Midnight Mass - CMASNOV DEC 24

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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

24 December 2023 CHRISTMAS EVE ă Midnight Mass Year B

Christ, The Light of Our Lives

e begin this long-awaited celebration of the Christmas Eve
by wishing one another “A BLESSED CHRISTMAS.” We are
here not just to keep a religious and cultural tradition, but
to commemorate the human birth of God’s Only Begotten Son. This is
the event that has changed the course of human history and still has
the power to change our lives for the better.
Such a wonder will happen if we, as individuals, as families, and
as a community of believers, open our hearts to receive Jesus with the
same generosity with which Mary Most Holy received him as her Savior
and Lord. Let us do just that, even as we include in our intentions the
needs of all those we love, the entire community of believers, and the
whole of mankind.

ine our conscience and see if Gloria

there is something in us that All –Glory to God in the
displeases the Lord. (Pause) highest, and on earth peace
Entrance Antiphon P –Lord Jesus, you are the to people of good will. We
(To be recited only when no Entrance Son of God and the Son praise you, we bless you, we
Hymn is sung.) of Mary. Lord, have mer- adore you, we glorify you, we
The Lord said to me: You cy! give you thanks for your great
are my Son. It is I who have All – Lord, have mercy! glory, Lord God, heavenly
begotten you this day. P –Lord Jesus, at your birth King, O God, almighty Father.
you became one like us Lord Jesus Christ, Only
Greeting in all things except sin. Begotten Son, Lord God,
P – In the name of the Fa- Christ, have mercy! Lamb of God, Son of the Fa-
ther, and of the Son, and of the All –Christ, have mercy! ther, you take away the sins of
Holy Spirit! P –Lord Jesus, you came the world, have mercy on us;
All –Amen! to reconcile us with you take away the sins of the
P –The grace and peace God the Father and with world, receive our prayer; you
brought by Jesus at his birth one another. Lord, have are seated at the right hand of
be with you all. mercy! the Father, have mercy on us.
All –And with your spirit! All – Lord, have mercy! For you alone are the Holy
P –May almighty God have One, you alone are the Lord,
Penitential Act mercy on us, forgive us our you alone are the Most High,
P –Brothers and sisters, sins, and bring us to everlast- Jesus Christ, with the Holy
as we are about to start this ing life. Spirit, in the glory of God the
Midnight Mass, let us exam- All – Amen! Father. Amen!

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Collect (Opening Prayer) Responsorial Psalm Ps 96 news of great joy:
R – Today is born our Savior, today a Savior is born for
P –O God, who have made us, Christ the Lord.
this most sacred night radiant Christ the Lord!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
with the splendor of the true R. M. Velez
light, grant, we pray, that we, F C Dm Dm/C Gospel Lk 2:1-14
     
who have known the myster-
 
ies of his light on earth, may In this passage the Evan-
also delight in his gladness in gelist does not simply give us
heaven. To--day is born our Sa-vior, an account of Jesus’ birth; he
Who lives and reigns with also makes us aware that the
   
