Waterdeep Mysteries

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Crafted by Paul Metzger @metzpaul and Waterdeep, City of Splendors Mysteries! This
Kathleen Harrington @KatnBR supplement is designed to aid Dungeon Masters
in creating and running mystery-themed
Cover art © 2020 Stéphane "Wootha" Richard.
adventures in the course of Waterdeep: Dragon
Full page feature artwork by Newell Wyeth. Heist or any other campaign set in the Crown of
Additional artwork by Edwin Abbey, Charles the North.
Bennett, Charles Keene, Phil May, and Albert We begin in Trollskull Alley, where Dragon
Robida. Heist adventurers set up shop near the Tiger’s Eye
Some artwork courtesy Wizards of the Coast detective agency. You’ll learn the story of its
Dungeon Masters Guild Creator Resources. proprietors, Vincent and Katie Trench.

Page background and watercolor splashes Why merely grant your adventures
designed by lifeforstock / Freepik. investigative results for 50 gold when you can
lead them through the investigation on their own?
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the
Young Katie Trench is presented as an
Coast, Forgotten Realms, Ravenloft, Eberron, the
investigative sidekick to assist, gaining new
dragon ampersand, Ravnica and all other Wizards
abilities alongside the adventures as they progress
of the Coast product names, and their respective
through level 10.
logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast in
the USA and other countries. Next is a framework for creating your own
mystery adventures, with advice drawn from
This work contains material that is copyright
proli c authors in the pulp detective genre.
Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such
material is used with permission under the Fifteen mysterious locations follow, spanning
Community Content Agreement for Dungeon all the wards of Waterdeep. Providing avorful
Masters Guild. settings for scenes in your adventure, they feature
interesting NPCs and ideas for plot hooks.
All other original material in this work is
copyright 2022 by Paul Metzger and published Rounding things out are three new magic items
under the Community Content Agreement for utilized by the Trench family. Give them to your
Dungeon Masters Guild. villains to assist their dastardly schemes and as
rewards for your investigative player characters.
First edition. April 2022.
Mystery awaits you in Waterdeep!

VINCENT TRENCH Valantajar was on a simple mission for a Duke of
Vincent Trench doesn’t like to think about
Hell: in the guise of a human, in ltrate a certain
major city on the Material Plane and gather
It’s hard for Vincent Trench not to think about information for a planned invasion and take-over.
Valantajar when he wears the fur every night. He was to keep a low pro le, send regular
Katie insists. Vincent Trench loves his daughter reports, speak to no other Duke, and remain in
with all his heart. He’d do anything for her. the city until ordered to leave. Then the Duke was
Wearing the fur makes her happy, so he wears the destroyed on her own plane and Valantajar, still
fur. He got her some of her own. She never takes bound by his orders, was stranded. That was 250
it off. Wearing the fur makes Katie happy, so it years ago, and in the interim, Valantajar has come
makes Vincent Trench happy. But it reminds him to rather enjoy his exile.
of Valantajar.
With excellent libraries, wonderful teas, ne
Vincent Trench loves his daughter with all his wines and cognacs, catnip, seafood, and no one
heart. He’d do anything for her. He’d kill for her. giving orders, only one thing was missing—
He’s done it before. Vincent Trench doesn’t like to sating his appetite for humanoid esh.
think about who Vincent Trench was before
Disappearing the city’s populace didn’t exactly
Valantajar killed him. Vincent Trench was not a
t in with keeping a low pro le. Additionally,
good man. Vincent Trench took people’s children.
Valantajar found the mortals much more
Valantjar took Vincent Trench’s child. Seemed fair.
interesting than he rst anticipated, coming to
respect and even admire them as they spent their
short lives trying to make sense of their world. He
found their children to be particular delights. He
also found that some humanoids were capable of
completely rede ning his concept of evil.
In that, Valantajar found his purpose. He
hopped between identities, seeking out those
preying on children and teaching them what it's
like to be the prey.
One day a particular prey had a child of his
own: his 2-year-old daughter he absconded with
after murdering the little girl’s mother. Valantajar
knew he had found a new duty.

The Tiger’s Eye

In addition to the toddler, Vincent Trench came
with paperwork. A lot of it. It gave Valantajar
everything he needed. Wealth. Underworld
contacts. Legitimacy. All the resources to learn the
terrible things Katie Trench’s father had done—
and tie up all the loose ends.
So Valantajar settled down. He commissioned a
magic ring to let him be Vincent Trench, not
merely appear as him. He took on as an honest
profession the type of work he had engaged as a
hobby. The name of his agency seemed clever at
rst, but now it reminds Vincent Trench of
Valantajar. Sometimes it’s good to remember.

