Tomb of Annihilation Expanded, Part 6 Omu

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Tomb of Annihilation Expanded

Part Six, Omu

Expansion of the Tomb of

Annihilation Campaign

This expansion provides extra content for the Wizards of the
Coast adventure, Tomb of Annihilation. While the Tomb of
Annihilation campaign is not required, it helps immensely if
you have that adventure. Alternatively, you can use these
maps, encounters, side quests, NPCs, and magic items as
part of your own jungle adventure.
Included with this document are forty-four maps and
encounters that expand the jungles of the Chult peninsula in
Faerun (the Forgotten Realms).
A 12+ hour adventure add-on for 6th to 10th level
This adventure add-on is intended for use with the
Wizards of the Coast adventure Tomb of Annihilation, but
can be used to add-on to any adventure or campaign.

by Aaron Gentry
aka VeX / Tyrannosaurus VeX
DM's Guild Products
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This work contains material that is copyright Wizards of the Coast and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission
under the Community Content Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Aaron Gentry and published under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.

1 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

Omu Expanded

his expansion includes a number of
enhancements and expansions of the area of Random Encounter Maps
the Omu, the final location in the Tomb of A large part of the Tomb of Annihilation adventure campaign
Annihilation campaign. This expansion series is the exploration of the jungle peninsula, which involves
is designed to add more flavor, more maps, rolling on the random encounter tables of Appendix B in the
more sidequests, and much more interesting Tomb of Annihilation campaign guide.
gameplay to your Tomb of Annihilation But many players and dungeon masters have also noted
campaign. However, many of these adventures and maps can that the slog of continual random encounters can get a bit
be dropped into other D&D campaigns. boring. To help alleviate this malaise, I plan to add random
encounter maps for as many of the biomes as possible in
Expanded Areas Summary most of the parts of this series of expansions.
In this particular part of the expansion series, there is one
Random Encounters jungle river map, one jungle map, one ruin map, and one
This document includes 33 random encounter maps for wasteland. All of these maps have multiple variants, including
four different environments of Chult -- a jungle river map, a day and night versions, versions with roads, camps, etc.
jungle maps, a ruin map, and a wasteland map. All of these All of these maps can be found in the accompanying .zip
maps have multiple variants for different situations. file or embedded in this document in the Maps section.
This product includes maps for five of the areas of the Omu: Entrances to the
ruins of Omu that do not have battlemaps, but the adventure
outlines encounters that happen in these places. To make this Fane
campaign more immersive and tactical, I have provided maps Two of the locations in the Tomb of Annihilation campaign
(including some variants) to facilitate these iconic Chultan guide where possible combat encounters takes place, these
encounters. Included are day/night variants for both guarded two locations were on my list of places that I felt needed a
entrances to the Fane, a map of the cellars under the ruined map. In the campaign guide, there are two entrances to the
bazaar that has been expanded into a sidequest feud between fane, the main and obvious one to the north, and the secret
two factions of kobolds, day/night variants of the entrance to the south. Both are guarded, so there is a good
Amphitheater where the characters may encounter the chance of needing an encounter map for these locations. For
magical T-Rex, "The King of Feathers, the fallen tree where information on the Omu locations, see pages 110 in the
the players encounter "Bag of Nails" which links to a Tomb of Annihilation campaign guide.
sidequest detailed later, and day/night variants of the
Adventurer's Camp where the characters may encounter red Main Entrance
wizards of Thay. When your players reach the main entrance to the Fane, you
can read the following description to them:
Sidequest: Gnome Family Robinson
The players can be hooked into this sidequest in several A worked tunnel descends into the earth here. Muddy cart-
ways, but I have included a direct connection with "Bag of tracks wind back and forth from the entrance.
Nails", the tabaxi assassin that yearns a hunter's death and is
found in the area of Fallen Tree in Omu. Included in the Use one of the following maps for encounters with the yuan-ti
tabaxi's possessions, I have suggested that DM's add a note guards:
from one pirate to another that references a family of
gnomish inventors that have fortified an island to the south Map: Main Entrance to the Fane Day (25x25)
and are guarding a dead pirate lord's hoard of wealth. The Map: Main Entrance to the Fane Night (25x25)
note indicates that the pirates are gathering forces and intend Secret Entrance
to attack the gnomes with a large force. When your players reach the main entrance to the Fane, you
The sidequest hopes to have the player characters wish to can read the following description to them:
seek out these gnomes either in search of their treasure
themselves or to assist them in defeating the attacking Lifting aside the palm fronds, you uncover a narrow, rough-
pirates. The sidequest is designed so that either is possible, hewn passage descending into the earth.
but that if the characters do try to murder/steal the gnome's
treasure, they'll still have to deal with the attacking pirates as Use one of the following maps for encounters with the yuan-ti
well. guards:
Map: Secret Entrance to the Fane Day (25x25)
Map: Secret Entrance to the Fane Night (25x25)

