10 1016@j Engstruct 2012 04 009
10 1016@j Engstruct 2012 04 009
10 1016@j Engstruct 2012 04 009
Engineering Structures
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper deals with buckling aspects of the design of stepped columns in mill buildings. These columns
Received 1 February 2012 are generally loaded axially at the top and at the section where the cross section changes. These loads
Accepted 10 April 2012 usually act eccentrically and thus produce column moments. Additional bending from lateral loads also
has to be accounted for. Starting from these considerations, a geometrically nonlinear model for buckling
behaviour analysis is proposed and formulated using the differential equations of equilibrium. The con-
Keywords: cept of equivalent (or effective) lengths of the two column segments is successfully applied. Tables to
Buckling load
determine effective length factors are provided for a range of the following parameters: end fixities, ratio
Crane columns
of the end axial load to the intermediate axial load, the ratio of the length and moment of inertia of the
Steel frames upper segment to the lower segment and the splice mechanical properties. This is followed by a study of
Stepped columns the imperfection sensitivity to the linearly evaluated critical load. A discussion on the variation of the
Structural stability load carrying capacity with the level of eccentricity and lateral load acting at the step on a practical
column is also presented. The findings suggest that upper and lower segments are treated as separate
beam-columns. Some implications for design, in the form of interaction equations, are deduced from
the presented analysis.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction There are several parameters that have a relevant effect on the
column stability behaviour, namely: (i) end fixity conditions, (ii)
Mill buildings are heavy industrial structures within which the splice stiffness and location, (iii) the ratio of segment lengths,
machinery, materials and products are lifted and moved in a large (iv) the ratio of the segment second moment of areas and (v) the
work area by overhead travelling cranes. These industrial facilities ratio of the applied axial loads at the top of the column and at
are usually designed with rigid steel-framed structures and are the stepped level. With reference to the first two parameters, the
characterized by long roof spans and high floor-to-floor and connection details at the ends and at the splice determine the stiff-
floor-to-roof heights. The structure comprises common steel com- ness design values. The roof-beam-to-column and the base connec-
ponents used in roof and wall framing (e.g. roof trusses), wall sys- tions as well as the splice should be designed in accordance with
tems and crane runway beams supported by columns. Several the relevant standards and should be detailed to provide ductile
different column configurations can be used for the crane carrying performance. The remaining parameters are further considered in
structure [1,2]. Designers frequently choose stepped columns, with this work.
a single heavy wide-flange section as the lower segment and a Where stepped column construction is used, the concept of
lighter wide-flange section that supports the roof structure equivalent lengths of the column segments may be applied and a
(Fig. 1). The upper segment has to carry the roof and upper wall buckling analysis may be required. The crane loads dominate the
loads. The lower segment has to be designed for the extra load design of the column. These are essentially axial compressive loads
from the crane beam reaction, lower wall loads and self-weight. that act eccentrically and thus produce moments in the column. A
number of research works on stepped columns have existed since
the 1970s, such as those (i) calculating the effective lengths [3,4],
(ii) evaluating the critical buckling load [1,5] and (iii) examining
⇑ Corresponding author at: Department of Structural and Building Engineering – the column maximum axial strength [6,7]. Although some of these
Steel and Timber Structures, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft
previous studies proposed simple design methods, and success-
University of Technology, PO Box 5048, 2600 GS Delft, The Netherlands. Tel.: +351
239 790 312/964 837 943; fax: +351 239 790 311.
fully found the buckling loads and the maximum load capacities,
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (P.D. Simão), [email protected] (A.M. Girão the nonlinear equilibrium behaviour and structural failure were
Coelho), [email protected] (F.S.K. Bijlaard). not satisfactorily addressed.
0141-0296/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
52 P.D. Simão et al. / Engineering Structures 42 (2012) 51–82
Connection to roof structure strength of columns by multiple column curves [10]. The concept
of the so-called equivalent length is thus crucial.
The AISC steel design guide no. 7 [11] adopts a procedure based
on the design of each segment as individual members, subjected to
Crane runway beam
the associated load cases. This guide provides tables to determine
effective length factors for several end condition types, as a func-
tion of the ratio of (i) the segment lengths, (ii) the segment second
moment of areas and (iii) the applied axial loads at the top of the
column and at the stepped level [4]. These effective lengths are
then used in the interaction formulae for designing beam-columns
adopted in the AISE technical report no. 13 [12] that are nearly
identical to the equations presented in the AISC standard no.
360-10 [13].
2. Methodology
x, u
Kθb γ NEd Sign convention:
Loads and reactions:
(1 −γ )NEd
S H = ξ NEd Bending moments: +
e2 e1
Shear: +
Eccentricity: − +
Kθa z, w z, w
Fig. 2. Model of a segmented mill building column (e1 > 0 and e2 < 0).
response (partially restrained connections). Kh is the corresponding where w is the lateral displacement and i = I, II. For linearly elastic
rotational spring constant and is defined as the moment the spring materials, the bending moment M and the column curvature are re-
can sustain for a unit rotation. The roof beam framing into the top lated as follows
column segment also provides some kind of restraint against lat-
eral deflection. KD represents the spring extensional stiffness and d wi
Mi ¼ EIi 2
is defined as the transverse force the spring sustains for a unit dis- dxi
placement. The upper column segment is loaded axially by a com-
pressive load cNEd, 0 6 c 6 1 that is applied with an eccentricity e0. From Eqs. (1) and (2) we obtain the general fourth-order differential
The crane load (1 c)NEd is eccentrically applied to the lower seg- equilibrium equation
ment at a distance e1. The column is also subjected to a concen- !
2 2 2
trated lateral load H = nNEd at the step (1 6 n 6 1). The forces d d wi d wi
EIi 2
Ni 2
¼ 0 or wIV 2 00
i þ li wi ¼ 0 ð3Þ
retain their direction as the column deflects. dxi dxi dxi
This model offers a clear physical illustration and solid grounds
in the mechanics of the problem. The fourth-order equilibrium where li is given by
equations for this column are derived below using the equilibrium
NEd cNEd
method. In this classical approach, the problem is reduced to an ei- l2I ¼ and l2II ¼ ð4Þ
gen-boundary-value problem and the critical conditions are the EII EIII
eigenvalues. The governing differential equation of equilibrium is The general solution of this equation is
written in the following form [15]
Member I : wI ¼ A1 sin lI x þ A2 cos lI x þ A3 x þ A4
d Mi
d wi Member II : wII ¼ B1 sin lII x þ B2 cos lII x þ B3 x þ B4
Ni 2
¼0 ð1Þ
dxi dxi
where Aj, Bj are constants (j = 1, 2, 3, 4). This solution must satisfy
the boundary conditions that are given by
at xI ¼ 0 wI ¼ 0
EII w00I ¼ K ha w0I
at the splice location wI jxI ¼LI ¼ wII jxII ¼0
EII w00I x ¼L þ EIII w00II x ¼0 þ ð1 cÞNEd e1 þ cNEd e2 ¼ 0
EII wI x ¼L þ K hc w0II x ¼0 w0I
þ ð1 cÞN Ed e1 þ cNEd e2 ¼ 0
EII wI NEd wI x ¼L ¼ EIII wII cNEd w0II x ¼0 þ H
000 0 000
From Eqs. (5) and (6), the following eight linear algebraic equations 3.2. Effect of column moments on the load capacity
in the eight constants Aj and Bj are obtained
2 3 The eccentric loads and lateral forces produce end moments at
0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0
each column segment. The maximum load sustained by the col-
6 K ha lI NEd K ha 0 0 0 0 0 7
6 7 umn is a function of the bending moment and is determined from
6 sinðl LI Þ cosðl LI Þ L 1 0 1 0 1 7
6 I I I 7 a load–deflection approach to column analysis.
6 c c4;2 0 0 0 cNEd 0 0 7
6 4;1 7 The load–deflection response corresponds to the solution to the
6 7
6 c5;1 c5;2 K hc 0 K hc lII 0 K hc 0 7 fourth-order differential equilibrium equation, Eq. (3). The column
6 7
6 0 0 NEd 0 0 0 cNEd 0 7 now starts to deform laterally from the commencement of loading
6 7
4 0 0 0 0 c7;5 c7;6 K hb 0 5 and the deflection increases progressively and rapidly with the
0 0 0 0 c8;5 c8;6 c8;7 K Db load. The load–deflection curve approaches the critical buckling
2 3 2 3 Where the bending effect is secondary compared to the axial
A1 0
6 A2 7 6 0 7 force effect, the structural analysis involves the features of a stabil-
6 7 6 7
6 A3 7 6 0 7 ity problem. In these cases and for design purposes, it is usual to
6 7 6 7
6A 7 6b 7 express column strength directly by means of column curves based
6 47 6 47
6 7¼6 7 ð7Þ on elastic limit analysis [9,13]. The maximum stress in a column
6 B1 7 6 b5 7
6 7 6 7 segment i = I, II under combined bending and thrust is expressed as
6 B2 7 6 b6 7
6 7 6 7
4 B3 5 4 b7 5 NEd;i Mmax;i
rmax;i ¼ þ ð10Þ
B4 0 Ai W el;i
b where NEd,I = NEd, NEd,II = cNEd, Ai is the area of cross section,
where cj,k are coefficients that are defined as follows W el;i ¼ Ai ii =ci is the section modulus corresponding to the fibre with
maximum elastic stress (ii: radius of gyration, ci: distance from neu-
c4;1 ¼ NEd sinðlI LI Þ tral axis to extreme fibre) and Mmax,i is the maximum moment in
c4;2 ¼ NEd cosðlI LI Þ the column segment that is computed as follows [16]
Mmax;i ¼ AF;i NEd;i wmax;i ð11Þ
c5;1 ¼ NEd sinðlI LI Þ lI K hc cosðlI LI Þ
where AF,i is a moment amplification factor and wmax,i is maximum
c5;2 ¼ NEd cosðlI LI Þ þ lI K hc sinðlI LI Þ
lateral deflection obtained from Eq. (5). The moment amplification
factor depends on the axial force NEd,i. The classical elastic limit
c7;5 ¼ cNEd sinðlII LII Þ lII K hb cosðlII LII Þ analysis requires that the most compressed fibre reaches the yield
c7;6 ¼ cNEd cosðlII LII Þ þ lII K hb sinðlII LII Þ stress fy. Eq. (11) can then be written as
c8;5 ¼ K Db sinðlII LII Þ ð1 þ AF;i gi Þ ¼ fy ð12Þ
c8;6 ¼ K Db cosðlII LII Þ
whereby gi is the global imperfection parameter defined below
c8;7 ¼ cNEd K Db LII ð8Þ c
gi ¼ 2i wmax;i ð13Þ
and bj are the following coefficients ii
and v is the reduction factor for flexural buckling [18]. MEd is the 4. Applications
maximum bending moment and MR is the in-plane flexural capac-
ity. MEd is a function of the applied load producing moments (pri- Having formulated the equilibrium equations, the critical buck-
mary moments). In the context of an elastic limit strength ling load of the stepped column is first investigated using linear
criterion, the in-plane flexural capacity is taken as: eigenvalue analysis. The equilibrium paths are then evaluated with
respect to the load eccentricities and geometric imperfections (P–d
M R;i ¼ W el;i fy ð17Þ effect). The geometries of the analysis configurations utilized in
this research are derived from the geometry of the heavier-loaded
column of the steel framework of the Turbine House at Liddell
The interaction factor j is defined by the following general
Power Station, New South Wales, Australia [5]. Different analysis
configurations are created by changing some of the attributes.
Important geometric and mechanical parameters are varied over
C m;i the practical range of interest in order to evaluate the behaviour
j¼ N
1 NEd;i of a stepped mill column. Specific characteristics and attributes
modelled in these studies are as follows:
that assumes that the out-of-plane displacements are prevented. 1. The column length is fixed to 34 m.
Alternatively, the interaction factor j can be written as follows [19]:
2. The Young’s modulus is fixed to 210 106 kN/m2.
3. The built-in column sections have 610 82.5 mm2 flanges and
C m;i 1067 38 mm2 and 686 38 mm2 webs, for the lower and
j¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
cos p2 upper segments, respectively.
The moment magnifier Cm depends on the loading type and end 4.1. Validation problem
conditions (see Section 5). Appropriate expressions for this equiva-
lent moment factor are derived in Refs. [20,21] and are adopted in In this section the aim is to compare theoretical critical buckling
EN 1993 [9]. load values obtained from the previous section with those from the
Table 1
Buckling load.
0.1NEd 0.1NEd
14 m 0.9NEd 14 m 0.9NEd
II = 0.037 m4 II = 0.037 m4
III = 0.016 m4 III = 0.016 m4
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. Basic stepped column configurations: (a) sway column, and (b) sway-prevented column.
56 P.D. Simão et al. / Engineering Structures 42 (2012) 51–82
The dimensions and properties of the column used in this bench- Upper segment Upper segment
mark study are as follows:
Table 2 e2 = 0
Parametric study. e2
Lower segment Lower segment
Parameter Range of parameter selected
a 0.6–0.9, i = 0.1
II/III 2.31, 4–10, i = 2
c 0.05–0.25, i = 0.05
khc 1, 5, 10, 100, ?1 NEd NEd
khb 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 100, ?1
kDb 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, ?1
e0 (m)
e1 (m)
S235: ±1.0, ±0.5, 0 j S355: ±1.6, ±0.8, 0
0, 0.4255, 0.616, 1.0, 1.5
(a) (b)
e2 (m) 0.1905, 0
n ±0.05, ±0.01, 0 Fig. 4. Column segments eccentricity: (a) no eccentricity, and (b) segments aligned
vertically to the flanges.
1.2 4.5
Sway column
Sway prevented column
Critical load N cr /N cr,ref
0.8 3.0
Parameter γ 2.5
0.4 1.5
Parameter α
0.2 Sway column
0.5 Parameter I I /I II
Sway prevented column
0.0 0.0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Range of parameter Range of parameter
(a) (b)
5.0 5.0
Sway column Sway prevented column
4.0 4.0
Critical load N cr /N cr,ref
2.0 2.0
1.0 1.0
0.0 0.0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Non-dimensional spring stiffness values Non-dimensional spring stiffness values
Fig. 5. Buckling loads with a variation in the selected key parameters: (a) varying a and c, (b) varying II/III, and (c) varying non-dimensional spring stiffness values in sway and
sway-prevented columns.
P.D. Simão et al. / Engineering Structures 42 (2012) 51–82 57
The results given in Table 1 are obtained, which show a good 5. The end conditions (non-dimensional parameters kha, khb and
agreement between the two procedures. This table also shows the kDb).
results of a comparison between the equilibrium formulation and
an energy formulation proposed by the authors in Refs. [22,23]. These variables are varied parametrically as shown in Table 2.
While each parameter is varied, the remaining are kept fixed to
4.2. Column configurations and parameters the original value. The lower member I is taken for reference in
terms of moment of area. k are spring coefficients that are defined
The basic configurations are (i) a cantilevered and (ii) a pin- in non-dimensional forms as follows:
ended stepped column with a rigid splice at the step (Fig. 3). These
schemes lead to a simple and (often) conservative design of the K hi L K Di L3
khi ¼ and kDi ¼ ð20Þ
mill building sway and non-sway systems, respectively, as shown EII EII
in the above section.
The variation of the load eccentricities e0 and e1 and the column
Physical and mechanical changes in these basic configurations
segments eccentricity e2 are considered to investigate the imperfec-
are implemented in a parametric study to ascertain the signifi-
tion sensitivity of a stepped column. The selected values are set out
cance of certain key variables in the buckling load. The critical con-
in Table 2.
dition for a stepped column is now sought with a variation in the
The load eccentricity e0 is varied as a function of the elastic
following parameters:
bending moment of the cross-section in the upper segment, Mel,II,
assuming steel grades S235 and S355. The following values are
1. The splice location (parameter a).
considered in the analysis: ±0.50Mel,II/cNEd and ±0.25Mel,II/cNEd. e1
2. The ratio of the segment second moment of areas (II/III), with III
is taken as 0, 0.5h2, 0.5h1, 1.0 m and 1.5 m. Two situations are ana-
fixed to 0.016 m4.
lysed for column segments eccentricity e2: (i) no eccentricity and
3. The ratio of the applied axial loads at the top of the column and
(ii) segments aligned vertically to the flanges (Fig. 4).
at the stepped level (parameter c).
The horizontal force H = nNEd varies with the axial thrust level
4. The splice rotational stiffness (non-dimensional parameter khc).
and the factor load n is taken as 0, ±0.01 and ±0.05.
Ed /N cr
Load ratio N Ed /N cr
Load ratioN
0.0 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 Displacement ratio w max /L
Displacement ratio w max /L
1.2 Perf. Col. e1=0.4255m e1=0.616m 1.2 Perf. Col. e1=0.4255m e1=0.616m
e1=1.0m e1=1.5m S235 e1=1.0m e1=1.5m S235
S355 S355
1.0 1.0
Ed /N cr
0.8 0.8
Load ratio N Ed /N cr
Load ratioN
0.2 0.2
0.4 0.4
0.1 0.1
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.003 0.004 0.005
0.0 0.0
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
Displacement ratio w max /L Displacement ratio w max /L
(b) (b)
Fig. 6. Effect of load eccentricity e1; e0 = 0 m and e2 = 0.1905 m: (a) sway column, Fig. 7. Effect of load eccentricity e1; e0 = 0.5 m and e2 = 0.1905 m: (a) sway
and (b) sway-prevented column. column, and (b) sway-prevented column.
58 P.D. Simão et al. / Engineering Structures 42 (2012) 51–82
4.3. Summary of analysis results a, c and khc. Several column end conditions are addressed, includ-
ing the standard end fixities encountered in practical sway and
4.3.1. Critical buckling non-sway mill building systems.
The significance of each of the above variables on the buckling
load is summarized in this section. The key results are included 4.3.3. Eccentrically loaded columns
in Fig. 5.
If all the tests in a matrix composed of the load eccentricity val-
The graphs show that the buckling load is strongly linked to the ues outlined in Table 2 were conducted, a total of 100 analyses
splice location (Fig. 5a). The response Ncr vs. a is also a function of
would need to be considered for each column configuration. How-
the degree of rotational and extensional restraint at the column ever, many of these tests were ruled out by first executing a subset
ends (Fig. 5a) (cf. Refs. [22,23]). In general, the behaviour is charac-
of these studies to ascertain that several combinations have a
terized by a quasi-linear response. Fig. 5a also shows the buckling smaller influence on the behaviour.
load with different levels of the ratio of the applied axial loads. As
The effect of the selected amplitudes of load eccentricities on
can be seen, the increase in the load at the top contributes to yield- the maximum load of the basic column configurations is depicted
ing lower values of the overall load-carrying capacity.
in Figs. 6–8 for the cases of sway columns and sway-prevented col-
The ratio II/III is another key parameter influencing the overall umns, respectively. The curves are represented in terms of normal-
buckling behaviour of a stepped column. Representative examples ized axial load NEd/Ncr and normalised maximum displacement
of Ncr vs. II/III are shown in Fig. 5b. Typical behaviour is character- wmax/L. The maximum deflection wmax is obtained from the
ized by a monotonic increasing function that can be generally requirement dw/dx = 0 for sway-prevented columns and corre-
approximated by a simple linear relationship [22,23]. sponds to the absolute lateral displacement at the end able to sway
The spring stiffness coefficients have major importance on the in the case of sway columns. The design load set on the basis of
stability behaviour of stepped columns. For any value of kh and/ maximum strength, Eq. (10), is also included in the plots and is sig-
or kD, the buckling load always increases with increasing values nificantly lower than the evaluated critical load. The design load le-
of k. The qualitative response Ncr vs. k is identical for both sway
vel predicted by EN 1993-1-1 [9], Nb,Rd, is also included in these
and non-sway cases. Typically, over the range 0 6 khc < 10 the plots (horizontal segments). In each of these figures, the black
behaviour is nonlinear with a gradual reduction in stiffness up to
squares correspond to S235 columns (fy = 215 MPa) and the back
the maximum critical load followed by a relatively flat curve. circles to S355 columns (fy = 335 MPa).
Figs. 6 and 7 illustrate the effect of varying e0 and e1 in sway and
4.3.2. Equivalent length factors sway-prevented columns. In Fig. 6, e0 = 0 and e1 is varies from 0.5
In order to provide the structural engineer with simple design h2 to an extreme value of 1.5 m. The curves in Fig. 7 are plotted for
tools, equivalent length charts are appended to this paper (see e0 = 0.5 m and for the above values of eccentricity e1. All the curves
Appendix A). These design tables contain effective length values in these figures are for constant e2 = 0.1905 m. As can be seen,
for stepped columns, in terms of four parameters: the ratio II/III,
Load ratio N Ed /N cr
Load ratio N Ed /N cr
0.4 Perfect column ξ = 0.05
0.2 ξ = 0.01 ξ=0
ξ = −0.01 ξ = −0.05
0.2 Perfect column ξ = 0.05 S235 S355
ξ = 0.01 S235 0.0
S355 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 Displacement ratio w max /L
Displacement ratio w max /L
1.2 1.2
1.0 1.0
Load ratio N Ed /N cr
Load ratio N Ed /N cr
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
1.2 Table 3
Details of the case studies.
Case Sway columnjSway prevented column
Load ratio N Ed /N cr
0.8 Some implications for design can be deduced from the re-
sponses that have been presented. The design interaction equation
0.6 is given by Eq. (15). This criterion assumes a linear interaction of
the axial force NEd,i and the maximum bending moment (first-
and second-order moment):
0.2 Perfect column ξ = 0.05 Mmax;i ¼ jM Ed;i ð21Þ
ξ = 0.01 ξ = −0.01
ξ = −0.05 S235
0.0 S355 for each column segment. The interaction factor j is given by Eqs.
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 (18) or (19) and depends explicitly on coefficient Cm. The loading
Displacement ratio w max /L conditions in all design case studies suggest a linear distribution
(b) of the first-order bending moment acting on each segment. Let M1
and wM1 be the column segment end moments, with 1 6 w 6 1.
Fig. 10. Effect of factor load n,e2 = 0.1905 m on sway columns and (a) e0 = 0.5 m, In this case, the EN 1993-1-1 adopts the following expression:
(b) e0 = 0.5 m.
