1 - Benefit Surface Liming Da Costa
1 - Benefit Surface Liming Da Costa
1 - Benefit Surface Liming Da Costa
Abstract – The objective of this work was to evaluate the long-term effects of the surface application of lime
on soil fertility and on the mineral nutrition and grain yield of soybean, and of black oat and sorghum in crop
succession. The experiment was carried out on a clayey Oxisol, in a randomized complete block design, with
four replicates. Treatments consisted of lime the rates of 0, 1,000, 2,000, and 4,000 kg ha-1, applied in October
2002 and November 2004. Soil samples were collected at five soil layers, down to 0.60-m depth. Surface liming
was effective in reducing soil acidity and increasing Ca2+ and Mg2+ contents in the subsurface. Moreover, it
increased available phosphorus contents and soil organic matter in the long term (48 to 60 months after the
last lime application). Surface liming improved plant nutrition, mainly for N, Ca, and Mg, and increased dry
matter production and grain yield of the crops, even in years with regular distribution of rainfall. The greatest
productivities of soybean, black oat, and sorghum were obtained with the respective estimated lime doses of
4,000, 2,333, and 3,281 kg ha-1, for shoot dry matter, and of 2,550, 3,555, and over 4,000 kg ha-1, for grain yield.
Index terms: crop rotation, long-term experiment, plant nutrition, soil fertility, subsurface soil acidity, yield
simplified. Black oat (Avena strigosa Schreber) and The objective of this work was to evaluate the long-
sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) are attractive succession term effects of the surface application of lime on soil
crops for soybean, due to their relative tolerance to fertility and on the mineral nutrition and grain yield
limited water availability. of soybean, and of black oat and sorghum in crop
Low pH values and low base saturation levels in succession.
tropical soils can affect root growth and water and
nutrient uptake, especially in dry winter regions. Materials and Methods
Superficial liming is commonly used to reduce soil
acidity in no-till (NT). This technique rapidly reduces The experiment was carried out at Lageado
the acidity on soil surface, but its effects at deeper Experimental Farm, of the Universidade Estadual
layers are slow, particularly in soils with variable Paulista, in Botucatu, SP, Brazil (48°23′ W, 22°51′ S,
charges (Ernani et al., 2004). Lime movement through at 765 m altitude). The soil in the area is a deep, acidic,
the soil varies with soil type and structure, intrinsic clayey Oxisol. The climate is Cwa – tropical, with a
characteristics of the product, climatic conditions, dry winter and hot, rainy summer –, according to the
acid fertilizer management, and crop systems (Ernani classification of Köppen-Geiger. During the experiment,
et al., 2004; Caires et al., 2005). monthly averages for rainfall and temperatures were,
In subtropical regions of Brazil, where rainfall is in December 2008, 137 mm and 22.7°C, respectively;
well distributed throughout the year, there are several and in 2009, they were, respectively, as follows: 263
reports of a lack crop response to the lime application mm and 22.6°C, in January; 97 mm and 23.4°C, in
in no-till systems (Caires et al., 2006b, 2008a, 2008b, February; 60 mm and 22.9°C, in March; 161 mm and
2011). These findings have been attributed to a greater 21.2°C, in April; 70 mm and 18.3°C, in May; 16 mm
accumulation of organic matter and nutrients on and 17.9°C, in June; 3 mm and 19.2°C, in July; 101
the soil surface, which reduces the activity of Al by mm and 20.3°C, in August; 75 mm and 20.4°C, in
forming Al-organic complexes, and by increasing ionic September;118 mm and 22.3°C, in October; 59 mm
strength of soil solution (Nolla & Anghinoni, 2006; and 22.3°C, in November; 343 mm and 22.5°C, in
Vieira et al., 2009). However, in the majority of the December; and 2010: 180 mm and 22.5°C, in January;
Cerrado biome, in Brazil, mainly in the areas with dry and 108 mm and 23.5°C, in February .
