1912102-Tower of Necromancy-PF
1912102-Tower of Necromancy-PF
1912102-Tower of Necromancy-PF
Writing & Layout: Daniel Kahn
Cover Art and Cartography: by Nicole Mastrodomenico (@nikodomeniko)
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Introduction Adventure Summary
After their arrival at the Tower of Necromancy,
he tower of necromancy was one of eight characters will meet a brain in a jar who is trying to
towers of magic in the ancient floating learn how to extract the brains of others. The brain
Netherese city of Ythryn. Now the tower, along suffers from delusions that it is still human and that
with the city, lies trapped in a frozen tomb. The everything is mostly normal. The characters can
wizards of this great tower are either long dead befriend the brain by helping it, or potentially cause it
or have lost their minds to madness. Yet the tower still to become violent if they draw too much attention to its
holds powerful magic waiting to be tapped.
true reality. After dealing with the brain in the jar, the
characters can proceed up to the top of the tower where
What’s This All About? they find the remains of High Necromancer Cadavix,
Chapter 7: Doom of Ythryn is the climax of Icewind who has been trapped in a magic jar spell of his own
Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden. This epic chapter has design since the Ythryn fell. Cadavix knows the Rite of
characters investigating the ancient city of Ythryn for the Arcane Octad, but needs the party's help before he
a way to put an end to the Everlasting Rime. The basic gives it to them. Cadavix attempts to use the magic jar
outline of this chapter is the following: spell to possess the body of one of the party members in
• Learn the Rite of the Arcane Octad, in order to get order to bring his own body back to life and discover the
through a force field protecting the central tower of fate of his lover.
Ythryn (the Spire of Iriolarthas).
• Kill the Demilich Iriolarthas, who lives in the Spire
of Iriolarthas and is attuned to the Ythryn Mythallar.
Running the Adventure
• Attune to the Ythryn Mythallar, which allows The following sections describe what the characters find
characters to end the Everlasting Rime. at the Tower of Necromancy in Ythryn. Location Y15.
Tower of Necromancy refers to the Map 7.2 Necropolis
This supplement is one of several short expansions to
of Ythryn on page 236–237 of Icewind Dale: Rime of the
the locations in Ythryn (more can be found at this link)
Frostmaiden (see a Change of Venue below). Locations
with the following objectives:
within the tower refer to the map on pages 4 and 5 of this
• Expand on the Eight Arcane Towers, making each document.
one its own mini-dungeon adventure with exciting
challenges and clear direction for the DM.
• Provide Detailed Maps, for an immersive experience A Change of Venue
in person or on a virtual tabletop, rather than a brief In Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden, the Tower of
'theatre-of-mind' scene. Necromancy is located at Y18 as the tower has collapsed.
In this supplement, the tower is still standing and is located
This supplement presents the events that occur in at Y15, instead of Y18. If you used the Tower of Divination
the Tower of Necromancy as an alternate to those supplement, Y15 is no longer the Observatory, as the Tower of
described on page 246–247 of Icewind Dale: Rime of Divination and the Observatory were combined and located at
the Frostmaiden. Additionally, the process for the Ritual Y11. If you are not using the Tower of Divination supplement,
of Brain Transfer described within differs from what and the Observatory is still located at Y15, you can place the
is described on page 249 of the book. As always, it is Tower of Necromancy in any unmarked structure on Map 7.2.
up to you how much of the content you want to use. It's
perfectly fine to use some parts of this supplement while
discarding others, or simply let the ideas presented here Y15. Tower of Necromancy
inspire new ideas of your own. This supplement assumes As the characters approach the tower, you can read the
a party of 4–6 characters of 9–11th level. following:
A short conical tower supported by arched buttresses stands
on the edge of the city. On the outward-facing side of the
History of High Necromancer Cadavix tower is a eerie green-glowing arcane symbol. A metal door
High Necromancer Cadavix was a powerful necromancer
leads into the base of the tower.
wizard in Ythryn. Through alchemical and necromantic magic,
Cadavix developed a way to preserve a person's brain in a jar Characters proficient in Arcana, or who succeed on
so that they could live forever. Cadavix was the only wizard in a DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check, recognize the
Ythryn with the skill and knowledge to successfully complete arcane symbol as representing the magical school of
the Ritual of Brain Transfer.
During his life, Cadavix shared a secret love with High
Enchanter Ivira. The two cared deeply for each other, but Aura of Repose. A detect magic spell cast here reveals
due to their positions of power, they kept their relationship an aura of necromantic magic. While a dead body is
hidden. within 30 feet of the Tower of Necromancy, it is under
When Ythryn began to fall, Cadavix cast a magic jar spell the effect of a gentle repose spell, which permanently
on himself, safeguarding his soul in a large durable emerald. emanates from the tower. Casting a dispel magic spell
Unfortunately, Cadavix's body was too broken to return to suppresses the effect for 1 hour.
and no living humanoids found his emerald in the aftermath. Door. The door to the tower is closed, but unlocked.
As such, Cadavix remains in the emerald to this day, with the Characters who listen at the door to the tower and make
hope of seeing his love once more driving him to live. a successful DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check, can
hear a faint scuttling sound from within.
Lighting. The interior of the tower is dimly lit by green
luminescent fungus called ormu. The fungus is abundant
enough that its glowing pigment can be harvested.
Ritual of Brain Transfer.
Tower of Necromancy Lawrynce knows the arcane
principles of the necromantic
ritual to create a brain in a jar,
Y15A. but lacks the precision and
medical skills to keep the brain
intact during surgery. Looking
for any opportunity to advance
his studies, he asks for the
party's assistance in the task.
