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1. A layer in which the temperature decreases with 1°C per 100m is

A. absolutely stable
B. absolutely unstable
C. conditionally unstable
D. neutral for dry air
2. Stratosphere extends from Tropopause to
A. 50 km
B. 60 km
C. 40 km

3. Compare the following TAF and VOLMET reports for Nice: TAF 240716 VRB02KT
CAVOK = 0920Z 13012KT 8000 SCT040CB BKN100 20/18 Q1015 TEMPO TS = What
can be concluded from the differences between the two reports?
A. That the weather at Nice is clearly more volatile than the TAF could have predicted
earlier in the morning
B. That the weather conditions at 0920 were actually predicted in the TAF
C. That the weather in Nice after 0920 is also likely to be as predicted in the TAF
D. That the VOLMET speaker has got his locations mixed up, because there is no way
the latest VOLMET report could be so different from the TAF

4. An outside air temperature of -35°C is measured while cruising at FL 200. What is the
temperature deviation from the ISA at this level?
A. 10°C warmer than ISA.
B. 5°C warmer than ISA.
C. 5°C colder than ISA.
D. 10°C colder than ISA.
5. The reason for the fact, that the Icelandic low is normally deeper in winter than in summer
is that
A. the temperature contrasts between arctic and equatorial areas are much greater in
B. the low-pressure activity of the sea east of Canada is higher in winter.
C. the strong winds of the north Atlantic in winter are favourable for the development of
D. converging air currents are of greater intensity in winter.
6. During a flight over the sea at FL 100 from Marseille (QNH 1012 hPa) to Palma de
Mallorca (QNH 1012 hPa), the true altitude is constantly increasing. What action, if any,
should be taken ?
A. Compensate by heading further to the left
B. None, the reason for the change is that the air around Palma is warmer than the air
around Marseille
C. Have your altimeter checked, because its readings are obviously wrong
D. Recheck the QNH because one of the QNH values must be wrong
7. 850 hPa in ISA corresponds to the level
A. 7,000ft
B. 5,000 ft
C. 10,000 ft

8. The pressure altitude is equal to the true altitude if

A. the outside air temperature is standard for that height
B. the air pressure is 1013.25 hPa at the surface
C. the indicated altitude is equal to the pressure altitude
D. standard atmospheric conditions occur
9. An aircraft lands at an airport (airport elevation 540 FT, QNH 993 hPa) with the altimeter
set to 1013 hPa. What will it indicate ?
A. 380 FT
B. 0 FT
C. 1080 FT
D. 700 FT
10. The morning following a clear, calm night when the temperature has dropped to the
dewpoint, is likely to produce
A. a cold front
B. advection fog
C. good clear weather
D. radiation fog
11. Minimum temperature is reached at ...
A. sunrise
B. midnight
C. 1/2 - 1 hour after dawn

12. A wide body takes off on a clear night in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Shortly after take off the
aircraft's rate of climb drops to zero. This can be due to
A. very pronounced downdraft
B. low relative humidity
C. a very strong temperature inversion
D. sand/dust in the engines
13.The wavelength of most intense radiation is inversely proportional to the....
A. Absolute temperature
B. Humidity
C. Albedo

14. Air is a bad conductor of heat. A parcel of air can therefore be regarded as insulated from
the environment
A. False
B. True
15. The spread between Free air temperature and Dew point temperature is .... when air is
A. Large
B. Least
C. It has no relation to saturation

16.Relative humidity depends on

A. moisture content of the air only
B. temperature of the air only
C. moisture content and temperature of the air
D. moisture content and pressure of the air

17. For a similar pressure gradient, the geostrophic wind speed will be
A. greater at 30°N than at 60°N
B. greater at 60°N than at 30°N
C. the same at all latitudes north or south of 15°
D. equivalent to gradient wind ± thermal component

18. Which weather phenomena are typical for the northern side of the Alps with stormy
winds from the south (Foehn)?
A. Continuous precipitation, severe turbulence.
B. Decrease in temperature, moderate to severe icing.
C. Icing, huge mass of clouds.
D. Good visibility, turbulence.

19. If temperature is higher to the S and lower to the N from surface up to higher levels ,
then the wind will strengthen with height with no change in direction in N hemisphere
A. Ely
B. Wly
C. Sly
D. Nly
20.When in the upper part of a layer warm air is advected the
A. stability increases in the layer
B. stability decreases in the layer
C. wind will back with increasing height in the northern hemisphere
D. wind speed will always decrease with increasing height in the northern hemisphere
21. A layer is conditionally unstable if the air
A. becomes stable by lifting it.
B. is unstable for saturated air as well as for dry air.
C. is unstable for saturated air and stable for dry air.
D. is stable for saturated air and unstable for dry air.
22. RVR is reported when visibility falls below
A. 500 m
B. 1000 m
C. 1500 m
D. 2000 m

23. The surface air temp, is 30° C. Assuming DALR prevailing what is the temperature at 2
A. 18° C
B. 10° C
C. 42° C

24. Heavy icing is possible in


25. What wind conditions, occurring just before dawn, favour the formation of fog at an
airport where the temperature is 15°C and the dew point is 14°C?
A. Westerly, 10 kt variable.
B. Easterly, 10 kt.
C. Calm.
D. Northerly, 10 kt.