N Ed;i
C m;i ¼ 0:79 þ 0:21w þ 0:36ðw 0:33Þ ð22Þ
even a moderate load eccentricity e1 has a significant effect on the Ncr;i
load carrying capacity for all the cases. The following behaviour is
The margin between the actual maximum bending moment (Mac-
evident from the above figures:
tual), Eq. (2), and the design amplified bending moment, Eqs. (18),
(19), (21) and (22), is illustrated in four cases selected from the
1. The presence of load eccentricities reduces significantly the car-
parametric study (Table 3). These examples were carefully chosen
rying capacity of the structural system.
so as to represent the isolated effect of (i) the load eccentricities
2. For both sway and sway-prevented columns, the load capacity
on the lower segment (case 1), (ii) the load eccentricity on the upper
based on the EN1993-1-1 rules is overpredicted.
segment (case 2), and (iii) the magnitude of the horizontal load act-
3. The variations in the top load eccentricity e0 have a smaller
ing at the step (cases 3 and 4). Both sway and sway prevented basic
influence on the load–deflection response when compared to
configurations (columns made from S355) are considered for fur-
the step load eccentricity e1.This trend appears to be more evi-
ther analysis. Figs. 11 and 12 plot the moment vs. axial force re-
dent in the case of sway-prevented columns.
sponse in no dimensional form for the selected examples (sway
and sway-prevented columns, respectively) and for both column
4.3.4. Additional column moments segments. Key points are:
The column moment distribution along the length of the mem-
ber is obtained from Eq. (2). Figs. 8–10 illustrate the effect of addi- 1. The design amplified moment computed by means of Eqs. (19)
tional column moments due to the lateral force H = nNEd at the and (21) gives a better approximation to the actual bending
step. Naturally, the eccentric axial loads also produce moments moment.
in the column. Fig. 8 shows load–deflections curves that help in 2. In the case of sway columns, the actual bending moments are
assessing the isolated effect of a lateral force by means of a variable very close to the predicted values at all levels of column axial
load factor n. Again, the design load level Nb,Rd anticipated by EN loading for the lower segment (Fig. 11a).
1993-1-1 is included. The plots in Fig. 9 show the effect of changing 3. It can be seen from Fig. 11b that this trend is not observed for
the load factor n for column segments aligned vertically to the the upper segment. Comparison of the actual bending moment
flanges. In Fig. 9 the solid grey lines correspond to columns in distribution for cases 1, 3 and 4, which is essentially a second-
which the load factor n and eccentricities e0 and e1 are null. These order moment and the null amplified bending moment indi-
curves highlight the small influence of the variable e2 on the over- cates that an important assumption inherent in the current
all behaviour, especially in the case of sway-prevented columns. Fi- design procedure does not agree with the actual system behav-
nally, the curves in Fig. 10 combine the effect of n and e0, for the iour. On the contrary, case 2 incorporates the effect of the load
particular case of sway columns. eccentricity e0. In this case, the primary bending moments can
The following trends can be observed from the plots in be significant. The predicted amplified moments however do
Figs. 8–10: not compare well to the actual values.
60 P.D. Simão et al. / Engineering Structures 42 (2012) 51–82
1.2 1.2
Ed /N cr
1.0 1.0
Ed /N cr
0.8 0.8
Load ratio N
Load ratio N
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
Mactual, Eq. (2) Mactual, Eq. (2)
0.2 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21) 0.2 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21)
Mmax - Eqs. (19,21) Mmax - Eqs. (19,21)
0.0 0.0
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
Moment ratio M max /Wel fy Moment ratio M max /Wel fy
Case 1 Case 2
1.2 1.2
1.0 1.0
Ed /N cr
Ed /N cr
0.8 0.8
Load ratio N
Load ratio N
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
Mactual, Eq. (2) Mactual, Eq. (2)
0.2 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21) 0.2 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21)
Mmax - Eqs. (19,21) Mmax - Eqs. (19,21)
0.0 0.0
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
Moment ratio M max /Wel fy Moment ratio M max /Wel fy
Case 3 Case 4
1.2 1.2
Mactual, Eq. (2)
1.0 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21)
Mmax - Eqs. (19,21)
Load ratio N Ed /N cr
Load ratio N Ed /N cr
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
Mactual, Eq. (2)
0.2 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21) 0.2
Mmax - Eqs. (19,21)
0.0 0.0
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
Moment ratio Mmax /Wel fy Moment ratio Mmax /Wel f y
Case 1 Case 2
1.2 1.2
1.0 1.0
Load ratio N Ed /N cr
Load ratio N Ed /N cr
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
Mactual, Eq. (2) Mactual, Eq. (2)
0.2 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21) 0.2 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21)
Mmax - Eqs. (19,21) Mmax - Eqs. (19,21)
0.0 0.0
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
Moment ratio Mmax /Wel f y Moment ratio Mmax /Wel f y
Case 3 Case 4
Fig. 11. Column moments: sway columns (a) Segment I, and (b) Segment II.
P.D. Simão et al. / Engineering Structures 42 (2012) 51–82 61
1.2 1.2
Mactual, Eq. (2)
1.0 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21) 1.0
Load ratio N Ed /N cr Mmax - Eqs. (19,21)
Load ratio N Ed /N cr
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
1.0 1.0
Load ratio N Ed /N cr
Load ratio N Ed /N cr
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
Ed /N cr
0.8 0.8
Load ratio N
Load ratio N
0.6 0.6
Mactual, Eq. (2)
Mmax - Eqs. (18,21)
0.4 0.4
Mmax - Eqs. (19,21)
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
Moment ratio M max /W el fy Moment ratio M max /W el fy
Case 1 Case 2
1.2 1.2
Mactual, Eq. (2) Mactual, Eq. (2)
1.0 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21) 1.0 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21)
Mmax - Eqs. (19,21) Mmax - Eqs. (19,21)
Ed /N cr
Ed /N cr
0.8 0.8
Load ratio N
Load ratio N
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
Moment ratio M max /W el fy Moment ratio M max /W el fy
Case 3 Case 4
Fig. 12. Column moments: sway-prevented columns (a) Segment I, and (b) Segment II.
62 P.D. Simão et al. / Engineering Structures 42 (2012) 51–82
1.2 1.2
Mactual, Eq. (2) Mactual, Eq. (2)
1.0 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21) 1.0 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21)
Mmax - Eqs. (19,21) Mmax - Eqs. (19,21)
Ed /N cr
Ed /N cr
0.8 0.8
Load ratio N
Load ratio N
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
Interaction equation F (N, M ) Interaction equation F (N, M )
Case 1 Case 2
1.2 1.2
Mactual, Eq. (2) Mactual, Eq. (2)
1.0 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21) 1.0 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21)
Mmax - Eqs. (19,21) Mmax - Eqs. (19,21)
Ed /N cr
Ed /N cr
0.8 0.8
Load ratio N
Load ratio N
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
Interaction equation F (N, M ) Interaction equation F (N, M )
Case 3 Case 4
1.2 1.2
Mactual, Eq. (2) Mactual, Eq. (2)
1.0 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21) 1.0 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21)
Mmax - Eqs. (19,21) Mmax - Eqs. (19,21)
Load ratio N Ed /N cr
Load ratio N Ed /N cr
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
Interaction equation F (N, M ) Interaction equation F (N, M )
Case 1 Case 2
1.2 1.2
Mactual, Eq. (2) Mactual, Eq. (2)
1.0 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21) 1.0 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21)
Mmax - Eqs. (19,21) Mmax - Eqs. (19,21)
Load ratio N Ed /N cr
Load ratio N Ed /N cr
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
Interaction equation F (N, M ) Interaction equation F (N, M )
Case 3 Case 4
Fig. 13. Interaction formula: sway columns (a) Segment I, and (b) Segment II.
P.D. Simão et al. / Engineering Structures 42 (2012) 51–82 63
1.2 1.2
Mactual, Eq. (2) Mactual, Eq. (2)
1.0 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21) 1.0 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21)
Mmax - Eqs. (19,21) Mmax - Eqs. (19,21)
Ed /N cr
Ed /N cr
0.8 0.8
Load ratio N
Load ratio N
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
Interaction equation F (N, M ) Interaction equation F (N, M )
Case 1 Case 2
1.2 1.2
Mactual, Eq. (2) Mactual, Eq. (2)
1.0 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21) 1.0 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21)
Mmax - Eqs. (19,21) Mmax - Eqs. (19,21)
Ed /N cr
Ed /N cr
0.8 0.8
Load ratio N
Load ratio N
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
Interaction equation F (N, M ) Interaction equation F (N, M )
Case 3 Case 4
1.2 1.2
Mactual, Eq. (2) Mactual, Eq. (2)
1.0 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21) 1.0 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21)
Mmax - Eqs. (19,21) Mmax - Eqs. (19,21)
Load ratio N Ed /N cr
Load ratio N Ed /N cr
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
Interaction equation F (N, M ) Interaction equation F (N, M )
Case 1 Case 2
1.2 1.2
Mactual, Eq. (2) Mactual, Eq. (2)
1.0 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21) 1.0 Mmax - Eqs. (18,21)
Mmax - Eqs. (19,21) Mmax - Eqs. (19,21)
Load ratio N Ed /N cr
Load ratio N Ed /N cr
0.8 0.8
0.6 0.6
0.4 0.4
0.2 0.2
0.0 0.0
0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 0.00 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
Interaction equation F (N, M ) Interaction equation F (N, M )
Case 3 Case 4
Fig. 14. Interaction formula: sway-prevented columns (a) Segment I, and (b) Segment II.
64 P.D. Simão et al. / Engineering Structures 42 (2012) 51–82
Case 1.1 Case 1.2 Case 1.3 Case 1.4 Case 1.5 Case 1.6
(pinned-guided ends) (fixed-free ends) (fixed bottom, kθb = 5) (kθa = 5 = kθb) (kθa = 5, guided top) (fixed-guided ends)
Case 2.1 Case 2.2 Case 2.3 Case 2.4 Case 2.5 Case 2.6 Case 2.7 Case 2.8 Case 2.9
(pinned ends) (kθa = 5, pinned top) (fixed-pinned ends) (pinned bottom, kθb = 5) (kθa = 5 = kθb) (fixed bottom, kθb = 5) (pinned-fixed ends) (kθa = 5, fixed top) (clamped ends)
Fig. A.1. Column end conditions – design table cases: (a) sway column (kDb = 0), and (b) sway-prevented column (kDb = 1).
P.D. Simão et al. / Engineering Structures 42 (2012) 51–82 65
Sway column Case 1.1 Case 1.2 Case 1.3 Case 1.4 Case 1.5 Case 1.6
II/III a c khc C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2
2 0.6 0.05 1 0.06 7.02 33.31 0.63 2.09 9.92 0.79 1.87 8.88 0.34 2.85 13.51 0.35 2.81 13.32 0.81 1.85 8.79
5 0.12 4.81 22.84 0.65 2.07 9.83 0.88 1.78 8.45 0.40 2.63 12.49 0.44 2.51 11.91 0.94 1.72 8.15
10 0.14 4.46 21.18 0.65 2.07 9.82 0.90 1.76 8.35 0.42 2.58 12.26 0.47 2.44 11.56 0.98 1.68 7.97
1 0.17 4.09 19.38 0.65 2.07 9.81 0.92 1.73 8.22 0.44 2.53 11.98 0.51 2.34 11.12 1.04 1.63 7.75
0.10 1 0.06 7.03 23.56 0.55 2.26 7.57 0.79 1.88 6.30 0.34 2.85 9.57 0.35 2.81 9.43 0.81 1.86 6.22
5 0.12 4.82 16.18 0.60 2.16 7.23 0.86 1.80 6.03 0.40 2.65 8.88 0.44 2.52 8.45 0.93 1.73 5.79
10 0.14 4.48 15.01 0.60 2.15 7.21 0.88 1.78 5.97 0.41 2.60 8.72 0.46 2.45 8.20 0.97 1.69 5.67
1 0.17 4.10 13.75 0.61 2.14 7.18 0.90 1.76 5.89 0.43 2.55 8.55 0.50 2.36 7.90 1.02 1.65 5.52
0.15 1 0.06 7.03 19.25 0.45 2.49 6.81 0.78 1.88 5.16 0.34 2.86 7.83 0.35 2.81 7.70 0.81 1.86 5.09
5 0.12 4.83 13.23 0.55 2.25 6.17 0.84 1.81 4.97 0.39 2.66 7.29 0.44 2.53 6.92 0.92 1.73 4.75
10 0.14 4.49 12.29 0.56 2.23 6.12 0.86 1.80 4.93 0.40 2.62 7.17 0.46 2.45 6.72 0.96 1.70 4.66
1 0.16 4.11 11.27 0.56 2.22 6.07 0.87 1.78 4.88 0.42 2.57 7.04 0.50 2.37 6.49 1.01 1.66 4.55
0.20 1 0.06 7.03 16.68 0.37 2.74 6.50 0.78 1.89 4.48 0.34 2.86 6.79 0.35 2.81 6.67 0.80 1.86 4.41
5 0.12 4.84 11.48 0.50 2.36 5.59 0.83 1.83 4.35 0.39 2.68 6.35 0.43 2.53 6.01 0.92 1.74 4.13
10 0.14 4.50 10.67 0.51 2.32 5.51 0.84 1.82 4.32 0.40 2.64 6.25 0.46 2.46 5.84 0.95 1.71 4.06
1 0.16 4.13 9.79 0.53 2.30 5.45 0.85 1.81 4.29 0.41 2.59 6.15 0.49 2.38 5.65 0.99 1.68 3.98
0.25 1 0.06 7.03 14.92 0.31 2.99 6.34 0.77 1.90 4.03 0.34 2.87 6.08 0.35 2.82 5.97 0.80 1.86 3.95
5 0.12 4.85 10.29 0.46 2.46 5.23 0.81 1.85 3.93 0.38 2.69 5.71 0.43 2.54 5.39 0.91 1.75 3.71
10 0.14 4.51 9.56 0.48 2.42 5.13 0.82 1.84 3.91 0.39 2.66 5.63 0.45 2.47 5.25 0.93 1.72 3.66
