FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting System User ManualV2.0
FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting System User ManualV2.0
FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting System User ManualV2.0
operation, please refer to the CypCut user manual. For other matters
you receive may differ from the statement in this manual in some
1. Product Description ........................................................................................................................6
1.1 Brief Introduction ...................................................................................................................6
1.2 Connection Diagram ..............................................................................................................6
1.3 Technical Reference ...............................................................................................................7
1.4 Control Card Installation .......................................................................................................8
1.4.1 Install steps .............................................................................................................8
1.4.2 Troubleshoot...........................................................................................................9
2. BCL3724 Wiring Instruction .......................................................................................................11
2.1 BCL3724 Description ..........................................................................................................11
2.2 Signal Type ...........................................................................................................................12
2.2.1 Input signal ...........................................................................................................12
2.2.2 Relay output .........................................................................................................14
2.2.3 Thyristor output ...................................................................................................14
2.2.4 Analog output.......................................................................................................15
2.2.5 PWM output .........................................................................................................15
2.3 I/O Specification...................................................................................................................15
2.3.1 External power supply .........................................................................................15
2.3.2 Servo control port ................................................................................................15
2.3.3 Servo drive control signal ...................................................................................17
2.3.4 Origin and limit ....................................................................................................24
2.3.5 Common input .....................................................................................................24
2.3.6 Common output ...................................................................................................24
2.3.7 Analog output.......................................................................................................25
2.3.8 PWM output .........................................................................................................25
2.4 Wiring Diagram ....................................................................................................................26
2.5 Laser Wiring Diagram ..........................................................................................................27
2.5.1 YAG laser .............................................................................................................27
2.5.2 CO2 laser ..............................................................................................................27
2.5.3 IPG-YLR ..............................................................................................................28
2.5.4 IPG_ YLS Germany ............................................................................................29
2.5.5 IPG_ YLS American ............................................................................................30
2.5.6 SPI-500W-R4 .......................................................................................................31
2.5.7 FEIBO MARS ......................................................................................................32
2.5.8 JK/GSI-FL ............................................................................................................33
2.5.9 Rofin .....................................................................................................................34
2.5.10 Raycus ..................................................................................................................35
2.5.11 Max .......................................................................................................................36
3. Machine Config Tool ....................................................................................................................37
3.1 Installation and Operation ....................................................................................................37
3.2 Password ...............................................................................................................................37
3.3 User Interface .......................................................................................................................38
3.4 Mechanism Config ...............................................................................................................39
FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System 4
8. FAQ................................................................................................................................................66
8.1 Cutting is Slow or Jamming ................................................................................................66
8.2 Corner Over Burned .............................................................................................................66
8.3 Laser No Emission ...............................................................................................................66
9. Appendix .......................................................................................................................................68
9.1 Fly Cut Operation Guide......................................................................................................68
9.1.1 Function ................................................................................................................68
9.1.2 Function description ............................................................................................68
9.2 Pitch Error Compensation....................................................................................................69
9.2.1 Pitch error compensation description .................................................................69
9.2.2 Mechanical origin ................................................................................................69
9.2.3 Measure pulse equivalent ....................................................................................69
9.2.4 Mechanic error measure ......................................................................................70
9.2.5 Import measurement data to CypCut ..................................................................71
9.2.6 The operation steps of pitch error compensation ...............................................72
9.2.7 FAQ.......................................................................................................................73
FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System 6
1. Product Description
Computer Case
JP1 PCI Card
Y1 axis drive
Y2 axis drive
X axis drive
W axis drive
BCL3724 I/O Board
Motion control
(1) Power off computer, insert the control card into PCI socket, and fix the control
card tightly;
(2) After start up computer, "Add Hardware Wizard" pops out and click "Cancel"
button, as shown below. If this dialog box does not appear, indicating the card
is in poor connection, please repeat the first step.
(3) Install CypCut software. The driver program will be installed by default option
(4) Open windows device manager to confirm installation succeed. Below image
1.4.2 Troubleshoot
(1) If "Find New Hardware" dialog box does not pop out after start up computer
or control card does not shown in device manager, indicating that the control
card is not in good connection with PCI socket. Please replace the PCI socket
or change another computer, insert the control card tightly and reinstall
open its attributes page, and select "Detail Information" as shown below:
(3) If the first half of the ‘device instance ID’ attribute is displayed as
control card but software installation might be failed. Try install CypCut
again, if installation still fails, please contact our technical support.
indicates computer doesn't recognize the control card. Power off computer and
change PCI socket, install the card firmly and repeat installation again.
