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Keywords: Sandwich panel inserts are prone to pull-out loading, while predicting the pull-out strength is challenging due to
Nomex honeycomb the multitude of damage mechanisms involved. The present paper describes the implementation of two state-of-
Partially potted insert the art non-linear finite element models for predicting the pull-out strength. The two models include a 3D-
Explicit FEA continuum model where the core was modelled using 8-node brick elements with a homogenized material model
Virtual testing
and a detailed meso scale model with accurate honeycomb cell representation using 4-node shell elements. The
simulation results are benchmarked against experimental data of the reference configuration. Both models en-
able to predict the strength accurately, while the 3D-continuum model can be considered favourable for most
applications due to the reduced computational effort.
1. Introduction strong relationship between insert pull-out strength and core height,
core density as well as face sheet thickness, while the shear-out strength
Potted inserts are standard fastening elements in honeycomb sand- was dominated by the face thickness. Demelio et al. [6] tested different
wich construction [1,2]. According to the Insert Design Handbook [3] combinations of honeycomb sandwich panel fasteners under shear and
there are three basic types of potted inserts – partially potted, fully pull-out static and fatigue loading. They concluded, that the face sheet
potted and the through the thickness. The three types are illustrated in strength and core height dominate the fatigue strength.
Fig. 1 a). In addition, the primary loading conditions for sandwich in- In addition to the previously introduced purely experimental stu-
serts are depicted in Fig. 1 b). The different types have their specific dies, there are multiple publications on sandwich panel inserts, which
field of application. Partially potted inserts add little mass to a sand- implement simulation models for a better understanding of the failure
wich panel regardless the panel thickness. However, they also generally mechanisms or for the prediction of failure. The available models can
have the lowest load bearing capability. Fully potted inserts enable be distinguished in analytical and finite element models. The analytical
higher load introduction due to the increased interface area with the models are based on the higher order sandwich theory (HOST).
core and the direct bond to the opposite face sheet. Through-the- Prominent examples for such models include the works of Thomsen and
thickness (TTT) inserts, can be applied for bushings and they enable Rits [7,8], Frostig et al. [9] and Bozhevolnaya et al. [10]. These models
symmetric and thus higher in-plane (shear) load introduction. How- address different insert types and make different assumptions regarding
ever, in general sandwich inserts are more prone to out-of-plane loading boundary conditions and higher order sandwich theory. However, they
such as pull-out. In addition, these loads typically also lead to a more have in common that they assume isotropic material behaviour and
complicated failure behavior. Therefore, pull-out loading generally re- their application is limited to early design estimations and for deriving
ceives more attention when dimensioning sandwich panel inserts and it design guidelines. Additional examples for the application of HOST
is also subject of the present study. models include Bull and Thomsen [11], who developed a design tool for
Due to their importance in sandwich construction, inserts have been initial dimensioning of inserts in sandwich panels and compared the
investigated extensively in experimental studies in the past. Kim and model performance with experimental data as well as finite element
Lee [4] investigated the load transfer of partially potted inserts in analysis (FEA) predictions. A more recent study is the work of Smith
composite sandwich panels for different insert geometries. Song et al. and Banerjee [12], who applied the Thomsen model to perform relia-
[5] studied different configurations of potted inserts in Nomex honey- bility analyses on the strength of sandwich panel inserts comparing
comb sandwich panels with carbon epoxy face sheets. They reported a different reliability analysis methods.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (R. Seemann).
Received 7 April 2018; Received in revised form 3 June 2018; Accepted 4 July 2018
Available online 05 July 2018
0263-8223/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Seemann, D. Krause Composite Structures 203 (2018) 101–109
a) Partially potted
(out-of-plane) Shear (in-plane)
Fig. 1. a) Typical potted insert configurations (based on [3]) and b) primary loading conditions for inserts.
However, the majority of available simulation models are based on sandwich panel inserts based on the reviewed literature. The available
FEA with greatly varying level of detail. Early FE-models were often computational models have in common that they were either applied
based on axisymmetry, disregarding the irregular potting to honeycomb for preliminary design studies or for understanding the mechanical ef-
interface similar to the HOST models [11,13,14]. Later, with increasing fects that lead to failure. However, the potential of the available
computational capabilities more detailed 3D FE-models emerged. Bu- modelling approaches for an accurate strength prediction, including not
nyawanichakul et al. [15,16] tested countersunk titanium fasteners only the start of non-linearity but also the ultimate strength of sandwich
bonded in honeycomb sandwich panels on a test rig, which allows to panel inserts has not been demonstrated yet. The present work was
apply pre-stress to the fastener. In addition, they developed a FE-model intended to explore the capabilities of state of the art non-linear FE-
supported by constituent tests on the potting material and the honey- models for predicting the damage progression of sandwich panel inserts
comb core, while the honeycomb core was modelled using 3D-con- under pull-out. Furthermore, the present study adds the example of a
tinuum elements. Nguyen et al. [17] studied various foam sandwich partially potted insert to the existing literature on experimental and
panel joints in experiments and developed a FE model, while comparing computational analysis of sandwich panel inserts, which predominately
different failure modeling methods. Heimbs and Pein [18] tested dif- covers fully potted or through-the-thickness configurations.
ferent configurations of inserts in Nomex honeycomb sandwich panels.
