DA220738 Stormwater Design Calculations - (A8387425)
DA220738 Stormwater Design Calculations - (A8387425)
DA220738 Stormwater Design Calculations - (A8387425)
XLS 30/06/2022
REF : C10795-15837
Files On Disk
C10795-15837 -DRAINS.DRN
Geotech report conducted reporting Ksat = xxxm/day and a factor of safety of 2 to be used.
Permeability rate determined 0.0111 cm/min = 6.66 mm/hr
Trenching used to disperse waters as level spreader ONLY, OSD contained within raintank used
to control 100yr ARI flows as per DCP requirements.
DATA: Detention A
Site Area Assessed due to easements
Site Area = 0.0597 ha 597 sq.m Volume Required 10.41 cu.m
Total Area 7.02 sq.m
Impervious Area Pre Development = 411.6 sqm
Assumed Impervious Pre Development = 0% <35% Stage Storage-Discharge Relationship
Impervious Area POST Development = 357.5 sqm
Storage Avg.
Percentage Impervious POST Development = 60% Stage Area Depth Storage
(m) (sq.m) (m) (cu.m)
Catchment directed through OSD = 247 sqm 69.1 % 107.02 0 0 0.000
107.76 7.0 0.742 5.210
OSD Bypass Areas : Impervious 110.5 sqm 31.6 % 108.50 7.0 1.48 10.410
Pervious 239.5 sqm 68.4 %
Total 350 sqm Invert of pit = 107.02 m Q=d^2*sqrt(h)/0.48
Orifice Dia. = 36 mm d=sqrt((0.48*Q)/sqrt(h))
Slope of Site = 2.6 % Max. Water Level achieved = 108.270 m
Effective Flow Length = 35 m Storage achieved 8.80 cu.m (Excludes Credit for trenches but includes raintank credit)
Hortons n= 0.1
5yr Intensity = 159 mm/hr 100yr Intensity = 267 mm/hr Basix Allowance
Time of Concentration tc = 6 min. 1:5 Raintank Basix = 3000 L
5 min. 1:100 Raintank Provided = 4500 L
Water Level in Tank RL for Basix = 107.23 m = orifice IL. Depth=0.64m
FFL of house = 106.86 m Actual Tank Storage Provided = 14185 L
Roof Gutter Level = 109.47 m Total Tank Height = 2.020 m TOP OF TANK.=108.61m
Invert of Outlet = 106.2 m Overflow to ---> Level Spreader
Raintank Pad Level = 106.59 m Absorption Trench volume = 0 L 10 m of trenching/level spreader proposed
Freeboard to Roof Gutter= 0.860 m 1/3rd raintank + absorption credit = 1500 L
Assumed Water Level in Tank RL = 107.02 m = orifice IL. Depth of water in tank=0.43m
Nominal tank Volume assumed = 10410 L (Credit provided for analysis only)
Actual OSD Storage Provided = 8918 L-effective
1.2 DRAINS Data File for Pre & Post Developed Conditions
Name Type Family Size Ponding Pressure Surface Max Pond Base Blocking x y Bolt-downid Part Full
Volume Change Elev (m) Depth (m) Inflow Factor lid Shock Loss
(cu.m) Coeff. Ku (cu.m/s)
Pre Node 10 0 256 -139 2
Ground Node 106.66 0 444 -153 8
N1 Node 106.55 0 571 -185 12
Outlet Node 106.35 0 617.232 -211.091 45
Roof Node 109.47 0 440 -74 9
Name Pit or Total Paved Grass Supp Paved Grass Supp Paved Grass Supp Paved Grass Supp Paved Grass Supp Lag Time Gutter Gutter Gutter
Node Area Area Area Area Time Time Time Length Length Length Slope(%) Slope Slope Rough Rough Rough or Factor LengthSlope FlowFactor
(ha) % % % (min) (min) (min) (m) (m) (m) % % % (m) %
Pre Site Pre 0.0597 0 100 0 0 0 0 35 35 0 2.6 2.6 0 0.013 0.17 0 0
Bypass Ground 0.0350 31.6 68.4 0 0 0 0 35 35 0 2.6 2.6 0 0.013 0.17 0 0
Roof Area Roof 0.0247 100 0 0 0 0 0 25 0 0 1 0 0 0.013 0 0 0
Name From To Length U/S IL D/S IL Slope Type Dia I.D. Rough Pipe Is No. PipesChg From At ChgChg Rl Chg RL etc
(m) (m) (m) (%) (mm) (mm) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
Pipe1 Roof OSD Basin 20 107.22 107.02 3.6 uPVC, not un 150 154 0.03 NewFixed 1 Roof 0
Pipe2 Ground N1 35 106.41 106.25 8 uPVC, not un 150 154 0.03 New 1 Ground 0
Pipe3 OSD BasinN1 10 107.02 106.25 8 uPVC, not un 150 154 0.03 NewFixed 1 OSD Basi 0
Pipe4 N1 Outlet 5 106.25 106.2 1 uPVC, not un 150 154 0.03 New 1 N1 0
Name From To Type Length U/S IL D/S IL Slope Base Width L.B. Slope R.B. Slope Manning Depth Roofed
(m) (m) (m) (%) (m) (1:?) (1:?) n (m)
Name Max Paved Grassed Paved Grassed Supp. Due to Storm
Flow Q Max Q Max Q Tc Tc Tc
(cu.m/s) (cu.m/s) (cu.m/s) (min) (min) (min)
Pre Site 0.01 0 0.01 2.14 10.02 0 20% AEP, 15 min burst, Storm 9
Bypass 0.007 0.003 0.003 1.99 9.29 0 20% AEP, 10 min burst, Storm 8
Roof Area 0.009 0.009 0 1.98 0 0 20% AEP, 5 min burst, Storm 1
Name Max Q Max V Max U/S Max D/S Due to Storm
(cu.m/s) (m/s) HGL (m) HGL (m)
Pipe2 0.007 0.83 106.479 106.319 20% AEP, 10 min burst, Storm 8
Pipe4 0.009 1.2 106.313 106.263 20% AEP, 15 min burst, Storm 5
Pipe1 0.01 0.51 107.685 107.68 20% AEP, 5 min burst, Storm 1
Pipe3 0.002 0.31 107.383 106.313 20% AEP, 45 min burst, Storm 8
Name Max Q Max V Due to Storm
(cu.m/s) (m/s)
100 YEAR
DRAINS results prepared from Version 2021.031
Name Max Paved Grassed Paved Grassed Supp. Due to Storm
Flow Q Max Q Max Q Tc Tc Tc
(cu.m/s) (cu.m/s) (cu.m/s) (min) (min) (min)
Pre Site 0.025 0 0.025 1.62 7.58 0 1% AEP, 10 min burst, Storm 7
Bypass 0.016 0.006 0.01 1.62 7.58 0 1% AEP, 10 min burst, Storm 7
Roof Area 0.016 0.016 0 1.6 0 0 1% AEP, 5 min burst, Storm 1
Name Max Q Max V Max U/S Max D/S Due to Storm
(cu.m/s) (m/s) HGL (m) HGL (m)
Pipe2 0.016 1.05 106.529 106.364 1% AEP, 10 min burst, Storm 7
Pipe4 0.018 1.44 106.348 106.297 1% AEP, 10 min burst, Storm 7
Pipe1 0.016 0.88 108.274 108.269 1% AEP, 5 min burst, Storm 1
Pipe3 0.003 0.24 107.827 106.348 1% AEP, 45 min burst, Storm 6
Name Max Q Max V Due to Storm
(cu.m/s) (m/s)