Different Methods of OSD
Different Methods of OSD
Different Methods of OSD
A dissertation submitted by
Over the past few decades there has been a significant push to at the very least limit
flooding caused by new developments to pre-development conditions. Previously little
regards was given to the increased run-off that new developments produced. On-site
detention (OSD) has been employed by many local governments seeking to return the
runoff flows to near existing conditions.
On-site detention is the creation of stormwater storage devices to attenuate the peak flow
rates generally to pre-developed state (or less). Detention devices are designed to store
runoff for longer storm events and gradually release water between storm peaks thus
reducing the peak flow rates. Depending on the OSD method used to calculate the storage
volume this volume can vary drastically between methods. As these calculations are
carried out on an individual basis (i.e. one allotment/dwelling) the cumulative effects of
all the on-site detention storage devices within a particular catchment may not be taken
into consideration.
This dissertation investigates the numerous Onsite Detention techniques and strategies
for typical urban catchments within Australia. With the aid of DRAINS software the
primary goal of the dissertation is to compare the common OSD techniques for adequacy
and efficiency and to determine the cumulative effects these have within typical urban
development scenarios.
It is hoped that the findings in this dissertation may assist the reader in selecting an
appropriate process for calculating OSD to provide adequate reductions in stormwater
University of Southern Queensland
Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences
School of Civil Engineering and Surveying
The Council of the University of Southern Queensland, its Faculty of Health, Engineering
& Sciences, and the staff of the University of Southern Queensland, do not accept any
responsibility for the truth, accuracy or completeness of material contained within or
associated with this dissertation.
Persons using all or any part of this material do so at their own risk, and not at the risk of
the Council of the University of Southern Queensland, its Faculty of Health, Engineering
& Sciences or the staff of the University of Southern Queensland.
This dissertation reports an educational exercise and has no purpose or validity beyond
this exercise. The sole purpose of the course pair entitled “Research Project” is to
contribute to the overall education within the student’s chosen degree program. This
document, the associated hardware, software, drawings, and other material set out in the
associated appendices should not be used for any other purpose: if they are so used, it is
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University of Southern Queensland
Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences
School of Civil Engineering and Surveying
I certify that the ideas, designs and experimental work, results, analyses and conclusions
set out in this dissertation are entirely my own effort, except where otherwise indicated
and acknowledged.
I further certify that the work is original and has not been previously submitted for
assessment in any other course or institution, except where specifically stated.
I would like to acknowledge all those who have assisted me in completing this
dissertation. In particular I would like to acknowledge Dr Ian Brodie, of the University
of Southern Queensland for his supervision and direction throughout this project.
Most importantly, thank you to my wife and children for their support and understanding
throughout the entirety of this degree.
Garth Cook
University of Southern Queensland
October 2015
ABSTRACT .................................................................................. ii
LIMITATIONS OF USE............................................................ iii
CERTIFICATION OF DISSERTATION ................................ iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .........................................................v
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................... vi
LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................. viii
LIST OF TABLES .................................................................... xiii
NOMENCLATURE AND ACRONYMS ............................... xiv
CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION ..............................................1
1.1 Research Objectives ........................................................................................ 1
1.2 Background Information ................................................................................. 3
1.3 Project Methodology....................................................................................... 3
CHAPTER 2 – LITERATURE REVIEW..................................6
2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................................... 6
2.2 OSD History in NSW ..................................................................................... 6
2.3 OSD Objectives .............................................................................................. 7
2.4 OSD Research ................................................................................................. 8
2.5 OSD Methods ............................................................................................... 10
2.6 Literature Review Conclusion ...................................................................... 27
CHAPTER 3 – OSD CALCULATIONS ..................................28
3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 28
3.2 Site Attributes ............................................................................................... 28
3.3 Catchment Area ............................................................................................ 32
3.4 Typical OSD Arrangement ........................................................................... 34
3.5 UPRCT Method ............................................................................................ 35
3.6 Modified Rational Hydrograph Method ....................................................... 36
3.7 Rational Hydrograph Method ....................................................................... 39
3.8 The Swinburne Method ................................................................................ 42
3.9 Mass Curve & Volume Method .................................................................... 44
3.10 Summary of OSD Methods ....................................................................... 47
CHAPTER 4 – COMPUTER MODELLING ..........................48
4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 48
4.2 DRAINS Catchment Model .......................................................................... 49
4.3 DRAINS Road Drainage Model ................................................................... 50
4.4 Rainfall Data ................................................................................................. 51
4.5 DRAINS OSD Model ................................................................................... 51
4.6 Modelling Methodology ............................................................................... 54
CHAPTER 5 – MODELLING RESULTS ...............................59
5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 59
5.2 UPRCT Method ............................................................................................ 60
5.2 Modified Rational Hydrograph Method ....................................................... 67
5.3 Rational Hydrograph Method ....................................................................... 75
5.4 Swinburne Method ........................................................................................ 83
5.5 Mass Curve & Volume Method .................................................................... 91
CHAPTER 6 – RESULTS DISCUSSION ................................99
6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 99
6.2 1 Year ARI Results ..................................................................................... 100
6.3 5 Year ARI Results ..................................................................................... 102
6.4 10 Year ARI Results ................................................................................... 105
6.5 20 Year ARI Results ................................................................................... 107
6.6 50 Year ARI Results ................................................................................... 110
6.7 100 Year ARI Results ................................................................................. 112
6.8 Discussion ................................................................................................... 114
CHAPTER 7 - CONCLUSIONS ............................................ 118
REFERENCES ......................................................................... 121
APPENDIX A – Project Specification ................................... 123
APPENDIX B – Typical Underground Storage Device ....... 124
APPENDIX C – UPRCT Spreadsheet ................................... 125
APPENDIX D – Modified Hydrograph Calculations .......... 126
APPENDIX E – Rational Hydrograph MatLab Script ....... 127
APPENDIX F – Mass Curve & Volume Calculations ......... 128
APPENDIX G – DRAINS Modelling Results ....................... 141
Figure 2.1. Upper Parramatta Catchment ....................................................................... 14
Figure 2.7. Typical Below Ground Rectangular Tank Storage Hydrograph ................. 24
Figure 4.4. Typical Parameters for 1 Year ARI Storage (Primary Storage Chamber) .. 52
Figure 4.5. Typical Parameters for 100 Year ARI Storage (Secondary Storage Chamber)
......................................................................................................................................... 52
Figure 4.8. Pre-Developed DRAINS Model Showing 5 Year ARI, 25minute Storm. .. 55
Figure 4.10. Post-Developed DRAINS Model (with OSD, Rational Method) .............. 56
Figure 5.12. Hydrograph for 100 Year ARI UPRCT Method ....................................... 66
Figure 5.16. 20 Year ARI Modified Rational Hydrograph Method .............................. 69
Figure 5.19. Hydrograph for 1 Year ARI Modified Rational Hydrograph Method....... 71
Figure 5.20. Hydrograph for 5 Year ARI Modified Rational Hydrograph Method....... 72
Figure 5.21. Hydrograph for 10 Year ARI Modified Rational Hydrograph Method..... 72
Figure 5.22. Hydrograph for 20 Year ARI Modified Rational Hydrograph Method..... 73
Figure 5.23. Hydrograph for 50 Year ARI Modified Rational Hydrograph Method.... 74
Figure 5.24. Hydrograph for 100 Year ARI Modified Rational Hydrograph Method... 74
Figure 5.30. 100 Year ARI Event with Rational Method .............................................. 78
Figure 5.32. Hydrograph for 5 Year ARI with Rational Method ................................... 79
Figure 5.33. Hydrograph for 10 Year ARI with Rational Method ................................. 80
Figure 5.34. Hydrograph for 20 Year ARI with Rational Method ................................. 80
Figure 5.36. Hydrograph for 100 Year ARI with Rational Method ............................... 82
Figure 5.37. 1 Year ARI Swinburne Method ................................................................. 83
Figure 5.48. Hydrograph for 100 Year ARI Swinburne Method ................................... 90
Figure 5.49. 1 Year ARI Mass Curve and Volume Method .......................................... 91
Figure 5.50. 5 Year ARI Mass Curve and Volume Method .......................................... 92
Figure 5.51. 10 Year ARI Mass Curve and Volume Method ........................................ 93
Figure 5.52. 20 Year ARI Mass Curve and Volume Method ........................................ 93
Figure 5.53. 50 Year ARI Mass Curve and Volume Method ........................................ 94
Figure 5.54. 100 Year ARI Mass Curve and Volume Method ...................................... 94
Figure 5.55. Hydrograph for 1 Year ARI Mass Curve and Volume Method ................ 95
Figure 5.56. Hydrograph for 5 Year ARI Mass Curve and Volume Method ................ 96
Figure 5.57. Hydrograph for 10 Year ARI Mass Curve and Volume Method .............. 96
Figure 5.58. Hydrograph for 20 Year ARI Mass Curve and Volume Method .............. 97
Figure 5.59. Hydrograph for 50 Year ARI Mass Curve and Volume Method ............. 98
Figure 5.60. Hydrograph for 100 Year ARI Mass Curve and Volume Method ............ 98
Figure 6.1. 1 Year ARI Flows at all Analysis Points ................................................... 100
Figure 6.3. 5 Year ARI Flows at all Analysis Points ................................................... 102
Figure 6.5. 10 Year ARI Flows at all Analysis Points ................................................. 105
Figure 6.7. 20 Year ARI Flows at all Analysis Points ................................................. 107
Figure 6.9. 50 Year ARI Flows at all Analysis Points ................................................. 110
Figure 6.11. 100 Year ARI Flows at all Analysis Points ............................................. 112
Figure 6.12. 100 Year ARI Hydrograph at Analysis Point 11 ..................................... 113
Table 3.1. Pre and Post Development Run-off Coefficients. ......................................... 29
Table 6.1. Average Decrease or Increase in Peak Flows across All Analysis Points .. 115
Table 6.3. Increases or Decrease in Peak Flow at Analysis Point 11 ........................... 117
The following abbreviations have been used throughout the dissertation:
A Area
Cy Run-off coefficient
fy Frequency Factor
ha Hectare
I Rainfall Intensity
IFD Intensity-Frequency-Duration
m2 Metre Squared
m3 Metre cubed
Q Flow
Qi Inflow rate
Qo Outflow rate
QLD Queensland
Tc Time in concentration
Td Storm duration
V Volume
Vi Inflow volume
“Stormwater runoff and its management impacts directly on the community’s quality of
life by either enhancing or adversely affecting both the built and natural environments,
much depends on the extent to which stormwater runoff planning is integrated into the
urban planning process”
The requirement to detain stormwater on-site has arisen from the increase in impervious
areas within particular catchments. This is a result of large pervious blocks or lots being
subdivided and numerous dwellings being developed on a site reducing the pervious area
and increasing the impervious area. This results in an increasing in run-off which needs
to be catered for in the draining infrastructure.
Stormwater detention is the creation of stormwater storage devices to attenuate the peak
flow rates generally to pre-developed flows (or less) which is referred to as permissible
site discharge (PSD). Reduction of peak flow rates can be achieved with detention
devices. Detention devices are designed to store runoff for longer storm events and
gradually release water between storm peaks thus reducing the peak flow rates which also
reduce the extra burden on the downstream stormwater infrastructure.
The design requirements for on-site detention (OSD) for each newly approved dwelling
may be carried out using different methods or techniques depending on the local
government policy for OSD. Depending on the method used to calculate the storage
volume this volume can vary drastically between methods.
Usually the calculations for on-site detention which includes the required storage volume
and the permissible site discharge are calculated individually for each newly approved
dwelling. As this is carried out on an individual basis (i.e. one lot/ dwelling) the
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cumulative effects of all the on-site detention storage within a particular catchment may
not be taken into consideration.
The two main questions are, when comparing pre-developed to post developed flows does
the cumulated attenuated peak flow of multiple lots at different points along the catchment
actual decrease to less than the allowable or permissible site discharge, make no
difference or even increase the peak discharge flow? Which method of OSD calculation
gives the most beneficial outcome?
This dissertation seeks to investigate the different techniques used for the design of OSD
and compare the cumulated peak flow at different points along the catchment of a multi-
lot residential catchment based on individual on-site detention devices for each lot.
On completion of this dissertation it is hoped that the findings may assist readers in
choosing an appropriate method of calculating OSD.
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If time permits the dissertation will also look into and identify what catchment factors
will make this a problem.
