Managing Stress Through Sports 11

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Managing Stress through

Is there a positive or negative
Managing Stress through
• Stress-is your body’s reaction to challenge
or demand. The imbalance between the
demand from the environment and the
person’s ability to cope can trigger feeling
anxiety. Some responses like being irritated,
frightened, or anxious can cause headache
or stomachache.
Managing Stress through
•Eustress-positive reaction to stress
to overcome a challenge.
Managing Stress through
•Distress-results from something
bad and we react negative.
Types of Stress

•Distress-results from something

bad and we react negative.
Types of Stress
• Negative Stress-it is a contributory factor
for minor conditions such as headaches,
digestive problems, skin complaints,
insomnia, and ulcers. Excessive, prolonged,
and unrelieved stress can have harmful
effect on mental, physical, and spiritual
Types of Stress
• Positive Stress or Eustress-stress can have a
positive impact, spurring motivation and
awareness., providing the stimulation to cope
with challenging situations. It provides a sense
of urgency and alertness needed for survival
when facing threatening situations. Positive
stress (as against distress) is desirable for
efficient functioning.
Types of Stress
• Acute Stress-this deals with pressure of the
near future or dealing with the very recent
past. Activities like running or exercising on a
treadmill is an acute stressor. Some
experiences like riding a roller coaster is an
acute stress but may be exhilarating. Since it is
short term, it does not have enough time to
do the damage like long term stress.
Types of Stress
• Chronic Stress-this is a Long-Term Stress having
serious health consequences leading to memory
loss, decreased drive for eating, loss of
concentration etc. women can take long term
stress better than men showing the same
maladaptive changes. Men cope with short term
stress better. Such stress can be caused due to say
loss of promotion, death of loved one etc.
What Causes Stress?
• Stressor-an event or a situation that causes
stressful situations, which are seen as risks to
the wellbeing person.
▪ Family Relationships
▪ School
▪ Peer Groups/Friends
▪ Discrimination
What Causes Stress?
• Stressor-an event or a situation that causes
stressful situations, which are seen as risks to
the wellbeing person.
▪ Injury
▪ Sickness
▪ Fatigue
▪ Any major changes
Which of these common reactions do you
experience during stressful situations?
Physical Signs Emotional Signs Behavioral Signs Psychological Signs
o Muscle tension o Anger, Irritability o Loss of appetite o constantly irritable
o Headache o Impatience o Overeating with other people
o Pounding heart o Nervousness o Drug abuse o feeling of being a
o Shortness of breath o Forgetfulness o Sleep problems Failure
o Increased sweating o Inability to o Restlessness o difficulty in making
o Dry mouth concentrate o Hurrying and talking decisions
o Skin rash o Negative thinking to o loss of interest in
o Grinding teeth, nail o Excessive worrying Fast other
biting o Loss of interest o Criticizing others People
o Self-criticism reckless behavior o having a hard time
o Frequent crying o fidgeting to
Benefits of Sports in Daily life:
• Stress Buster
A healthy mind in a healthy body might be a cliched adage,
but it is so because it is true. It is no surprise that since most
sports usually involve exercise.
• Health
Regularly indulging in sports helps in keeping the immune
system strong, and hence, helps in preventing any kind of
disease from occurring. It also increases the appetite of the

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