J.P. Gupta
During the last two decades lot of work has been done and
awareness created throughout the world to ameliorate the conditions of
arid and semi arid areas. Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur
(India) has generated wealth of information on desert resources (soil,
water, vegetation etc.) and their utilization. Significant achievements
have been made and technologies developed for soil and water
conservation, improved crop production, afforestation, pasture land
management and livestock production. Some of these technologies are
already being used by various agencies for desert development. EffOlis
are also made for updating these technologies and making site-specific
cOlTecti ons.
1. Introduction
7 Climatic features 2
1.:1, Referencc~ 39
6.1 Average crop yield (local varieties) of kharif crops under various 17
tree densities of khejri.
6.2. Components of traditional agroforestry practices in western 18
6.4. Average yield of leaf fodder (pal a) and grass in the Zizyphus 22
6.6. Dry forage production (kg/ha) with and without tree spacing. 23
7.1. Extent of sand dunes in arid Rajasthan. 24
7.'2. SUitable tree and grass species for sand dune' afforestation. 26
Caption Page
The arid zone of India occupies an area of 3.2 lakhs km 2 which is about 13% of
the geographical area of the country. It is spread over Rajaslhan (62%), Gujrat
(19%), Punjab and Haryana (9%) and Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka (10%). The
main problems of these areas are low availability of rainfall, irrigation water and
high frequency of droughts, adversely affecting the growth of vegetation. Also there
is continuos increase of human and animal population in these areas. It has almost
doubled up during the last one decade. This has therefore increased the grain, fodder
and fuel wood requirements leading to denudation and over exploitation of the
meager resources. There is a large scale cutting of trees, shrubs and even roots to
meet fuel wood and fodder needs. Pasture lands have been degraded due to over and
indiscriminate grazing. This has accelerated erosion processes and converted
productive lands to wastelands. There is also continuos exploitation of the ground
water leading to lowering of the water table and deterioration of its quality.
Introduction of irrigation through canals without proper drainage system has created
water logging and salinity.
Sand dunes and their movement is a problem which seriously affects the
production of agricultural lands, road ways, railway tracks, water courses and other
economic establishments in many parts of arid western Rajasthan. About 68% area
of western Rajasthan is affected by this problem.
In view of this there is an urgent need for halting these trends and
rehabilitating the wastelands with the available technology.
The annual rainfall of the arid areas in general and the western Rajasthan in
particular varies in general and the western Rajasthan in particular varies from 200-
400 mm with a coefficient of variation as high as 40-60% table 2.1. The distribution
of rainfall is generally erratic occurring mostly during the period from July to
September which is the main cropping season. During the summer mean maximum
daily temperature is around 400 e and during winter it is 22-28°C. The maximum
temperature recorded during summer is as high as S2°e. The minimum daily
Lemperature varies from 24-26°e during summer and from 4-10 e during winter.
During the monsoon period maximum day temperature varies from 36-39°C with a
diurnal variation of 10°C. Soil temperature at 5 em depth ranges from 35 to 4Soe
during the monsoon period. The mean relative humidiLy in Lhe afternoon during
summer ranges from 20-35% and during monsoon from 48-60%. The mean
evaporation rate during summer exceeds 10mm/day.
Table 2.1: Mean annual rainfall, moisture index, their coefficient of variation and
f requencles 0 f drougth'
t 10 tIle zone ( 197 1- 80 ).
Districts Annual Rainfall C.V. of Annual Mean Moisture c.V. oj' moisture *Freq. of moderate
(%) (%) index index to severe drought
Harmer 248.5 63.S -79.0 10.0 3
Bibner 323.4 49.0 -81.2 10.0 4
Churn 408.6 42.6 -75.1 12.\ 3
Jaisaimcr 214.[ 66.1 -88.9 6.6 3
Jodhpur 361.4 60.7 -75.4 13.1 2
Source. Ramaknshna et a!., (1988)
*Numbcr of drought years in decade.
Aridity defined
Which in simple fOll11 is expressed as
Im =P - PE x 100
The sandy soils generally contain 3 to 10% clay, 3 to 6% silt, 60-75% fine
sand and 10 to 15% coarse sand. The soils are generally single grained, loose,
struc~re less and are highly vulnerable to wind erosion. Available water capacity of
these soils is very low and ranges from 50 to 100 mm of water per meter of soil
profile. Because of high infiltration rate and low moisture retention and storage
capacity' of these soils, about 30 to 50% of the water percolates down the profile
after each heavy rainfall shower (Gupta, 1986). Though water retention at field
capacity (0.01 MPa tension) is very low and ranges from 6 to 9% moisture on
weight basis, it is held very loosely and is freely available as 50% of it is released
just upto 0.1 MPa tension. As the major part of the pore space is made up of non
capillary pore space, therefore the saturated hydraulic conductivity of these soils is
very high ranges from 32.0 to 35.4 cmlh. Unsaturated conductivity, however, is very
low and is of the order of 5.7 x 10-2 to 9.9 X 10- cmlh at 0.01 MPa tension (Gupta et
aI., 1986). This property helps in conservation of moisture during periods of great
atmospheric demand. Gupta (1979) reported that most of the sand dunes remain near
field capacity below 30 to 60 em depth throughout the year if kept free of vegetation.
The water movement during most of the period takes place in vapour phase. Though
low unsaturated conductivity values restrict water movement towards roots, the low
mechanical impedance values of these soils help in deep penetration and
proliferation of roots for sustained availability of water for plant growth.
Table 3.2: Mean value of organic carbon and available nutrient content in some arid
zone soils.
Soil series/types Org.C P~05 K Fe Mn Zn Cu
(%) (kg/hal (kg/ha) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (ppm)
Stable dunes 0.08 13.0 158 6.1 5.0 0.65 0.45
Stable dunes 0.11 16.7 176 8.3 5.8 0.70 0.50
Shifting dune 0.02 15,4 153 5.7 4.8 0.63 0.48
Source: Dh rr (1977 b)
In arid zone of western Rajasthan, the most spectacular land forms are sand
dunes over 58% of the area of the region (Raheja and Sen, 1964). These dunes are
coalesced parabolic, longitudinal, transverse, brachan and obstacle. Out of these,
parabo1ic and coalesced parabolic dunes are the dominant ones (Ghose et al., 1977)
and are variable in height. Though these sand dunes have been put in class VI of
land capability classification, barring the bigger ones, these are cultivated during the
rainy season. Pearlmillet, c)usterbean, moth bean and sesame are the main crops of
the region. Interdunal plains contain more of silt and clay and retain higher amount
of water harvested from pmtially or fully stabilized sand dunes and thus produce
higher crop yields.