The dissertation will commence with a review of current practises used for calculation
and design of on-site detention storage and allowable or permissible site discharges.
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Following the review of current OSD methods a standard sized residential allotment will
be selected. Site attributes such as site grade, impervious area, time in concentration, run-
off coefficients will also selected, these will be uniform over all allotments.
Allotment Data.
Area – 20m wide by 30m long, 600m2.
Grade along allotment taken as 8% and is assumed to run long ways.
The allotment is assumed to be grassland in its pre-developed state.
The post-developed allotment is assumed to have 300m2 of roof area, 150m2 of
paving and 150m2 of pervious area. QUDM, 2007.
Run-off coefficients C10 , taken from Chapter 4, Section 4.05 of QUDM, 2007.
Time in concentration calculated using Friends Equation or Kinematic Wave
Equation as prescribed in QUDM, 2007 and NRLG, 2013. Note that regardless of
the technique used to calculate time in concentration Tc, this will be consistent
throughout all methods used for the calculation of OSD.
Using the allotment data above the storage volume and permissible or allowable site
discharge will be established for each of the proposed OSD methods. This provides the
storage volume and permissible or allowable site discharge for one site/ lot only.
These values will then be used to model multiple sites at neighbourhood, sub-catchment
and catchment scales with OSD devices at each allotment. Due to time restrictions the
catchment scale will be equal to medium scale subdivision. This will be divided into
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The modelling of the residential catchment will be done using “DRAINS”. DRAINS is
a multi-purpose Windows program for designing and analysing stormwater drainage
systems and catchments. It was first released in 1998 and is marketed by Watercom Pty
Ltd. The program can perform hydrological and hydraulic analysis of a site with multiple
inputs and outputs simultaneously. <http://www.watercom.com.au/>
Analysis will take place at multiple points in the catchment which will generally be at a
point immediate below each neighbourhood and any consequent neighbourhood addition.
The peak flow results for the all the OSD methods used will then be evaluated and
discussed in Chapters 3 and 4 of this dissertation.
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The first use of on-site detention in NSW seems to have been implemented in the early
1980’s in the Wollongong region (Boenish 1984). Following severe flooding in this area
in 1975 Wollongong Council started development of an OSD policy. It initially had some
objection from the community.
In 1980 Ku-ring-gai Municipal Council introduced policies that applied OSD to all new
developments. Even in the mid 1980’s few council had OSD policies. The first OSD
seminar was held in 1989 which was organised by the Water Resource Panel of the
Institute of Engineers. However many NSW councils have now adopted an OSD policy
and are continually developing them.
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Ever since the introduction of OSD policies there has been some objection. Some of the
typical objections are listed below (Bewsher 1993):
Cost- the cost of OSD may be seen as a disincentive to develop.
Inflexibility – some policies are inflexible, or impractical for some sites.
Previous Problems – some policies require post-development discharges to be
significantly below pre-developed discharges due to existing flooding or under
designed infrastructure.
Maintenance and Monitoring – perceived lack of maintenance, control and
performance monitoring by the local authority due to the OSD device becoming
private property.
Large Basins versus OSD – a large detention storage basin could be constructed
rather than numerous small OSD devices installed in each individual site.
Additional Resources – Some councils require dedicated staff to manage the
development consent process, however the impact of additional staff resources
can be minimised with a standard design and calculation process.
“Detention refers to the holding of runoff for short periods to reduce peak flow rates and
later releasing it into natural or artificial watercourses to continue in the hydrological
cycle. The volume of surface runoff involved in this process is relatively unchanged;"
(Argue 1986).
The main objective of OSD is to protect the downstream infrastructure or features from
the change in run-off flow (and timing) due to development or re-development of the site.
Depending on the feature being protected the volume may be more critical than the flow
rate or vice versa. Many existing sites across urbanised Australia are now being
redeveloped. Here the flow rates are critical in protecting downstream infrastructure.
In a tidal estuary, the runoff from a storm with a duration 2 - 3 hours may surpass the
available storage capacity of the reach at high tide, here volume is critical (Bowditch &
Phillips 1998).
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The OSD system generally consists of two main components to attenuate flows to the
required level:
a storage device to hold additional discharges caused by development and;
a discharge control device to limit the flow to permissible site discharge.
2.4.1 General
Research shows that in small frequent storms the peak discharge in an urbanised
catchment may be 10 to 20 times greater than pre-urbanisation. In storms such as a 100
year average recurrence interval (ARI) the urbanised peak discharge can be twice of that
of the pre-urbanised (Bewsher1993).
Boyd (1995) wrote of the potential benefits of the storage of stormwater runoff. These
being a source of supplementary water supply to the household and to reduce flooding at
many points in the catchment. The additional advantage is that the storage is spread over
the catchment to individual owners rather than under the local government, however the
drawback of individual OSD is the loss of control and performance monitoring by the
local authority.
Boyd (1995) also states that the critical duration should be catchment based rather than
site based and that due to the small runoff volumes from a typical residential site that the
design procedures need to be simple. Boyd also identified that due to the large number of
OSD devices installed in a typical urban catchment whether designers are considering the
combined effects of OSD on the entire catchment, however predicting the effects on total
catchment flooding would be difficult.
If the peak flows are not reduced to existing conditions in any case surcharging may occur
at some point in the catchment where infrastructure is under designed or was designed
under different circumstances. It is also a reality that surcharging may not cause any
notable flood damage due to the absence of downstream infrastructure.
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Boyd (1995) viewed that rather than controlling runoff for storms at all points in a
catchment it would more beneficial to design OSD devices so that the existing capacity
of the drainage system is not exceeded.
As OSD devices delay the peak flows it is argued that they should not be established in
the lower reaches of the catchment. This is because it may delay these lower peak flows
from coinciding with the peak flows released upstream and could therefore increase
flooding. (Boyd 1995, Curtis & McCuen 1977, Lakatos & Kropp 1982, Lumb et al 1974,
McCuen 1979).
It should be noted that storms which have an effect on both the lower and upper reaches
of a catchment will have a long duration and the coincidence of peaks will not have a
notable effect on flooding. Boyd (1993) determined that any notable effects in this
scenario were very unlikely.
Dr Allan Goyen of Cardno Willing (2005) who developed XP-RAFTS was able to
perform hydraulic analysis at neighbourhood scale, previously this was only generally
done at an individual lot scale. His modelling was instrumental in the latest edition of the
Upper Parramatta River Catchment Trust (UPRCT), On-site Detention Handbook (2005),
where hydraulic analysis was carried out on neighbourhood, sub-catchment and
catchment scales. This was carried out to review the previous UPRCT parameters (current
parameters at the time of Allan Goyens research) and to also model the effects of smaller
frequent storms and required changes to parameters to control these. Of interest from
Allan Goyens research was that for large infrequent storms the percentage of pre-burst
rainfall is generally not critical to the total flow produced. For small frequent storms the
pre-burst rainfall was found to fill a considerable portion of the available storage. From
Allan Goyens research for a 1 in 1.5 year storm the storage volume needed is about two
thirds of the volume require for a 1 in 100 year storm.
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Catchment based OSD design attempts to address this problem where many points in the
catchment are analysed to determine the OSD parameters needed to ensure that when the
catchment is configured to its ultimate development state that the peak flows have not
increased. However this requires the undertaking of large and complex catchment based
studies such those by the UPRCT.
With a variety of OSD design methods available there are considerable differences in
their simplicity or complexity and whether their outcomes are satisfactory. There is the
possibility that they are conservative (over-designed) or unsuitable (under-designed).
Throughout the 1970’s and 1980 frequent flooding occurred. Again this was partly due
to the many years of intense urbanisation where the effects of increasing impervious areas
and hence stormwater runoff were largely ignored. It was also due to catchments circular
shape where the majority of the flows from the upper catchment take a similar time to
reach Toongabbie Creek.
The Upper Parramatta River Catchment Trust (UPRCT) was established in 1989 after
flooding occurred in 1986 and 1988. The UPRCT was set up to provide guidance for
catchment wide stormwater management mainly for flood mitigation measures. The
Councils, of Blacktown, Parramatta, Baulkham Hills and Holroyd make up the Upper
Parramatta River Catchment covering an area of approximately 110km². The Upper
Parramatta River Catchment Trusts has aided in the overview of development controls
plans (DCP) giving guidance to safeguard against future developments making flooding
worse. The design criteria is applied to individual lots or developments where the same
parameters are used catchment wide.
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The Upper Parramatta River Catchment Trust primary action was the development of a
catchment wide on-site detention policy (OSD) and over an extended period of time used
computer modelling to replicate the hydrological and hydraulic character of the
catchment. These models have been the basis of the UPRCT On-site Stormwater
Detention Manual. The first edition was developed and published 1991 and has been
review regularly with a second edition in 1994 and a third edition in 1999.
Following research carried out by Dr Allan Goyen of Cardino Willings the current fourth
edition was realised in 2005 where extensive modelling was carried out at neighbourhood,
sub-catchment and catchment scales. One of the studies objectives was to determine the
OSD parameters needing to ensure that developments when configured in their ultimate
state did not increase peak flows.
Previous editions of the UPRCT On-site Stormwater Detention Manual produced designs
that were effective on reducing peak flows in large storm events such as a 100 year ARI
but were ineffective on minor storm events such as a 1 year ARI. This led to the possibility
of using a two stage outlet to control flow for both minor (1.5 year ARI) and major (100
year ARI) storm events. From this study the additions and amendments to the fourth
editions were:
An OSD storage volume (SSR) of 455 m3/ha.
All site runoff is directed to the OSD storage: that is the storage is on-line.
The OSD system is to have two orifice outlets and a small spillway.
The primary or lower orifice normally has a SRD of 40 L/s/ha.
This is located as close as possible to the storage invert.
There is also a secondary orifice located at the base of a DCP providing HED with
a SRD of 150 L/s/ha.
The crest of the DCP is at the water level of the 1.5 year storm when the volume
in the lower storage reaches 300 m3/ha.
The secondary orifice starts to operate when the water level in the storage exceeds
the crest level and water starts to overflow into the DCP
A small spillway of suitable length to prevent flooding of the residence/business
if the outlets become blocked is provided at the top of the storage (i.e. at 455 m3
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Dr Allan Goyen’s stated that it may be conceivable to decrease the SSR but did not
recommend any change in the PSD.
An earlier study presented in 1999 by Don Still & Drew Brewsher, Bewsher Consulting
Pty Ltd, showed that OSD may have little benefit or possibly some dis-benefit in some
cases such as in the lower part of the catchment and that it may be better to allow the peak
flow in such a case to be discharged unregulated before the upstream peak flow arrives.
There is however provisions in the policy to have OSD requirement waived in certain
situations but may require allowing for provisions for quality improvements rather than
quantity so that there is still a balance between upstream and downstream developments.
Still & Brewsher (1999) also raised questions whether catchment wide OSD application
is appropriate or even necessary at all sites in the Local Government Area. Mr Still
concluded that since flooding occurs mainly at the lower part of the catchment, that a
catchment wide approach for OSD should be applied to virtually all areas.
Summary of Parameters
From extensive modelling up to the 100 year ARI the follow parameters have been
adopted by the UPRCT to prevent current flooding within the catchment getting worse.
Site Reference Discharge for the primary orifice outlet SRDL = 40 L/s/ha
Maximum Site Storage Requirement for the extended detention. SSRL = 300 m3/ha
Site Reference Discharge for the secondary orifice outlet. SRDU = 150 L/s/ha
Site Storage Requirements (Total). SSRT = 455 m3/ha
Permissible Site discharge. PSD = 80l/s/ha
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The following is the typical spreadsheet from UPRCT On-site Stormwater Detention
Manual, 2005, used to calculate OSD. The spread sheet is divided into six sections:
Site Data
Basic OSD Parameters
OSD Tank bypass
OSD Calculations
Overflow Weir & Freeboard Calculation
The sixth section titled “Rainwater Tank Calculation” is an optional section used when a
rainwater tank has some dedicated air space for detention. This can be used as credit to
offset the main storage. (Not shown below as part of Figure 2.2).
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As the name implies this method assumes the hydrograph is triangular. Here the rational
method is used to calculate the Peak flows or run off and the volume of storage required
is a comparison between the maximum difference between pre-development and post
development storm durations.
This method is simple and quick and is based on the site parameters such as:
The Site Area, A.
The pre-development run off coefficient, C10.
The post-development run off coefficient, C10, based on the expected
The Time of concentration, Tc, for pre-development typically based on the Friends
equation or the kinematic wave equation from AR&R 1987.
