Eldritch Horror Combined Rules

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Using this Rulebook

This rulebook is written with the sole purpose of teaching

A Conspiracy Revealed new players how to play Eldritch Horror. For this reason, this
rulebook omits many rules exceptions and card
interactions. In addition to this rulebook, this game also
Harrigan ran his bandaged hand across the map on the hotel comes with a reference guide.
room’s wall. Dozens of documents and scraps of paper from all The reference guide addresses rules questions and special
over the world were pinned to their corresponding locations, exceptions that are not answered in this rulebook. The
interconnected by a complex web of colored string. He followed a guide also includes optional rules for adjusting game
difficulty, scoring, and playing one-player games.
red string from the transcribed testimony of a lunatic in Arkham
to a pencil rubbing of some pictographs he found in the Amazon. strerd's NOTE
From there, he traced a blue thread to a page torn from the journal
of that astronomer who was murdered in Sydney. When combining information from the various expansions,
information was added where it fit logically. Official errata
But the big picture still wasn’t emerging. Something was distracting has replaced original rules text (errata for other components
him. What was it? The vendor at the train station had a tattoo is included).
on the back of his hand. Maybe that was it. Harrigan was sure
he’d seen that symbol before. It could be nothing. He may just be
paranoid. Still, he should make a drawing of the tattoo and show it

Game Overview
to Diana. She’d know for sure.
A sound in the street suddenly caught his attention. No, it was half
a sound. It was something that was going to be a sound, maybe a
Eldritch Horror is a cooperative game of investigation and
scream, but was then cut off. He walked away from his map and
horror inspired by the writings of H. P. Lovecraft. In each
made sure the door to his room was locked.
game, one of the Ancient Ones, a being of unimaginable power
During the nine hours he’d been in town, he went straight from the that predates time itself, is awakening. Players take on the roles
train station to the museum, and then to the hotel. Who could have of investigators who are attempting to solve mysteries, defend
found him so quickly? humanity from unimaginable horrors, and ultimately banish
the Ancient One from this world. If investigators fail at their
Was it the curator? That old man had been so enthusiastic, pointing task, the Ancient One awakens, and mankind is doomed.
gleefully at tiny etched figures on pottery shards. He lectured at
painful length about a primitive belief in an ancient evil that
would someday enter this world through magical doorways. Did Players and Investigators
that odd little bookworm have Harrigan followed?
Something heavy fell to the floor outside in the hallway and arcane When playing Eldritch Horror, each player controls an
forces began to violently shake the door in its frame. Harrigan sighed. investigator. In this rulebook, the word “investigator”
There would be no time for packing. He could take the essentials and refers to both the player controlling the investigator as
that was it. He picked up his gun, checked the clip, confirmed that well as the in-game character.
there was one in the chamber, and turned the safety off.
The door’s enameled wood began to splinter and one of the hinges
literally shook itself to pieces. Harrigan knew that he couldn’t leave
any clues. With a well-practiced snap, his cigarette lighter was
open, and he ran the flame across the bottom of the map. The fire
quickly ran along each thread, devouring the documents. If this is
the maid, Harrigan thought, I’m going to have a lot of explaining
to do.
The door exploded into the room with a thunderous crack, and the
thing stepped past the threshold.
It was not the maid.
The sight of the creature sent a cold shock through Harrigan’s spine,
but he couldn’t let himself stop moving; not if he hoped to reach
London by the end of the week. Harrigan closed his eyes and ran
for the open window. The room was filled with the roaring of
gunshots, fire, and madness.

Long before humanity presumed to call itself the earth’s dominant The Strange Remnants expansion leads investigators to explore the
life form, there were many others. Over a billion years ago, the elder mysterious remnants of past civilizations and the ruins left behind.
things descended from space and built enormous cities. Hundreds These ancient sites of power can be harnessed by the worshipers of the
of millions of years after that, the Great Race of Yith projected their minds into Ancient Ones for nefarious purposes or by the investigators to protect
strange conical beings and used their advanced technology to catalog knowledge humanity. This expansion includes a new Ancient One and new
throughout time. The serpent people were once the undisputed rulers of the world, even investigators, Monsters, and encounters to be used with Eldritch Horror.
using their mastery of science and sorcery to subjugate early humans. It also introduces entirely new mechanics including Adventures, Mystic
Ruins Encounters, the Focus action, and Unique Assets.
Yet, each in turn fell. Whether the result of the elements, predators, or their own over-
reaching ambition, each of these mighty civilizations fell to ruin. Their stories are
known to only a few. The knowledge of these species has been kept from humanity, and
yet, within these lost stories lays the only hope for the survival of mankind. To protect

Under Pyramids
this world from the imminent threat of the Ancient One, a few brave investigators
must uncover this forsaken lore. the
In the Forsaken Lore expansion, what the investigators previously
thought they understood was all an illusion. Now the Ancient Ones “Come back!” Hanif stood at the top of the stairs in his fine white linen suit. If he
have grown in power and stand ready to breach into our world. This had his way, the stone that covered these steps would be restored to where it had rested
expansion includes a new Ancient One, Yig, as well as Mystery cards for over 3000 years. “This place is not meant for the living! Jack?”
for the existing Ancient Ones, hundreds of new stories to encounter, Inside the winding catacombs, Monterey Jack held his torch up
and new Artifacts, Assets, and Spells for investigators to wield against to the walls as he walked. How many mummified remains had been entombed here?
the Ancient Ones. Each wore the inverted ankh and each was armed with a khopesh. “Hanif!” Jack
called excitedly. “This is the army of Nephren-Ka. We have found the Labyrinth of
Kish! Come down here!”
Jack’s torch illuminated a mural on the wall. It depicted Akenaten’s prayer to the sun
and the arrival of the priest, Nephren-Ka. Look again, Jack. How many times had
An AntArctic ExpEdition Jack stared blankly at a shard of pottery or weatherworn stone only to have his father’s
voice gently urge him to see more? Jack looked again. That was not the sun. It was a
swirling mass of chaos, and it was not sending a priest. It was resurrecting a king.
The Antarctic fog parted, and the towering mountain range suddenly became visible. Nephren-Ka was not just named after the legendary Dark Pharaoh; he was that same
The dark peaks reached impossibly high into the air, vast and foreboding. ancient horror. “Hanif! Get in here! This is an amazing—”
“You ever see mountains that big before?” Ropes asked, shouting over his plane’s Jack turned and abruptly came face to face with Hanif, now clad in a black robe and
engine. Ursula shook her head in response. wearing an inverted ankh around his neck. “You were a brave man, Jack.” Hanif
These peaks made the Himalayas look like foothills. Ursula felt certain no one had raised his khopesh to Jack’s throat. “Your father died bravely as well.”
seen mountains that big before. Not until Professor Lake’s transmission a few days The Under the Pyramids expansion leads investigators on an expedition
ago. A twinge of sorrow picked at her. Poor Lake. “What happened at the camp?” beneath the pyramids of Giza to uncover the dark history of the Black
Ropes winced. “It was grim. Once the storm cleared and we were able to get there, Pharaoh, a cruel ruler of ancient Egypt who was stricken from all records.
everything had been torn apart. Everyone was dead. Dogs too. Some of the men had It includes new investigators, Ancient Ones, Monsters, and encounters to
been gutted. They reckon one of the scientists cracked up and killed them all. It’s…” be used with Eldritch Horror. It also introduces new mechanics including a
he couldn’t finish the thought. “I knew those guys. All of them. On the ship down new side board, Unique Assets, Impairment tokens, and an adventure
and across the ice shelf. They were all solid as an oak, you know? I guess there’s Under the Pyramids.
something about being so cut-off down here. You ever hear of someone snapping like
The padlock and chain struck loudly against the floor, and the
Ursula’s jaw clenched. Yes, she’d seen the horror that human madness could wreak. door to the theater swung open. Dexter returned his lock picks to
She’d seen it in India, in Ecuador, and in Chicago. Still, how could one person their hidden pocket and stepped forward cautiously.
manage so much bloodshed? If it wasn’t some madman, what else could have possibly The great magician had just spent the last hour watching more than a hundred well-
been the source of such butchery? dressed audience members arrive and claim their tickets to the local premiere of the
“There’s the opening,” Ropes pointed to a gap between the towering peaks. “You’re notorious play, The King in Yellow. They had walked through this door, but now they
going to want to brace yourself for what’s on the other side.” He paused for dramatic were gone. In their place, each seat in this theater was occupied by a life-sized puppet
effect. “It’s a city.” instead. And each puppet’s head had been turned to look in Dexter’s direction. “A
competent illusion,” he called out with genuine admiration.
The Mountains of Madness expansion leads investigators on the Miskatonic The masked figure on stage stepped down into the aisle. The creature was wrapped in
Expedition to Antarctica to discover the history of the elder things, an moldering tatters. Its mask moved slightly, indicating that its face—or whatever it was
ancient alien race that was once the dominant species on Earth. It that the mask hid—was undulating in some abominable manner. The thing lurched
includes new investigators, Ancient Ones, Monsters, and encounters to forward, knocking puppets to the ground and shattering them.
be used with Eldritch Horror. It also introduces entirely new mechanics
including a new side board, Unique Assets, the Focus action, TASK Dexter smiled and calmly rotated a small stone he had palmed. As he did, he muttered
Assets, and of course, an adventure into the Mountains of Madness. arcane syllables that had been taught to him on a nameless island in the Pacific. The
creature struck with the speed of a viper, wrapping its clawed hands around the
magician’s throat. But it found nothing but smoke. The Great Dexter Drake was
At the dawn of civilization, priests and prophets called for great gone.
blocks of stone to be brought over vast distances and then
inscribed with prayers and parables. The very sight of these In the Signs of Carcosa expansion, investigators must discover the cause
towers, ziggurats, and monuments brought all who saw them to their knees. Now of the spreading madness that is sweeping the cities of the world. As the
moss covers these incredible feats of engineering and unspeakable horrors have taken citizens of a population center lose their minds, they see the phantom
root within. spires of an alien city and visions of a faraway lake. This expansion
includes a new Ancient One and new investigators, Monsters, and
But the stones have endured. The architects foresaw the coming of the Ancient One encounters to be used with Eldritch Horror. It also introduces entirely
and their work may yet hold the key to humanity’s survival. Only those of new mechanics including Unique Assets and Impairment tokens.
sufficient courage and skill will be able to unlock the secrets of these ancient


BASE Components
1 Game Board 1 Reference Guide 12 Investigator Sheets 78 Health and 4 Ancient One Sheets
with Matching Tokens and Plastic Stands Sanity Tokens


13 en
c A
1 4 Culve
The r
16 19

• n investigator on

Sp n
Clue s
Ska : Each
A ction Cult
Sa cS

• your space r eco

vers 1
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Sanity. t 1
{is 1
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2 ro
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— the
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S an i
g prove ealth and

30 “1 Health”
B [
Legend PyramidS
• When 3 Mysteries
pat A spac
hs escity Se
have been solved,
Place 1t
amazon 20 investigators win the
the Myth
this sheet and resolve

12 “3 Health”
h e
a Frica
art oF Lo Influ Observ Stre Wi os 2 1 the world in
Stage 2 3 1 World
the “T isheDevoured!”
Bue oS ir re ence ation ngth ll
II: 1 hal
in eS l s
Stage 2 4 0 effect on
3 Ritual 11
15 II

3 3 2 2 3

24 “1 Sanity”
B eyprove
0 Bank Reserve }

Loan A 12

When perceforming an
Assets action, y
gain a Debt
Condition to
your to
test result.
add 2 successes

12 “3 Sanity”
122 Encounter Cards
51 Mythos Cards 16 Mystery Cards 43 Monster
8 America 8 Asia/Australia Tokens

34 normal, 9 epic
(21 yellow, 18 green, (4 backs, 4 each)
8 Europe 12 General and 12 blue)
12 Special
24 Other World (2 backs, 6 each)
14 Artifact Cards 20 Spell Cards
Blessing of De
Isis ll Condit

Deal —
Action:alTest [– Local Action:
pass, Common
1. Ifchoose
you that
space IfTest
you pass,. disc
investigator on does Some men
not have
have come

18 Expedition 32 Research 40 Asset Cards 36 Condition Cards

(6 backs, 3 each) (4 backs, 8 each)

20 Travel 30 Improvement 36 Clue Tokens 1 Mystery Token 1 Omen Token

Ticket Tokens Tokens

20 Eldritch Tokens
(8 train, 12 ship) (6 for each skill) 4 Rumor Tokens 4 Dice

1 Lead 1 Active
4 Reference Cards Investigator 9 Gate Tokens 1 Doom Token Expedition Token
Number of Spawn
Players ReferenceGates
Icon Token
2 Monster
1 1
Clues Surge

(see next page)
Overview Cards
Ac ionM caonvebe
^tic cThrav actel:
ttsetdioo Go que
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A s
t os
^ Comrepo nen t
r on your
Actions: Perform
space. Phase, as
the action

Mountains "OUBSDUJDB
may spend

Antarctica Side Board Prelude Cards Unique Research
Egypt Side Board
Asset Cards
Mystery Cards 7
(2 unique backs)
Focus Tokens
tice a chc c nnc
pcvaatvi esrin gl
oersona iof
hm isinnn
eenhf cot
W npkeeardet ttsn W hen

dbA sdaeepgi ma
ebre vw in s

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entu stmpiga
sa 2
rseenpl en tdor

Adventure Cards Ruins

(3 unique backs) Adventure Token Mystic Ruins Token

• 1 Egypt Side Board
• 1 Ancient One Sheet
• 2 Ancient One Sheet
• 148 Encounter Cards
• 8 Investigator Sheets
8 America 8 Europe with tokens and plastic stands
8 Asia/Australia 4 General • 154 Encounter Cards
6 Other World 4 America 4 Europe
6 Expedition (6 unique backs) 4 Asia/Australia 4 General
20 Special (4 unique backs) 6 Other World 16 Egypt
88 Research (5 unique backs) 16 Africa
• 14 Mystery Cards (5 unique backs) 12 Expedition (9 unique backs)
• 6 Mythos Cards • 8 Artifact Cards 40 Special (4 unique backs)
• 16 Asset Cards • 24 Condition Cards 48 Research (2 unique backs)
• 28 Spell Cards • 8 Monster Tokens (1 normal, 7 epic)
• 22 Mythos Cards • 6 Prelude Cards • 4 Artifact Cards
• 6 Health and Sanity Tokens (4 health, 2 sanity)
• 16 Asset Cards • 24 Spell Cards • 16 Condition Cards
• 35 Unique Asset Cards • 12 Mystery Cards (2 unique backs)
• 6 Adventure Cards • 12 Health and Sanity Tokens
MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS • 6 Clue Tokens • 20 Impairment Tokens
• 6 Gate Tokens 1 Adventure Token
• 1 Antarctica Side Board
• 1 Active Expedition Token
• 8 Investigator Sheets
• 122 Monster Tokens (7 normal, 5 epic)
with tokens and plastic stands
• 2 Ancient One Sheets
• 168 Encounter Cards
4 America 4 Europe SIGNS OF CARCOSA
4 Asia/Australia 4 General • 4 Investigator Sheets
6 Other World 16 Outpost with tokens and plastic stands
16 Mountains • 1 Ancient One Sheet
6 Expedition (3 unique backs) • 84 Encounter Cards
48 Research (2 unique backs)
4 America 4 Europe
24 Special (3 unique backs) 4 Asia/Australia 4 General
16 Antarctica Research 6 Other World
• 26 Mythos Cards • 8 Artifact Cards • 32 Condition Cards 6 Expedition
24 Research
• 16 Spell Cards • 6 Prelude Cards • 42 Unique Asset Cards 32 Special (3 unique backs)
• 16 Asset Cards • 4 Round Overview Cards
• 14 Mystery Cards (2 unique backs) • 24 Mythos Cards • 8 Mystery Cards • 4 Prelude Cards
• 12 Adventure Cards (3 unique backs) • 16 Asset Cards • 4 Artifact Cards • 16 Condition Cards
• 6 Clue Tokens • 8 Focus Tokens • 6 Gate Tokens • 12 Spell Cards Cards • 16 Unique Asset Cards
• 1 Mystery Token • 22 Monster Tokens (14 normal, 8 epic) • 8 Monster Tokens (6 normal, 2 epic)
• 1 Adventure Token • 20 Impairment Tokens

• 1 Ancient One Sheet
• 4 Investigator Sheets
with tokens and plastic stands
Using ExpansionS
• 86 Encounter Cards
When playing with the expansion(s), add all expansion components to
4 America 4 Europe
their respective decks or pools of Eldritch Horror components. Unless
4 Asia/Australia 4 General
otherwise instructed, use all components when playing with
6 Other World
20 Mystic Ruins (4 unique backs)
20 Special (2 unique backs)
24 Research (5 unique backs)
• 16 Asset Cards • 16 Spell Cards • 6 Adventure Cards Expansion iconS
• 4 Artifact Cards • 16 Condition Cards • 16 Condition Cards
• 6 Mystery Cards • 20 Mythos Cards • 4 Prelude Cards Expansion cards are marked with the respective expansion icons to
• 4 Round Overview Cards • 24 Unique Asset Cards distinguish them from the cards in the Eldritch Horror base game.
• 6 Monster Tokens (4 normal, 2 epic) • 1 Adventure Token These icons are shown here under their respective game box images.
• 10 Health and Sanity Tokens (6 Health, 4 Sanity) When used throughout this rulebook, these icons indicate
• 12 Focus Tokens • 1 Mystic Ruins Token expansion-specific rules.

