hardships do not
As we grow older, we realize we see that Paul himself tells us disappear at the coming of Jesus.
that Christmas is not always a the only reason we can rejoice: But our fear gives way to trust, our
joyous occasion. While many are Gaudete... Dominus enim prope anxiety yields to hope, and the
excited, many are also anxious, est. Let us carefully listen to the sadness of our heart is overcome
especially now that prices have words of Paul: “Rejoice… the by joy, simply because the Lord
gone so high that more and more Lord is near.” They do not say that is with us. His mere presence
people could barely afford even the solutions to our problems are is more than enough for us. His
the basic necessities. Christmas near. Not that the good and happy nearness assures us that no matter
can also bring with it not just life we have always aspired and how hard our life may get, we will
happy memories and feelings but worked for is near. Not even that always be all right because we are
also sad ones. Just listen to all the our salvation itself is near. But he with him. His love alone fills our
gloomy Christmas carols, and simply says to us, “Rejoice, the hearts to overflowing.
you will realize how most of us Lord is near.” “Rejoice in the Lord always;
have had many sad Christmases, As for Mary and Joseph in that again I say, rejoice… the Lord is
and our loneliness is further dark, damp, and dirty cave, our near.”
everlasting life. Responsorial Psalm (Lk 1)
Entrance Antiphon (Phil 4:4–5) R —My soul rejoices in my
(The Gloria is omitted. At the Aguinaldo
(Recited when there is no opening song.) Mass, however, the Gloria is sung or God.
Sr. M. C. A. Parco, FSP
Rejoice in the Lord always;

    
again I say, rejoice. Indeed, Collect
the Lord is near.  
P—Let us pray. (Pause) My soul re
Lighting of the Advent Candles O God, who see how your
people faithfully await the
(The lighting of the third candle of 
F♯m E7 A

  
feast of the Lord’s Nativity,


the Advent wreath may be made after enable us, we pray, to attain   
the entrance song, with the following the joys of so great a salvation joi ces in my God.
or any similar prayer:)
and to celebrate them always
P—Father, at the height of our with solemn worship and glad 1. My soul proclaims the
Advent walk, we relight the rejoicing. greatness of the Lord;/ my spirit
candles of hope and peace, rejoices in God my Savior,/
Through our Lord Jesus
and we light the candle of for he has looked upon his
Christ, your Son, who lives lowly servant./ From this day
joy. Grant us the courage to and reigns with you in the
experience joy in hope of the all generations will call me
unity of the Holy Spirit, God, blessed. (R)
Savior’s coming: joy in the for ever and ever.
face of apathy, joy in the face All—Amen. 2. The Almighty has done
of sorrow, joy in the face of great things for me,/ and holy
uncertainty. THE LITURGY is his Name./ He has mercy
All—Amen. OF THE WORD on those who fear him/ in
First Reading every generation.(R)
(The sign of the cross is made here.) (Is 61:1–2a, 10–11) (Sit) 3. He has filled the hungry
with good things,/ and the
P—The Lord be with you. The spirit of Gaudete Sunday is rich he has sent away empty./
All—And with your spirit. expressed in the words that the He has come to the help of
prophet addresses to the broken- his servant Israel/ for he has
Introduction hearted Israelites in exile. God will
(These [or similar words] may be remembered his promise of
heal them and bring them back to mercy. (R)
used to address the assembly.)
their own land. Jesus will make
P—The Third Sunday of Advent these words his own when he begins Second Reading (1 Thes 5:16–24)
is Gaudete Sunday, a Sunday his public ministry.
of rejoicing. The Church, the Paul asks the early Christians to
People of God, rejoices in A reading from the Book of prepare for the Lord’s coming with
salvation from sin, inviting the Prophet Isaiah joy in their hearts, with prayer
everyone to rejoice and create on their lips, and with a life of
conditions that the salvation THE SPIRIT of the Lord GOD holiness.
brought by the Lord Jesus may is upon me, because the LORD
be shared by all. has anointed me; he has sent A reading from the first
me to bring glad tidings to the Letter of Saint Paul to the
Penitential Act poor, to heal the brokenhearted, Thessalonians
to proclaim liberty to the
P —Brethren (brothers and captives and release to the BROTHERS AND SISTERS:
sisters), let us acknowledge prisoners, to announce a year Rejoice always. Pray without
our sins, and so prepare of favor from the LORD and a ceasing. In all circumstances
ourselves to celebrate the day of vindication by our God.
sacred mysteries. (Pause) give thanks, for this is the will of
I rejoice heartily in the God for you in Christ Jesus. Do
P—You were sent to heal the LORD, in my God is the joy
contrite of heart: Lord, have not quench the Spirit. Do not
of my soul; for he has clothed despise prophetic utterances.
mercy. me with a robe of salvation
All—Lord, have mercy. Test everything; retain what
and wrapped me in a mantle is good. Refrain from every
P—You came to call sinners: of justice, like a bridegroom kind of evil.