winter, increases of grain yield and fiber production The research has been conducted since 2002,
are expected with lime application in no-till systems, maintaining the same treatments of lime in an NT
even if it is done on the soil surface, unlike what has crop rotation. In 2002/2003, 2003/2004, 2004/2005,
been observed elsewhere in the subtropical region. 2005/2006, 2006/2007, 2007/2008, 2008/2009, and
This possibility exists because, in these regions, the 2009/2010, the following main and second crops
majority of cultivated areas have a low organic matter were respectively grown: rice/oat, common bean/
content and low amount of crop residues left on the soil oat, peanut/oat, peanut/oat, corn intercropped with
surface, leading, respectively, to low water storage and Urochloa grass, corn intercropped with Urochloa
high evaporation. grass, soybean/black oat, and soybean/grain sorghum.
Superficial application of correctives can reduce Topsoil (0.0–0.2 m) chemical characteristics were
soil acidity and improve nutrient availability (Caires determined (Table 1) at the beginning of the experiment
et al., 2005; Soratto & Crusciol, 2008a, 2008b, 2008c, (October 2002), and before the last lime application
2008d), which is reflected in increased biomass (August 2004). On October 15, 2002, lime treatments
production, nutrient accumulation, and grain yield were applied superficially. The last application was on
(Castro & Crusciol, 2013a), even in crops considered November 19, 2004, based on the soil analysis carried
tolerant to water stress, such as black oat and sorghum. out in August 2004.
However, it should be emphasized that few studies A randomized complete block design was carried
have investigated the long-term effects (more than out with four replicates. The plot dimensions were
nine years) of superficial limestone application on soil 5.4x9.0 m. The treatments consisted of following four
chemical properties, and the response of black oat and lime rates: necessary dose to raise the base saturation
sorghum in a tropical NT system with dry winter. to 70%, which is the recommended rate (2,000 kg ha-1),
according to Raij et al. (1997); half of the recommended and for sorghum, panicles per square meter, grains per
rate (1,000 kg ha-1); double of the recommended rate panicle, 1,000-grain weight.
(4,000 kg ha-1); and a control without liming. Dolomitic Soil samples were collected after 48 and 60 months
limestone was applied with the following composition: from lime reapplication (August 2004), at 0.0 – 0.05,
23.3% CaO, 17.5% MgO, and 71% effective calcium 0.05– 0.10, 0.10 – 0.20, 0.20 – 0.40, and 0.40 – 0.60 m
carbonate equivalence (ECCE). In the physical soil depths. Seven subsamples were taken randomly
analysis of the dolomitic limestone, 68.8, 92.4, and from each plot, between the rows, and combined into
99.7% of particles passed 50, 20, and 10 mesh sieves, one composite sample. Soil pH was determined in a
respectively. 0.01 mol L-1 CaCl2 suspension (1:2.5 soil/solution).
Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] was sown on Total acidity in pH 7.0 (H + Al) was estimated with
December 11, 2008, and on October 29, 2009, using the SMP-buffer solution method (Raij et al., 1997).
the cultivars MG/BR 46 Conquista and CD 216, Exchangeable Al was extracted with neutral 1 mol L-1
respectively. The row spacing used was 0.45 m, and KCl at a 1:10 soil/solution ratio, and determined by
the seed rates were approximately 22 seeds m-1. The titration with 0.025 mol L-1 NaOH solution. Phosphorus
base fertilization consisted of 250 kg ha-1 of 04-20-20 and exchangeable Ca and Mg were extracted with ion-
N-P2O5-K 2O formula, according to the results of soil exchange resin, and determined by atomic absorption
chemical analysis and soybean crop recommendations spectrophotometry. Base saturation values were
(Raij et al., 1997). Harvesting was performed on calculated using the results of exchangeable bases and
April 24, 2009, and on February 24, 2010. Samples total acidity at pH 7.0 (H + Al) (Raij et al., 1997).
were taken for determining yield components (plant Growing season means (only for soybean plant
results) were compared using Fisher’s protected LSD
population, number of pods per plant, number of
test at 5% probability. The dolomitic limestone rates
grains per pod, and 100-grain weight) and final yield
were analysed using regression analysis, testing
(130 g kg-1 moisture content).
regression coefficients significant at 5% probability
Black oat (Avena strigosa Schreb.) and sorghum
with the t-test.
[Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench] were sown on June
22, 2009, and on March 08, 2010, using the variety
“comum” and the hybrid AG 1020, respectively. The Results and Discussion
row spacings were 0.17 m and 0.60 m, with seed rates The sampling carried out 48 months after the last
at 60 kg ha-1 and 18 seeds m-1, respectively. Black oat surface liming exhibited linear increase of soil pH, and
and sorghum were harvested on October 19, 2009, reduction of potential acidity (H + Al), at all depths.
and July 21, 2010, respectively. Samples were taken These effects were also observed after 60 months, but
for determining yield components as follows: for only up to 0.40 and 0.20 m soil depths, respectively
both black oat and sorghum, grain yield (130 g kg-1 (Figure 1). Lower pH values were observed in the latter
moisture content); for black oat, panicles per square sampling, compared to the previous one. Reductions of
meter, spikelets per panicle, and 1,000-grain weight; Al3+ levels were observed up to 0.20 m soil depth, at
both samplings.
Those last reductions can be partly explained by the
Table 1. Soil chemical characteristics before the experiment fact that the area was maintained in an NT system since
(October 2002), and before the last lime application (August 2002, and by the higher soil organic matter contents
2004). (Figure 1) and Ca2+ concentration (Figure 2) derived
from lime which may have acted in the formation
Soil pH SOM Presin H+Al Al K Ca Mg CEC BS
depth CaCl2 ------------(mmolc dm-3)------------ (%) of complexes of Al3+ with clay and organic matter
(m) through the cation bridge (Bronick & Lal, 2005). These
October 2002
complexes also contribute to the improvement of soil
0.0–0.2 4.2 21 9 37 6.5 1.2 14 5 58 37
August 2004
aggregation and aggregate stability (Briedis et al.,
0.0–0.2 4.9 27 35 35 2.3 1.1 24 10 70 50 2012). Moreover, low disturbance in NT also favors
SOM, soil organic matter (g dm-3); P-resin (mg dm-3). the maintenance or formation of channels by biological
Figure 1. Effects of superficial liming on pH, soil organic matter (SOM), H + Al, and Al3+, after 48 and 60 months from the
last lime application, at different soil depths. *, **Significant at 1 and 5% probability, respectively.
Figure 2. Effects of superficial liming on the availability of P, Ca, and Mg in the soil, and on base saturation, after 48 and
60 months from the last lime application, at different soil depths. *, **Significant at 1 and 5% probability, respectively.
activity, which is considered an important route for Liming caused linear increase of P, Ca2+, and Mg2+
the physical movement of corrective particles along levels at all depths, after 48 months; most of these were
with downward water movement, which makes the significant up to 0.20 m soil depth (Figure 2). After 60
carbonate reaction possible at higher depths (Corrêa months, similar effects of liming were observed, but
et al., 2009). P level trend was restricted to 0.20 m depth. Greater
The pH increase on soil surface due to superficial P levels can be attributed to the reduced P adsorption,
liming can accelerate the rate at which HCO3- ions, due to the increasing soil pH (Figure 1), and to the
followed by Ca2+ and Mg2+, move into the subsoil to following increased solubility of iron and aluminium
react with acidity, an effect known as an “alkalizing phosphates (Souza et al., 2006). Thus, the annual
front” (Caires et al., 2005, 2008b, 2008c, 2011; Soratto P addition by fertilization increases P availability,
& Crusciol, 2008a). In addition, the high amount of as lime reduces the force with which the element is
plant residues left on soil surface in no-till systems can retained in the soil. Similar results were observed by
mobilize cations and increase the mobility of surface- Castro & Crusciol (2013a).