Before playing each game, perform the following steps in order. The 5. DETERMINE ANCIENT ONE - As a group, players choose one of
setup diagram on the next page shows an example of these steps. the Ancient One sheets. Each Ancient One provides a different game
experience. For their first game, it is recommended players choose
Unless otherwise indicated by expansion-specific icons below, when “Azathoth,” as he is the most straightforward Ancient One. Place the
playing with expansions, add all expansion components to their chosen sheet face up (displaying a Doom value in the top left corner)
respective decks or token pools (or create additional decks/pools in near the game board and resolve any setup effects on the sheet.
the case of new components).
Before setup, players draw one random 6. CREATE MONSTER CUP - Take all non-epic Monster tokens and
Prelude card. These cards alter game setup place them in an opaque container such as a bowl, mug, or the cover of
and make each game feel unique. The card’s effect is resolved the game box (not shown in setup diagram). Then shake this container to
immediately after drawing the card, unless it specifies different randomize the Monster tokens.
timing, such as “after resolving setup.”
Do not place the Epic Monster tokens in the Monster cup. Epic
Monster tokens are marked by their red color and clipped lower-left
1. PLACE GAME BOARD - Unfold the game board and place it
corner (see “Epic Monsters”, page 18).
in the center of the play area within easy reach of all players.
If the Rise of the Elder Things Ancient One or the Doomsayer
While a side board is in play, “game board” refers to both the
from Antarctica Prelude card are to be used, set aside the
main board included in Eldritch Horror and the side board(s). following Monsters from the Monster cup:
“Side board” refers to the side board but not the main board. 1 Elder Thing 1 Giant Penguin
If the Rise of the Elder Things Ancient One or the Doomsayer 1 Proto-Shoggoth 1 Shoggoth
from Antarctica Prelude card are to be used, also lay out the If the Nephren-ka Ancient One or the Under the Pyramids
Antarctica side board. Prelude card are to be used, set aside the following
If the Nephren-ka Ancient One or the Under the Pyramids Monsters from the Monster cup:
Prelude card are to be used, also lay out the Egypt side board. 1 Mummy 1 Sand Dweller
1 Spawn of Sebak
2. ORGANIZE TOKENS Organize the tokens as listed below:
A. Create the Gate stack by randomizing the nine Gate tokens, 7. SEPARATE AND PLACE DECKS - Take all Research Encounter
placing them face down (common side up) in a stack within reach of cards, Special Encounter cards, and Mystery cards that do not
all players. correspond to the chosen Ancient One and return them to the game box
B. Create the Clue pool by placing the Clue tokens face down (see below). Those cards will not be used for this game.
(common side up) in a pile within reach of all players and randomize
If the Antarctica or Egypt side board(s) are in use, Cthulhu Research
include their respective Clue tokens (6 each) and Gate tokens (3 Encounter Cards
each) during the previous two steps. These correspond to locations
on the side board(s). Otherwise, return them to the game box.
C. Create the general token pool by taking all Health, Sanity,
Improvement, Travel Ticket, Eldritch, Mystery, and Rumor tokens as
well as any standard expansion tokens and place them in piles within Cthulhu Mystery Cthulhu Special
reach of all players. Cards Encounter Cards
Add all Focus tokens and the Adventure token to Each Ancient One has two unique decks of cards: the Mystery
the general token pool. deck and the Research deck. Some Ancient Ones also have a
Add all Impairment tokens and the Adventure token Special Encounter deck called out in their setup effect. Each card
to the general token pool. can be identified by an illustration of its corresponding Ancient
One on the card’s back.
one player to receive the Lead Investigator token. If they cannot Then separate all other cards as listed below and place them near the
decide, players assign this token to a random player as they see fit (for game board.
example, by rolling a die). - Shuffle all Expedition Encounter cards into a single deck,
Starting with the Lead Investigator and proceeding clockwise, each regardless of card back.
player chooses one investigator. He takes the corresponding - Shuffle the Spell cards and Condition cards into two separate decks.
Investigator sheet, then places the matching Investigator token on the Place these decks face up, with the top card’s name and artwork
game board space listed on the back of his Investigator sheet. visible.
- Set the Mythos cards aside for step 8. Then separate all other cards
Starting Space into decks by card back and shuffle each deck.
If the Rise of the Elder Things Ancient One or the Doomsayer
Starting Possessions from Antarctica Prelude card are to be used, also lay out the
1 Fishin
g Net As Outpost, Mountain, and Antarctica Research Encounter cards.
Silas Ma
Investigator Sheet Back If the Doomsayer from Antarctica, Cosmic Alignment, or
Under the Pyramids Prelude card is in use, shuffle and
4. RECEIVE STARTING POSSESSIONS, HEALTH & SANITY place the Adventure cards near the board. Otherwise, they are
Each investigator receives the starting possessions listed on the back returned to the game box.
of his Investigator sheet (see image above). He gains any Assets or
Spells listed by taking the matching card from the game box. Then he Shuffle and place the Unique Asset deck near the
takes a number of Health and Sanity tokens equal to his investigator’s standard Asset deck.
maximum Health and Sanity listed on the front of his Investigator If the Syzygy Ancient One or the Cosmic Alignment Prelude
sheet (see “Health and Sanity” on page 17). He places these tokens card is in use, shuffle and lay out the Mystic Ruins Encounter cards.
near his Investigator sheet. Otherwise, return them to the game box.

Setup Diagram for 2 Player Game

1 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

2a B Doom Track A

9b 9c


ack A

Icon Reference
Number of Players Spawn Gates

1 4

Spawn Clues
Monster Surge

16 19
Lo n d o n
Spawn Clue Tokens

2b San FranciSco
Improve |

Gain Incantation Spells iStanBuL
Improve ]

2 rome

Improve { tokyo
Defeat Monsters

the himaLayaS

7 Shanghai
3 Cultists
Improve [ 1 Azathoth
the PyramidS 17 {
B Legend A 10
The Daemon Sultan
— — • When the Omen advances to the green
After resolving the { test, space of the Omen track, advance Doom by

paths spaces lose 1 Health and defeat 1 for each Eldritch token on that space.
this Monster.
• When 3 Mysteries have been solved,
train city investigators win the game.
the amazon • When Azathoth awakens, flip this
Setup sheet and resolve the “The World is
uncharted wilderness Devoured!” effect on the back.
Place 1 Eldritch token on the
green space of the Omen track.
The Idiot God sits at the center of all things
ship sea spreading madness and death. Its seeds
Mythos Deck
the heart oF descend from the stars, threatening to crack
aFrica Stage I: 1 2 1 the world in half.
Stage II: 2 3 1
Stage III: 2 4 0


BuenoS aireS
Gain R itua l Spells
3 11

Omen of Devastation

The Nemesis Moon appears in the night sky, visible to

18 Sydney

all and heralding an imminent doom.
B Reserve A

Improve }

0 Bank Loan 2 Arcane Scholar 2 Spirit Dagger 4 Agency Quarantine 1 .38 Revolver
When an investigator closes a Gate that corresponds to the current
Omen, he may spend 1 Clue to place 1 Eldritch token on this card.
At the end of the Mythos Phase, if there are Eldritch tokens on this
card equal to half ~, solve this Mystery.
When performing an Acquire Ally Item — Weapon, magIcal Service Item — Weapon

Assets action, you may
gain a Debt Condition to
immediately add 2 successes to
Gain +1 [.
You may reroll 1 die when
Gain +1 { and +2 } during
Combat Encounters.
When you gain this card,
immediately choose a space.
Each Monster on the chosen
Gain +2 } during
Combat Encounters. antarctica
resolving a [ test.
your test result. space loses 4 Health.
Then discard this card.

Debt Blessing of Isis

Condition Spell

Deal — Common Ritual

Local Action: Test ]. Action: Test [–1. If you
If you pass, discard this card. pass, choose an investigator on
@: Some men have come your space that does not have
to collect on your debt. a Blessed Condition to gain a
Flip this card. Blessed Condition.
Then flip this card.

3 4 4
Silas Marsh Lily Chen
The Sailor The Martial Artist

path, or
• Action: Move 1 space along a Ship • Action: Spend any number of Health
then perform 1 additional action. Sanity, then recover an equal number
• If you are on a Sea space, investigators
2 Fishing Net Health or Sanity. Protective Lucky Rabbit’s
on your space roll 1 additional die when • When you improve a skill, you may
1 Amulet 1 Foot
resolving tests. immediately improve that skill again.
not carry that “I have been preparing to confront this
evil for
“Leave your fears on the docks, lads. I’ll
cargo. The wind is up! Full sail!” my entire life. My focus must be absolute.”

8 4
You may reroll 1 die when Item TrinkeT
resolving a } test during a Gain +1 { during Once per round, you may reroll
Combat Encounter. Combat Encounters. 1 die when resolving a test.
Reduce the damage of
Monsters you encounter by 1
to a minimum of 1.
Lore Influence Observation Strength Will

1 3 3 3 3

8. BUILD MYTHOS DECK - Follow the instructions at the bottom C. Place the Omen token on the green (comet) space of the Omen
of the Ancient One sheet to build the Mythos deck. See the “Building
Lore Influence Observation Strength Will track.
the Mytho2s Deck
2 4 gra3m on page 8.
2” dia D. Place the top four cards of the Asset deck face up in the four
slots of the reserve (at the bottom-left of the game board).
9. RESOLVE STARTING EFFECTS - Resolve the following E. Spawn the number of Gates indicated on the Reference card.
effects to complete setup: To spawn a Gate, take the top Gate token from the Gate stack and
A. Place the Reference card that corresponds to place it face up on the space indicated on the Gate token. Then draw
the number of players near the Mythos deck. one random Monster token from the Monster cup and place it on the
Players use the Reference card when resolving Icon
Mythos effects. Return all other Reference Number of layersF. Place the Active Spawn Gates
Expedition token on the space that corresponds

2 1
cards to the game box. Players to the illustration on the back of the top card of the Expedition
Encounter deck.
The Round Overview cards can be used to quickly reference G. Spawn the number of Clues indicated on the Reference card.
possible actions, encounters, and Mythos card effects. To spawn a Clue, take one random Clue token from the Clue pool
B. Place the Doom token on the space of the Doom trackSpawn Clues and place it face
listed on downSurge
Monster on the space indicated on the face of the Clue

1 1
the upper-left corner of the Ancient One sheet. For example, the token.
Azathoth sheet denotes that the Doom token starts on the “15” H. Finally, draw one Mystery card and place it near the Ancient
space of the Doom track. One sheet. Then resolve any “When this card enters play” effects on
that card.

Starting Doom


{ 1 Azathoth
1 The Daemon Sultan
— —
After resolving the { test,
• When the Omen advances to the green
space of the Omen track, advance Doom by
lose 1 Health and defeat 1 for each Eldritch token on that space.
1 The Daemon Sultan
— — • When the Omen advances to the green
After resolving the { test, space of the Omen track, advance Doom by
lose 1 Health and defeat 1 for each Eldritch token on that space.
this Monster.
• When 3 Mysteries have been solved,
investigators win the game.

buildinG Setup
the mythos d
• When Azathoth awakens, flip this
and resolve the “The World is
Devoured!” effect on the back.
Place 1 Eldritch token on the
Stage I
The2Idiot God 1sitsGreen,
at the 2center
Yellow, 1 things
of all Blue
The Wind-Walker
en south of the arctic
death. e with alien energies
ofi nritual culminated in their A Dar ourkhands
Pioaw er of the newspaper
Yg ythe Elder e Thi ngsdon
which that this
ou know that the police
gibbering lunatic
’t is that, ient
EAn Gu
article on ard nspage
the back that cannot be dispelled.strangers have
en unpleasant-looking
What you spoke
lucid lawy vEnt
was once
afterwar the smiling,inhuman
d, something our attention. An unexplained anama with a l rge collection
to this morning. “Collapsed,” his trembling
warehouse. emote outpost left no survivors. Faded From S ociety oks. There is
EvEntindicated empty air. “The worlds attacks
ead about two other similar can see and
hands mate Banking H ething unique about this placet the
collided, and the door collapsed!” FrominBthe adsame
to rWors Yeou
Mysterious rip apar
ws them

spreading madness and death. Its seeds

happening the globe are
that the forgotten cor ers of
vEnt , and a new

ealth for each

Mythos Deck
Condition he has, loses 1 Sanity for each Stars Aligned

that contains Instability
a Cultist Monster.

descend from the stars, threatening to crack

EvEnt Spawn 2 Monsters on the Active on his
Expedition space.
Discard each Gate that corresponds
to the current Omen and advance Doom
by 1 for each Gate discarded.

the world in half.

@: Advance the Omen by 1.