In order to successfully perform
Up To the brain in a jar ritual, the
Y15B characters must complete the
following steps for Lawrynce:
• Successfully incapacitate the restrained
nothic without damaging the body. Lawrynce
recommends the use of the poisons stored on the
shelves in the room (see treasure below). Spells like
hypnotic pattern or hold monster also work.
• Make a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Medicine) check to
Y15A. Operating Room identify safe places to perform surgical cuts to extract
When characters enter the tower, you can read the the brain without damaging it. A creature proficient
following: with alchemist's supplies has advantage on this check.
• Make a successful DC 15 Dexterity check to physically
A caustic smell assaults your nose as you enter this circular make the surgical cuts and perform the extraction
chamber. Gray disembodied hands skitter across the without damaging the brain. A creature proficient with
room, which is lit by an eerie green glow. Chairs are neatly alchemist's supplies has advantage on this check.
arranged around the room, some containing seated bodies If the process is successful, Lawrynce completes
missing their hands. Various pieces of surgical equipment the necromantic component of the ritual, killing the
sit on tables and shelves around the room. A one-eyed
nothic and creating another (very confused) brain in
a jar. Lawrynce offers to repeat the process for any
creature is restrained to a bloodstained bed in the center
characters who wish the partake. The ritual results in
of the room. Near the table, a brain floats in a liquid-filled the death and liquefaction of the subject’s body. At your
cylinder, with a crude face drawn in paint on the glass. discretion, the process can be used on the body of a
player character that has died within the last 24 hours
The brain, once a man named Lawrynce, was an
(see Troubleshooting section for additional suggestions).
apprentice of the High Necromancer Cadavix. At the
Treasure. A search of the room yields a set of
hands of his master, Lawrynce willingly underwent
alchemist's supplies, three doses of carrion crawler
the Ritual of Brain Transfer to become a brain in a
mucus, and three doses of torpor.
jar. Having never been properly taught by his master,
has been unsuccessfully practicing the ritual to turn
creatures into brains in jars on his own. When the party Roleplaying Lawrynce
arrives, Lawrynce is about to attempt the ritual on a Lawrynce is intended to be a bit of comic relief from an
restrained nothic. Sixteen crawling claws inhabit the otherwise spooky location (and chapter). Here are a few
room and are under Lawrynce's control. The crawling suggestions for how to roleplay him:
claws originated from dead wizards of the tower. • Lawrynce is chaotic neutral in that he is neither good nor
Insanity. Lawrynce's time as a brain in a jar combined evil, but is generally bringing a bit more chaos into the
with the trauma from finding the dead body of his master world than order by trying to revitalize the Ritual of Brain
upstairs has caused him to suffer from delusions about Transfer.
his physical state. Lawrynce no longer believes that he • Lawrynce has had thousands of years to himself so is
is a brain in a jar and does strange things like wearing desperate to talk to someone. You can have Lawrynce
ramble on a bit whenever answering questions, simply
a lab-coat hanging from his jar, floating around with
reveling in the ability to converse with people.
crawling claws at the end of his sleeves • Lawrynce uses the crawling claws in the Tower of
as if he had hands, and drawing Necromancy as helpers. He refers to the hands based on
facial expressions on the if they are right or left and who they belonged to. He might
glass with paint. If characters say "Thank you Right Glaima" or "Left Tyran, can you please
suggest that Lawrynce is a put a kettle on for our guests?"
disembodied brain, he begins • Seeing the body of his master after the fall of Ythryn has
to grow irritable. If reminded Lawrynce stuck in the first stage of grief: denial. If asked
of his form three times, he about the High Necromancer, he says that his master is
suffers a psychic break and upstairs busily working. He skirts any subject relating to the
last time he's seen his master.
becomes hostile towards the
• Lawrynce uses his mage hand cantrip to attach his lab coat
characters. A successful DC to his jar to give the appearance that he is wearing it. He
15 Charisma (Deception) also uses his mage hand to paint crude facial expressions
check can calm him down if on the front of his jar - something he does subconsciously.
hostilities arise.
At will: chill touch (see “Actions” below), detect thoughts, mage 6th level (1 slot): magic jar*
hand, zone of truth *Necromancy spell of 1st level or higher
3/day each: charm person, hold person Grim Harvest (1/Turn). When necromancer kills a creature that is
1/day each: compulsion, hold monster, sleep (3rd-level version), neither a construct nor undead with a spell of 1st level or higher,
Tasha’s hideous laughter the necromancer regains hit points equal to twice the spell’s level,
or three times if it is a necromancy spell.
Magic Resistance. The brain has advantage on saving throws
against spells and other magic effects. Actions
Unusual Nature. The brain doesn’t require air, food, drink, or Withering Touch. Melee Spell Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
sleep. creature. Hit: 5 (2d4) necrotic damage.
Chill Touch (Cantrip). Ranged Spell Attack: +6 to hit, range 120
ft., one creature. Hit: 13 (3d8) necrotic damage, and the target
can’t regain hit points until the start of the brain’s next turn. If the
target is undead, it also has disadvantage on attack rolls against Crawling Claw
the brain until the end of the brain’s next turn. Tiny undead, neutral evil
Mind Blast (Recharge 5–6). The brain magically emits psychic
energy in a 60-foot cone. Each creature in that area must succeed Armor Class 12
on a DC 14 Intelligence saving throw or take 17 (3d8 + 4) psychic Hit Points 2 (1d4)
damage and be stunned for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the Speed 20 ft., climb 20 ft.
saving throw at the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on
itself on a success. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
13 (+1) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 5 (-3) 10 (+0) 4 (-3)
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit:
3 (1d4 + 1) bludgeoning or slashing damage (claw’s choice).
A Dan Kahn
We hope you’ve enjoyed the content in this
compendium. If you find any errors, have a good
idea, or just want to get in touch, you can reach out
to Dan Kahn at [email protected].