They derived 3D-continuum models based on spotweld elements for an 2. Materials
implementation in a global non-linear model of aircraft interior com-
ponents. They also implemented a detailed FE-model of a honeycomb The investigated materials represent a typical partially potted insert
sandwich insert, where the hexagon core geometry is modeled accu- configuration in aircraft interior applications. The face sheets com-
rately. Such detailed meso-scale models of sandwich panels with prised a single layer of glass fiber fabric reinforced phenolic resin
structured cores have seen increasing applications, in particular for prepreg. The used prepreg corresponds to the Airbus standard
impact and crushing analyses of sandwich panels [19–25]. However, ABS5047-07 [32]. The core was a Nomex honeycomb core with 3.2 mm
there are additional applications for sandwich panel inserts evident. cell width and a density of 48 kg/m3. The base panel had a nominal
Bianchi et al. [26], investigated hot and cold bonded procedures of thickness of 26 mm and was manufactured industrially using co-curing
honeycomb sandwich insert manufacturing. They implemented a linear flat press moulding. A light weight insert of the type ABS1005 was cold
detailed FE-model and concluded that the stiffness of the potting ma- bonded in the panel using a two-component epoxy adhesive. This insert
terial has a significant impact on the insert joint strength. Roy et al. is made of a plastic body with a bonded steel thread. The average
[27] conducted experimental studies on honeycomb sandwich panel potting depth was about 11 mm. The investigated material configura-
inserts and derived the orthotropic material properties of the Nomex tion along with key geometric dimensions are illustrated in Fig. 3.
cell wall material using a detailed meso-model of the joint. Silmane
et al. [28] investigated the sensitivity of the actual potting shape of
3. Experimental study
aluminum honeycomb inserts depending on the position of the insert in
the hexagon grid. In a previous study of Seemann und Krause [29],
In the experimental study a total of 12 specimens were tested using
detailed meso-scale models were developed for fully-potted insert
a typical insert pull-out fixture as suggested by the Insert Design
configurations under pull-out loading. Further examples of detailed
Handbook [3]. This setup is illustrated in Fig. 4. The circular cut-out of
honeycomb joint models include the analysis of the thermal coupling of
the fixture had a diameter of D = 80 mm, while the specimens had a
sandwich inserts used in satellites [30] as well as an investigation of the
cross section of 100 mm × 100 mm. The tests were conducted on a
potting shrinkage during insert manufacturing [31].
Galdabini Quasar 100 universal testing machine, which was equipped
Fig. 2 illustrates the four prevailing types of simulation models for
with a HBM S9M-10 kN load cell. The displacement was recorded
R. Seemann, D. Krause Composite Structures 203 (2018) 101–109
ABS 5047-07
Epoxy adhesive
Nomex honeycomb
3.2mm – 48kg/m³
11 mm
26 mm ABS1005
Ø14 mm
Plastic body
8 mm Steel thread
4. Numerical models
R. Seemann, D. Krause Composite Structures 203 (2018) 101–109
4.2. Potting/adhesive
represent the experimentally determined macroscopic core behavior
with regards to the decisive shear loading directions well.
Compression The glass fiber fabric reinforced phenolic resin faces were im-
plemented using an orthotropic material model based on the continuum
damage mechanics model of Johnson [36]. This material model is
-0.08 -0.06 -0.04 -0.02 0 0.02 0.04 available in ABAQUS/Explicit as pre-compiled user subroutine
Strain [-] (VUMAT). It enables progressive stiffness degradation due to fiber/
matrix cracking, while compressive and tensile strengths can be defined
Fig. 7. Stress-strain relationship of implemented material model for the ad- independently in the two material directions. In addition, it is capable
hesive/potting. to represent the shear plasticity of fabric reinforced composites. The
R. Seemann, D. Krause Composite Structures 203 (2018) 101–109
Fig. 9. Stress-strain relationship of both implemented core models in comparison to experimental results from a previous study [23].
Table 1
Implemented material properties of face sheet.
E1 [MPa] E2 [MPa] G12 [MPa] ν12 [–] σ1t [MPa] σ2t [MPa] σ1c [MPa] σ2t [MPa] Ply th. [mm]
R. Seemann, D. Krause Composite Structures 203 (2018) 101–109
Tz = v
Tx͕Ty = 0 z
Meso scale core
y x
S4R | Krth. plasƟc
0.4/1.5mm elemsize
C3D8R | Krth. plastic
2mm elem size
WoƫnŐ Insert WoƫnŐ-core bond
C3D10M | /sotr. bi-plastic C3D8Z ͮ ElasƟc Tied contact
0.8mm elemsize 0.5mm elemsize
Fig. 11. Implemented overall models with summary of implemented materials and model details.