Stage I: 1 2 1
1 Stage II
Stage II: 2 3 1
3 2 Green, 3 Yellow, 1 Blue
Stage III: 2 4 0

Mythos Deck Composition Stage III

Green Yellow Blue on Ancient One Sheet 4 2 Green, 4 Yellow
Pile Pile Pile

During step 8 of setup, players build the Mythos deck. This bottom of the Ancient One sheet) and shuffling them
deck is built differently each game, based on the instructions together. Do not look at the cards at this time.
on the Ancient One sheet. To build this deck, perform the
following steps: 3. Then build stage II of the Mythos deck (following the same
steps as stage I) and place it under the stage I deck.
1. Separate all Mythos cards into three piles, based upon the
4. Finally, build stage III of the Mythos deck and place
color on the front of the card (green, yellow, and blue).
it under the stage II deck to create a single Mythos deck.
Shuffle each separately, and place them facedown.
Once created, do not shuffle this deck. Place the deck
2. Build stage I of the Mythos deck by taking random cards near the Ancient One sheet. Return all remaining Mythos
of the denoted colors and quantities (listed at the cards to the game box without looking at them.

objeCt of the GAme plAyinG the GAme

Eldritch Horror is a cooperative game. All players are on the Eldritch Horror is played over a series of game rounds. Each
same team and win or lose the game together. The round consists of three phases that are resolved in the
investigators’ ultimate goal is to banish the Ancient One from following order:
this world by solving Mysteries (see page 16).
1. Action Phase: Investigators perform actions to move
In addition, investigators need to deal with many threats and about the game board and prepare for the tasks ahead.
crises facing the world. These appear in the form of Gates
(which spawn Monsters and can awaken the Ancient One) and 2. Encounter Phase: Investigators fight Monsters or resolve
RUMOR Mythos cards (which harm investigators and can end the encounter cards on their current space.
game prematurely). 3. Mythos Phase: The Lead Investigator resolves one
Mythos card. These cards often advance the Doom token,
See “Winning the Game” on page 13 for more details.
spawn Gates, or raise other challenges that investigators
will need to overcome.

At the end of each Mythos Phase, the Lead Investigator may

pass the Lead Investigator token to any player of his
choice. Investigators then start a new game round beginning
with the Action Phase. Players continue resolving game
rounds until they have won or lost the game.

The back of the reference guide contains a quick reference of

these phases.

16 19
Spawn Clue Tokens

Gain Incantation Spells iStanBuL
Improve ]

Phase 1: Action Phase What Spaces Paths?

Improve { are and tokyo
Defeat Monsters
the himaLayaS
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6
During this phase, each investigator resolves up to two actions. The different types of spaces and paths are shown on the
Performing actions is the main way in which investigators "Legend" of the game board. Doom Track B A

move about the game board and acquire beneficial tcards and
he PyramidS
Tokens are often placed on SPACES of the game board. Spaces
17 Improve [

tokens (such as Asset cards and travel tickets).

10 include named locations (such as "Arkham"), as well as 13

numbered locations.

This phase starts with the Lead Investigator. He performs two 20

the amazon
actions of his choice, then the investigator to his left performs 1 London
two actions, and so on, until each investigator has performed Spawn Clue Tokens


his actions. the heart oF arkham 21

Gain Incantation Spells

During the Action Phase, investigators may perform the San FranciSco

following actions. The detailed rules for these actions Improve |


a are explained in the following sections. Examples of investigators on paths

Improve ]

BuenoS ireS

Gain R itua l Spells 2 rome

Each space is connected to at least one adjacent space by lines Improve {

^^ Travel 15
known as PATHS.
Each path has a type (color) that corresponds to a type of travel
^^ Rest
A ticket (see “Travel Action”).
the PyramidS
^^ Trade 12
B Legend A

paths spac
^^ Prepare for Travel train cit
A number of spaces on the main board and side board are

^^ Acquire Assets
uncharted wildernes connected by Local or Ship paths, allowing investigators to
ship se
move onto and off of the side board with the Travel action or
^ Component Actions any other effect that allows an investigator to move. t h
he eart oF

^ Focus A number of spaces on the Egypt side board are connected

to other spaces by
paths. Spaces connected by Local paths
uenoS ireS

Gain R itua l Spells

Important: Each investigator can perform each action


are so close to each other that moving between them does not

only once during a round. For example, an investigator require an action.

cannot perform two Rest actions. ^ During the Action Phase, an investigator may move along
B Reserve A
0 Bank Loan

any number of interconnected Local paths. 12

Travel Action Service

When performing an Acquire
• Each investigator may perform this movement only
once per round. antarctica
Assets action, you may

The investigator moves his Investigator token to any adjacent

gain a Debt Condition to
immediately add 2 successes to
your test result.

space (see “What are Spaces and Paths?” on the right). • This movement does not require an action but cannot
be performed by a Delayed investigator.
After moving, the investigator may spend any number of travel
^ Below is a list of spaces on the main board
tickets to move one additional space per ticket spent. connected by Local or Ship Paths.
Investigators can only spend Train Tickets to move along Train
• The Pyramids is connected to each of the following spaces
paths, and Ship Tickets to move along Ship paths (see “What are by a Local path: Alexandria, Cairo, Tel el-Amarna, and The
Spaces and Paths?” on right). See the “Action Phase Example” Bent Pyramid.
diagram on page 9 for an example of a Travel action. • The Heart of Africa is connected to The Nile River by a
Local path.
Moving to the Side Boards • Space 10 is connected to The Sahara Desert by a Local path.
Traveling to Antarctica can be a challenge. Below are the • Space 17 is connected to Cairo by a Ship path.
two options available to investigators to reach their destination.
^ Antarctica on the main board and Miskatonic Outpost on the Rest ACtion
side board are connected by a Local path. During the Action
The investigator recovers 1 Health and 1 Sanity (see “Health and
Phase, an investigator may move from Antarctica to Miskatonic
Sanity” on page 17).
Outpost or from Miskatonic Outpost to Antarctica.
• Each investigator may perform this movement only once An investigator cannot perform this action if there is a Monster
per round. on his space.
• This movement does not require an action but cannot be
performed by a Delayed investigator.
^ Alternately, when an investigator performs an Acquire
Assets action, he may spend two successes to move to Health Tokens Sanity Tokens
Miskatonic Outpost.

tRAde ACtion Component ACtions
The investigator may perform an action listed on one of
The investigator may trade possessions (Assets, Unique Assets,
his components (such as a card or his Investigator sheet).
Artifacts, Clues, Spells, and travel tickets) with another
These actions are preceded by the word “Action” in bold.
investigator on his space.
Although an investigator cannot perform a Component
action from a single component more than once each round,
pRepARe foR tRAvel ACtion he can perform component actions of different components.
If the investigator is on a City space, he gains one travel ticket
of his choice. The investigator cannot gain a Train Ticket unless Example: Lily Chen uses the action ability printed on her Investigator
there is at least one Train path connected to his space. sheet. Then, for her second action, she could perform an action printed
Likewise, he cannot gain a Ship Ticket unless there is at least on an Asset card she has.
one Ship path connected to his space.
If a player ever has more than two travel tickets, he must choose An investigator may also perform some actions using
two to keep and discard the rest. components held by other investigators on his space. These
actions are preceded by the phrase "Local Action" in bold.

Location Abilities
“I have been preparing to confront this
evil for
Ship Travel Ticket Train Travel Ticket Each space on themyAntarctica sidemust
entire life. My focus board has
be absolu te.”one or more

location abilities that affect investigators on that space.

ACquiRe Assets ACtion A space’s “Local Action” ability can be performed only by

If the investigator is on a City space, he may attempt to acquire

investigators on that space. Each investigator may perform the
“Local Action” ability of each space only once per round. 6 6
Asset cards from the reserve. He tests his Influence (]) by
rolling dice and gains Assets of his choice from the reserve with
total VALUE equal to or less than the number of successes rolled FOCUS ACtion
(see “Tests” on page 14). If he does not gain
Loreany cards, the
Some expansions introduce a new action that can be
Observation Strength
investigator may discard one card of his choice from the reserve. performed by any investigator. AsWill
an action, an investigator on
20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 any
12 space
11gains one
10 Focus
9 token.
8 7 6 5 4 3
After performing an Acquire Assets action, replace any cards

2 2
discarded or gained from the reserve by drawing replacement ^ $QLQYHVWLJDWRUPD\VSHQGRQH)RFXVWRNHQWRUHUROORQH
2 4 3
B Doom Track A
An investigator cannot perform this action if there is a RI)RFXVWRNHQVKHFDQVSHQGWRUHUROOGLFH
Monster on his space. 13

Action Phase Example


Spawn Clue Tokens 1
Silas Marsh
The Sailor

1 1 4

2 • Action: Move 1 space along a Ship

then perform 1 additional action.

3 • If you are on a Sea space, investigators
on your space roll 1 additional die when
resolving tests.
Improve ]
not carry that
“Leave your fears on the docks, lads. I’ll
cargo. The wind is up! Full sail!”
8 Improve {

San FranciSco the himaLayaS
Improve |
Gain Incantation Spells Lore Influence Observation Strength Will

1 3
3 3 3
8 the PyramidS 17
B Legend A 10

paths spaces
1. Silas Marsh is on San Francisco at the start of the
train city
4. For Silas’s second action, he decides to perform a Rest
Action Phase. Since he has the Lead Investigatorthe atoken,
mazon action to recover 1 Health and 1 Sanity. Since he already
Silas resolves his two actions first.
uncharted wilderness
has Sanity tokens equal to his maximum Sanity, he only
ship sea recovers the 1 Health. He takes 1 Health from the token
2. For Silas’s first action, he performs a Travel action. the heart oF
pool and places it by his Investigator sheet.
He moves from San Francisco to space 5. Silas has performed his two actions. The investigator to
3. During his Travel action, he decides to spend his Train his left may now perform two actions.
B a uenoS
Ticket to move one additional space along the Train

Gain R itua l Spells

3 11

path to Arkham. 15

B Reserve A
0 Bank Loan

9 12
Phase 2: Encounter Phase
During this phase, each investigator resolves one encounter. loCAtion enCounteRs
Encounters often involve reading a short narrative on an The investigator draws an encounter card matching his space’s
encounter card which can have positive and/or negative artwork or from the General Encounter deck. He resolves the
effects. effect that matches his current space, then discards the card.
This phase starts with the Lead Investigator. He resolves
an encounter, then the investigator to his left resolves an
encounter, and so on, until each investigator has resolved
one encounter.
During the Encounter Phase, if an investigator is on a space Asia/Australia General
America Europe
containing one or more Monsters, he must resolve a single
Combat Encounter against each Monster on that space, one at Investigators on the Antarctica or Egypt side boards
a time, in the order of his choice. If there are zero Monsters on have access to thematic encounters related to the Antarctic or
an investigator’s space, he instead resolves a location encounter Egyptian adventures.
or a token encounter of his choice as described in the sections ^ During the Encounter Phase, an investigator on Miskatonic
Outpost, Lake Camp, or Frozen Waste may encounter that
CombAt enCounteRs space by drawing an Outpost Encounter and resolving the
effect that corresponds to his space.
If an investigator is on a space containing one or more
^ During the Encounter Phase, an investigator on Snowy
Monsters, he must resolve a single Combat Encounter against
Mountains, City of the Elder Things, or Plateau of Leng may
each non-epic Monster on that space, one at a time, in the
encounter that space by drawing a Mountain Encounter and
order of his choice before encountering each epic Monster on
resolving the effect that corresponds to his space.
that space, one at a time, in the order of his choosing. Combat
Encounters are described in detail on page 17, 18. ^ During the Encounter Phase, an investigator on Alexandria,
The Bent Pyramid, or Cairo may encounter that space by
After an investigator resolves all Combat Encounters, if there drawing an Egypt Encounter and resolving the effect
are no Monsters in his space, he may resolve another that corresponds to his space.
5 14 encounter.
13 12 11 10 9 8 ^ 7During the6Encounter5Phase, an 4
investigator3on The Sahara
2 1
Desert, Tel el-Amarna, or The Nile River may encounter that
B Doom Track A space by drawing an Africa Encounter and resolving the effect
that corresponds to his space.

If an investigator has multiple types of Encounter cards that he

could draw,
13 he chooses which deck to draw from.
9 Example: An investigator is on Arkham. He can choose to draw a card from
either the General Encounter deck or the America Encounter deck. If he
chooses to draw a General Encounter card, he then resolves the “City” portion
of the card.
The text below each named space rome
on the game board lists the most16
14 Improve {

Lo n d on common effect found on its

tunguSka often
Rome encounters
Spawn Clue Tokens specific encounter cards.
improve the investigator’s
Will ({)
Gain Incantation Spells iStanBuL
Improve ]

the himaLayaS

Improve [
the PyramidS 17


token enCounteRs
Some tokens are placed on spaces of the game board and
provide additional encounter options for investigators on that

^ Clue tokens allow investigators to draw and resolve Mystic Ruins Mystic Ruins Token
Research Encounter cards. Encounter Card
^ Mystic Ruins Encounters are complex encounters that may require
an investigator to resolve multiple tests.
^ Each Mystic Ruins Encounter’s back indicates the space it
corresponds to.
Clue Token Research Encounter
Card ^ The Mystic Ruins token is placed on the space corresponding
to the top card of the Mystic Ruins Encounter deck. This space is
When an investigator encounters a Clue on the Antarctica side referred to as the “Mystic Ruins space.” If the top card of the
board, he does not resolve a Research Encounter for the chosen Mystic Ruins Encounter deck changes for any reason, move the
Ancient One. Instead, he draws and resolves an Antarctica Research Mystic Ruins token to the appropriate space.
^ During the Encounter Phase, an investigator on a space
An Antarctica Research Encounter is considered a Research
containing the Mystic Ruins token may encounter it by drawing
Encounter for all game effects. and resolving the top card of the Mystic Ruins Encounter deck.
When an investigator encounters a Clue on the Egypt side board,
he draws a Research Encounter for the chosen Ancient One and
resolves the effect that corresponds to his space’s type as normal.
^ Gate tokens allow investigators
to draw and resolve Other The Adventure cards in expansions represent the expeditions that
World Encounter cards. investigators can undertake for various rewards, such as retreating Doom
or advancing the active Mystery.

Ruins Under
Gate Token Other World Cosmic
the Stars
he true
Al ignment
long thought
of the standing
Encounter Card —beIIan ancient
When this card As an
London may
enters play,
When this place encounter, an
draw and resolve a
^ The Active Expedition token allows investigators to draw and Adve
Adventure is
on that
After resolving
encounter, he may

resolve Expedition Encounter cards. Adventure Card & Adventure Token

When an Adventure is drawn, the active investigator places it face up in
play and resolves that card’s “when this card enters play” effect.