1 0.16 4.14 8.79 0.49 2.38 5.04 0.82 1.84 3.89 0.41 2.62 5.55 0.49 2.39 5.08 0.97 1.69 3.59
0.7 0.05 1 0.05 6.32 46.62 0.49 2.05 15.13 0.60 1.84 13.60 0.29 2.67 19.74 0.29 2.63 19.42 0.62 1.82 13.44
5 0.12 4.19 30.89 0.49 2.04 15.08 0.69 1.72 12.68 0.35 2.42 17.89 0.39 2.29 16.87 0.76 1.64 12.09
10 0.14 3.84 28.33 0.49 2.04 15.08 0.72 1.69 12.45 0.36 2.37 17.46 0.42 2.20 16.21 0.81 1.59 11.71
1 0.17 3.46 25.54 0.49 2.04 15.07 0.75 1.65 12.17 0.39 2.30 16.94 0.47 2.08 15.35 0.89 1.52 11.19
0.10 1 0.05 6.32 32.97 0.45 2.12 11.06 0.60 1.85 9.63 0.28 2.68 13.97 0.29 2.63 13.73 0.61 1.82 9.51
5 0.12 4.19 21.86 0.47 2.09 10.92 0.68 1.73 9.01 0.34 2.43 12.69 0.39 2.29 11.95 0.76 1.64 8.57
10 0.14 3.84 20.06 0.47 2.09 10.91 0.71 1.70 8.86 0.36 2.38 12.40 0.42 2.20 11.48 0.81 1.59 8.30
1 0.17 3.47 18.09 0.47 2.09 10.89 0.74 1.66 8.68 0.38 2.31 12.05 0.47 2.09 10.88 0.88 1.52 7.95
0.15 1 0.05 6.32 26.93 0.42 2.21 9.43 0.60 1.85 7.87 0.28 2.68 11.41 0.29 2.63 11.22 0.61 1.82 7.76
5 0.12 4.19 17.87 0.44 2.14 9.14 0.68 1.74 7.40 0.34 2.44 10.40 0.39 2.29 9.77 0.75 1.65 7.01
10 0.14 3.85 16.40 0.45 2.14 9.11 0.70 1.71 7.29 0.36 2.39 10.17 0.42 2.20 9.39 0.80 1.60 6.80
1 0.17 3.47 14.80 0.45 2.13 9.09 0.72 1.68 7.15 0.38 2.32 9.89 0.47 2.09 8.91 0.87 1.53 6.52
0.20 1 0.05 6.32 23.32 0.38 2.33 8.59 0.60 1.85 6.83 0.28 2.68 9.89 0.29 2.63 9.72 0.61 1.82 6.73
5 0.12 4.20 15.49 0.42 2.20 8.12 0.67 1.75 6.44 0.34 2.45 9.03 0.39 2.30 8.47 0.75 1.65 6.09
10 0.14 3.85 14.22 0.43 2.19 8.08 0.69 1.72 6.35 0.36 2.40 8.84 0.42 2.21 8.15 0.80 1.60 5.91
1 0.17 3.48 12.84 0.43 2.18 8.04 0.71 1.69 6.25 0.37 2.33 8.61 0.46 2.10 7.74 0.86 1.54 5.67
0.25 1 0.05 6.32 20.86 0.34 2.46 8.12 0.59 1.85 6.12 0.28 2.68 8.86 0.29 2.63 8.69 0.61 1.82 6.02
5 0.12 4.20 13.86 0.40 2.26 7.45 0.66 1.76 5.79 0.34 2.46 8.11 0.39 2.30 7.59 0.75 1.65 5.45
10 0.14 3.86 12.73 0.41 2.24 7.39 0.68 1.73 5.72 0.35 2.41 7.94 0.42 2.21 7.30 0.79 1.61 5.30
1 0.17 3.49 11.50 0.41 2.23 7.34 0.70 1.71 5.64 0.37 2.35 7.75 0.46 2.10 6.94 0.86 1.54 5.10
0.8 0.05 1 0.05 5.74 72.54 0.38 2.03 25.63 0.48 1.81 22.93 0.24 2.53 32.02 0.25 2.48 31.42 0.49 1.79 22.60
5 0.12 3.65 46.18 0.38 2.02 25.61 0.57 1.65 20.89 0.31 2.24 28.37 0.36 2.08 26.34 0.65 1.55 19.60
10 0.14 3.30 41.78 0.38 2.02 25.61 0.60 1.61 20.36 0.33 2.17 27.49 0.40 1.97 24.94 0.72 1.48 18.68
1 0.18 2.92 36.91 0.38 2.02 25.61 0.65 1.56 19.68 0.36 2.09 26.41 0.47 1.83 23.12 0.83 1.38 17.39
0.10 1 0.05 5.74 51.30 0.37 2.06 18.41 0.48 1.81 16.22 0.24 2.53 22.65 0.25 2.48 22.22 0.49 1.79 15.98
5 0.12 3.65 32.66 0.37 2.05 18.35 0.57 1.66 14.81 0.31 2.25 20.10 0.36 2.08 18.63 0.65 1.55 13.87
10 0.14 3.30 29.55 0.37 2.05 18.34 0.60 1.62 14.45 0.33 2.18 19.48 0.40 1.97 17.65 0.72 1.48 13.22
1 0.18 2.92 26.12 0.37 2.05 18.34 0.64 1.56 13.99 0.36 2.09 18.73 0.47 1.83 16.37 0.82 1.38 12.32
0.15 1 0.05 5.74 41.89 0.36 2.10 15.31 0.47 1.81 13.25 0.24 2.53 18.50 0.25 2.48 18.14 0.49 1.79 13.05
5 0.12 3.65 26.68 0.36 2.08 15.18 0.57 1.66 12.12 0.31 2.25 16.44 0.36 2.08 15.22 0.65 1.55 11.33
10 0.14 3.31 24.14 0.36 2.08 15.17 0.59 1.62 11.84 0.33 2.18 15.94 0.40 1.97 14.42 0.71 1.48 10.81
1 0.18 2.92 21.34 0.36 2.08 15.16 0.63 1.57 11.48 0.35 2.10 15.34 0.47 1.83 13.38 0.82 1.38 10.08
0.20 1 0.05 5.74 36.28 0.34 2.14 13.53 0.47 1.82 11.48 0.24 2.53 16.03 0.25 2.48 15.71 0.49 1.79 11.31
5 0.12 3.65 23.11 0.35 2.11 13.33 0.56 1.66 10.53 0.31 2.25 14.26 0.36 2.08 13.19 0.65 1.55 9.82
10 0.14 3.31 20.92 0.35 2.10 13.31 0.59 1.63 10.29 0.33 2.19 13.84 0.40 1.98 12.50 0.71 1.48 9.37
1 0.18 2.92 18.49 0.35 2.10 13.29 0.63 1.58 9.99 0.35 2.11 13.33 0.46 1.83 11.60 0.82 1.38 8.75
0.25 1 0.05 5.74 32.45 0.33 2.19 12.38 0.47 1.82 10.28 0.24 2.54 14.34 0.25 2.48 14.06 0.49 1.79 10.11
5 0.12 3.65 20.67 0.34 2.14 12.08 0.56 1.67 9.44 0.31 2.26 12.78 0.36 2.09 11.80 0.65 1.55 8.79
Appendix A (continued)
Sway column Case 1.1 Case 1.2 Case 1.3 Case 1.4 Case 1.5 Case 1.6
II/III a c khc C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2
10 0.14 3.31 18.71 0.34 2.13 12.06 0.59 1.63 9.24 0.32 2.19 12.41 0.40 1.98 11.18 0.71 1.48 8.39
1 0.18 2.93 16.55 0.35 2.13 12.03 0.62 1.59 8.98 0.35 2.11 11.96 0.46 1.84 10.39 0.81 1.39 7.84
0.9 0.05 1 0.05 5.24 149.06 0.31 2.01 57.23 0.39 1.78 50.68 0.21 2.41 68.53 0.22 2.36 67.05 0.40 1.75 49.81
5 0.12 3.18 90.43 0.31 2.01 57.22 0.50 1.58 44.87 0.29 2.08 59.07 0.35 1.89 53.66 0.59 1.44 41.12
10 0.15 2.82 80.39 0.31 2.01 57.22 0.53 1.52 43.28 0.31 1.99 56.70 0.40 1.75 49.82 0.68 1.34 38.26
1 0.21 2.43 69.22 0.31 2.01 57.22 0.59 1.45 41.20 0.35 1.89 53.73 0.50 1.57 44.76 0.85 1.20 34.20
0.10 1 0.05 5.24 105.40 0.30 2.02 40.71 0.39 1.78 35.84 0.21 2.41 48.47 0.22 2.36 47.41 0.40 1.75 35.22
5 0.12 3.18 63.95 0.30 2.02 40.69 0.50 1.58 31.76 0.29 2.08 41.80 0.35 1.89 37.95 0.59 1.44 29.08
10 0.15 2.82 56.85 0.30 2.02 40.69 0.53 1.52 30.65 0.31 1.99 40.13 0.40 1.75 35.23 0.68 1.34 27.06
1 0.21 2.43 48.95 0.30 2.02 40.69 0.59 1.45 29.20 0.35 1.89 38.04 0.50 1.57 31.66 0.85 1.20 24.19
0.15 1 0.05 5.24 86.06 0.30 2.04 33.46 0.39 1.78 29.27 0.21 2.41 39.58 0.22 2.36 38.71 0.40 1.75 28.76
5 0.12 3.18 52.22 0.30 2.03 33.41 0.49 1.58 25.96 0.29 2.08 34.15 0.35 1.89 30.98 0.59 1.45 23.75
10 0.15 2.82 46.42 0.30 2.03 33.41 0.53 1.52 25.06 0.31 2.00 32.79 0.40 1.75 28.77 0.68 1.34 22.10
1 0.21 2.43 39.98 0.30 2.03 33.40 0.58 1.45 23.89 0.34 1.89 31.11 0.50 1.57 25.86 0.85 1.20 19.76
0.20 1 0.05 5.24 74.53 0.29 2.05 29.17 0.39 1.78 25.35 0.21 2.41 34.28 0.22 2.36 33.52 0.40 1.75 24.91
5 0.12 3.18 45.22 0.30 2.05 29.10 0.49 1.58 22.50 0.29 2.08 29.59 0.35 1.89 26.84 0.59 1.45 20.57
10 0.15 2.83 40.20 0.30 2.04 29.09 0.53 1.53 21.73 0.31 2.00 28.43 0.40 1.75 24.92 0.68 1.35 19.14
1 0.21 2.43 34.62 0.30 2.04 29.09 0.58 1.46 20.74 0.34 1.90 26.98 0.50 1.57 22.40 0.85 1.20 17.12
0.25 1 0.05 5.24 66.66 0.29 2.06 26.28 0.39 1.78 22.68 0.21 2.41 30.67 0.22 2.36 29.98 0.40 1.75 22.28
5 0.12 3.18 40.45 0.29 2.06 26.18 0.49 1.58 20.15 0.29 2.08 26.49 0.35 1.89 24.00 0.59 1.45 18.40
10 0.15 2.83 35.96 0.29 2.06 26.17 0.53 1.53 19.47 0.31 2.00 25.45 0.40 1.75 22.29 0.68 1.35 17.13
1 0.21 2.43 30.97 0.29 2.06 26.16 0.58 1.46 18.59 0.34 1.90 24.16 0.50 1.57 20.04 0.85 1.20 15.32
4 0.6 0.05 1 0.03 9.76 32.74 0.60 2.14 7.19 0.74 1.93 6.49 0.20 3.74 12.56 0.20 3.70 12.42 0.75 1.92 6.45
5 0.06 6.55 21.98 0.64 2.08 6.98 0.78 1.88 6.32 0.23 3.51 11.76 0.25 3.36 11.28 0.82 1.84 6.17
10 0.08 6.04 20.24 0.64 2.08 6.96 0.79 1.87 6.28 0.23 3.45 11.58 0.26 3.27 10.98 0.84 1.82 6.09
1 0.09 5.47 18.35 0.65 2.07 6.95 0.80 1.86 6.23 0.24 3.38 11.35 0.28 3.15 10.58 0.87 1.78 5.98
0.10 1 0.03 9.77 23.16 0.43 2.55 6.04 0.74 1.94 4.60 0.20 3.75 8.89 0.20 3.70 8.78 0.75 1.92 4.56
5 0.06 6.57 15.58 0.58 2.19 5.20 0.77 1.90 4.52 0.22 3.53 8.36 0.24 3.37 8.00 0.81 1.85 4.39
10 0.08 6.05 14.36 0.59 2.17 5.15 0.77 1.90 4.50 0.23 3.47 8.24 0.26 3.28 7.79 0.83 1.83 4.34
1 0.09 5.49 13.03 0.60 2.15 5.10 0.78 1.89 4.48 0.24 3.41 8.09 0.28 3.17 7.52 0.86 1.80 4.27
0.15 1 0.03 9.77 18.92 0.31 3.01 5.84 0.73 1.95 3.78 0.20 3.76 7.27 0.20 3.71 7.18 0.75 1.93 3.73
5 0.06 6.58 12.75 0.51 2.33 4.52 0.75 1.93 3.73 0.22 3.54 6.86 0.24 3.38 6.55 0.80 1.86 3.60
10 0.08 6.07 11.76 0.53 2.28 4.42 0.75 1.92 3.73 0.23 3.50 6.77 0.26 3.30 6.39 0.82 1.84 3.57
1 0.09 5.52 10.68 0.55 2.24 4.34 0.75 1.92 3.72 0.23 3.44 6.67 0.27 3.19 6.18 0.84 1.82 3.52
0.20 1 0.03 9.78 16.39 0.24 3.44 5.76 0.72 1.97 3.30 0.20 3.76 6.31 0.20 3.71 6.22 0.75 1.93 3.24
5 0.06 6.60 11.06 0.45 2.49 4.18 0.73 1.96 3.28 0.22 3.56 5.98 0.24 3.39 5.69 0.79 1.87 3.14
10 0.07 6.09 10.21 0.48 2.41 4.04 0.73 1.96 3.28 0.22 3.52 5.91 0.25 3.31 5.55 0.81 1.86 3.11
1 0.09 5.54 9.29 0.51 2.34 3.92 0.73 1.95 3.28 0.23 3.47 5.82 0.27 3.21 5.38 0.82 1.84 3.09
0.25 1 0.03 9.78 14.67 0.19 3.82 5.73 0.70 1.99 2.99 0.20 3.77 5.65 0.20 3.71 5.57 0.74 1.93 2.90
5 0.06 6.61 9.91 0.39 2.66 3.99 0.70 1.99 2.98 0.22 3.59 5.38 0.24 3.40 5.10 0.78 1.88 2.83
10 0.07 6.11 9.16 0.43 2.54 3.81 0.70 1.99 2.98 0.22 3.55 5.32 0.25 3.32 4.98 0.79 1.87 2.81
1 0.09 5.57 8.35 0.47 2.44 3.66 0.70 1.99 2.98 0.23 3.50 5.25 0.27 3.22 4.84 0.80 1.86 2.79
0.7 0.05 1 0.03 8.75 45.63 0.48 2.06 10.76 0.56 1.92 10.00 0.17 3.49 18.22 0.17 3.45 17.98 0.56 1.90 9.93
5 0.06 5.62 29.33 0.49 2.05 10.68 0.60 1.84 9.61 0.20 3.22 16.79 0.22 3.05 15.92 0.64 1.78 9.30
10 0.08 5.10 26.60 0.49 2.05 10.67 0.62 1.82 9.50 0.21 3.15 16.43 0.24 2.94 15.32 0.67 1.74 9.10
1 0.10 4.52 23.57 0.49 2.04 10.66 0.63 1.80 9.37 0.22 3.06 15.99 0.26 2.78 14.51 0.72 1.69 8.80
0.10 1 0.03 8.75 32.27 0.43 2.19 8.08 0.55 1.92 7.08 0.17 3.50 12.89 0.17 3.45 12.72 0.56 1.90 7.02
5 0.06 5.63 20.76 0.46 2.10 7.76 0.60 1.85 6.83 0.20 3.23 11.91 0.22 3.06 11.27 0.64 1.79 6.59
10 0.08 5.11 18.84 0.46 2.10 7.73 0.61 1.84 6.77 0.20 3.16 11.67 0.24 2.94 10.85 0.67 1.75 6.45
1 0.10 4.53 16.71 0.47 2.09 7.71 0.62 1.81 6.69 0.21 3.08 11.37 0.26 2.79 10.29 0.71 1.70 6.26
0.15 1 0.03 8.75 26.36 0.35 2.40 7.24 0.55 1.92 5.79 0.17 3.50 10.54 0.17 3.45 10.39 0.56 1.90 5.73
5 0.06 5.63 16.97 0.43 2.17 6.53 0.59 1.86 5.61 0.19 3.24 9.76 0.22 3.06 9.22 0.64 1.79 5.40
10 0.08 5.11 15.40 0.44 2.15 6.48 0.60 1.85 5.57 0.20 3.18 9.57 0.23 2.95 8.88 0.66 1.76 5.29
1 0.10 4.54 13.68 0.45 2.14 6.44 0.61 1.83 5.52 0.21 3.10 9.34 0.26 2.80 8.43 0.70 1.71 5.14
0.20 1 0.03 8.75 22.83 0.29 2.66 6.93 0.55 1.93 5.02 0.17 3.50 9.13 0.17 3.45 9.00 0.56 1.90 4.97
5 0.06 5.64 14.71 0.41 2.24 5.84 0.58 1.88 4.90 0.19 3.25 8.48 0.22 3.06 7.99 0.63 1.80 4.69
10 0.08 5.12 13.36 0.42 2.21 5.77 0.59 1.87 4.87 0.20 3.19 8.32 0.23 2.95 7.71 0.66 1.76 4.60
P.D. Simão et al. / Engineering Structures 42 (2012) 51–82 67
Appendix A (continued)
Sway column Case 1.1 Case 1.2 Case 1.3 Case 1.4 Case 1.5 Case 1.6
II/III a c khc C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2
1 0.10 4.55 11.87 0.43 2.19 5.71 0.59 1.85 4.83 0.21 3.12 8.13 0.26 2.81 7.33 0.69 1.72 4.48
0.25 1 0.03 8.75 20.42 0.24 2.91 6.79 0.55 1.93 4.51 0.17 3.50 8.18 0.17 3.45 8.05 0.56 1.91 4.45
5 0.06 5.64 13.17 0.38 2.32 5.41 0.57 1.89 4.41 0.19 3.26 7.61 0.22 3.07 7.16 0.63 1.80 4.20
10 0.08 5.13 11.97 0.39 2.28 5.31 0.58 1.88 4.39 0.20 3.20 7.48 0.23 2.96 6.91 0.65 1.77 4.13
1 0.10 4.56 10.64 0.41 2.24 5.23 0.58 1.87 4.37 0.21 3.14 7.32 0.26 2.82 6.57 0.68 1.73 4.03
0.8 0.05 1 0.03 7.90 70.66 0.38 2.03 18.15 0.43 1.90 16.97 0.14 3.29 29.40 0.15 3.24 28.95 0.44 1.88 16.82
5 0.07 4.81 43.01 0.38 2.03 18.12 0.49 1.79 16.03 0.18 2.97 26.54 0.20 2.77 24.74 0.53 1.71 15.31
10 0.09 4.27 38.19 0.38 2.03 18.12 0.50 1.76 15.76 0.19 2.88 25.78 0.23 2.62 23.41 0.57 1.65 14.75
1 0.12 3.65 32.69 0.38 2.03 18.11 0.53 1.72 15.39 0.20 2.77 24.81 0.27 2.41 21.54 0.65 1.55 13.89
0.10 1 0.03 7.90 49.97 0.36 2.07 13.10 0.43 1.90 12.01 0.14 3.29 20.79 0.15 3.24 20.48 0.44 1.88 11.90
5 0.07 4.81 30.42 0.37 2.05 12.99 0.48 1.80 11.37 0.18 2.97 18.80 0.20 2.77 17.50 0.53 1.71 10.84
10 0.09 4.27 27.02 0.37 2.05 12.98 0.50 1.77 11.19 0.19 2.89 18.28 0.23 2.62 16.57 0.57 1.65 10.45
1 0.12 3.66 23.14 0.37 2.05 12.97 0.52 1.73 10.95 0.20 2.78 17.61 0.27 2.41 15.25 0.64 1.56 9.85
0.15 1 0.03 7.90 40.80 0.34 2.13 11.01 0.43 1.90 9.81 0.14 3.29 16.98 0.15 3.24 16.72 0.44 1.88 9.72
5 0.07 4.81 24.85 0.36 2.08 10.76 0.48 1.80 9.31 0.18 2.98 15.38 0.20 2.77 14.30 0.53 1.72 8.86
10 0.09 4.27 22.07 0.36 2.08 10.74 0.50 1.78 9.17 0.19 2.90 14.96 0.23 2.62 13.54 0.57 1.65 8.54
1 0.12 3.66 18.92 0.36 2.08 10.72 0.51 1.74 9.00 0.20 2.79 14.43 0.27 2.42 12.47 0.64 1.56 8.06
0.20 1 0.03 7.90 35.34 0.32 2.21 9.90 0.43 1.90 8.50 0.14 3.29 14.71 0.15 3.24 14.48 0.44 1.88 8.42
5 0.07 4.81 21.53 0.35 2.12 9.47 0.48 1.81 8.09 0.18 2.98 13.34 0.20 2.77 12.39 0.53 1.72 7.68
10 0.09 4.28 19.13 0.35 2.11 9.43 0.49 1.78 7.98 0.19 2.90 12.99 0.23 2.62 11.74 0.57 1.66 7.41
1 0.12 3.67 16.40 0.35 2.10 9.41 0.51 1.75 7.84 0.20 2.80 12.54 0.27 2.42 10.82 0.64 1.57 7.00
0.25 1 0.03 7.90 31.61 0.29 2.32 9.27 0.43 1.90 7.61 0.14 3.29 13.17 0.15 3.24 12.95 0.44 1.88 7.53
5 0.07 4.82 19.26 0.34 2.15 8.60 0.47 1.82 7.26 0.17 2.99 11.95 0.20 2.77 11.09 0.53 1.72 6.87
10 0.09 4.28 17.12 0.34 2.14 8.56 0.49 1.79 7.17 0.18 2.91 11.64 0.23 2.63 10.51 0.57 1.66 6.64
1 0.12 3.67 14.69 0.34 2.13 8.52 0.50 1.76 7.06 0.20 2.81 11.25 0.27 2.42 9.69 0.63 1.57 6.28
0.9 0.05 1 0.02 7.17 144.38 0.31 2.01 40.48 0.35 1.88 37.78 0.13 3.11 62.64 0.13 3.06 61.54 0.36 1.86 37.38
5 0.07 4.07 81.94 0.31 2.01 40.47 0.41 1.73 34.89 0.16 2.74 55.08 0.20 2.49 50.05 0.47 1.62 32.60
10 0.10 3.50 70.44 0.31 2.01 40.47 0.43 1.69 33.98 0.18 2.63 52.95 0.24 2.29 46.05 0.54 1.52 30.57