Katie will keep humoring her father. He’s the
best father in all the Realms, and there isn’t
Katie Trench knows that Vincent Trench isn’t her anything Katie wouldn’t do to make him proud.
father. Or rather, her father isn’t really Vincent She’s going to keep studying hard and one day
Trench. Katie Trench isn’t a fool. get to be a good enough investigator to run the
family business.
Katie is an investigator. She’s known for years.
I mean, c’mon, it’s not that hard to gure out. For
one thing, her father has looked the same, like,
Junior Investigator
forever. Sure, she doesn’t remember when she Katie’s father paid a great deal of attention to her
was really little. She doesn’t remember coming to education. In addition the reading, writing,
Waterdeep, but she does remember most gures, and professional skills he was able to
everything after. Her father has looked exactly the impart himself, Vincent Trench also employed
same as long as she can remember. He even has two neighborhood friends, Fala and Rishaal, as
the same stubble every single day, but she’s never supplemental tutors.
once seen him shave. After her constant protestations that she was, in
The fact that he hangs out as an awesome cat fact, “old enough,” her father allowed Katie to
monster every night is also pretty big piece of start her apprenticeship earlier than he would
evidence. have preferred. She’s proven herself to be quite
capable, and recently Vincent granted Katie near-
Yeah, he puts on a headband “just like hers.”
total autonomy to pursue the cases he assigns to
But his timing isn’t always perfect. And cat
her as she sees t—although he requires her to
monster dad feels different than human dad does.
remain attuned to a guardian’s bracelet with him,
Besides, she’s checked out the headband. Magic it
which limits her movements to within the city
ain’t. Plus hers doesn’t make her hands
walls and excludes her from the Field Ward. Katie
backwards. That’s how she came to realize that
says it’s a small price to pay to be allowed free
her father is a raksasha. An immortal tiger god
roam of the city. Although she won’t openly
from the Nine Hells. How hurling cool is that!
admit it, she feels secure in the knowledge that
Katie Trench isn’t sure if her father knows that her father will appear and claw to bits any bad
she knows. He must know, right? Vincent Trench guys who happen to get the better of her.
isn’t a fool.
But he still plays cat with her every night.
That’s being a good daddy. If your daughter is still
eight years old! She’s ten now! He is being just
ridiculous. Or maybe he’s more comfortable in his
own fur. Katie wouldn’t want to take that from
Sure, Katie still wears the headband that
costumes her as a cat person during every waking
moment. Who wouldn’t? It’s awesome! Maybe
when she was little it was playing cat. But she’s a
mature pre-tween now. It’s a fashion statement.
When she gets married—a young, beautiful, rich
tabaxi is going to sweep her off her feet—all of
her bridesmaids are going to wear fur.

Hit Points 13
Investigator Sidekick
Small Humanoid (Human), Chaotic Good Streetwise
Armor Class 12 Having thoroughly explored the city, Katie
Speed 30 ft. possesses a nearly perfect mental map of
Waterdeep with the exception of the Field Ward.
Strength 8 (-2) She can accurately estimate the travel time, and
Dexterity 16 (+3) provide the best route, to any named street or
Constitution 10 (+0) alleyway in the city.
Intelligence 15 (+2)
Wisdom 12 (+1) Katie also recalls the location of a speci c
Charisma 13 (+1) business, public building, or noble villa on a
successful DC 15 Intelligence (History) check. On
Saving Throws Dexterity, Intelligence a failure, she is unsure of the exact location but
Skills Acrobatics, Investigation, Persuasion,
chooses a location in a random direction a
Sleight of Hand, Stealth
Senses passive Perception number of streets away equal to the amount she
Languages Common, Dwarvish, Elvish, failed the check by.
FIRST LEVEL Hit Points 18
Hit Points 9
Budding Musician
Proficiency Bonus Katie gains pro ciency with the lute. Her
Proficiency Bonus +2 instructor, Lillian Than, is a graduate of the
College of New Olamn and a member of the
Well Educated Harpers. Katie’s reputation as an investigator has
Her father having seen to her schooling, Katie is earned her a bit of renown with the organization.
learned in a number of areas. Katie can acquire common and uncommon
potions and scrolls (but not any that can cause
Investigative. Katie’s pro ciency bonus is
physical harm) at 75 percent of the usual price
doubled for Intelligence (Investigation) checks.
from Lady Than, and the Harpers are usually
Magical Scholarship. Katie’s spellcasting willing to share any information they posses
ability is Intelligence. Spell save DC = 8 + her related to Katie’s investigations.
pro ency bonus + her Intelligence modi er (12 at
1st level). She uses her family signet ring as a
spellcasting focus.
Katie knows the druidcraft and mage hand
cantrips, which she can cast at will. She can also
cast silent image. After she does so, she cannot cast
it again until she nishes a short or long rest.
Well-Spoken. Katie is pro cient in the
Persuasion skill. She speaks Dwarvish, Elvish,
and Infernal in addition to Common. When a
creature Katie can hear speaks in thieves’ cant
there’s a 50 percent chance she notices. When she
does so, Katie can decipher the hidden message
with a successful DC 15 Intelligence
(Investigation) check.