Bb C F
you in the unity of the Holy   newborn Baby is the Savior of
the world.
Spirit, God, for ever and ever.
All – Amen! Christ the Lord! P –The Lord be with you!
All – And with your spirit!
* Sing to the Lord a new
song; sing to the Lord, all you P –A proclamation from the
lands. Sing to the Lord; bless holy Gospel according to
his name. R. Luke
All – Glory to you, O Lord!
1st Reading Is 9:1-6 * Announce his salvation, day
In the oracle we are about after day. Tell his glory among In those days a decree went
to proclaim, the Church sees a the nations; among all peoples, out from Caesar Augustus
prophecy about Jesus the Mes- his wondrous deeds. R. that the whole world should
siah, who brings the light of * Let the heavens be glad be enrolled. This was the first
God’s love to a world darkened and the earth rejoice; let the enrollment, when Quirinius
by hatred, pride, and suffering sea and what fills it resound; was governor of Syria. So all
of all kinds. let the plains be joyful and all went to be enrolled, each to
that is in them! Then shall all his own town.
R –A proclamation from the the trees of the forest exult. R. And Joseph, too, went up
Book of the Prophet Isa- from Galilee from the town of
iah * They shall exult before
the Lord, for he comes; for Nazareth to Judea, to the city
he comes to rule the earth. He of David that is called Beth-
The people who walked lehem, because he was of the
in darkness have seen a great shall rule the world with jus-
tice and the peoples with his house and family of David, to
light; upon those who dwelt in be enrolled with Mary, his be-
constancy. R.
the land of gloom a light has trothed, who was with child.
shone. While they were there, the
2nd Reading Ti 2:11-14
You have brought them time came for her to have her
Tonight St. Paul reminds us
abundant joy and great re- that the incarnation of God’s child, and she gave birth to
joicing, as they rejoice before her firstborn son.
Son brings us salvation and She wrapped him in swad-
you as at the harvest, as people grounds our hope that we shall
make merry when dividing dling clothes and laid him in a
be with him for ever. manger, because there was no
spoils. For the yoke that bur-
dened them, the pole on their R –A proclamation from the room for them in the inn.
shoulder, and the rod of their Letter of Paul to Titus Now there were shepherds
Beloved: The grace of God in that region living in the
taskmaster you have smashed,
has appeared, saving all and fields and keeping the night
as on the day of Midian. watch over their flock. The
For every boot that tramped training us to reject godless
ways and worldly desires and angel of the Lord appeared to
in battle, every cloak rolled in them and the glory of the Lord
to live temperately, justly, and
blood, will be burned as fuel for devoutly in this age, as we await shone around them, and they
flames. For a Child is born to us, the blessed hope, the appear- were struck with great fear.
a Son is given us; upon his shoul- ance of the glory of our great The angel said to them,
der dominion rests. They name God and savior Jesus Christ. “Do not be afraid! Behold, I
him Wonder-Counselor, God- He gave himself for us to proclaim to you good news of
Hero, Father-Forever, Prince of deliver us from all lawlessness great joy that will be for all
Peace. His dominion is vast and and to cleanse for himself a the people. Today, in the city
forever peaceful, from David’s people as his own, eager to do of David, a savior has been
throne, and over his kingdom, what is good. born for you who is Christ
which he confirms and sustains The Word of the Lord! and Lord. And this will be a
by judgment and justice, both All – Thanks be to God! sign for you: you will find an
now and forever. The zeal of infant wrapped in swaddling
the Lord of hosts will do this! clothes and lying in a manger.”
Gospel Acclamation And suddenly there was a
The Word of the Lord! All –Alleluia! Alleluia! multitude of the heavenly host
All – Thanks be to God! I proclaim to you good with the angel, praising God

24 December 2023
and saying: “Glory to God in All – Lord, You are our Light! Who lives and reigns for
the highest and on earth peace ever and ever.
to those on whom his favor C –For the entire commu-
nity of believers who rejoice All – Amen!
over the birth of Jesus: May Preface of Christmas I
The Gospel of the Lord! the peace of this night rever-
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus berate into the whole world P –The Lord be with you!
Christ! through their lives. Let us All –And with your spirit!
pray! R. P –Lift up your hearts!
Homily All –We lift them up to the
C –For the Holy Father Lord!
and all the religious leaders P –Let us give thanks to the
Profession of Faith throughout the world: May Lord our God!
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) the leadership they exercise All –It is right and just!
All–I believe in one God, the Fa- in the name of God bring all
peoples closer to one another P –It is truly right and just,
ther almighty, maker of heaven our duty and our salvation,
in sincere cooperation and
and earth, of all things visible
solidarity. Let us pray! R. always and everywhere to
and invisible. give you thanks, Lord, holy
I believe in one Lord Jesus C –For the nations and fac- Father, almighty and eternal
Christ, the Only Begotten Son tions at war: May the peace God.
of God, born of the Father be- brought by Jesus at his birth For in the mystery of
fore all ages. God from God, lead them to seek an end to the Word made flesh a new
Light from Light, true God from
the scourge of war. Let us light of your glory has shone
pray! R. upon the eyes of our mind,
true God, begotten, not made, so that, as we recognize in
consubstantial with the Father; C –For our own family and him God made visible, we
through him all things were all the families in our parish: may be caught up through
made. For us men and for our May the spirit of Christmas him in love of things invis-
salvation he came down from make us always ready to sup- ible.
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy port, forgive, affirm and love And so, with Angels and
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- one another. Let us pray! R. Archangels, with Thrones
gin Mary, and became man.* C –For all persons with dis- and Dominions, and with
For our sake he was crucified abilities: may they be at the all the hosts and Powers of
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- center of the world’s atten- heaven, we sing the hymn of
tion and may institutions be your glory as without end we
fered death and was buried, and acclaim:
rose again on the third day in founded for their welfare. Let
us pray! R. All – Holy, holy, holy Lord,
accordance with the Scriptures. God of hosts. Heaven and
He ascended into heaven and is P –We thank You, Father, earth are full of your glory.
seated at the right hand of the for the gift of Jesus, Your Hosanna in the highest!
Father. He will come again in Son. May we treasure his Blessed is he who comes in
glory to judge the living and the presence as Mary Most Holy the name of the Lord. Hosan-
dead and his kingdom will have did. We ask this in the name na in the highest!
no end. of Jesus, our Lord and Savior.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, All – Amen! Memorial Acclamation
the Lord, the giver of life, who P –The mystery of faith!
proceeds from the Father and the All – When we eat this Bread
Son, who with the Father and the and drink this Cup, we
Son is adored and glorified, who proclaim your Death,
has spoken through the prophets. Preparation of the Gifts O Lord, until you come
I believe in one, holy, catholic P –Pray, brethren . . .
and apostolic Church. I confess All –May the Lord accept the
one Baptism for the forgiveness sacrifice at your hands, for the
of sins and I look forward to the praise and glory of his name,
resurrection of the dead and the for our good and the good of
life of the world to come. Amen! all his holy Church. All – Our Father . . .
P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
Prayer over the Offerings All – For the kingdom, the
Prayer of the Faithful power, and the glory are
P –May the oblation of this
P –On this Holy Night when day’s feast be pleasing to you, yours, now and for ever.
we commemorate the birth of O Lord, we pray, that through
the Savior of the world, let us this most holy exchange we Sign of Peace
pray for the needs of all man- may be found in the likeness
kind and our own. Let our re- of Christ, in whom our nature Breaking of the Bread
sponse be: is united to you. All – Lamb of God, you take