For the range of ARI used the maximum storage volume required can be found from the
area under the post developed site hydrograph above a line drawn from the origin to the
point on the falling limb which corresponds to the determined pre-development flow.
Generally a triangular hydrograph with a time to peak equal to Tc and a time base of 2Tc
is assumed. A range of ARI, usually 5 year to 100 year, and times in concentration, usually
5 minutes to 3 hours, are used to determine the maximum volume. Generally local
governments will stipulate a minimum time of concentration Tc of 5 minutes is to be used
for the either the pre or post development site.
Vs Tc Qi Qo
Vs = detention volume required
Qo = Allowable peak outflow rate, which is equal to the permissible site discharge.
Qi = Peak inflow rate is calculated using the rational method.
Tc = time of concentration for the watershed
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Note that in this method the time in concentration for both pre and post development will
stay constant, however the ARI will be can be varied and the maximum storage volume
found. It should also be noted that the rainfall intensity ‘I’ for the pre and post
development should be of the same ARI. For example:
Trial 1: Pre development, I =10min & ARI = 10 years.
Post development, I =5min & ARI = 10 years.
Trial 2: Pre development, I =10min & ARI = 20 years.
Post development, I =5min & ARI = 20 years.
Local government areas such as in the Northern Rivers, NSW, which includes, Lismore
City Council, Ballina Shire Council, Kyogle Shire Council, Richmond Valley Council,
Clarence Valley Council and Byron Shire Council, allow designers to use this method for
developments under 2500m².
This method is even more simplified in that the designer only has to work out the required
volume based on a pre-development site with an ARI 5 year with a time of concentration
of 5 minute and a post-development site with an ARI 20 year with a time of concentration
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of 5 minute. These are the only hydrographs the designer is required to compare. See
Figure 4 for sample.
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This is an extension of the Triangular hydrograph method where the Intensity “I” in the
rational equation for post-developed conditions are based upon the duration and not the
time of concentration Tc. However as with the triangular method, hydrographs still
initially peak at the original time of concentration.
A range of ARI and duration events are trialled and the runoff volume from the pre-
development hydrograph is subtracted from the range of post-developed runoff volumes
trialled (areas under the Trapezoid).
The critical hydrograph is the maximum difference in volume between the pre-developed
and post-developed hydrographs. It can also be described as the design storm with the
duration Td that maximizes the detention storage volume for a given return period (critical
design storm).
It can be seen that this is a site based approach and should be limited to smaller
catchments. There are many variations on the approach, three methods are shown below.
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I = rainfall intensity
A = area of the watershed
The design storm with the duration Td that maximizes the detention storage volume is
then selected as the Vs required. The rising and falling limbs of the inflow hydrograph
have a duration Td equal to the time of concentration Tc. The permissible site discharge
is based on pre-development conditions.
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As with the Aron and Kibler (1990) method the required volume Vs is the design storm
with the duration td that maximizes the detention storage volume for a given return period
(critical design storm).
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The Swinburne method uses catchment based inflow and outflow hydrographs and the
timings of all flows and in particular the discharges that are created on the subject site.
Philips (1995) showed that the capacity at the lower end of the catchment can be protected
if the timing of inflow hydrographs are controlled. Similar to other methods this is to
ensure that the existing peak discharges are not increased. In this method the downstream
capacity of the existing infrastructure may be taken into consideration to ensure that it is
not overloaded.
This method ensures that the design peak outflow for the catchment at time Tc is not
surpassed, and can be accomplished by postponing the arrival of the increasing storage
outflows until surplus capacity is available in the existing infrastructure.
This method generally requires lower storage volumes compared to other hydrograph
methods as it allows higher discharges once the critical time has passed. Phillips derived
equations for, Pipe Storage, Above Ground Storage and Rectangular Tank storage based
on observations.
Vs = the required storage capacity
Td = duration of storm
Qa = Post- developed peak inflow rate is calculated using the rational method. = CIA
Qp= Pre-developed site discharge
PSD = permissible site discharge
tcs = time of concentration of the catchment to the site
tc = time of concentration of the catchment
tf = time taken to fill the storage tank
In this method a range of duration td and ARI will be used to find the maximum storage
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Phillips, D & Bowditch, B, 2006, Figure 3.2, On-Site Stormwater Detention “The
Swinburne Method” One Day Workshop Notes, Seventh Edition,
Swinburne University of Technology
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Phillips, D & Bowditch, B, 2006, Figure 3.3, On-Site Stormwater Detention “The
Swinburne Method” One Day Workshop Notes, Seventh Edition,
Swinburne University of Technology
Phillips, D & Bowditch, B, 2006, Figure 3.4, On-Site Stormwater Detention “The
Swinburne Method” One Day Workshop Notes, Seventh Edition,
Swinburne University of Technology
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The Technical Note 1 – Volumetric Procedures for Demonstrating Storages & Pump
Rates, from ARR87 demonstrates a method for calculating storage volumes using
temporal storm patterns.
This method applies the Rational Method to temporal storm patterns to determine the
inflow volume for each of the rainfall hyetographs and the corresponding Average
Recurrence Interval (ARI). The inflow is then plotted cumulatively as mass curves. This
method is then applied to several storm durations, i.e. 15, 30, 60, 90 minute etc, and
smoothed to form an envelope curve. The cumulative outflow is superimposed on the
same graph as a straight line and has a slope equal to the discharge rate.
The required storage is the maximum vertical distance between the envelope curve and
the discharge line. This process is repeated for a range of durations and Average
Recurrence Intervals and the maximum vertical distance between any the envelope curve
and the discharge line is adopted as the required detention Volume.
Figure 2.9 demonstrates this method.
Where the Rational method uses a runoff coefficient, C, the coefficient used in here is
known as a volumetric runoff coefficient, Cv. The volumetric runoff coefficient must be
estimated by the designer, in residential areas it generally has a value of 0.8 for a 10 year
This method should be used with caution as a constant outflow discharge can only be
provided by an automatic pump where the discharge will vary with the hydraulic head
with a gravity forced device.
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Most research tends to state that ‘site based’ methods are unsatisfactory and does not
adequately protect downstream infrastructure or features from damage or surcharging.
It is generally accepted that ‘catchment based’ methods are more effective as they
consider the timing of flows from the development site. However for ‘catchment wide’
methods where a uniform storage and discharge rates are stipulated these can be ultra-
conservative for parts of the catchment.
The advantage of OSD is that it is constructed at the same time as the development. It
therefore provides immediate protection to downstream infrastructure. One of the most
important characteristics of any OSD system is that it is maintained and preserved until
the downstream infrastructure or features have been upgraded or protected by some other
means such as reconfiguration of existing flow routes.
Existing literature provides sufficient methods to calculate storage volumes and site
discharges for OSD. However there seems to be a shortage of general research into the
cumulative effects of individual OSD across a catchment. Likewise there also seem to be
insufficient research in to what catchment attributes may contribute to this.
It is hoped that this dissertation will provide guidance to which OSD methods provide
adequate reductions in peak flow when cumulative effects throughout a catchment are
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As outlined in section 1.4 of this dissertation, OSD calculations for volume and discharge
will be established for a variety of common methods.
These methods will include:
Rational Hydrograph Method (Triangular or Wollongong Method)
Modified Rational Hydrograph Method (Trapezoidal Hydrograph Method)
The Swinburne Method
AR&R Mass Curve & Volume Method
Upper Parramatta River Catchment Trust Method
Where possible the equivalent or similar site attributes will be used to allow all OSD
methods to be comparable.
A hypothetical catchment area is proposed in Bangalow, Northern NSW. The area was
selected as the author is currently residing in this region. Where applicable the site
attributes shall be consistent across all OSD methods. The following attributes applied to
each individual allotment are:
Area, 20m x 30m, 600m2.
Grade along allotment, 8%.
The allotment is assumed to be grassland in its pre-developed state.
The post-developed allotment is assumed to have 300m2 of roof area, 150m2 of
paving and 150m2 of pervious area. QUDM, 2007.
Run-off coefficients Cy, are taken from Chapter 4, Section 4.05 of QUDM, 2007.
This is calculate as follows.
1. Determine the fraction impervious fi for the site.
2. Determine the 1 hour rainfall intensity for the 10 year ARI in the locality
of the site. See Table 3.4.
3. Determine the Frequency Factor Fy for the design storms from Table 3.2.
4. Determine the 10 year Coefficient, C10, value from Tables 4.05.3 (a) &
(b), QUDM, 2007. Shown as Table 3.3 in this report.
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5. Multiply the C10 value by the Frequency Factor Fy to determine the run-
off coefficient for the design storm Cy. See Table 3.1.
Referring to Table 3.3 [Table 4.05.3(a)] for a fraction impervious fi = 0.75 and 1I10 =
70mm/hr. C10 = 0.85.
Referring to Table 3.3 [Table 4.05.3(b)] for a fraction impervious fi = 0 and 1I10 =
70mm/hr. Assuming good grass cover and medium soil permeability. C10 = 0.70.
Therefore pre-development C10 = 0.70 and post-development C10 = 0.85.
ARI Factor
(years) (Fy)
1 0.80
2 0.85
5 0.95
10 1.00
20 1.05
50 1.15
100 1.20
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Time in Concentration.
Time in concentration Tc will be calculated as described in Section 4.06 of QUDM, 2007.
Friends Equation will be used to determine this.
Friends Equation:
For the pre-developed site ‘n’ is taken as 0.045 (Table 4.06.3, QUDM, 2007).
Tc (107 *0.045*300.333 ) / 80.2
Tc 10 min
For the post-developed site ‘n’ is taken as 0.02 (Estimated from Table 4.06.4, QUDM,
Tc (107 *0.015*300.333 ) / 80.2
Tc 3.3min
In accordance with section 4.06.2 of QUDM, 2007, the minimum time of concentration
shall be taken as Tc = 5 minutes and maximum of 20 minutes.
Pre-development Tc = 10 minutes.
Post-development Tc = 5 minutes.
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Rainfall Data.
The catchment scale will be equal to medium scale subdivision. This will be divided into
smaller neighbourhood catchments containing 10 allotments and sub-catchments
containing multiple neighbourhoods. See Figure 3.1.
Analysis of downstream flow effects of OSD strategies will take place at multiple points
in the catchment. These will generally be at a point immediate below each neighbourhood
and any consequent additional neighbourhood.
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Each allotment will have a simple storage facility equal to the calculated storage volume
Vs and will also a have a device to control the permissible or allowable site discharge.
The storage and permissible site discharge will be calculated using the nominated OSD
methods and OSD strategies generally adopted in the Northern Rivers NSW area.
The typical below ground OSD storage arrangement is shown in Figures 3.2. For the
purpose of this dissertation a below ground arrangement will be utilised for all methods
used. It will generally consist of the storage facility and the discharge control of both a
nominated minor storm (1 or 1.5 ARI) and a nominated major storm (100 ARI).
All discharges from the OSD including overflow will be directed to a drainage network
within the road reserve.
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The OSD arrangement will be similar to figure 3.2 which will consist of two chambers
and two orifices. The first for 1.5 Year ARI Storage (Primary Storage Chamber and
Primary Orifice) and the second (in conjunction with the first) for the 100 Year ARI
Storage (Secondary Storage Chamber and Secondary Orifice).
For consistency it is proposed that all storage tanks will be of the underground type. All
tanks will have a depth of 1.2m where the size of the length and width is adjusted to
obtain the required volume depending on the method, i.e. depth is fixed no matter what
OSD method is adopted.
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Qi = CyIA
Cy = runoff coefficient for post development for the corresponding ARI.
I = post development rainfall intensity for corresponding ARI and Tc
A = area of the watershed
Qo = CyIA
Cy = runoff coefficient for pre-development for the corresponding ARI.
I = pre-development rainfall intensity for corresponding ARI and Tc
A = area of the watershed
Area = 600m2
Pre-development Tc = 10 minutes.
Post-development Tc = 5 minutes.
Table 3.5 below shows all the trialled storms and durations Td up to the pre-developed
time in concentration of 10 minutes. Cy can be obtained from table 3.1 and rainfall
intensities can be found from table 3.4.
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Table 3.5 shows that for an ARI 1 year event and a duration of 10 minutes that the storage
volume required is 4.3m3 and for an ARI 100 year event and a duration of 10 minutes that
the storage volume required is 13.4m3. The storage adopted will be equal to the ARI 100
year event. See Appendix D for all durations used.