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 2

Omu: Ruined Bazaar, When the characters enter, you can read the following to
Kobold Cellars the players:
In Tomb of Annihilation on page 106, the Ruined Bazaar is As you reach the bottom of the stairs leading into the ancient
described as having Kobolds that live below the ruined cellars, you can see a faint bluish-colored light coming from
bazaar in the ancient cellars. For this product, I have the west. As you peer around the corner, you can see a wall
sconce with a glowing blue crystal that appears to be casting
expanded this area to not only include an encounter map, but magical blue light down the hallways.
also have included expanded story and encounters not
included in the adventure. Secret Door
Description: In this cellar, instead of just the usual kobold The door at the east end of the hallway is a secret cellar that
encounter with Kakarol and his kobold followers, I have was only used by the Bazaar elite in the hayday of Omu's
added an additional tribe of blue kobolds who oppose markets.
Kakorol and his red kobold tribe. They live at opposite ends The door is hidden well, and the kobolds have never found
of the cellar tunnels and often fight each other for supremacy. it. Detecting this door requires a passive Perception of 16 or
Map: Ruined Bazaar - Kobold Cellars (30x60) a DC 16 Perception check.
See the DM's Version of this map on the following page to B: Hidden Cellar
match descriptions of the rooms found below. Much of the contents of this room have long since past their
How the players are introduced to the two rival tribes of prime. Most of them have turned to dust or useless sludge.
kobolds mostly depends on which choices they make within The crates contain dusty ruined clothing and other fabric
the cellars. If they head north, they should meet the blue items. The barrels once contained high-quality ales, liquors,
kobolds first, possibly aligning with them. If they head south and wines, but now are sludge and vinegar.
first, they should meet the red kobolds first instead, and
possibly align with them against the blues.
A: Entrance
This stairway is the only stairway leading into the cellars
from the bazaar that is not blocked by cave-in or heaps of

3 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

Map to Hidden Location
This map is a pirate map to a buried treasure on the large
island in the Cauldron, a bay in southern Chult. This map has
been here for centuries untouched since the fall of Omu, but
the treasure was found several years ago, by a family of
shipwrecked gnomes.
This item is a hook for the sidequest found in this product.
C: Blocked Stairways
These stairways are blocked by cave-in or by heaps of
D: Cellar Battleground
The two kobold tribes that live in these ruined bazaar cellars
have been warring with one another for some time. They
often fight one another in this central room of the cellar
complex. For this reason, there are several large bloodstains
that have permanently stained the stone cellar floors.
When the player characters first enter this area, read the
following description to them:
As you open the door, you first notice the lights which
magically flood the room with soft red light. Second, your
sense of smell detects the presence of blood, both old and
fresh. That is when your eyes see the stains of blood on the
floor. It is obvious that this room has been used for fighting
several times over the course of several days, or even weeks.

E: Blue Kobold Complex

Within these rooms to the north, are several blue kobold that
are warring with the red kobolds to the south. If fighting
starts with any of the blue kobolds, the others will come
running towards the sounds of fighting to investigate and
help their fellow blue kobolds.
The following encounter includes all the blue kobolds in
the northern rooms.
Encounter: 10 blue kobolds, 1 kobold mage (Darbu)
Darbu, the leader of the blue kobolds, will jump at the
chance to convince the player characters to assist him in
clearing out the red kobolds. He will offer the characters 12
gold pieces, the combined wealth of the tribe, if they assist
him in this. In addition, Darbu will gather the entire tribe to
accompany the characters if they agree to help him in his