applied lime, due to the release of low molecular- Ca2+ and Mg2+ increased proportionally to the
weight organic acids from the soluble fraction of applied dose (Figure 2), as lime is a source of these
residues (Pavan & Roth, 1992; Oliveira & Pavan, nutrients. Several authors reported an increase of
1996; Miyazawa et al., 2002; Franchini et al., 2003). the exchangeable Ca2+ in the soil from lime surface
In this context, the Ca-fulvate complex stands out, application (Caires et al., 2005, 2006b, 2006c, 2006d,
since it is very stable and Ca2+ release occurs very 2008a, 2008b, 2008c; Soratto & Crusciol, 2008a). It
is noteworthy that the increase of these nutrients in
slowly while the complex is transported downwards
the subsurface layers may be related to the formation
into the soil profile (Watt et al., 1991). Irrespective of
of inorganic ion pairs with NO3-, HCO3-, OH-
the mechanism involved, it is evident that the already
(Rheinheimer et al., 2000), Cl-, and SO4-2 (Caires et al.,
established surface liming in NT is effective to reduce
2006a) from mineral fertilizers or plant residues.
the soil acidity in depth.
There was a slight decrease of Ca2+ and Mg2+ levels
Soil acidity increased over time, which can be
over time, similarly to what was observed in pH
attributed to the maximum limestone reaction within
values (Figure 1). These reductions can be attributed
48 months (Figure 1). Ciotta et al. (2002) also reported
to the extraction of the elements by previous crops.
soil acidification in NT system, and related this result
Soratto & Crusciol (2008a) also observed a reduction
to ammonium nitrification process from fertilizers. in the exchangeable Ca2+ levels over time following
Several studies have shown that the maximum superficial liming, especially in the surface layers.
duration time of liming on soil surface is variable, Base saturation increased linearly with lime doses
with representative values including 48 months, in a throughout the soil profile (Figure 2). This effect in
dystrophic Ultisol with medium texture (Rheinheimer the subsurface shows the technical viability of this
et al., 2000), and 18 months in a clayey Oxisol (Soratto practice in cultivated tropical soils under NT.
& Crusciol, 2008a, 2008b). There was no significant interaction between
At 48 months after liming, soil organic matter levels treatments and years, for none of the nutrients evaluated
increased linearly up to 0.40 m soil depth (Figure 1), on soybean leaves (Table 2). Concentrations of P and
which is related to the increased dry matter production Fe were not influenced by liming; and concentrations
of shoots and roots of the preceding crop (maize). After of N, or Zn2+, or Mn3+ were not influenced by year.
60 months, this effect was limited to 0.10 m (Figure 1), The highest P, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, S, Cu2+, and Fe3+
which corresponds to lower dry matter production of concentrations were observed in 2008/2009 (Table 2),
shoots and roots by soybean and black oat. A clear which is in accordance with the high nutrient levels in
accumulation of soil organic matter occurs in the long the previous soil sampling (48 months).
run. However, it is dependent on the plant species used Nitrogen concentrations, increased by liming in
in the crop rotation; therefore, the use of plants with soybean and sorghum leaves (Table 3), showed their
different root systems and inputs of shoot dry matter beneficial effects of this practice on symbiotic N2
should be prioritized. fixation process and on soil nitrate availability. The
symbiotic efficiency of N2 fixation is associated with greater uptake of S by soybean and sorghum after
the higher availability of Mo and less Mn3+, due to liming may be a consequence of adsorbed sulphate
the reduction of soil acidity, which can also increase release due to the increase of the topsoil pH (Caires
nitrate availability, since the nitrification activity can et al., 1999), or to the greater mineralization of organic
increase up to 5-fold with increasing pH values (Islam S.
et al., 2006). Micronutrient concentrations in the leaves of soybean
No effects of lime were observed on nutrient levels (Cu2+, Zn2+ and Mn3+), black oat (Mn3+ and Fe3+),
in oat leaves, which was also reported by other authors and sorghum (Mn3+) were also reduced with liming
for white oat (Castro & Crusciol, 2013a) and black oat (Table 3). The pH increase after liming especially
(Soratto & Crusciol, 2008d).
reduces the availability of cationic micronutrients in
Superficial liming positively influenced Ca2+ and
the soil (Malavolta et al., 1997). Sávio et al. (2011)
Mg2+ uptake, as observed for soybean, sorghum,
also reported reductions of Zn2+ and Mn3+ contents in
and black oat, in established NT systems (Table 3).
soybean leaves, under NT with increased soil pH.
