Micro Bank
Micro Bank
Micro Bank
2-Adhesins used by bacteria for attachment with host cells may found on:
a. Glycocalyces.
b. All choices are correct.
c. Fimbriae.
d. Flagella.
5- Of all portals of entry for pathogens which of the following is the main portal of entry?
O a. Skin.
O b. Blood.
O c. Mucous membranes.
O d. Cuts or broken tissues.
8-The most effect route of administration on blood levels for antibiotic is?
a. Orally ingested antibiotics.
b. Using topical application on skin.
c. Intramuscular injection of antibiotics.
d. Intraveniously injected antibiotics.
9- The specific mechanism of vancomycin antibiotic activity on bacterial cells can be
described as?
a. Inhibits enzymes used in bacterial cell wall synthesis.
b. Disturb alanine-alanine cross bridges.
c. inhibit synthesis of proteins.
d. Disrupt cell wall peptidoglycan polymerization (NAG/NAM).
14-Which of the following bacteria is not a normal flora of the upper digestive tract?
a. Actinomyces.
b. Lactobacillus.
c. Haemophilus.
d. Enterococcus.
15- Which of the following components of Entamoeba histolytica life cycle is not needed to
complete the life cycle?
a. intermediate host and insect vector.
b. intermediate host.
c. Definitive host.
d. Insect vector
16- Which of the Following conditions is not applied once prescribing antimicrobial drug?
a. Price, preferable/better to be inexpensive.
b. Nontoxic to host cell.
c. Non-allergic to human.
d. The same antibiotic has to be toxic against bacteria, fungi and parasites.
17- Which of the Following diseases DOES NOT consider as zoonotic disease?
a. Toxoplasmosis.
b. Typhus.
c. Hepatitis.
d. Rabies.
18- Which of the following extra cellular enzymes produced by bacteria and make them safe
from the immune system:
a. Hyalurodinase.
b. Streptokinase.
c. Collagenase.
d. Coagulase.
19- Which of the Following Factors can affect normal fora to become opportunistic
a. Consumption of immunosuppressive drugs for long period.
b. Congenital defects in the immune system.
c. infection with HIV.
d. All choices are correct.
21- Which of the following is not correct regarding bacterial resistant against some
antibacterial agents?
a. Changing the electrical charge of proteins lining the porins.
b. Changing proteins lining porins.
c. Producing specific enzymes degrade the antibacterial agent.
d. None of the given choices.
24- Which of the Following microorganisms can cause vaginitis in women after long use of
broad-spectrum antibiotic course?
a. Streptococcus pneumoneae.
b. Neisseria gonorrhea.
c. Candida albicans
d. Escherichia coli.
25- Which of the following parasitic stage is not found in helminth life cycle?
a. cyst.
b. Larva.
c. Adult.
d. Egg
28- Which of the Following sources of infection can cause disease to human most (choose
the most correct)?
O a. All given choices can cause disease to human equally.
O b. Human carriers.
O c. Non-living reservoirs.
O d. Animal reservoirs.
29- Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT regarding attachment of pathogens
to its host cell:
a. Some bacteria use specialized structures like fimbriae for attachment to the surface of
the host cell.
b. Bacteria uses plasmids to synthesis Adhosins so they can attach themselves to newscals
c. Bacteria can form biofilms which is used for attachment to the surface of the host cell.
d. Some bacteria use more than one type of adhesins for attachment to the surface of the
host celt.
30- Which Toxoplasma gondit is a parasite that can cause infection in human being through
which of the Following rout (s)?
a. Transplacental invasion / From mother to embryo.
b. All given choices are correct.
c. Accidentally ingesting the parasite infective stage from soil.
d. Eating infected unlocked meat by the parasite.
A. Morbillivirus
B. Orthohepanda virus
C. Lyssavirus
D. Rubulavirus
E. Lentivirus
F. Rhinovirus