Lady Lillian Than

Hit Points 22

Ability Score Improvement

Intelligence 16 (+3)
Charisma 14 (+2)

Friends in Low Places

Katie is a friend to the street urchins of
Waterdeep, openly sharing food and other small
comforts, and joining in their games and mischief.
For an example of some of her friends, see the
sidebar “The Three Urchins” in chapter 4 of
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist.
The children pass on small titbits of
information, which gives Katie a +5 bonus to
Intelligence (Investigation) checks made on the
streets of Waterdeep.
Katie also knows who the youth leaders of the
street gangs in each of the city’s wards are. In
mutual agreement with her father, that’s as close
as Katie ever gets to the world of organized crime. Gambling street urchins
When Katie is seeking information from the
Xanathar’s Guild or the Zhentarim, she’s always
sure to add some hopefully useful information
when she asks one of her shady youth FIFTH LEVEL
acquaintances to run something up the chain of
Hit Points 27
The DM should make the determination on Proficiency Bonus
how the third party interaction plays out based on Proficiency Bonus +3
the facts behind the scenario, possibly by
consulting the following table: Insightful Interviewer
d6 Outcome Katie gains pro ciency in the Insight skill, and
doubles her pro ciency bonus for Wisdom
1 Katie’s request doesn’t reach anyone of significance
(Insight) checks she makes when attempting to
in the organization.
determine if a creature is deceiving her.
2–4 Significant figures inside the organization become
Katie also learns detect thoughts. Once she casts
aware of Katie’s request, but no response is offered.
it, she cannot cast it again until after she
5 Information from inside the organization crafted in completes a long rest.
such a way as to advance its own agenda comes
back to Katie.

6 Useful and true information from inside the

organization comes back to Katie.

SIXTH LEVEL spells she cannot cast that spell again until she
completes a short or long rest.
Hit Points 31
Katie’s uncanny naturalistic connection to the
Confidential Source weave hasn’t gone unnoticed by the Emerald
Enclave. Katie is welcome at Phaulkonmere (see
Through her work with her father for the Tiger’s
chapter 2 of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist), where
Eye, Katie has gained the con dence of Gaxly
demigod Jeryth Phaulkon has taken a personal
Rudderbust, publisher of the Waterdeep Wazoo.
interest in her. Katie can petition Phaulkon to cast
The Wazoo specializes in publishing the affairs of
druid spells on her behalf. The DM determines
the Waterdhavian nobility, and Rudderbust is
which requests are granted.
very careful to only print what is veri ably true.
But Between You and Me. Gaxly Rudderbust NINTH LEVEL
won’t publish hearsay, but he’s not above sharing Hit Points 45
it inside his network of con dants. Seeking
information from Rudderbust grants Katie a +5 Ethereal Residuals
bonus to Intelligence (Investigation) checks made Once per day, Katie can extend her awareness to
regarding the city’s nobility.
remnants from her current surroundings left in
Fishing Expedition. Katie can convince the Border Ethereal. When she does so, Katie can
Rudderbust to print bits of information (although sense if the following happened in the last 24
never anything libelous) she wants the nobility to hours:
see. Since nearly every noble house is a subscriber
• A violent act occurred at a location, but not
to the broadsheet, it’s almost certain that the perpetrator, victim, or means of violence.
interested parties will become aware of what was
• A spell was cast. Katie can sense the location
printed. of the caster, the point of origin and area of

SEVENTH LEVEL effect of the spell, and its school of magic, but
not the name of the spell or the identity of its
Hit Points 36 caster or anyone affected by it.
• A lock was opened, and whether by key or
Interrogator thieves’ tools, but not the identity of anyone
Katie gains pro ciency in the Deception skill, and opening the lock.
is particularly adept at disguising the true intent
The awareness lasts for 10 minutes or until
of questions she asks. Katie doubles her
Katie loses concentration, as if concentrating on a
pro ciency bonus when making a Charisma
spell. Once Katie uses this feature, she cannot do
(Deception) check to conceal her own knowledge
so again until she completes a long rest.
and motives while asking a question
Katie also learns zone of truth. Once she casts it, TENTH LEVEL
she cannot cast it again until she completes a long Hit Points 49
Surveillant Savant
EIGHTH LEVEL Katie can hold an impressive stakeout. When she
Hit Points 40 picks a spot to take cover, Katie gains advantage
on Dexterity (Stealth) checks to remain hidden
Ability Score Improvement there. For the next 12 hours, Katie can remain
Wisdom 14 (+2) attentive, silent, and motionless, and has
advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that
Naturespeaker rely on hearing or sight.
Katie’s tutelage under Fala Lefaliir is yielding Katie also learns see invisibility. Once she casts
impressive results. Katie learns speak with animals, it, she cannot cast it again until she completes a
and speak with plants. Once she casts one of these long rest.