Arable fmming often with fallow system and open grazing are by far the
most common land uses. It is a matter of fact that over a period of several decades
more and more fresh land has been brought under farming in arid tract. The present
land use pattern in the arid zone and its comparison with the rest of the state is
presented in table 4.1. The total geographic area in arid western plains is 12.4 mha,
out of which 32.6% is sown every year. The whole of cultivated area is mono
cropped with pearlmillet as the main crop. Mixed cropping is also practiced as an
insurance against delayed or monsoon failures and also to provide economic
stability. Also useful top feed species of Khejri and Zizyphus are maintained in the
agricultural fields to meet the fuel and fodder requirements of the falmer. Another
land use system most common in the arid areas of western Rajasthan especially in
Iaisalmer area is 'Khadin' system of cultivation. It is a system of in-situ water
harvesting where generally rabi crop is taken with the harvested water.
Land put to non agricultural use and 4.5 9.7 13.1 7.9
barrcn and uncultivated
Pennanent pasture and other grazing 8.1 5.1 23.7 41.0
land, land under miscellaneous tree
crops and grasses and cultivable waste
Current fallow and other fallow land 4.0 2.2 11.8 17.6
New area sown 15.6 4.0 45.5 32.5
Area sown more than once is very little and is around 1% only. Penn anent
pasture and grazing land including culturable waste is major group spread over 5.08
mha which constitutes 62% of the total area of the state. Area under forest in the
state is low, around 6% of the total area. In arid zone the situation is still worse and
the area under forest is only 0.8%.
Inspite of low productivity of land and the hostile environment, arid areas
have shown increase in human and livestock population. The human population in
western RcYasthan increased from 9.81 m in 1971 to 13.50 m in 1981. As regards
livestock, every farm family keeps a herd of 15-20 animals which sustains on crop
resides and grazing on fallow lands. The livestock popUlation also showed an
increase from 10.34 miHion in 1951 to 23.33 million in 1983 (Bharara, 1988). In
terms of "adult cattle" the pressure on the land has increased from 54.7 units/lOO ha
in 1961 to 86.6 cattle units in 1981 against optimum desirable density of 20 adult
cattle units/lOG ha of permanent pasture and other grazing lands (Ahuja, 1977). This
increase in livestock population has increased the fodder requirement from 17.2
million tonnes to 23.3 million tones. The availability of forage from all the sources
(grass, crops, top feed) however, ranges from 10-14 million tonnes. To meet this
requirement not only marginal or sub-marginal lands are cultivated but are also
overgrazed leading thereby to degradation and dersertification.
Inspite of harsh climatic conditions, the arid zone farmer had been growing
crop since ancient times though with low yields and frequent crop failures. He had
been following mixed cropping involving millets, legumes, pulses, oil seeds and
livestock raising as measures for economic stability against adverse climatic
conditions. Though the farmer has been using some conservation measures like
growing crops down the slope and in depression with adequate moisture storage
capacity of soil, but still the yields are poor because of the use of traditional crop
varieties and poor soil and water management and crop planning. Research efforts of
about four decades have shown that a certain amount of stability of crop production
could be achieved through improved technology discussed as under.
Crop production plans should be formed only for the area with adequate
rainfall, soil depth and water retention and storage capacity. On the basis of rainfall
arid areas of western Rajasthan have been divided into three zones: Zone-I
(Jaisalmer, Barmer, Bikaner with rainfa]] below 300 mm), Zone-II (Jodhpur,
Nagaur, Jalore and Churn with 300-400 mm rainfall) and Zone-ill (Jhunjjhunu, Pali,
Sikar with more than 400 mm rainfall).
The probability of drought has been found much higher in Zone-I (80%)
than Zone-II (50%) and Zone-III (25%) with higher stability of crop production in
the latter. The latter zones therefore, should only be considered for crop production.
Marginal and sub-marginal areas should be avoided for crop cultivation.
Choice of crops and varieties to be grown depends upon the time of onset of
rainfall and the length of the available growing period. Usually short duration and
efficient water utilization crops should be preferred. In case of early to normal
rainfall (1 st to 2 week of July), the natural choice should be pearImillet. In case of
late onset of monsoon (4th week of July to 2nd week of August) grain legumes like
clusterbean, mungbean, mothbean and cowpea etc. should be grown. For better
results the critical stages of the crop should coincide with the moist period. Bajra
varieties WCC-75, RHB-30, MH-179, Maru gaur, Maru moth, RMO-40 moth, S-8
Moong, FS-68, Cowpea and Til T -13 are some of the established drought resistant
varieties most suitable for the arid areas.
Conservation tillage
Table 5.1: Effect of post emergence cultivation on the weed production and the yield
of pearI'll
m1 et.
Treatments Weed production Water use Grain yield Crop water use efticiency
(kg/hal lmm) (k_g/ha) (kg/mmlha)
No cultivation 1720 310 0050 0.16
Wind strip cropping is a useful practice in the areas having soil prone to
wind erosion (sand soils), low rainfall and high wind regime. Under this practice
erosion resistant crops like grasses are alternated with erosion susceptible crops like
bajra and the grain legumes perpendicular to the prevailing wind direction. Misra
(1964) reported that protective strips of Lasiurus sindicus and Ricinus communis
established at right angle to the general direction of the prevailing wind, reduced the
impact and threshold velocity of the wind, minimized erosion and increased the
yield of Phaseolus radiatus and Plwseolus aconit{folius crops by raising 0.5 to 1.5%
moisture in the protected plots. Daulay (1990) showed that intercropping of grain
legumes like mungbean, mothbean and gaur with grasses (Cenchrlls ciliaris in areas
above 300 mm rainfall and Lasirus .I'indicus in areas below 300 mm) in strips of 1:2
ratios (grass 2.5 to 5.0 m and crops 5.0 to 10.0 m) was highly useful in checking
wind erosion and for the productivity of soil. This practice, therefore, could be used
in highly vulnerable areas like Bikaner, Barmer and Iaisalmer.