In line the Northern Rivers Local Government, 2013, Handbook of Stormwater Drainage
Design, the Permissible Site Discharge (PSD) is the maximum discharge so that the peak
flow from the proposed development for events up to 100 year ARI do not exceed the
existing peak flow from the site i.e. post-development flows must not exceed pre-
development flows Qo .(Q0_ARI 100 ≤ Qi_ARI 100). The peak or critical storms to be analysed
in “DRAINS” shall be from the 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 ARI events.
Basha Boyd
ARI Qi m3/s Qo m3/s Vs m3 Vs m3
1 0.0145 0.0091 3.4 4.3
5 0.0261 0.0166 6.0 7.6
10 0.030 0.0193 6.8 8.6
20 0.0354 0.0227 8.0 10.2
50 0.044 0.0283 9.9 12.5
100 0.049 0.0322 10.5 13.4
The OSD arrangement will be similar to figure 3.2 which will consist of two chambers
and two orifices. The first for 1 Year ARI Storage (Primary Storage Chamber and
Primary Orifice) and the second (in conjunction with the primary chamber) for the 100
Year ARI Storage (Secondary Storage Chamber and Secondary Orifice). The primary
orifice will designed to control the PSD for the 1 ARI event. As the secondary storage
and orifice must cater for the 5 to 100 ARI the orifice shall be designed to permit no
more than the 5 year ARI.
For consistency it is proposed that all storage tanks will be of the underground type. All
tanks will have a depth of 1.2m where the size of the length and width is adjusted to
obtain the required volume depending on the method, i.e. depth is fixed no matter what
OSD method is adopted.
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0.464 x 0.0091
Orifice Diameter (mm) = 1000 x 63mm
0.464 x 0.0166
1000 x 85mm
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This method is based on the difference between the pre and post-development peak
discharges and the pre-development time of concentration. Here the rational method is
used to calculate the peak flows or run off and the volume of storage required is a
comparison between the maximum difference between pre-development and post
development storm durations. A range of ARI from 1 year to 100 year will be trialled to
find the maximum storage.
Vs Tc Qi Qo
Vs = detention volume required
Qi = Peak inflow rate is calculated using the rational method.
Qo = Allowable peak outflow rate, which is similar to the PSD.
Tc = time of concentration for the watershed
Qi = CyIA
Cy = runoff coefficient for post development for the corresponding ARI.
I = post development rainfall intensity for corresponding ARI and Tc
A = area of the watershed
Qo = CyIA
Cy = runoff coefficient for pre-development for the corresponding ARI.
I = pre-development rainfall intensity for corresponding ARI and Tc
A = area of the watershed
Area = 600m2
Pre-development Tc = 10 minutes.
Post-development Tc = 5 minutes.
Table 3.6 below shows all the trialled storms. Cy can be obtained from table 3.1 and
rainfall intensities can be found from table 3.4. This method can be done by hand
calculations or this case MatLab has been used to calculate on values. See Appendix E.
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Table 3.6 shows that for an ARI 1 year event that the storage volume required is 3.2m3
and for an ARI 100 year event the storage volume required is 10.1m3. The storage adopted
will be equal to the ARI 100 year event.
In line the Northern Rivers Local Government, 2013, Handbook of Stormwater Drainage
Design, the Permissible Site Discharge (PSD) is the maximum discharge so that the peak
flow from the proposed development for events up to 100 year ARI do not exceed the
existing peak flow from the site i.e. post-development flows must not exceed pre-
development flows Qo .(Q0_ARI 100 ≤ Qi_ARI 100). The peak or critical storms to be analysed
in “DRAINS” shall be from the 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 ARI events.
Qi (m3/s) Qo (m3/s)
ARI Vs (m3)
I5min I10min
1 0.0145 0.0091 3.2
5 0.0261 0.0166 5.7
10 0.0300 0.0193 6.5
20 0.0354 0.0227 7.6
50 0.0440 0.0283 9.4
100 0.0490 0.0322 10.1
The OSD arrangement will be similar to figure 3.2 which will consist of two chambers
and two orifices. The first for 1 Year ARI Storage (Primary Storage Chamber and
Primary Orifice) and the second (in conjunction with the primary chamber) for the 100
Year ARI Storage (Secondary Storage Chamber and Secondary Orifice). The primary
orifice will designed to control the PSD for the 1 ARI event. As the secondary storage
and orifice must cater for the 5 to 100 ARI the orifice shall be designed to permit no
more than the 5 year ARI.
For consistency it is proposed that all storage tanks will be of the underground type. All
tanks will have a depth of 1.2m where the size of the length and width is adjusted to
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obtain the required volume depending on the method, i.e. depth is fixed no matter what
OSD method is adopted.
0.464 x 0.0091
Orifice Diameter (mm) = 1000 x 63mm
0.464 x 0.0166
1000 x 85mm
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The Swinburne method uses catchment based inflow and outflow hydrographs and the
timings of all flows and in particular the discharges that are created on the subject site.
Vs = the required storage capacity
Td = duration of storm
Qa = Post- developed peak inflow rate is calculated using the rational method.
Qp= Pre-developed site discharge using the rational method.
PSD = permissible site discharge
tcs = time of concentration of the catchment to the site
tc = time of concentration of the catchment
The PSD for the 1 year ARI will equal the pre-developed 1 year ARI flow from the
allotment. The PSD for all other events from the 5 to the 100 year ARI will adopt a PSD
equal the pre-developed 5 year ARI flow from the allotment. Therefore the equation
below will not be required and only the equation above will be necessary.
tcs tcs
0.005 0.455 5.228
tc 1 tc 1
3Qa 3Qa
3 4 5
tcs tcs tcs
1.045 7.199 4.519
tc 1 tc 1 tc 1
3Qa 3Qa 3Qa
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Results for the volume for all the ARI used are shown in table 3.7
As with the Rational and Modified Rational Hydrograph Methods the outlets will be
designed to control the PSD for the 1 ARI event & the PSD for the 5 ARI event.
For consistency it is proposed that all storage tanks will be of the underground type. All
tanks will have a depth of 1.2m where the size of the length and width is adjusted to
obtain the required volume depending on the method, i.e. depth is fixed no matter what
OSD method is adopted.
0.464 x 0.0091
Orifice Diameter (mm) = 1000 x 63mm
Assuming a head of 1.1m for the ARI 100 event
0.464 x 0.0166
1000 x 85mm
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The Technical Note 1 – Volumetric Procedures for Demonstrating Storages & Pump
Rates, from ARR87 demonstrates a method for calculating storage volumes using
temporal storm patterns.
This method should be used with caution as a constant outflow discharge can only be
provided by an automatic pump where the discharge will vary with the hydraulic head
with a gravity forced device.
To compensate for this the permissible site discharge (PSD) will be equal to the pre
development runoff conditions for the 1 year ARI event and for all other ARI from 5 to
100 the PSD will be equal to the pre development runoff conditions for the 5 ARI event.
PSD for ARI 1 event = 0.0091 m3/s
PSD for ARI 5 event = 0.0166 m3/s
The required storage is the maximum vertical distance between the envelope curve and
the discharge line. The 100 year ARI event produced the maximum storage of 7.2m3
whereas the 1 year ARI event did not produce any storage at all even with the PSD
equivalent to a 1 year ARI event. This was a common theme throughout this technique
and it is not until the ARI 50 event that any notable storage volumes became evident.
However it will be assumed that the portion of storage volume for a 1 year ARI will be
equal to 25% of the 100 year ARI. This gives a 1 year ARI of 1.8m3.
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For consistency it is proposed that all storage tanks will be of the underground type. All
tanks will have a depth of 1.2m where the size of the length and width is adjusted to obtain
the required volume depending on the method, i.e. depth is fixed no matter what OSD
method is adopted.
Note that volumetric runoff coefficient, Cv, used here is equal those Cy values shown in
Table 3.1. Temporal patterns used and all Volume Curves are shown in Appendix F.
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10 min
20 min
10 30 min
60 min
120 min
Discharge 9.1l/s
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Time (minutes)
Cumulative Storage (m3)
40 10 min
35 20 min
30 30 min
60 min
120 min
5 Discharge 16.6l/s
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Time (minutes)
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For each 600m2 allotment table 3.8 above shows that the Upper Parramatta Catchment
Trust Method produced the largest volume and the Mass Curve & Volume Method
produced the least.
Note that the catchment parameters for the UPRCT method are specific to the Upper
Parramatta catchment and produce larger storage volumes and lesser PSD. This is largely
due to decades of previous development where no stormwater control was implemented.
This has led to targets of less than pre-developed flows to compensate for this matter.
Although the hypothetical residential catchment is based in Northern NSW the UPRCT
parameters will be adopted for this analysis to highlight how a range of storage volumes
(particularly conservative ones) perform.
The storage volumes and orifice sizes shown in table 3.8 are used in the DRAINS
modelling as outlined in chapter 4.
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The circles represent the catchments. The squares represent stormwater pits. The solid
line with the arrow represents a pipe and the dashed line with an arrow represents the
overflow or bypass route between pits (see section 4.3 for travel times) . The models for
the Pre-development and Post-development are essential the same with the exception that
the runoff coefficients and time in concentrations are different.
One of the main assumptions is that the road drainage system was designed to capture the
flows for the pre-developed 5 year ARI with a runoff coefficient (C10) of 0.7 for each lot.
The lots were then assumed to have been redeveloped increasing the runoff coefficient
(C10) to 0.85.
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Stormwater Pipes.
Stormwater pipes are standard DRAINS round concrete pipes under roads profile, sized
for the pre-development 5 year ARI flow.
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Although the minimum time in concentration from QUDM 2007 is specified as 5 minutes
a time in concentration of 3.5 minutes will be adopted for all overflow routes to give
realistic travel times.
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Figure 4.4. Typical Parameters for 1 Year ARI Storage (Primary Storage Chamber)
Each method will used common dimensions where the depth of 1.2m and width of 3m
will be universal and only the length will change to account for the required volume. This
means that only the area needs to change in each DRAINS basin node to obtain the
required storage. Using the rational OSD method as an example the required storage
volume is 10.1 m3. Figure 4.4 shows that the required volume in a 1 year ARI is 3.2m3,
(105.7 -104.5) x 2.667, with an orifice of 63mm, 150mm above the base of the storage
Figure 4.5. Typical Parameters for 100 Year ARI Storage (Secondary Storage Chamber)
Figure 4.5 shows that the volume here is 6.9m3, ((105.7 -104.5) x 5.75, with an orifice of
85mm, 150mm above the base of the storage chamber. This gives a total of 3.2m3 + 6.9m3
= 10.1 m3. The top water level (TWL) here is 105.7m, the elevation above this (105.7 to
105.9) is to cater for the overflow once the storage is full. The overflow is set at 105.7m
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In order to keep all OSD methods comparable and consistent the only parameters that
will be altered in the DRAINS basin nodes are the Areas to create the required storage
volume and the Orifice sizes for PSD.
The Pre-developed model was run through the 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 year ARIs with
storm durations of 5, 10, 20, 25, 30, 60, 120 and 180 minutes. This was deemed as
unnecessary as only the peak Post-development storms need to be of concern, these are
known as the critical storms.
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After DRAINS modelling of the Post-Development (without OSD) the critical storms
were found to be:
1 Year ARI, 25 minute Storm
5 Year ARI, 25 minute Storm
10 Year ARI, 25 minute Storm
20 Year ARI, 25 minute Storm
50 Year ARI, 20 minute Storm
100 Year ARI, 20 minute Storm
Critical Storms
These will be the only storms analysed in this research.
Figure 4.8. Pre-Developed DRAINS Model Showing 5 Year ARI, 25minute Storm.
Figure 4.8 shows a portion of the pre-developed model. The blue text represents the pipe
flow and the red text represents the overflow or bypass from the pits. Modelling was
carried out on all the critical storms listed for the pre-developed model.
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Figure 4.9 shows a portion of the post-developed model without OSD. The blue text
represents the pipe flow and the red text represents the overflow or bypass from the pits.
Modelling was carried out on all the critical storms listed for the post-developed model.
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Figure 4.10 shows a portion of the post-developed model with OSD. The blue text
represents the pipe flow and the red text represents the overflow or bypass from the pits.
The figure shows that there is some overflow from the primary chamber to the secondary
chamber at a peak of 0.017m3/s, there is no overflow to the road from the secondary
chamber. The primary orifice has a peak discharge of 0.008m3/s and the secondary orifice
has a peak discharge of 0.01m3/s. This a total discharge of 0.018m3/s with OSD.
