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Microelectronics Reliability 122 (2021) 114163

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Microelectronics Reliability
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Investigations of short-circuit failure in double trench SiC MOSFETs

through three-dimensional electro-thermal-mechanical stress analysis
Kailun Yao *, Hiroshi Yano, Noriyuki Iwamuro
Graduate School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba 305-8573, Japan


Keywords: In this study, the short-circuit failure mechanisms of 1.2 kV double trench SiC MOSFETs were investigated by
Mechanical stress experiment and three-dimensional numerical TCAD simulation. Damage at the gate interlayer dielectric was
Short-circuit failure mechanism confirmed as the cause of failure in the case of 400 V drain-source bias short-circuit transient. The three-
Trench SiC power MOSFETs
dimensional TCAD simulation results showed that the high level of mechanical stress could cause the struc­
Thermal runaway
Three-dimensional TCAD simulation
tural damage observed in the interlayer dielectric. Stress component analysis showed that tensile stress and shear
stress were the principal stresses that caused the damage. The typical thermal runaway failure caused by acti­
vation of bipolar characteristics at extremely high temperature was confirmed, by experiment and simulation, in
the case of the 800 V drain-source bias short-circuit transient. The three-dimensional simulation results indicated
that activation of the bipolar junction transistor initially occurred near the gate cross-corner, and then spread
throughout the entire cell.

1. Introduction and gate-source bias; and revealed that structural damage at the gate
interlayer dielectric caused an increase in the gate-leakage and drain-
Owing to their excellent electrical and thermal properties, silicon leakage current. In [10–13], the short-circuit failure modes at
carbide (SiC) metal-oxide field-effect transistors (MOSFETs) have been different drain-source voltages, as well as the corresponding electro-
widely utilized in power electronic systems to replace their silicon thermal analytical models, were summarized. It was found that at low
counterparts. SiC MOSFET features such as rapid switching speed, high or medium drain-source voltage, gate shorting after the short-circuit
block voltage, low conductive resistance, and high thermal conductivity transient is a common failure mode. In [14,15], mechanical stress
can significantly reduce the power loss and systems volume. Therefore, analysis was performed for gate shorting failure in planar and asym­
the performance of power systems can be greatly improved through the metric trench SiC MOSFETs after a short-circuit transient. The results
utilization of SiC MOSFETs [1]. indicated that the cause of failure was the filling of cracks with melted
Applications such as electric vehicle motors and power trans­ source aluminum, due to the high mechanical stress at the gate inter­
formation systems require long-term trouble-free operation. As a layer dielectric. Gate shorting failure also occurred in double trench SiC
consequence, stringent requirements are proposed with regard to SiC MOSFETs after a short-circuit transient [16].
MOSFETs' reliability. Among the many fault mechanisms, the short- In the aforementioned mechanical stress analysis cases [14,15], the
circuit event is one of the harsh operating modes that can cause the planar and asymmetric trench SiC MOSFETs had a stripe cell design,
permanent failure of switching devices. SiC MOSFETs must endure high which enables three-dimensional stress to be simplified to two-
electro-thermal stress during a short-circuit transient, without failure, dimensional stress in simulations. In contrast, the present study inves­
before the activation of the protection circuit. Various studies have re­ tigated the mechanical stress failure in double trench SiC MOSFETs, and
ported on the short-circuit characteristics of SiC MOSFETs. Most have since these have a square unit cell design, three-dimensional electro-
focused on electrical failure and degradation [2–8]. Recently, gate thermal-mechanical simulation was here performed, for the first time, to
shorting failure due to mechanical stress has been investigated. [9] investigate short-circuit failure in SiC MOSFETs. A wide range of visu­
investigated SiO2 dielectric degradation in planar SiC MOSFETs after a alized three-dimensional mechanical stress analysis, as well as failure
short-circuit transient, under varying temperature, drain-source voltage, current analysis of the thermal runaway conditions, are presented.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (K. Yao), [email protected] (H. Yano), [email protected] (N. Iwamuro).

Received 21 November 2020; Received in revised form 7 April 2021; Accepted 11 May 2021
Available online 25 May 2021
0026-2714/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
K. Yao et al. Microelectronics Reliability 122 (2021) 114163

Fig. 2. Short-circuit characteristics of the double trench SiC MOSFET at 400 V

DC bias: (a) drain voltage and drain current, (b) gate voltage.

Fig. 1. (a) short-circuit measurement equipment, (b) schematic of the equiv­

alent circuit; the gate resistance Rg was set at 47 Ω.