1 0.15 2.83 56.87 0.31 2.01 40.47 0.47 1.62 32.69 0.20 2.49 50.13 0.31 1.99 40.07 0.68 1.35 27.07
0.10 1 0.02 7.17 102.09 0.30 2.03 28.82 0.35 1.88 26.72 0.13 3.11 44.30 0.13 3.06 43.51 0.36 1.86 26.44
5 0.07 4.07 57.94 0.30 2.02 28.78 0.41 1.74 24.70 0.16 2.74 38.98 0.20 2.49 35.39 0.47 1.62 23.05
10 0.10 3.50 49.81 0.30 2.02 28.78 0.43 1.69 24.07 0.18 2.63 37.48 0.24 2.29 32.57 0.53 1.52 21.62
1 0.15 2.83 40.22 0.30 2.02 28.77 0.47 1.63 23.18 0.20 2.49 35.50 0.31 1.99 28.35 0.68 1.35 19.16
0.15 1 0.02 7.17 83.36 0.30 2.04 23.71 0.35 1.88 21.82 0.13 3.11 36.17 0.13 3.06 35.53 0.36 1.86 21.58
5 0.07 4.07 47.31 0.30 2.03 23.64 0.41 1.74 20.20 0.16 2.74 31.85 0.20 2.49 28.90 0.47 1.62 18.83
10 0.10 3.50 40.68 0.30 2.03 23.63 0.43 1.69 19.69 0.18 2.64 30.64 0.24 2.29 26.60 0.53 1.52 17.66
1 0.15 2.83 32.85 0.30 2.03 23.62 0.46 1.63 18.98 0.20 2.50 29.04 0.31 1.99 23.15 0.68 1.35 15.66
0.20 1 0.02 7.17 72.19 0.29 2.06 20.71 0.35 1.88 18.90 0.13 3.11 31.33 0.13 3.06 30.77 0.36 1.86 18.69
5 0.07 4.07 40.98 0.29 2.05 20.59 0.41 1.74 17.51 0.16 2.74 27.60 0.20 2.49 25.03 0.47 1.62 16.31
10 0.10 3.50 35.23 0.30 2.05 20.58 0.43 1.70 17.08 0.18 2.64 26.56 0.24 2.29 23.04 0.53 1.52 15.30
1 0.15 2.83 28.46 0.30 2.04 20.57 0.46 1.64 16.49 0.20 2.50 25.19 0.31 1.99 20.06 0.68 1.35 13.57
0.25 1 0.02 7.17 64.57 0.29 2.08 18.70 0.35 1.88 16.91 0.13 3.11 28.03 0.13 3.06 27.52 0.36 1.86 16.72
5 0.07 4.07 36.65 0.29 2.06 18.53 0.41 1.74 15.68 0.16 2.75 24.71 0.20 2.49 22.39 0.47 1.62 14.59
10 0.10 3.50 31.51 0.29 2.06 18.52 0.43 1.70 15.31 0.18 2.64 23.78 0.24 2.29 20.61 0.53 1.52 13.69
1 0.15 2.83 25.46 0.29 2.06 18.50 0.46 1.64 14.79 0.20 2.51 22.57 0.31 1.99 17.95 0.68 1.35 12.15
6 0.6 0.05 1 0.02 11.89 32.55 0.55 2.25 6.16 0.73 1.96 5.36 0.14 4.46 12.22 0.14 4.41 12.09 0.73 1.95 5.33
5 0.04 7.92 21.70 0.64 2.09 5.72 0.75 1.93 5.28 0.16 4.20 11.50 0.17 4.04 11.05 0.78 1.89 5.18
10 0.05 7.28 19.93 0.64 2.08 5.70 0.75 1.92 5.26 0.16 4.14 11.33 0.18 3.93 10.77 0.79 1.87 5.13
1 0.06 6.57 18.00 0.65 2.07 5.68 0.76 1.91 5.23 0.17 4.06 11.12 0.19 3.79 10.39 0.81 1.85 5.07
0.10 1 0.02 11.89 23.03 0.32 2.93 5.67 0.72 1.97 3.81 0.14 4.47 8.65 0.14 4.42 8.55 0.73 1.95 3.78
5 0.04 7.94 15.37 0.55 2.24 4.33 0.73 1.95 3.78 0.16 4.22 8.17 0.17 4.05 7.84 0.77 1.90 3.68
10 0.05 7.30 14.14 0.58 2.20 4.25 0.73 1.95 3.77 0.16 4.16 8.06 0.18 3.95 7.64 0.78 1.89 3.66
1 0.06 6.60 12.79 0.59 2.16 4.19 0.74 1.94 3.76 0.17 4.09 7.93 0.19 3.82 7.39 0.79 1.87 3.62
0.15 1 0.02 11.90 18.81 0.22 3.54 5.60 0.71 1.98 3.14 0.14 4.47 7.07 0.14 4.42 6.99 0.73 1.95 3.09
5 0.04 7.96 12.58 0.47 2.44 3.86 0.71 1.98 3.13 0.15 4.24 6.71 0.17 4.06 6.42 0.76 1.91 3.03
10 0.05 7.32 11.58 0.51 2.34 3.71 0.71 1.98 3.13 0.16 4.19 6.63 0.18 3.96 6.26 0.77 1.90 3.01
1 0.06 6.63 10.49 0.54 2.27 3.59 0.71 1.98 3.13 0.16 4.13 6.53 0.19 3.84 6.07 0.78 1.89 2.99
Appendix A (continued)
Sway column Case 1.1 Case 1.2 Case 1.3 Case 1.4 Case 1.5 Case 1.6
II/III a c khc C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2
0.20 1 0.02 11.90 16.30 0.17 4.07 5.58 0.68 2.02 2.77 0.14 4.48 6.14 0.14 4.42 6.05 0.73 1.96 2.68
5 0.04 7.98 10.92 0.39 2.67 3.66 0.68 2.02 2.77 0.15 4.27 5.84 0.17 4.07 5.57 0.75 1.93 2.64
10 0.05 7.35 10.06 0.44 2.52 3.44 0.68 2.02 2.77 0.16 4.22 5.78 0.18 3.98 5.45 0.75 1.92 2.63
1 0.06 6.66 9.13 0.49 2.39 3.27 0.68 2.02 2.77 0.16 4.16 5.70 0.19 3.86 5.28 0.76 1.91 2.62
0.25 1 0.02 11.91 14.58 0.13 4.54 5.56 0.62 2.12 2.59 0.14 4.49 5.50 0.14 4.42 5.42 0.72 1.96 2.40
5 0.04 7.99 9.79 0.33 2.91 3.56 0.65 2.07 2.54 0.15 4.29 5.26 0.17 4.08 5.00 0.73 1.94 2.38
10 0.05 7.37 9.03 0.38 2.70 3.30 0.65 2.07 2.53 0.15 4.25 5.20 0.17 3.99 4.89 0.74 1.94 2.38
1 0.06 6.70 8.20 0.44 2.51 3.08 0.65 2.06 2.53 0.16 4.20 5.15 0.18 3.88 4.75 0.74 1.94 2.37
0.7 0.05 1 0.02 10.63 45.30 0.47 2.08 8.86 0.54 1.94 8.28 0.12 4.15 17.67 0.12 4.10 17.46 0.55 1.93 8.23
5 0.04 6.76 28.80 0.49 2.05 8.73 0.57 1.89 8.06 0.14 3.85 16.38 0.15 3.66 15.57 0.60 1.85 7.86
10 0.05 6.11 26.01 0.49 2.05 8.72 0.58 1.88 8.00 0.14 3.77 16.05 0.16 3.52 15.00 0.62 1.82 7.73
1 0.07 5.37 22.90 0.49 2.04 8.71 0.59 1.86 7.92 0.15 3.67 15.64 0.18 3.34 14.22 0.65 1.77 7.54
0.10 1 0.02 10.64 32.04 0.38 2.32 7.00 0.54 1.95 5.86 0.12 4.15 12.50 0.12 4.10 12.35 0.55 1.93 5.83
5 0.04 6.77 20.39 0.46 2.11 6.37 0.56 1.90 5.73 0.14 3.86 11.62 0.15 3.66 11.03 0.60 1.85 5.57
10 0.05 6.12 18.42 0.46 2.10 6.33 0.57 1.89 5.70 0.14 3.78 11.40 0.16 3.53 10.63 0.61 1.82 5.49
1 0.07 5.39 16.24 0.47 2.09 6.31 0.58 1.88 5.66 0.15 3.69 11.12 0.18 3.35 10.09 0.64 1.78 5.37
0.15 1 0.02 10.64 26.16 0.28 2.69 6.62 0.54 1.95 4.80 0.12 4.15 10.21 0.12 4.10 10.08 0.55 1.93 4.76
5 0.04 6.77 16.66 0.42 2.19 5.40 0.56 1.92 4.72 0.14 3.87 9.52 0.15 3.67 9.01 0.59 1.86 4.56
10 0.05 6.13 15.07 0.43 2.17 5.33 0.56 1.91 4.70 0.14 3.80 9.35 0.16 3.54 8.70 0.61 1.83 4.50
1 0.07 5.40 13.29 0.44 2.15 5.28 0.56 1.90 4.68 0.15 3.71 9.13 0.18 3.36 8.27 0.63 1.79 4.41
0.20 1 0.02 10.64 22.66 0.22 3.06 6.51 0.53 1.96 4.17 0.12 4.16 8.85 0.12 4.10 8.73 0.54 1.94 4.12
5 0.04 6.78 14.45 0.39 2.29 4.88 0.55 1.93 4.12 0.14 3.88 8.27 0.15 3.67 7.82 0.59 1.86 3.96
10 0.05 6.14 13.07 0.41 2.24 4.77 0.55 1.93 4.11 0.14 3.82 8.13 0.16 3.54 7.55 0.60 1.84 3.91
1 0.07 5.42 11.54 0.42 2.20 4.69 0.55 1.92 4.10 0.15 3.74 7.96 0.18 3.37 7.18 0.63 1.80 3.84
0.25 1 0.02 10.64 20.27 0.18 3.39 6.46 0.53 1.96 3.74 0.12 4.16 7.93 0.12 4.10 7.81 0.54 1.94 3.69
5 0.04 6.79 12.94 0.35 2.40 4.57 0.54 1.95 3.72 0.13 3.90 7.42 0.15 3.68 7.00 0.59 1.87 3.56
10 0.05 6.15 11.71 0.38 2.32 4.42 0.54 1.95 3.71 0.14 3.83 7.30 0.16 3.55 6.76 0.60 1.85 3.52
1 0.07 5.43 10.35 0.40 2.26 4.30 0.54 1.95 3.71 0.14 3.76 7.16 0.18 3.38 6.45 0.62 1.82 3.46
0.8 0.05 1 0.02 9.59 70.03 0.38 2.03 14.84 0.42 1.93 14.09 0.10 3.89 28.42 0.11 3.84 28.03 0.42 1.92 14.00
5 0.05 5.74 41.93 0.38 2.03 14.80 0.46 1.85 13.53 0.12 3.54 25.86 0.14 3.31 24.17 0.49 1.79 13.06
10 0.06 5.06 36.95 0.38 2.03 14.79 0.47 1.83 13.36 0.13 3.45 25.16 0.16 3.13 22.88 0.52 1.74 12.69
1 0.09 4.27 31.21 0.38 2.03 14.79 0.48 1.80 13.13 0.14 3.32 24.24 0.19 2.88 21.00 0.57 1.65 12.07
0.10 1 0.02 9.59 49.52 0.36 2.09 10.80 0.42 1.93 9.97 0.10 3.89 20.10 0.11 3.84 19.82 0.42 1.92 9.90
5 0.05 5.74 29.66 0.37 2.06 10.62 0.45 1.86 9.60 0.12 3.55 18.32 0.14 3.31 17.10 0.49 1.79 9.24
10 0.06 5.06 26.15 0.37 2.05 10.61 0.46 1.84 9.49 0.13 3.45 17.83 0.16 3.14 16.19 0.52 1.74 8.98
1 0.09 4.28 22.10 0.37 2.05 10.59 0.48 1.81 9.35 0.14 3.33 17.20 0.19 2.88 14.87 0.57 1.66 8.56
0.15 1 0.02 9.59 40.44 0.32 2.19 9.25 0.42 1.93 8.15 0.10 3.89 16.42 0.11 3.84 16.19 0.42 1.92 8.09
5 0.05 5.75 24.23 0.36 2.09 8.81 0.45 1.87 7.86 0.12 3.55 14.98 0.14 3.31 13.97 0.49 1.79 7.56
10 0.06 5.07 21.36 0.36 2.08 8.79 0.46 1.85 7.79 0.13 3.46 14.60 0.16 3.14 13.23 0.51 1.74 7.35
1 0.09 4.28 18.07 0.36 2.08 8.76 0.47 1.82 7.68 0.14 3.34 14.10 0.19 2.89 12.17 0.56 1.66 7.01
0.20 1 0.02 9.59 35.02 0.28 2.35 8.57 0.42 1.93 7.06 0.10 3.90 14.22 0.11 3.84 14.02 0.42 1.92 7.00
5 0.05 5.75 20.99 0.35 2.13 7.77 0.45 1.87 6.84 0.12 3.56 13.00 0.14 3.31 12.10 0.49 1.79 6.55
10 0.06 5.07 18.52 0.35 2.12 7.72 0.45 1.86 6.78 0.13 3.47 12.67 0.16 3.14 11.47 0.51 1.75 6.37
1 0.08 4.29 15.67 0.35 2.11 7.69 0.46 1.83 6.70 0.14 3.36 12.25 0.19 2.89 10.55 0.56 1.67 6.09
0.25 1 0.02 9.59 31.33 0.24 2.53 8.25 0.42 1.94 6.32 0.10 3.90 12.73 0.11 3.84 12.54 0.42 1.92 6.27
5 0.05 5.75 18.78 0.33 2.17 7.08 0.44 1.88 6.14 0.12 3.57 11.65 0.14 3.32 10.83 0.48 1.80 5.86
10 0.06 5.07 16.57 0.34 2.15 7.02 0.45 1.87 6.09 0.13 3.48 11.36 0.16 3.14 10.27 0.51 1.75 5.71
1 0.08 4.30 14.03 0.34 2.13 6.97 0.46 1.85 6.03 0.14 3.37 11.00 0.19 2.90 9.46 0.56 1.67 5.47
0.9 0.05 1 0.02 8.69 142.81 0.30 2.01 33.06 0.34 1.91 31.46 0.09 3.68 60.41 0.09 3.62 59.45 0.34 1.90 31.23
5 0.05 4.81 79.00 0.31 2.01 33.05 0.38 1.81 29.68 0.12 3.26 53.62 0.14 2.97 48.79 0.42 1.71 28.11
10 0.07 4.07 66.92 0.31 2.01 33.05 0.39 1.77 29.08 0.13 3.14 51.61 0.17 2.72 44.77 0.47 1.62 26.62
1 0.12 3.18 52.25 0.31 2.01 33.04 0.42 1.72 28.20 0.14 2.97 48.87 0.23 2.33 38.34 0.59 1.45 23.76
0.10 1 0.02 8.69 100.98 0.30 2.03 23.55 0.34 1.92 22.25 0.09 3.68 42.72 0.09 3.62 42.04 0.34 1.90 22.08
5 0.05 4.81 55.86 0.30 2.02 23.51 0.38 1.81 21.01 0.12 3.27 37.94 0.14 2.97 34.50 0.42 1.71 19.88
10 0.07 4.07 47.32 0.30 2.02 23.50 0.39 1.77 20.60 0.12 3.14 36.53 0.17 2.73 31.66 0.47 1.62 18.83
1 0.12 3.18 36.96 0.30 2.02 23.50 0.42 1.72 20.00 0.14 2.98 34.62 0.23 2.33 27.12 0.59 1.45 16.82
0.15 1 0.02 8.69 82.45 0.30 2.05 19.40 0.34 1.92 18.17 0.09 3.68 34.89 0.09 3.62 34.32 0.34 1.90 18.03
P.D. Simão et al. / Engineering Structures 42 (2012) 51–82 69
Appendix A (continued)
Sway column Case 1.1 Case 1.2 Case 1.3 Case 1.4 Case 1.5 Case 1.6
II/III a c khc C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2
5 0.05 4.81 45.62 0.30 2.04 19.31 0.38 1.81 17.18 0.12 3.27 31.00 0.14 2.97 28.17 0.42 1.71 16.24
10 0.07 4.07 38.64 0.30 2.03 19.30 0.39 1.78 16.85 0.12 3.15 29.86 0.17 2.73 25.86 0.47 1.62 15.38
1 0.12 3.18 30.19 0.30 2.03 19.29 0.41 1.73 16.38 0.14 2.98 28.32 0.23 2.34 22.16 0.59 1.45 13.75
0.20 1 0.02 8.69 71.41 0.29 2.07 16.99 0.34 1.92 15.74 0.09 3.68 30.22 0.09 3.62 29.73 0.34 1.90 15.61
5 0.05 4.81 39.51 0.29 2.05 16.83 0.38 1.81 14.90 0.12 3.27 26.87 0.14 2.97 24.40 0.42 1.71 14.06
10 0.07 4.07 33.47 0.29 2.05 16.81 0.39 1.78 14.63 0.12 3.15 25.89 0.17 2.73 22.40 0.47 1.62 13.32
1 0.12 3.18 26.15 0.30 2.04 16.80 0.41 1.73 14.24 0.14 2.99 24.57 0.23 2.34 19.20 0.59 1.45 11.92
0.25 1 0.02 8.69 63.87 0.28 2.10 15.41 0.34 1.92 14.08 0.09 3.68 27.03 0.09 3.62 26.59 0.34 1.90 13.97
5 0.05 4.81 35.34 0.29 2.06 15.15 0.37 1.82 13.34 0.12 3.27 24.05 0.14 2.97 21.83 0.42 1.71 12.58
10 0.07 4.07 29.94 0.29 2.06 15.13 0.39 1.78 13.11 0.12 3.15 23.18 0.17 2.73 20.04 0.47 1.62 11.92
1 0.12 3.18 23.40 0.29 2.06 15.11 0.41 1.74 12.77 0.14 3.00 22.01 0.23 2.34 17.18 0.59 1.45 10.67
8 0.6 0.05 1 0.01 13.69 32.46 0.47 2.42 5.75 0.72 1.97 4.67 0.11 5.08 12.04 0.11 5.02 11.92 0.72 1.96 4.65
5 0.03 9.09 21.55 0.63 2.10 4.98 0.73 1.95 4.62 0.12 4.79 11.36 0.13 4.61 10.94 0.76 1.92 4.55
10 0.04 8.34 19.77 0.64 2.09 4.95 0.73 1.94 4.61 0.12 4.72 11.20 0.14 4.49 10.66 0.77 1.91 4.52
1 0.05 7.52 17.82 0.64 2.08 4.93 0.74 1.94 4.60 0.13 4.64 11.00 0.15 4.34 10.29 0.78 1.89 4.48
0.10 1 0.01 13.69 22.96 0.25 3.30 5.54 0.71 1.98 3.32 0.11 5.08 8.52 0.11 5.03 8.43 0.72 1.96 3.29
5 0.03 9.11 15.27 0.52 2.30 3.86 0.71 1.98 3.31 0.12 4.82 8.08 0.13 4.62 7.75 0.75 1.93 3.24
10 0.04 8.36 14.03 0.56 2.23 3.74 0.71 1.98 3.31 0.12 4.75 7.97 0.14 4.51 7.57 0.75 1.92 3.22
1 0.05 7.55 12.66 0.59 2.18 3.65 0.71 1.97 3.31 0.13 4.68 7.84 0.15 4.36 7.32 0.76 1.91 3.20
0.15 1 0.01 13.70 18.76 0.17 4.02 5.51 0.68 2.02 2.76 0.11 5.09 6.97 0.11 5.03 6.89 0.72 1.97 2.69
5 0.03 9.13 12.50 0.42 2.58 3.54 0.68 2.02 2.76 0.12 4.84 6.63 0.13 4.64 6.35 0.74 1.94 2.66
10 0.04 8.39 11.49 0.47 2.42 3.32 0.68 2.02 2.76 0.12 4.78 6.55 0.14 4.53 6.20 0.74 1.94 2.65
1 0.05 7.59 10.39 0.52 2.30 3.16 0.68 2.02 2.76 0.12 4.72 6.46 0.14 4.39 6.01 0.74 1.93 2.65
0.20 1 0.01 13.70 16.25 0.13 4.63 5.49 0.60 2.15 2.55 0.11 5.10 6.05 0.11 5.03 5.97 0.71 1.97 2.34
5 0.03 9.15 10.85 0.33 2.88 3.42 0.65 2.07 2.46 0.12 4.87 5.77 0.13 4.65 5.51 0.72 1.96 2.33
10 0.04 8.42 9.98 0.40 2.65 3.14 0.65 2.07 2.45 0.12 4.82 5.71 0.13 4.55 5.39 0.72 1.96 2.32
1 0.05 7.63 9.04 0.46 2.45 2.90 0.65 2.06 2.44 0.12 4.76 5.64 0.14 4.41 5.23 0.73 1.96 2.32
0.25 1 0.01 13.71 14.54 0.10 5.17 5.49 0.50 2.35 2.49 0.11 5.11 5.42 0.11 5.04 5.34 0.70 1.99 2.11
5 0.03 9.17 9.73 0.28 3.17 3.36 0.60 2.15 2.28 0.12 4.90 5.19 0.13 4.66 4.94 0.71 1.98 2.10
10 0.04 8.45 8.96 0.34 2.87 3.05 0.61 2.13 2.26 0.12 4.85 5.14 0.13 4.56 4.84 0.71 1.98 2.10
1 0.05 7.66 8.13 0.41 2.60 2.76 0.62 2.11 2.24 0.12 4.80 5.09 0.14 4.44 4.71 0.71 1.98 2.10
0.7 0.05 1 0.01 12.23 45.14 0.46 2.11 7.77 0.53 1.96 7.22 0.09 4.71 17.38 0.09 4.66 17.18 0.54 1.95 7.19
5 0.03 7.73 28.53 0.48 2.05 7.57 0.55 1.92 7.08 0.11 4.38 16.17 0.12 4.17 15.39 0.58 1.88 6.94
10 0.04 6.97 25.72 0.49 2.05 7.56 0.56 1.91 7.04 0.11 4.30 15.86 0.13 4.02 14.84 0.59 1.86 6.85
1 0.05 6.11 22.56 0.49 2.05 7.55 0.57 1.90 6.99 0.12 4.19 15.46 0.14 3.81 14.07 0.62 1.82 6.72
0.10 1 0.01 12.24 31.92 0.32 2.52 6.56 0.53 1.96 5.12 0.09 4.71 12.30 0.09 4.66 12.15 0.54 1.95 5.09
5 0.03 7.74 20.20 0.45 2.13 5.55 0.55 1.93 5.04 0.11 4.40 11.47 0.12 4.18 10.90 0.57 1.89 4.92
10 0.04 6.98 18.22 0.46 2.11 5.50 0.55 1.93 5.02 0.11 4.32 11.26 0.13 4.03 10.52 0.59 1.86 4.86
1 0.05 6.13 16.00 0.46 2.10 5.47 0.56 1.92 5.00 0.11 4.21 10.99 0.14 3.83 9.99 0.61 1.83 4.78