Comparing figure 4.8 to figure 4.10 it can be seen that the peak flows from the post-
developed site with OSD are less than or equal to the pre-developed peak flows.
Modelling was carried out on all the critical storms listed, where the pre-developed and
post-developed with and without OSD are all compared. Analysis was carried out at
common points throughout the DRAINS catchment model, these are shown in figure
Similarly, modelling and analysis was carried out on all other OSD methods or strategies
utilised. These use the same critical storms listed previously. The results for all OSD
methods are shown in chapter 5.
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Figures 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, 5.3, 5.5 and 5.6 for the 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 Year ARI events
show that the OSD attenuates the post-developed flows to equal or less than pre-
developed conditions. The figures also clearly show that the efficiency to attenuate the
peak flow improves as additional OSD comes online further downstream. This is evident
as the post-development with OSD graph pull down from the pre-development graph. As
the ARI event increases the effect of the combined OSD efficiency decreases, noting how
the clearance between the OSD and pre-development graphs reduces.
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The following graphs show the hydrographs at analysis point 11 for all the storms trailed.
From figures 5.7, 5.8, 5.9, 5.10, 5.11 and 5.12 for the 1, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 Year ARI
events it can be seen that all hydrographs are generally triangular. The peak flows for the
pre-development and the post-development with OSD generally coincided though the
OSD attenuates this flow to well below the pre-development.
It can be seen that the volume of water produced by the post-developed is released
considerably slower with the OSD attached and it is spread over an extended period, even
after 90 minutes the flow produced still hasn’t dissipated. It can be seen that the post-
development with OSD peak flows are considerably less than the pre-development flows.
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Figures 5.13, 5.14, 5.15 and 5.16 for the 1, 5, 10 and 20 Year ARI events show that the
OSD attenuates the post-developed flows to equal or less than pre-developed conditions.
Although the analysis points appear to converge as the ARI is increased the figures clearly
show that the efficiency to attenuate the peak flow improves as additional OSD comes
online further downstream. This is evident as the post-development with OSD graph pull
down from the pre-development graph.
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Figures 5.17 and 5.18 for the 50 and 100 Year ARI events shows that the OSD attenuates
the post-developed flows to equal or less than pre-developed conditions except for
analysis point 1 which was exceeded by 0.002 m3/s for the 100 year ARI.
For the 50 ARI the analysis points converge across most of the catchment. The efficiency
to attenuate the peak flow slightly improves as additional OSD comes online further
For the ARI 100 there is good attenuation at each analysis point however as additional
OSD comes online downstream the efficiency doesn’t improve but remands constant.
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The following graphs show the hydrographs at analysis point 11 for all the storms trailed.
From figures 5.19, 5.20, 5.21 and 5.22 (1, 5, 10 and 20 year ARI hydrographs) it can be
seen that all hydrographs are generally triangular. The post-development with OSD flows
generally lag 5 minutes behind the pre-developed flows when dissipating (decreasing side
of peak) due to the delay caused by the OSD. It can be seen that the shape of the
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hydrographs for the pre-development and post-development with OSD are similar and
that the flows for the post-development with OSD are less than the pre-development
Figure 5.19. Hydrograph for 1 Year ARI Modified Rational Hydrograph Method
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Figure 5.20. Hydrograph for 5 Year ARI Modified Rational Hydrograph Method
Figure 5.21. Hydrograph for 10 Year ARI Modified Rational Hydrograph Method
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Figure 5.22. Hydrograph for 20 Year ARI Modified Rational Hydrograph Method
From figure 5.23 and 5.24 for the 50 and 100 year ARI hydrographs it can be seen that
hydrograph are generally trapezoidal with the peaks on all storms lasting longer than those
for the ARIs up to the 20 year event. The 50 ARI and 100 ARI post-development with
OSD had peaks for durations of approximately of 5 and 10 minutes respectively.
It was also noted that for the 50 ARI and 100 ARI that the post-development with OSD
flows generally lag 10 and 5 minutes respectively behind the pre-developed flows when
dissipating (decreasing side of peak) due to the delay caused by the OSD.
It can be seen that the post-development with OSD does not exceed the pre-development
for the 50 ARI and 100 ARI.
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Figure 5.23. Hydrograph for 50 Year ARI Modified Rational Hydrograph Method
Figure 5.24. Hydrograph for 100 Year ARI Modified Rational Hydrograph Method
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Figures 5.25, 5.26 and 5.27 for the 1, 5 and 10 Year ARI events show that the OSD
attenuates the post-developed flows to equal or less than pre-developed conditions.
Although the analysis points appear to converge as the ARI is increased, the figures show
that the efficiency to attenuate the peak flow improves as additional OSD comes online
further downstream. This is evident as the post-development with OSD graph pull down
from the pre-development graph. This is less evident in figure 5.28 for the 20 Year ARI.
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Figure 5.29 for the 50 Year ARI event shows that the OSD attenuates the post-developed
flows to equal or less than pre-developed conditions. Although not obvious from the
graph for analysis point 1 the post-development with OSD flow is 0.005 m3/s higher than
pre-developed condition.
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Figure 5.30 for the 100 Year ARI event shows that the OSD does not attenuate the post-
developed flows to equal or less than pre-developed conditions. At each analysis point
the post-development peak flow with OSD is higher than the pre-developed.
The following graphs show the hydrographs at analysis point 11 for all the storms trailed.
From figures 5.31, 5.32, 5.33 and 5.34 (1, 5, 10 and 20 year ARI hydrographs) it can be
seen that all hydrographs are generally triangular. The post-development with OSD flows
generally lag 3-5 minutes behind the pre-developed flows when dissipating (decreasing
side of peak) due to the delay caused by the OSD. On the increasing side the post-
development with OSD flow generally coincides with the pre-development flow.
It can be seen that the shape of the hydrographs for the pre-development and post-
development with OSD are similar and that the flows for the post-development with OSD
are less than the pre-development flows.
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From figure 5.35 and 5.36 for the 50 and 100 year ARI hydrographs it can be seen that
hydrograph are generally trapezoidal with the peaks on all storms lasting longer than those
for the ARIs up to the 20 year event. The 50 ARI and 100 ARI post-development with
OSD had peaks for durations of approximately of 10 and 12 minutes respectively.
It was also noted that for the 50 ARI and 100 ARI that the post-development with OSD
flows generally lagged 4 minutes behind the pre-developed flows when dissipating
(decreasing side of peak) due to the delay caused by the OSD.
It can be appreciated that the shape of the hydrographs for the pre-development and post-
development with OSD are similar and that the post-development with OSD does exceed
the pre-development for 100 ARI.
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Figure 5.36. Hydrograph for 100 Year ARI with Rational Method
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Other than the exceedance mentioned above figures 5.37, 5.38, 5.39, 5.40 and 5.41 for
the 1, 5, 10, 20 and 50 Year ARI events show that the OSD generally attenuates the post-
developed flows to equal or less than pre-developed conditions. For the 5 to 50 year ARI
the figures show that the efficiency to attenuate the peak flow improves as additional OSD
comes online further downstream. This is evident as the post-development with OSD
graph pull down from the pre-development graph. The 1 year ARI generally coincides
with the pre-developed flows at each analysis point.
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Figures 5.42 for the 100 Year ARI event shows that the OSD’s ability to attenuate the
post-developed flows to equal or less than pre-developed conditions is marginal, however
the exceedance over the entire catchment is minimal.
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The following graphs show the hydrographs at analysis point 11 for all the storms trailed.
From figures 5.43, 5.44, 5.45 and 5.46 (1, 5, 10 and 20 year ARI hydrographs) it can be
seen that all hydrographs are generally triangular. The post-development with OSD flows
generally coincide within a few minutes of the pre-developed flows when dissipating
(decreasing side of peak). It can be seen that the shape of the hydrographs for the pre-
development and post-development with OSD are similar and that the flows for the post-
development with OSD are generally less than the pre-development flows.
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From figure 5.47 and 5.48 for the 50 and 100 year ARI hydrographs it can be seen that
hydrograph are generally trapezoidal with the peaks on all storms lasting longer than those
for the ARIs up to the 20 year event. The 50 ARI and 100 ARI post-development with
OSD had peaks for durations of approximately of 10 and 12 minutes respectively.
It was also noted that for the 50 ARI and 100 ARI that the post-development with OSD
flows generally lag about 3 minutes behind the pre-developed flows when dissipating
(decreasing side of peak) due to the delay caused by the OSD.
It can be seen that the post-development with OSD does marginally exceed the pre-
development for the 100 ARI.
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Figures 5.49, and 5.50 for the 1 and 5 Year ARI events show that the OSD does not
attenuate the post-developed flows to equal or less than pre-developed conditions. The
figures also show that the efficiency to attenuate the peak flow decreases as additional
OSD comes online further downstream. This is evident as the post-development with
OSD graph pull up from the pre-development graph. At analysis point 11 for the 1 and 5
year ARI the post-development with OSD flow was above the pre-development flow by
0.1 m3/s and 0.06 m3/s respectively.
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Figures 5.51, and 5.52 for the 10 and 20 Year ARI events show that there is a clear
improvement. The OSD does generally attenuate the post-developed flows to equal or
less than pre-developed conditions at most analysis points. The figures also show that the
efficiency to attenuate the peak flow neither increases nor decreases as additional OSD
comes online further downstream but is generally stable.
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Figures 5.53, and 5.54 for the 50 and 100 Year ARI events show that the OSD does not
attenuate the post-developed flows to equal or less than pre-developed conditions. The
efficiency to attenuate the peak flow generally decreases as additional OSD comes online
further downstream. At analysis point 11 for the 50 and 100 year ARI the post-
development with OSD flow was above the pre-development flow by 0.031 m3/s and
0.107 m3/s respectively.
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Figure 5.54. 100 Year ARI Mass Curve and Volume Method
The following graphs show the hydrographs at analysis point 11 for all the storms trailed.
From figures 5.55, 5.56, 5.57 and 5.58 (1, 5, 10 and 20 year ARI hydrographs) it can be
seen that all hydrographs are generally triangular. On the increasing side of the peak the
post-development with OSD flows generally coincide with the pre-developed flows.
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The post-development with OSD flows generally lag 1-2 minutes behind the pre-
developed flows when dissipating (decreasing side of peak) due to the delay caused by
the OSD. It can be seen that the post-development with OSD does exceed the pre-
development in some cases.
Figure 5.55. Hydrograph for 1 Year ARI Mass Curve and Volume Method
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Figure 5.56. Hydrograph for 5 Year ARI Mass Curve and Volume Method
Figure 5.57. Hydrograph for 10 Year ARI Mass Curve and Volume Method
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Figure 5.58. Hydrograph for 20 Year ARI Mass Curve and Volume Method
From figure 5.59 and 5.60 for the 50 and 100 year ARI hydrographs it can be seen that
hydrograph are generally trapezoidal with the peaks on all storms lasting longer than those
for the ARIs up to the 20 year event. The 50 ARI and 100 ARI post-development with
OSD had peaks for durations of approximately of 12 and 15 minutes respectively.
On the increasing side of the peak the post-development with OSD flows generally
coincide with the pre-developed flows. The post-development with OSD flows generally
lag 2 minutes behind the pre-developed flows when dissipating (decreasing side of peak)
due to the delay caused by the OSD. It can be seen that the post-development with OSD
does exceed the pre-development for the 50 and 100 ARI.
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Figure 5.59. Hydrograph for 50 Year ARI Mass Curve and Volume Method
Figure 5.60. Hydrograph for 100 Year ARI Mass Curve and Volume Method
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Note that the catchment parameters for the UPRCT method are specific to Upper
Parramatta catchment and produce larger storage volumes and lesser allowable PSD.
They have been adopted for this analysis to highlight how a range of storage volumes
(particularly conservative ones) perform. From the modelling and analysis carried out
here parameters specific to this catchment could be derived from the results found. These
would be dependent on the target, i.e. post-development flow to equal pre-development
flow or post-development flow to be 5%, 10% or 20% less than pre-development flow,
etc. These parameters will be discussed in the Chapter 7, Conclusions.