Water harvesting and recycling
Wuter harvesting is Wl age old practice of collecting water in low lying areas,
depressions, ponds and tanks for agriculture, ground water recharge and for drinking
purposes in the arid areas of western Rajasthan. lawai, Hcmawas, Kharada, Jaswant
sagar, Sardar samad are some of the examples of water harvesting system built by
ancient kings for drinking and agricultural purposes. Even in Negev desert water
harvesting has been in use since ancient times for agriculture, drinking purposes and
for the establishment of trees and fruit crops particularly figs, grape vines,
pomegranate and olive etc. (Evenari et aI., 1971). The formation of network of water
harvesting structures amI micro-catchments helped the dwellers of the Negev desert
to survive and prospers as a nation.
Studies conducted at Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur for over
two decades showed the usefulness of on farm water harvesting technology for rield
and orchard crops. Inter row, inter plot and micro-catchment techniques were
evolved and perfected for different soil, topographic and rainfall situations. Runoff
from micro-catchments was generally found to depend upon rainfall characteristics
(amount, intensity, and distribution), micro-catchment characteristics (size, slope,
length and nature of the surface and antecedent moisture conditions) and water
spreading prope11ies of soil. The result of the seven years field studies showed
(Sharma et aL, 1986) that micro-catchments produced 13 to 32% of rainfall as runoff
at 0.5% slope; and even higher amount at 5% (36 to 45%) and 10% (16 to 44%)
slopes. Runoff generally increased with decreasing slope length; runoff for 5 and
10% slopes were nearly equal but greater than for 0.5% slope (Shanna, 1986).
Apparently there is a critical slope beyond which runoff is not affected by slope
increases. On the average runoff volume decreased with increasing slope length.
This effect was more apparent for 0.5% slope and was hardly observed for 5% and
10% slope.
movement etc. In view of thi~ a micro-catchment technique involving 50 cm wide
compacted catchment with 50 em wide cultivated strip having paired rows of crop,
was evolved. The technique was found to generate 20 to 80%, runoff depending
upon the rainfall conditions. As Cl result of increa~cd water availability, 50-100%
increased in yield of pearlmillet, mungbean and clusterbean was recorded over
control without water harvesting.
A large part of the rainfall is absorbed by the sandy soil of the catchment,
thereby reducing the total amount of rllnofflharvested water. Vcu·ious surface covers
and sealants were therefore, tried during 1985 and 1986 for determining their
relative efficiency for runoff generation. Plastic covered catchments were found to
generate 95% runoff while Janta eml)lsion (asphalt), pond sediment and compacted
catchments yielded 91 %, 88% and 66% runoff respectively. While the coefficient of
correlation between precipitation and runoff was near unity (0.99 to 0.999), the
threshold retention was 0.06 to 0.76 in plastic, 0.29 to 0.71 in Janta emulsion, 1.98 to
3.09 in pond sediment and 1.23 to 2.75 in earth compacted catchments (Singh et al.,
1988). Uncompacted earth catchments were found prone to crust formation. As a
result of this after 7 years of formation of these catchments, the threshold rainfall
was found to decrease from 4.7~6.00 mm to 2.3 mm, thereby increasing the runoff
efficiency from 22-36% to 52~56%.
Construction of farm ponds and tanks and 'nadis' with appropriate
catchment area help in runoff collection during periods of high intensity rainfall
(Fig. 5.2). The water thus collected is used for supplemental irrigation during periods
of drought, for the establishment of nursery plants and orchards trees and for
dIinking purposes. Though the construction of cement concrete tanks by each farmer
may be expensive, yet it could be done with the snppOlt of government agencies and
nationalized banks etc.
weeds, grass and other waster materials at the rate of 2 to 5 tons/ha depending upon
the availability reduced the maximum soil temperature by 1 to 12°C and increased
the profile moisture status by 5 to 15 mm. The magnitude of reduction of soil
temperature and increase in moisture status by mulching was however, found to
depend upon the rainfall distribution, atmospheric conditions and type and stage of
crop. It was generally higher during the period of frequent droughts and also with
less crop canopy. Mulching also suppressed weed growth and weed popUlation,
increased nitrogenous activity and thus increased the production of grain legumes
grown during monsoon season by 70-80% (Table 5.3, Fig. 5.3). Mulching has also
been found useful against cmst formation by absorbing rain drop impact and also
check the growth of fungus macro-phomina phaseolina which seriously affects
growth and establishment of seedlings of legumes (Gupta and Gupta, 1986: Gupta,
1987; Gupta, 1989).
Table 5.4: Crop yiel ds as aftecte db)y d'ff
1 erent Irnga Ion sys t ems.
Crop Yield (t/hu)
Drip Furrow
Tomato 100 25
Potato 33 25
Cabbage 36 30
Cauliflower 26 20
Maize 12 4
Source: Smgh and Mann (1979).
Drip and sprinkler system o[ irrigation though have not been round highly
useful for vegetable crops, these have not been tried for orchard crops of
afforestation purpose. In Indira Gandhi Canal Command arcas, sprinkle irrigation is
being used for afforestation of sand dunes. In Egypt (Sinai desert areas) and
erstwhile USSR (Karakum deselt) drip and sprinkle systems are being successfully
used for plantation of orchard crops.
At c.R. Farm, Jodhpur three row shelterbelt was raised by planting six
months old nursery raised (in polyethylene bags) seedlings in staggered 60 cm x 60
cm pits (2-3 kg manure mixed with soil) dug up with tractor driven auger during
monsoon season. During first year of planting the seedlings were irrigated by giving
10 liters of water/seedling/month. Three types of shelterbelts planted this way of
Acacia torti/is - Albizzi-:. lebbek - Acacia tartilis, Cassis siamea - Allbizia lebbek -
Casia si111ea, Prosopis jllliflora - Albizia lebbek -Prosopis juliflara. The central row
comprised of tall growing Albizia lebbek fOlming thereby pyramidal structures.