0.15 1 0.01 12.24 26.07 0.23 3.00 6.40 0.53 1.97 4.19 0.09 4.72 10.05 0.09 4.66 9.92 0.54 1.95 4.16
5 0.03 7.75 16.51 0.41 2.23 4.75 0.54 1.95 4.15 0.10 4.41 9.39 0.12 4.18 8.91 0.57 1.89 4.03
10 0.04 6.99 14.90 0.43 2.18 4.65 0.54 1.94 4.14 0.11 4.33 9.23 0.13 4.04 8.60 0.58 1.87 3.99
1 0.05 6.15 13.10 0.44 2.15 4.59 0.54 1.94 4.13 0.11 4.24 9.03 0.14 3.84 8.18 0.60 1.84 3.93
0.20 1 0.01 12.24 22.58 0.17 3.44 6.35 0.52 1.98 3.64 0.09 4.72 8.71 0.09 4.66 8.60 0.54 1.95 3.60
5 0.03 7.76 14.32 0.37 2.36 4.35 0.53 1.97 3.63 0.10 4.43 8.16 0.12 4.19 7.73 0.57 1.90 3.50
10 0.04 7.01 12.93 0.39 2.27 4.19 0.53 1.97 3.63 0.11 4.35 8.03 0.12 4.05 7.47 0.58 1.88 3.47
1 0.05 6.17 11.38 0.42 2.21 4.08 0.53 1.96 3.62 0.11 4.26 7.86 0.14 3.85 7.11 0.59 1.86 3.43
0.25 1 0.01 12.24 20.20 0.14 3.83 6.32 0.51 1.99 3.28 0.09 4.72 7.80 0.09 4.66 7.69 0.53 1.95 3.22
5 0.03 7.77 12.82 0.33 2.50 4.13 0.52 1.99 3.28 0.10 4.44 7.33 0.12 4.20 6.92 0.56 1.90 3.14
10 0.04 7.02 11.58 0.36 2.37 3.92 0.52 1.99 3.28 0.11 4.37 7.21 0.12 4.06 6.69 0.57 1.89 3.12
1 0.05 6.19 10.21 0.39 2.28 3.76 0.52 1.99 3.28 0.11 4.29 7.07 0.14 3.87 6.38 0.58 1.87 3.09
0.8 0.05 1 0.01 11.02 69.71 0.38 2.04 12.88 0.41 1.95 12.31 0.08 4.41 27.91 0.08 4.36 27.55 0.42 1.94 12.25
5 0.04 6.54 41.39 0.38 2.03 12.82 0.44 1.89 11.93 0.10 4.03 25.51 0.11 3.78 23.88 0.47 1.83 11.59
10 0.05 5.74 36.33 0.38 2.03 12.81 0.45 1.87 11.82 0.10 3.93 24.83 0.12 3.58 22.61 0.49 1.79 11.32
1 0.07 4.82 30.45 0.38 2.03 12.81 0.46 1.84 11.66 0.11 3.79 23.95 0.15 3.28 20.73 0.53 1.72 10.86
0.10 1 0.01 11.02 49.30 0.35 2.12 9.48 0.41 1.95 8.71 0.08 4.41 19.74 0.08 4.36 19.48 0.42 1.94 8.66
5 0.04 6.55 29.28 0.37 2.06 9.21 0.44 1.89 8.47 0.10 4.04 18.07 0.11 3.78 16.89 0.46 1.83 8.21
Appendix A (continued)
Sway column Case 1.1 Case 1.2 Case 1.3 Case 1.4 Case 1.5 Case 1.6
II/III a c khc C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2
10 0.05 5.75 25.71 0.37 2.06 9.19 0.44 1.88 8.40 0.10 3.94 17.60 0.12 3.58 16.00 0.49 1.79 8.02
1 0.07 4.82 21.57 0.37 2.05 9.18 0.45 1.86 8.30 0.11 3.80 17.00 0.14 3.28 14.68 0.53 1.72 7.70
0.15 1 0.01 11.02 40.25 0.30 2.29 8.38 0.41 1.95 7.12 0.08 4.42 16.12 0.08 4.36 15.91 0.42 1.94 7.07
5 0.04 6.55 23.92 0.36 2.10 7.66 0.43 1.90 6.94 0.10 4.05 14.78 0.11 3.78 13.80 0.46 1.84 6.71
10 0.05 5.75 21.01 0.36 2.09 7.62 0.44 1.89 6.89 0.10 3.95 14.41 0.12 3.58 13.08 0.48 1.80 6.56
1 0.07 4.83 17.64 0.36 2.08 7.59 0.45 1.87 6.82 0.11 3.81 13.93 0.14 3.29 12.01 0.52 1.73 6.31
0.20 1 0.01 11.02 34.86 0.24 2.53 8.01 0.41 1.95 6.17 0.08 4.42 13.97 0.08 4.36 13.78 0.42 1.94 6.13
5 0.04 6.55 20.72 0.34 2.14 6.77 0.43 1.91 6.03 0.10 4.05 12.82 0.11 3.78 11.96 0.46 1.84 5.81
10 0.05 5.76 18.21 0.35 2.12 6.71 0.43 1.90 6.00 0.10 3.96 12.51 0.12 3.59 11.34 0.48 1.80 5.69
1 0.07 4.84 15.30 0.35 2.11 6.67 0.44 1.88 5.95 0.11 3.83 12.11 0.14 3.30 10.42 0.52 1.73 5.48
0.25 1 0.01 11.03 31.18 0.20 2.78 7.86 0.41 1.95 5.53 0.08 4.42 12.50 0.08 4.36 12.32 0.42 1.94 5.48
5 0.04 6.56 18.54 0.33 2.19 6.19 0.43 1.92 5.42 0.09 4.06 11.49 0.11 3.78 10.70 0.46 1.84 5.21
10 0.05 5.76 16.30 0.33 2.16 6.11 0.43 1.91 5.39 0.10 3.97 11.22 0.12 3.59 10.15 0.48 1.80 5.10
1 0.07 4.84 13.70 0.34 2.14 6.04 0.43 1.90 5.36 0.11 3.84 10.87 0.14 3.30 9.34 0.52 1.74 4.92
0.9 0.05 1 0.01 9.98 142.02 0.30 2.01 28.64 0.33 1.93 27.53 0.07 4.16 59.24 0.07 4.10 58.35 0.33 1.92 27.37
5 0.04 5.45 77.51 0.31 2.01 28.62 0.36 1.85 26.30 0.09 3.71 52.85 0.11 3.38 48.15 0.40 1.77 25.14
10 0.06 4.58 65.12 0.31 2.01 28.62 0.37 1.82 25.87 0.10 3.58 50.91 0.13 3.10 44.12 0.43 1.69 23.99
1 0.10 3.50 49.83 0.31 2.01 28.62 0.39 1.77 25.22 0.11 3.39 48.23 0.18 2.63 37.43 0.53 1.52 21.63
0.10 1 0.01 9.98 100.43 0.30 2.03 20.42 0.33 1.94 19.47 0.07 4.16 41.89 0.07 4.10 41.26 0.33 1.92 19.35
5 0.04 5.45 54.81 0.30 2.02 20.36 0.36 1.85 18.62 0.09 3.72 37.40 0.11 3.38 34.05 0.40 1.77 17.78
10 0.06 4.58 46.05 0.30 2.02 20.35 0.37 1.82 18.33 0.10 3.58 36.04 0.13 3.10 31.20 0.43 1.69 16.97
1 0.10 3.50 35.25 0.30 2.02 20.35 0.39 1.78 17.89 0.11 3.40 34.17 0.18 2.63 26.48 0.53 1.52 15.32
0.15 1 0.01 9.98 82.00 0.29 2.05 16.86 0.33 1.94 15.90 0.07 4.16 34.21 0.07 4.10 33.69 0.33 1.92 15.80
5 0.04 5.45 44.76 0.30 2.04 16.73 0.36 1.85 15.22 0.09 3.72 30.56 0.11 3.38 27.80 0.40 1.77 14.52
10 0.06 4.58 37.61 0.30 2.03 16.72 0.37 1.83 14.99 0.10 3.59 29.46 0.13 3.10 25.48 0.43 1.69 13.86
1 0.10 3.51 28.80 0.30 2.03 16.71 0.39 1.78 14.66 0.11 3.40 27.95 0.18 2.63 21.63 0.53 1.52 12.52
0.20 1 0.01 9.98 71.01 0.28 2.08 14.82 0.33 1.94 13.78 0.07 4.16 29.63 0.07 4.10 29.18 0.33 1.92 13.69
5 0.04 5.45 38.77 0.29 2.05 14.58 0.36 1.86 13.20 0.09 3.72 26.48 0.11 3.38 24.08 0.40 1.77 12.58
10 0.06 4.58 32.58 0.29 2.05 14.57 0.37 1.83 13.01 0.10 3.59 25.54 0.13 3.10 22.07 0.43 1.69 12.01
1 0.10 3.51 24.95 0.30 2.05 14.55 0.39 1.79 12.74 0.11 3.41 24.25 0.18 2.63 18.75 0.53 1.53 10.86
0.25 1 0.01 9.98 63.52 0.27 2.12 13.52 0.33 1.94 12.32 0.07 4.16 26.51 0.07 4.10 26.10 0.33 1.92 12.24
5 0.04 5.45 34.68 0.29 2.06 13.13 0.36 1.86 11.83 0.09 3.73 23.71 0.11 3.38 21.54 0.39 1.77 11.25
10 0.06 4.58 29.14 0.29 2.06 13.11 0.37 1.83 11.66 0.10 3.59 22.87 0.13 3.10 19.75 0.43 1.69 10.75
1 0.10 3.51 22.33 0.29 2.06 13.09 0.38 1.80 11.43 0.11 3.41 21.73 0.18 2.64 16.78 0.53 1.53 9.72
10 0.6 0.05 1 0.01 15.27 32.40 0.40 2.63 5.58 0.71 1.98 4.19 0.09 5.62 11.93 0.09 5.57 11.81 0.72 1.97 4.18
5 0.03 10.12 21.46 0.62 2.11 4.48 0.72 1.96 4.17 0.10 5.32 11.28 0.11 5.12 10.86 0.74 1.94 4.11
10 0.03 9.28 19.68 0.63 2.09 4.44 0.72 1.96 4.16 0.10 5.24 11.12 0.11 4.99 10.59 0.75 1.93 4.08
1 0.04 8.35 17.72 0.64 2.08 4.41 0.73 1.96 4.15 0.10 5.15 10.93 0.12 4.82 10.23 0.76 1.91 4.06
0.10 1 0.01 15.28 22.92 0.21 3.65 5.48 0.70 2.00 2.99 0.09 5.63 8.45 0.09 5.57 8.36 0.71 1.97 2.96
5 0.03 10.14 15.21 0.49 2.38 3.57 0.70 2.00 2.99 0.10 5.34 8.02 0.11 5.13 7.70 0.73 1.95 2.92
10 0.03 9.31 13.96 0.54 2.27 3.41 0.70 2.00 2.99 0.10 5.28 7.91 0.11 5.01 7.52 0.74 1.94 2.91
1 0.04 8.39 12.59 0.58 2.20 3.29 0.70 2.00 2.99 0.10 5.19 7.79 0.12 4.85 7.28 0.74 1.93 2.90
0.15 1 0.01 15.29 18.72 0.14 4.46 5.46 0.63 2.09 2.56 0.09 5.64 6.91 0.09 5.57 6.83 0.71 1.98 2.42
5 0.03 10.17 12.45 0.37 2.74 3.36 0.66 2.05 2.51 0.10 5.37 6.58 0.10 5.15 6.31 0.72 1.96 2.41
10 0.03 9.34 11.44 0.44 2.52 3.09 0.67 2.04 2.50 0.10 5.31 6.50 0.11 5.03 6.16 0.72 1.96 2.40
1 0.04 8.44 10.33 0.50 2.35 2.87 0.67 2.04 2.50 0.10 5.24 6.41 0.12 4.88 5.97 0.72 1.96 2.40
0.20 1 0.01 15.30 16.22 0.11 5.14 5.45 0.51 2.34 2.48 0.09 5.65 5.99 0.09 5.58 5.92 0.70 1.99 2.11
5 0.03 10.19 10.81 0.29 3.10 3.28 0.61 2.13 2.26 0.10 5.40 5.73 0.10 5.16 5.48 0.70 1.99 2.11
10 0.03 9.37 9.94 0.36 2.79 2.96 0.62 2.11 2.24 0.10 5.35 5.67 0.11 5.05 5.36 0.70 1.99 2.11
1 0.04 8.48 8.99 0.44 2.52 2.68 0.63 2.09 2.22 0.10 5.28 5.60 0.12 4.91 5.20 0.70 1.99 2.11
0.25 1 0.01 15.30 14.52 0.08 5.74 5.44 0.41 2.60 2.47 0.09 5.66 5.37 0.09 5.58 5.29 0.68 2.02 1.92
5 0.03 10.21 9.69 0.24 3.42 3.25 0.55 2.24 2.13 0.09 5.43 5.15 0.10 5.18 4.91 0.68 2.02 1.91
10 0.03 9.40 8.92 0.30 3.06 2.90 0.58 2.19 2.08 0.10 5.38 5.11 0.11 5.07 4.81 0.68 2.02 1.91
1 0.04 8.52 8.08 0.38 2.71 2.57 0.60 2.15 2.04 0.10 5.33 5.05 0.11 4.93 4.68 0.68 2.01 1.91
0.7 0.05 1 0.01 13.65 45.04 0.44 2.15 7.10 0.53 1.97 6.49 0.08 5.21 17.20 0.08 5.16 17.01 0.53 1.96 6.46
5 0.03 8.60 28.37 0.48 2.05 6.78 0.54 1.94 6.39 0.09 4.86 16.04 0.10 4.63 15.28 0.56 1.90 6.28
10 0.03 7.74 25.54 0.49 2.05 6.76 0.55 1.93 6.36 0.09 4.77 15.74 0.10 4.47 14.74 0.58 1.88 6.21
P.D. Simão et al. / Engineering Structures 42 (2012) 51–82 71
Appendix A (continued)
Sway column Case 1.1 Case 1.2 Case 1.3 Case 1.4 Case 1.5 Case 1.6
II/III a c khc C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2
1 0.04 6.77 22.35 0.49 2.05 6.75 0.55 1.92 6.33 0.09 4.65 15.35 0.11 4.24 13.98 0.59 1.85 6.11
0.10 1 0.01 13.65 31.85 0.27 2.73 6.38 0.53 1.97 4.60 0.08 5.22 12.17 0.08 5.16 12.03 0.53 1.96 4.57
5 0.03 8.61 20.09 0.44 2.14 5.00 0.54 1.95 4.55 0.09 4.88 11.38 0.09 4.64 10.82 0.56 1.91 4.45
10 0.03 7.75 18.09 0.46 2.12 4.94 0.54 1.95 4.54 0.09 4.79 11.17 0.10 4.48 10.45 0.57 1.89 4.41
1 0.04 6.79 15.85 0.46 2.10 4.90 0.54 1.94 4.53 0.09 4.68 10.92 0.11 4.25 9.92 0.59 1.87 4.35
0.15 1 0.01 13.65 26.01 0.19 3.30 6.29 0.52 1.98 3.77 0.07 5.22 9.95 0.08 5.16 9.83 0.53 1.96 3.74
5 0.03 8.62 16.42 0.40 2.27 4.33 0.53 1.97 3.75 0.09 4.89 9.32 0.09 4.64 8.85 0.56 1.91 3.65
10 0.03 7.77 14.80 0.42 2.21 4.20 0.53 1.97 3.75 0.09 4.81 9.16 0.10 4.49 8.55 0.57 1.90 3.62
1 0.04 6.82 12.99 0.44 2.16 4.12 0.53 1.97 3.74 0.09 4.71 8.96 0.11 4.27 8.13 0.58 1.88 3.58
0.20 1 0.01 13.66 22.53 0.14 3.80 6.26 0.51 1.99 3.29 0.07 5.22 8.62 0.08 5.16 8.51 0.53 1.96 3.24
5 0.03 8.63 14.24 0.34 2.44 4.02 0.51 1.99 3.29 0.08 4.91 8.10 0.09 4.65 7.67 0.55 1.92 3.17
10 0.03 7.78 12.84 0.38 2.31 3.82 0.51 1.99 3.29 0.09 4.83 7.97 0.10 4.50 7.42 0.56 1.91 3.15
1 0.04 6.84 11.28 0.41 2.23 3.68 0.51 1.99 3.29 0.09 4.73 7.81 0.11 4.28 7.06 0.57 1.89 3.12
0.25 1 0.01 13.66 20.16 0.11 4.23 6.25 0.50 2.03 2.99 0.07 5.23 7.72 0.08 5.16 7.62 0.53 1.96 2.90
5 0.03 8.64 12.75 0.30 2.62 3.87 0.50 2.02 2.98 0.08 4.92 7.27 0.09 4.66 6.87 0.55 1.93 2.85
10 0.03 7.80 11.50 0.34 2.44 3.60 0.50 2.02 2.98 0.09 4.85 7.16 0.10 4.50 6.65 0.55 1.92 2.83
1 0.04 6.86 10.12 0.38 2.30 3.40 0.50 2.02 2.98 0.09 4.76 7.02 0.11 4.30 6.34 0.56 1.91 2.81
0.8 0.05 1 0.01 12.29 69.52 0.38 2.04 11.55 0.41 1.96 11.07 0.07 4.88 27.60 0.07 4.82 27.25 0.41 1.95 11.02
5 0.03 7.26 41.06 0.38 2.03 11.47 0.43 1.91 10.80 0.08 4.47 25.29 0.09 4.19 23.70 0.45 1.86 10.53
10 0.04 6.36 35.95 0.38 2.03 11.46 0.44 1.89 10.71 0.08 4.35 24.63 0.10 3.97 22.45 0.47 1.83 10.32
1 0.06 5.30 30.00 0.38 2.03 11.46 0.45 1.87 10.60 0.09 4.20 23.77 0.12 3.64 20.57 0.50 1.76 9.96
0.10 1 0.01 12.29 49.16 0.33 2.17 8.66 0.41 1.96 7.83 0.07 4.88 19.52 0.07 4.82 19.27 0.41 1.95 7.80
5 0.03 7.26 29.05 0.37 2.06 8.25 0.43 1.92 7.66 0.08 4.48 17.91 0.09 4.19 16.77 0.45 1.86 7.46
10 0.04 6.36 25.44 0.37 2.06 8.23 0.43 1.90 7.61 0.08 4.37 17.46 0.10 3.97 15.89 0.47 1.83 7.31
1 0.06 5.31 21.25 0.37 2.05 8.21 0.44 1.89 7.54 0.09 4.22 16.87 0.12 3.64 14.57 0.50 1.77 7.07
0.15 1 0.01 12.29 40.14 0.26 2.43 7.95 0.41 1.96 6.40 0.07 4.88 15.94 0.07 4.82 15.74 0.41 1.95 6.37
5 0.03 7.27 23.73 0.35 2.10 6.87 0.42 1.92 6.28 0.08 4.49 14.65 0.09 4.19 13.70 0.45 1.87 6.09
10 0.04 6.37 20.79 0.36 2.09 6.83 0.43 1.91 6.25 0.08 4.38 14.29 0.10 3.98 12.99 0.47 1.83 5.98
1 0.06 5.32 17.38 0.36 2.08 6.80 0.43 1.90 6.20 0.09 4.23 13.82 0.12 3.65 11.92 0.50 1.77 5.79
0.20 1 0.01 12.29 34.77 0.21 2.74 7.76 0.41 1.96 5.55 0.07 4.88 13.81 0.07 4.82 13.63 0.41 1.95 5.51
5 0.03 7.27 20.56 0.34 2.15 6.09 0.42 1.93 5.46 0.08 4.49 12.71 0.09 4.20 11.87 0.45 1.87 5.28
10 0.04 6.37 18.02 0.34 2.13 6.02 0.42 1.92 5.44 0.08 4.39 12.41 0.10 3.98 11.26 0.46 1.84 5.19
1 0.06 5.33 15.07 0.35 2.11 5.97 0.43 1.91 5.41 0.09 4.25 12.02 0.12 3.66 10.34 0.49 1.78 5.04
0.25 1 0.01 12.29 31.10 0.17 3.04 7.68 0.40 1.97 4.97 0.07 4.89 12.36 0.07 4.82 12.19 0.41 1.95 4.93
5 0.03 7.27 18.40 0.32 2.21 5.60 0.41 1.94 4.91 0.08 4.50 11.39 0.09 4.20 10.62 0.45 1.87 4.73
10 0.04 6.38 16.13 0.33 2.17 5.49 0.42 1.93 4.90 0.08 4.40 11.13 0.10 3.98 10.08 0.46 1.84 4.65
1 0.05 5.34 13.50 0.34 2.14 5.42 0.42 1.93 4.88 0.09 4.26 10.79 0.12 3.66 9.26 0.49 1.79 4.52
0.9 0.05 1 0.01 11.12 141.55 0.30 2.01 25.62 0.33 1.95 24.78 0.06 4.60 58.52 0.06 4.53 57.68 0.33 1.94 24.66
5 0.03 6.02 76.61 0.31 2.01 25.60 0.35 1.88 23.87 0.07 4.12 52.38 0.09 3.75 47.76 0.38 1.80 22.97
10 0.05 5.03 64.03 0.31 2.01 25.60 0.36 1.85 23.54 0.08 3.97 50.49 0.10 3.44 43.73 0.41 1.73 22.05
1 0.09 3.80 48.35 0.31 2.01 25.60 0.38 1.81 23.04 0.09 3.76 47.84 0.15 2.90 36.86 0.50 1.58 20.07
0.10 1 0.01 11.12 100.09 0.30 2.03 18.29 0.33 1.95 17.53 0.06 4.60 41.38 0.06 4.53 40.78 0.33 1.94 17.44
5 0.03 6.02 54.18 0.30 2.02 18.21 0.35 1.88 16.90 0.07 4.12 37.07 0.09 3.75 33.78 0.38 1.80 16.24
10 0.05 5.03 45.28 0.30 2.02 18.21 0.36 1.85 16.68 0.08 3.97 35.74 0.10 3.44 30.93 0.41 1.73 15.60
1 0.09 3.80 34.20 0.30 2.02 18.20 0.37 1.82 16.35 0.09 3.77 33.89 0.15 2.90 26.08 0.50 1.58 14.21
0.15 1 0.01 11.12 81.72 0.29 2.06 15.14 0.33 1.95 14.32 0.06 4.60 33.79 0.06 4.53 33.30 0.33 1.94 14.24
5 0.03 6.02 44.24 0.30 2.04 14.97 0.35 1.88 13.82 0.07 4.12 30.29 0.09 3.75 27.58 0.38 1.81 13.26
10 0.05 5.03 36.98 0.30 2.04 14.96 0.36 1.86 13.65 0.08 3.98 29.21 0.10 3.44 25.26 0.41 1.73 12.74
1 0.09 3.80 27.94 0.30 2.03 14.94 0.37 1.82 13.40 0.09 3.77 27.73 0.15 2.90 21.31 0.49 1.58 11.62