However, there is a map to a hidden location outside Omu

(see map below) on the table near the secret door; And, in the
chests to the north, there are some useful potions and scrolls:
Treasure: 2 potion of greater healing, 1 potion of growth,
1 potion of healing, 1 potion of poison, 1 scroll of augury, 1
scroll of death ward, 1 scroll of inflict wounds, 1 scroll of
locate object.
Additionally, to the south, in the gilded chest, there is some
useful treasure:
Treasure: 250sp, 120gp, 1 alchemy jug, 1 bag of holding,
1 brass mug with jade inlay (250gp value), 1 immovable
rod, 1 lake's call (trinket whistle that sounds like a water
bird), 1 quartz, 1 star rose quartz.
VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 4
F: Blue Kobold Kitchen In the Tomb of Annihilation adventure, it describes Kakarol
When the characters enter this room, read the following as wearing a torn 6-foot-long tapestry of a macaw decorated
description to them: with garnet beads as a cloak, and that he has a hoard.
Kakarol hides this hoard of treasure under one of the crude
When you first open the door to this room, you immediately beds in the red kobold nest. A character searching the room
see to kobolds with blue skin. One is standing next to a large or with a passive Perception score of 15, can see this hidden
stone fireplace at the rear of the room, stoking a fire in
preparation of roasting some meat. The other kobold appears
to be dressing a large fowl carcass of some kind, also in
preparation of a meal. J: Red Kobold Kitchen
When the characters enter this room, read the following
G: Blue Kobold Common Room description to them:
When the character first enter this room, read the following
description to the players: The dominating feature of this room is a large fire pit. It
appears as though the kobolds who live in these chambers
have removed several of the floor stones and built a large pit
Entering this room, you see several small tables with an which they can build a fire in. Roasting on a spit next to the
assortment of stools and crude chairs. One table at the rear of fire are several rat-like carcasses that fill the room with the
the room has seveal lit candles, which bathe the room in soft smell of cooking meat.
light. Gathered around the room are several blue kobolds.
K: Red Kobold Nest
If the characters have not yet started fighting these blue When the characters enter this room, you can read the
kobolds, Darbu may take the opportunity to try and convince following description to them:
the characters of aiding him in destroying or driving off the
red kobolds in the southern cellar rooms. Several small rickety wooden beds with lumpy dirty mattresses
and foul-smelling blankets are scattered throughout this room.
H: Blue Kobold Nest Many of these small beds have tables with dripping tallow
When the characters first enter this room, read the following candles that fill the room with light as well as attempt to mask
the smell of a kobold nest.
description to them:
This room has an interesting smell when you first enter. There
are bundles and piles of dried grasses mixed with blankets and
torn bedding strewn about the large room. Additionally, a
small area along the southern wall appears to be crudely
fenced off and there appears to be a small clutch of blue
kobold eggs nestled in the grass nest.

I: Red Kobold Common Room

Within these rooms to the south, are several red kobolds that
are warring with the blue kobolds to the north. If fighting
starts with any of the red kobolds, the others will come
running towards the sounds of fighting to investigate and
help their fellow red kobolds.
The encounter for this area is found in the Tomb of
Annihilation campaign guide.
Kakarol, the leader of the red kobolds, will jump at the
chance to convince the player characters to assist him in
clearing out the blue kobolds. He will offer the characters
118 silver pieces, the combined wealth of the tribe, if they
assist him in this. In addition, Kakarol will gather the entire
tribe to accompany the characters if they agree to help him in
his task.
When the characters first enter this room, Kakarol will
jump at the chance to try to convince the characters to help
him, unless he see's that they are accompanied by blue
kobolds. Upon entering, you can read the following
description to the players:
This common room has a few small tables with an array of
crude stools and ramshackle chairs gathered around them. The
table nearest the door has several lit candles which give the
room a nice dim glow of light. Seated at the tables are five red