Christ, have mercy. adorned with a diadem, like a May the God of peace make
All—Christ, have mercy. bride bedecked with her jewels. you perfectly holy and may
P — You are seated at the As the earth brings forth its you entirely, spirit, soul, and
right hand of the Father to plants, and a garden makes its body, be preserved blameless
intercede for us: Lord, have growth spring up, so will the for the coming of our Lord Jesus
mercy. Lord GOD make justice and Christ. The one who calls you
All—Lord, have mercy. praise spring up before all the is faithful, and he will also
P—May almighty God nations. accomplish it.
have mercy on us, forgive —The word of the Lord. —The word of the Lord.
us our sins, and bring us to All—Thanks be to God. All—Thanks be to God.
Alleluia (Is 61:1 [cited in Lk 4:18]) visible and invisible. C —May victims of human
(Stand) I believe in one Lord Jesus trafficking, migrants, refugees,
Christ, the Only Begotten Son of and those who suffer from war,
All — Alleluia, alleluia. The God, born of the Father before persecution, natural disasters
Spirit of the Lord is upon me, all ages. God from God, Light and poverty, find hope and
because he has anointed me to from Light, true God from healing in Jesus; may they
bring glad tidings to the poor. true God, begotten, not made, be freed from their bondage
Alleluia, alleluia. consubstantial with the Father; and find emotional, physical,
through him all things were and spiritual healing from the
Gospel (Jn 1:6–8, 19–28)
made. For us men and for our communities who welcome
P—A reading from the holy salvation he came down from them. We pray: (R)
Gospel according to John heaven, (At the words that follow
up to and including and became C —May policemen, law
All—Glory to you, O Lord. enforcers, those who defend,
man, all bow.)and by the Holy
Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin protect, and care for the victims
A MAN named John was of injustice and those who
sent from God. He came for Mary, and became man.
For our sake he was crucified educate others and spread
testimony, to testify to the light, their advocacy about human
under Pontius Pilate, he suffered
so that all might believe through rights violation be free from
death and was buried, and
him. He was not the light, but rose again on the third day in harm, be filled with hope and
came to testify to the light. accordance with the Scriptures. joy, and remain committed to
And this is the testimony He ascended into heaven and their work. We pray: (R)
of John. When the Jews from is seated at the right hand of C—May God bring to eternal
Jerusalem sent priests and the Father. He will come again joy and peace those who died
Levites to him to ask him, “Who in glory to judge the living and from war, violence, and abuse.
are you?” He admitted and did the dead and his kingdom will We pray:(R)
have no end.
not deny it, but admitted, “I am C —Let us pray for the urgent
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
not the Christ.” So they asked the Lord, the giver of life, who concerns of our community and
him, “What are you then? Are proceeds from the Father and our personal intentions (pause).
you Elijah?” And he said, “I am the Son, who with the Father and We pray: (R)
not.” “Are you the Prophet?” the Son is adored and glorified,
He answered, “No.” So they who has spoken through the P—God of joy and mercy,as
prophets. we wait for the Lord’s coming,
said to him, “Who are you, look with compassion upon us.
so we can give an answer to I believe in one, holy, catholic,
Sustain us with your love and
those who sent us? What do and apostolic Church. I confess care in all our travails, even as
you have to say for yourself?” one Baptism for the forgiveness you assure us of your love and
He said: “‘I am the voice of one of sins and I look forward to the care in all that we do.
resurrection of the dead and the Through Christ our Lord.
crying out in the desert, ‘make
life of the world to come. Amen. All — Amen.
straight the way of the Lord,’ as
Isaiah the prophet said.” Some Prayer of the Faithful
Pharisees were also sent. THE LITURGY OF
They asked him, “Why then
P—Let us confidently bring our THE EUCHARIST
prayers before God the Father,
do you baptize if you are not the who is the joy of our souls, as Presentation of the Gifts
Christ or Elijah or the Prophet?” we wait in joyful hope for the (Stand)
John answered them, “I baptize coming of Christ our Savior. Full
with water; but there is one of trust, we pray: P—Pray, brethren…
among you whom you do All—May the Lord accept the
not recognize, the one who R—God, source of our joy, sacrifice at your hands for the
is coming after me, whose listen to our prayer. praise and glory of his name,
sandal strap I am not worthy C—May the Church become a for our good and the good of
to untie.” This happened in source of joy to those who are all his holy Church.