Give your detectives a number of characters upon
Adventures from a hardcover book won’t hold a
which to cast suspicion and accusation, and the
candle to mysteries you dream up if you keep these
means to incriminate or exonerate them. The
eight factors in mind.
setup or discovery of the crime should provide
THEME the adventurers a few characters to speak with
and a few locations to visit. Each could branch
The backdrop against which the adventure is set
slightly, and it’s okay if there are a few dead ends,
is the element beyond the crime itself that creates
but at some point the characters should nd
the plot of your mystery. A good theme makes
multiple clues pointing in the same direction.
each mystery unique and interesting, as opposed
to a rote formula to be followed. Ideas for themes
could include a particular monster, an event such
In a mystery-style adventure, the party will be
as a festival or holiday, a unique location, the
doing plenty of exploration and social interaction.
workings of a particular trade, a religion or cult,
Don’t forget about the third tier! Since the villain
or anything unusual and colorful. Once you have
is actively working to thwart the heroes, the
decided on a theme you nd interesting, it will
characters should be put into some sort of con ict
inform all the other aspects of your mystery.
or danger. It could be combat, although if it’s with
MOTIVATION the villain and or perpetrator rather than their
henchmen, be sure to provide a satisfying
The best mysteries provide the adventurers
conclusion aside from vigilante justice. A chase
motivation above and beyond merely the allure of
scene (see “Chases” in chapter 8 of the Dungeon
reward or their sense of duty. Perhaps the crime
Masters Guide) could lead to or from combat, or to
or the methods by which it were carried out are so
an important location or clue. Perhaps the villain
morally repugnant that the characters’ outrage
springs a devious trap (see ”Complex Traps” in
compels them to seek justice. Some aspect of the
chapter 2 of Xanathar’s Guide to Everything.) At
crime—or a clue found along the way—could tie
some point in the mystery adventure, roll
into a character’s backstory, invoking the “Okay,
now it’s personal” trope. When the crime
connects to the campaign’s overarching plot, a
nemesis, or the adventurers goals, the push to
An additional layer revealed near the end of the
solve it piggybacks on and even exacerbates
adventure on top of what has already been
existing drives.
discovered can be satisfying, but approach with
VILLAIN caution. A twist should never negate what the
characters have discovered and accomplished,
Just as the adventurers are heroes with
and should t clues that were presented (even if
exceptional abilities, so must the villain be
those clues were vague and missed.) Not every
exceptional, and capable of thwarting the heroes.
mystery requires a twist. If it feels gimmicky
Coasting to victory, after all, never feels very
instead of satisfying, drop it.
heroic. The villain could be, but need not be, the
perpetrator of the actual crime.
METHOD AND MOTIVE The resolution of the mystery should involve a
sense that the characters’ undertaking had some
A mugging is less interesting than a
sort of consequence for the perpetrator and/or
pickpocketing, which in turn is less interesting
villain. Even if, for ongoing plot purposes, the
than kidnapping and mind erasure. Greed and
bad guy “gets away,” the players should be able
hatred are core motivations for crime; the more
to take satisfaction in knowing that they dealt a
unusual the speci cs, the more interesting the
setback or in icted some sort of cost.

the model of record and the actual place could
serve as the clue that cracks your case wide open.
A great mystery should be set against an
interesting or unusual backdrop. The City of Phalantar’s Philtres
Splendors more than lives up to its nickname, By far the largest business challenge faced by
with a perfect setting for your mystery adventure Phalantar Orivan is the proper balance between
lurking around every corner. Here are some obscurity and notoriety. His namesake shop on
examples from each ward of the city. the Street of Bells near Cat Alley is widely known

CASTLE WARD to have the widest selection of rare herbs, oils,

and bric-a-brac used as components in wizardry,
As the center of power of Waterdeep, the Castle alchemy, and arti ce. This is all a front to his more
Ward suits mystery themes of political intrigue. lucrative backroom dealings in poisons, drugs,
Heavily guarded by the City Watch, murder by forbidden magic, and the fencing of stolen goods.
poisoning or grift by long con are more likely In order to maintain good trade in the latter, he
than a back-alley stabbing or mere snatch-and- strives to be a whispered name in the
grab robbery. underworld, while remaining out of view of the
City Watch (many of whom are on the take). His
The Palace of Waterdeep secret is subtle branding. All the illicit goods that
Before the palace lies a spacious, well-landscaped pass through Phalantar’s hands are imprinted—
courtyard surrounding a slim spire known as visibly or otherwise—with a tiny stylized ph
Ahghairon’s Tower. The legendary wizard sealed marking. If anyone in his shop verbally mentions
it tight with invisible shielding prior to his death, this brand mark, a hidden glyph automatically
but there is one creature that lurks between the casts a modify memory spell on everyone in the
magical barrier and the impregnable stone premises except the shopkeeper. The victims
structure behind it. The skeleton of Biliona retain no memory of the marking or that it
Fallimant, a wizard who long ago was only brought them there; instead they only have the
partially successful in her breach of the fortress in sense that Phalantar is someone important who
search of Ahghairon’s hidden magical secrets, is can help them. Phalantar keeps no written
doomed to undeath here. She will tell her tale of records, but has an impeccable memory. Keeping
woe to any visitor with the patience for her long- the secrets of his shady clientele best serves his
winded ramblings, and could serve as an sel sh business interests… until it doesn’t.
eyewitness to nefarious plots hatched within
earshot. Mother Tathlorn’s House of
The general public is allowed limited access to Pleasure and Healing
the Palace of Waterdeep through the Main Gate, Far Travelers often feel a jolt of culture shock
which lies beyond that courtyard. One when rst learning of the Waterdhavian festhall
immediately notices the incredible acoustics of (not least because they often rst arrive expecting
the cavernous entry hall, domed by smooth a “feast hall”). Prudishness is not part of the
polished marble. Standing in any particular spot, progressive metropolitan ideal. Waterdeep’s
a whispered conversation can be heard echoed Festhalls are adult playgrounds, and Mother
from a paired position across the vast space. Tathlorn’s, set in the hill below the Palace just off
The massive stone stairway covered in lush Waterdeep Way, is the nest of them all. Yes, the
velvet carpeting to the left leads up to the court of Realms’ oldest profession is practiced here. In
the Masked Lords. The archway to the right leads Waterdeep, that profession is considered a
to the bustling of ces of the city city clerks. Set in legitimate one and its practitioners nd
the hall of the clerks is a huge stone table themselves with far better working conditions,
featuring an intricately detailed scale model of the pay, and respect than those in locales where the
city, from the harbor all the way to the gate to the trade is pushed into the underground. However,
north of the Field Ward. A discrepancy between not all or even most of what goes on here is