Each Adventure has an effect that allows investigators to complete the

Active Expedition Expedition Adventure. When an Adventure is completed, the active investigator
Token Encounter Card resolves that card’s “when this Adventure is completed” effect, which
^ Rumor tokens allow investigators to resolve the encounter listed often includes drawing another Adventure representing the next chapter
on the RUMOR Mythos card that refers to that space. of the story. Then the active investigator discards the Adventure, any
A dozof astrsettled into
tokens on it, and any tokens placed by its effects.
Ponomical ren unpleasant-
looking streference
something about this
Thplace anamais ewith a
large collection

The ANTARCTICA Adventures are used only if the Doomsayer

OngOing —
As an encount
, an en
ir v

From Antarctica Prelude card is drawn at the beginning of the game.

these pt
estigator on
e 7 his

Rumor Token Rumor Mythos Adventures are split into three stages, shown as a trait on the card’s front
Card (I, II, III), and tell the story of the Miskatonic Expedition to Antarctica
that will uncover the history of the elder things.
^ Defeated Investigator tokens allow investigators to resolve the
encounter listed on the back of the defeated investigator's sheet (see The COSMIC ALIGNMENT Adventures are used only if the In
"Defeated Investigators" on page ??). Cosmic Alignment Prelude card is drawn at the beginning of the game.
m fine, darling. H
ynods hotel
ourself,thbes. room. G
strain all of
Set aside all Adventure cards to be used as instructed by the Prelude. The
COSMIC ALIGNMENT Adventures are split into four stages, shown as
possession theconvincin
As g as
she is, y e wn
c ’
1 o 8v e D
Lola I1m p.r Lola
D oom
after leav
If ycity
ou fail, the day
inlgle , she
1r srki

a trait (I, II, III, IV) on the cards’ fronts which will be called out during
ysosH, uert wounds. Whether
succumbs to her y
ro fAhouses.
worfor sold-out in discar ou pass or not,
Around the King “’s r
has perThe her in
to recoverbeing
owld, Lola play”drw sheent reaow
oversialmed of the, after
cever asylum,needed to
some time
“take, Loexhau stion.am herself outut this this worwn
atic rla
checked The trail of Lola
that she has ck. Bors
the that threaten to track possession
a differld.
Sdohe g to Tokyo into ’ s.s belongings
a der She’s on thelead

the game.
her big
she’ll play thes horrelin
le in trical ende
the only ’y for thea ytwringing
heater . G ou
the travrevious
started by
doavor. ain all of her

indicating a goat she’s killed;

Doom by 1. If you fail,
etreat into gibberish.
Lola ’s dialogue
Whether you

A Defeated Investigator After resolving setup, the In Cosmic Alignment Prelude instructs
Investigator Token Sheet back investigators to draw the Adventure for the first stage of the story,
Discovery of a Cosmic Syzygy.
The Mystic Ruins Encounter cards allow investigators to explore
strange and unexplained places around the globe. The MUSEUM HEIST Adventures are used only if the Under the
The Mystic Ruins Encounter cards are used only if Syzygy is the Pyramids Prelude card is drawn at the beginning of the game. Adventures
Ancient One or when using the In Cosmic Alignment Prelude card. are split into four stages, shown as a trait on the card’s front (I, II, III,
To setup the Mystic Ruins Encounter deck, shuffle all Mystic Ruins IV), and tell the story of the unfortunate Erich Weiss who has been
Encounter cards into a single deck. Then another player cuts the deck. framed for the theft of a valuable Egyptian relic.

Phase 3: Mythos Phase What are the Doom
During this phase, the Lead Investigator draws the top card of and Omen Tracks?
the Mythos deck. There are seven possible effects on a Mythos
card, and the Lead Investigator resolves them in the order they The DOOM TRACK measures the time remaining until the
appear (left to right, starting from the top). The order and Ancient One awakens (see page 19). When Doom
effects of each element are listed below: ADVANCES, move the Doom token toward the “0” space of
the Doom track. When Doom RETREATS, move the Doom
token away from the “0” space of the Doom track.
Advance Move the Omen token one space clockwise
Omen around the track. Then advance Doom by one The OMEN TRACK’S purpose is to advance Doom. When
for each Gate on the game board that matches the Omen token advances, investigators advance Doom by 1
the Omen token’s current space (see “What are for each Gate on the game board that matches the current
Omen symbol.
the Doom and Omen Tracks?”)
Advancing Doom Advancing Omen
Resolve Resolve all effects preceded by a @ icon on
Reckoning components in play. These components are
Effects 2 1 0
marked with a red reckoning icon in the
10 9 8 lower-right
7 corner as 6 a visual reminder.
5 4 3
Resolve these effects in the following order:
Monsters, Ancient One sheet, ONGOING Retreating Doom
B Doom Track A
Mythos cards, and lastly investigator
possessions and Conditions.


ack A
Spawn Spawn a number
13 of Gates as defined by the
Gates Reference card (see “Spawning Gates” on the
right). When an effect spawns a Gate, take the top Gate token from
20 19 the
18 Gate 17
stack and
16 place 15
it faceup14on the13space indicated
12 11on the10 9
Gate token.
Monster At each gate that matches the Omen token’s B Doom Track
Surge current space, spawn the number of Monsters When a Gate is spawned, a Monster is spawned on the same
listed on the Reference card
14 space (see “Spawning Monsters” on page 13).
(see “Spawning Monsters” on page 13).
16 If 19
London there are no matching Gates currently on the tunguSka 9
Spawn Clue Tokens game board, spawn one Gate instead.


Spawn a number of Clues as defined by the 1 4

Clues Reference card

nBuL“Spawning Clues” on arkham
page 13). Improve ] Gain Incantation Spells

Lo n d o n
A Gate and Monster that have been spawned on Arkham Spawn Clue Tokens
rome 5

Improve Rumor
{ Place a Rumor token on the space listed (see San FranciSco tokyo
Token “Rumors” on page 19). Improve |
Defeat Monsters
the himaLayaS
2 rome
Improve {

Place Eldritch Place the listed number of Eldritch tokens on

Tokens this Mythos card. W
Improve [
are Gates?
the PyramidS 17

Gate tokens represent tears in the fabric of reality. These

B Legend A gateways can lead to other worlds, dimensions, or even points in

Lightning cracks across the sky.
You have
good you’ve
a sinking dread that all the undone.
accomplished is about to be
If the card has the EVENT trait listed above time. These dangerous anomalies allow deadly powers into our

Effect A Dark Power

the text effect, immediately resolve the
paths spaces
world, such as Monsters and eventually even the Ancient Ones.
EvEnt effect and then discard the card. If it has train city

Gates are the main way that Doom advances (see the “Advance
the amazon
Each Monster recovers all Health.

the ONGOING trait, place it in play near the

Then each investigator immediately
encounters each Monster on his space
in the order of his choice. uncharted wilderness 20
Ancient One sheet. It remains in play until Omen” step of the Mythos Phase). To prevent Doom from
advancing (and the Ancient One from awakening), investigators
heart oFby a game effect.
ship sea
aFrica need to resolve Other World Encounter cards to close (discard)
Investigators resolve only the effects displayed on the current
Mythos card. For example, if the Mythos card does not have the BuenoS aireS
spawn clues icon, investigators do not resolve the spawn clues step. 3
Gain R itua l Spells


B Reserve A
0 Bank Loan 12 12
18 Sydney
spAwninG monsteRs
When an effect spawns a Monster, draw one random Monster token

Winning Game
from the Monster cup and place it on the space indicated by the
effect. the
If the Monster has the spawn icon, look at the back
of the Monster token and resolve its effect Investigators immediately win the game if they solve three of the
immediately after spawning it (for example, “When Ancient One’s Mysteries. If the Ancient One awakens, investigators
this Monster is spawned, move it to Heart of will also need to solve the Final Mystery in order to win the game
Spawn Icon (see page 19).
on a Monster
Omen of

What Monster Cup?


is the
T he Nemesis Moon appears in the
sky,and heralding
visible to an
imminent doom.

When an investigator closes a Gate that corresponds to the current Omen, he

may spend 1 Clue to place 1 Eldritch token on this card.
At the end of the Mythos Phase, if there are Eldritch tokens on this card equal
to half ~, solve this Mystery.

During setup, players choose any opaque container, such as

the game box lid, to serve as the Monster cup. When a Azathoth Mystery Azathoth Mystery
Monster is spawned, one player draws a random Monster Card Back Card Front
token from the Monster cup without looking. When a
Monster is defeated or dicarded return it to the Monster Investigators lose the game if any of the following occur:
cup. Then shake the container to randomize the Monster
tokens. ^ If the Doom token reaches the “0” space of the Doom
0 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 track,
11 the Ancient
10 One9awakens. The8 back of7the Ancient6 One 5 4
sheet lists how investigators can lose the game (see “The
spAwninG Clues Ancient One B Awakens” on page 19).
When an effect spawns a Clue, take one random Clue token from Doom Track A
the Clue pool and place it face down on the space indicated on the ^ All investigators have been eliminated from the game.
Clue token.
^ A card effect causes investigators to lose the game. This
most frequently appears on some RUMOR Mythos
13 cards.

^ The investigators are required to draw a Mythos card but
arkham cannot because the Mythos deck is empty.
Gain Incantation Spells

This Clue is placed on Arkham

What Clues?


L on d on
Spawn Clue Tokens
Clue tokens represent secrets5
and lore about the Ancient
San FOne.
r a nci S Investigators
co can collect these tokens by resolving
Research Encounters (see page 11).
Improve |
Investigators use Clues to solve Mysteries (see page 16), Improve ]

solve Rumors (see

page 19), and to reroll dice during tests
2 (see page 14). rome
Improve {

Ramsa t
From: age fro
C h a mber ll ow in g mess c t o b er
ck the fo lin on O
To: Bla c e p t e d in B e r f u l.
inter ber ccess
o u r W atches ht Lodge Mem ve been unsu
One of ver Tw

own Sil l attempts to the PigyramidS rity.

est prio
B Legend A a kn it ia o u r h h
r in ly
8th. Ou

e t h is puef medv
giv p
paths spaces ee i d u
fkce cbbevm cugvml
equu u jv v
umvl bfmcrb rpfgme spuee
train city
eevl ru cq q
e j c ufre vugmjc ugeubj emecrbv gyquo
the amazon g g d al u qf
delw suvgfi gfigdv gfigijp cfkegm yggre
g e d d s
charted wilderness vfvm rbicqu rbejrp alugrge fcpvlv
c u c e
lfmm mcrblu lugrss drhjcer
m e f g m a p h
iu d p f k p m p
c dp
ship sea vlea ufrrde
a this. Contact our
the heart oF

We’ll need a keywlodorged .toDounnoloct kuse the Watches.


agent within the

-Scarborough ighly c
nd h dge of it
ecret a
BuenoS aireS
Gain R itua l Spells
m e n t is top s ent or knowle clearance
cu m ity
This do n of this doc15u essary secur .
3 11

s s e s s io t h e n e c d e a th
t s w it hout n is h a ble by
conten u
ason, p
t of tre
is an ac
B Reserve A
ank Loan
skill valUes
Additional Rules
Silas Marsh
Some effects in Under the Pyramids, such as Harvey The Sailor Walter’s action ability
or Rex Murphy’s passive ability, reference an investigator’s path,
skills as a
• Action: Move 1 space along a Ship
value. A skill’s value is equal to its printed value
then perform as
1 additiona modified
l action. by
This section lists all other rules needed to play the game. Improvement tokens and Impairment • If you are on a Sea space, investigators
your space roll 1 additional die when
resolving tests.
not carry that
“Leave your fears on the docks, lads. I’ll
^ A skill’s value is not affected by bonuses from possessions
cargo. The wind is up! Full sail!”

or other effects, since those effects are applied only when resolving
a test. 8
Many effects require investigators to resolve a TEST. To resolve a test, For example, Rex Murphy has a printed ] of 3 and a single “+1 ]”
the investigator rolls dice to determine whether he passes or fails the Improvement token. As such, his ] value is 4 (3 from its printed value plus 1
test. Passing tests often provides benefits to the investigator, while from his Improvement token). The bonus to ] that Rex would gain from the
Personal Assistant Asset does not affect the skill’s value.
failing tests often have negative side effects.
To resolve a test, the investigator rolls a number of dice equal to his
value in the listed skill, taking into account any effects that add or impRovement tokens
subtract from his skill. Investigators roll a minimum of 1 die on each These tokens represent an investigator’s training in
test. particular skills. When an effect allows an investigator Lore
If he rolls at least one SUCCESS (a “5” or a “6”), he PASSES the to improve a skill, he gains an Improvement token Improvement
test. If he does not roll any successes, he FAILS the test. The number with the matching icon and places it below his Token
of successes rolled is called the TEST RESULT. Investigator sheet with the “+1” side up.
When an investigator passes or fails a test, he follows the original If he improves that skill a second time, he flips that token to the
effect’s instructions for the matching result. “+2” side. An investigator’s skill is equal to the value printed on his
Example: Lily Chen has an “Arcane Tome” Asset card which reads: “When you sheet plus the value of the matching Improvement token.
perform a Rest action, you may test [. If you pass, gain 1 Spell.” When resting,
Lily resolves this test using her Lore ([) of 2. She rolls 2 dice with results of “1” impAIRment tokens
and “3.” Since she did not roll a “5” or “6,” she fails the test does not gain a These tokens represent a new mechanic that interacts with
Spell. Improvement tokens and investigators’ skills. Impairment tokens
An investigator can use only one card effect that provides a skill bonus represent a permanent impairment to an investigator’s skills.
during each test (for example, an Asset that reads “Gain +1 [”). If ^ When an investigator impairs a skill, he gains an Impairment
he has multiple card effects that provide a bonus, he uses the highest token for that skill with the “–1” side up.
bonus. • If an investigator already has an Impairment token for that skill,
he flips that token to the “–2” side instead. Each “–2”
Impairment token counts as two “–1” Impairment tokens.
tests on CARds ^ Improvement tokens and Impairment tokens negate one another.
On many cards, tests are declared using their skill icon embedded in
parenthesis following a short narrative. When an investigator is If an investigator has both an Improvement token and an
resolving an effect that includes a skill icon in the text, he must Impairment token for the same skill, he discards both tokens.
immediately test that skill. The test declaration may also indicate a ^ An investigator cannot impair a skill if doing so reduces that skill's
modifier (such as “–1”), which causes the investigator to roll more or modified value to below 1.
fewer dice in the test.
• An investigator cannot choose to impair a skill if doing so would
Note that most gameplay terms are capitalized on cards to help reduce that skill’s modified value to below 1.
differentiate them from narrative text.
^ An investigator cannot impair a single skill more than twice.
• An investigator cannot choose to impair a skill if that skill has
ReRollinG diCe already been impaired twice.
Immediately after rolling dice during a test, an investigator may spend
a Clue token to re-roll one die. He may perform this multiple times, as
long as he spends a Clue token each time. He determines whether he Complex enCounteRs
passed or failed after resolving all rerolls. Expedition Encounters, Other World Encounters, and Special
Encounters are rewarding but dangerous adventures called complex
encounters. Each of these cards has three effects. To resolve these
encounters, an investigator first resolves the initial effect (the top box
What are Skills? of the card). Depending upon the result of this effect, he immediately
resolves one of the other two effects. Great
If he passes the test in the initial
of Initial Effect
You are stunned

Each investigator has five different skills listed on the bottom of

face reading
dark sorcery.
a familiar
Celae through tomes
You try to catch a
his Investigator sheet. The number below each skill is the effect, he resolves the card’s pass Pass Effect
You learn what he’s
that he has opened a

effect. If he fails the test, he resolves

been reading and realize

number of dice the investigator rolls when resolving a test (see

portal between worlds;

“Tests” above). the card’s fail effect. He resolves the Fail Effect
He spots you and

entire effect in the appropriate

unleashes a torrent of
arcane 1

box (which may involve additional tests), then discards the card.
Lore Influence Observation Strength Will
If an Other World Encounter card instructs an investigator to “close
this Gate,” he discards the Gate token from his space. After
1 3 3 3 3 resolving an Expedition Encounter, the investigator moves the
Active Expedition token to the space that matches the newly-
Skills listed on an Investigator sheet revealed top card of the Expedition Encounter deck.