(5) If step (4) still fails, the control card might be damaged please contact our
X axis Y1 axis Y2 axis W axis
2. BCL3724 Wiring Instruction
FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System
BCL3724 diagram shown as below:
FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System 12
You can either use guide rail or fixed installation to install BCL3724 board, product
dimension 315mm*107mm. DB62M socket connected with JP1 interface of BMC1214
card by C62-2 cable.
4 sockets (DB15M) on top left are for servo control, from left to right is X, Y1, Y2
and W axis port.
The signal terminals on bottom left are positive/negative limit, origin inputs of X,
Y and W axes. All lower terminals are conducted, ground end of COM, 0V.
On bottom right are 20 common output terminals which are thyristor emitter output.
Thyristor output is 24V, common cathode.
Above are PWM signal and 4 DA analog signal terminals.
There is a DIP switch down below PWM:
Switch P1 and P2 to set PWM voltage
P1 P2 Description
On Off PWM voltage is 24V
Off On PWM voltage is 5V
The typical wiring of photo-electric switch shown below, must use NPN 24V type
BCL3724 Photo-electric switch
Y- O
24V +
The typical wiring of magnetic switch shown below, must use NPN 24V type
BCL3724 Magnetic switch
IN6 o
24V V+
FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System 14
BCL3724 Machine
Coil power
Digit 24V
24V DC
15 FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System
Resolution 10mV
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
SON signal jump wire to ACT_LOW, output is low-level active (output 0V active);
Jump wire to ACT_HIGH, output is high-level active (output 24V active); Default is
17 FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System
ALM signal jump wire to ACT_LOW, input is low-level active (input 0V active);
Jump wire to ACT_HIGH, input is high-level active (input 24V active); Default is
A+ 3 21 OA+
A- 11 22 OA-
B+ 4 48 OB+
B- 12 49 OB-
Z+ 5 23 OZ+
Z- 13 24 OZ-
24V 8 7 COM+
0V 10 36 ALM-
ALM 14 37 ALM+
0V 15 41 COM-
A+ 3 33 PAO
A- 11 34 /PAO
B+ 4 35 PBO
B- 12 36 /PBO
Z+ 5 19 PCO
Z- 13 20 /PCO
A+ 3 3 A0+
A- 11 4 A0-
B+ 4 5 B0+
B- 12 6 BO-
Z+ 5 7 ZO+
Z- 13 8 ZO-
24V 8 50 CONT-COM
SON 6 37 CONT1
0V 10 24 OUT-COM
ALM 14 46 OUT8
A+ 3 21 OA
A- 11 22 /OA
B+ 4 25 OB
B- 12 23 /OB
Z+ 5 50 OC
Z- 13 24 /OC
24V 8 11 COM+
0V 10 45 COM-
ALM 14 28 DO5+
0V 15 27 DO5-
DB15 socket
DB62 socket
X servo
X xis
24V power +24V
supply COM
X- limit
Y1 servo
DB15 socket
X origin
Y1 axis
X+ limit
Control relay
Y1- limit
Y1 origin
DB15 socket
Y2 servo
Y2 axis
Y1+ limit
DB15 socket
W servo
W axis
W+ PWM PWM- Laser
COM output PWM+ modulation
Analog GND
OUT1 Analog DA1- Laser
Analog voltage
output1 DA1+
NO type
Analog GND
Analog DA2- Proportion
Relay output
Thyristor output
DC 24V
Custom input
27 FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System
Thyristor output
OUT11 digital shutter OUT11 10 Digital shutter
OUT13 laser mode1 OUT13 8 EP pulse
OUT14 laser mdoe2 OUT14 9 SP pulse
COM 19 Switching value 0V
Note: mechanical
shutter response is
not necessary.
Some of CO2 laser also supports PWM control mode, wiring can take reference
from Max laser.
FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System 28
2.5.3 IPG-YLR
1 Safety interlock1
2 Safety interlock2
3 Safety interlock2
Computer RS232 DB9
4 Safety interlock1
6 2 5 RS232 Rx
3 6 RS232 Tx
8 4 7 RS232 COM
24V reply
Assign an input as IN B2 Emission ON
Emission Status) COM
25Pin XP2
DIP switch
output A1 Modulation+
1 2 PWM+
A2 Modulation-
C1 Safety interlock1
C2 Safety interlock2
C3 Safety interlock2
C4 Safety interlock1
7Pin XP4
1. B2 'Emission ON' in XP1 interface is not necessary for CypCut, set 'Emission
Status' as '0' in machine config, CypCut will not check laser emission status.