These results corroborate those obtained by Castro &
Crusciol (2013a, 2013b) for several crops. These results There was no significant interaction between
had a direct effect on potassium uptake by soybean and the factors for soybean yield components (Table 2).
sorghum, which shows an antagonist effect between In 2008/2009, shoot dry matter yield, plant population,
the nutrients, as they compete for the same uptake sites. and 100-seed weight were higher than in 2009/2010;
Similar results were observed by Caires et al. (2002) in however, in 2009/2010, a higher number of grains
corn, but without consequence for grain yield. per pod resulted in higher grain yield. Soybean yield
Liming increased P uptake by sorghum (Table 3), was higher in 2009/2010, due to the larger number of
and this agrees with the increased levels of P in the grains per pod, which is a characteristic of the selected
soil after the correction of soil acidity (Figure 2). The cultivar (CD 216).
Table 2. Nutrient content in leaves, shoot dry matter yield, yield components, and grain yield of soybean, black oat, and
sorghum, followed by the significance values of the F test from the analysis of variance.
Factor N P K Ca Mg S Cu Zn Mn Fe Shoot DM Yield Component 100-grain Grain yield
------------------ (g kg-1) ------------------ ---------------- (mg kg-1) ---------------- (kg ha-1) 1 2 3 weight (g) (kg ha‑1)
2008/2009 44* 4.8* 29.8* 21.4* 6.7* 3.3* 16.4* 73* 132* 218* 4,222* 258* 38.0* 2.0* 18.0* 3,000*
2009/2010 43 4.6 24.9 20.6 6.1 2.3 12.0 69 123 178 3,412 218 37.9 2.9 15.4 3,277
F significance
Block 0.101 0.656 0.206 0.644 0.053 0.443 0.4789 0.144 0.062 0.549 0.120 0.959 0.848 0.442 0.105 0.376
Lime (L) <0.001 0.055 0.0079 <0.001 0.002 <0.001 0.0048 <0.001 <0.001 0.073 <0.001 0.067 <0.001 0.085 <0.001 <0.001
Year (Y) 0.098 0.021 <0.001 0.028 0.001 <0.001 0.0050 0.075 0.503 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.951 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
LxY 0.086 0.367 0.240 0.091 0.102 0.085 0.0905 0.109 0.992 0.111 0.220 0.389 0.510 0.085 0.067 0.086
Black oat
2009 18.7 3.9 30.1 15.6 5.1 2.3 13.1 54 211 141 5,122 171 48 82 1.89 1,221
F significance
Block 0.160 0.981 0.777 0.090 0.275 0.932 0.116 0.1952 0.104 0.999 0.984 0.985 0.122 0.119 0.838 0.991
Lime 0.142 0.655 0.659 <0.001 <0.001 0.635 0.126 0.619 <0.001 0.002 <0.001 <0.001 0.153 0.445 0.747 <0.001
2010 28.7 3.9 17.3 9.3 4.1 7.7 9.9 42 36 322 3547 14.8 183 - 3.57 1017
F significance
Block 0.111 0.186 0.998 0.999 0.968 0.056 0.999 0.2414 0.980 0.9122 0.530 0.965 0.788 - 0.853 0.963
Lime 0.004 <0.001 <0.001 0.001 0.063 <0.001 0.220 0.1239 0.001 0.3574 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 - 0.144 <0.001
*Significant differences for year means, by the t test, at 5% probability. Yield component 1: population, for soybean; panicles per square meter, for black
oat and sorghum. Yield component 2: pods per plant, for soybean; spikelets per panicle, for black oat; and grains per panicle, for sorghum. Yield compo-
nent 3: grains per pod, for soybean; and spikelet fertility, for black oat.