20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5

B Doom Track A


Other World 9
Gaining Possessions
Encounter Example and Conditions
1 4
Investigators frequently gain Assets, Artifacts, Unique Assets, Spells,
Great Hall
of Celaeno
1 and Conditions. When an investigator gains a card or14token, he places
You are stunned to see a familiar it face up near his Investigator sheet. 16
face reading through tomes
of dark sorcery. You try to catch a
nd Lo on
glimpse of what he’s reading without alerting
him to your presence (|–1).
Spawn Clue Tokens

San FrYou
anciSco Silas Marsh Spells and Conditions
learn what he’s been reading and realize
The Sailor arkham
rovehe| has opened a portal between worlds;
close this Gate. Afterward, you examine the Spell and Condition cards are unique in that they have hidden information
book that he was reading ([). If you pass,
gain 1 Clue or 1 Spell. If you fail, you’ve never
encountered such horrors before; lose 2 Sanity.
Gain Incantation Spells
• Action: Move 1 space along a Ship
path, on the back of their cards. When a player gains a Spell or Condition card,
Improve ]
then perform 1 additional action.
• If you are on a Sea space, investigators he can only look at the front of the card.
on your space roll 1 additional die when
resolving tests.
“Leave your fears on the docks, lads. I’ll
not carry that rome
Debt Blessing of Isis
He spots you and unleashes a torrent of arcane
energy that tears at your mind. Lose 3 Sanity
unless you spend 1 Clue.
5 cargo. The wind is up! Full sail!”
Condition Improve { Spell

8 4
Deal — Common Ritual
Lore Influence Observation Strength Local Action: Test ].
Will Action: Test [–1. If you
If you pass, discard this card. pass, choose an investigator on
7 @: Some men have come your space that does not have
to collect on your debt. a Blessed Condition to gain a

1 P
Blessed Condition.

3 t
Flip this card.

he yramidS
B Legend A 3 3 10
Then flip this card.

paths spaces 3 Condition Spell Card

train city
Card Front Front
4 the amazon The card describes when an investigator must flip it, at which
uncharted wilderness point he immediately resolves the back of the card.

ship 1. Silas Marsh

sea is on a space containing a Gate token
the heart oF
during the Encounter Phase. UNIQUE ASSETS aFrica
Some expansion encounters reward investigators with various Unique
2. He decides to encounter the Gate, and draws a card from Assets. Like Spells or Conditions, Unique Assets are double-sided cards.
the Other World Encounter deck. He resolves An investigator cannot look at the back of Unique Assets unless an
the initial effect, and comes upon "“|
( –1).” This means effect allows him to.
that he needs to test his Observation. BuenoS aireS
Gain R itua l Spells
^ Unique Assets are possessions
11 and may be traded using the Trade
3. He takes his investigator’s skill in Observation (3) action. There is no limit to the number of Unique 15Assets an investigator
and applies the test’s modifier (–1). can have.
^ “Asset” refers to both Assets and Unique Assets. “Non-Unique
4. He does notBhave any abilities
Reserve A or possessions that Asset” refers to Assets but not Unique Assets.
0 Bank Loan further modify this value, so he rolls 2 dice.
^ When a Unique
12 Asset is discarded, also discard all tokens on it
5. He did not roll a “5” or “6” and, therefore, fails the
test. He resolves the fail effect that causes him to lose 3
When performing an Acquire Sanity unless he spends 1 Clue. He then discards the
Assets action, you may
gain a Debt Condition to
immediately add 2 successes to
your test result.
Other World Encounter card.

the HARRY HOUDINI delAyed investiGAtoRs
ashed Investigators can become Delayed by various effects. A
datory Delayed investigator cannot perform actions.
uards by Rex Murphy
Investigative Reporter
When an investigator becomes Delayed, he tips his
killed, Investigator token on its side to remember that he is
from — Vaudeville
Delayed. Instead of performing actions during the Action
, the continues to Phase, he stands up his Investigator token and is no
sensation Harry Houdini
s thrilling escape longer Delayed.
sweep the nation with hi
ing stunt from
was left acts. Since his heart-pound
h he was buried
d arm a few years back in whic
s skyrocketed,
e stone alive, his popularity ha
evening and
d over. with sold out shows every
too! We at the A Delayed Investigator’s Token
, police a book on the market,
fortune recently
aged to Advertiser had the great
n the city — on lOst in time and spaCe
ng one to see Houdini perform i
ed we publish The Lost in Time and Space Condition affects investigators
h. The his dime, no less, provid differently than other Conditions. When an investigator gains a
and boy, was it
to cut this review in return — Lost in Time and Space Condition, he resolves the following
kicked off with
ccording a treat! The performance effects:
rture Cell” act,
ean cut. his legendary “Water To ^ He removes his Investigator token from the game board.
every which way
vent the in which he was tied up
a tank of water,
^ He passes the Lead Investigator token to another
gerprints, and held upside-down in investigator, if able.
later, completely
istinctive only to escape moments ^ He discards any Detained Condition he has.
a joy to behold,
unharmed! Truly, it was
While an investigator has a Lost in Time and Space Condition,
show, we even
and near the end of the
he follows the rules below:
only a w act in which
got to see a curious ne ^ He cannot move or perform actions.
of telepathy to
missing he harnessed the power ^ He does not occupy any space on the game board, nor
ding to his beloved wife,
read the very thoughts of
does he occupy the same space as tokens or other
e stolen Bess. Astounding!
investigators. This includes other investigators that have
Lost in Time and Space Conditions.
he most
^ He is unaffected by effects of Mythos cards, @ effects, or
any other game effects except those of his Lost in Time
and Space Condition.
^ His Investigator’s passive ability cannot be resolved and
does not affect other elements of the game.
^ He cannot spend resources as a part of a group.
^ An investigator cannot give the Lead Investigator token
to another investigator that has a Lost in Time
and Space Condition.
^ If a Lost in Time and Space Condition effect would “spawn
1 Gate” and there are no Gates in the Gate stack or
discard pile, he chooses one Gate on the game board
^ An investigator that has a Lost in Time and Space
Condition loses the game if investigators lose the game,
and he wins the game if investigators win the game.

Jim Culver
The Musician

• Action: Each investigator on your space
and Sanity Encountering Defeated Investigators
recovers 1 Sanity.
Investigators may encounter a defeated investigator’s token in
• Investigators on your space roll 1 additio
Each investigator starts the game with Health and Sanity
die when resolving tests during Comb
at order to retrieve its possessions and possibly retreat doom.
tokens equal to his maximum
not quiet at all. Dead folks get downrig
ht Health and Sanity, respectively.
rambunctious when I play my horn.” If an investigator is on the same space as a defeated
Maximum Health investigator’s token during the encounter phase, he may resolve
Maximum Sanity one of the encounters on the back of the defeated investigator’s
7 5 sheet. He resolves the “Crippled” encounter if the Investigator
token has a Health token on it or the “Insane” encounter if the
Investigator token has a Sanity token on it.
fluence Observation Strength Will
When an effect causes an investigator to lose Health or Sanity, Silas had hidden his belongings in the
prearranged cache, but the man himself
Crippled Encounter
he discards Health or Sanity tokens from his Investigator sheet.
is nowhere to be found. Gain all of his
possessions. You search local hospitals
filled with the unidentified dead or dying

3 2
Australia |


If an investigator recovers Health or Sanity, he gains Health et
g Net Ass
1 Fishin
Silas Mar

and Sanity tokens from the token pool. An investigator cannot in Innsmou
Even as a childthe sea. He’s an able
and well
a special
th, Silas had -reasoned man
sses a singular every port
connection on the ocean he posse

have more Health or Sanity than his maximum. on land, but

earned him
tation in
a sterling repu where Silas set
and wit. It’s e, particularly in Sydnthe smell of the brin
across the glob t. But this morning e is something in his
y You find Silas and gain all of his
possessions. He has grown pale, and his
Insane Encounter
e last nigh y. Ther breath has become a loud wheeze. He
tells you, “I’m a Marsh. It’s in my blood.
Not long now, I’ll join my family, down

Defeated Investigators
When an investigator has zero Health or Sanity, he is
immediately defeated and resolves the following steps: After resolving this encounter, remove the defeated Investigator
token and Investigator sheet from the game. That investigator
1. Advance Doom: Advance Doom by 1. cannot be used for the remainder of the game.

2. Relocation: Move the Investigator token to the nearest

City space. Then lay the Investigator token on its side and
Devoured Investigators
place a Health token on it to indicate the investigator has Some game effects cause investigators to be devoured. When
lost all Health, or place a Sanity token on it to indicate the an investigator is devoured, he is considered defeated but only
investigator has lost all Sanity. follows steps 1 and 4 of “Defeated Investigators” on the left.
He then discards all Conditions, possessions, Health, Sanity,
and Improvement tokens and removes his Investigator sheet
and token from the game. At the end of the Mythos Phase, he
chooses a new investigator as described on the left.

A Defeated Investigator’s Token

Combat Encounters
3. Collect Possessions: The investigator discards all Condition Resolving Combat Encounters is the main way in which
cards, Health, Sanity, and Improvement tokens and places investigators can defeat Monsters to remove them from the
his possessions (Assets, Artifacts, Spells, Clues, and travel game board.
tickets) on his Investigator sheet. He places the sheet and
possessions out of the way; they will be needed if an When encountering a Monster, the investigator flips the
investigator encounters this defeated investigator. Monster token facedown and reads the information on the
back of the token. He then resolves two tests, first a will
4. Pass Lead Investigator: If the defeated investigator has test and then a strength test, to determine the result of the
the Lead Investigator token, he must pass the token to an Combat Encounter.
investigator of his choice.
Will Horror
After resolving the steps above, investigators continue resolving Test
the current phase of the game. Toughness
Test Damage
ChoosinG A new investiGAtoR
If an investigator is defeated, the player controlling that
investigator chooses a new investigator at the end of the Mythos
Phase. To choose a new investigator, he chooses any unused
Investigator and follows steps 3-4 of setup on page 5. Monster Token Back

will test physicAl rEsistAncE
The investigator resolves the Will ({) test listed on the Monster token. Some Monsters and Epic Monster in this expansion have the Physical
If the Monster’s HORROR is greater than the number of successes Resistance ability. When resolving a Combat Encounter against a
rolled (“5”s and “6”s), the investigator loses Sanity equal to the Monster with the Physical Resistance ability, an investigator cannot
difference (see “Combat Example” below). apply any bonus to his die pool except from MAGICAL possessions
and Spells.
stRenGth test Effects that allow the investigator to re-roll dice or manipulate dice
The investigator resolves the Strength (}) test listed on the Monster results can be used as normal.
If the Monster’s DAMAGE is greater than the number of successes
rolled, the investigator loses Health equal to the difference (see epiC monsteRs
“Combat Example” below).
Some Monsters are so powerful or
The Monster loses Health equal to the number of successes rolled. unmanageable that they are immune to some
Indicate this by placing Health tokens on the Monster token. When a effects. Epic Monsters are treated like Monsters
Monster has lost Health equal to or greater than its TOUGHNESS, for all effects except that they cannot be
the Monster is defeated and returned to the Monster cup. moved, discarded, or returned to the Monster
An Epic Monster
If the investigator did not defeat the Monster, it remains on his space
17 16
along with any15 14
Health tokens on it. 13 12 11Monster cannot
An Epic 10be defeated unless9 it has lost Health
8 equal to its 7
toughness, at which point it is returned to the game box.
AltErnAtE comBAt tEsts Epic Monsters are spawned by specific effects that call
If a Monster has another skill icon in place of either the { or } test B Doom Track Athem out by
name and are never placed in the Monster cup.
indicators, the player tests the indicated skill in place of the skill it
mAgicAl rEsistAncE Ambush
Some Monsters and Epic Monster in this expansion have the Magical
Resistance ability. When resolving a Combat Encounter against a Some effects cause investigators to encounter Monsters that are not 13
Monster with the Magical Resistance ability, an investigator cannot on the game board. When an effect says “A Monster ambushes you,”
apply any bonus to his die pool from MAGICAL possessions or the investigator draws one random Monster from the Monster cup
Spells. 9 and immediately encounters it in combat. After resolving combat, he
Effects that allow the investigator to reroll dice or manipulate dice returns the Monster to the Monster cup (even if he did not defeat it)
results can be used as normal. and continues resolving the effect that caused the ambush.

Lily Chen

Combat Example
The Martial Artist

• Action: Spend any number of Health
Sanity, then recover an equal number
Health or Sanity.
• When you improve a skill, you may

immediately improve that skill again.
evil for

o n d on
“I have been preparing to confront this
my entire life. My focus must be absolute.”

h 2 4
Spawn Clue Tokens 6 6

1 .38 Revolver iStanB

Gai ncantat
ionSpells 6 Lor
Observation Streng
Improve ]

Item — Weapon
Gain +2 } during
Combat Encounters. 2 4ome 3
5 Improve {

1.During the Encounter Phase, Lily Chen is on the same 5.Lily resolves a } test. She has a } of 4. She applies
space as a Monster and must encounter it in combat. the Monster’s modifier (–1) and gains a bonus from
her “.38 Revolver” (+2), so she rolls 5 dice.
2. Lily flips the Monster token over. It does not have
any effects that are resolved during combat. 6. She rolls 1 success, and subtracts it from the Monster’s
damage ( ) of 1. Since she rolled a number of successes
3. 7Lily resolves a { test. She has a { of 3. The Monster
equal to its damage, she does not lose any Health.
does not list a modifier, so she rolls 3 dice. the PyramidS
4. She rolls 1 success and subtracts it from the Monster’s
horror ( ) of 2. She loses 1 Sanity (equal to the Since she rolled 1 success, the Monster loses 1 Health.
difference). She places 1 Health token on the Monster. Its toughness
is 2, so it is not defeated and her encounter ends.

the amazon
RUMOR Mythos cards often place Rumor tokens on ^ If the active Mystery requires an Epic Monster to be defeated,
specific spaces of the game board. An investigator on place two Health on the card. The Epic Monster’s toughness is
a space containing a Rumor token can encounter the reduced by one for each Health on the active Mystery.
token during the Encounter Phase. To do so, he
resolves the effect on that Mythos card instead of Rumor Token ^ If the active Mystery requires an investigator to spend one
resolving an encounter card. or more Clues, place one Clue from the Clue pool on the card.
Any investigator may spend Clues placed on the active Mystery
When a Mythos card is “solved,” discard the card along with any
tokens on it, then discard the corresponding Rumor token from when resolving an effect of that card.
the game board.

How do you determine a random Space?

the AnCient one AwAkens
Some effects found on RUMOR Mythos cards and When the Doom token reaches the “0” space of the Doom track, the
Mysteries place tokens on a “random space.” Whenever Ancient One AWAKENS. Flip the Ancient One sheet and
immediately resolve the “Awakens” effects (if any) on the upper-left
an effect refers to a random space, that space is
corner of the sheet. This sheet remains face down for the rest of the
determined by drawing one Clue token from the Clue game, and its effects replace those found on the front of the sheet
pool and using the space indicated by the back of the (including Cultist information). The back of the Ancient One sheet
token. The drawn Clue token is then discarded. also describes how the investigators can lose the game.