2. Select 24V for PWM (DIP switch: PIN1 ON, PIN2 OFF).
FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System 30
24V relay
IN B2 Emission ON
Assign a output
Emission Status COM
7Pin XP4
1. B2 'Emission ON' in XP1 interface is not necessary for CypCut, set 'Emission
Status' as '0' in machine config, CypCut will not check laser emission status.
2. Select 24V for PWM (DIP switch: PIN1 ON, PIN2 OFF).
31 FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System
2.5.6 SPI-500W-R4
SPI-500W R4 Laser Systems
1 Interlock 1
2 Interlock 2
4 Interlock 2
Computer 5 Interlock 1
RS232 DB9
RS232 Comms Port
6 2 2 RS232 Rx
3 3 RS232 Tx
8 4 5 RS232 COM
1. When use MODINPUTTTL for laser modulation, select 5V for PWM (DIP
switch: PIN1 OFF, PIN2 ON).
2. When use PIN1 of I/O interface for laser modulation, select 24V for PWM (DIP
switch: PIN1 ON, PIN2 OFF).
FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System 32
8 +5v
Select 24V for PWM (DIP switch: PIN1 ON, PIN2 OFF).
33 FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System
2.5.8 JK/GSI-FL
1. The interlock in SK11 interface
2. When use SK101 as modulation, select 5V for PWM (DIP switch: PIN1 OFF,
3. When use Pin-16 in PL5 as modulation, select 24V for PWM (DIP switch: PIN1
FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System 34
2.5.9 Rofin
BCL3724_V2.0 I/O Board Rofin Fiber Laser
Thyristor output
OUT11 Mission ON OUT11 3 Mains on
OUT12 Fault Reset OUT12 1 Program Start
OUT13 Stand By OUT13 4 Stand By
OUT14 Aiming OUT14 8 Guide Laser On
OUT15 Gate OUT15 10 Gate
DIP switch 13 Gate GND
1 2
output PWM+ 15 Ext Pulse 5V
16 Ext Pulse GND
22 Interlock
23 Interlock
24 Interlock
25 Interlock
26 Interlock
27 Interlock
28 Interlock
29 Interlock
30 Interlock
31 Interlock
32 Interlock
33 Interlock
1. Take related reference for wiring of interlock in X720;
2. Select 5V for PWM ((DIP switch: PIN1 OFF, PIN2 ON; one of PIN3 or PIN4
ON and the other OFF).
35 FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System
2.5.10 Raycus
b Interlock1
c Interlock1
1. Raycus's latest products use 24V PWM, the old versions use 5V PWM. For
latest Raycus laser, key switch turns to REM under serial communication, while for
old versions key switch turns to ON position under serial communication. Laser
PWM port will indicate its 24V or 5V control. No specific description indicates 5V
PWM control.
2. 5V PWM control (DIP switch: PIN1 OFF, PIN2 ON).
3. 24V PWM control (DIP switch: PIN1 ON, PIN2 OFF).
FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System 36
2.5.11 Max
OUT17 17 Aiming+
Assign thyristor output as 16
Emission on and Aiming
OUT18 Emission on+
COM 21 Emission on-
22 Aiming-
1. PD+/PD-(laser alarm output) connect to any input port in BCL3724 I/O board,
then in 'machine config>alarm>custom alarm' setup the laser alarm (normally-open);
2. The ground end of aiming laser and laser emission can connect to any COM
port in BCL3724 board.
3. 24V PWM control (DIP switch: PIN1 ON, PIN2 OFF; one of PIN3 and PIN4 is
ON, the other is OFF).
37 FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System
In Windows Start > All Programs > CypCut open machine config program .
'CypCut laser cutting system' is software name which might be different of OEM
3.2 Password
All settings in machine config must setup by actual mechanism structure. Wrong
settings will cause severe unknown problem! In machine config, all input are yello w
color, and all output are green color.
FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System 38
The first page open machine config is machine config overview. Click tab in top
and left bar will open each parameter setup page for different machine module. For
example, above three are entrance for laser, height control and gas system setting page.
Click 'file location' will locate to folder of config data.
Click button in overview page will also open the parameter setting page of each
module. Click 'Machine tool' will enter ' Machine' page.
Click 'import' to finish machine config setting by existing file. Click 'save' save the
1. Data folder contains all config files of CypCut.
2. Data backup is in CypCut > File > Backup.
39 FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System
Config mechanism structure, single drive Y axis or dual-drive Y axis, also config
rotary axis.
X axis range: the maximum travel range under software limit protection function,
also the width of white frame in CypCut drawing board.
Y axis range: the maximum travel range under software limit protection function,
also the length of white frame in CypCut drawing board.
Pulse equivalent: pulse output per 1mm linear distance on machine load. You can
calculate by ServoTools.