5 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

Omu: Amphitheater Omu: Adventurer's Camp
In the Tomb of Annihilation campaign guide where there is a In the Tomb of Annihilation campaign guide on page 103, you
likely combat encounter that takes place, this is one of the can find more information about this location.
locations in Omu where I felt especially needed an encounter In this location, there is a handout and story link to the
map. Company of the Yellow Banner, and the handout includes
In the campaign guide, on page 106, the area is described clues for entering the Tomb of the Nine Gods. This is an
where the powerful magically enhanced Tyrannosaurus Rex important location and because it also includes possible
known as the King of Feathers makes his home. During the random encounter with one of the Red Wizards of Thay, I
day, the King of Feathers rests and guards his domain. Use included a map.
the following map if the characters enter this area while the
King is here: Map: Adventurer Camp Day (25x25)
Map: Omu Amphitheater (30x30) You can also use the map as a random ruin encounter map
if you desire. I provided both a day and a night version for just
At night, the King of Feathers is out prowling the city of that reason, though because the camp is abandoned, there is
Omu, hunting for food. You can use a random encounter map no lighting effects on the night version.
to have the King simply attack the players elsewhere while he Map: Adventurer Camp Night (25x25)
is hunting.
If the players come to the Amphitheater at night, the
deinoychuses that make their home in the narrow rubble- Sidequest: Gnomish Family
strewn passages beneath the grandstands will come out to
hunt the intruding characters. Use the following map for that Robinson
encounter if necessary: Suggested Party Level: 7th or higher
Map: Omu Amphitheater Night (30x30) Description: Rumors abound of a hoard of pirate treasure
that was captured by an army of gnomes and is hidden away
Omu: Fallen Tree in the jungles of the southern shore of the large island in the
In the Tomb of Annihilation campaign guide on page 102, you bay known as The Cauldron in southern Chult. The pirate
can find more information about this location. treasure hoard is real. But it was no army of gnomes, only a
In those entries, you will find that this location is a possible simgle family of gnomish inventors who have built many
encounter location with the elder tabaxi hunter (assassin) defenses to guard their island from the pirates that onces
who desperately wishes to die a hunter's death. But he's sank their ship and stranded them there.
grown senile in old age and now views almost all creatures as
"prey." Hook: The player characters can hear about these rumors in
For this reason, I felt a combat encounter map was needed. many different ways. If they haven't yet visited Jahaka
However, the book and module describe the tabaxi as Anchorage, perhaps they can learn of the "gnomish army"
attacking from the east bank in a ruined building, and I and "treasure hoard" there. Or possibly they hear a rumor
envisioned this as a different encounter, where the tabaxi about it in Port Nyanzaru. But it's important that when they
instead faces off with the characters in an honorable toe-to- go to investigate, they quickly learn that the gnomes are not
toe fight of sorts on the fallen tree itself. an army and they should ultimately choose to help the
My inspiration for this fight was the death of Sonny gnomes defend their island, as they do not wish to return to
Landham's character, Billy, in the 1987 film "Predator". You "civilization" any longer. Additionally, I have provided two
can view this scene here in the youtube video below: "pirate map" items that in other locations in this product, but
you could have the characters find a copy of that map
Billy vs. Predator elswhere as well:
The following map can be used for Fallen Tree or as a Running this Sidequest
location for a random encounter if you like: The gnomes live in a well-defended tree-fort similar to that of
Map: Fallen Tree (25x20) the film that this sidequest references: the Disney classic,
Swiss Family Robinson. Soon after the player characters
Remember, you can still have Bag of Nails lead the arrive and befriend the gnome family, one of the younger
characters back to his lair and attempt to poison them if he gnomes in the family will run into the scene and inform
drops below half-health, and I would recommend that, but in everyone that he spotted a small fleet of pirate ships headed
my version of this encounter, Bag of Nails seeks death in a their way.The players should feel free to help the gnomes
more straight-forward manner. defend their fort and to help strategize defenses. The gnomes
Either on his person or in his lair, the characters can find can mention some of the defenses they've already built and
the a pirate map, which is a hook to lead them to the let the players help deploy those defenses. Much like in the
sidequest included in this product. classic film, the pirates should seem inept and mostly
However, the pirates did bring one weapon that might be a
bit of a challenge: a group of pirate ettins.