Mysteries Awakens
Battle in the
Final Final
Effect Epic ns!
Spawn the Shub- Mystery
The feral mother of all
In order to win the game, investigators need to solve three Mysteries. Monster on
space. Then
a monstrosities has manifested! She is
an enormous cloud from which
Each Ancient One has its own deck of Mystery cards with a unique move all dozens of tentacles extend and

set of tasks that the investigators must resolve.

retract. Wherever she goes

When the Shub-Niggurath

During setup, draw one Mystery card and place it faceup next to the is defeated,
Epic Monsterthe Final

Ancient One sheet. Each card lists how investigators can solve that
Mystery is solved

Mystery. As soon as a Mystery is solved, immediately draw a new

Mystery card from the deck and place it faceup on top of the old Black Goat of the

Mystery card. • Each

With a Thousand
time Doom would
Cultis advance, spawn 1 Monster on

Seed of the Daemon A Completed — ts — the space containing the Shub-

Niggurath Epic Monster. Then, Effects
Mystery Card }–2
if there are 6 or more Monsters

Aslowly Omen
strangeburrow itselfof
green comet deeper intofrom
has fallen
Cultist 2
1@ : Move this
space toward the
• on that space (including the
Shub-Niggurath Epic

the sky.
earth.Even after the impact, the Monster 1
meteorite continues to

y token
T he N emesis M oon appears
When this card enters play, place
to on all
in thethe
and heralding an imminent doom.
night sky, visible
The Active
As anforencounter, animpact
in theon Tunguska may If
Mystery Card
search signs of the dead forest (|).
he passes, he discoversattempt to green meteorite; he
the strange
may spend 2 Clues to place 1 Eldritch token on this
When an card
to half ~,asolve
closes G atethis
esponds to
Back of an Ancient One Sheet
At the theend
of the Omen,
Mythos he mayif spend
Phase, 1 Eldritch
there are Clue to place 1
tokens Eldritch
on thistoken on this card.
At the end of the Mythos Phase, if there are Eldritch
tokens on this card equal to half ~, solve this Mystery.

eliminAted plAyeRs
As soon as three Mysteries are solved, investigators win the game. If
the Ancient One awakens, investigators need to solve the Final
After the Ancient One has awakened, when an investigator is
Mystery in addition to three Mystery cards (see “Final Mystery” on defeated or devoured, the player controlling that investigator
the right). is ELIMINATED. Eliminated players do not select a new
investigator to control and can no longer participate in the
Mountains of Madness and subsequent game.
expansions introduce a new mechanic: If all players are eliminated, investigators lose the game.
“advance the active Mystery.” Due to the complexity of Mysteries,
this can result in a number of different effects. When investigators
are instructed to advance the active Mystery, the active investigator finAl mysteRy
resolves one of the following effects that applies: Once the Ancient One awakens, it is much more difficult
^ If the active Mystery requires one or more tokens to be placed for investigators to win the game. Each Ancient One sheet
on the card, place one token of that type on the card. describes one FINAL MYSTERY the investigators must solve in
• Clues, Gates, and Monsters placed on the active Mystery in this order to win the game, usually confronting the Ancient One
way are drawn from the Clue pool, Gate stack, and Monster cup, head-on.

optionAl rUlEs
Some players may wish to adjust the game’s difficulty. This
section lists optional rules for adjusting the game’s difficulty. insane game diFFiCUlty
If players wish to have a more challenging game experience
AdjUsting gAmE diFFicUlty than Hard game difficulty from the base game, they can
make the game significantly more difficult by building the
If all players agree at the start of the game, they can use the Mythos deck using only hard Mythos cards.
optional rules listed below to alter the difficulty of the game.
The back page contains variant Reference cards for these Note—This optional rule may require additional expansions
configurations. depending on the chosen Ancient One.

stAgEd diFFicUlty control yoUr FAtE

Players can make the game’s difficulty increase in stages by Instead of drawing a random Prelude card before setup,
building stage I of the Mythos deck using only easy Mythos players as a group may choose one Prelude card, following
cards, building stage II of the Mythos deck using only normal the card’s effects as normal.
Mythos cards, and building stage III of the Mythos deck
Alternatively, players may choose to not use a Prelude card.
using only hard Mythos cards.
^ To increase the difficulty of this optional rule, players can
use normal blue Mythos cards when building stage I of What NoW?
the Mythos deck and hard blue Mythos cards when
building stage II of the Mythos deck. Players may also Now that you’ve read this rulebook, you are ready to play
start with an easy blue Mythos card in play following the your first game! As questions arise during play, consult
“Starting Rumor” rule in the Eldritch Horror Reference the reference guide. Below are some examples of
Guide. commonly referenced rules:
• When calculating half of a number, always round up.
• The Lead Investigator decides all disputes.
• Possessions that affect “an investigator,” may be used
on oneself unless it specifies “another investigator.”

November 4t
Officer Muldo h, 19 26
I send you th
is message to
warn you of
I am a librari an imminen
an from Mis t danger.
rare texts. R ka to n ic Un
ecently, I visi i versity and
journal of th ted the Danve a collector of
eater direct rs Lunatic A strange and
was commit or Timothy C sylum, hopin
ted to the as ornish. As yo g to find the
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Core Mechanics Q. When an investigator is defeated, can the newly chosen investigator be given the
Q. Can an investigator resolve a triggered effect multiple times? Lead Investigator token at the end of the Mythos Phase?
A. No. A triggered effect is resolved exactly once for each time it is A. Yes. Both choosing a new investigator and passing the Lead
triggered. Investigator token occur “at the end of the Mythos Phase.” The Lead
For example, the “Bank Loan” effect triggers exactly once when an Investigator chooses the order to resolve effects that occur at the same
investigator performs the Acquire Assets action. As such, an investigator time, so a new investigator can be chosen, and then the Lead
would not be able to resolve that effect more than once to add more Investigator token can be passed to him.
than two successes to his test result.
Q. If all investigators are defeated at the same time, do investigators lose the game?
Q. Can an investigator use an ability that lets him roll “additional” dice after he’s A. No. At the end of the Mythos Phase, each defeated investigator will
already rolled for a test? choose a new investigator to play as. However, if being defeated would
A. No. When an investigator resolves a test, he must declare any cause a player to be eliminated, such as if the Ancient One has awoken,
additional dice he wish to roll before rolling any dice. all players could be eliminated. In this case, investigators lose the game.

Q. When does the minimum-one-die-on-tests rule apply? Q. How does Finn Edwards’s active ability work?
A. When resolving a test, the investigator, first, calculates his dice pool. A. When Finn Edwards uses his active ability, he chooses himself,
That is, he adds together his skill, Improvements, test modifier, bonuses, another investigator on his space, or both himself and another
and additional dice. Then he rolls his dice pool. At this point, if his dice investigator on his space.
pool is zero or fewer dice, he rolls one die instead. If Finn chooses only himself, he moves to an adjacent space connected
by a Ship or Train path.
Q. What happens if an effect allows an investigator to reroll up to two dice but he has If Finn chooses only another investigator on his space, that investigator
rolled only one die? may move to an adjacent space connected by a
A. The investigator may use that effect to reroll his single die. Ship or Train path.
He cannot use that effect to reroll a single die more than once. If Finn chooses both himself and another investigator on his space,
Finn moves to an adjacent space connected by a Ship or Train path,
Q. Is every roll considered a test? and the chosen investigator may choose to move to that space as well.
A. No. An effect that tells you to roll a specific number of dice, such as Finn and the chosen investigator cannot move to separate spaces.
the effect on a Cursed Condition, is not a test. These rolls cannot be
rerolled or modified by effects that affect tests. Q. What happens if Finn Edwards uses his passive ability to not discard a flipped
Unique Asset when instructed?
Q. Are effects that say “may,” “or,” and “unless” optional? A. After resolving the effects on the back of a Unique Asset, if the
A. Yes. Effects using the words “may,” “or,” and “unless” grant the investigator was not instructed to “flip this card”, the Unique Asset is
investigator a choice. If an effect says, “may,” the investigator chooses shuffled into the Unique Asset deck.
This occurs most frequently when Finn Edwards uses his passive
to resolve that effect or not.
ability to choose not to discard a Unique Asset, but it could occur in
If an effect says, “or,” the investigator chooses one of the effects
other ways. Regardless of how it occurs, the Unique Asset is shuffled
separated by the “or.”
into the Unique Asset deck.
If an effect says, “unless,” the investigator may resolve the effect
following “unless.” However, if he chooses not to or is unable to resolve
Q. How does Ursula Downs’s passive ability work?
that effect, he must resolve the effect preceding “unless.”
A. Once per round, Ursula may choose to spend one fewer Focus
when paying for an effect, including spending a Focus to reroll a die
Q. If an investigator chooses an effect, can that effect be prevented?
when resolving a test. This can reduce the cost of an effect to zero
A. Yes. The effect an investigator chooses can be prevented by another
effect. In such a case, the investigator’s choice is not negated. For
example, an investigator must discard his Spell unless he loses 2 Sanity.
Q. Does Wilson Richards’s passive ability allow him to reroll a single die twice?A.
If that investigator chooses to lose 2 Sanity, that loss of Sanity can be
No. If Wilson or another investigator on Wilson’s space spends a
prevented with the Whiskey Asset or the Instill Bravery Spell.
Focus to reroll a die and his dice pool is only one die, that investigator
cannot use Wilson’s passive ability.
Q. Can an investigator choose not to apply a passive bonus when resolving a test?A.
No. A passive bonus, such as “gain +3 ,” must be applied when
Q. How does Charlie Kane’s action ability work?
resolving a test with the indicated skill.
A. Charlie Kane’s action ability may allow another investigator to
Some bonuses, such as “you may gain +5 during a Combat
perform one additional action whether that investigator has already
Encounter,” use the word “may.” As such, these bonuses are optional
performed actions during the round or not. However, he cannot affect
and do not need to be applied when resolving a test.
a Delayed investigator.
Investigators Q. While the Supplying the North Mystery is in play, can Charlie Kane purchase a
Q. If an investigator uses an effect that applies to “investigators” or Provisions Unique Asset for another investigator?
"an investigator,” does that effect include himself? A. No. The effect that allows an investigator to gain a Provisions
A. Yes. Unless the effect says “other investigators” or “another Unique Asset triggers when the investigator perform the Acquire
investigator,” it can affect any or all investigators, including the one who Assets action, but it is not a part of that action. As such, Charlie Kane
is using the effect. is not able to purchase a Provisions Unique Asset and allow another
investigator to gain that possession.
Q. What happens if a new investigator’s starting possessions are being used by another Likewise, Charlie Kane cannot spend two successes during an Acquire
investigator? Assets action to move another investigator to Miskatonic Outpost.
A. When a player chooses a new investigator, he receives that
investigator’s starting possessions from the decks, discard piles, or Q. Can “Skids” O’toole reroll a 1 if that die has already been rerolled?
reserve. If the starting possessions are not in these places, such as if A. Yes. When resolving a test, “Skids” O’toole can reroll any die with a
another investigator or a defeated investigator has them, the new result of 1. There is no limit to the number of dice he can reroll or the
investigator does not start with those possessions. number of times a die can be rerolled.

Q. How does Hank Samson’s passive ability work? Q. Can Wendy Adams’s passive ability stop her from gaining a Condition she
A. When Hank Samson encounters a Monster, if that Monster has both chooses to gain?
a test and a test, he resolves the test first. Then he A. Yes. If an effect allows Wendy Adams to gain a Condition as part
resolves the test only if he lost one or more Health from the of a cost, such as “you may gain a Madness Condition” or “unless you
test. gain a Blight Condition,” she may use her passive ability to not gain
If the Monster has a or other test in place of the test, Hank that Condition instead. If she does, the cost of gaining the Condition
resolves that test first, and then he resolves the test only if he lost has still been paid.
one or more Health.
If the Monster has an or other test in place of the test, Hank’s
passive ability has no effect on the encounter. Ancient Ones & Mysteries
Q. Do effects that “advance the active Mystery” or “solve the active Mystery” affect
Q. If Hank Samson defeats a Monster and loses Health from the same test, the Final Mystery?
does he resolve the test? A. No. The Final Mystery is not a Mystery card nor is it considered the
A. No. When a Monster is defeated during a Combat Encounter, that active Mystery. As such, effects that advance or solve the active
encounter immediately ends. Hank Samson will not resolve the Mystery do not affect the Final Mystery.
test. (Note: This ruling takes precedence over any other ruling it
contradicts.) Q. If the third Mystery would be solved at the end of the Mythos Phase, but
investigators lose the game during the Mythos Phase, is this the investigators winning
Q. How does Harvey Walters’s action ability work? and losing at the same time?
A. As an action, Harvey Walters chooses another investigator on his A. No. If investigators lose the game while resolving a Mythos card, the
space. That investigator improves one skill of his choice if Harvey’s Mythos Phase has not yet ended, and the third Mystery is not yet
value for that skill is equal to or higher than his own. This comparison is solved.
made using the skill’s modified value, including Improvement tokens and An example of investigators winning the game and losing the game at
Impairment tokens. the same time would be if the only remaining investigator is resolving a
Bonuses to skills, such as from Assets, do not affect a skill’s modified Combat Encounter against the Cthulhu Epic Monster, and his
value. test result causes both the Cthulhu Epic Monster and the
investigator to be defeated at the same time.
Q. Is the additional Clue gained with Mandy Thompson’s passive ability gained from
the Research Encounter? Q. Against Azathoth, what does the Eldritch token on the
A. No. After resolving a Research Encounter, Mandy’s passive ability Omen track do?
could allow her to gain an additional Clue. A. When the Omen advances to the green space, Doom advances by
However, this Clue is gained from her passive ability, not the Research one for each Eldritch token on that space. Note that Eldritch tokens
Encounter. placed on the green space of the Omen track do not replace that space
of the track. This advancement of Doom is in addition to the
Q. Can Minh Thi Phan use her action ability to gain a travel ticket even if her space advancement for each Gate on the game board with the green Omen
is not connected to another space by the appropriate path? icon.
A. Yes. Minh’s action ability allows her to gain a travel ticket of her
choice, even if she could not gain that type of travel ticket using the Q. Against Yig, what happens when an investigator is defeated and Yig has
Prepare action. Furthermore, Minh can use her action ability even if she awoken?
is not on a City space. A. Unlike other Ancient Ones, when an investigator is defeated, that
player is not eliminated. The player will selected a new investigator as if
Q. How does Rex Murphy’s passive ability work? the Ancient One has not awoken.
A. If at any time, Rex Murphy does not have a Cursed Condition, he
immediately gains one Clue and improves one skill of his choice and Q. When playing against Syzygy, do investigators need to solve two Mysteries to win
then gains a Cursed Condition. the game?
A. No. When the Syzygy Ancient One sheet is flipped, one Clue will be
Q. How does Sister Mary’s passive ability work? placed on the Ancient One sheet for each solved Mystery. However,
A. Sister Mary and each other investigator on her space adds 1 to the the Sealing the Portal Special Encounters will also place Clues on the
result of each die rolled as part of an effect printed on a Condition card Ancient One sheet.
that has the Bane or Boon trait. This modification applies whether the Solving the Mysteries is not required to attempt the Special Encounters
die is rolled as part of a test or not. or win the game. However, solving Mysteries greatly reduces the
difficulty of the Final Mystery.
Q. Can Jenny Barnes use her action ability to allow herself or another investigator to
perform the Acquire Assets action if that investigator is not on a City space or on a Q. If an investigator defeats a Cultist Monster as part of a Spawn of Abhoth
space containing a Monster? Special Encounter during the Encounter Phase, can he resolve another encounter?A.
A. No. An investigator can perform the Acquire Assets action only if he Yes. If an investigator defeats every Monster on his space during the
is on a City space and only if there are no Monsters on his space. Encounter Phase, he may resolve an additional encounter of his choice.
Q. Can Michael McGlen use his action ability if he already has a Wanted Q. When resolving a Spawn of Abhoth Special Encounter, can an investigator
Condition? benefit from a bonus that applies during a Combat Encounter?
A. Yes. Michael McGlen can use his action ability if he has a Wanted A. No. A Spawn of Abhoth Special Encounter is not a Combat
Condition. If he does, he resolves all effects of the ability except that he Encounter. As such, bonuses that state “during a Combat Encounter”
will not gain another Wanted Condition. do not apply to tests resolved during the Special Encounter.
Note: This is in contradiction to an entry in the Frequently Asked
Q. Does Michael McGlen’s passive ability allow him to reroll the die rolled as part of
Questions section of some printings of the Under the Pyramids
a Dark Pact’s reckoning effect?
expansion rulebook. This ruling takes precedence over other rulings.
A. Yes. Michael McGlen’s passive ability allows him to reroll any single
die that is rolled as part of a DEAL or PURSUIT Condition’s effect
even if the die is not rolled as part of a test. This includes the one die
rolled when resolving the effect of a Dark Pact Condition or a
Promise of Power Condition.