0.20 1 0.01 11.12 70.78 0.28 2.10 13.38 0.33 1.95 12.40 0.06 4.60 29.27 0.06 4.53 28.84 0.33 1.94 12.33
5 0.03 6.02 38.32 0.29 2.05 13.05 0.35 1.88 11.98 0.07 4.12 26.25 0.09 3.75 23.89 0.38 1.81 11.49
10 0.05 5.03 32.03 0.29 2.05 13.03 0.36 1.86 11.84 0.08 3.98 25.33 0.10 3.44 21.88 0.41 1.73 11.04
1 0.09 3.80 24.21 0.30 2.05 13.02 0.37 1.83 11.64 0.09 3.78 24.05 0.15 2.90 18.47 0.49 1.58 10.08
0.25 1 0.01 11.12 63.30 0.26 2.17 12.33 0.32 1.95 11.09 0.06 4.60 26.18 0.06 4.53 25.79 0.33 1.94 11.03
5 0.03 6.02 34.27 0.29 2.07 11.76 0.35 1.89 10.74 0.07 4.13 23.50 0.09 3.75 21.37 0.38 1.81 10.28
10 0.05 5.03 28.66 0.29 2.06 11.73 0.35 1.87 10.62 0.08 3.98 22.68 0.10 3.44 19.57 0.41 1.74 9.88
1 0.09 3.81 21.67 0.29 2.06 11.71 0.37 1.84 10.45 0.09 3.79 21.56 0.15 2.90 16.53 0.49 1.59 9.02
Sway-prevented Case 2.1 Case 2.2 Case 2.3 Case 2.4 Case 2.5 Case 2.6 Case 2.7 Case 2.8 Case 2.9
II/III a c khc C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2
2 0.6 0.05 1 0.39 2.65 12.58 0.71 1.98 9.38 1.17 1.54 7.32 1.02 1.65 7.83 1.35 1.44 6.81 1.72 1.27 6.03 1.92 1.20 5.70 2.31 1.10 5.21 2.53 1.05 4.97
5 1.04 1.64 7.76 1.53 1.35 6.39 2.20 1.12 5.33 1.71 1.27 6.04 2.35 1.09 5.16 3.05 0.95 4.53 2.38 1.08 5.12 3.30 0.92 4.35 4.38 0.80 3.78
10 1.26 1.48 7.03 1.86 1.22 5.80 2.69 1.02 4.82 1.89 1.21 5.75 2.66 1.02 4.85 3.69 0.87 4.11 2.43 1.07 5.07 3.38 0.91 4.30 5.24 0.73 3.45
1 1.55 1.34 6.34 2.30 1.10 5.22 3.57 0.88 4.19 2.07 1.16 5.50 2.95 0.97 4.60 4.73 0.77 3.63 2.48 1.06 5.02 3.43 0.90 4.27 5.98 0.68 3.23
0.10 1 0.37 2.74 9.20 0.66 2.04 6.86 1.10 1.59 5.33 0.95 1.71 5.73 1.26 1.48 4.98 1.62 1.31 4.39 1.79 1.25 4.18 2.14 1.14 3.82 2.38 1.08 3.63
5 0.97 1.69 5.66 1.43 1.39 4.68 2.06 1.16 3.89 1.62 1.31 4.39 2.21 1.12 3.76 2.87 0.98 3.30 2.30 1.10 3.68 3.15 0.94 3.15 4.11 0.82 2.76
10 1.19 1.53 5.12 1.74 1.27 4.24 2.52 1.05 3.52 1.81 1.24 4.16 2.52 1.05 3.52 3.47 0.89 3.00 2.37 1.08 3.63 3.28 0.92 3.09 4.92 0.75 2.52
1 1.48 1.37 4.59 2.16 1.13 3.80 3.31 0.92 3.07 2.00 1.18 3.95 2.84 0.99 3.32 4.45 0.79 2.65 2.43 1.07 3.59 3.35 0.91 3.05 5.76 0.69 2.33
0.15 1 0.35 2.83 7.75 0.62 2.11 5.78 1.04 1.63 4.47 0.89 1.76 4.83 1.18 1.53 4.20 1.54 1.34 3.68 1.67 1.29 3.53 1.99 1.18 3.24 2.24 1.11 3.05
5 0.92 1.74 4.76 1.34 1.44 3.94 1.94 1.20 3.27 1.54 1.34 3.67 2.08 1.16 3.17 2.71 1.01 2.77 2.22 1.12 3.06 3.01 0.96 2.63 3.87 0.85 2.32
10 1.13 1.57 4.30 1.63 1.31 3.58 2.36 1.08 2.97 1.73 1.27 3.47 2.39 1.08 2.95 3.27 0.92 2.52 2.31 1.10 3.00 3.17 0.94 2.56 4.64 0.77 2.12
1 1.41 1.40 3.84 2.04 1.17 3.19 3.08 0.95 2.60 1.94 1.20 3.28 2.73 1.01 2.76 4.20 0.81 2.23 2.38 1.08 2.96 3.28 0.92 2.52 5.53 0.71 1.94
0.20 1 0.33 2.92 6.92 0.59 2.17 5.15 0.99 1.67 3.97 0.84 1.81 4.30 1.11 1.58 3.74 1.46 1.38 3.27 1.57 1.33 3.16 1.86 1.22 2.90 2.12 1.14 2.72
0.7 0.05 1 0.58 1.88 13.86 0.86 1.54 11.35 1.17 1.32 9.74 1.73 1.09 8.01 2.18 0.97 7.14 2.28 0.95 6.98 2.11 0.98 7.26 2.75 0.86 6.35 3.88 0.73 5.35
5 1.31 1.25 9.20 1.93 1.03 7.59 2.65 0.88 6.47 1.88 1.04 7.68 2.67 0.87 6.45 4.14 0.70 5.18 2.15 0.97 7.19 2.89 0.84 6.20 4.82 0.65 4.80
10 1.45 1.19 8.75 2.16 0.97 7.18 3.30 0.79 5.81 1.90 1.04 7.65 2.68 0.87 6.44 4.53 0.67 4.95 2.16 0.97 7.17 2.91 0.84 6.18 4.90 0.65 4.76
1 1.57 1.14 8.41 2.32 0.94 6.93 3.96 0.72 5.30 1.91 1.03 7.63 2.69 0.87 6.43 4.61 0.67 4.91 2.17 0.97 7.16 2.94 0.83 6.15 4.96 0.64 4.73
0.10 1 0.52 1.97 10.29 0.78 1.62 8.43 1.08 1.38 7.19 1.61 1.13 5.87 1.97 1.02 5.30 2.11 0.98 5.14 2.10 0.98 5.14 2.75 0.86 4.49 3.73 0.74 3.86
5 1.23 1.29 6.72 1.78 1.07 5.59 2.43 0.92 4.79 1.84 1.05 5.50 2.59 0.89 4.63 3.81 0.73 3.82 2.13 0.98 5.10 2.87 0.84 4.40 4.80 0.65 3.40
10 1.38 1.22 6.34 2.03 1.00 5.23 3.02 0.82 4.29 1.86 1.05 5.47 2.62 0.88 4.61 4.29 0.69 3.60 2.14 0.98 5.10 2.89 0.84 4.39 4.86 0.65 3.38
1 1.52 1.16 6.05 2.23 0.96 4.99 3.73 0.74 3.86 1.87 1.04 5.45 2.63 0.88 4.59 4.47 0.68 3.52 2.15 0.98 5.09 2.91 0.84 4.37 4.89 0.65 3.37
0.15 1 0.48 2.06 8.78 0.71 1.69 7.20 0.99 1.43 6.10 1.50 1.17 4.98 1.80 1.06 4.53 1.95 1.02 4.35 2.10 0.99 4.20 2.75 0.86 3.67 3.55 0.76 3.23
5 1.16 1.33 5.66 1.65 1.11 4.74 2.23 0.96 4.07 1.79 1.07 4.56 2.51 0.90 3.84 3.52 0.76 3.24 2.12 0.98 4.18 2.85 0.85 3.61 4.78 0.65 2.78
10 1.32 1.24 5.30 1.91 1.03 4.40 2.79 0.86 3.65 1.81 1.06 4.52 2.55 0.89 3.81 4.04 0.71 3.03 2.12 0.98 4.18 2.86 0.84 3.60 4.80 0.65 2.78
1 1.47 1.18 5.02 2.14 0.98 4.16 3.50 0.76 3.25 1.84 1.05 4.49 2.58 0.89 3.79 4.33 0.69 2.93 2.12 0.98 4.18 2.87 0.84 3.59 4.82 0.65 2.77
0.20 1 0.44 2.15 7.92 0.66 1.76 6.50 0.92 1.49 5.48 1.39 1.21 4.47 1.66 1.11 4.09 1.82 1.06 3.91 2.08 0.99 3.65 2.75 0.86 3.18 3.35 0.78 2.88
5 1.09 1.37 5.05 1.53 1.15 4.26 2.07 0.99 3.66 1.73 1.09 4.00 2.41 0.92 3.40 3.27 0.79 2.91 2.10 0.99 3.64 2.83 0.85 3.14 4.73 0.66 2.42
10 1.25 1.28 4.70 1.80 1.07 3.93 2.59 0.89 3.28 1.77 1.07 3.96 2.48 0.91 3.35 3.80 0.73 2.70 2.10 0.99 3.64 2.83 0.85 3.13 4.74 0.66 2.42
1 1.42 1.20 4.42 2.06 1.00 3.67 3.30 0.79 2.90 1.80 1.06 3.93 2.52 0.90 3.32 4.18 0.70 2.58 2.10 0.99 3.64 2.84 0.85 3.13 4.74 0.66 2.42
0.25 1 0.41 2.23 7.35 0.61 1.83 6.04 0.86 1.54 5.07 1.30 1.25 4.14 1.54 1.15 3.80 1.70 1.09 3.61 2.07 0.99 3.28 2.75 0.86 2.84 3.15 0.80 2.65
5 1.03 1.41 4.65 1.43 1.20 3.95 1.93 1.03 3.40 1.68 1.10 3.64 2.30 0.94 3.11 3.06 0.82 2.70 2.08 0.99 3.27 2.80 0.85 2.82 4.65 0.66 2.19
10 1.20 1.31 4.31 1.70 1.10 3.62 2.41 0.92 3.04 1.73 1.09 3.59 2.40 0.92 3.04 3.58 0.76 2.49 2.08 0.99 3.27 2.80 0.85 2.82 4.65 0.66 2.19
1 1.37 1.22 4.03 1.97 1.02 3.36 3.10 0.81 2.68 1.77 1.07 3.55 2.46 0.91 3.00 4.03 0.71 2.35 2.08 0.99 3.27 2.81 0.85 2.81 4.66 0.66 2.18
0.8 0.05 1 0.98 1.26 15.94 1.34 1.08 13.67 1.55 1.00 12.71 1.62 0.98 12.42 2.17 0.85 10.74 3.26 0.69 8.76 1.66 0.97 12.28 2.17 0.85 10.73 3.37 0.68 8.61
5 1.37 1.07 13.53 2.00 0.88 11.19 3.35 0.68 8.64 1.65 0.97 12.29 2.26 0.83 10.51 3.68 0.65 8.24 1.79 0.93 11.81 2.37 0.81 10.27 3.74 0.65 8.18
10 1.39 1.06 13.42 2.01 0.88 11.14 3.40 0.68 8.57 1.66 0.97 12.27 2.28 0.83 10.47 3.72 0.65 8.19 1.84 0.92 11.65 2.44 0.80 10.12 3.87 0.64 8.04
1 1.41 1.05 13.33 2.03 0.88 11.11 3.42 0.68 8.55 1.67 0.97 12.24 2.30 0.82 10.42 3.77 0.64 8.15 1.92 0.90 11.42 2.55 0.78 9.90 4.07 0.62 7.84
Appendix A (continued)
Sway-prevented Case 2.1 Case 2.2 Case 2.3 Case 2.4 Case 2.5 Case 2.6 Case 2.7 Case 2.8 Case 2.9
II/III a c khc C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2
0.10 1 0.87 1.34 12.01 1.15 1.17 10.43 1.36 1.07 9.60 1.62 0.98 8.80 2.17 0.85 7.60 3.21 0.70 6.24 1.66 0.97 8.69 2.17 0.85 7.59 3.37 0.68 6.09
5 1.32 1.09 9.72 1.93 0.90 8.05 3.15 0.70 6.30 1.64 0.98 8.73 2.25 0.83 7.46 3.66 0.65 5.85 1.79 0.93 8.36 2.36 0.81 7.27 3.73 0.65 5.79
10 1.35 1.07 9.61 1.96 0.89 7.98 3.28 0.69 6.18 1.65 0.97 8.71 2.26 0.83 7.43 3.69 0.65 5.82 1.84 0.92 8.25 2.43 0.80 7.17 3.86 0.64 5.69
1 1.38 1.06 9.52 1.98 0.89 7.94 3.33 0.69 6.13 1.65 0.97 8.70 2.28 0.83 7.41 3.71 0.65 5.80 1.91 0.90 8.09 2.54 0.78 7.02 4.04 0.62 5.56
0.15 1 0.77 1.42 10.39 1.01 1.24 9.09 1.20 1.14 8.32 1.61 0.99 7.20 2.16 0.85 6.20 3.12 0.71 5.17 1.66 0.97 7.09 2.17 0.85 6.20 3.37 0.68 4.97
5 1.28 1.11 8.07 1.86 0.92 6.70 2.91 0.73 5.35 1.63 0.98 7.16 2.23 0.84 6.11 3.63 0.66 4.79 1.78 0.94 6.83 2.36 0.81 5.94 3.73 0.65 4.73
10 1.32 1.09 7.94 1.91 0.91 6.61 3.13 0.71 5.16 1.63 0.98 7.15 2.24 0.84 6.10 3.64 0.65 4.78 1.83 0.92 6.75 2.43 0.80 5.86 3.85 0.64 4.66
1 1.35 1.07 7.85 1.94 0.90 6.55 3.23 0.70 5.08 1.63 0.98 7.14 2.25 0.83 6.09 3.66 0.65 4.77 1.90 0.91 6.62 2.53 0.79 5.74 4.01 0.62 4.56
0.20 1 0.69 1.50 9.49 0.90 1.32 8.34 1.08 1.20 7.60 1.60 0.99 6.25 2.16 0.85 5.38 2.96 0.73 4.59 1.65 0.97 6.15 2.17 0.85 5.37 3.37 0.68 4.31
5 1.23 1.12 7.11 1.78 0.94 5.93 2.68 0.76 4.83 1.61 0.98 6.22 2.21 0.84 5.32 3.59 0.66 4.17 1.78 0.94 5.92 2.35 0.81 5.15 3.72 0.65 4.10
10 1.29 1.10 6.97 1.85 0.92 5.81 2.98 0.72 4.58 1.61 0.98 6.22 2.22 0.84 5.31 3.59 0.66 4.17 1.83 0.93 5.85 2.42 0.80 5.08 3.83 0.64 4.04
1 1.33 1.09 6.86 1.90 0.91 5.74 3.14 0.71 4.46 1.62 0.98 6.22 2.22 0.84 5.30 3.60 0.66 4.17 1.89 0.91 5.75 2.51 0.79 4.99 3.98 0.63 3.96
0.9 0.05 1 1.18 1.02 29.07 1.68 0.86 24.39 2.68 0.68 19.32 1.31 0.97 27.61 1.76 0.84 23.87 2.69 0.68 19.30 1.33 0.96 27.42 1.76 0.84 23.81 2.69 0.68 19.29
5 1.20 1.02 28.91 1.68 0.86 24.38 2.69 0.68 19.27 1.40 0.94 26.69 1.89 0.81 23.00 2.92 0.65 18.51 1.53 0.90 25.59 2.01 0.78 22.30 3.05 0.64 18.12
10 1.20 1.02 28.89 1.68 0.86 24.38 2.69 0.68 19.27 1.43 0.93 26.42 1.93 0.80 22.74 2.99 0.64 18.28 1.63 0.87 24.78 2.14 0.76 21.62 3.24 0.62 17.57
1 1.20 1.01 28.88 1.68 0.86 24.38 2.69 0.68 19.27 1.47 0.92 26.04 1.99 0.79 22.39 3.09 0.63 17.98 1.83 0.82 23.37 2.40 0.72 20.42 3.65 0.58 16.56
0.10 1 1.16 1.03 20.78 1.65 0.86 17.39 2.65 0.68 13.74 1.31 0.97 19.53 1.75 0.84 16.88 2.69 0.68 13.64 1.33 0.96 19.39 1.76 0.84 16.84 2.69 0.68 13.64
5 1.18 1.02 20.55 1.66 0.86 17.34 2.66 0.68 13.72 1.40 0.94 18.90 1.89 0.81 16.28 2.91 0.65 13.10 1.53 0.90 18.10 2.01 0.78 15.77 3.04 0.64 12.82
10 1.19 1.02 20.53 1.66 0.86 17.33 2.66 0.68 13.72 1.43 0.93 18.71 1.93 0.80 16.11 2.98 0.64 12.95 1.63 0.87 17.53 2.14 0.76 15.29 3.24 0.62 12.43
1 1.19 1.02 20.52 1.66 0.86 17.33 2.66 0.68 13.72 1.47 0.92 18.46 1.98 0.79 15.88 3.07 0.63 12.76 1.83 0.82 16.53 2.39 0.72 14.45 3.64 0.58 11.72
0.15 1 1.13 1.05 17.21 1.60 0.88 14.42 2.29 0.73 12.07 1.31 0.97 15.95 1.75 0.84 13.78 2.69 0.68 11.14 1.33 0.96 15.83 1.76 0.84 13.75 2.69 0.68 11.14
5 1.17 1.03 16.88 1.64 0.87 14.24 2.62 0.69 11.28 1.40 0.94 15.45 1.88 0.81 13.31 2.90 0.65 10.71 1.53 0.90 14.78 2.01 0.78 12.88 3.04 0.64 10.47
10 1.17 1.03 16.85 1.65 0.87 14.23 2.62 0.69 11.28 1.42 0.93 15.30 1.92 0.80 13.18 2.97 0.65 10.60 1.63 0.87 14.31 2.14 0.76 12.49 3.23 0.62 10.15
1 1.18 1.02 16.83 1.65 0.87 14.23 2.62 0.69 11.28 1.46 0.92 15.11 1.97 0.79 13.00 3.05 0.64 10.46 1.83 0.82 13.51 2.39 0.72 11.81 3.63 0.58 9.58
0.20 1 1.09 1.07 15.18 1.52 0.90 12.81 1.95 0.80 11.32 1.31 0.97 13.82 1.75 0.84 11.94 2.69 0.68 9.65 1.33 0.96 13.71 1.76 0.84 11.91 2.69 0.68 9.65
5 1.16 1.03 14.70 1.62 0.87 12.41 2.57 0.69 9.86 1.39 0.94 13.40 1.88 0.81 11.54 2.89 0.65 9.29 1.53 0.90 12.80 2.01 0.78 11.16 3.04 0.64 9.07
10 1.16 1.03 14.67 1.63 0.87 12.40 2.58 0.69 9.84 1.42 0.93 13.28 1.91 0.80 11.43 2.95 0.65 9.20 1.63 0.87 12.40 2.13 0.76 10.82 3.23 0.62 8.80
1 1.17 1.03 14.65 1.63 0.87 12.39 2.58 0.69 9.83 1.45 0.92 13.12 1.96 0.79 11.29 3.02 0.64 9.09 1.82 0.82 11.71 2.39 0.72 10.23 3.62 0.58 8.31
0.25 1 1.04 1.09 13.88 1.41 0.94 11.91 1.70 0.85 10.86 1.31 0.97 12.36 1.75 0.84 10.68 2.69 0.68 8.63 1.33 0.96 12.26 1.76 0.84 10.65 2.69 0.68 8.63
5 1.14 1.04 13.23 1.60 0.88 11.18 2.52 0.70 8.90 1.39 0.94 12.00 1.87 0.81 10.34 2.88 0.65 8.33 1.53 0.90 11.45 2.01 0.78 9.98 3.04 0.64 8.11
10 1.15 1.04 13.20 1.61 0.88 11.16 2.54 0.70 8.88 1.41 0.93 11.90 1.90 0.81 10.25 2.94 0.65 8.25 1.62 0.87 11.09 2.13 0.76 9.68 3.23 0.62 7.87
1 1.15 1.03 13.16 1.61 0.88 11.14 2.55 0.70 8.86 1.45 0.92 11.76 1.95 0.80 10.13 3.00 0.64 8.16 1.82 0.82 10.48 2.38 0.72 9.16 3.62 0.58 7.44
4 0.6 0.05 1 0.21 3.66 12.29 0.38 2.70 9.06 0.92 1.74 5.84 0.53 2.30 7.71 0.70 1.99 6.67 1.19 1.53 5.12 1.01 1.66 5.57 1.19 1.53 5.13 1.60 1.32 4.42
5 0.62 2.11 7.09 0.84 1.81 6.08 1.49 1.37 4.58 1.05 1.62 5.45 1.30 1.46 4.90 1.93 1.20 4.02 1.69 1.28 4.30 2.01 1.18 3.94 2.64 1.03 3.44
10 0.82 1.84 6.17 1.07 1.61 5.40 1.80 1.24 4.17 1.30 1.46 4.91 1.60 1.32 4.42 2.35 1.09 3.65 1.93 1.20 4.02 2.35 1.09 3.65 3.26 0.92 3.10
1 1.17 1.54 5.17 1.49 1.36 4.58 2.44 1.07 3.58 1.67 1.29 4.33 2.08 1.16 3.88 3.25 0.92 3.10 2.20 1.12 3.77 2.70 1.01 3.40 4.66 0.77 2.59
0.10 1 0.19 3.79 8.99 0.36 2.79 6.63 0.87 1.79 4.25 0.49 2.38 5.64 0.66 2.06 4.88 1.13 1.57 3.72 0.93 1.73 4.10 1.10 1.59 3.77 1.50 1.36 3.22
Appendix A (continued)
Sway-prevented Case 2.1 Case 2.2 Case 2.3 Case 2.4 Case 2.5 Case 2.6 Case 2.7 Case 2.8 Case 2.9
II/III a c khc C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2
5 0.58 2.19 5.19 0.79 1.88 4.46 1.40 1.41 3.34 0.99 1.68 3.98 1.22 1.51 3.58 1.82 1.24 2.93 1.58 1.33 3.14 1.87 1.22 2.89 2.48 1.06 2.51
10 0.76 1.91 4.52 1.00 1.67 3.96 1.68 1.29 3.05 1.22 1.51 3.58 1.49 1.36 3.24 2.21 1.12 2.66 1.84 1.23 2.92 2.21 1.12 2.66 3.06 0.95 2.26
1 1.09 1.60 3.79 1.38 1.42 3.36 2.24 1.11 2.64 1.58 1.32 3.14 1.96 1.19 2.83 3.01 0.96 2.28 2.13 1.14 2.71 2.61 1.03 2.45 4.34 0.80 1.90
0.15 1 0.18 3.91 7.57 0.33 2.88 5.59 0.82 1.84 3.56 0.46 2.45 4.75 0.62 2.12 4.11 1.07 1.61 3.12 0.87 1.79 3.47 1.02 1.65 3.19 1.42 1.40 2.71
5 0.54 2.26 4.38 0.74 1.94 3.76 1.32 1.45 2.81 0.93 1.73 3.35 1.14 1.56 3.02 1.72 1.27 2.46 1.49 1.37 2.65 1.75 1.26 2.44 2.33 1.09 2.11
