EUxz 32OTa
EUxz 32OTa
EUxz 32OTa
s we proceed in the month of November, we continue remember-
ing our departed brothers and sisters. We commend them all to
the Lord’s mercy with prayerful love. At the same time, let us not
forget that we, too, on a day that is known to the Lord alone, will meet the
Lord face to face and account for the way we have loved. That will be the
most important moment in our existence because our eternal happiness
or unhappiness will depend on it. It is wise to keep this in mind and to prepare for that all-important
encounter with the Lord.
In this Eucharistic Sacrifice let us ask for the grace to be always alert and prepared to welcome Him
with the lighted torches of a life spent in faithful service to Him. Then He will invite us to walk with Him
into the feast of eternal life.
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Christ, with the Holy Spirit, this, on the word of the Lord,
in the glory of God the Father. that we who are alive, who are
Amen! left until the coming of the
Lord, will surely not precede
Collect (Opening Prayer) those who have fallen asleep.
P –Almighty and merciful For the Lord himself, with a
God, graciously keep from us word of command, with the
all adversity, so that, unhindered voice of an archangel and with
in mind and body alike, we may the trumpet of God, will come
pursue in freedom of heart the down from heaven, and the
things that are yours. dead in Christ will rise first.
Through our Lord Jesus Then we who are alive, who
Christ, your Son, who lives and * O God, you are my God are left, will be caught up to-
reigns with you in the unity of whom I seek; for you my flesh gether with them in the clouds
the Holy Spirit, God, for ever pines and my soul thirsts like to meet the Lord in the air.
and ever. the earth, parched, lifeless and Thus we shall always be with
All – Amen! without water. R. the Lord. Therefore, console
one another with these words.
* Thus have I gazed toward
you in the sanctuary to see The Word of the Lord!
your power and your glory, for All – Thanks be to God!
your kindness is a greater good
than life; my lips shall glorify Gospel Acclamation
1st Reading Wis 6:12-16 you. R.
Many people of old had All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
made the acquisition of wis- * Thus will I bless you while I Stay awake and be ready!
dom one of the main aims of live; lifting up my hands, I will For you do not know on
call upon your name. As with what day your Lord will
their life because they consid- the riches of a banquet shall
ered it a source of peace and come.
my soul be satisfied, and with Alleluia! Alleluia!
success. Today we learn that exultant lips my mouth shall
such wisdom can easily be praise you. R.
attained because Divine Wis- Gospel Mt 25:1-13
dom is eager to reveal herself * I will remember you upon Many times Jesus exhorted
to those who seek her with a my couch, and through the his disciples to be ready to ren-
night-watches I will meditate der an account of their lives.
sincere heart. His insistence on constant
on you. You are my help, and
R – A proclamation from the in the shadow of your wings I vigilance and preparedness is
Book of Wisdom shout for joy. R. dramatized in today’s passage
which is known as the “Par-
Resplendent and unfading able of the Ten Virgins.”
is Wisdom, and she is readily 2nd Reading 1 Thes 4:13-18
perceived by those who love The death of some members P –The Lord be with you!
her, and found by those who of the community of Thes- All –And with your spirit!
seek her. She hastens to make salonica had caused many to P – A proclamation from the
herself known in anticipa- worry about the fate of those holy Gospel according to
tion of their desire. Whoever who had died before the return Matthew
watches for her at dawn shall of the Lord in glory. In today’s All – Glory to you, O Lord!
not be disappointed, for he passage the Apostle Paul reas-
shall find her sitting by his sures them and us with a beau- Jesus told his disciples this
gate. For taking thought of tiful profession of faith in the parable: “The kingdom of
wisdom is the perfection of resurrection of all those who heaven will be like ten virgins
prudence, and whoever for her die believing in Jesus. who took their lamps and went
sake keeps vigil shall quickly out to meet the bridegroom.
R – A proclamation from the Five of them were foolish and
be free from care; because she First Letter of Paul to the
makes her own rounds, seek- five were wise. The foolish
Thessalonians ones, when taking their lamps,
ing those worthy of her, and
graciously appears to them in We do not want you to be brought no oil with them, but
the ways, and meets them with unaware, brothers and sisters, the wise brought flasks of oil
all solicitude. about those who have fallen with their lamps. Since the
asleep, so that you may not bridegroom was long delayed,
The Word of the Lord! grieve like the rest, who have they all became drowsy and
All – Thanks be to God! no hope. For if we believe that fell asleep. At midnight, there
Jesus died and rose, so too will was a cry, ‘Behold, the bride-
Responsorial Psalm Ps 63 God, through Jesus, bring groom! Come out to meet
R –My soul is thirsting for with him those who have fall- him!’ Then all those virgins got
you, O Lord my God! en asleep. Indeed, we tell you up and trimmed their lamps.
12 November 2023
The foolish ones said to the the prophets. admitted to the feast of the King-
wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, I believe in one, holy, cath- dom where you live and reign
for our lamps are going out.’ olic and apostolic Church. I for ever and ever.