beyond PG-13. Practically any form of Ambrose himself rarely bothers with criminal
entertainment, comfort, relaxation, or indulgence issues, as he is kept rather busy with the
can be found in the festhalls of Waterdeep, and necromancy problem.
Mother Tathlorn can accommodate nearly all,
providing the most opulent of experiences to the DOCK WARD
wealthiest of clientele. Despite the culture’s When one imagines crime in Waterdeep, the mind
openness, discretion is still provided for those invariably descends to the Dock Ward. To those
who desire privacy. Everything from expressing from ports unknown hearing the tales of
strange proclivities to healing major wounds from returning sailors, the rough edge on the harbor is
sources unspoken are reason for Waterdeep’s elite the city itself. Brawling drunken sailors and
to trust in the House’s delicacy. smugglers brawling with drunken merchants
who brawl in the streets. And sticuffs to boot.
The Prowl Though the rowdiness is memorable, it’s nowhere
In the center of the block bounded on the sides by near as out of control as the stories say. The City
the Street of Silver and Warrior’s Way, and Bazaar Watch makes sure of that, with patrols in this area
and Selduth Streets to the north and south, is a more frequent (and staffed by larger and more
curving alley known to be the murder capital of experienced street brawlers) than anywhere else
the Castle Ward. The Prowl claims a small in the city. Despite the rough types that the hard
handful of lives in any given year, the necks of its labor professions here attract, raw capitalism
victims scarred with deep necrotic indentations of keeps the peace, at least as far as the continued
skeletal hands. The undead killer magically ow of goods is concerned. The harbor is the
evades all the skilled wizards and clerics who engine of Waterdeep’s wealth, and the wealthy
have come to dispel, vanquish, or capture it. Even know to protect it.
attempts at containing it seem fruitless, as any
barrier to the alley—be it physical or magical— Helmstar Warehouse
disintegrates within hours. As such, the For generations, no business in the Dock Ward
alleyway’s entrances feature large warning signs has been transacted without being touched in
enchanted with alarm and magic mouth spells to some manner by the Helmstar clan. Completely
dissuade anyone ignorant of the danger. When a absent from high society, the Helmstars are part of
poor soul turns up dead here, the mystery is not what those in the know refer to as Waterdeep’s
the identity of the killer, but how the victim could “shadow nobility.” No attendance of balls in
have come to be in danger’s way. fancy garb, just hard deal making is the prospect
of this family. Their current matriarch is Verleiha
CITY OF THE DEAD Helmstar, a severe woman with short cropped
Sir Ambrose, a knight of Kelemvor, works hair of jet black that matches her eyes. She
tirelessly overseeing the protection of currently resides with her partner Jheldessa
Waterdeep’s large cemetery-cum-parkland. Kastonoph, chief captain of the Master Mariner’s
Tirelessly is probably the wrong word, as guild. Despite her intimate relationship with the
Ambrose seems perpetually tired due to his dusk- guild leader, Helmstar is also openly known to be
till-dawn watch schedule—and he has the the propping up the rival Guild of Watermen.
demeanor to match. Although no evidence has been presented to
The knight watchman has a pet faerie dragon, support the supposition, many believe that the
that perches upon his shoulder when it’s not out Helmstar family has secured a hereditary position
spying on his behalf. A family crypt, it turns out, as a Masked Lord... so long as their rule over the
is a useful venue for the nobility to meet with the Dock Ward remains without serious challenge.
shady types tasked with carrying out various
political schemes, and the faerie dragon is adept
at eavesdropping on these conversations.

Dock Ward Brawling

Serpentil Books Three Pearls Nightclub
and Folios Nestled on Pearl Alley behind Snail Street is the
one of the greatest stages of entertainment in all
The Great Library of Candlekeep is the North’s
the Realms. This destination for performers draws
shining beacon of open truth and honorable
a new variety of acts each night, and has served
scholarship. Jannaxil Serpentil’s unassuming shop
as the launchpad for the careers of countless
on Book Street stands in opposition as the
famous musicians, comics, minstrels, and
ruthlessly capitalistic exploitation of the written
circuses. The massive room features low sitting
word and the power it holds. Serpentil, a miserly
benches on a oor that gently slopes downward
and frigid man, is an accomplished scholar and
towards the stage, and is anked on all sides by
wizard who views the accumulation of
counters hawking ale, wine, and tapas. On as
knowledge as a tool for self-enrichment.
many nights as possible, as often as thrice a
Everything from maps and sea charts, to rare tenday, the nger snacks include fried bits of
magical tomes, to personal diaries and letters of exotic monsters. With the variety of food and
Waterdhavians noble and low can be had here for entertainment vast and rarely repeating, it’s a
the right price. Serpentil also buys such papers, good bet that when you hear a friend brag of
all at a fraction of market value—and much lower having eaten grick skewers while a hand-stand-
if Serpentil suspects the item to be stolen. The walking sneber in juggled with her feet, that the
wizard-scholar will never directly voice that he’s friend was surely the Three Pearls. With a bit of
playing the fence, but he almost always seems to sleuthing, it shouldn’t be too dif cult to
somehow know when it is the case. determine the speci c night.
If your mystery is staying “on-book,” so to
speak, there’s a good chance that book can be
found on Serpentil’s dusty shelves.

Any given evening at the Three Pearls

The Gentle Mermaid
If you nd the outside of this renovated manor
house to be offensively ostentatious, you’ll be all
the more wounded after passing through the coat
check. Although the lush decor, featuring soft,
shaggy red carpeting and enchanted crystal
chandeliers, is of their grandparents’ era, this
opulent gambling hall has been taken over by the
fashionable under-30 crowd of nobility in recent
years. Their preferred dice game is a high-
variance, low-skill affair, which prevents any one
player from winning too much of their peers’
parents’ gold. For the young and wealthy seeking
a mate—for a spouse or for the night—this club
currently stands as the place to see and be seen.

Galas de Villas
The Grand Gala of House Hawkwinter and the
Roaringhorn’s Roaring Horn are the North
Ward’s social events of the year, followed closely
by balls hosted by the prominent Than, Gralhund,
A constant shadow looms over the Field Ward Tarm, Amcathra, and Margaster families. As the
North Ward is home to much of Waterdeep’s
nobility, lesser but still well-attended galas are
FIELD WARD held frequently with each notable family hosting
Refugees from catastrophes throughout the North at their own villa. Listed roughly from north to
live in squalor, packed into a shanty town south, you’ll nd parties throughout the year at
between the city’s northern border and outer the Villas of houses Anteos, Phull, Snome,
defensive perimeter. Along with poverty comes Crommor, Piiradost, Thunderstaff, Talmost,
lawlessness, which the City Watch chooses to Sultlue, Cragsmere, Kothont, Lanngolyn,
ignore completely. Travelers can pass safely Ulbrinter, Jardeth, Maerklos, Nandar,
through the Troll or North Gates thanks to the Stormweather, Durinbold, Estelmer, Majarra,
diligence of the City Guard, but they provide no Agundar, Hunabar, Thorp, Lathkule, Kormallis,
protection to those residing in the City’s Shame. Adarbrent, Phylund, Zun, Hothemer, Ilvastarr,
Crimes of want, opportunity, and passion are Wands, Gost, and Helmfast.
common here. The Field Ward is also a popular Known collectively as the Galas de Villas du
dumping ground for those inside the city who Nord, these affairs are scheduled to never
run afoul of the Xanathar’s Guild or Zhentarim. overlap, necessitating a frequency of better than
An unconscious form left in a Field Ward once per tenday! The most exclusive families tend
alleyway will soon be stripped of their to host only the most exclusive guests, but
possessions. merchants of notoriety or even adventures pad
out the guest lists of the less desirable affairs. The
NORTH WARD primary work of these parties is gossip. As the
Home to the city’s lesser nobility, of which there houses vie for their place in the pecking order,
are a surprising amount, the North Ward seems rumors and lies are readily spread. Although
quiet and unassuming until one visits business is never carried out during the
accompanied by an insider. festivities, the nobility readily take advantage of
the opportunity to make contacts and schedule
future closed-door meetings.

Frewn’s Brews Tespergates
The nest ales in Waterdeep, and even perhaps in Every Tenth Day, rain or shine, the noble Tesper
all of the Realms, are brewed in Trollskull Alley, family opens their gates to all folk for an all-night
just below Saerdoun Street two blocks east off the bash centered around a tournament. The game is
High Road, by a pompous man of little business always unique and is always announced only at
sense. Emmit Frewn’s twofold secret to success is commencement of the event. It is usually a team
impeccable sanitation and an uncanny knack for affair, and always incorporates some sort of hard
breeding highly specialized strains of yeast. His body contact. Although healers are kept on the
taproom is a destination, as Frewn stubbornly premises to tend to the inevitable concussions and
refuses to sell barrels wholesale to other taverns, broken bones, many competitors do carry home
Most take their delicious brew to-go in 1 gallon grudges that they may hold for a lifetime. The
containers, as the accommodations are as villa is known to be haunted by a pair of Tesper
unpleasant as the management. The few regular sisters, Yulhymbra and Silpara, now centuries
bar ies are rough types who are rumored to be dead. The two make their fun by magically
agents of the Xanathar’s Guild keeping an eye on coaxing dark secrets from those exhausted by the
a nearby adventuring company backed by the night’s competition. Less well known is that
infamous writer Volothamp Geddarm. The Silpara is romantically involved with Nleera
brewery produces three varieties: Frewn’s Black, a Tarannath, a mage who passes along the secrets
stout with a luxurious mouthfeel; Frewn’s Red, a she learns to the Harpers.
full-bodied affair constructed from numerous
speciality grains grown in the farms of Undercliff; The Fiery Flagon
and Frewn’s Blonde, a hop-bomb, light in color Imagine the Dock Ward’s dingiest dive bar. Now
and body, featuring fruit aromas that put ne ll it full of pirates dressed in nery and dining
wines to shame. Due to their differing gravities, on haute seafood cuisine. Put it below a row of
the ales, if poured carefully, can be layered atop tiny shopfronts across from the House of Inspired
one another in a single glass. Frewn absolutely Hands on Seawatch Street and you have the Fiery
hates this. Anyone doing so in the taproom is Flagon Tavern. Its proprietor, Ulscaleer Anbersyr,
immediately ejected, and any patron lling is an old retired pirate who manages to keep out
containers to be taken off premises is made to both the rifraff and the nobility (the former by
sign a non-legally binding form attesting that they pricing, the later by decor and decorum). The
will not sully the brewmaster’s perfect creations. patrons are rough sailors with booty to spare. The
Lately, Frewn has been bragging that he is close to meals are splendid, and so are the opportunities
perfecting a brewing technique that would render —Anbersyr serves as both fence and out tter.
any such blends of his ales undrinkable. Trade is rumored to be facilitated by a heavily