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 6

The Map
The following map can be used either for the characters
assaulting the gnome's home or for defending the tree fort
from pirate attackers. Additionally, you can use the DM's map
version on the other side of this page to find descriptions of
the individual areas of the map.
Map: Gnomish Family Robinson (35x35)
The Gnomes
The following is the gnome family Robinson. They can
become friendly (allies) or enemy depending on how the
player characters interact with them"
Brandon Robinson is the patriarch of the family, he is an
accomplished magician. Brandon is a gnome mage with
11d8+22 hp.
Melissa Robinson is the mother of the family, she is a
priest and healer. Melissa is a gnome priest with 10d8+10
Jacob Robinson was a cabin-boy on the ship the
Robinsons where on when they were shipwrecked and
was adopted and raised by the Robinsons. He is a talented
hunter and brews his own poisons. Jacob is a gnome drow
elite warrior that has 11d8+22 hp, only the innate
spellcasting trait, and both his shortword and shortbow
are deal an additional 3d6 poison damage on hit. Platform Heights
Hannah Robinson is the only daughter of the Robinsons Height Platform Name
and is a quiet and introspective druid. Hanna is a gnome
druid with 10d8+10 hp. 150 feet E: Jacob's Brewery
Ethan Robinson is the youngest of the Robinsons and is a 135 feet C: Children's Bedrooms, Kitchen, & Dining Patio
wild scamp, always in search of adventure and fun. Ethan
is a gnome bandit. 110 feet A: Pirate Treasure
105 feet D: Master Bedroom & Family Room
Tree Fort General Features
The Gnomish Family Robinson tree fort is based on ideas 100 feet B: Lifting Crane
from the film Swiss Family Robinson. They live 100ft up in 0 feet Forest Floor
the canopy of a massive ancient tree about a half-mile inland
from the southern shore of the large island in the bay known A: Pirate Treasure
as "The Cauldron" in southern Chult. Almost all of the pirate treasure hoard the gnomes found is
Entering the Tree Fort now hidden away in these rooms. The gnomes took what they
There is one main entry to the tree fort, the lifting crane in needed to make the traps and defenses for their forest home,
the center of the complex. Riding the crane up takes about but they are not greedy nor do they covet treasure.
one minute as the gnomes have invented an automated The treasure below does contain several powerful magic
magic-powered system that slowly brings the crane platform items. If you don't wish to give your party several powerful
up like an elevator. From the Lifting Crane platform in the items, delete some before rewarding it to your players.
center of the fort there is a lever that controls the crane and Pirate Treasure Hoard: 16000gp, 2200pp, 2 black opal, 1
can be set into a locked position. At the base of the ancient blue sapphire, 1 boots of striding and springing, 1 bracers
tree, there is a hidden control mechanism (DC 20 to find) of archery, 1 heavy crossbow +1, 1 elixer of health, 1 elven
that will lower or raise the crane platform, but only if the chain, 1 fire opal, 1 half-plate armor +1, 10 necklaces of
lever is not in the locked position at the top. fireballs, 1 scale mail armor +1, 1 star sapphire, 1 wand of
In addition, climbing the ancient tree is possible. A the war mage +1.
Strength (Athletics) DC 14 check will allow a creature or
character to climb the tree and reach the lowest platform, B: Lifting Crane
which is the Lifting Crane platform, which is 100ft from the This central and lowest platform of the complex, this
forest floor. platform has no roof or walls, only wooden railings. The main
feature of this platform is the magically-powered elevator-lift
crane that raises and lowers people and goods up and down
from the forest floor.

7 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

There is a lever with two positions here and two buttons: Pirate Wave 1: 20 bandits (pirate mateys), 4 bandit
Lever Position One: Automated captains (pirate masters)
Lever Position Two: Locked/Manual The first wave is mostly useless fodder. Just average pirate
Button One: Lift Up mateys and their masters.
Button Two: Lift Down
Pirate Wave 2: 10 bandits (pirate mateys), 2 bandit
If the Lever is in the Locked/Manual position, the hidden captains (pirate masters), 1 mage (pirate mage), 3 acolytes
controls near the base of the ancient tree are disabled and (pirate priests), 2 veterans (pirate captains)
only the buttons at the top can control the lift.
The second wave is a bit more organized and has several
C: Children's Bedrooms, Kitchen, & spellcasters, though they are still at a serious disadvantage
Dining Patio since the players (and possibly gnomes) are in the treetop
Ethan and Hannah Robinsons rooms are at the far north of (with the high ground).
the tree fort complex, and they are also 35 feet higher than Pirate Wave 3: 10 bandits (pirate mateys), 2 bandit
the central platform. Additionally, the kitchen and the dining captains (pirate masters), 2 acolytes (pirate priests), 2
patio are here. The gnomes prefer eating outside on the veterans (pirate captains), 5 ettins (pirate ettins)
patio, even when there is a storm. The patio has a roof over it,
but no walls surrounding it, only wooden railings. The third wave offers the most challenge as the toughest
creatures, a number of pirate ettins are among the attackers.
D: Master Bedroom & Family Room
Brandon and Melissa Robinson's room is in this platform of Increased Difficulty Options
the tree fort as well as a quiet family room. The south I included a covered Battering Ram token that you can use to
windows of the family room can see out over the trees to the give the pirates if you want to increase the difficulty and allow
south, giving the room an amazing view of the southern some of the pirates to get past the defenses.
coastline of the island. Additionally, you can have the pirate mages cast their fly
spells on other pirates before they actually attack, which will
E: Jacob's Brewery allow some pirates to fly up into the tree and try to distract
This platform is the highest platform in the complex. Jacob the PCs and gnomes, allowing the others on the ground to
has a natural affinity with brewing things. He makes a good get closer to the tree, etc.
wine using flowers that grow in the highest branches of the
ancient tree as well as a nutty ale that he won't tell anyone Rewards
what's really in it. If the pirates are defeated and the gnomes are still alive, they
But his true passion is brewing poisons. will ask that the characters take word of back to Port
Nyanzaru to inform their relatives that they are still alive, but
When the Pirates Attack the characters are welcome to take any or all of the treasure
they wish. The gnomes would prefer to stay here though.
When the pirates attack, you can alert the players that the They were shipwrecked and left to survive on their own here,
attack is incoming in two possible ways: but now they enjoy their forest tree-fort home.
If the players are allied/friendly with the gnomes, Ethan
Robinson will run up and tell the characters that he
spotted a fleet of pirate ships on the horizon.
If the players attacked the gnomes, you can give the player
characters opportunities to spot the incoming pirates
whenever they are in the Family Room or Jacob's Brewery
The characters should have plenty of time to prepare for
the oncoming attacks if they know the pirates are coming.
The gnomes have a number of defenses that should aid in
defending the complex, most notably, the ten necklaces of
fireballs that were in the pirate treasure hoard they found.
They will immediately mention that these can be thrown
down at the attacking pirate forces like little bombs.
Any other strategies or plans the players can come up with,
you should let them at least attempt. This battle should be a
little bit campy even. It's more about FUN rather than
actually dangerous.
Pirate Waves
The pirates attack in three waves. If these three waves are
defeated, the remaining pirates will retreat back to their ships
and flee the island.