26. What is entrainment with respect to Thunderstorms?

A. Inflow of air to the Cb cell
B. Trapping of air in a stable atmosphere
C. Entering of a front in a new region
27. Which of the following cloud types are most likely to produce light to moderate icing
when they are not subject to orographic lifting and consist of supercooled cloud droplets?
A. Stratocumulus and cirrostratus
B. Stratus and cumulonimbus
C. Altostratus and cirrocumulus
D. Altocumulus and altostratus.
28. What are the differences between radiation fog and advection fog ?
A. Radiation fog forms only on the ground, advection fog only on the sea.
B. Radiation fog forms due to night cooling and advection fog due to daytime cooling.
C. Radiation fog is formed by surface cooling in a calm wind. Advection fog is formed by
evaporation over the sea.
D. Radiation fog forms due to surface cooling at night in a light wind. Advection fog forms
when warm humid air flows over a cold surface.


A. conditionally stable
B. latently stable
C. potentially stable

30. Sometimes a halo with a radius of is observed, called Large Halo

A. 32°
B. 42°
C. 22°

31. Hoar frost occurs on airframe in clear air when the temperature of airframe is
A. below the frost point
B. frost point
C. just above the frost point

32. In the vicinity of industrial areas, smoke is most likely to affect surface visibility when
A. there is a low level inversion
B. the surface wind is strong and gusty
C. cumulus clouds have developed in the afternoon
D. a rapid moving cold front has just passed the area
33. Which of the following statements is true regarding moderate-to-severe airframe icing?
A. It may occur in the uppermost levels of a cumulonimbus capillatus formation
B. It always occurs in altostratus cloud
C. It is likely to occur in nimbostratus cloud
D. It will occur in clear-sky conditions
34. Aircraft icing is most favoured in the cloud which have temperatures ranging between
A. -20° C and - 40° C
B. 0° C and - 20° C
C. below -40 ° C

35. How are high level condensation trails formed that are to be found occasionally behind jet
aircraft ?
A. Through water vapour released during fuel combustion
B. Through a decrease in pressure, and the associated adiabatic drop in temperature at
the wing tips while flying through relatively warm but humid air
C. Only through unburnt fuel in the exhaust gases
D. In conditions of low humidity, through the particles of soot contained in the exhaust

36. Carburetor icing occurs when air from intake passes through a ventury (choke) and causes
expansional cooling and vaporization of fuel. Serious icing can occur at extreme temperatures
A. 13 °C
B. 30°C to -10°C
C. 20 °C

37.The trigger action may take place due to

A. Clear night sky no wind
B. Orographic lifting
C. Divergence due to high pressure

38. The life of Mesoscale Convective Complex TS is

A. 2-3 hr
B. 3-4 hr
C. 6 to 24 hr

39. Hail is
A. Solid precipitation which commonly occurs over the mountainous regions during
B. Frozen or partly frozen rain falling from sheet type of clouds
C. Solid precipitation falling from a deep convective cloud

40. In which meteorological forecast chart is information about CAT regions found?
A. 300 hPa chart.
B. Significant Weather Chart.
C. 24-hour surface forecast.
D. 500 hPa chart.
41. The turbulence which occurs at high flight levels (above FL 250) is mainly of the type Clear
Air Turbulence. In what way can moderate to severe Clear Air Turbulence affect an aircraft,
the flight and the passengers?
A. The turbulence is wave like which makes the flight unpleasant for the passengers but
the manoeuvring will not be affected essentially.
B. The turbulence is a small scale one and can cause damage of worn out type. The
manoeuvring of the aircraft will be made more difficult or even impossible. For the
passengers the flight will be unpleasant.
C. The turbulence is a large scale one (waving) so that the aircraft will be difficult to
manoeuvre. The passengers will feel some discomfort.
D. The turbulence can be resembled with the roughness of a washing-board (small scale)
and will not have influence on the aircraft and its solidity, but will make flight a little
more difficult. The passengers will seldom notice anything of this turbulence.

42. Which area of a polar front jet stream in the northern hemisphere has the highest probability
of turbulence?
A. Looking downstream, the area to the left of the core.
B. Looking downstream, the area to the right of the core.
C. In the core of the jet stream.
D. Above the core in the boundary between warm and cold air.
43. The presence of altocumulus lenticularis is an indication of the
A. development of thermal lows
B. presence of valley winds
C. presence of mountain waves
D. risk of orographic thunderstorms
44. Fronts are characteristic of:
A. Tropical cyclone
B. Extra-tropical depressions
C. Monsoon depressions

45. Break in monsoon occurs when

A. Axis of monsoon trough is along Gangetic plains
B. Axis of monsoon trough is along foot hills of Himalayas
C. Depression over Bay of Bengal

46. What process in an air mass leads to the creation of wide spread NS, AS and ST cloud
A. Convection process
B. Radiation
C. Lifting
D. Sinking
47. During vigorous monsoon period the pressure gradient over west coast is
A. Weak
B. Steep
C. Normal

48.The huge vertical circulations, one between the equator and 30N and another between
equator and 30S, are called
A. Hadley Cells
B. Ferrel Cells
C. Polar cells

49. An airmass is unstable when

A. an ascending parcel of air continues to rise to a considerable height.
B. temperature and humidity are not constant
C. pressure shows a marked variation over a given horizontal area
D. temperature increases with height

50. Which of the following is typical for the passage of a cold front in the summer ?
A. Rapid increase in temperature once the front has passed
B. Mainly towering clouds
C. Mainly layered clouds
D. Rapid drop in pressure once the front has passed

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