These shelterbelts were planted across the regular wind direction and repeated after
every 100 m distance.
The shelterbelt have been found effective in reducing the wind velocity near
the ground by exerting a drag on the wind and deflecting the wind stream. The
effectiveness however, depends upon many factors like wind velocity itself,
direction, shape, width, tree height and density etc. A series of experiments were
conducted in eady seventies to cvaluate the effectiveness of different shelterbelts
raised at C.R. Farm, Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Jodhpur (Gupta et al.
1983, 1984). The results revealed that three row shelterbelt of Casia siamea -
Albizia lebbek - Casia sial71ea was most effective (36% and 46%) in reducing wind
speed at 2H distance in leeward side of the shelterbelts both during summer and
monsoon season respectively (Gupta and Ramakrishna, 1988). At larger distance the
effectiveness ranged from 12 to 24% only.
Table 5.5: Effect of different shelterbelts on wind speed reduction and wind erosion
from soil
Shclterbelt type % reduction of mean wind speed Average soil loss clue to wmd
in summer (kg/ha) (April tn June)
P. ill/illora-A. /ebbek-P. jll/iflo/'a 33 17 12 351.2
C .lii1Illl'I/-A. lebhek-C. sialllea 36 17 13 184.3
A. IO/'ldis-A. lebhek-A IOrlili.\' 36 25 13 300.0
g,lre without shclterbelt - - - 546.8
SOUtcc. Gupta ct ai., (1983)
H uenotes height or sheltcrbclt.
Traditional agroforestry
In arid areas the farmer has been traditionally protecting 'Khejri', 'Bordi'
and 'Babul' trees in their farmlands. He has a finn conviction that these trees besides
conserving, add to the fertility and overall productivity of soil. These species are
drought hardy and well adapted to the climatic conditions of the desert.
Satyanarayan (1964) and Saxena (1977) reported that 'Khejri' forms climatic climax
of western Rajasthan and dominate the alluvial flats while 'Bordi' is one of the main
co-dominant on the fI at plaihs of arid and semi arid zones. Gupta and Sharma (1992)
repOlted 30-40 treeslha in areas around Jodhpur and as high number as 104 treeslha
in Sikar region without any adverse effect on crop production. Mann and Saxena
(1980) repOlted the effect of different densities of 'Khejri' on the major crops grown
in different habitats. The data presented in Table 6.1 do not show much variations in
crop yields due to tree densities. Even as high a tree density as 80 tree/ha showed an
improvement in crop production in sandy plains. The increase in yield beside other
factors could be due to build up of soil fertility (Aggarwal and Lahiri, 1977).
Table 6.1: Average crop yield (local varieties of kharif crop) under various tree
densltles a fkh eJn.
Habitat Khejri density/ha Bajra Crop yields (kg/hal
Moth Gaur Moon_g Til
Flat alluvial plains 30 340 180 180 300 -
Sandy undulating plains 60 380 360 280 250 -
Flat burried pediment 45 320 - 310 - 190
Undulating burried/pccliment 25 340 180 180 300 -
Interdune 52 370 60 250 - -
Sand dune 15· 200 60 150 - 50
Sandy plains 80 360 320 290 - -
Source: Mann and Saxena (1980)
Khejri and 'Bordi' trees besides improving productivity supply 20-30 kg and
2-3 kg air dried leaves 'Loong' and 'Pala' as fodder respectively (Saxena, 1984).
Table 6.2: components 0 f trad"ItIOna agro f ores ry prac Ices 111 western R'
District Main tree/shrub Me~n crops Prominenl grass
species species
Ganganagar Prosopis cineraria, Pearlmillel, Mungbcan Lasiull.ls sindieus
acacia nilolica subsp. and clustcrbean
mdica, Acacia tortilis (rainfed, Wheat,
COlton, rice and
ll1ungbean (irrigated)
Bikaner Prosopis cineraria, Mungbean, Molhbean, Lasiurus sindieus
Z\zyphus nummularia, Clusterbean and
Calligonum pearl millet
Jaiselmcr Prosopis cineraria, Munghean. Lasiurus sindicus
Zizyphus nummularia, Clusterbean and
Calligonum pearl millet
Acacia Senegal,
Cappari s decidua
Barmer Prosopis cinerana, Pearl millet, Mungbcan Lasiurus sindicus
Zizyphus nummularia, and clustcrbean Cenchrus ciliaris
Cappmis decidua (rainfed)
Tecomella undulata
Jodhpur Prosopis cineraria, Pearlmi1let, Mungbean Cenchrus ciliaris
Zizyphus nummularia, and c1usterbean
Acacia Senegal, rainfed, Wheat, Chilli.
Capparis decidua mustard ;.md mungbean
{mi gatcd)
Churu, Jhunjunu and Prosopis cineraria, Pearlmiflet, Mungbcan Lasiurus sindicus
Sikar Zizyphus nummularia and clusterbcan Cenchrus ciliaris
Gymnosporia montana
Nagaur Prosopi s ci neraria Pearhnillet and Cenchrus ciliaris
Acacia Senegal Mungbcan (rainted)
and cluslerbean Wheat,
mustard (Ina mungbean
jalore Prosopis cineraria. Pearlmillet, Mungbean Cenchrus ciliaris
Salvadora pcrsica, babghol, Sorghim &
Salvadora oleoides. cumin.
Acacia nilotica, Puniea
granatum (Fruitlree)
Pali Acacia niloticn, subsp. Sorghim, Pearl millet, Cenchrus ciliaris,
indica. acacia nilotica. Mungbean and Cenchrus Setigerus
var. cupres-siformis, clusterbean
Acacia leucophloea,
Acacia catechu
Salvadora sPP.
Besides 'Khejri' and 'Bordi' there are also other trees and shrubs used in
different traditional agroforestry system prevalent in western Rajasthan (Table 6.2).
In Pali Acacia llilotica (Babul) and A. nilotica var. cup ress(f'o rill is (Khajoor, babul)
are the two main species which grow along lawai and Sukri tributaries of Luni.