Surface lime application increased shoot dry effect (Table 3). This component positively impacted
matter yield of soybean, black oat, and sorghum, with grain yield, with the highest yield (1,480 kg ha-1) – 61%
the greatest values of lime estimated doses at 4,000, higher than that of the control – obtained with 3,555
2,333, and, 3,281 kg ha-1 (Table 3). These maximum kg ha-1 lime estimated dose.
values were near to those reported by other authors Surface liming did not influence the 1,000-seed
for soybean (Caires & Fonseca, 2000), black oat weight of sorghum (Table 2), but the number of panicles
(Soratto & Crusciol, 2008d), and sorghum (Barbosa per square meter and grains per panicle of sorghum
et al., 2008). quadratically increased with liming (Table 3), which
Liming increased soybean plant population and reflected on grain yield; however, the maximum
100-seed weight, with direct impact on grain yield productivity was not achieved with the studied doses.
(Table 3). The highest grain yield (3,400 kg ha-1) – 21% It is noteworthy that the low temperatures during the
higher than that of the control plot – was achieved initial development of sorghum extended the vegetative
with 2,550 kg ha-1 estimated lime dose. For black oat, period, and flowering occurred at a time of low water
only the number of panicles per square meter was availability (mid-May 2010), which increased the
influenced by liming (Table 2), which had a quadratic flower sterility.
Table 3. Regression equations, and coefficients of determination, between different factors and lime rates.
Factor Lime rates (kg ha‑1) Regression R2
0 1,000 2,000 4,000
N (g kg-1) 40.6 42.6 43.5 46.3 y = 0.0014x + 40.875 0.98
K (g kg-1) 28.1 28.0 27.6 25.7 y = -0.0006x + 28.455 0.90
Ca (g kg-1) 17.9 21.1 22.0 22.9 y = -0.0000005x2 + 0.0031x + 18.045 0.97
Mg (g kg-1) 6.0 6.5 6.8 6.3 y = -0.0000002x2 + 0.0007x + 5.9932 0.99
S (g kg-1) 2.5 3.3 2.9 2.5 y = -0.0000001x2 + 0.0005x + 2.6023 0.67
Cu (mg kg-1) 18.4 15.1 12.3 11.0 y = -0.0018x + 17.325 0.87
Zn (mg kg-1) 93.8 71.6 67.1 51.1 y = 0.000002x2 - 0.0181x + 92.117 0.96
Mn (mg kg-1) 193.9 140.8 94.4 79.9 y = 0.00001x2 - 0.0689x + 195.46 0.99
Shoot dry matter (kg ha-1) 3143 3873 4173 4078 y = -0,0001x2 + 0,8179x + 3,159.9 0.99
Population (x1000 ha-1) 222.0 247.0 251.0 232.0 y = -0.000006x2 + 0.0278x + 222.98 0.97
Pods per pod 35.1 37.4 37.3 42.1 y = 0.0017x + 35.05 0.92
100-grain weight (g) 16.0 16.6 17.4 16.9 y = -0.0000002x2 + 0.0011x + 15.935 0.95
Grain yield (kg ha-1) 2771 3350 3254 3181 y = -0.00009x2 + 0.459x + 2829 0.78
Black oat
Ca (g kg-1) 10.6 15.4 13.0 23.4 y = 0.0029x + 10.454 0.82
Mg (g kg-1) 4.6 4.9 5.4 5.4 y = -0.00000008x2 + 0.0005x + 4.5913 0.92
Mn (mg kg-1) 258.8 242.4 195.0 150.1 y = -0.0284x + 261.23 0.97
Fe (mg kg-1) 173.1 153.4 110.0 128.7 y = 0.000008x2 - 0.0456x + 177.93 0.88
Shoot dry matter (kg ha-1) 4632 4897 5856 5103 y = -0.0002x2 + 0.9332x + 4502.5 0.75
Panicles per square meter 137.5 166.5 215.8 165.8 y = -0.00001x2 + 0.0636x + 131.79 0.87
Grain yield (kg ha-1) 960 1113 1476 1339 y = -0.00006x2 + 0.3667x + 919.26 0.87
N (g kg-1) 27.2 28.3 28.8 30.7 y = 0.0009x + 27.26 0.98