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 8

Map Appendix
ToA Expansion Map
Adventurer's Camp, Day

9 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

ToA Expansion Map
Adventurer's Camp, Night

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 10

ToA Expansion Map
Fallen Tree

11 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

Sidequest Map
Gnomish Family Robinson

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 12

Random Encounter Map
Jungle 11 River, Day

13 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

Random Encounter Map
Jungle 11 River, Night

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 14

Random Encounter Map
Jungle 11 River Canoe, Day

15 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

Random Encounter Map
Jungle 11 River Canoe, Night

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 16

Random Encounter Map
Jungle 11 River Barges, Day

17 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

Random Encounter Map
Jungle 11 River Barges, Night

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 18

Random Encounter Map
Jungle 12 Empty, Day

19 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

Random Encounter Map
Jungle 12 Empty, Night

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 20

Random Encounter Map
Jungle 12 Path, Day

21 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

Random Encounter Map
Jungle 12 Path, Night

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 22

Random Encounter Map
Jungle 12 Ruin, Day

23 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

Random Encounter Map
Jungle 12 Ruin, Night

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 24

Random Encounter Map
Jungle 12 Ruin Path, Day

25 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

Random Encounter Map
Jungle 12 Ruin Path, Night

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 26

Random Encounter Map
Jungle 12 Empty, Camp

27 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

Random Encounter Map
Jungle 12 Path, Camp

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 28

Random Encounter Map
Jungle 12 Ruin, Camp

29 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

Random Encounter Map
Jungle 12 Ruin Path, Camp

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 30

ToA Expansion Map
Main Entrance to the Fane, Day

31 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

ToA Expansion Map
Main Entrance to the Fane, Night

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 32

ToA Expansion Map
Omu Amphitheater, Day

33 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

ToA Expansion Map
Omu Amphitheater, Night

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 34

ToA Expansion Map
Ruined Bazaar, Kobold Cellars

35 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

Random Encounter Map
Ruins 04, Day

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 36

Random Encounter Map
Ruins 04, Night

37 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

Random Encounter Map
Ruins 04, Camp

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 38

ToA Expanded Map
Secret Entrance to the Fane, Day

39 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

ToA Expanded Map
Secret Entrance to the Fane, Night

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 40

Random Encounter Map
Wasteland 03 Empty, Day

41 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

Random Encounter Map
Wasteland 03 Empty, Night

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 42

Random Encounter Map
Wasteland 03 Path, Day

43 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

Random Encounter Map
Wasteland 03 Path, Night

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 44

Random Encounter Map
Wasteland 03 Ruin, Day

45 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

Random Encounter Map
Wasteland 03 Ruin, Night

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 46

Random Encounter Map
Wasteland 03 Ruin Path, Day

47 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

Random Encounter Map
Wasteland 03 Ruin Path, Night

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 48

Random Encounter Map
Wasteland 03 Empty, Camp

48 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

Random Encounter Map
Wasteland 03 Path, Camp

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 49

Random Encounter Map
Wasteland 03 Ruin, Camp

50 VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation

Random Encounter Map
Wasteland 03 Ruin Path, Camp

VeX's Expanded Tomb of Annihilation 51

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