Bethany across the Jordan, suffering and commit herself to
defend at all times the dignity Prayer over the Offerings
where John was baptizing.
—The Gospel of the Lord and sanctity of human life. We
pray: (R) P—May the sacrifice of our
All—Praise to you, Lord Jesus worship, Lord, we pray, be
Christ. C—May world leaders unite to offered to you unceasingly, to
Homily (Sit) combat all forms of violence complete what was begun in
Profession of Faith (Stand) and human degradation, sacred mystery and powerfully
implement laws to protect the accomplish for us your saving
All — I believe in one God, voiceless members of society, work.
the Father almighty, maker of and exert every effort to bring Through Christ our Lord.
heaven and earth, of all things justice and peace. We pray: (R) All—Amen.
Preface II of Advent
P—The Lord be with you.
All—And with your spirit.
P—Lift up your hearts.
All—We lift them up to the Lord.
P—Let us give thanks to the
Lord our God.
All—It is right and just.
P—It is truly right and just,
our duty and our salvation,
always and everywhere to give
you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
almighty and eternal God,
through Christ our Lord.
For all the oracles of the
prophets foretold him, the
Virgin Mother longed for him
with love beyond all telling,
John the Baptist sang of his
coming and proclaimed his
presence when he came.
It is by his gift that already the sins of the world. Blessed coming again, sanctify you by
we rejoice at the mystery of are those called to the supper the radiance of Christ’s Advent
his Nativity, so that he may of the Lamb. and enrich you with his blessing.
find us watchful in prayer and All—Lord, I am not worthy All—Amen.
exultant in his praise. that you should enter under P—As you run the race of this
And so, with Angels and my roof, but only say the
Archangels, with Thrones and present life, may he make you
word and my soul shall be
Dominions, and with all the healed. firm in faith, joyful in hope,
hosts and Powers of heaven, and active in charity.
we sing the hymn of your Communion Antiphon All—Amen.
glory, as without end we (Cf. Is 35: 4) P—So that, rejoicing now with
acclaim: devotion at the Redeemer’s
All—Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God Say to the faint of heart: Be coming in the flesh, you may be
of hosts. Heaven and earth are strong and do not fear. Behold, endowed with the rich reward
full of your glory. Hosanna in our God will come, and he of eternal life when he comes
the highest. Blessed is he who will save us.
again in majesty.
comes in the name of the Lord. All—Amen.
Hosanna in the highest. (Kneel) Prayer after Communion
(Stand) P—And may the blessing of
Acclamation (Stand) almighty God, the Father, and
P—Let us pray. (Pause) the Son, (†) and the Holy Spirit,
All—When we eat this Bread We implore your mercy, come down on you and remain
and drink this Cup, we Lord, that this divine with you for ever.
proclaim your Death, O Lord, sustenance may cleanse us All—Amen.
until you come again. of our faults and prepare us
for the coming feasts. Dismissal
THE COMMUNION RITE Through Christ our Lord. P—Go forth, the Mass is ended.
All—Amen. All—Thanks be to God.
The Lord’s Prayer
All—Our Father… DO YOU WANT TO
P—Deliver us, Lord… P—The Lord be with you.
All—For the kingdom, the All—And with your spirit. SUBSCRIBE TO SAMBUHAY
power and the glory are yours DIGITAL MISSALETTE?
now and for ever. Solemn Blessing
For inquiries and orders:
Invitation to Peace P—Bow down for the blessing.
(Pause) FB: Sambuhay Missalette
Invitation to Communion May the almighty and
(Kneel) merciful God, by whose grace gmail: [email protected]
you have placed your faith in Tel.: (02) 8895-9701
P—Behold the Lamb of God, the First Coming of his Only
behold him who takes away Begotten Son and yearn for his

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