10 0.72 1.97 3.81 0.93 1.73 3.35 1.57 1.33 2.58 1.15 1.56 3.01 1.40 1.41 2.73 2.08 1.16 2.24 1.74 1.26 2.45 2.08 1.15 2.24 2.88 0.98 1.90
1 1.02 1.65 3.20 1.28 1.47 2.85 2.06 1.16 2.25 1.51 1.36 2.63 1.85 1.23 2.38 2.80 1.00 1.93 2.06 1.16 2.25 2.51 1.05 2.04 4.06 0.83 1.60
0.20 1 0.17 4.03 6.76 0.31 2.97 4.98 0.78 1.89 3.17 0.43 2.53 4.24 0.58 2.19 3.67 1.01 1.65 2.77 0.81 1.85 3.10 0.96 1.70 2.86 1.34 1.44 2.42
5 0.51 2.33 3.91 0.69 2.01 3.36 1.24 1.50 2.51 0.88 1.78 2.99 1.08 1.61 2.69 1.63 1.30 2.19 1.40 1.41 2.36 1.64 1.30 2.18 2.20 1.12 1.88
10 0.67 2.03 3.41 0.87 1.79 2.99 1.47 1.37 2.30 1.08 1.60 2.68 1.32 1.45 2.43 1.96 1.19 2.00 1.66 1.30 2.17 1.97 1.19 1.99 2.72 1.01 1.70
1 0.96 1.70 2.86 1.20 1.52 2.56 1.91 1.21 2.02 1.43 1.39 2.34 1.74 1.26 2.12 2.62 1.03 1.73 1.99 1.18 1.98 2.41 1.07 1.80 3.81 0.85 1.43
0.25 1 0.16 4.14 6.22 0.30 3.06 4.59 0.74 1.94 2.90 0.41 2.60 3.90 0.55 2.25 3.38 0.97 1.70 2.54 0.76 1.91 2.87 0.90 1.76 2.64 1.27 1.48 2.22
0.7 0.05 1 0.31 2.57 13.40 0.46 2.11 11.02 0.83 1.57 8.19 0.97 1.45 7.58 1.12 1.35 7.03 1.39 1.21 6.32 1.99 1.01 5.29 2.43 0.92 4.78 2.43 0.92 4.78
5 0.92 1.49 7.76 1.17 1.32 6.90 1.69 1.10 5.73 1.55 1.15 5.98 1.92 1.03 5.38 2.49 0.91 4.72 2.01 1.01 5.26 2.44 0.92 4.78 4.04 0.71 3.71
10 1.17 1.32 6.90 1.48 1.17 6.12 2.20 0.96 5.03 1.67 1.10 5.76 2.09 0.99 5.15 3.15 0.80 4.20 2.01 1.01 5.26 2.44 0.92 4.78 4.72 0.66 3.43
1 1.45 1.19 6.20 1.85 1.05 5.48 3.25 0.79 4.13 1.77 1.08 5.61 2.20 0.96 5.02 4.23 0.69 3.62 2.01 1.01 5.26 2.44 0.92 4.78 4.74 0.66 3.42
0.10 1 0.28 2.70 9.96 0.41 2.22 8.19 0.76 1.64 6.04 0.88 1.53 5.63 1.02 1.42 5.23 1.28 1.26 4.66 1.90 1.04 3.82 2.18 0.97 3.57 2.24 0.95 3.52
5 0.84 1.56 5.74 1.06 1.39 5.12 1.55 1.15 4.24 1.45 1.18 4.37 1.77 1.07 3.96 2.29 0.94 3.48 1.97 1.02 3.75 2.40 0.92 3.40 3.75 0.74 2.72
10 1.08 1.38 5.08 1.36 1.23 4.53 2.00 1.01 3.73 1.60 1.13 4.17 1.99 1.01 3.74 2.88 0.84 3.10 1.98 1.02 3.75 2.40 0.92 3.40 4.61 0.67 2.45
1 1.37 1.22 4.50 1.75 1.08 3.99 2.94 0.83 3.07 1.72 1.09 4.02 2.14 0.98 3.60 3.95 0.72 2.65 1.98 1.01 3.74 2.40 0.92 3.40 4.65 0.66 2.44
0.15 1 0.26 2.82 8.51 0.38 2.32 7.00 0.70 1.70 5.13 0.80 1.60 4.81 0.93 1.48 4.47 1.19 1.31 3.95 1.77 1.07 3.23 1.97 1.02 3.07 2.07 0.99 2.99
5 0.78 1.62 4.89 0.97 1.45 4.37 1.43 1.20 3.60 1.36 1.22 3.69 1.63 1.12 3.37 2.12 0.98 2.96 1.93 1.03 3.10 2.35 0.93 2.81 3.46 0.77 2.31
10 1.00 1.43 4.30 1.25 1.28 3.85 1.84 1.05 3.18 1.52 1.16 3.49 1.87 1.04 3.14 2.66 0.88 2.64 1.94 1.02 3.09 2.36 0.93 2.80 4.27 0.69 2.08
1 1.30 1.25 3.77 1.64 1.11 3.36 2.68 0.87 2.63 1.67 1.11 3.33 2.07 0.99 2.99 3.68 0.74 2.24 1.95 1.02 3.08 2.37 0.93 2.80 4.56 0.67 2.02
0.20 1 0.24 2.94 7.68 0.35 2.42 6.32 0.65 1.77 4.61 0.74 1.66 4.34 0.85 1.55 4.03 1.10 1.36 3.55 1.64 1.12 2.91 1.79 1.07 2.78 1.91 1.03 2.69
5 0.72 1.69 4.40 0.89 1.51 3.95 1.32 1.24 3.24 1.28 1.26 3.30 1.52 1.16 3.03 1.97 1.02 2.66 1.89 1.04 2.71 2.29 0.94 2.46 3.20 0.80 2.08
10 0.93 1.48 3.86 1.15 1.33 3.47 1.69 1.10 2.86 1.45 1.19 3.10 1.77 1.07 2.80 2.46 0.91 2.37 1.91 1.03 2.70 2.32 0.94 2.45 3.96 0.72 1.87
1 1.24 1.28 3.35 1.55 1.15 3.00 2.45 0.91 2.38 1.62 1.12 2.93 2.00 1.01 2.63 3.42 0.77 2.01 1.93 1.03 2.69 2.33 0.94 2.44 4.44 0.68 1.77
0.25 1 0.22 3.06 7.13 0.32 2.52 5.87 0.61 1.83 4.26 0.68 1.73 4.03 0.79 1.61 3.75 1.03 1.41 3.28 1.51 1.16 2.71 1.65 1.11 2.60 1.78 1.07 2.50
5 0.67 1.75 4.08 0.83 1.57 3.67 1.23 1.29 3.01 1.20 1.31 3.05 1.41 1.20 2.80 1.83 1.05 2.46 1.84 1.05 2.46 2.22 0.96 2.24 2.98 0.83 1.93
10 0.87 1.53 3.57 1.07 1.38 3.22 1.57 1.14 2.66 1.38 1.22 2.84 1.66 1.11 2.58 2.29 0.94 2.20 1.87 1.04 2.44 2.27 0.95 2.21 3.68 0.74 1.74
1 1.18 1.32 3.07 1.46 1.18 2.76 2.26 0.95 2.22 1.57 1.14 2.66 1.94 1.03 2.40 3.19 0.80 1.87 1.90 1.04 2.42 2.30 0.94 2.20 4.32 0.69 1.60
0.8 0.05 1 0.57 1.66 14.81 0.71 1.48 13.27 0.96 1.28 11.41 1.56 1.00 8.94 1.90 0.91 8.12 2.29 0.83 7.39 1.61 0.99 8.81 1.90 0.91 8.11 3.21 0.70 6.24
5 1.28 1.11 9.90 1.64 0.98 8.74 2.58 0.78 6.97 1.56 1.00 8.94 1.92 0.90 8.08 3.54 0.66 5.94 1.68 0.97 8.64 2.00 0.88 7.92 3.54 0.66 5.94
10 1.35 1.08 9.63 1.71 0.96 8.55 3.26 0.69 6.19 1.56 1.00 8.94 1.92 0.90 8.07 3.60 0.66 5.90 1.70 0.96 8.58 2.03 0.88 7.85 3.64 0.65 5.86
1 1.39 1.06 9.47 1.75 0.94 8.45 3.41 0.68 6.06 1.56 1.00 8.94 1.92 0.90 8.07 3.62 0.66 5.88 1.74 0.95 8.49 2.08 0.87 7.75 3.78 0.64 5.75
0.10 1 0.49 1.78 11.29 0.61 1.60 10.13 0.84 1.36 8.62 1.54 1.01 6.37 1.89 0.91 5.75 2.05 0.87 5.52 1.61 0.99 6.23 1.90 0.91 5.74 3.20 0.70 4.42
5 1.20 1.14 7.22 1.52 1.01 6.41 2.25 0.83 5.27 1.54 1.01 6.36 1.89 0.91 5.74 3.54 0.66 4.20 1.67 0.97 6.12 1.99 0.89 5.60 3.54 0.66 4.20
Appendix A (continued)
Sway-prevented Case 2.1 Case 2.2 Case 2.3 Case 2.4 Case 2.5 Case 2.6 Case 2.7 Case 2.8 Case 2.9
II/III a c khc C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2
10 1.30 1.10 6.94 1.64 0.97 6.16 2.95 0.73 4.60 1.54 1.01 6.36 1.89 0.91 5.74 3.55 0.66 4.19 1.69 0.96 6.08 2.02 0.88 5.56 3.63 0.66 4.15
1 1.36 1.07 6.77 1.71 0.96 6.04 3.30 0.69 4.35 1.54 1.01 6.36 1.89 0.91 5.74 3.56 0.66 4.19 1.72 0.95 6.02 2.07 0.87 5.50 3.75 0.65 4.08
0.15 1 0.43 1.91 9.84 0.53 1.71 8.84 0.75 1.44 7.46 1.49 1.02 5.29 1.80 0.93 4.82 1.85 0.92 4.74 1.61 0.99 5.09 1.90 0.91 4.69 3.18 0.70 3.62
5 1.12 1.18 6.09 1.40 1.06 5.45 1.99 0.89 4.57 1.52 1.01 5.24 1.87 0.91 4.72 3.39 0.68 3.51 1.67 0.97 5.00 1.99 0.89 4.58 3.53 0.67 3.43
10 1.25 1.12 5.78 1.57 1.00 5.15 2.65 0.77 3.96 1.52 1.01 5.23 1.87 0.91 4.72 3.49 0.67 3.46 1.69 0.96 4.97 2.01 0.88 4.55 3.62 0.66 3.39
1 1.33 1.08 5.59 1.67 0.97 5.00 3.17 0.70 3.63 1.52 1.01 5.23 1.87 0.91 4.72 3.49 0.67 3.45 1.71 0.95 4.93 2.05 0.87 4.50 3.72 0.65 3.35
0.20 1 0.38 2.02 9.03 0.47 1.82 8.12 0.67 1.52 6.81 1.41 1.05 4.72 1.60 0.99 4.42 1.68 0.96 4.31 1.61 0.99 4.41 1.90 0.91 4.06 3.16 0.70 3.15
5 1.05 1.22 5.46 1.29 1.10 4.92 1.79 0.94 4.18 1.49 1.02 4.58 1.83 0.92 4.13 3.05 0.72 3.20 1.66 0.97 4.34 1.98 0.89 3.97 3.53 0.67 2.98
10 1.19 1.14 5.12 1.49 1.02 4.57 2.40 0.81 3.61 1.50 1.02 4.57 1.84 0.92 4.12 3.38 0.68 3.04 1.68 0.96 4.32 2.01 0.88 3.95 3.60 0.66 2.94
1 1.30 1.10 4.90 1.62 0.98 4.39 3.03 0.72 3.21 1.50 1.02 4.56 1.84 0.92 4.12 3.42 0.68 3.02 1.70 0.96 4.28 2.04 0.87 3.91 3.68 0.65 2.91
0.25 1 0.35 2.13 8.51 0.43 1.91 7.65 0.61 1.60 6.39 1.30 1.10 4.38 1.44 1.04 4.16 1.53 1.01 4.04 1.61 0.99 3.95 1.90 0.91 3.63 3.13 0.71 2.83
5 0.98 1.26 5.06 1.19 1.15 4.59 1.62 0.98 3.93 1.46 1.03 4.13 1.79 0.93 3.73 2.78 0.75 3.00 1.66 0.97 3.89 1.98 0.89 3.56 3.52 0.67 2.66
0.9 0.05 1 1.15 1.04 20.89 1.45 0.92 18.55 1.95 0.80 16.00 1.27 0.98 19.82 1.53 0.90 18.10 2.60 0.69 13.87 1.28 0.98 19.74 1.53 0.90 18.08 2.61 0.69 13.84
5 1.19 1.02 20.47 1.48 0.91 18.40 2.69 0.68 13.63 1.32 0.97 19.47 1.59 0.88 17.72 2.78 0.67 13.41 1.40 0.94 18.93 1.66 0.86 17.35 2.83 0.66 13.30
10 1.20 1.02 20.45 1.48 0.91 18.39 2.69 0.68 13.63 1.33 0.96 19.37 1.61 0.88 17.61 2.83 0.66 13.28 1.46 0.92 18.51 1.74 0.84 16.98 2.95 0.65 13.01
1 1.20 1.01 20.43 1.48 0.91 18.39 2.69 0.68 13.62 1.35 0.96 19.22 1.64 0.87 17.45 2.90 0.65 13.12 1.61 0.88 17.64 1.91 0.80 16.19 3.25 0.62 12.40
0.10 1 1.06 1.08 15.33 1.32 0.97 13.77 1.56 0.89 12.68 1.27 0.99 14.02 1.53 0.90 12.80 2.60 0.69 9.81 1.28 0.98 13.96 1.53 0.90 12.78 2.61 0.69 9.79
5 1.18 1.02 14.57 1.46 0.92 13.09 2.66 0.68 9.70 1.31 0.97 13.79 1.59 0.88 12.55 2.78 0.67 9.49 1.40 0.94 13.39 1.66 0.86 12.27 2.82 0.66 9.41
10 1.18 1.02 14.54 1.46 0.92 13.08 2.66 0.68 9.70 1.33 0.96 13.72 1.61 0.88 12.48 2.82 0.66 9.41 1.46 0.92 13.09 1.73 0.84 12.01 2.95 0.65 9.20
1 1.19 1.02 14.51 1.46 0.92 13.07 2.66 0.68 9.70 1.35 0.96 13.63 1.63 0.87 12.38 2.88 0.65 9.32 1.60 0.88 12.48 1.90 0.81 11.46 3.24 0.62 8.78
0.15 1 0.95 1.14 13.25 1.12 1.05 12.22 1.28 0.98 11.39 1.27 0.99 11.45 1.53 0.90 10.45 2.60 0.69 8.01 1.28 0.98 11.40 1.53 0.90 10.44 2.61 0.69 7.99
5 1.16 1.03 11.98 1.44 0.93 10.77 2.61 0.69 7.99 1.31 0.97 11.28 1.58 0.88 10.26 2.77 0.67 7.76 1.39 0.94 10.93 1.66 0.86 10.02 2.82 0.66 7.68
10 1.17 1.03 11.94 1.44 0.92 10.74 2.62 0.69 7.98 1.32 0.97 11.23 1.60 0.88 10.21 2.81 0.66 7.71 1.46 0.92 10.69 1.73 0.84 9.81 2.95 0.65 7.52
1 1.18 1.02 11.91 1.45 0.92 10.73 2.62 0.69 7.97 1.34 0.96 11.16 1.62 0.87 10.14 2.85 0.66 7.64 1.60 0.88 10.20 1.90 0.81 9.37 3.23 0.62 7.18
0.20 1 0.83 1.22 12.24 0.95 1.14 11.47 1.09 1.06 10.70 1.27 0.99 9.92 1.52 0.90 9.05 2.59 0.69 6.94 1.28 0.98 9.87 1.53 0.90 9.04 2.61 0.69 6.92
5 1.14 1.04 10.46 1.41 0.93 9.40 2.54 0.70 7.01 1.31 0.97 9.78 1.58 0.88 8.90 2.76 0.67 6.73 1.39 0.94 9.47 1.66 0.86 8.68 2.82 0.66 6.65
10 1.15 1.03 10.40 1.42 0.93 9.37 2.57 0.69 6.97 1.32 0.97 9.75 1.59 0.88 8.86 2.79 0.66 6.69 1.46 0.92 9.26 1.73 0.84 8.50 2.94 0.65 6.51
1 1.16 1.03 10.36 1.43 0.93 9.34 2.58 0.69 6.96 1.33 0.96 9.70 1.61 0.88 8.81 2.83 0.66 6.65 1.60 0.88 8.85 1.90 0.81 8.12 3.22 0.62 6.23
0.25 1 0.74 1.30 11.66 0.82 1.22 11.02 0.95 1.14 10.27 1.27 0.99 8.88 1.52 0.90 8.10 2.59 0.69 6.22 1.28 0.98 8.83 1.53 0.90 8.08 2.61 0.69 6.19
5 1.12 1.05 9.44 1.39 0.94 8.49 2.45 0.71 6.39 1.30 0.97 8.77 1.57 0.89 7.98 2.75 0.67 6.03 1.39 0.94 8.47 1.66 0.86 7.77 2.82 0.66 5.95
10 1.14 1.04 9.37 1.41 0.94 8.44 2.52 0.70 6.30 1.31 0.97 8.74 1.58 0.88 7.94 2.78 0.67 6.00 1.46 0.92 8.29 1.73 0.84 7.60 2.94 0.65 5.83
1 1.15 1.04 9.32 1.42 0.93 8.40 2.54 0.70 6.27 1.32 0.97 8.70 1.60 0.88 7.91 2.80 0.66 5.97 1.59 0.88 7.92 1.89 0.81 7.27 3.21 0.62 5.58
6 0.6 0.05 1 0.14 4.45 12.19 0.26 3.27 8.95 0.83 1.83 5.01 0.35 2.80 7.67 0.48 2.42 6.62 1.01 1.65 4.53 0.68 2.03 5.55 0.80 1.86 5.11 1.29 1.47 4.02
5 0.44 2.51 6.89 0.58 2.19 5.99 1.22 1.51 4.13 0.74 1.93 5.29 0.90 1.76 4.82 1.52 1.35 3.70 1.22 1.51 4.13 1.39 1.41 3.86 2.00 1.18 3.23
10 0.59 2.16 5.92 0.75 1.92 5.27 1.44 1.39 3.80 0.95 1.71 4.68 1.12 1.57 4.31 1.82 1.24 3.38 1.50 1.36 3.73 1.72 1.27 3.48 2.45 1.06 2.92
1 0.90 1.75 4.80 1.09 1.59 4.37 1.92 1.20 3.30 1.35 1.44 3.93 1.58 1.33 3.64 2.50 1.05 2.88 1.94 1.20 3.28 2.26 1.11 3.04 3.59 0.88 2.41
0.10 1 0.13 4.61 8.92 0.24 3.38 6.54 0.78 1.88 3.64 0.33 2.90 5.61 0.44 2.50 4.85 0.96 1.70 3.30 0.63 2.11 4.08 0.74 1.94 3.75 1.21 1.52 2.94
5 0.41 2.61 5.05 0.54 2.27 4.39 1.15 1.56 3.01 0.70 2.00 3.87 0.84 1.82 3.53 1.44 1.39 2.69 1.14 1.56 3.03 1.30 1.46 2.84 1.88 1.22 2.36
10 0.55 2.24 4.34 0.70 2.00 3.87 1.34 1.44 2.78 0.89 1.77 3.43 1.05 1.63 3.15 1.71 1.28 2.47 1.40 1.41 2.72 1.60 1.32 2.55 2.30 1.10 2.13
Appendix A (continued)
Sway-prevented Case 2.1 Case 2.2 Case 2.3 Case 2.4 Case 2.5 Case 2.6 Case 2.7 Case 2.8 Case 2.9
II/III a c khc C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2
1 0.83 1.83 3.53 1.00 1.66 3.22 1.75 1.26 2.44 1.26 1.49 2.88 1.47 1.38 2.66 2.31 1.10 2.12 1.85 1.23 2.37 2.14 1.14 2.21 3.32 0.91 1.77
0.15 1 0.12 4.75 7.52 0.23 3.49 5.52 0.74 1.93 3.06 0.31 2.99 4.73 0.42 2.58 4.08 0.91 1.75 2.76 0.58 2.18 3.45 0.69 2.01 3.18 1.14 1.56 2.47
5 0.38 2.69 4.26 0.51 2.34 3.71 1.08 1.60 2.53 0.65 2.06 3.26 0.78 1.88 2.98 1.36 1.43 2.26 1.06 1.62 2.56 1.21 1.52 2.40 1.77 1.25 1.98
10 0.52 2.32 3.67 0.65 2.07 3.27 1.26 1.49 2.35 0.83 1.83 2.89 0.98 1.68 2.66 1.61 1.31 2.08 1.32 1.45 2.30 1.50 1.36 2.15 2.16 1.13 1.79
1 0.77 1.90 3.00 0.93 1.73 2.74 1.60 1.32 2.08 1.18 1.53 2.42 1.37 1.42 2.25 2.14 1.14 1.80 1.76 1.26 1.98 2.03 1.17 1.85 3.09 0.95 1.50
0.20 1 0.12 4.90 6.71 0.21 3.59 4.92 0.71 1.98 2.72 0.29 3.08 4.22 0.39 2.66 3.65 0.86 1.79 2.46 0.54 2.26 3.09 0.64 2.08 2.85 1.07 1.61 2.20
5 0.36 2.78 3.81 0.47 2.42 3.31 1.02 1.65 2.26 0.61 2.13 2.91 0.74 1.94 2.66 1.29 1.47 2.01 1.00 1.67 2.28 1.13 1.57 2.14 1.67 1.29 1.76
10 0.48 2.40 3.28 0.61 2.14 2.93 1.18 1.53 2.10 0.78 1.88 2.58 0.92 1.74 2.38 1.52 1.35 1.85 1.24 1.50 2.05 1.41 1.41 1.92 2.04 1.17 1.60
1 0.72 1.97 2.69 0.86 1.80 2.46 1.48 1.37 1.88 1.11 1.58 2.17 1.28 1.47 2.01 1.99 1.18 1.62 1.68 1.29 1.76 1.92 1.20 1.65 2.89 0.98 1.34
0.25 1 0.11 5.04 6.17 0.20 3.70 4.53 0.67 2.03 2.49 0.28 3.17 3.89 0.37 2.74 3.35 0.82 1.84 2.25 0.51 2.33 2.85 0.60 2.15 2.63 1.02 1.65 2.02
5 0.34 2.86 3.51 0.45 2.49 3.05 0.97 1.70 2.08 0.58 2.19 2.68 0.70 2.00 2.44 1.22 1.51 1.85 0.94 1.72 2.11 1.07 1.61 1.98 1.59 1.32 1.62
10 0.45 2.47 3.03 0.57 2.21 2.71 1.11 1.58 1.94 0.74 1.94 2.37 0.87 1.79 2.19 1.44 1.39 1.70 1.17 1.54 1.89 1.33 1.45 1.77 1.93 1.20 1.47
0.7 0.05 1 0.21 3.12 13.27 0.31 2.56 10.90 0.71 1.70 7.23 0.65 1.77 7.53 0.76 1.64 6.99 1.09 1.37 5.84 1.52 1.16 4.94 1.64 1.12 4.75 1.80 1.06 4.53
5 0.68 1.73 7.38 0.82 1.58 6.71 1.31 1.25 5.31 1.21 1.30 5.54 1.39 1.21 5.16 1.85 1.05 4.47 1.88 1.04 4.44 2.19 0.97 4.11 2.94 0.83 3.55