But the wise ones replied, ‘No, confess one Baptism for the All – Amen!
for there may not be enough forgiveness of sins and I look
for us and you. Go instead to forward to the resurrection of
the merchants and buy some the dead and the life of the world
for yourselves.’ While they to come. Amen!
went off to buy it, the bride- Preparation of the Gifts
groom came and those who Prayer of the Faithful
P –Pray, brethren . . .
were ready went into the wed- P –We are aware that being All – May the Lord accept the
ding feast with him. Then the ready to welcome the Lord is the sacrifice at your hands, for the
door was locked. Afterwards result of personal vigilance and praise and glory of his name,
the other virgins came and of divine grace. In all humility for our good and the good of
said, ‘Lord, Lord, open the and trust, let us implore this fa- all his holy Church.
door for us!’ But he said in re- vor for ourselves and the rest of
ply, ‘Amen, I say to you, I do humankind. Let our response be: Prayer over the Offerings
not know you.’ P –Look with favor, we
All –Lord, make us vigilant
Therefore, stay awake, for with your grace! pray, O Lord, upon the sacri-
you know neither the day nor ficial gifts offered here, that,
the hour.” C –For the Church, the com- celebrating in mystery the
munity of all those who await Passion of your Son, we may
The Gospel of the Lord! the return of the Lord: May she
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus honor it with loving devotion.
Christ! always be a clear sign of living Through Christ our Lord.
faith, practical love and active All – Amen!
Homily hope for the rest of mankind. Let
us pray! R. Preface
Profession of Faith C –For the Holy Father, our P –The Lord be with you!
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) Bishop, and all other spiritual All –And with your spirit!
All –I believe in one God, the Fa- leaders: May they constantly in- P –Lift up your hearts!
ther almighty, maker of heaven spire us with their wisdom and All – We lift them up to the Lord!
and earth, of all things visible readiness to welcome the Lord. P –Let us give thanks to the
and invisible. Let us pray! R. Lord our God!
I believe in one Lord Jesus C –For those who believe that All –It is right and just!
Christ, the Only Begotten Son faith alone can gain access to P –It is truly right and just,
of God, born of the Father be- eternal life: May they realize our duty and our salvation, al-
fore all ages. God from God, that they also need the oil of a ways and everywhere to give
Light from Light, true God from life lived according to the moral you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
true God, begotten, not made, demands of their faith. Let us almighty and eternal God. For
consubstantial with the Father; pray! R. when your children were scat-
through him all things were tered afar by sin, through the
made. For us men and for our C –For those who are reaching Blood of your Son and the power
salvation he came down from the end of their life: May they of the Spirit, you gathered them
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy confidently welcome the Lord again to yourself, that a people,
Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- with the lighted torch of a liv- formed as one by the unity of the
gin Mary, and became man.* ing faith and the oil of generous Trinity, made the body of Christ
For our sake he was crucified faithfulness to God’s command- and the temple of the Holy Spir-
under Pontius Pilate, he suf- ments. Let us pray! R. it, might to the praise of your
fered death and was buried, and C –For all of us and the other manifold wisdom be manifest
rose again on the third day in members of our parish commu- as the Church.
accordance with the Scriptures. nity: May we show support for And so, in company with the
He ascended into heaven and is one another as we do our best to choirs of Angels, we praise you,
seated at the right hand of the live in the presence of the Lord. and with joy we proclaim:
Father. He will come again in Let us pray! R. All –Holy, holy, holy Lord, God
glory to judge the living and the of hosts. Heaven and earth are
dead and his kingdom will have C –Let us pray in silence for our full of your glory. Hosanna in
no end. personal intentions. (Pause) the highest!
I believe in the Holy Spirit, Let us pray! R. Blessed is he who comes in
the Lord, the giver of life, who P –Lord Jesus, you are the Di- the name of the Lord. Hosanna
proceeds from the Father and vine Bridegroom who invites in the highest!
the Son, who with the Father us to the banquet of eternal life.
and the Son is adored and glori- Keep our lives burning with Memorial Acclamation
fied, who has spoken through faith and love that we may be P –The mystery of faith!
oth the Jewish religion and Christianity are char- encounter with Jesus Christ, the Judge of all. He
acterized by their orientation toward the future made the very important promise that he will come
and the expectation for the arrival of “someone” back to take us with him, that where he is we also
really important who will fulfill their highest hopes. For may be” (see Jn 14:3).
centuries, the Jews were (and most of them still are) He also warned his disciples and us that he will
awaiting the Messiah, the great “liberator.” But when come at a time we least expect. (See Mt 24:43 and
he finally came, few were ready to welcome him. The 25:13.) Hence, we have to be watchful, not in creepling
majority behaved like the unwise bridesmaids of to- fear but in joyful and fruitful expectation.
day’s Gospel parable. We have to wait for him with lamps filled with the
We Christians know that the Messiah has come oil of faith and good deeds.
These are two conditions that we all should trea-
and believe that he is Jesus of Nazareth. We love him sure. Our waiting for the Lord has got to be eager,
as our Savior, but we also believe that he will come wise, fully alert and ready to welcome him . . . . The
again to fulfill all our hopes in the eternal happiness more he seems to delay his coming, the more we
of heaven he has prepared for us. Hence, we cannot should strive to be worthy of him, by behaving as
afford to while away our lifetime like those who have “children of light,” i.e.: doing as much good as we
no hope and no faith. We just cannot behave like those can.
who get drowned in their daily activities, as if work, If such is our disposition, we will not mind waiting,
profit, and pleasure were the most important things in just as we will not mind leaving everything aside to
life. go with him when he comes. Both “waiting for” and
We Christians should characterize ourselves “going with” are two necessary stages which prepare
as “expectant people” – people who have some- us for the final one: being with Jesus for ever in the
thing very important to look forward to: our final eternal wedding banquet of heaven.
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• Editorial Team: Fr. B. Nolasco, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua