Climate Newsletter
Climate Newsletter
Climate Newsletter
September - October 2023
Will the first global stocktake be the spur for getting
us on track to reach the Paris Agreement’s goals?, stocktake-be-the-spur-for-getting-us-on-track-to-
OECD, available at https://oecd-environment- reach-the-paris-agreements-goals/.
© Economic Laws Practice Page | 2
2 3
‘Loss and damage’ deal struck to help countries World Bank poised to host climate loss and damage
worst hit by climate crisis, The Guardian, available at fund, despite concerns, Reuters, available at
v/05/countries-agree-key-measures-to-fund-most- finance-reporting/world-bank-poised-host-climate-
vulnerable-to-climate-breakdown. loss-damage-fund-despite-concerns-2023-11-04/.
© Economic Laws Practice Page | 3
Carbon Markets
China Adopts Key Policies for Revamping its including third-party verification of projects and disclosure
National Carbon Market requirements.
ESG Global Study 2022, Harvard Law School Forum on available at
Corporate Governance, available at at-are-stranded-assets/.
study-2022/. Green Growth Opportunities, IMF, available at
What are stranded assets?, Grantham Research
Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, /12/green-growth-opportunities-ricardo-hausmann.
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Other Updates
Draft Ecomark Certification Rules, 2023 R&D Roadmap for Green Hydrogen Ecosystem
Revamping 1991’s pre-existing Ecomark scheme, the in India
Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change has
recently notified the draft Ecomark Certification Rules, In October 2023, the Ministry of New and Renewable
2023 (Ecomark Rules) for public inputs. Energy unveiled its “R&D roadmap for green hydrogen
ecosystem in India” (Roadmap). This roadmap is part of
The Ecomark Rules seek to provide special labelling of the larger National Green Hydrogen mission and boasts a
products that have lesser adverse impacts on the budget of INR 400 crores for an initial period of 2-3 years.
environment with the objective of promoting consumer
adoption of such products. Ecomarks are proposed to be The roadmap covers activities related to green hydrogen
applied to products upon an application to the Central production, storage, transport, end-use applications, and
Pollution Control Board (CPCB), subject to the fulfilment safety. The roadmap seeks to promote short term (0-5
of the specific environmental criteria applicable to said years), medium term (0-8 years) and long term (0-15
product/product class. This also includes fulfillment of any years) projects for the above activities.
Quality Control Orders or national/international quality
Additionally, the roadmap also envisions a public-private
and safety standards applicable to the product.
partnership framework for R&D in green hydrogen, with a
To enforce the Rules, market surveillance is envisioned dedicated R&D fund and inputs from government and
covering sample-based inspections, investigating misuses industry. To promote a green hydrogen ecosystem, it
of Ecomarks, conducting surprise searches, etc. This can recommends an industry-academia-government network
be done by either the CPCB or authorities empaneled by to ensure seamless transfer and commercialisation of new
it for this purpose. Conversely, “Designated Ecomark technology in this sector.
verifiers” are proposed to be established as third-party
verifiers (under the aegis of the CPCB) to assess Key Takeaway for Businesses
conformity with the Ecomark criteria for products,
including factory visits, sample collections, audits, etc. The roadmap is a valuable addition to India’s
green hydrogen policy framework and identifies
Lastly, the Ecomark Rules propose the creation of an
key areas of opportunity in the growing green
“Ecomark Portal”, which shall serve as a central database
hydrogen sector. This also presents businesses
and registry for registered entities, Designated Ecomark
and academia further clarity on focus areas of
verifiers, and other entities created under the Rules. The
portal would also track the number of applications made policy support by the government. Also, the
for grant of Ecomarks, as well as the sales effected for R&D fund coupled with the promise of inviting
each product under the Ecomark scheme. venture capital can serve to alleviate cost-
related risks for businesses seeking to enter this
uncharted space.
Key Takeaway for Businesses:
The Ecomark Rules are a significant development
towards promoting sustainable consumption in
Ministry of Environment and Forests Notifies
India. A comprehensive Ecomark regime can allow
businesses with environmentally friendly products Green Credit Rules, 2023
to differentiate themselves from competitors and
In addition to India’s CCTS, the central government had
benefit from growing awareness among consumers
previously also notified draft implementation rules for the
regarding sustainability. However, the efficacy and
upcoming voluntary Green Credit Programme (Program).
integrity of the Ecomark scheme in the eyes of
These rules have now been crystallized into the Green
consumers is subject to the environmental criteria
Credit Rules, 2023 (Rules) and have entered into force
established for products at a later stage.
from October, 2023. The Program as envisioned by these
rules comes at the heels of a policy initiative termed as disbursement, and the functioning of the trading
“Mission LiFE - Lifestyle for Environment”, which aims at platform. The implementation of said guidelines would be
cultivating environmental-friendly lifestyle changes within subject to the approval of the central government.
the Indian populace.