SEA WARD guarded tunnel on the Flagon’s sublevel which

leads to the River Saugauth in Undermountain.
Although retaining a few vestigial connections to Anbersyr is quietly known as Waterdeep’s only
the sailors and traders who rst settled in the reliable supplier of serviceable quantities of
area, the Sea Ward now smells not of brine but smokepowder.
rather wealth and power. It is heavily patrolled
and largely free of street crime. One doesn’t have Gondwatch Lane
to dig too deep, however, to nd the
The Sea Ward is home to numerous temples and
shrines, but only one, the House of Inspired
Hands, warrants a back alley frequented by the
curious and devious alike. When an acolyte of
Gond unveils an Inspired Creation, it is done so
out back for safety purposes. Very few rst
iterations get things exactly right, and explosions
inside the temple are frowned upon. Word of an

experimental deployment spreads quickly, and With this revelation, Shalara took it upon
the alley lls with spectators. Failures are cheered herself to protect others from having their
more loudly than successes. Back-alley deals are autonomy magically violated. The well in the
also conducted here. Although the religion frowns courtyard is continuously injected from a potion
upon inventions with no practical purpose, brewery located in her cellar, which, fed the
there’s individual disagreement as to what ts proper reagent, is self-sustaining. Anyone
that de nition. Some devotees fund their research drinking from the well gains resistance to
by selling inventions that clearly have no merit enchantment magic for a tenday and any
outside of unscrupulous practices. charmed condition on them immediately ends.

SOUTHERN WARD Shalara is similarity quiet yet effective in more

targeted efforts to prevent the use of enchantment
Don’t let this most ordinary-appearing of magic. She is currently working to disrupt the
Waterdeep’s Wards, with common folk going efforts of a humanoid traf cking ring based out of
about common business, fool you into thinking Amn.
that the Southern Ward lacks intrigue.
Aurora Logistics HQ
Shalara’s Sanctuary
After the spellplague, competitors couldn’t keep
In recent decades a new tradition has sprung up, up with the modern approach taken by Aurora’s
in which young people entering into a new Whole Realms Shop—now rebranded as simply
chapter in their lives—adventuring, taking on a “Aurora.”
trade, traveling, and so forth… but in particular
seeking romance—visit Anchoret’s Court and Leaning hard into their infrastructure of
drink the crisp water from the public well there. teleportation portals, the mega-retailer came to
It’s said that the aquifer servicing this well draws dominate the Realms by dint of putting nearly
deep down into Undermountian, where it any common item on your doorstep within two
accumulates a luck-providing magical aura. days.

These rumors are intentionally spread by The value engine behind the business is data
Shalara Malarrkin, who lives in an unassuming collection. Aurora always seems to know exactly
brick home at the Court’s northern entrance. The what you want to buy, even before you do. With
well water is enchanted by the aged wizard who over 70 percent of Waterdhavian households
has dedicated her life’s work to preventing young subscribing to the Aurora Prime service, and
folk from suffering the same fate that befell her. more than half of those setting timers on, placing
orders with, and generally thoughtlessly chatting
Early in her teenage years, Shalara left her in front of Aurora Reverb stones, Aurora possesses
home in Amphail to apprentice under the potion a vast knowledge of the populace.
master Kappiyan Flurmastyr. A brass plate
bearing his name still adorns the door to her Aurora continues to operate their old catalog
home sitting across from the well. Kappiyan was counters in each of Waterdeep’s wards—partly as
a kind old wizard who treated Shalara quite well. pickup spot for those wary of porch pirates, but
She adored him, and the two were married when moreso enabling their new two-hour city-wide
she was merely 17 years old, her master and then delivery service. The Southern Ward location on
husband nearly forty years her senior. For twenty the Way of the Dragon has the additional honor of
years they were partners in marriage and hosting the wizards who make Aurora’s retail
research. It was only upon Kappiyan’s death that magic possible.
Shalara discovered her former mentor’s deceit. Although both parties refuse to comment on
She had never loved the man, having the whole the matter, it’s widely believed that in exchange
time been under the in uence of a magical love for allowing Aurora’s magical operations in the
charm, the philter of which had been steadily fed city, the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors
to her over the years. has unfettered access to Aurora’s proprietary