These trees are generally found in the density of 40-50 treeslha. Khajoor babul is a
tall, conical shaped tree with little shade and does not interfere wit crops and field
operations, there is very little scope of looping for this tree. This is a phreatophyte
and does not compete with crops. In Acacia nilotica (Babul) however, lopping is
In Nagaur, Chum, Jhunujunu and Sikar areas (deep older alluvial plains)
Prosopis cineraria (Khejri) predominates. The trees are lopped in November and
December for fodder and fuel wood purposes and the practice also helps the rabi
crops of wheat and mustard. Ailanthus excels (Arru) is grown in Sikar. It is a fast
growing erect tree and its leaves are fed to goat and sheep.
Agri-silvicultural system
Acacia tortilis: This tree is a very fast growing and grows in almost all types of
habitats. Harsh et al (1992) reported increased production of mungbean, clusterbean
and forage sorghum in association with established trees of Acacia lortilis but with
pnming of roots by digging trenches to avoid competition. Sharma et al. (1992)
however, reported decrease in yield of pearlmillet and clusterbean grown in
association with four year old Acacia tortilis planted in 5 m x 5 m spacing. The
reduction could possible be due to root competition however, does not seem
practically feasible. Acacia tortilis, however, is an excellent tree for rehabilitation of
wastelands due to its fast grazing nature.
Acacia albida: This tree has been recently introduce in arid regions from East
Africa. It is a tall and straight growing tree and sheds its leaves in monsoon season
and therefore does not seem to compete with crops. Harsh et al (1992) reported
108.2 cm mean annual height increment of this tree grown in association with
mungbean and cIusterbean at Sm x Sm, 10m x Sm and 10m x LOrn spacings. Gupta
(1992) reported maximum dry matter production of pearlmillet grown in association
with this tree at 10m x 10m spacing. Spacings less than this have been found to
adversely affect crop beside obstructing the movement of tractors for land
preparation etc.
Acacia nilotica var. Cupressijormis: This is a tall tree with branches growing
upward and it does not cast its shade on the crops growing underneath. Studies
conducted at Pali have shown this tree to be highly compatible with crops.
Mungbean, clusterbean and sorgum were successfully grown without reduction in
yield in association with this tree planted at 5m x 5m spacing.
Holoptelia integrifolia: This is an important fodder tree. Eight years old plants
planted in 5m x Sm spacings at Jodhpur markedly reduced the grain and dry matter
yield of mungbean and clusterbean (Paroda and Muthana, 1979). Lopping, however
improved the yields.
Agri -horticulture
Ber is an important arid zone tree which supplies fruit fodder and fuel wood.
Buded ber (Zizyphus mauritiana) has found to grow very well with water harvesting
or limited irrigation. Circular basin technique of water harvesting developed by
CAZRI has been found highly useful in making more rain water available for the
establishment of trees and horticultural plants. Studies conducted at Jodhpur showed
that three years old ber plantation developed by this technique (400 plantslha)
peIformed very well in association with mung bean even under very low rainfall
condition (rainfall 210mm in 1988) (Fig.6.1). Though there was reduction in yield of
inter cropped mungbean, the fruit production from the trees compensated it (table
6.3). The system was rather found more profitable than raising the sole crop of
rnoong. Although plantation at spacing of Sm x Sm was found highly useful, it is not
practically feasible because it creates hindrance in the field operations. Therefore, a
spacing of Sm x 10m (plant to plant Sm; row to row 20m) could be recommended
(Gupta, 1992).
Pomegranate another fruit tree has been found compatible with pearlmillet,
mung bean, isabgol, sorghum and cumin in the irrigated areas of Jaime district in
. t easl'bT
Tabl e 63 E conomlc . hortlCU
1 lty 0 f agn- . Iture ~stem f or an'd Ian d s.
Treatment Rainfall Ber FlUil Grain Yield Economic Nel profit
(mm) Yield (Kg/ha) (Kglha) returns (kg/ha)* (Rs.lha)
Sole Crop 210 - 600 4800 -
Mungbean 210 800 160 7680 2800
intrcroppcd with ber
Source: Gupta (1992)
*Ber fruit @ Rs. 8/kg: Mungbean @ Rs 8/kg.
Silvi-pasture system
forage production. Later studies (Sharma and Vashishtha, 1985) with two species of
Jujube (Zizyphus rotlllul({olia and ZizyphliS 1l1111l11l11laria) planted in four different
densities of 280, 210, 140, and 70 plants/ha were not found to effect the yield of
buffel grass grown in Samdari (Banner) in Rajasthan.
. Id 0 f 1eaf f 0 dd er~pa
Table 6.4: Average Yle ( 1) . tlle Z"lZYP IHIS scru bl a nd.
a an d grass 111
Percent uellslty oj" Leaf fodder Grass yield (kg/ha) Comhinecl yield
Zi~.\'JlIJIIs IlWIII11l111lri£l yield(kg/ha) (kg/ha)
IR ISO 545 695
14 125 875 1000
II 105 770 875
Source: Kaul and Ganguh (1963).
Eight years studies conducted with Acacia tortilis planted in different
spacings at Jodhpur revealed (Table 6.6) that 10m x Sm spacing increased the grass
production over control (pure pasture) particularly during normal and high rainfall
years. During low rainfall years however, the yields were either comparable or
marginal decreased. Muthana et al. (1985) while working economics of silvi-
pastoral system reported three fold benefits with Acacia tortilis planted in grassland
in 10m x 5m spacing over pure grassland.
Recent studies (Sharma et al. J 9992) with four year old Acacia tortilis and
Zizyphus rotundifolia planted at 5m x 5m spacings at Jodhpur also showed reduction
in yields of Lasiurus sindiclts and Cenchrus ciliaris grasses under low rainfall
situation. The reduction in yield was however, more in case of Lasiurus sindicus in
association with Acacia tortilis.
The problem of shifting sand dunes exists throughout the world along
interfaces where deserts, arable lands and man come into contact. In arid areas of
western Rajasthan, sand dunes are the dominant formations and their intensity varies
from place to place (Table 7.1).
They are the potential threat to all communication net work, economic
establishment and productive agricultural lands (Fig. 7.1). These dunes are both old
and new. The old dunes are well vegetated. Due to biotic activity however, these
also become active. The following techniques have been developed by CAZRI
(Bhimaya and Ganguli, 1961; Kaul, 1968) for the stabilization of these dunes. These
techniques are grouped into three major steps.