P (g kg-1) 3.9 3.7 4.0 4.1 y = 0.00007x + 3.8 0.51
K (g kg-1) 18.0 18.4 17.9 15.2 y = -0.0008x + 18.7 0.77
Ca (g kg-1) 9.4 10.7 11.2 11.8 y = 0.0006x + 9.8 0.87
S (g kg-1) 1.8 2.0 2.7 2.7 y = -0.00000008x2 + 0.0006x + 1.7209 0.88
Mn (mg kg-1) 41.0 34.0 34.0 32.0 y = -0.0019x + 38.6 0.69
Shoot dry matter (kg ha-1) 1513 3788 4084 4804 y = -0.0003x2 + 1.9688x + 1678.4 0.94
Panicles per square meter 11.0 13.7 17.2 17.4 y = -0.0000006x2 + 0.0043x + 10.749 0.98
Grains per panicle 11.0 116.0 245.0 360.0 y = -0.00001x2 + 0.1389x + 5.1364 0.99
Grain yield (kg ha-1) 45 602 1452 1968 y = -0.00009x2 + 0.8512x - 11.264 0.98
Grain yield showed the same pattern observed for BRONICK, C.J.; LAL, R. Soil structure and management:
yield components, with high correlations (p<0.01) in a review. Geoderma, v.124, p.322, 2005. DOI: 10.1016/j.
soybean (100-seed weight, r=0.62), black oat (panicles
per square meter, r=0.91), and sorghum (panicles per CAIRES, E.F.; ALLEONI, L.R.F.; CAMBRI, M.A.; BARTH,
G. Surface application of lime for crop grain production under a
square meter, r=0.78; and grains per panicle, r=0.98) no-till system. Agronomy Journal, v.97, p.791-798, 2005. DOI:
(Table 3). Similar results were observed by Sávio et al. 10.2134/agronj2004.0207.
(2011), for soybean, and Soratto & Crusciol (2008d), CAIRES, E.F.; BARTH, G.; GARBUIO, F.J. Lime application in
for black oat. the establishment of a no-till system for grain crop production in
It is noteworthy that grain production in the Southern Brazil. Soil and Tillage Research, v.89, p.3-12, 2006a.
subtropical region does not always benefit from liming, DOI: 10.1016/j.still.2005.06.006.
particularly under water deficiency. This highlights the CAIRES, E.F.; BARTH, G.; GARBUIO, F.J.; CHURKA, S.
importance of the results reported here, in the tropical Soil acidity, liming and soybean performance under no-till.
Scientia Agricola, v.65, p.532-540, 2008a. DOI: 10.1590/S0103-
region, where liming always benefited grain production, 90162008000500013.
even in years with regular rainfall distribution.
Correção da acidez do solo, crescimento radicular e nutrição do
Conclusions milho de acordo com a calagem na superfície em sistema plantio
direto. Revista Brasileira de Ciência do Solo, v.26, p.1011-1022,
1. Surface liming is effective for reducing soil 2002. DOI: 10.1590/S0100-06832002000400019.
acidity and for increasing soil organic matter and P, CAIRES, E.F.; CHURKA, S.; GARBUIO, F.J.; FERRARI, R.A.;
Ca+2, and Mg+2 contents on the subsurface. MORGANO, M.A. Soybean yield and quality as a function of
2. Surface liming improves plant nutrition, especially lime and gypsum applications. Scientia Agricola, v.63, p.370-
379, 2006b. DOI: 10.1590/S0103-90162006000400008.
of N, Ca2+, and Mg2+; and it increases dry matter
production and productivity of the evaluated crops, CAIRES, E.F.; CORRÊA, J.C.L.; CHURKA, S.; BARTH, G.;
GARBUIO, F.J. Surface application of lime ameliorates subsoil
even in years with regular distribution of rainfall.
acidity and improves root growth and yield of wheat in an acid soil
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