2. Short-circuit tests

2.1. Short-circuit characteristics at 400 V DC bias

The device under test (DUT) was a double trench SiC power MOSFET
(SCT3030AL; rated current, 70 A). The breakdown voltage of the DUT
was 1300 V, with a drain current (Id) of 1 mA, and can be used as 1.2 kV Fig. 3. Short-circuit characteristics of the double trench SiC MOSFET at 800 V
DC bias: (a) drain voltage and drain current, (b) gate voltage.
class MOSFET. The specific on-resistance (Ron⋅A) was 2.8 mΩ⋅cm2 at Vgs
of 20 V. The gate threshold voltage was 4.1 V at Vds of 10 V and Id of 1
mA. The active area of the DUT was roughly 9.2 mm2.
Fig. 1 shows the test equipment setup and a schematic of the which was caused by the dominant thermally enhanced phonon scat­
equivalent circuit. The short-circuit characteristics of the DUT were first tering at high temperature, the short-circuit current decreased contin­
investigated at 400 V. In order to avoid a turn-off surge current that may uously after reached its peak, before the turn-off of the gate. Short-
result in an avalanche, the gate resistance Rg was set high, at 47 Ω, and circuit failure occurred when the short-circuit time TSC reached 20.4
the gate bias was set at +15/− 4 V. The turn-on pulse width was μs. Initially, the gate voltage was biased to − 4 V, and the current was
extended 0.1 μs per trial, until short-circuit failure occurred. Fig. 2(a) successfully turned off. However, 4.2 μs after the turn-off, there was an
shows the drain-source voltage Vds and drain current Id, and Fig. 2(b) obvious voltage lift of ΔV = 1.3 V in the waveform of Vgs, which indi­
shows the gate-source voltage Vgs, during the short-circuit transient. Due cated damage between the gate and source electrodes. An impedance
to the carrier mobility degradation at channel region and drift region test was carried out after device failure, and the values of Rgs, Rgd and Rds

K. Yao et al. Microelectronics Reliability 122 (2021) 114163

Fig. 4. Top view of post failure chips surface [Active area: 9.18 mm2]: (a) after 400 V short-circuit test, (b) after 800 V short-circuit test.

Rgs, Rgd, and Rds were 12.5 Ω, 13.1 Ω, and 0.8 Ω, respectively, indicating
that all three terminals were shorted to each other after the 800 V bias
short-circuit transient.

3. Short-circuit failure analyses

3.1. Post-failure chips examination

In order to further investigate the short-circuit failure mechanisms,

the post-failure MOSFETs were decapped by chemical etching. Fig. 4(a)
and (b) respectively show the surface of the chips after the 400 V and
800 V short-circuit tests. No obvious damage can be observed on the
chip surface after the 400 V short-circuit test (Fig. 4(a)); however, after
the 800 V short-circuit transient, burn-out marks are observable on the
source pad near the bonding wire (Fig. 4(b)). These marks indicate
extremely high temperature and sudden amplification of the drain
current, which are typical evidence of thermal runaway [16].

3.2. Failure detection in gate shorting MOSFET

As noted in Section 2.1, shorting of the gate-source electrodes caused

the failure in the 400 V short-circuit test. Optical beam induced resis­
Fig. 5. (a) OBIRCH illumination spot. (b) Top view of SEM image at the gate- tance change (OBIRCH) analysis was performed to detect the shorting
source shorting area, aluminum electrode was removed. The damage region is location. Then, focused ion beam-scanning electron microscope (FIB-
marked by red arrows. Four Cutlines from (1) to (4) are selected to cut the FIB- SEM) analysis was used to investigate the failure location based on cross-
SEM cross-sectional images. sectional images of the damage region [15]. Fig. 5(a) shows the OBIRCH
illumination spot, and Fig. 5(b) shows a top-view SEM image of the
detected failure location, revealing the double trench SiC MOSFET's
were 619 Ω, 0.8 MΩ and 3.7 MΩ, respectively. This indicated that the square unit cell design, with the gate interlayer dielectric stripes cross to
shorting of Rgs caused the voltage lift in Vgs after the turn-off. Mean­ each other. The damaged area (marked by the red arrows) is identified
while, as shown in Fig. 2(a) the blocking capability of Vds and Id as the gate-source shorting location. In comparison with the intact cells
remained. shown on the right, a rough surface with protrusions can be observed in
the damaged area. In order to further investigate the failure area, Cut­
2.2. Short-circuit characteristics at 800 V DC bias lines (1) to (4) (green dashed lines in Fig. 5(b)) were selected for FIB-
SEM cross-sectional images (shown in Fig. 6). Fig. 6(a) shows two in­
The same type of device was then tested at 800 V drain-source DC dividual cells. In the right cell, a conductive path exists in the valley
bias. For consistency with the 400 V short-circuit test, the gate resistance region of the gate interlayer dielectric, between the gate polycrystalline
Rg was set at 47 Ω and the gate bias at +15/− 4 V. Fig. 3(a) shows the silicon (poly-Si) and the source aluminum. Fig. 6(b) shows the obvious
tested drain current Id and drain voltage Vds. The current reached a damage to the gate interlayer dielectric at Cutline (2). Fig. 6(c) shows
maximum of 270 A during the short-circuit transient, and the appear­ that, at the gate side-wall of the left gate structure, a conductive path
ance of the current tail after the gate turn-off indicated bipolar charac­ directly connects the gate poly-Si to the source aluminum. Fig. 6(d)
teristics at a very high temperature. The failure of the device occurred further reveals the structural damage at the gate interlayer and gate
when the short-circuit time TSC reached 5.7 μs; at which point, the DUT side-walls. The conductive paths between the gate poly-Si and the source
failed to turn off the drain current. The increase in uncontrollable short- aluminum are the cause of the small Rgs value and lift in Vgs after the
circuit current indicated thermal runaway failure. In the impedance test, gate turn-off in the 400 V short-circuit test.