The Blacklock For a tenday of adventure with the
Dungsweepers featuring more than 35 encounters
With the recent resurgence in fame of the Mad
check out Dung Work on the Dungeon Master’s
Mage of Undermountain, Hallister Blackcloak, the
Guild. Purchasers of Waterdeep Mysteries can
popular name—re ected on modern maps—is
contact the author to obtain a complementary
Blackcloak Alley. Longtime residents still refer to
it as Blacklock Alley, insisting it is named for the
strange obelisk standing in its center.
Inn of the Dripping Dagger
Perhaps both are true. Oghmatic scholars are The comfortable accommodations and excellent
fascinated with the artifact. Their current thinking menu aren’t mysterious, and neither is the
is that the waist-high pillar with the strange hole proprietor. Filiare seems to be known, liked, and
through the center is actually a spire of a temple trusted by all. The retired mercenary loves telling
to Lathandar that sank when Hallister formed his the stories of his sellsword days, and is eager to
infamous dungeon below. recruit any hired ghter he can nd.
The hole in the Blacklock has strange properties As a man of honor, Filiare has no stomach for
that are not yet fully understood. It heals the his mercenaries engaging in illegal behavior of
wounds of limbs placed through it, but seemingly
any kind, even as accessories. He also steadfastly
only for the pure of heart. Some nd that objects refuses to cooperate in any of cial investigations.
placed in the hole disappear, while others see the
object emerge from the other side enhanced in Off the record, however, Filiare is happy to
some way. gripe about hires who have disappointed him. He
views himself as enforcing an unof cial blacklist
The fact that so many knives and daggers of such condottieri by doing so.
recovered in expeditions launched from the
Yawning Portal are cursed with the stench of
murder certainly raises suspicions.

Commerce of all kinds is the de ning
characteristic of the Trades Ward. Nearly every
trade is practiced here, if you look hard enough
for it. Just because Waterdeep doesn’t allow
guilds dedicated to shady dealings doesn’t mean
that they aren’t going on.

Cole’s Dungsweeper Crew

This motley corps isn’t so much a location in the
Trades Ward so much as a proxy for the entire
Ward itself. Cole and his associates Jasper and
Faith know about all the dung going down. Any
of cial relationship needs to be arranged though
guildmaster Zulgoss Helberad, who operates out
of Muleskull Tavern in the Dock Ward—and
you’d better come with a well-placed reference.
It’s against guild rules for Cole to take payment
directly, although he’s pretty relaxed about using
his crew’s resources in exchange for favors—
either explicit or to be arranged at a future date.

Jasper obligingly waits to sweep some small dung

Filiare has no stomach for his mercenaries engaging in illegal behavior

the matching ward bracelet. Such a boundary can
either be a xed distance from a speci c point you
are familiar with (e.g., 1 mile from home) or an
Costume Headband arbitrary boundary that you have traversed (e.g.,
the walls of a city).
Wondrous Item, Uncommon
The guardian bracelet has 3 charges, and it
Upon placing this headband on your head, you
regains all spent charges at dawn. While wearing
change in appearance as though under the effects
the guardian bracelet, you can use your action to
of a disguise self spell. The nature of the illusion is
expend a charge to determine the position of the
determined at the time the headband is created.
ward bracelet. When you do so, you learn the
The illusion remains until the headband is
current position of the ward bracelet if it is a place
removed. To discern that you are costumed in an
you are familiar with. Otherwise you learn the
illusion, a creature can use its action to inspect
last location of the ward bracelet that you are
your appearance and must succeed on an DC 12
familiar with and the time elapsed since it
Intelligence (Investigation) check.
appeared there.
Costume headbands are commonly used in
Once per day, you can use the guardian
upscale theater productions in Waterdeep,
bracelet to cast locate object, targeting the ward
although they are looked down upon by the elite
producers, such as the Lightsinger Theater, who
consider them a “cheap affront” to proper The guardian bracelet vibrates softly to alert
costuming. you when:
• The ward bracelet leaves the speci ed
Ring of Altering Self Disguise boundary.
Wondrous Item, Very Rare • The ward bracelet is removed or its wearer’s
While wearing this ring, casting the disguise self attunement to it ends.
spell invokes additional transmutation magic. All • The creature attuned to the ward bracelet falls
of the illusionary effects of the spell become a unconscious, other than falling asleep.
physical transformation, as though you had cast When you end your attunement to the
the alter self spell. guardian bracelet, the wearer of the ward bracelet
If you are attuned to the ring, the duration of automatically ends their attunement to the ward
the spell is inde nite, until you decide to dismiss bracelet as well.
it, and does not require you to maintain Ward bracelet. After you attune to a ward
concentration on it. bracelet, you cannot voluntarily remove it or end
your attunement to it without the use of a remove
Guardian Bracelets curse spell or other magic.
Wondrous Item, Rare (Requires Attunement) The ward bracelet vibrates softly when you
This matching pair of bracelets are made of come within 50 feet of the boundary established
adamantine and adjust to the size of the wearer by the the guardian bracelet, and the ward
when attuned. While wearing either of these bracelet vibrates violently, easily noticeable by
bracelets, you can use an action to cast sending other creatures, when you exceed the boundary.
from it. The target is the wearer of the matched Guardian Bracelets are commonly used by the
bracelet. Once sending is cast through a bracelet it courts, overbearing spouses, and protective
can’t be cast again from that bracelet until the parents. Some wealthy nobility wear a ward
next dawn. bracelet tied to their personal bodyguard as
The pair consists of a guardian bracelet and a guardian.
ward bracelet.
Guardian bracelet. When you attune to the
guardian bracelet you determine a boundary for


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