Tomb of Annihilation Expanded, Part 6 Omu
Tomb of Annihilation Expanded, Part 6 Omu
Tomb of Annihilation Expanded, Part 6 Omu
This expansion provides extra content for the Wizards of the
Coast adventure, Tomb of Annihilation. While the Tomb of
Annihilation campaign is not required, it helps immensely if
you have that adventure. Alternatively, you can use these
maps, encounters, side quests, NPCs, and magic items as
part of your own jungle adventure.
Included with this document are forty-four maps and
encounters that expand the jungles of the Chult peninsula in
Faerun (the Forgotten Realms).
A 12+ hour adventure add-on for 6th to 10th level
This adventure add-on is intended for use with the
Wizards of the Coast adventure Tomb of Annihilation, but
can be used to add-on to any adventure or campaign.
by Aaron Gentry
aka VeX / Tyrannosaurus VeX
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All other original material in this work is copyright 2020 by Aaron Gentry and published under the Community Content
Agreement for Dungeon Masters Guild.
his expansion includes a number of
enhancements and expansions of the area of Random Encounter Maps
the Omu, the final location in the Tomb of A large part of the Tomb of Annihilation adventure campaign
Annihilation campaign. This expansion series is the exploration of the jungle peninsula, which involves
is designed to add more flavor, more maps, rolling on the random encounter tables of Appendix B in the
more sidequests, and much more interesting Tomb of Annihilation campaign guide.
gameplay to your Tomb of Annihilation But many players and dungeon masters have also noted
campaign. However, many of these adventures and maps can that the slog of continual random encounters can get a bit
be dropped into other D&D campaigns. boring. To help alleviate this malaise, I plan to add random
encounter maps for as many of the biomes as possible in
Expanded Areas Summary most of the parts of this series of expansions.
In this particular part of the expansion series, there is one
Random Encounters jungle river map, one jungle map, one ruin map, and one
This document includes 33 random encounter maps for wasteland. All of these maps have multiple variants, including
four different environments of Chult -- a jungle river map, a day and night versions, versions with roads, camps, etc.
jungle maps, a ruin map, and a wasteland map. All of these All of these maps can be found in the accompanying .zip
maps have multiple variants for different situations. file or embedded in this document in the Maps section.
This product includes maps for five of the areas of the Omu: Entrances to the
ruins of Omu that do not have battlemaps, but the adventure
outlines encounters that happen in these places. To make this Fane
campaign more immersive and tactical, I have provided maps Two of the locations in the Tomb of Annihilation campaign
(including some variants) to facilitate these iconic Chultan guide where possible combat encounters takes place, these
encounters. Included are day/night variants for both guarded two locations were on my list of places that I felt needed a
entrances to the Fane, a map of the cellars under the ruined map. In the campaign guide, there are two entrances to the
bazaar that has been expanded into a sidequest feud between fane, the main and obvious one to the north, and the secret
two factions of kobolds, day/night variants of the entrance to the south. Both are guarded, so there is a good
Amphitheater where the characters may encounter the chance of needing an encounter map for these locations. For
magical T-Rex, "The King of Feathers, the fallen tree where information on the Omu locations, see pages 110 in the
the players encounter "Bag of Nails" which links to a Tomb of Annihilation campaign guide.
sidequest detailed later, and day/night variants of the
Adventurer's Camp where the characters may encounter red Main Entrance
wizards of Thay. When your players reach the main entrance to the Fane, you
can read the following description to them:
Sidequest: Gnome Family Robinson
The players can be hooked into this sidequest in several A worked tunnel descends into the earth here. Muddy cart-
ways, but I have included a direct connection with "Bag of tracks wind back and forth from the entrance.
Nails", the tabaxi assassin that yearns a hunter's death and is
found in the area of Fallen Tree in Omu. Included in the Use one of the following maps for encounters with the yuan-ti
tabaxi's possessions, I have suggested that DM's add a note guards:
from one pirate to another that references a family of
gnomish inventors that have fortified an island to the south Map: Main Entrance to the Fane Day (25x25)
and are guarding a dead pirate lord's hoard of wealth. The Map: Main Entrance to the Fane Night (25x25)
note indicates that the pirates are gathering forces and intend Secret Entrance
to attack the gnomes with a large force. When your players reach the main entrance to the Fane, you
The sidequest hopes to have the player characters wish to can read the following description to them:
seek out these gnomes either in search of their treasure
themselves or to assist them in defeating the attacking Lifting aside the palm fronds, you uncover a narrow, rough-
pirates. The sidequest is designed so that either is possible, hewn passage descending into the earth.
but that if the characters do try to murder/steal the gnome's
treasure, they'll still have to deal with the attacking pirates as Use one of the following maps for encounters with the yuan-ti
well. guards:
Map: Secret Entrance to the Fane Day (25x25)
Map: Secret Entrance to the Fane Night (25x25)