K. Yao et al. Microelectronics Reliability 122 (2021) 114163

Fig. 6. FIB-SEM cross-sectional images from Cutline (1) to (4) at the damage region in Fig. 5. Two individual cells are shown in (a).

Fig. 8. Top view of simulation structure as shown in Fig. 7(b). The cutlines
from (1) to (4) correspond to the cutlines marked in Fig. 5.

a thickness of 200 μm. The thickness of the source aluminum at the top is
set at 6 μm. The depth and doping concentration of the protection trench
Fig. 7. Single cell MOSFET structure built in TCAD. (a) with source aluminum:
were set at 1.5 μm and 1.0×1018 cm− 3, respectively. The channel length
(A) source aluminum, (B) n- drift region, (C) n + substrate; (b) without source
was set at 0.3 μm. Figs. 8 and 9 show further geometric details of the
aluminum to show the square unit cell structure: (D) crossed gate interlayer
dielectric, (E) gate poly-Si, (F) n + source, (G) protection trench and deep p simulation structure. The positions of the cutlines in Fig. 8 correspond to
+ region. those in Fig. 5, and the cross-sectional structures in Fig. 9 correspond to
the FIB-SEM images in Fig. 6. The surface thermal contact at the drain
electrode was set at 0.04 K⋅cm2/W, based on the thermal resistance in
the datasheet. It is worth noting that the doping profile and geometric
4. Electro-thermal-mechanical TCAD simulation settings in this study refer to previous simulation reports, and may not
match the actual structure perfectly, but can nonetheless reflect the
Sentaurus TCAD simulation with coupled electro-thermal conditions device characteristics. Physical models, including Shockley-Read-Hall
is used to investigate the short-circuit failure mechanism [17]. As (SRH) recombination, temperature and high electric field-dependent
aforementioned, the double trench SiC MOSFET has a square unit (vs. carrier mobility, incomplete ionization, thermodynamics model and
stripe) cell design; thus, simplifying the volume stress to 2D plane stress temperature-dependent intrinsic carrier density are considered in the
may not reflect the mechanical stress distribution accurately. Therefore, simulation.
in the present study, a 3D device structure was used in the TCAD (Fig. 7).
The thickness and doping concentration of the drift region were set at 10 4.1. 400 V short-circuit TCAD simulation
μm and 1.2×1016 cm− 3, respectively. The thickness of the gate oxide at
the trench side-walls and trench bottom was set at 60 nm and 70 nm, The simulated short-circuit current is compared with the measured
respectively. The doping of the substrate was set at 1.0×1019 cm− 3, with current in Fig. 10. Due to some approximations and assumptions in

K. Yao et al. Microelectronics Reliability 122 (2021) 114163

Fig. 9. Internal device simulation structure at Cutlines (1) to (4), as marked in Fig. 8, corresponding to the FIB-SEM cross-sectional images in Fig. 6.