Servo alarm: set the triggered polarity of alarm signal is normally open or close.
Max speed: maximum user speed and acceleration restricted by CypCut.
Pitch compensation: compensation method for mechanic error including backlash
FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System 40
Motor runaway check: to check if the motor rotation direction same with encoder
feedback. For example: send voltage+ for motor rotation+. If encoder feedback pulses
increase in positive value, it indicates motor rotation polarity same with encoder
feedback. Otherwise, it cannot create a close loop control when motor rotation polarity
different with encoder feedback, under this situation motor will never reach the target
position and controller keep sending command signal, machine load will rush out, this
scenario called 'motor runaway'. (Note: if doesn't pass motor runaway test, cannot open
CypCut for machine spindle adjust).
The sequence of motor runaway check:
41 FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System
100ms 50ms
Close-loop jog: check the option and jog X axis, observe the motor rotation and
encoder feedback polarity.
Open-loop jog: check the option controller only send analog output, doesn't
compare with feedback. Dual-drive axis doesn't recommend this function.
Reverse X: if machine load direction not same with jog direction, click
Enable soft limit: check this option, software limit function will force start all the
Prompt user at start: prompt message when open CypCut to inform user execute
return origin operation.
Origin direction: select return origin direction needed. Return origin direction
decides which coordinate quadrant system runs with. For example, return origin
direction of X and Y are both in negative direction, system runs in first quadrant
Origin signal: FSCUT4000 must use origin switch, cannot take limit as origin.
ORG measure: measure the installation distance between limit and origin switch.
Z-phase signal: whether or not capture Z-phase signal results different return
43 FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System
origin process. The return origin process of each mode will display in picture. Dual-
drive gantry synchronize function only available when capture Z-phase signal return
CypCut programmed standard configuration for YAG, CO2, IPG, Raycus, SPI and
many other brand laser, select laser type and there are different parameter settings under
each page.
Laser form: laser form can be set as continuous wave, gate pulse and high power
pulse by mode 1 and mode 2 output.
DA port: there are three DA analog output, select one of them for laser power
DA range: set the analog voltage range.
Minimum power: the minimum laser power.
PWM enable: select a relay output in BCL3724 board as switch of PWM signal.
Relay output can avoid laser leakage.
DA output: there are 3 DA ports of analog output, select one of them for laser
power control. When use RS232 or network control doesn't require DA port.
button. If use remote start button, you need to setup the output port for the button.
(Remote start up button is not recommended, for it's easy to cause laser malfunction).
Feibo, Raycus and SPI laser are similar with IPG laser configuration, and support
serial communication.
Debug mode: when enable this mode, CypCut log window will display the
communication code with laser.
FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System 46
Use BCS100 as height control unit, set IP address in machine config same in
Details of setting IP address please check in BCS100 user manual P2.5.6.
47 FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System
CypCut supports I/O control mode for height controller of other brand. User can
assign output with basic functions of lift, hold, up and down etc.
Valve (H/L): master valve of high pressure or low pressure gas channel.
Air: set output for air switch.
Oxygen: set output for oxygen switch.
Nitrogen: set output for nitrogen switch.
Gas alarm: to set alarm check for each gas channel or master valve.
There are 3 DA ports of analog signal can be assigned for gas pressure regulation.
Click button and select controlled function and active level of input
51 FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System
length counting and turn on/off lubrication when reach preset time/mileage interval.
Turn-off delay: when laser head works from one region to another one, output of
last region will turn off after preset delay.
Connect BCL3724 I/O terminal board and BMC1214 control card by C62-pin
cable, give 24V power supply to BCL3724 board. Make sure power supply in right
wiring and no short circuit before power up.
Note: Do not hot plug BMC1214 card and C62-pin cable!
Motor runaway risk exists in close-loop control, you need to do some checking
points before first-time running.
First, confirm some basic settings in 'machine config tool' in below image: motor
type, servo alarm signal polarity, pulse equivalent, encoder feedback, input gain of
speed command, for dual-Y drive structure you also need to confirm rotation direction
of master motor and slave motor in case of mechanic twisting (Take notice that servo
drive parameters should be same settings for dual-Y axes).
55 FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System
Second, check motor direction and feedback pulse direction from encoder. Click
reverse it.
3. Pulse check. This is to ensure encoder feedback pulses and input gain of speed
command set right.
FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System 56
Startup computer and open CypCut software. Open File tab > Diagnosis > IO
Check each signal one by one: positive limit/negative limit/origin switch of each
motor axis, DA signal, PWM signal, servo enable signal and all other input and output
57 FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System
First, set conservative PID value in servo driver. And set conservative value of
motion control parameter in CypCut. In CypCut 'Layer' > 'Global Parameter' shown as
Test single motor axis make sure pulse equivalent set right.