The Program envisions 8 types of green credits with each Key Takeaway for Businesses
type of credit representing an environment-positive The Program presents novel revenue generation
activity, such as a “Tree Plantation-Based Green Credit” avenues for businesses. Assuming a healthy
for afforestation related activities, or a “Waste price for green credits, businesses are
Management based Green Credit” for sustainable & encouraged to establish environmentally
improved waste management practices. These activities positive activities to receive credits, which can
can be undertaken by any person or entity for receiving generate revenue by being sold on trading
green credits. platforms. While it remains unclear as to how
demand would be generated for a completely
However, the rules are ambiguous on a number of voluntary programme such as this, experiences
modalities relating to green credits. Primarily, the rules from offset mechanisms around the world
are ambiguous on the stage of the covered activity at suggest that demand for credits can exist even
which the credits will be issued. Additionally, the rules in voluntary programs.
imply that different types of credits under the Program
would be fungible with respect to other types of credits. However, as things stand, the substantial
The rules however require that the thresholds of ambiguity contained in the rules make it harder
generating credits would need to have equivalency in for businesses to commit resources towards
terms of the effort and resources taken to generate each these activities. Amongst other factors, the lack
of clarity regarding the value of credits as well
type of credit - it therefore remains unclear as to how this
as the modalities of credit generation vis-à-vis
parity would be achieved. Furthermore, it's important to
each activity are important considerations
recognize the need for parity between thresholds to guiding the choice of activities to be undertaken.
prevent credits with lower requirements from Regardless of the same, businesses who have
overshadowing demand for other credit types. However, already implemented environmentally positive
this consideration raises broader questions about the activities as part of their corporate social
inherent value and practical use of each credit category. responsibility initiatives would be well placed to
benefit from the Program.
Similar to the Indian Carbon Market, the Program would
also consist of a trading platform for trading between
credits, administered by service providers and State of Gujarat Notifies Renewable Energy
supplemented by a green credit registry to track Policy
transactions and issuances. Guidelines for trading of
green credits, as well as criteria for selection and functions The State of Gujarat notified its new Renewable Energy
of trading service providers would be fleshed out in future Policy (Policy) in early October, with an aim to facilitate
guidelines. Notably, the rules also envision that activities investments in renewable energy (RE) worth INR 5 lac
registered under the Program generating green credits crores in the state. It replaces separate policies previously
may also simultaneously generate carbon credits under issued by the state, i.e. the Gujarat Wind Power Policy
other schemes. However, further clarity is needed on how 2016, the Gujarat Wind Solar Hybrid Power Policy 2018,
the Program would interact with the Carbon Credit and the Gujarat Solar Power Policy 2021, and is meant to
Trading Scheme. act as a broad framework for rulemaking by the Gujarat
Electricity Regulatory Commission.
The Program would mainly be monitored and
administered by the Indian Council of Forestry Research The Policy, which is expected to operate till September,
and Education (ICFRE). The ICFRE is tasked with 2028, provides a framework for the establishment of RE
recommending guidelines related to the implementation projects for either captive consumption of electricity or
of the Program, monitoring, reporting & verification of sale to third parties, regardless of scale or minimum
activities, modalities of credit generation and capacity. The covered RE projects are all ground mounted
solar, roof top solar, floating solar, canal top solar, wind,
rooftop wind and wind-solar hybrid projects, except those Key Takeaway for Businesses
used to supply power to units producing green hydrogen Gujarat’s new RE Policy’s inclusion of RE
or green ammonia.7 In addition to these projects, it also projects, regardless of their scale or capacity
envisages the promotion of RE parks with a minimum makes it easier for businesses to establish RE
capacity of 50MW. projects (such as rooftop solar) as a means to
generate captive electricity. This not only allows
To be covered by the Policy, the solar and wind equipment
businesses to offset electricity costs by
used by projects must be covered by the “Revised List of generating their own electricity, but also opens
Models and Manufacturers” of wind turbines, or the “List up avenues for revenue generation by sale of
of Approved Models and Manufacturers of Solar electricity to third parties.
Photovoltaic Modules”. However, prototype wind turbines
can also be established on approval by the state nodal The Policy also ensures that projects established
agency. The components imported for manufacturing under the Policy continue to receive long-term
such prototype wind turbines would be exempt from benefits, providing reliability which in-turn
customs and excise duties. Notably, RE projects would also softens apprehensions against incurring the
be eligible for receiving carbon credits under various initial capital expenditure to establish these
voluntary national and international standards.8 projects.
The importance of CBDR stems from the fact that not only do developing countries have lesser resources to implement
climate-positive technologies (such as moving away from fossil fuels), they are also faced with additional considerations
such as prioritizing poverty elimination and infrastructure development. Thus, CBDR balances the need for spurring all
countries for tackling climate change against the costs (financial and otherwise) of doing so.
The policy states that RE projects for supply of electricity
to green hydrogen or green ammonia production will be
overed by a subsequent policy.
It is unclear whether the generation of carbon credits
would also extend to the upcoming carbon credit trading
For a more in-depth and nuanced perspective on any of the topics please email us at: [email protected]