be free. The volume of the simulation structure at 300 K is set as the

reference volume. Then, the temperature is ramped up to the target
temperature, which corresponds to the calculated temperature distri­
bution in Sentaurus Device. As the temperature is ramped up, the vol­
ume mismatch is calculated by using the different temperature-
dependent coefficients of thermal expansion of SiC, poly-Si, silicon di­
oxide (SiO2), and aluminum. The mechanical properties of the different
materials used in the stress simulation shown in Table 1 were taken from
previous studies [18–21]. Fig. 12(a) shows the simulated von Mises
stress distribution at 8 μs, 12 μs, 16 μs, and 20 μs, during the short-circuit
transient (see Fig. 10) and Fig. 12(b) shows the comparison between the
original structure and the structure deformation by 30 times at 20 μs.
High-level mechanical stress and displacement are found to be concen­
Fig. 10. Simulated short-circuit current in comparison with the measured trated at the gate interlayer dielectric. At the end of the short-circuit
current at 400 V DC bias. The respective maximum temperatures of SiC in the transient, the von Mises stress value reaches as high as 2 GPa, which
drift region and Al in the source region are shown on the same time scale. excessed the fracture strength of SiO2 film [21]. Fig. 13(a) shows the
vertical stress along the X-axis, with positive values indicating tensile
stress, and negative values indicating compressive stress. It shows that
simulation, the simulated short-circuit current is not perfectly consist the concentration of high-value tensile stress occurs on the left and right
with the measured results, but can still reflect the short-circuit charac­ sides of each gate interlayer stripe. Fig. 13(b) shows the 2D vertical
teristic in a real MOSFET. The respective simulated maximum temper­ stress distribution at Cutline (4) (see Fig. 8). High-level tensile stress
atures of SiC in the drift region and aluminum in the source region are could cause damage in the interlayer dielectric in those regions (see
shown on the same time scale. The maximum temperature of the SiC and Fig. 6(d)). Fig. 14(a) shows the simulated horizontal stress along as the
aluminum reaches 1477 K and 1378 K, respectively. It is worth noting Y-axis, with the same positive and negative value indications as for
that the simulated temperature in the source region is far beyond the vertical stress. Fig. 14(b) shows the 2D horizontal stress distribution at
melting point of aluminum (933 K). Fig. 11(a) and (b) show the current Cutline (1) (see Fig. 8). The results show that tensile stress occurs in the
and temperature distribution, respectively, at time T1, as marked in valley region of the gate interlayer dielectric, and high-level compres­
Fig. 10. The current path shows that the parasitic bipolar junction sive stress occurs at the sides of the gate interlayer dielectric. The
transistors were still inactive, and the high-temperature region was maximum tensile stress (over 500 MPa), which excesses the tensile
under the gate trench. strength of SiO2 film [21], is concentrated in the valley. The damage
shown in Fig. 6(a) could be caused by this tensile stress in the valley
4.2. Mechanical stress simulation for 400 V short-circuit Fig. 15(a) shows the shear stress distribution on the XY face, with the
positive values indicating shear stress acting in the + Y of the plane
The simulated temperature distribution profiles are imported to normal to the X-axis, and negative values indicating shear stress acting
Sentaurus Interconnect, and the mechanical stress is simulated. In Sen­ in the – Y direction. Fig. 15(b) shows the 2D shear stress distribution at
taurus Interconnect, the bottom edge of the structure is fixed, as the chip Cutline (3) (see Fig. 8). We can see that high-value shear stress of
is fixed on solder under actual conditions, but the other edges are set to

K. Yao et al. Microelectronics Reliability 122 (2021) 114163

Fig. 11. Simulation results at T1, as marked in Fig. 10: (a) simulated current distribution, (b) simulated temperature distribution.