Most parts of arid lands especially in Indian sub-continent suffer from acute
biotic stress as a result of ever increasing human and livestock populations and
associated demands. Therefore, it is very essential to fence the area to be stabilized
by angle iron posts with three linings of barbed wires. In sandy tract ditch fencing is
not feasible because of high wind velocity and with very high degree of sand
movement, the ditches are often filled with eroded soil. Barbed wire fencing in
Beechwal area of Bikaner for 25 years checked the biotic activity resulting in the
development of a pennanent cover of grasses like Lasiurus sindicus. Cellchrus
ciliaris, Panicum turgidu11l, Cenchrus hiflorus etc. These grasses by their extensive
rool system fixed the sand and checked its movement besides being a perennial
source of fodder.
Sand dune fixation is essential to check the movement of sand and protect
the young planted seedlings from abrasive action of the movmg sand. It can be
achieved by constructing checker boards or parallel hedge system depending upon
the direction of the wind. Locally available materials like Leptadenia pyrotechnica,
Zizyphus nummularia, Calligonunz polygonoides, Lasiurus sindicus, Panicum
tllrgidum and Erianthus 111lmja are used for this purpose by burying them vertically
downwards across the wind direction in rows 2~3 m apart particularly at the crest of
the dune. It should be 5-10 m towards the base.
The success of sand dune stabilization depends upon choosing the right type
of species, planting healthy seedlings, timely and deep planting, timely replacement
of casualties and proper care of the plantation. Kaul (1985) reported that Prosopis
chilensis (Syn. P. juliflora), Zizyphus tree species, Calligonum polygonoides,
Crotalaria burhia, Aerva javanica, Zyzyphus nummularia (shrub), and Lasiurus
sindicus, Panicum turgidum. Panicum antidotale grasses are most suitable plant
species for sand dune stabilization in the arid zone of western Rajasthan. Calligonum
polygonoides with extensive root system was found to be excellent sand binder.
Though Prosopis cineraria is a very deep rooted and hardy tree, it grows slowly and
provides complete cover after a long time. Fast growing khejri is developed by
CAZRI could be used for these purposes. Tree and grass species suitable for
different rainfall conditions are presented in Table 7.2.
Table 7.2: Suitable tree ane grass species f or san dd une affores t at Ion.
Rainlall moe Tree ,peCIC, Grass specie,
I 50111 III Acncia lorllhs, Pro.\'(}pi.1 il/h/lo/'ll, Acacia /lltl)/C{{, uI.\·il/rtiS sil1diCII.\
Lalli~()IH!1ll p(}h'~ol1()idN
150'::!50111111 A lorli!t.l. P. JldUlora, ('ll/ligOlIIllIl floh'golloid('.I', Cel1ehru.1 c!liari.\, ('ellchl'll.\· sCligi'rtI.1
Amcia .1 (,lIegal, Pro.lOpis cil1eraria, Acacia
2:'iOIl1 A. IO! Ii/is, 1'. jltii/lolU, C'. pnlrg(JllOides. iI. sellega{, ('ellchrus dfillris, Ccncilllls .leligerlls.
p, cil1l'rarlll, C. IIlO/J{I{I£', .4. hil'cI10.111, C 11II1wl.
Sllun.:e: J.P. Gupla (19l)O).
Planting techniques
About 6-8 month old plants raised in polyethylene bags in the nursery are
used for planting. For successful establishment these are planted with onset of
monsoon at 30-50 cm depth by removing polyethylene bag but without disturbing
the block of soil and exposing the root. If waler is available a shallow watering is
provided for the establishment of roots. Fig. 7.2 shows successful sane! dune
stabilization by planting with this technique. Costin et al. (1974) repoltcd bet leI'
resulls by deep planting (upto 1.5 m) of long cuttings 0(' TOT1wrix aph.vlla with a
diameter not less than 1.5-2.6 the cutting. Shallow planting (50-70 cm) in
depressions, deep planting (80- I20 cm) on slopes ane! further deep planting (150 em)
on the top of the dunes was generally found economical by lhem. Planting in pits or
bored holes was found better than planting by digging with a spade as in the latter
case there was more loss of moisture. Gupta and Muthana ( 1985). however, reported
higher survivability and better growth and establishment of seedlings of Acacia
tortilis planted in the sandy plains. The previously made pits were L1sed by pl<.\cing
pond sediments as subsurface moisture barrier at 60 cm depth in 5 mm lhickness and
refilled by mixing manure at the rate of 5 kg/pit. The higher seedling survivability
and better growth and establishment is atlributed to reduction in percolalion loss and
more availabil ity of water to the young seedlings. In the absence of adequate rainfall.
post planting irrigation's help in the establishment of seedlings. Ten liters of water
per seedling per irrigation has generally been found adequate for the first two years.
Spreading a thin layer of sand around the seedling after each irrigation helps in
conserving moisture by reducing evaporation loss.
Though the success rate is much higher in case of seedling transplant tecllllique, yet
with this it is not possible to cover large areas in short period or time due to many
cost inhibitive factors. Improved techniqucs of direct seedling seems to be the only
answer for large scale sane! clune stabilization. One sllch technique is aerial seeding
of a mixture of pellitizcc! (clay + sand + eowdung in I :3: I proportion) seeds of
acacia {ortilis, C. lIlo/}al1e, D. IlIltalls, Prosopis cineraria, Z. rotlllul(j()/ia, Citru/ills
c%c.v((this and L([siurLlS sindieus at thc rate of 14 kg/ha with onset of monsoon. The
technique was found viable. However, in case or some railures repeated sowing may
be necessary.
After stabilization, the sand dunes should not he allowed for grazing. The
biotic activity should not be permitted for I 0-IS years. After 10th year the trees could
be lopped 1'01' either fockler or fuel wood or both depending upon the species.
These lands occupy about 1.07 Mha of area mostly in laisalmer and Bikaner
and to a lesser extent in Barmer and Jodhpur districts of western Rajasthan (Fig.