Young’s modulus of 210,000 MPa. The interface between fixture and a) 2000
top face was modelled as penalty contact. This allowed the panel to Test scatter
separate from the fixture due to bending. Similar to previous publica- Test average
Meso scale
tions [16,18,27,29], the model was implemented as quarter model in 1500
order to utilize the symmetry of the specimen and loading condition,
Force [N]
thus reducing the computational cost. The simulations were carried out
using mass scaling (initial time step t = 3.5e-6 s) and increased dis- 1000
placement rate (v = 10 mm/s). Both numerical parameters were set
based on convergence studies using the peak load as reference. The
same applied for the eventually implemented mesh sizes of the different 500
constituents. The overall model is illustrated in Fig. 11. The computa-
tional time for the 3D-continuum model was about 7 min, while the
detailed meso model required 87 min to run. The simulations were run 0
using four cores on a state of the art Intel® Core™ i7 workstation. 0 1 2 3 4
Displacement [mm]
5. Results and discussion
b) 2000
The simulation results of both models in comparison to the ex-
perimental results are given in terms of force-displacement relationship
in Fig. 12 a). The experimental results are plotted in the background, 1500
while also the scatter is indicated by light grey lines. For a clearer
Force [N]
R. Seemann, D. Krause Composite Structures 203 (2018) 101–109
Fig. 13. Force-time plot of both simulation models as reference for visual output in Fig. 14.
characteristic quadratic flattening resulting from core shear failure progressed and delamination of face and core becomes evident in
before catastrophic failure, this effect is significantly less pronounced in terms of tensile core failure surrounding the potting. The face sheet
case of the 3D-continuum model. The following plateau is on the same damage in the 3D-continuum model appears to be more distributed
load level for both models. However, the continuous stiffness de- if compared to the meso model.
gradation is initiated earlier in case of the meso scale model.
In order to retrace the damage mechanisms of the simulation models These observations support the general understanding of the da-
and map them onto the curve progression, an additional force plot is mage evolution in the experiments. The first damage mechanism is core
given in Fig. 13. However, here the force is plotted over the simulation shear buckling of the honeycomb. No face sheet damage is evident
time. The given x-axis labels correspond to the five simulation stages before catastrophic failure, which is initiated by tensile core failure.
that are illustrated in Fig. 14. For each stage, a top view of the specimen Load drops in the post failure regime are due to suddenly progressing
with an indication of face sheet damage (stiffness degradation in the cracks in the face sheet. A new effect, which has not been described
material directions 1 and 2) is given along with a cross sectional view, before is the buckling of single cell walls underneath the potting.
which indicates the core damage evolution. In case of the 3D-con- Despite the overall good representation of the damage progression of
tinuum model, a shear stress contour is given in order to give better the experiments, the simulation is not capable to reproduce the ex-
indication the shear damage. In addition, several magnified views are periments in terms of curve progression in the post failure regime. In
given for the detailed meso-scale model to illustrate local core damage. order to fully understand this, further investigations are required.
In the following, the different stages are briefly analyzed considering However, it is assumed that it is largely due the core, which dominates
both, the force-time plot (Fig. 13) and the visual simulation results the damage behavior of inserts under pull-out loading. At the same
(Fig. 14). time, Nomex honeycomb is a complex composite material, which is
challenging to represent in numerical models and the implemented
• 0.075 s Both models are shortly before catastrophic failure. No face detailed meso scale model of the honeycomb is still characterized by
sheet or tensile core damage is evident. However, core shear damage several simplifications [23].
is visible in both models. In case of the meso scale model, the shear
damage is visible as buckling of the single cell walls adjacent to the
potting. Analogous, the 8-node elements connected to the potting 6. Conclusion and outlook
indicate shear distortion in case of the 3D-continuum model.
Furthermore, the single cell walls in the center beneath the potting In concluding remarks are summarized in the following.
appear to have started buckling as well.
• 0.150 s Both models are past catastrophic failure in a plateau with • 3D-continuum and detailed meso scale models enable to represent
constant load. Tensile core failure beneath the potting is clearly the decisive damage mechanisms, tensile and shear failure of the
evident in both models, while the shear damage adjacent to the core accurately and thus are able to predict the insert pull-out
potting progressed. In the meso scale model, the cell wall buckling strength based on material properties, which were calibrated using
underneath the potting extended to the entire projected cross sec- standard sandwich core tests.
tion area of the potting. There is limited face sheet damage is in both • The detailed meso scale model performed slightly better. This is
models, while no elements indicate fully degraded stiffness (100% evident in the more accurate representation of the core shear da-
damage). mage prior to catastrophic failure. The same applies for the stiffness
• 0.350 s The 3D-continuum model also entered the final continuous tion of the core damage progression. In case of the 3D-continuum
model, a failure model could be implemented, allowing to delete ele-
stiffness degradation phase and large scale face sheet damage is
evident for the first time. The damage in the meso model further ments at high strains and thus accounting for honeycomb tearing.
Similarly, for the detailed meso model there are more sophisticated
R. Seemann, D. Krause Composite Structures 203 (2018) 101–109
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