Table 1 in the device modeling, the simulated short-circuit current is not

Thermal expansion coefficients in the mechanical simulation. perfectly consistent with the measured results at extremely high tem­
Unit SiC [18] SiO2 Poly-Si [19] Al [20] perature. However, the overall pattern of the simulated current reflects
− 6 the measured results. Therefore, the simulation results can basically
(× 10 /K) 2.2–4.9 0.5 2.6–4.6 23.8–31.1
reflect the actual situation inside the devices during the short-circuit
transient. As shown in Fig. 4(b), the chip surface was completely
burned out after the 800 V short-circuit test. The simulated maximum
roughly 300 MPa occurs on the left and right side of the gate side-walls, temperature in the drift region is over 1800 K, which could reach the
suggesting that the damage shown in Fig. 6(c) could be caused by shear intrinsic temperature of SiC [22]. After the increase in the uncontrol­
stress acting on the gate side-walls. lable current, the temperature of the SiC and aluminum rapidly reaches
The structural damage to the gate interlayer dielectric (see Fig. 6) over 2000 K due to the huge power dissipation. Fig. 17(a) shows the
was caused by mechanical stress, due to the thermal volume mismatch of current distribution at time T2 (as in Fig. 16), when the npn bipolar
different materials at high temperature. Also, it seems like the damages junction transistors of the SiC MOSFET are triggered. Cut-face C1 (at a
need time to form, as the time delay of failure shown in Fig. 2(b). The depth of 0.25 μm from the SiC-Al interface) near the n + region along the
specific causes of multiple forms of damage due to different stress YZ face was used to determine where the parasitic BJT was initially
components in different regions remain to be investigated in further triggered. Fig. 17(b), which shows the current density on the C1 face,
studies. reveals that the current density is higher near the corner of the gate
region than in other regions, indicating that the parasitic BJT is initially
activated at the cross-corner near the gate. Fig. 17(c), which shows the
4.3. 800 V short-circuit TCAD simulation temperature distribution on the C1 face, reveals that the higher tem­
perature is concentrated at the center of the cell, with the logical
The simulated and measured short-circuit characteristics at 800 V DC consequence that such higher temperatures are more likely to be the
bias are shown in Fig. 16. The respective simulated maximum temper­ cause of the parasitic BJT activation. Figs. 18(a) and 18(b) respectively
atures of SiC in the drift region and aluminum in the source region are show the temperature and current distribution at time T3, as marked in
shown on the same time scale. Due to approximations and assumptions Fig. 16. Complete activation of the parasitic BJT can be confirmed. In

K. Yao et al. Microelectronics Reliability 122 (2021) 114163

Fig. 14. Simulated horizontal stress component along the Y-axis during the
400 V short-circuit transient: (a) 3D horizontal stress distribution, (b) 2D hor­
izontal stress distribution at 20 μs, and the actual damage to the gate structure
of the right cell in Fig. 6(a).

Fig. 12. (a) Simulated von Mises stress during 400 V short-circuit transient, (b)
deformation 30 times at 20 μs.

Fig. 15. Simulated shear stress component along the XY face during the 400 V
short-circuit transient: (a) 3D shear stress distribution, (b) 2D shear stress dis­
tribution at 20 μs, and the actual damage to the gate structure of the right cell in
Fig. 6(c).
Fig. 13. Simulated vertical stress component along the X-axis during the 400 V
short-circuit transient: (a) 3D vertical stress distribution, (b) 2D vertical stress
distribution at 20 μs, and the actual damage to the gate structure of the right
cell in Fig. 6(d).

K. Yao et al. Microelectronics Reliability 122 (2021) 114163

intrinsic carriers at extremely high temperature. Further, when the lat­

tice temperature is over 1800 K, the build-in voltage of the p− base/n+
source junction would drop below 0.26 V, and the threshold voltage
would also drop at such high temperature. These factors could increase
the probability of the parasitic BJT being activated, resulting in the
electrical characteristics of the MOSFET being more similar to a
normally-on device. In sum, the short-circuit failure at 800 V DC bias
was caused by the activation of bipolar characteristics.

5. Conclusion

In this study, the short-circuit failure mechanisms of double trench

SiC MOSFETs were investigated, at 400 V and 800 V drain-source DC
Fig. 16. Simulated short-circuit current in comparison with the measured bias, by experiment and three-dimensional numerical TCAD simulation.
current at 800 V DC bias. The respective maximum temperatures of SiC in the Gate to source shorting caused by damage to the gate interlayer
drift region and Al at source region are shown on the same time scale. dielectric was the reason for the 400 V short-circuit failure, with FIB-
SEM analysis revealing conductive paths between the gate poly-Si and
addition, according to the simulation results, the intrinsic carrier density the source aluminum. The three-dimensional electro-thermal-mechani­
near the pn junction at body-contact reaches 3×1017 cm− 3 at such a high cal simulation showed that high-level mechanical stress concentrated at
temperature, which already exceeds the background doping density in the gate interlayer dielectric was the cause of the structural damage. The
the drift region. As a result, the pn junction near the body-contact region stress components were also investigated. The vertical tensile stress on
begins to lose functionality due to the high density of background the left and right sides of each gate interlayer dielectric and the

Fig. 17. Simulation results at T2, marked in Fig. 16: (a) simulated current distribution, (b) simulated current density at Cut-face C1 as marked in (a), (c) simulated
temperature at Cut-face C1 as marked in (a).

K. Yao et al. Microelectronics Reliability 122 (2021) 114163

Fig. 18. Simulated results at T3, as marked in Fig. 16 (a) simulated current distribution, (b) simulated temperature distribution.

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