8.1). The surface of these lands is generally covered with about 15-20% gravel's but
at places the presence of gravel's are as high as 70-80%. The soil has depth of 10 to
40 cm and is mixed with gravel's. The underlying strata are generally gravelly or
concretionary in nature. The water retention and storage capacities of these soils are
low due to the stony nature of soil and the less soil depth. A greater part of the
rainfall is lost as runoff. These lands, therefore, generally support low vegetation.
However, with contour furrowing, trenching and other management practices,
grasses like Cenchms ciliaris, Cenchrus setigerus and Lasiunts sindicus and trees
like Acacia senegal, Capparis sphyvlla, Acacia tortilis, Zizyphus rotundifolia and P.
juliflora could be grown. As regards afforestation of such areas, Bhimaya and Kaul
(1960) reported highest seedling sur\1ival of Albizzia lebbek and Eucalyptus
camaldulensis in pits 30 em in diameter and 60 em depth; of course with stunted
growth under 375 mm rainfall situation. Planting in deep pits of 60 cm diameter and
90 em depth by breaking the hard pan resulted in 100% seedling survival and mean
annual height increment of 52.2 em and 187.0 em in Azadirachta indica and Albizzia
lebbek respectively. The annual herbage production varies from 1500-2000 kg/ha
and 200-300 kg/ha from protected and unprotected areas respectively.
These soils are characterized by their shal10w depth at the foothills and are
formed by colluvial silt and rock fragments. Earlier studies (Bhimaya and Kaul,
1960) showed that seedling of Acacia senegal, Prosopis Juliflora, Tecomella
undulata, Acacia arabica and Prosopis cineraria on staggered contour ridge cum
trench 3 m in length and 60 x 60 em in cross section was highest successful with
maximum survival (50%) of Prosopis juliflora after 9 years of planting. Planting of
half sprouted stumps in 60 x 60 em half filled pits with a crescent shaped ridge
across the natural slope was also found successful with 94% survival of Prosopis
julijlora, 96% of Albizzia amara, 95% of Azadirachta indica and 90% that of
Holoptelea integrifolia under 225 to 350 mm rainfall condition.
Rocky and gravelly wastelands
These are mostly hill area or foothills devoid of vegetation. The rocks are
exposed because of prolonged erosion and weathering. The hills are highly denuded
and can not be put under any economic activity. There are, however, some spots
with soil accumulation which can be used for planting purposes. The half-filled pits
of 50-60 cm are dug out and planting is done. Various soil conservation measures
like contour bunding, trenching, check dams and gully plugging are adopted
wherever possible for successful afforestation. Various tree species recommended
for such lands are Acacia tortilis, A. senegal, Prosopis juliflora, Albizzia lebbek,
Cacia siamea, Azadirachta indica and Cenchrus setigerus could be grown
successfnJIy in depression wherever some soil is available.
About 0.44 Mha of area in southeastern part of arid R,~asthan suffers from
primary salinity. Thc main problem of these areas is salinity of the substrata and the
ground water. The major areas of salt affected lanelo; have mean Eee from 18 to 65
mrnhos/cm with predominance of sodium chloride and sodium sulphate salts.
Sail affected wastelands can be afforested with salt tolerant plant species.
Different tree and grass species are presented in Table 9.1 according to their relative
tolerance. Most of the species are sensitive at germination of early stages of
establishment. For successful afforestation the soil working technique would be such
us to make more rain watcr available for leaching salts and establishment of
seedling. Construction of circular catchments can be helpful in more rainwater
supply. Studies conducted at Pa\i l1ain, \986) showed that pits of the size of 0.6 I1Y'
to 1 mJ with manure @ 25 kg/pit and gypsum 3.6 kg/pit in case of sodie soils or
auger holes of 150 cm depth and 15 cm diameter filled with original soil and 2 kg
gypsum + 7-8 kg manure helped in improving soil environment and establishment of
tree seedlings of Acacia nilotica, Prosopis jultf/ora and CasllrinLl equisetej()lia.
Studies on irrigation with saline water indicated maximum survival and early growth
or Prosopis jlll(llora and Tamarix articulata even with 9.0 mmhos salinity waters.
Seedlings of Eucalyptlls hybrid and C. mopane were found sensitive to high salinity
waters. Growth of Acacia (lflellra, Tamarix articulara and D. fdoJl1erol{l decreased
with high salinity irrigation water.
Management for raising pasture
Mining is one of the important economic activity in the arid areas of western
Rajasthan. It however, destroys the biological potential of the land and turns it into a
wasteland. The total geographic area in each districts of western Rajasthan ranges
from as low as 0.03% (Jaisalmer) to as much as 0.75% (Jhunjhunu). The most
vulnerable areas from mining activity point of view are Jodhpur tehsil, Banner
tehsil, Nagaur and LadllU tehsil and Nokha and Shri Kolayat tehsils of Bikaner. The
mining is carried out through both surface and underground operations. In case of
surface mining the over burden material is placed to the adjacent lands and
subsequently low grade minerals are piled as low to big heaps in a haphazard
manner thereby converting the whole area into wastelands. In underground mining
as in case of mica, tungsten and copper, the disposal of mining much low grade
minerals and mill tailing are the major causes of developing wastelands. Many
mines like marble, ball clay, china clay, dolomite, limestone, fire clay, brick clay,
gypsum, mica bentonite, sandstone etc. are developed on agricultural lands thereby
converting them to wasteland.
The mining sites are abandoned either on exhausting the mineral resources
or termination of lease. These sites support low to negligible density of trees and
grasses. These can be suitably treated for regeneration of vegetation. Some of the
soil conservation measures like land leveling, soil compaction, stabilization of piles,
slope gradation, bun ding, contour furrowing and terracing could be adopted. The
trees like Acacia tortilis, Prosopis juliflora, Acacia senegal, Salvadora oleoides,
Tamarix articulata; shrubs like D. nutans, C. mopane, Zizyphus nummularia,
Grewia tenax, capparis decidua, Leptadenia pyrotechnica, Haloxylon salicornicum,
Suaedafruticosa and grasses like Cenchrus setigerus, Cymbopogon, D. annulatum,
Cynodon dactylon, Sporobolus marginatus etc. could be planted in the monsoon
season by transplanting the seedlings raised in the nursery.