Q. When resolving Nephren-Ka’s reckoning effect, if an investigator is already on Q. Can an investigator cast the Mists of Releh Spell if there are no Monsters on his
The Bent Pyramid, does he lose Sanity? space?
A. Yes. The effect on the Nephren-Ka Ancient One sheet first A. Yes. The Mists of Releh Spell does not require an investigator to be
allows each investigator to move one space toward The Bent Pyramid. on a space containing a Monster. However, that investigator will still
Then each investigator that did not move loses 1 Sanity. Because an suffer any consequences of resolving the Spell’s effects.
investigator on The Bent Pyramid cannot move closer to the space he
occupies, he cannot move and will lose 1 Sanity. Q. Can an investigator use the Mists of Releh Spell to encounter some of the
Monsters on his space but not all of them?
A. No. If an investigator passes the test of the Mists of Releh Spell,
Possessions & Conditions he chooses an encounter as if there are no Monsters on his space or
Q. Can an investigator choose to discard a possession he does not want? encounters all Monsters on his space as normal.
A. No. An investigator cannot simply discard possessions he does not
want. However, he can trade those possession to another investigator Q. Can the Clairvoyance Spell allows an investigator to ignore Monsters on his
or discard them if an effect causes him to. space?
A. No. The Clairvoyance Spell’s effect allows an investigator to choose
Q. How does the Blunderbuss Asset’s effect work? to encounter a Clue on another space. The investigator is considered to
A. Similar to the Double-barreled Shotgun, an investigator with the be on that space for all effects during that encounter.
Blunderbuss gets two successes for each 6 he rolls when resolving a
test during a Combat Encounter. Q. While casting a Blessing of Isis or Plumb the Void Spell, when is the investigator
However, for each 1 he rolls during that test he negates one success. chosen?
This means that when calculating his total successes, he subtracts one A. When resolving the effects of a Blessing of Isis Spell or a Plumb the
from the test result for each 1 he rolled to a minimum of zero Void Spell, you choose an investigator before resolving the
successes. test. This choice is made regardless of the success or failure of the
Q. Can the Grotesque Statue Artifact prevent other investigators from losing
Sanity? Q. Can an investigator benefit from both the Storm of Spirits Spell and a Weapon
A. No. The Grotesque Statue Artifact’s second effect allows the Asset?
investigator to spend one Clue to prevent himself from losing Sanity A. No. The Storm of Spirits Spell allows an investigator to resolve a
from a single effect. It does not allow him to prevent any other test in place of the test during a Combat Encounter. If he
investigator from losing Sanity. does, bonuses to his do not apply to the test. However,
bonuses to the investigator’s apply to the test.
Q. Can the Agency Quarantine Asset or the Shrivelling Spell cause an Epic
Monster to lose Health? Q. If an investigator gains a Condition during a Rest action, can he resolve a
A. Yes. Effects that cause Monsters to lose Health, such as the Agency “when you perform a Rest action” effect of that Condition?
Quarantine Asset or the Shriveling Spell, can cause Epic Monsters to A. No. All effects that trigger “when you perform a Rest action” trigger
lose Health. at the same time as the investigator performs that action. Any
Conditions he gains thereafter will not trigger until the next time he
Q. Can an investigator have multiple copies of the same Unique Asset? performs a Rest action.
A. Yes. There is no limit to the number of Unique Assets an
investigator can have. Q. Can an investigator with a Lost in Time and Space Condition be moved by
another investigator using the Plumb the Void Spell?
Q. Can an investigator gain a random Unique Asset when told to gain a random A. No. If an effect states that an investigator cannot move, such as a
Asset? Lost in Time and Space Condition or a Detained Condition, that
A. No. If an effect says, “gain 1 random Asset from the deck,” the investigator cannot move on his own nor can he be moved by any effect.
investigator gains the Asset from the Asset deck, not the Unique Asset
deck. An investigator gains a Unique Asset only if the effect specifically Q. When can an investigator discard a Debt Condition with a Funding Condition?
calls for a Unique Asset. A. If an investigator would gain a Debt Condition and he already has a
Funding Condition, he may discard the Funding Condition instead of
Q. Can investigators trade Task Assets? gaining the Debt Condition.
A. Yes. Task Assets, like other Assets, may be traded using the Trade If an investigator has both a Debt Condition and a Funding Condition,
action. If a Task Asset has one or more tokens on it, those tokens he may discard both cards at any time so long as the effect of neither
remain on the card when traded. Condition is currently being resolved.
For instance, a Mythos card instructs investigators to resolve
Q. What happens if an investigator gains a Courier Run Unique Asset and there effects; an investigator may choose to discard both Conditions
are no Clues in the Clue pool that correspond to City spaces? before resolving the effect of either Condition, but he cannot begin
A. The investigator should discard the Clue on the nearest City space resolving his Debt condition, decide he doesn’t like what he sees, and
containing a Clue, placing that Clue face up on his then discard both Conditions before finishing the effect.
Courier Run Unique Asset.
Q. Does an investigator recover additional Health and Sanity from effects
Q. Does an effect that gives a bonus to when resolving Spell effects apply to the (Healing Words Spell, Witch Doctor Asset, Psychoanalist Asset, Provisions Unique
test on the front of the Spell card? Asset, etc.) if he has a Condition that restricts him from recovering Health or Sanity
A. Yes. All text on the Spell card, both front and back, is that (Poisoned, Hypothermia, Infection, Despair, etc.) during a Rest action?A. No. An
Spell’s effect. As such, when resolving the test on the front of the investigator with a Condition that restricts him from recovering Health
Spell, the investigator adds one bonus to his . or Sanity cannot recover Health or Sanity from a Rest action including
additional Health and Sanity from other effects during a Rest action.
Q. If an investigator fails to cast the Wither Spell, can he still use a different Spell However, effects that cause an investigator to recover Health or Sanity
or Asset to gain a bonus to his test during a Combat Encounter? without performing a Rest action, such as the Private Care Asset, affect
A. Yes. Choosing to resolve the Wither Spell does not prohibit the that investigator as normal.
investigator from using other effects to modify his test.

Q. When an investigator moves to another space using the Kopesh of the Abyss Q. If the Lead Investigator or investigators as a group choose an investigator to
Artifact’s effect, does that investigator encounter the Monsters on his new space?A. become Delayed, can that investigator negate that effect with the Pocket Watch Asset?
No. The investigator will encounter each Monster on his space. Then, A. Yes. The Pocket Watch Asset or Mark Harrigan’s passive ability
if he defeats all Monsters on his space, he may move to the nearest prevents the investigator from becoming Delayed unless he chooses to
space containing a Monster. He will not encounter the Monsters on his become Delayed to pay for an effect. In this case, there is a choice
new space nor will he resolve an additional encounter. If he remains on involved, but that choice does not pay for an effect. This remains true
that space until the next Encounter Phase, he will then encounter each regardless of that investigator’s role in the decision making process and
Monster on that space as normal. even if the Lead Investigator is Mark Harrigan or the investigator with
the Pocket Watch Asset and he chooses himself.
Q. Can the Crystal of the Elder Things Artifact from the Forsaken Lore
expansion negate Health loss that cannot be prevented (i.e. From the Out of the Q. Can an investigator use a component action multiple times if he has access to
Aeons Mythos card)? multiple copies of the same component?
A. Yes. An investigator with the Crystal of the Elder Things Artifact A. Yes. An investigator may use each component action he has access to
cannot lose Health or Sanity from Mythos card text effects even if that up to once per round.
Health or Sanity loss cannot be prevented. The Crystal does not create For example, an investigator could perform the component local action
a prevention effect that “prevents” the loss of Health or Sanity if it of a Detained Condition of another investigator on his space as his first
would occur. Instead, it prohibits Mythos card text effects from causing action; then perform the same component local action of a third
the investigator to lose Health or Sanity. investigator’s Detained Condition as his second action. Similarly, if an
investigator has two copies of the Dog Sled Unique Asset, he could use
Q. If an investigator with a Know Thy Enemy Unique Asset gains more than one the component action of both of those Unique Assets during the same
Clue during a Research Encounter, can he place multiple Eldritch tokens on his round.
task? Encounters & Combat
A. Yes. An investigator places one Eldritch token on a Know Thy
Q. Can an investigator resolve an “as an encounter” effect if there is a Monster on his
Enemy Unique Asset for each Clue he gains as part of a Research
A. No. Effects that say “as an encounter” are treated just like any other
However, Clues gained from other effects, such as Mandy Thompson’s
encounter option available. The investigator must encounter all
passive ability, are not gained as part of the Research Encounter and
Monsters on his space. Then, if there are no Monsters on his space, he
do not allow the investigator to place an Eldritch token on the Know
may resolve that effect as his additional encounter.
Thy Enemy Unique Asset.
If an effect says “instead of resolving an encounter,” such as the
Detained Condition, this can be resolved even on a space containing a
Q. What happens if an investigator gains a Treasure Map Unique Asset and there
are no Clues in the Clue pool?
A. The investigator should discard the Clue on the nearest space
Q. Why do some Research Encounter not give the investigator the Clue?
containing a Clue, placing that Clue face up on his Treasure Map
Unique Asset. A. Some Research Encounters do not allow the investigator to “gain
this Clue.” However, these encounters often feature other beneficial
effects for the investigator, such as gaining an Artifact or retreating
Q. If an investigator with a Record of Knowledge Unique Asset gains more than Doom.
one Clue during a Research Encounter, can he place multiple Eldritch tokens on his
task? Q. Can an investigator use multiple weapons during combat?
A. Yes. An investigator places one Eldritch token on a Record of A. An investigator can apply only a single bonus to a test. However, he
Knowledge Unique Asset for each Clue he gains as part of a Research may use any other effects from his other possessions. For example, if an
Encounter. investigator has a Bull Whip Asset and a .45 Automatic Asset, he may
However, Clues gained from other effects, such as Mandy Thompson’s apply the +3 bonus from the .45 to his instead of the +1 bonus
passive ability, are not gained as part of the Research Encounter and from the whip, and he may reroll one die by using the whip’s other
do not allow the investigator to place an Eldritch token on the Record effect.
of Knowledge Unique Asset.
Q. What effects are negated by Physical Resistance and Magical Resistance?
Actions & Delayed A. When resolving a Combat Encounter against a Monster with Physical
Q. Can an investigator’s “additional” action be used to perform an action he has Resistance or Magical Resistance, an investigator cannot apply bonuses
already performed in that round? to his dice pool as described in the Mountains of Madness rulesheet.
A. No. An investigator may perform an action only once each round, Bonuses are effects on cards or other components that grant extra dice
even if he is able to perform an additional action, such as from the when testing a skill. Bonuses are always written with the following
Ruby of R’lyeh Artifact or Charlie Kane’s action ability. format: “Gain +X Skill” where X is the number of dice and Skill is the
affected skill. For example, the .38 Revolver Asset says,
Q. Can an investigator be Delayed more than once? “Gain +2 …”
A. No. Becoming Delayed while already Delayed has no effect. Any other effects that allow rerolls (such as the Lucky Rabbit’s Foot
An investigator cannot choose to become Delayed to pay for an effect Asset), dice manipulation (such as the Lucky Cigarette Case Asset), or
if he is already Delayed. “additional dice” (such as Jim Culver’s and Agnes Baker’s passive
abilities) still apply.
Q. What happens if an investigator becomes Delayed during his action?
A. If an investigator becomes Delayed during the Action Phase, he Q. Does Physical Resistance or Magical Resistance restrict an investigator from using
immediately ends his current action, loses any remaining actions, and the Storm of Spirits Spell, Shriveling Spell, or Banishment Spell?
ends his turn instead. If the investigator has no actions remaining to A. No. The Storm of Spirits Spell allows an investigator to test
lose, he will not become Delayed, and he will be able to perform in place of during Combat Encounters. This is not a bonus,
actions in the next round. and as such, it is unaffected by Magical Resistance or Physical Resistance.
Similarly, the Shriveling Spell and Banishment Spell do not apply a bonus
during a Combat Encounter, so they are unaffected by Magical
Resistance or Physical Resistance.

Mythos, Gates & Monsters
Q. If a Mythos card’s effect causes another Mythos card to be resolved, should that
Mythos card’s icons be resolved as well?
A. Yes. When resolving a Mythos card, all elements of the card must
be resolved if possible. If a Mythos card’s effect is to resolve an
additional Mythos card, all elements of that additional card must also
be resolved.

Q. Is closing a Gate and discarding it the same thing?

A. No. Although closing a Gate does cause it to be discarded,
discarding a Gate is not considered closing it. For example, if an
effect would discard a Gate while the Mysterious Lights Mythos card
is in play, that effect is still resolved, discarding the Gate, even though
“Gates cannot be closed.”

Q. When is a Monster’s spawn effect resolved?

A. When a Monster is spawned, it’s “When this Monster is spawned”
effect is resolved immediately as part of the effect that spawned it.

Q. If a Monster’s or Epic Monster’s toughness is reduced to zero, is that Monster

A. Yes. A Monster or Epic Monster is defeated if it has lost Health
equal to or greater than its toughness. If a Monster’s toughness is
reduced to zero, it is defeated. Even if it has not lost any Health, zero
lost Health is equal to zero toughness.

Q. What happens if an effect would cause the Omen to advance to the red space
while it is already on that space?
A. “Advance the Omen to the red space of the Omen track” means
to advance the Omen until it is on the red space. If the Omen starts
on the red space, it will advance four times in total and return to the
red space of the Omen track.
If Syzygy is the Ancient One, this will trigger its “When the Omen
advances to the red space of the Omen track” effect.

Q. Does the Spawn of Hastur Epic Monster’s ability prevent it from losing two
or more Health during a Combat Encounter?
A. Yes. If any effect, including the effects of a Combat Encounter,
would cause the Spawn of Hastur Epic Monster to lose two or more
Health, it loses one Health instead.

Spaces & Paths

Q. What space type are spaces on the Antarctica side board?
A. The spaces on the Antarctica side board do not have a space type.
When an investigator encounters a Clue on the Antarctica side board,
he draws and resolves an Antarctica Research Encounter.