After all limit and origin signal tested to work normally, execute each motor axis
return origin to build mechanical coordinate.
5. Adjustment Steps
1.Select velocity control mode;
2.Set input gain of speed command;
3.Set encoder differential pulse
output per motor revolution;
Servo drive 4.Velocity loop gain 75hz,time
setting integral 9ms and set velocity loop
rigidity level,
5.Confirm select external enable
signal, doesn't set deadband signal,
doesn't set rotation restriction.
Motor runaway
feedback check
Self adjustment
FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System 60
Error source: system doesn't receive feedback pulse or receive abnormal pulses from
Checking points:
(1) Check the wiring, make sure servo enable signal, speed command signal and
encoder signal are wired with correct signal pin;
(2) Check servo driver parameter: if set external enable, do not set deadband(neutral
zone), and set zero offset value properly;
(3) Check PID parameters in velocity loop and current loop, servo rigid level cannot
be too low.
(1) If test results remain same error value in repeated testing, check servo driver
parameter if command speed gain and feedback pulses match the setting in
CypCut machine config;
(2) If test results are different error value in repeated testing, encoder signal might
be disturbed. Check in electrical cabinet if separate the wiring of strong current
from weak current.
(1) Open CypCut machine config, and execute make sure the
checking passed;
(2) If this error came after increasing acceleration in CypCut, might be caused by
motor torque being restricted. Driver settings restrict motor torque or motor
itself is of low torque type;
(3) If this error came after increasing speed in CypCut, motor speed might be
limited. Servo parameter might limit motor speed, or exceed motor maximum
(4) If this type error always exist when setting acceleration and speed from high to
low level, it indicates servo system is of low rigid. Mechanic or driver inner
loop is low rigid.
FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System 62
The inertia ratio is a crucial indicator of machine performance features. You can
calculate inertia ratio of each motion axis of machine by ServoTools. Download link
is http://downloads.fscut.com/. ServoTools interface shown below:
When inertia ratio is smaller than 200% machine runs in light load can reach
high speed cutting.
When the inertia ratio is between 200% to 300% machine runs in medium
load, cutting precision is declined compared with light load in high speed, cutting
speed and low-pass frequency should be lower.
63 FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System
When inertia ratio is between 300% to 500% machine runs in heavy load and
cannot reach high speed cutting.
When inertia ratio is larger than 500% indicating serious defect in machine
design, servo system cannot complete adjustment in short time.
You can calculate a rough value of machine maximum cutting speed, travel
speed, and acceleration by ServoTools. The calculation results can be set in
CypCut > Global Parameter > Motion Control parameter. Experienced users can
calculate more accurate inertia ratio by servo tuning tool.
Note: The servo parameters calculated by ServoTools only for FSCUT system of
close-loop control card. Open loop control card should set servo parameter by
position loop control mode.
Setup low pass filter frequency as high as possible as long as not reducing
65 FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System
8. FAQ
In CypCut, open 'node mode' to view the drawing, if graphic contour made of
a lot nodes, please optimize and smooth the graphic before cutting.
Check the cutting parameter setting see if there is improper setting of time
delay, or mixed time unit set 200ms to 200s for example.
If Z axis jamming in lifting actions, check the BCS100 firmware version. If it's
BCS100 V2.0, make sure firmware update to V802 and later version.
If it takes a long time for laser to start emission, check the serial
communication of laser.
Raise the low pass filter frequency to reduce the acceleration and deceleration
time at corner.
Raise the corner precision in global parameter to smooth the corner path.
Modify the drawing, for example, change the corner path like below image.
9. Appendix
9.1.1 Function
There are new functions for CypCut later than V6.3.495: ‘fly cut’ also named
‘scan line cut’ in CypCut. This function applied in thin sheet cutting, used to cut
arrayed parts of standard shape in high speed to improve production efficiency.
Function entry shown as below.
Circular Fly Cut: select arrayed circles and create fly cut path. The cutting will
follow continuous path, laser head will not lift traveling between cut paths, meanwhile
machine always maintain high speed in cutting.
69 FSCUT4000 Laser Cutting Control System
Interval: by theory, shorter measure interval will get more precise offset result.
Shorter measure interval will come with more stop points to be measured also take
more time for a whole measurement process. Recommended interval is
9.2.7 FAQ
1. Pitch error doesn't change after compensation
You need to execute return origin after import compensation file to let
compensation data take effect.
If the pulse equivalent is too small, for example, less than 200 pulses per 1mm, the
compensation file doesn't work.