Silvi-pasture system
Silvipasture system was established during kharif season of 1995 and 1996
at farmer's fields. The technology for establishment consisted of cleaning of area
from the unwanted plants and proper soil working followed by sowing of Cenchrus
ciliaris grass (strain 358) by mixing moist sandy soil three to four times the volume
of seed. After the rain the seed was drilled unifonnly in lines 75 em, apart in 8 to 10
em deep furrows at a depth of 2-3 em under the soil. The sowing was also done by
pellets. Pellets are prepared by mixing seeds of grass, cowdung, silt or clay and sand
in proportion (by volume) 1: 1:3: 1. The pellets were also sown in lines 75 em apart
and placed 1-2 cm deep in the furrows. The tree species in pasture land is important
from the point of view of continuous supply of quality fodder. For this tree seedlings
of Prosopis cineraria, Colophospermum mopane and Hardwickia binata were
planted at 20 m row to row distance and 5 m tree to tree spacing in the pasture.
Observation on growth parameters of Cenchrus ciliaris are presented in Table 11.1
showed the better performance of Cenchrus ciliaris grass in the year 1996 with
rainfall of 140.0 mm only.
[. Perl'nrnnl1ce ofCmdml\' ciiiori\'\!filSS
Planl populalHllJ (DOD/ha I CUIllPY (em) Seed yield (kl!}hu) Fodder vielel (k)!!lw)
1')95 -L1.R 27.7 90n 122S I
ILJl)I) IOli 3 23.9 I Old 150l) 4
Agri-horticulture system:
(ii) Some li'uit crops ill addition to lruits also provide additional income in hom of
Jucl wood and fodder especially those, which need pruning.
(iii) Fruit crops also impart smhility to agriculture especially in arid and semi arid
Most potential fruit crop for arid region is her (Zizyphus l71({llritiol1{/). It is
hardy fruit crop which can withstand drought, salinity and saline irrigation water. It
requires few irrigations for establishments. Therefore plants oj' grafted her were
plunted in 1995 at three sites al I() x 5 and I() x 10m spacing. In 1l)95 at one sitc,
soil of the planting pit was treated with lalshakti (50 gm), FYM (5 kg), Composite
material (hentonite + gnar gum. 50 gm) and Mulch. Jalshakti and composite material
were placed ncar root zonc of plants.
Ber plant attained more height (55.1 em) when treated with lalshakli and
Mulch during the first year of estahlishmcllt (1995). However plants attained
maximum height (HS.8 em) with FYM + 1S during 1996. The growth increments in
two years was also highest (111.3 em) in FYM and hlshakti treatment (Tahle 11.2)
showing. there hy significant positive interaction hClwccn the two.
Energy plantation:
Every i~lImcr should he self sulTicicnt ill timer, fue] wood, foddcr etc. by raising
suitahlc trees in his farm. especially on wasteland or marginal lands. With this aim
some tree seedlings oj' AC(lc;o tortifis, AC([cia nilotic(/, Albiz:z.;o lerJ1Jek, /)o/lJergio
siss(}() and Tecolllel1a llIuiulata were planted in soil having calcareous layer
(murrulll) at surface (10-20 cm depth). At this site round pits (60 x (i() em) at 5 x 5 In
spacing were dug manually. With the onset of monsoon 450 seedling of above five
species (30 seedlings of each species in nne replication) in three replications were
planted. The growth data after planting showed maximum height and canopy of
Acacia lortilis seedlings followed hy Acacia ni/otica during hoth the years 1995 and
1996 (Tahle 11.3). The growth increment in two years period was however, higher
in Alhizzia leb/Jek and ])olhergia sissoo in comparison to others.
a)e er ormance 0 r 1'1rercnt tree secdI'm,gs.
Arable cropping:
Different crops were grown during kharif season in 1995 in the area having
relatively kss problem of' soil degradation. During rabi season crops were grown 011
conserved soil moisture in the low lying area. The performance of these crops is
presented in Tahle 11.4.
Guar: The farmers in the area grow local variety of gllar which yields very low.
Three varieties of guar namely ReG, Navin and Maru guar were taken in about 2 ha
area each and their yields were compared with local variety. Amongst the improved
varieties, maru guar yielded highest followed Navin and RCG. Maru guar gave 32%
more yield as compared to local variety.
Moth: Improved variety of moth (maru moth) wa.<; grown in ahout 5 ha area at two
locations. A comparison of Maru moth with local variety showed bigger and bold
grain ami higher yields as compared to the local one.
Groundnut: This crop was introduced in Kalyanpur area for the first time. On lower
side of sloppy area, rainwater accumulates and remain standing during the rainy
season and farmers can raise only rabi crops. Adjacent to low lying area where
runoff water either does not accumulate or recedes quickly during the monsoon
season, generally stores sufficient moisture in the profile. In order to make effective
use of this profile moisture possibility or raising grollndnut crop was explored in
kharif 1995 with encouraging results (Table 1'1.4).
Gram: In the low-lying area where water accumulates during rainy season it is not
possible to raise a kharif crop. The farmers therefore grow mustard and gram during
the rabi season with the objective of utilising conserved moisture. A field trial was
condl!cted in rabi season of 1995 in replicated randomised block design using two
levels of nitrogen (0 and 10 kg N/ha) in combination with phosphorus (0 and 30
kgPzOslha). The fertilizers were applied before sowing. The data (Table 11.5)
'. caled thal application of 10 kg N/ha in combination with 30 kg P20S increased
.IIC!!rain and straw yields by 25% and 23% respectively over control (NoPo).
The seedling of the Henna were procured from Sojat and planted at tlrree
different sites in July 1996. Senna was sown by seed in last week of August 96. The
results showed (Table 11.6) higher leaves production of henna in soil having
medium depth of 50 cm. In the first year of planting senna could give a yield of
143.3 kg/ha of dry leaves.
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Fig. 5.1: A circular catchment technique for the establishment of tree seedlings.
FIg 5 3 MulchIng for IncreasIng crop pIoductIOn
Fig. 6.2: A natural pasture of Lasillrtls sindiclls in laisalmer area .
Fig. 7.2: Sand dune stabi1ized with Acacia tortms.
, 51