As will be seen from the ‘DRAINS’ modelling results some of the peak flows that are
released from the OSD methods are very close to the pre-developed peak flows. These
are within a range that in reality would not be considered significant on the ground. To
accommodate a ‘realistic’ and acceptable tolerance any post-developed peak flow that is
within 1% of the pre-developed peak flow will be considered to have been successfully
reduced to pre-developed conditions. Any post-developed peak flow that is greater than
1% of the pre-developed peak flow will be considered to have exceeded the pre-developed
In this chapter the results for all ARIs will be analysed to compare all methods and
techniques used to calculate storage volumes. These will be compared to the pre-
developed state and post-developed state without any OSD.
Compare peak flows at all eleven (11) analysis points along the catchment.
Compare hydrograph peak flows at analysis point 11 at the end of the catchment.
Compare hydrograph shapes at analysis point 11 at the end of the catchment for
goodness fit using the regression analysis technique of least squares. The purpose
of this will be further discussed in section 6.8 of this chapter.
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1.8 Pre-development
Post-development no OSD
Modified Rational
Mass Curve & Volume
Peak Flow (m3/s)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Analysis Point (ARI 1)
For all of the following figures any graphed line above the blue pre-developed line
indicates that the pre-developed flows have been exceeded. (see legend).
Referring to figure 6.1 and comparing all methods used it is evident that the Mass Curve
and Volume method performed poorly for the 1 year ARI. This is due to the smaller
storage volume which produces a larger head in the storage chambers hence increases
flow out of the orifice outlets. The Swinburne method produced a graph very close to the
pre-developed line. The Rational and Modified Rational methods were effective in
reducing flows below the pre-developed state. The UPRCT method was very effective in
reducing flows due to its large storage volume and smaller orifice outlets.
What is significant is for most methods the effectiveness of the OSD to reduce peak flows
improves the further down the catchment we travel. This is evident as the graphs for the
Rational, Modified Rational and UPRCT methods clearly pull down and away from the
blue pre-developed line which demonstrates that the effectiveness of the OSD is
improving as we approach the end of the catchment.
Swinburne Method
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (Minutes)
Comparing all hydrographs at the end of the catchment the blue line represents the pre-
developed flow. The Mass Curve and Volume has a greater peak then the pre-
development. The Swinburne method peaks at approximately the same level. All other
methods peak below the pre-development flow. The peak flows at the end of the
catchment are shown below, also shown is the percentage increase or decrease compared
to the Pre-development peak flow.
Pre-development 1.322 m3/s
Post-development with no OSD 1.728 m3/s 31% increase
Swinburne 1.334 m3/s 0.9 % increase
Rational 1.158 m3/s 12.4 % decrease
Modified Rational 1.113 m3/s 14.3 % decrease
Mass Curve 1.421 m3/s 7.5 % increase
UPRCT 0.466 m3/s 64.7 % decrease
Using the regression analysis technique of least squares to find which OSD method best
fits the pre-developed hydrograph the following results were obtained.
Of the methods that produced peak flows close to or below the pre-developed conditions
the Swinburne method had the best fit, followed by the Rational and the Modified
Rational. Noting that the Mass Curve and Volume Method exceeded the pre-development
flows it however had a 95.5% fit to the pre-development hydrograph. The UPRCT
hydrograph had little resemblance to the pre-development hydrograph. The post-
development without OSD hydrograph had an 81% fit, though the peak flow is well above
the pre-development peak.
3 Post-development no OSD
Modified Rational
2.5 Mass Curve & Volume
Peak Flow (m3/s)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Analysis Point (ARI 5)
Referring to figure 6.3 for the 5 year ARI, the Mass Curve and Volume method again
performed poorly for the 5 year ARI. As with the 1 year ARI this is due to the smaller
storage volume which produces a larger head in the storage chambers hence increases
flow out of the orifice outlets. The Swinburne and Rational methods peak below pre-
developed flows. The Modified Rational method was more effective in reducing flows
then those previously mentioned. As expected the UPRCT method with its larger volume
and smaller orifices was the most effective.
Again for the Swinburne, Rational, Modified Rational and UPRCT methods it is clear
that the effectiveness of the OSD to reduce peak flows improves the further we travel
down the catchment.
Swinburne Method
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (Minutes)
Analysing the hydrographs from figure 6.4, the Mass Curve and Volume method peaked
marginally above the pre-development. The Swinburne method peaked marginally below.
All other methods peak below the pre-development flow.
The peaks at the end of the catchment are shown below, also shown is the percentage
increase or decrease compared to the Pre-development peak flow.
Using the regression analysis technique of least squares to find which OSD method best
fits the pre-developed hydrograph the following results were obtained.
Of the methods that produced peak flows close to or below the pre-developed conditions
the Swinburne method had the best fit, followed by the Rational and the Modified
Rational. Noting that the Mass Curve and Volume Method exceeded the pre-development
flows it however had a 95.1% fit to the pre-development hydrograph.
3 Post-development no OSD
Modified Rational
2.5 Mass Curve & Volume
Peak Flow (m3/s)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Analysis Point (ARI 10)
Referring to figure 6.5 for the 10 year ARI and comparing all approaches with the
increased run-off from the pre-developed site all methods proved adequate with the Mass
Curve and Volume method closest to the pre-developed conditions at all the analysis
points. The Swinburne and Rational methods produced similar results to each other. The
Modified Rational method was more effective in reducing flows as was the UPRCT
Again for the Swinburne, Rational, Modified Rational and UPRCT methods it is clear
that the effectiveness of the OSD to reduce peak flows improves as we travel further down
the catchment.
Swinburne Method
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (Minutes)
Analysing the hydrographs from figure 6.6, all methods peak below the pre-development
flow. The peaks at the end of the catchment are shown below, also shown is the percentage
increase or decrease compared to the pre-development peak flow.
Using the regression analysis technique of least squares to find which OSD method best
fits the pre-developed hydrograph the following results were obtained.
Of the methods that produced peak flows close to or below the pre-developed conditions
the Mass Curve and Volume method had the best fit, followed by the Swinburne, Rational
and the Modified Rational. Noting that the Post-development with no OSD exceeded the
pre-development flows it however had an 85.6 % fit to the pre-development hydrograph.
3 Post-development no OSD
Modified Rational
2.5 Mass Curve & Volume
Peak Flow (m3/s)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Analysis Point (ARI 20)
Referring to figure 6.7 for the 20 year ARI and comparing all approaches with the
increased run-off from the pre-developed site all methods proved adequate. Producing
similar results the Swinburne, Rational and Mass Curve and Volume methods were
closest to the pre-developed conditions at all the analysis points. The Modified Rational
method was more effective in reducing flows as was the UPRCT method.
For the Modified Rational and UPRCT methods it is still clear that the effectiveness of
the OSD to reduce peak flows improves the further we travel down the catchment. This
is only minor for the Swinburne, Rational and Mass Curve and Volume methods.
Swinburne Method
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (Minutes)
Analysing the hydrographs from figure 6.8, all methods peak below the pre-development
The peaks at the end of the catchment are shown below, also shown is the percentage
increase or decrease compared to the pre-development peak flow.
Using the regression analysis technique of least squares to find which OSD method best
fits the pre-developed hydrograph the following results were obtained.
Of the methods that produced peak flows close to or below the pre-developed conditions
the Mass Curve and Volume method had the best fit, followed by the Swinburne, Rational
and the Modified Rational. Noting that the Post-development with no OSD exceeded the
pre-development flows it however had an 86.8 % fit to the pre-development hydrograph.
3 Post-development no OSD
Modified Rational
2.5 Mass Curve & Volume
Peak Flow (m3/s)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Analysis Point (ARI 50)
Referring to figure 6.9 for the 50 year ARI and comparing all approaches the Mass Curve
and Volume method exceeded the pre-developed flows at all analysis points. This is due
the smaller storage volume which therefore allows premature overflow from the
secondary storage. The Swinburne and Rational methods both produced effective results
which were closest to the pre-developed conditions at all the analysis points, the
secondary storage had minor overflow for both of these. The Modified Rational method
was marginally more effective in reducing flows. The UPRCT method was still very
For the UPRCT method it is clear that the effectiveness of the OSD to reduce peak flows
improves the further we travel down the catchment. This is only minor for the Modified
Rational method. The Swinburne and Rational methods run parallel to the pre-developed
flows with no significant increase in effectiveness as we move towards the end of the
Swinburne Method
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (Minutes)
Analysing the hydrographs from figure 6.10, apart from the Mass Curve and Volume
method, all others peak below the pre-development flow. The peaks at the end of the
catchment are shown below, also shown is the percentage increase or decrease compared
to the Pre-development peak flow.
Using the regression analysis technique of least squares to find which OSD method best
fits the pre-developed hydrograph the following results were obtained.
Of the methods that produced peak flows close to or below the pre-developed conditions
the Swinburne method had the best fit, followed by the Rational and the Modified
Rational. Noting that the Mass Curve and Volume Method exceeded the pre-development
flows it however had an 87.1% fit to the pre-development hydrograph. The post-
development without OSD hydrograph had an 88.7% fit, though the peak flow is well
above the pre-development peak.
3 Post-development no OSD
Modified Rational
2.5 Mass Curve & Volume
Peak Flow (m3/s)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Analysis Point (ARI 100)
Referring to figure 6.11 for the 100 year ARI and comparing all approaches again the
Mass Curve and Volume method exceeded the pre-developed flows at all analysis points.
Both the Swinburne and Rational methods produced results similar to the pre-developed
conditions. The Modified Rational method was more effective in reducing flows. All four
of the above methods overflowed out of the secondary storage at differing rates. The
UPRCT method was still very effective.
For the Modified Rational and UPRCT methods it is still clear that the effectiveness of
the OSD to reduce peak flows improves the further we travel down the catchment.
Swinburne Method
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (Minutes)
Apart for the Mass Curve and Volume method, all other methods peak close to or below
the pre-development flow. The peaks at the end of the catchment are shown below, also
shown is the percentage increase or decrease compared to the pre-development peak flow.
Using the regression analysis technique of least squares to find which OSD method best
fits the pre-developed hydrograph the following results were obtained.
Of the methods that produced peak flows close to or below the pre-developed conditions
the Swinburne method had the best fit, followed by the Rational and the Modified
Rational. Noting that the Mass Curve and Volume Method exceeded the pre-development
flows it however had an 87.3% fit to the pre-development hydrograph. The post-
development without OSD hydrograph had an 88% fit, though the peak flow is well above
the pre-development peak. The UPRCT hydrograph had little resemblance to the pre-
development hydrograph.
6.8 Discussion
As mentioned at the start of this chapter some of the peak flows that are released from the
OSD methods are very close to the pre-developed peak flows. These are within a range
that in reality would not be considered significant on the ground. To accommodate a
‘realistic’ and acceptable tolerance any post-developed peak flow that is within 1% of the
pre-developed peak flow will be considered to have been successfully reduced to pre-
developed conditions. Any post-developed peak flow that is greater than 1% of the pre-
developed peak flow will be considered to have exceeded the pre-developed conditions.
Table 6.1. Average Decrease or Increase in Peak Flows across All Analysis Points
Table 6.1 shows the average increase or decrease (decrease shown with a negative sign)
across at each of the eleven analysis points at all ARIs, (using results from figures 6.1,
6.3, 6.5, 6.7, 6.9 and 6.11). For example for the UPRCT method there was a 64.81%
decrease in peak flows below the pre-developed flows for the 1 year ARI when averaged
across all eleven analysis points. Likewise for the Mass Curve and Volume method there
was 7.23% increase in peak flows above the pre-developed flows for the 1 year ARI.
Apart for the Mass Curve and Volume Method all others performed to a satisfactory level
up to the 50 year ARI. For the 100 year ARI the Rational, Swinburne and Mass Curve
and Volume Methods they all exceeded the pre-developed by more than 1%. If the
average is taken across all the ARIs then the UPRCT method was the most effective
followed by the, Modified Rational, Rational, Swinburne and the Mass Curve and
Volume method. However if the economic aspects were of great importance then the
smallest storage volume that produced an adequate reductions in flow would be preferred.
This would be the Swinburne Method which requires a volume of 9.2m3 which compared
to the UPRCT, Modified Rational and Rational methods require 27.3m3, 13.4m3 and
10.1m3 respectively. Although the Mass Curve and Volume Method had the smallest
volume of 7.2m3 it was inadequate in reducing flows to an acceptable level for all but
two of the six ARI events.
Although this research has been predominantly focused on reducing peak flows there
should also be great importance on how the storage devices release the stormwater back
into the catchment. In order to keep conditions close to existing (pre-developed), it should
be recognised that it would be best if the post-developed hydrograph matched the pre-
developed hydrograph as close as possible. Having a post-developed hydrograph close to
the pre-developed would facilitate natural or existing phenomena to continue to take place
without any drastic transformation to the environment.