Christmas Eve – Midnight Mass

away the sins of the world: gladdened by participation in hearts with holiness!
have mercy on us. (2×) the feast of our Redeemer’s All – Amen!
Lamb of God, you take Nativity, may through an P –God sent his angels to
away the sins of the world: honorable way of life become shepherds to herald the
grant us peace. worthy of union with him. great joy of our Savior’s
Who lives and reigns for birth. May he fill you
Communion ever and ever. with joy and make you
P –Behold the Lamb of God, All – Amen! heralds of his Gospel!
behold him who takes away the All – Amen!
sins of the world. Blessed are
those called to the Supper of P –When the Word became
the Lamb. man, earth was joined to
All – Lord, I am not worthy heaven. May he give you
that you should enter under P –The Lord be with you. his peace and goodwill,
my roof, but only say the word All – And with your spirit! and fellowship with all
and my soul shall be healed. P –Bow your heads and the heavenly host!
pray for God’s blessing. All – Amen!
Communion Antiphon (Pause)
(To be recited only when no Com- P –May almighty God bless
–When he came to us as you: the Father, and the
munion Hymn is sung.) man, the Son of God scat- Son, and the Holy Spirit!
The Word became flesh, tered the darkness of this All – Amen!
and we have seen his glory. world, and filled this holy
night with his glory. May P –Go and share with oth-
Prayer after Communion the God of infinite good- ers the joy and peace of
P –Grant us, we pray, O Lord ness scatter the darkness Christmas!
our God, that we, who are of sin and brighten your All – Thanks be to God!


Kalakbay at Katoto

H earts are aglow at this time of year. On Christmas Eve, everyone, believer or non-believer,
cannot but feel the warmth of the celebrations that are uniquely, and essentially religious
and Christian. That fact is never diminished whether or not those who celebrate it with a plethora
of lights and glimmering trees, replete with foil and tinsel, gifts galore, and food overflowing,
do so with the reason for the season in mind – and at heart.

But you who read this and join the family of God and the community of believers in worship
know better than to reduce Christmas to the glamor and glitter of lights and decors.

You see more, not less. And what you see from the eyes of your faith, no matter how simple, is
attuned to that unique and essential Christian element that is at the core of your unalloyed joy
and irrepressible hope based on the conviction that the God we profess to believe in, forever
lives in our midst.

We all were once a people who walked in darkness. I was. Not once, but often . . . everytime I sin,
and all the times I allowed my faith to be overshadowed by the darkness of doubt and unbelief.
Forces of darkness are hard at work in our times: false narratives, fake news, cancel culture,
woke-ism and other deleterious ideologies that stand behind all manner of strife, divisiveness,
and internecine warfare.

Today, in the warm glow of our quiet celebrations, whether or not our tables are heaving with
goodies that are a delight more to the eyes, let us focus on the essential truth: “For a child is born
to us, a Son is given us; upon his shoulder dominion rests.”

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PUBLICATIONS • E-mail: [email protected] • FB: Word & Life Publications
• Editorial Team: Fr. B. Nolasco, Fr. J. Camaya, Fr. C. Dimaranan, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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