Q. Are two spaces connected by a Local path adjacent?

A. Yes. Two spaces connected by a Local path are adjacent.

Q. Do paths leading off the side of the game board connect to the opposite side of
the game board?
A. Yes. Paths that lead off the side of the game board connect to the
corresponding paths on the opposite side of the game board. For
example, Tokyo and space 2 are adjacent, connected by a Ship path.

Q. Can there be multiple Clues on a space?

A. Yes. Some effects move Clues to other spaces or spawn Clues on
specific spaces. There is no limit to the number of Clues that can be
on a space. However, each Clue is encountered separately.

Q. Can an investigator interrupt part of his action to move along a Local path?
A. Yes. Once per round, during the Action Phase, an investigator may
move along any number of interconnected Local paths. This
movement can be resolved b before, after, or during any action the
investigator performs.

^ The “Shub-Niggurath Awakens!” text on the back of the ^ The first paragraph on the back of the “All In” Funding
Shub-Niggurath Ancient One sheet should read as follows: Condition should read as follows: “With so much money
“Spawn the Shub-Niggurath Epic Monster on The Heart of Africa. burning a hole in your pocket, you cannot resist the
Then move all Ghoul, Goat Spawn, and Dark Young Monsters on opportunity to double your winnings. Roll 1 die.”
the game board to that space.”
^ The Excavating the Elder Things Adventure’s second
^ The Mi-go Braincase Artifact should have the TEAMWORK paragraph should read as follows: “When this Adventure is
trait in addition to its other traits. completed, advance the active Mystery by 1; then draw a random
^ The second paragraph of the Fractured Reality Mythos
card’s effect should read as follows: “When there are no Eldritch ^ The Through the Mountains Adventure’s second
tokens on this card, advance Doom by 1 for each Gate on the paragraph should read as follows: “When this Adventure is
game board, and then solve this RUMOR.” completed, advance the active Mystery by 1; then draw a random
^ The second paragraph of the Lost Knowledge Mythos
card’s effect should read as follows: “When there are no Eldritch ^ The Through the Frozen Waste Adventure’s second
tokens on this card, each investigator discards all Clues, and then paragraph should read as follows: “When this Adventure is
discard all Clues on the game board and solve this RUMOR.” completed, advance the active Mystery by 1; then draw a random
^ The text effect of the Zombie Monster should read as
follows: “@: Spawn the Zombie Horde Epic Monster on this ^ The Cold White Silence Mythos card’s effect should read
space. If you do, discard this Monster.” as follows: “When there are no Eldritch tokens on this card, each
investigator that has a Hypothermia Condition loses 4 Health and
^ The Dynamite Asset’s effect should read as follows: becomes Delayed; then solve this RUMOR.”
“Action: You may discard this card to cause each Monster on
your space to lose 3 Health.” ^ Starting from the release of the Strange Remnants expansion,
the formatting of a card’s trait line has changed. A card’s traits
^ The Holy Water Asset’s second effect should read as follows: are now separated by spaces, not commas.
“Action: You may discard this card to choose an investigator on your
space. That investigator gains a Blessed Condition.” ^ The Haunter of the Dark Mystery card’s effect
^ The Puzzle Box Asset’s effect should read as follows: should read as follows: “When this card enters play, spawn
“When you perform a Rest action, you may attempt to open the the Haunter of the Dark Epic Monster on Arkham. An
investigator on Arkham chooses an encounter as if the Epic
puzzle box (| –2). If you pass, you may discard this card to
Monster is not on his space unless he has the Shining
gain 1 Artifact.”
Trapezohedron Artifact.”
^ The Police Ledger Asset’s effect should read as follows:
“When you perform a Rest action, you may attempt to decipher
the ledger (|). If you pass, you may discard this card to gain 1

^ From the Mountains of Madness expansion, the Exploring

Hyperborea Mystery’s final paragraph should read as
follows: “At the end of the Mythos Phase, if there are
Eldritch tokens on this card equal to half ~, solve this
^ From the Mountains of Madness expansion, Other World
Encounter #34’s fail effect should read as follows: “The shape
pulls you underground. Lose 1 Health. You see a little bit of light
and climb toward it (}). If you pass, you climb out back on
Earth; close this Gate. If you fail, the ground crushes you; gain 1
INJURY Condition.”

Images copyright Chaosium's Call of Cthulhu, 2015

Game Design: Corey Konieczka and Nikki Valens Expansion Design: Nikki Valens
Additional Content and Design: Tim Uren and Richard Launius Eldritch Horror Design: Corey Konieczka and Nikki Valens
Inspired by the Arkham Horror Design by: Kevin Wilson and Richard Launius Additional Writing: Dane Beltrami and Tim Uren
Editing and Proofreading: Brendan Weiskotten Proofreading: Matthew Landis
Graphic Design: Michael Silsby with Dallas Melhoff, Chris Beck, and Shaun
Boyke Graphic Design: Taylor Ingvarsson and Michael Silsby
Cover Art: Anders Finer Cover Art: Mark Poole
Investigator Art: Magali Villeneuve Interior Art: Tommy Arnold, Alexandr Elichev, Tony Foti, Emilio Rodriguez,
Game Board Location Art: Raymong Bonilla, David Griffith, Ed Magali Villeneuve, and the artists of Call of Cthulhu LCG and Arkham Horror Files
Mattinian, Patrick McEvoy, Emilio Rodriguez, Tim Tsang, Magali Villeneuve, products
and Drew Whitmore Art Direction: Zoë Robinson and John Taillon
Additional Interior Art: The artists of Call of Cthulhu LCG Managing Art Director: Andy Christensen
and Arkham Horror Files products Managing Graphic Designer: Brian Schomburg
Investigator and Location Art Direction: Zoë Robinson Production Management: Megan Duehn and Simone Elliott
Managing Art Director: Andrew Navaro Executive Producer: Michael Hurley
Managing Graphic Designer: Brian Schomburg Publisher: Christian T. Petersen
Production Manager: Eric Knight Quality Assurance Coordinator: Zach Tewalthomas
Executive Producer: Michael Hurley Playtesting: Carolina Blanken, Marieke Franssen, Anita Hilberdink, Mark
Publisher: Christian T. Petersen Larson, Scott Lewis, Emile de Maat, Alex Ortloff, Francis
Playtesters: Steve Avery, Samuel Bailey, Deb Beck, Carolina Blanken, Joost “Cake” Rosting
Boere, Shaun Boyke, Ricardo Basilio Donoso, Alexander Drechsel, Marieke Special thanks to all of our beta testers!
Franssen, Jason Glawe, Nathan I. Hajek, Trent Hammer, Anita Hilberdink, Tim
Huckelbery, Justin Kemppainen, Steven Kimball, Jose Anselmo Lapini Jr, Mark Expansion Design: Nikki Valens
Larson, Richard Launius, Josh Lewis, Scott Lewis, Emile de Maat, Danilo Eldritch Horror Design: Corey Konieczka and Nikki Valens
Martins, Bas Mattern, Jason Maxwell, Eelco Osnabrugge, Marijke van der Pal, Additional Writing: Dane Beltrami and Tim Uren
Sebastiaan van der Pal, Adam Sadler, Brady Sadler, Martin van Schaijk, Alex Proofreading: Matthew Landis
Stragey, Zach Tewalthomas, Leon Tichelaar, Marjan Tichelaar-Haug, Ian Tolen, Graphic Design: Shaun Boyke
Vera Visscher, Remco van der Waal, Jason Walden, Ruud Wiegers, Brian Eldritch Horror Graphic Design: Michael Silsby
Wilson, Mark Zoghby Cover Art: Jacob Murray
Special thanks to all of our beta testers. Interior Art: Cristi Balanescu, Tiziano Baracchi,
Mauro Dal Bo, Guillaume Ducos, Tony Foti, Ed Mattinian, Stephen Somers,
Magali Villeneuve, and the artists of Call of Cthulhu LCG and Arkham Horror
Expansion Design: Nikki Valens Files products.
Eldritch Horror Design: Corey Konieczka and Nikki Valens Art Direction: Taylor Ingvarsson and Zoë Robinson
Managing Art Director: Andy Christensen
Additional Content and Design: Tim Uren Managing Graphic Designer: Brian Schomburg
Editing and Proofreading: Brendan Weiskotten Production Management: Megan Duehn and Simone Elliott
Graphic Design: Michael Silsby Executive Producer: Michael Hurley
Cover Art: Matthew Starbuck Publisher: Christian T. Petersen
Interior Art: Clark Huggins, Stephen Somers, and the artists of Call of Cthulhu Quality Assurance Coordinator: Zach Tewalthomas
LCG and Arkham Horror Files products. Playtesting: René van den Berg, Carolina Blanken, Pieter Blanken, Marieke
Franssen, Anita Hilberdink, Mark Larson, Emile de Maat, Alex Ortloff,
Art Direction: John Taillon Martin van Schaijk, Maarten Schopman, Léon Tichelaar, Marjan Tichelaar-
Managing Art Director: Andrew Navaro Haug, and Vera Visscher
Managing Graphic Designer: Brian Schomburg Special thanks to all of our beta testers.
Production Manager: Eric Knight
Expansion Design: Nikki Valens
Executive Producer: Michael Hurley Eldritch Horror Design: Corey Konieczka and Nikki Valens
Publisher: Christian T. Petersen Additional Writing: Dane Beltrami and Tim Uren
Playtesting: Audrey Bailey, Samuel W. Bailey, Joe Baranoski, Graphic Design: Chris Beck and Duane Nichols
Dane Beltrami, Nayt Brookes, Pippin Brown, Jeannine Duncan, Deb Freytag, Managing Graphic Designer: Brian Schomburg
Jason Glawe, Eric Hanson, Anita Hilberdink, Tim Huckelbery, Mike Kutz, Cover Art: Cristi Balanescu
Matthew Landis, Mark Larson, Josh Lewis, Kortnee Lewis, Scott Lewis, “Lovey Interior Art: Mauro Dal Bo, Tony Foti, Jacob Murray, Stephen Somers, and the
the Snake”, Emile de Maat, Sebastiaan van der Pal, Francis “Cake” Rosting, artists of Call of Cthulhu LCG and Arkham Horror Files products
Martin van Schaijk, Alex Stragey, Léon Tichelaar, Marjan Tichelaar-Haug, Vera Art Direction: Taylor Ingvarsson
Visscher, and Remco van der Waal. Managing Art Director: Andy Christensen
Creative Director: Andrew Navaro
Expansion Design: Nikki Valens Production Management: Jason Beaudoin and
Eldritch Horror Design: Corey Konieczka and Nikki Valens Megan Duehn
Additional Writing: Paul Poppleton and Tim Uren Quality Assurance Coordinator: Zach Tewalthomas
Proofreading: Dane Beltrami and Matthew Landis Executive Producer: Michael Hurley
Publisher: Christian T. Petersen
Graphic Design: Monica Skupa Playtesting: Carolina Blanken, Anita Hilberdink, Matthew Landis, Mark
Eldritch Horror Graphic Design: Michael Silsby Larson, Emile de Maat, Alex Ortloff, Léon Tichelaar, Marjan Tichelaar-Haug
Cover Art: Jacob Murray Special thanks to all of our beta testers!
Interior Art: Emilio Rodriguez, Stephen Somers, Magali Villeneuve, and the
artists of Call of Cthulhu LCG and Arkham Horror Files products.
Art Direction: Zoë Robinson and John Taillon
Managing Art Director: Andy Christensen Rules compiled and layout by strerd:
Managing Graphic Designer: Brian Schomburg https://www.boardgamegeek.com/user/strerd
Production Manager: Eric Knight
Executive Producer: Michael Hurley © 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. No part of this product
Publisher: Christian T. Petersen
Playtesting: Samuel W. Bailey, Chiara Bertulessi, Simone Biga, Carolina may be reproduced without specific permission. Eldritch Horror and Fantasy Flight
Blanken, Nayt Brookes, Andrea Dell’Agnese, Julia Faeta, Jason Glawe, Anita Supply are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. Fantasy Flight Games,
Hilberdink, Tim Huckelbery, Mike Kutz, Mark Larson, Emile de Maat, Arkham Horror, and the FFG logo are registered trademarks of Fantasy Flight
Sebastiaan van der Pal, Marijke van der Pal-Scheeres, Chad Reverman, Martin Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. Fantasy Flight Games is located at 1995 West
van Schaijk, Léon Tichelaar, Marjan Tichelaar-Haug, and Vera Visscher. County Road B2, Roseville, Minnesota, 55113, USA, and can be reached by
telephone at 651-639-1905. Retain this information for your records. Actual
components may vary from those shown. Made in China. THIS PRODUCT IS

Visit us on the Web at:

28 www.fantasyflightgames.com
Acquire Assets Action 9 FAQ ................................21~25 Paths ................................8
Action Phase ................7, 8, 9 Focus Action ...............9 Local ................................8
Example ................9 Ship ................................8
Active Expedition ................11 Game Difficulty Physical Resistance ............18
Adventures ................11 Staged ................................20 Players ................1
Ambush ................................18 Insane ................................20 Playing the Game ................7
Ancient One Gates ................................11, 12 Possessions ................15
Awakens ................19 Prelude Cards ................6 , 20
Health .................................17 Prepare for Travel Action 9
Cards ................................5
Assets ................................15 Impairment Tokens 14
Improvement Tokens 14
Random Space ................19
Clues ................................11, 13 Introduction ................1 Reckoning ................12
Combat Investigators ................1 Reroll ................14
Encounters ................10, 17, 18 Rest Action ................8
Example ..............................18 Location Rumors ................................11, 19
Complex Encounters 14 Encounters ................10
Components Lost in Time & Space 16 Sanity ................................17
Action ................................9 Setup ................................5, 6
Base Game ................3 Magical Resistance ...............18 Skills ................................14
Expansions ................3, 4 Monster Spaces ................................8
Conditions ................15 Cup ................................13 Spawn
Credits ................................28 Epic ................................18 Clues ................................12, 13
Spawn ................................12 Gates ................................12
Defeated Investigator 11, 17 Surge ................................12 Monsters ................13
Delayed ................................16 Mysteries ...............19 Spells ................................15
Doom track ................12 Mystic Ruins ...............11 Strength test ................18
Deck ................................7 Tests ................................14
Elditch Tokens ................12 Phase ................................7, 12
Eliminated Players................19 Token Encounter ...............11
Encounter Phase ................7, 10 Object of the Game 7
Trade Action ................9
Errata ................................26 Omen ................................12 Travel Action ................8
Event ................................12 Track ................................12
Expansions Other World Encounter 11, 15 Unique Assets ................15
Symbols................................4 Overview
Using .................................4 Expansion ...............2 Will Test .................................18
Game ................................1 Winning the Game ................13

variant rEFErEncE cards


For 1 or 5 PlayErs For 4, 7, or 8 PlayErs


Icon Reference Icon Reference

Number of Players Spawn Gates Number of Players Spawn Gates

1 1 4 2
Spawn Clues Monster Surge Spawn Clues Monster Surge

2 1 2 1
Icon Reference Icon Reference Icon Reference
Number of Players Spawn Gates Number of Players Spawn Gates Number of Players Spawn Gates

5 2 7 3 8 3
Spawn Clues Monster Surge Spawn Clues Monster Surge Spawn Clues Monster Surge

3 1 4 1 4 1

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