An example of this would be the natural replenishment of a pond, if peak flows are
increased and released to quickly this may cause erosion or flooding of the pond. On the
other hand if the peak flows are drastically reduced and released very slowly this may
cause a reduction in pond levels or remove the natural flushing abilities of a steadier flow.
Both these scenarios may have a drastic effect on the ponds flora and fauna and
surrounding environment.
Table 6.2 shows as summary of the Least Squares ‘Goodness Fit’ for the hydrographs of
all methods and for each ARI when compared to the pre-developed flow hydrographs,
(using results from figures 6.2, 6.4, 6.6, 6.8, 6.10 and 6.12). The ‘Goodness Fit’ of all
methods generally decreases as the ARI increases. However the ‘Goodness Fit’ increases
for the post-development flows without any OSD as the ARI increases. Although the
Mass Curve and Volume method appears to give the best ‘fit’ it regularly exceeds the pre-
developed peak flow by more than 1%, (refer to table 6.3).
From the ‘DRAINS’ modelling the hydrographs for the Swinburne method gave the
closet resemblance to pre-developed hydrograph, followed by the Rational and Modified
rational methods. The hydrographs for the UPRCT method fitted the pre-developed
hydrograph poorly. Like the Mass Curve and Volume method the hydrograph for the
Post-developed site without OSD gives a reasonable fit, however it exceeds the pre-
developed flows at the ARI 1, ARI 5 and ARI 10 by 31%, 17.6% and 7.3% respectively.
Of interest for the ARI 20, ARI 50 and ARI 100 the Post-developed site without OSD
only exceeds the pre-developed flows by 2.3%, 4.6% and 4.5% respectively, (refer to
table 6.3).
All of the OSD methods used in this research have reduced the post-developed peak flows
to differing degrees. As this research focuses on a singular catchment the effects of
multiple catchments in series or parallel or a combination of the two could have a different
outcome to those results concluded here.
From this research the method that reduced the peak flows the greatest was the Upper
Parramatta River Catchment Trust Method. This had the largest storage volume and the
most conservative permissible site discharge. Note that the catchment parameters for the
UPRCT method are specific to Upper Parramatta catchment and produce conservative
values. From the modelling and analysis carried out here parameters specific to our
catchment could be derived from the results found in this research. These would be
dependent on the target, i.e. post-development flow to equal pre-development flow. As
the Swinburne method produced targets closest to pre-developed peak flows this will the
volume adopted. Referring to table 3.7, Storage Volumes for Swinburne Method, this
gives the following information:
This gives catchment wide parameters for each 0.06 ha allotment of:
Primary Storage, 24 m3/ha
Primary PSD, 152 L/s/ha
Secondary Storage, 130 m3/ha
Secondary PSD, 277 L/s/ha
Therefore the total storage for the catchment studied in this research can be taken as
154 m3/ha compared to the UPRCT parameter of 455 m3/ha.
As the UPRCT method is specific to the upper Parramatta catchment, the results here
should be taken only in contrast to highlight how large storage volumes and conservative
permissible site discharges compare to other methods such as the, Mass Curve and
Volume, Rational Hydrograph, Modified Rational Hydrograph and Swinburne methods.
Omitting the results for the UPRCT method the Modified Rational Hydrograph method
was the most effective in reducing peak flows. On average this method reduced the peak
flows by around 7%. However if the economic aspects were of greater importance then
the smallest storage volume that produced an adequate reductions in peak flow should be
given preference. This would be the Swinburne Method which requires a volume of 9.2m3
which compared to the Modified Rational Hydrograph method requires a volume of
The advantage of having storage devices that reduce peak flows close to pre-developed
state is not only economical one. From this research it was found in terms of flow and
timing that these help to produce hydrographs that are close in resemblance to the pre-
developed hydrographs. The benefit of this is that it can retain much of the existing runoff
cycle, where the OSD releases flows of a similar magnitude at similar times. The
Swinburne method produced hydrographs that had the closets resemblance to the pre-
developed hydrographs.
Of significance for the 1, 5, 10, and 20 year ARI events is that for most methods the
effectiveness of the OSD to reduce peak flows improves as we approach the end of
catchment. This is due to the detention storage in these ARI events still being under
capacity which keeps post-developed peaks flows below pre-developed state. For
example if each OSD device is reducing the peak flows by 2 L/s then by the time we reach
the end of the catchment the reduction in peak flows has accumulated due to the multitude
of detention devices working to reduce the flows along the catchment. For large storage
volumes such as those produced using the UPRCT method this occurrence is very notable
for all ARI events used. Therefore it may be possible to relax the OSD requirements at
the lower reaches of some catchments.
For the 1, 5 and 10 year ARI events the difference in the peak flows for the pre-developed
and post-developed without OSD were high to moderate with increases of 31%, 17.6%
and 7.3% respectively for those ARIs. For the 20, 50 and 100 year ARI events the
difference in the peak flows for the pre-developed and post-developed without OSD were
low, with increases of 2.3%, 4.6% and 4.5% respectively for those ARIs. Depending on
the reduction targets or the reasoning to reduce runoff it may not always be worthwhile
to provide OSD for the 20, 50 and 100 year ARI events. Focusing on events up to the 10
year ARI may be more critical and beneficial.
This research has focused on a specific catchment and there could be factors that influence
the outcome of a similar study. These could include:
Still, D & Bewsher, D, 1999, On-Site Stormwater Detention In The Upper Parramatta
Catchment -Lessons For All Councils, SIA On-Site Detention Workshop.
Boyd, M.J. 1995, Onsite Storage of Stormwater Runoff for Flood Control, Department
of Civil and Mining Engineering, University of Wollongong.
Curtis, D.C. & McCuen, R.H. 1977, Design Efficiencies of Stormwater Detention
Storage, Proceedings ASCE 103(WR1): 125-140.
Lumb, A.M, Wallace, J.K. & James, D.I, 1974, Analysis of Urban Land Treatment
Measures for Flood Peak Reduction, Report prepared for OWRR-14-31-001-3359,
Georgia Institute of Technology.
Bowditch, B.W. & Donald I Phillips, D.I. 1998, Design Techniques for On-Site
Stormwater Detention Systems, 3rd International Conference, Innovative Technologies
in Urban Storm Drainage NOVATECH, Lyon, France.
Ribbons, S.G, Knight, G.J, Warwick, M.K, 1995, Section 94 Contributions or On-site
Detention - Council's Dilemma, Bewsher Consulting Pty Ltd & Kinhill Engineers Pty
Carse, J, Lees, S, Phillips, B.C, Goyen, A.G, 2006, Improving the Management of
Urban Runoff using On-Site Detention, 46th Floodplain Management Authorities
Conference, Lismore.
Argue, J.R, 1986, Storm Drainage Design In Small Urban Catchments: A Handbook
For Australian Practice, ARRB Special Report, SR 34, Melbourne.
Argue, J.R & Scott, P, 2000, On-Site Stormwater Retention (OSR) In Residential
Catchments: A Better Option?, 40th Annual Conference, NSW Floodplain Management
Authorities, Parramatta.
Cardno Willing, 2002, Study on the Combined Effects of OSD and Rainwater Tanks on
the Upper Parramatta River Catchment at Varying Sub-Catchment Scales, Final
Report, prepared for the Upper Parramatta River Catchment Trust, October 2002.
Cardno Willing, 2004, Study on the Combined Effects of OSD and Rainwater Tanks on
the Upper Parramatta River Catchment at Varying Sub-Catchment Scales, Additional
Assessments, Final Report, prepared for the Upper Parramatta River Catchment Trust,
February 2004.
Cardno Willing, 2005, Study on the Combined Effects of OSD and Rainwater Tanks on
the Upper Parramatta River Catchment at Varying Sub-Catchment Scales,
Supplementary Assessments, Summary Report, prepared for the Upper Parramatta River
Catchment Trust, December 2005.
AUS-SPEC & Northern Rivers Local Government, 2013, New South Wales
Development and Design Specification, D5 – Stormwater Drainage Design, Northern
Rivers Local Government.
OSD Calculations
Extended Detention Detention
3 3
Basic SSR Volume Ext Detention Storage 18.00 m Total Storage 27.30 m
3 3
Total Rainwater Tank Credits 0.00 m 0.00 m
Storage Volume Total 27.30 m
3 3
Storage Volume Ext Detention Storage 18.00 m Flood Detention Storage 9.30 m
OSD Discharges Primary Outlet 2.40 L/s Secondary Outlet 9.00 L/s
Number of Orifices 1 1 1 1
Estimated Downstream Flood Level 100.00 1.5 yr ARI 100.00 100 yr ARI
Design Head to Orifice Centre 1.100 m TWL Ext Detn Storage - RL Orifice 1.100 m
% Vs = Tc(Qi-Qo)
% Where:
% Qi = CyIA
% Cy=runoff coefficient for post development for the corresponding ARI
% I = post development rainfall intensity for corresponding ARI and Tc
% A = area of the watershed
% Qo = CyIA
% Cy=runoff coefficient for pre-development for the corresponding ARI
% I = pre-development rainfall intensity for corresponding ARI and Tc
% A = area of the watershed
Qo = (Cy_o.*Io.*A )/3600000;
Qi = (Cy_i.*Ii.*A )/3600000;
Vs = Tco*(Qi-Qo)*60;
Storm Duration
Time Interval 10 min 20 min 30 min 60 min 120 min
(minutes) Percentages Per Period ARI < 30 Years
0-5 57 19 16 3.9 2.3
5-10 43.0 43.0 25.0 7.0 3.8
10-15 30.0 33.0 16.8 6.2
15-20 8.0 9.0 12.0 4.2
20-25 11.0 23.2 11.3
25-30 6.0 10.1 4.3
30-35 8.9 14.5
35-40 5.7 9.0
40-45 4.8 7.3
45-50 3.1 4.4
50-55 2.6 4.2
55-60 1.9 3.8
60-65 3.4
65-70 3.1
70-75 2.8
75-80 2.4
80-85 2.6
85-90 2.3
90-95 1.8
95-100 1.4
100-105 1.7
105-110 1.3
110-115 1.1
115-120 0.8
Storm Duration
Time Interval 10 min 20 min 30 min 60 min 120 min
(minutes) Percentages Per Period ARI > 30 Years
0-5 54 20 16 4.3 2.7
5-10 46.0 40.0 24.0 7.3 4.0
10-15 30.0 30.0 16.1 6.0
15-20 10.0 10.0 11.6 4.2
20-25 12.0 21.7 10.2
25-30 8.0 10.0 4.2
30-35 9.0 12.6
35-40 6.0 8.4
40-45 5.2 7.0
45-50 3.5 4.3
50-55 3.0 4.4
55-60 2.3 4.0
60-65 3.7
65-70 3.4
70-75 3.1
75-80 2.7
80-85 3.0
85-90 2.8
90-95 2.1
95-100 1.6
100-105 2.0
105-110 1.5
110-115 1.3
115-120 0.8
Cumulative Storage (m3)
10 min
20 min
10 30 min
60 min
120 min
Discharge 9.1l/s
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Time (minutes)
Cumulative Storage (m3)
25 10 min
20 min
30 min
60 min
10 120 min
Discharge 16.6l/s
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Time (minutes)
Cumulative Storage (m3)
25 10 min
20 20 min
30 min
60 min
10 120 min
Discharge 16.6l/s
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Time (minutes)
Cumulative Storage (m3)
30 10 min
25 20 min
30 min
60 min
120 min
10 Envelope
5 Discharge 16.6l/s
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Time (minutes)
Cumulative Storage (m3)
40 10 min
35 20 min
30 min
60 min
120 min
10 Envelope
5 Discharge 16.6l/s
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Time (minutes)
Cumulative Storage (m3)
40 10 min
35 20 min
30 30 min
60 min
120 min
5 Discharge 16.6l/s
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
Time (minutes)
1 Year, 25 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.01 0.133 0.267 0.4 0.533 0.665 0.797 0.929 1.06 1.19 1.32
Post-development no OSD 0.014 0.175 0.35 0.525 0.699 0.872 1.04 1.22 1.39 1.56 1.73
Post-development with OSD 0.002 0.047 0.094 0.14 0.187 0.234 0.28 0.327 0.373 0.42 0.466
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD -0.008 -0.086 -0.173 -0.26 -0.346 -0.431 -0.517 -0.602 -0.687 -0.77 -0.854
5 Year, 25 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.018 0.247 0.492 0.738 0.983 1.232 1.472 1.722 1.962 2.202 2.442
Post-development no OSD 0.026 0.263 0.538 0.81 1.082 1.372 1.672 1.972 2.272 2.572 2.882
Post-development with OSD 0.003 0.082 0.162 0.242 0.322 0.402 0.482 0.561 0.641 0.72 0.8
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD -0.015 -0.165 -0.33 -0.496 -0.661 -0.83 -0.99 -1.161 -1.321 -1.482 -1.642
10 Year, 25 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.021 0.262 0.532 0.797 1.054 1.334 1.614 1.894 2.174 2.454 2.734
Post-development no OSD 0.03 0.275 0.544 0.821 1.084 1.384 1.684 2.004 2.314 2.624 2.934
Post-development with OSD 0.006 0.094 0.185 0.276 0.366 0.457 0.547 0.637 0.727 0.817 0.907
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD -0.015 -0.168 -0.347 -0.521 -0.688 -0.877 -1.067 -1.257 -1.447 -1.637 -1.827
20 Year, 25 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.025 0.271 0.544 0.816 1.087 1.387 1.687 1.997 2.307 2.613 2.917
Post-development no OSD 0.036 0.316 0.591 0.875 1.132 1.431 1.719 2.038 2.349 2.667 2.99
Post-development with OSD 0.008 0.124 0.246 0.369 0.491 0.614 0.736 0.859 0.981 1.107 1.227
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD -0.017 -0.147 -0.298 -0.447 -0.596 -0.773 -0.951 -1.138 -1.326 -1.506 -1.69
50 Year, 20 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.029 0.299 0.576 0.861 1.118 1.408 1.708 2.018 2.328 2.648 2.959
Post-development no OSD 0.041 0.405 0.712 1.023 1.324 1.553 1.816 2.118 2.445 2.781 3.121
Post-development with OSD 0.01 0.154 0.3 0.45 0.599 0.748 0.897 1.048 1.198 1.348 1.498
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD -0.019 -0.145 -0.276 -0.411 -0.519 -0.66 -0.811 -0.97 -1.13 -1.3 -1.461
1 Year, 25 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.01 0.133 0.267 0.4 0.533 0.665 0.797 0.929 1.06 1.19 1.32
Post-development no OSD 0.014 0.175 0.35 0.525 0.699 0.872 1.04 1.22 1.39 1.56 1.73
Post-development with OSD 0.008 0.111 0.223 0.334 0.446 0.557 0.668 0.779 0.891 1 1.11
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD -0.002 -0.022 -0.044 -0.066 -0.087 -0.108 -0.129 -0.15 -0.169 -0.19 -0.21
5 Year, 25 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.018 0.247 0.492 0.738 0.983 1.232 1.472 1.722 1.962 2.202 2.442
Post-development no OSD 0.026 0.263 0.538 0.81 1.082 1.372 1.672 1.972 2.272 2.572 2.882
Post-development with OSD 0.017 0.221 0.441 0.66 0.88 1.102 1.322 1.542 1.762 1.982 2.202
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD -0.001 -0.026 -0.051 -0.078 -0.103 -0.13 -0.15 -0.18 -0.2 -0.22 -0.24
10 Year, 25 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.021 0.262 0.532 0.797 1.054 1.334 1.614 1.894 2.174 2.454 2.734
Post-development no OSD 0.03 0.275 0.544 0.821 1.084 1.384 1.684 2.004 2.314 2.624 2.934
Post-development with OSD 0.019 0.251 0.498 0.746 0.993 1.244 1.484 1.734 1.984 2.234 2.474
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD -0.002 -0.011 -0.034 -0.051 -0.061 -0.09 -0.13 -0.16 -0.19 -0.22 -0.26
20 Year, 25 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.025 0.271 0.544 0.816 1.087 1.387 1.687 1.997 2.307 2.613 2.917
Post-development no OSD 0.036 0.316 0.591 0.875 1.132 1.431 1.719 2.038 2.349 2.667 2.99
Post-development with OSD 0.022 0.264 0.536 0.804 1.067 1.337 1.617 1.897 2.177 2.467 2.747
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD -0.003 -0.007 -0.008 -0.012 -0.02 -0.05 -0.07 -0.1 -0.13 -0.146 -0.17
50 Year, 20 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.029 0.299 0.576 0.861 1.118 1.408 1.708 2.018 2.328 2.648 2.959
Post-development no OSD 0.041 0.405 0.712 1.023 1.324 1.553 1.816 2.118 2.445 2.781 3.121
Post-development with OSD 0.024 0.278 0.546 0.82 1.098 1.388 1.688 1.998 2.298 2.598 2.898
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD -0.005 -0.021 -0.03 -0.041 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.02 -0.03 -0.05 -0.061
1 Year, 25 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.01 0.133 0.267 0.4 0.533 0.665 0.797 0.929 1.06 1.19 1.32
Post-development no OSD 0.014 0.175 0.35 0.525 0.699 0.872 1.04 1.22 1.39 1.56 1.73
Post-development with OSD 0.009 0.116 0.232 0.348 0.464 0.58 0.696 0.811 0.927 1.04 1.16
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD -0.001 -0.017 -0.035 -0.052 -0.069 -0.085 -0.101 -0.118 -0.133 -0.15 -0.16
5 Year, 25 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.018 0.247 0.492 0.738 0.983 1.232 1.472 1.722 1.962 2.202 2.442
Post-development no OSD 0.026 0.263 0.538 0.81 1.082 1.372 1.672 1.972 2.272 2.572 2.882
Post-development with OSD 0.018 0.238 0.474 0.71 0.946 1.182 1.422 1.652 1.892 2.122 2.362
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD 0 -0.009 -0.018 -0.028 -0.037 -0.05 -0.05 -0.07 -0.07 -0.08 -0.08
10 Year, 25 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.021 0.262 0.532 0.797 1.054 1.334 1.614 1.894 2.174 2.454 2.734
Post-development no OSD 0.03 0.275 0.544 0.821 1.084 1.384 1.684 2.004 2.314 2.624 2.934
Post-development with OSD 0.021 0.261 0.518 0.776 1.034 1.294 1.544 1.804 2.064 2.324 2.584
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD 0 -0.001 -0.014 -0.021 -0.02 -0.04 -0.07 -0.09 -0.11 -0.13 -0.15
20 Year, 25 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.025 0.271 0.544 0.816 1.087 1.387 1.687 1.997 2.307 2.613 2.917
Post-development no OSD 0.036 0.316 0.591 0.875 1.132 1.431 1.719 2.038 2.349 2.667 2.99
Post-development with OSD 0.023 0.271 0.545 0.819 1.087 1.387 1.677 1.977 2.277 2.577 2.877
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD -0.002 0 0.001 0.003 0 0 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.036 -0.04
50 Year, 20 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.029 0.299 0.576 0.861 1.118 1.408 1.708 2.018 2.328 2.648 2.959
Post-development no OSD 0.041 0.405 0.712 1.023 1.324 1.553 1.816 2.118 2.445 2.781 3.121
Post-development with OSD 0.034 0.296 0.569 0.853 1.108 1.398 1.698 2.008 2.318 2.628 2.938
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD 0.005 -0.003 -0.007 -0.008 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.02 -0.021
Swinburne Method
All results in m3/s
1 Year, 25 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.01 0.133 0.267 0.4 0.533 0.665 0.797 0.929 1.06 1.19 1.32
Post-development no OSD 0.014 0.175 0.35 0.525 0.699 0.872 1.04 1.22 1.39 1.56 1.73
Post-development with OSD 0.011 0.133 0.267 0.4 0.534 0.667 0.801 0.934 1.07 1.2 1.33
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD 0.001 0 0 0 0.001 0.002 0.004 0.005 0.01 0.01 0.01
5 Year, 25 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.018 0.247 0.492 0.738 0.983 1.232 1.472 1.722 1.962 2.202 2.442
Post-development no OSD 0.026 0.263 0.538 0.81 1.082 1.372 1.672 1.972 2.272 2.572 2.882
Post-development with OSD 0.018 0.239 0.477 0.714 0.952 1.192 1.422 1.662 1.902 2.142 2.382
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD 0 -0.008 -0.015 -0.024 -0.031 -0.04 -0.05 -0.06 -0.06 -0.06 -0.06
10 Year, 25 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.021 0.262 0.532 0.797 1.054 1.334 1.614 1.894 2.174 2.454 2.734
Post-development no OSD 0.03 0.275 0.544 0.821 1.084 1.384 1.684 2.004 2.314 2.624 2.934
Post-development with OSD 0.02 0.261 0.518 0.776 1.034 1.294 1.544 1.804 2.064 2.324 2.584
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD -0.001 -0.001 -0.014 -0.021 -0.02 -0.04 -0.07 -0.09 -0.11 -0.13 -0.15
20 Year, 25 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.025 0.271 0.544 0.816 1.087 1.387 1.687 1.997 2.307 2.613 2.917
Post-development no OSD 0.036 0.316 0.591 0.875 1.132 1.431 1.719 2.038 2.349 2.667 2.99
Post-development with OSD 0.023 0.271 0.545 0.819 1.087 1.387 1.677 1.977 2.277 2.577 2.867
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD -0.002 0 0.001 0.003 0 0 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.036 -0.05
50 Year, 20 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.029 0.299 0.576 0.861 1.118 1.408 1.708 2.018 2.328 2.648 2.959
Post-development no OSD 0.041 0.405 0.712 1.023 1.324 1.553 1.816 2.118 2.445 2.781 3.121
Post-development with OSD 0.038 0.291 0.566 0.849 1.108 1.398 1.698 2.008 2.318 2.628 2.938
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD 0.009 -0.008 -0.01 -0.012 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.02 -0.021
1 Year, 25 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.01 0.133 0.267 0.4 0.533 0.665 0.797 0.929 1.06 1.19 1.32
Post-development no OSD 0.014 0.175 0.35 0.525 0.699 0.872 1.04 1.22 1.39 1.56 1.73
Post-development with OSD 0.011 0.142 0.284 0.427 0.569 0.711 0.853 0.995 1.14 1.28 1.42
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD 0.001 0.009 0.017 0.027 0.036 0.046 0.056 0.066 0.08 0.09 0.1
5 Year, 25 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.018 0.247 0.492 0.738 0.983 1.232 1.472 1.722 1.962 2.202 2.442
Post-development no OSD 0.026 0.263 0.538 0.81 1.082 1.372 1.672 1.972 2.272 2.572 2.882
Post-development with OSD 0.02 0.251 0.501 0.751 1 1.252 1.502 1.752 2.002 2.252 2.502
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD 0.002 0.004 0.009 0.013 0.017 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
10 Year, 25 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.021 0.262 0.532 0.797 1.054 1.334 1.614 1.894 2.174 2.454 2.734
Post-development no OSD 0.03 0.275 0.544 0.821 1.084 1.384 1.684 2.004 2.314 2.624 2.934
Post-development with OSD 0.022 0.262 0.532 0.796 1.054 1.334 1.604 1.884 2.164 2.444 2.724
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD 0.001 0 0 -0.001 0 0 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.01
20 Year, 25 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.025 0.271 0.544 0.816 1.087 1.387 1.687 1.997 2.307 2.613 2.917
Post-development no OSD 0.036 0.316 0.591 0.875 1.132 1.431 1.719 2.038 2.349 2.667 2.99
Post-development with OSD 0.032 0.276 0.545 0.82 1.087 1.377 1.687 1.997 2.297 2.597 2.899
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD 0.007 0.005 0.001 0.004 0 -0.01 0 0 -0.01 -0.016 -0.018
50 Year, 20 minute
Analysis Point 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Pre-development 0.029 0.299 0.576 0.861 1.118 1.408 1.708 2.018 2.328 2.648 2.959
Post-development no OSD 0.041 0.405 0.712 1.023 1.324 1.553 1.816 2.118 2.445 2.781 3.121
Post-development with OSD 0.038 0.35 0.629 0.917 1.179 1.445 1.734 2.038 2.36 2.678 2.99
Difference in flow. Pre & Post with OSD 0.009 0.051 0.053 0.056 0.061 0.037 0.026 0.02 0.032 0.03 0.031
SWIN - Swinburne
RH – Rational Hydrograph
1 Year ARI
5 Year ARI
10 Year ARI
20 Year ARI
50 Year ARI