10 0.92 1.49 6.34 1.10 1.36 5.81 1.68 1.10 4.69 1.43 1.19 5.09 1.67 1.10 4.71 2.34 0.93 3.98 1.91 1.03 4.40 2.22 0.96 4.09 3.73 0.74 3.15
1 1.30 1.25 5.33 1.56 1.15 4.88 2.58 0.89 3.79 1.66 1.11 4.72 1.96 1.02 4.35 3.54 0.76 3.24 1.94 1.03 4.37 2.24 0.96 4.07 4.65 0.66 2.82
0.10 1 0.19 3.27 9.86 0.28 2.69 8.10 0.65 1.77 5.33 0.59 1.86 5.60 0.69 1.73 5.20 1.00 1.43 4.31 1.36 1.23 3.69 1.46 1.18 3.56 1.65 1.11 3.35
5 0.62 1.82 5.48 0.74 1.66 4.99 1.20 1.30 3.93 1.11 1.36 4.09 1.26 1.27 3.83 1.70 1.10 3.30 1.81 1.06 3.20 2.09 0.99 2.98 2.70 0.87 2.62
10 0.84 1.56 4.70 0.99 1.43 4.32 1.53 1.15 3.48 1.33 1.24 3.73 1.54 1.15 3.47 2.14 0.98 2.94 1.86 1.05 3.15 2.16 0.97 2.93 3.42 0.77 2.33
1 1.21 1.30 3.91 1.44 1.19 3.59 2.31 0.94 2.83 1.59 1.13 3.41 1.87 1.04 3.14 3.20 0.80 2.41 1.90 1.04 3.12 2.20 0.96 2.90 4.52 0.67 2.02
0.15 1 0.17 3.43 8.42 0.26 2.81 6.92 0.60 1.84 4.52 0.54 1.94 4.78 0.63 1.81 4.44 0.92 1.49 3.65 1.23 1.29 3.17 1.32 1.24 3.06 1.52 1.16 2.85
5 0.56 1.90 4.68 0.68 1.73 4.27 1.11 1.36 3.34 1.02 1.42 3.48 1.16 1.33 3.27 1.57 1.14 2.80 1.72 1.09 2.68 1.97 1.02 2.50 2.49 0.91 2.23
10 0.77 1.63 4.01 0.91 1.50 3.69 1.40 1.21 2.96 1.24 1.28 3.16 1.42 1.20 2.94 1.98 1.02 2.50 1.81 1.06 2.61 2.09 0.99 2.43 3.14 0.81 1.98
1 1.13 1.34 3.31 1.33 1.24 3.05 2.09 0.99 2.43 1.53 1.16 2.84 1.79 1.07 2.63 2.92 0.84 2.06 1.87 1.04 2.57 2.16 0.97 2.39 4.35 0.69 1.68
0.20 1 0.16 3.57 7.60 0.24 2.93 6.25 0.56 1.91 4.06 0.50 2.03 4.32 0.58 1.88 4.01 0.86 1.54 3.28 1.12 1.35 2.87 1.20 1.30 2.77 1.40 1.21 2.57
5 0.52 1.98 4.22 0.62 1.81 3.85 1.02 1.41 3.01 0.94 1.47 3.13 1.07 1.38 2.95 1.46 1.18 2.52 1.63 1.12 2.38 1.85 1.05 2.24 2.30 0.94 2.01
10 0.71 1.70 3.61 0.83 1.57 3.33 1.30 1.25 2.67 1.16 1.33 2.83 1.32 1.24 2.65 1.83 1.06 2.25 1.75 1.08 2.30 2.01 1.01 2.14 2.91 0.84 1.79
1 1.05 1.39 2.97 1.23 1.29 2.74 1.90 1.04 2.21 1.46 1.18 2.52 1.70 1.09 2.33 2.68 0.87 1.86 1.83 1.05 2.25 2.12 0.98 2.09 4.13 0.70 1.50
0.25 1 0.15 3.71 7.07 0.22 3.05 5.81 0.52 1.97 3.76 0.46 2.11 4.01 0.53 1.96 3.73 0.81 1.59 3.03 1.03 1.41 2.68 1.11 1.36 2.59 1.30 1.25 2.38
5 0.48 2.06 3.92 0.58 1.88 3.58 0.95 1.46 2.79 0.88 1.52 2.91 0.99 1.44 2.74 1.36 1.22 2.33 1.54 1.15 2.19 1.72 1.09 2.07 2.14 0.98 1.86
10 0.66 1.76 3.35 0.77 1.63 3.10 1.20 1.30 2.48 1.08 1.37 2.61 1.23 1.29 2.45 1.71 1.09 2.08 1.68 1.10 2.10 1.93 1.03 1.96 2.70 0.87 1.66
1 0.98 1.44 2.74 1.14 1.34 2.55 1.74 1.08 2.06 1.40 1.21 2.30 1.62 1.12 2.14 2.47 0.91 1.73 1.80 1.07 2.03 2.07 0.99 1.89 3.90 0.72 1.38
0.8 0.05 1 0.39 1.99 14.57 0.48 1.80 13.14 0.76 1.44 10.50 1.43 1.04 7.63 1.62 0.98 7.18 1.68 0.96 7.04 1.59 0.99 7.23 1.79 0.93 6.81 3.04 0.72 5.24
5 1.14 1.17 8.55 1.36 1.07 7.83 1.91 0.90 6.60 1.51 1.02 7.42 1.77 0.94 6.86 3.05 0.72 5.23 1.63 0.98 7.15 1.85 0.92 6.70 3.44 0.67 4.92
10 1.29 1.10 8.04 1.54 1.01 7.35 2.68 0.76 5.57 1.52 1.01 7.41 1.77 0.94 6.86 3.55 0.66 4.85 1.64 0.97 7.12 1.87 0.91 6.67 3.55 0.66 4.84
1 1.38 1.06 7.77 1.63 0.98 7.15 3.39 0.68 4.96 1.52 1.01 7.40 1.77 0.94 6.86 3.56 0.66 4.84 1.66 0.97 7.08 1.90 0.91 6.62 3.67 0.65 4.76
0.10 1 0.34 2.15 11.12 0.41 1.94 10.04 0.66 1.54 7.93 1.27 1.11 5.72 1.39 1.06 5.48 1.49 1.02 5.29 1.59 0.99 5.12 1.79 0.93 4.82 2.97 0.72 3.74
5 1.03 1.23 6.36 1.21 1.14 5.87 1.67 0.97 5.00 1.48 1.03 5.31 1.73 0.95 4.91 2.72 0.76 3.91 1.63 0.98 5.06 1.85 0.92 4.75 3.44 0.67 3.48
10 1.22 1.13 5.85 1.45 1.04 5.36 2.34 0.82 4.22 1.49 1.02 5.29 1.74 0.95 4.89 3.47 0.67 3.46 1.64 0.98 5.05 1.87 0.92 4.73 3.54 0.66 3.43
1 1.34 1.08 5.57 1.59 0.99 5.12 3.23 0.70 3.59 1.50 1.02 5.27 1.74 0.95 4.89 3.50 0.67 3.45 1.65 0.97 5.02 1.89 0.91 4.70 3.64 0.66 3.38
Appendix A (continued)
Sway-prevented Case 2.1 Case 2.2 Case 2.3 Case 2.4 Case 2.5 Case 2.6 Case 2.7 Case 2.8 Case 2.9
II/III a c khc C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2
0.15 1 0.30 2.30 9.70 0.36 2.08 8.76 0.59 1.63 6.86 1.13 1.18 4.97 1.21 1.13 4.79 1.33 1.08 4.56 1.59 0.99 4.18 1.79 0.93 3.93 2.88 0.74 3.11
5 0.93 1.29 5.46 1.08 1.20 5.08 1.48 1.03 4.33 1.44 1.04 4.40 1.68 0.96 4.07 2.44 0.80 3.38 1.62 0.98 4.14 1.84 0.92 3.88 3.44 0.67 2.84
10 1.14 1.17 4.93 1.35 1.08 4.54 2.07 0.87 3.67 1.46 1.03 4.36 1.70 0.96 4.04 3.14 0.71 2.97 1.63 0.98 4.13 1.86 0.92 3.87 3.53 0.66 2.80
1 1.31 1.09 4.61 1.54 1.01 4.25 3.05 0.72 3.02 1.48 1.03 4.34 1.72 0.95 4.02 3.42 0.68 2.85 1.64 0.98 4.11 1.88 0.91 3.85 3.61 0.66 2.77
0.20 1 0.26 2.44 8.91 0.32 2.20 8.05 0.53 1.72 6.26 1.01 1.25 4.55 1.08 1.20 4.40 1.21 1.14 4.16 1.59 0.99 3.62 1.79 0.93 3.41 2.74 0.76 2.76
5 0.85 1.36 4.96 0.97 1.27 4.63 1.33 1.08 3.96 1.38 1.06 3.88 1.61 0.99 3.60 2.20 0.84 3.08 1.61 0.98 3.59 1.84 0.92 3.37 3.44 0.67 2.46
10 1.07 1.21 4.41 1.25 1.12 4.08 1.85 0.92 3.36 1.43 1.05 3.82 1.66 0.97 3.54 2.83 0.74 2.71 1.62 0.98 3.59 1.85 0.92 3.36 3.52 0.67 2.43
1 1.27 1.11 4.06 1.49 1.02 3.74 2.84 0.74 2.71 1.45 1.04 3.79 1.69 0.96 3.51 3.33 0.68 2.50 1.63 0.98 3.58 1.86 0.92 3.35 3.57 0.66 2.41
0.25 1 0.24 2.57 8.40 0.29 2.32 7.59 0.48 1.80 5.88 0.91 1.31 4.28 0.97 1.27 4.15 1.10 1.19 3.89 1.59 0.99 3.24 1.79 0.93 3.05 2.58 0.78 2.54
5 0.77 1.42 4.64 0.88 1.33 4.35 1.20 1.14 3.72 1.32 1.09 3.55 1.52 1.01 3.31 2.00 0.88 2.89 1.61 0.99 3.22 1.83 0.92 3.02 3.44 0.67 2.20
10 1.00 1.25 4.08 1.16 1.16 3.79 1.68 0.97 3.15 1.39 1.06 3.47 1.61 0.98 3.22 2.58 0.78 2.54 1.61 0.98 3.22 1.84 0.92 3.01 3.51 0.67 2.18
1 1.23 1.13 3.69 1.44 1.04 3.40 2.64 0.77 2.51 1.43 1.05 3.41 1.66 0.97 3.17 3.22 0.70 2.27 1.62 0.98 3.21 1.85 0.92 3.00 3.53 0.66 2.17
8 0.6 0.05 1 0.11 5.12 12.15 0.20 3.75 8.89 0.79 1.88 4.46 0.27 3.23 7.66 0.36 2.78 6.60 0.92 1.73 4.11 0.51 2.34 5.54 0.60 2.15 5.09 1.13 1.57 3.72
5 0.34 2.86 6.79 0.44 2.51 5.94 1.09 1.60 3.79 0.57 2.20 5.22 0.68 2.02 4.79 1.31 1.45 3.45 0.95 1.71 4.07 1.06 1.62 3.83 1.67 1.29 3.06
10 0.46 2.45 5.80 0.58 2.20 5.21 1.25 1.49 3.53 0.74 1.93 4.59 0.86 1.79 4.25 1.54 1.34 3.18 1.20 1.52 3.62 1.34 1.44 3.42 2.02 1.17 2.78
1 0.73 1.95 4.63 0.86 1.80 4.27 1.62 1.31 3.10 1.11 1.59 3.76 1.26 1.49 3.52 2.08 1.16 2.74 1.69 1.28 3.04 1.90 1.21 2.87 2.94 0.97 2.31
0.10 1 0.10 5.30 8.89 0.18 3.88 6.50 0.74 1.93 3.24 0.25 3.34 5.60 0.34 2.88 4.83 0.87 1.78 2.99 0.47 2.43 4.07 0.56 2.23 3.75 1.06 1.62 2.72
5 0.32 2.97 4.98 0.41 2.60 4.36 1.02 1.65 2.77 0.53 2.28 3.82 0.64 2.09 3.50 1.24 1.50 2.51 0.88 1.78 2.98 0.99 1.68 2.81 1.57 1.33 2.23
10 0.43 2.54 4.26 0.53 2.28 3.83 1.17 1.54 2.59 0.69 2.00 3.36 0.80 1.86 3.12 1.45 1.39 2.32 1.11 1.58 2.65 1.24 1.50 2.51 1.90 1.21 2.03
1 0.67 2.04 3.42 0.79 1.88 3.15 1.48 1.37 2.30 1.03 1.65 2.76 1.16 1.55 2.59 1.92 1.20 2.02 1.59 1.32 2.21 1.78 1.25 2.10 2.72 1.01 1.70
0.15 1 0.09 5.47 7.49 0.17 4.00 5.48 0.70 1.99 2.72 0.23 3.45 4.72 0.31 2.97 4.07 0.83 1.83 2.51 0.44 2.52 3.45 0.52 2.32 3.17 1.00 1.67 2.29
Appendix A (continued)
Sway-prevented Case 2.1 Case 2.2 Case 2.3 Case 2.4 Case 2.5 Case 2.6 Case 2.7 Case 2.8 Case 2.9
II/III a c khc C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2
5 0.29 3.07 4.20 0.38 2.69 3.68 0.96 1.70 2.33 0.50 2.35 3.22 0.60 2.16 2.96 1.17 1.54 2.11 0.82 1.84 2.52 0.92 1.74 2.38 1.48 1.37 1.88
10 0.40 2.63 3.60 0.50 2.37 3.24 1.09 1.60 2.18 0.65 2.07 2.83 0.75 1.92 2.63 1.36 1.43 1.96 1.04 1.63 2.24 1.16 1.55 2.12 1.78 1.25 1.71
1 0.62 2.12 2.91 0.72 1.96 2.69 1.35 1.43 1.96 0.96 1.70 2.33 1.08 1.60 2.20 1.77 1.25 1.71 1.50 1.36 1.86 1.67 1.29 1.77 2.52 1.05 1.44
0.20 1 0.09 5.63 6.68 0.16 4.12 4.89 0.67 2.04 2.42 0.22 3.55 4.21 0.30 3.06 3.63 0.79 1.88 2.23 0.41 2.60 3.09 0.48 2.39 2.84 0.94 1.72 2.04
5 0.28 3.17 3.76 0.36 2.77 3.29 0.90 1.75 2.08 0.47 2.43 2.88 0.56 2.22 2.64 1.11 1.58 1.88 0.77 1.90 2.25 0.86 1.79 2.13 1.40 1.41 1.67
10 0.38 2.72 3.22 0.46 2.45 2.90 1.02 1.65 1.95 0.61 2.13 2.53 0.71 1.98 2.35 1.29 1.47 1.74 0.98 1.69 2.00 1.09 1.60 1.90 1.68 1.28 1.52
1 0.57 2.20 2.61 0.67 2.04 2.42 1.25 1.49 1.77 0.89 1.76 2.09 1.01 1.66 1.97 1.65 1.30 1.54 1.42 1.40 1.66 1.57 1.33 1.58 2.35 1.09 1.29
0.25 1 0.08 5.80 6.15 0.15 4.24 4.50 0.64 2.09 2.21 0.21 3.66 3.88 0.28 3.15 3.34 0.75 1.92 2.04 0.38 2.69 2.85 0.45 2.47 2.62 0.89 1.77 1.87
5 0.26 3.26 3.46 0.34 2.86 3.03 0.86 1.80 1.91 0.45 2.50 2.65 0.53 2.29 2.43 1.05 1.62 1.72 0.72 1.96 2.08 0.81 1.85 1.96 1.33 1.45 1.54
10 0.35 2.80 2.97 0.44 2.52 2.68 0.96 1.70 1.80 0.58 2.20 2.33 0.67 2.04 2.16 1.22 1.51 1.60 0.92 1.74 1.84 1.02 1.65 1.75 1.59 1.32 1.40
1 0.53 2.28 2.42 0.62 2.11 2.24 1.15 1.55 1.65 0.84 1.82 1.93 0.94 1.72 1.82 1.54 1.34 1.43 1.34 1.44 1.53 1.48 1.37 1.45 2.20 1.12 1.19
0.8 0.05 1 0.30 2.29 14.47 0.37 2.07 13.08 0.65 1.55 9.78 1.14 1.17 7.42 1.22 1.13 7.16 1.36 1.07 6.79 1.58 0.99 6.28 1.74 0.95 5.99 2.79 0.75 4.73
5 0.98 1.26 7.98 1.12 1.18 7.48 1.54 1.01 6.36 1.46 1.03 6.54 1.66 0.97 6.13 2.43 0.80 5.07 1.61 0.99 6.23 1.78 0.94 5.93 3.36 0.68 4.31
10 1.21 1.14 7.18 1.40 1.06 6.69 2.18 0.85 5.35 1.48 1.03 6.49 1.68 0.96 6.10 3.21 0.70 4.41 1.62 0.98 6.22 1.79 0.93 5.91 3.49 0.67 4.23
1 1.36 1.07 6.77 1.56 1.00 6.33 3.34 0.68 4.32 1.50 1.02 6.46 1.69 0.96 6.08 3.54 0.66 4.20 1.63 0.98 6.20 1.81 0.93 5.88 3.62 0.66 4.16
0.10 1 0.26 2.47 11.05 0.31 2.23 9.99 0.57 1.65 7.39 0.98 1.26 5.65 1.04 1.22 5.47 1.20 1.14 5.11 1.58 0.99 4.44 1.74 0.95 4.24 2.63 0.77 3.45
5 0.86 1.34 6.01 0.97 1.27 5.67 1.35 1.08 4.81 1.40 1.06 4.72 1.59 0.99 4.43 2.15 0.85 3.81 1.60 0.99 4.42 1.77 0.94 4.20 3.35 0.68 3.05
10 1.12 1.18 5.29 1.27 1.11 4.95 1.90 0.91 4.06 1.44 1.04 4.65 1.64 0.98 4.37 2.84 0.74 3.32 1.61 0.99 4.41 1.78 0.94 4.19 3.49 0.67 2.99
1 1.32 1.09 4.86 1.51 1.02 4.55 3.10 0.71 3.17 1.47 1.03 4.61 1.66 0.97 4.34 3.46 0.67 3.00 1.61 0.98 4.40 1.79 0.93 4.17 3.58 0.66 2.95
0.15 1 0.22 2.64 9.64 0.27 2.39 8.72 0.51 1.75 6.40 0.86 1.35 4.93 0.91 1.31 4.78 1.07 1.21 4.41 1.58 0.99 3.63 1.74 0.95 3.46 2.44 0.80 2.92
5 0.77 1.43 5.21 0.86 1.35 4.93 1.20 1.14 4.17 1.32 1.09 3.97 1.49 1.03 3.74 1.92 0.90 3.30 1.59 0.99 3.62 1.77 0.94 3.43 3.33 0.68 2.50
Appendix A (continued)
Sway-prevented Case 2.1 Case 2.2 Case 2.3 Case 2.4 Case 2.5 Case 2.6 Case 2.7 Case 2.8 Case 2.9
II/III a c khc C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2
10 1.02 1.24 4.51 1.16 1.16 4.25 1.68 0.97 3.53 1.40 1.06 3.86 1.58 0.99 3.63 2.53 0.79 2.87 1.60 0.99 3.61 1.77 0.94 3.43 3.48 0.67 2.45
1 1.27 1.11 4.04 1.45 1.04 3.79 2.82 0.74 2.72 1.45 1.04 3.80 1.63 0.98 3.57 3.36 0.68 2.49 1.60 0.99 3.61 1.78 0.94 3.42 3.55 0.66 2.42
0.20 1 0.20 2.80 8.85 0.24 2.53 8.01 0.46 1.85 5.84 0.76 1.43 4.52 0.81 1.39 4.39 0.97 1.27 4.02 1.58 1.00 3.15 1.74 0.95 3.00 2.24 0.84 2.64
5 0.69 1.51 4.76 0.77 1.43 4.52 1.07 1.21 3.81 1.24 1.12 3.55 1.37 1.07 3.38 1.73 0.95 3.01 1.58 0.99 3.14 1.76 0.94 2.98 3.29 0.69 2.18
10 0.94 1.29 4.08 1.05 1.22 3.86 1.50 1.02 3.23 1.35 1.08 3.41 1.52 1.01 3.21 2.27 0.83 2.62 1.59 0.99 3.14 1.76 0.94 2.98 3.48 0.67 2.12
1 1.23 1.13 3.57 1.39 1.06 3.35 2.56 0.78 2.47 1.42 1.05 3.32 1.60 0.99 3.13 3.22 0.70 2.20 1.59 0.99 3.14 1.77 0.94 2.97 3.51 0.67 2.11
0.25 1 0.18 2.95 8.35 0.22 2.67 7.55 0.42 1.94 5.48 0.69 1.51 4.26 0.73 1.46 4.14 0.88 1.33 3.77 1.57 1.00 2.82 1.74 0.95 2.68 2.05 0.87 2.47
5 0.63 1.58 4.47 0.69 1.50 4.25 0.97 1.27 3.58 1.15 1.17 3.30 1.26 1.11 3.15 1.57 1.00 2.82 1.57 1.00 2.82 1.75 0.95 2.67 3.14 0.71 1.99
10 0.86 1.35 3.81 0.96 1.28 3.61 1.36 1.07 3.03 1.29 1.10 3.11 1.44 1.04 2.94 2.06 0.87 2.46 1.57 1.00 2.82 1.75 0.94 2.67 3.46 0.67 1.90
1 1.18 1.15 3.26 1.33 1.08 3.06 2.32 0.82 2.32 1.39 1.06 3.00 1.56 1.00 2.83 3.05 0.72 2.02 1.57 1.00 2.82 1.75 0.94 2.67 3.47 0.67 1.90
0.9 0.05 1 0.86 1.20 17.02 0.95 1.14 16.23 1.11 1.05 14.99 1.25 0.99 14.13 1.39 0.94 13.41 2.47 0.71 10.06 1.26 0.99 14.09 1.39 0.94 13.40 2.56 0.69 9.88
10 0.6 0.05 1 0.09 5.71 12.12 0.16 4.17 8.85 0.76 1.91 4.05 0.21 3.60 7.65 0.29 3.10 6.58 0.87 1.79 3.79 0.41 2.61 5.53 0.48 2.40 5.09 1.03 1.64 3.48
5 0.28 3.18 6.74 0.36 2.79 5.91 1.00 1.67 3.53 0.46 2.45 5.19 0.55 2.25 4.77 1.18 1.53 3.25 0.77 1.90 4.03 0.86 1.80 3.81 1.47 1.37 2.91
10 0.38 2.70 5.73 0.47 2.44 5.17 1.14 1.56 3.32 0.61 2.14 4.53 0.70 1.99 4.22 1.37 1.42 3.02 0.99 1.68 3.56 1.09 1.60 3.39 1.76 1.26 2.67
1 0.61 2.14 4.53 0.71 1.98 4.21 1.44 1.39 2.95 0.93 1.73 3.67 1.04 1.63 3.46 1.81 1.24 2.63 1.48 1.37 2.91 1.62 1.31 2.78 2.52 1.05 2.23
0.10 1 0.08 5.91 8.87 0.15 4.32 6.48 0.72 1.97 2.95 0.20 3.73 5.60 0.27 3.21 4.82 0.82 1.84 2.76 0.38 2.71 4.07 0.45 2.49 3.74 0.97 1.69 2.54
5 0.26 3.29 4.94 0.33 2.89 4.34 0.94 1.72 2.58 0.43 2.53 3.80 0.51 2.33 3.49 1.12 1.58 2.37 0.71 1.97 2.96 0.80 1.87 2.80 1.38 1.42 2.13
10 0.35 2.81 4.21 0.43 2.53 3.80 1.06 1.62 2.43 0.57 2.21 3.32 0.65 2.06 3.09 1.29 1.47 2.21 0.92 1.74 2.61 1.01 1.66 2.49 1.65 1.30 1.95
1 0.56 2.24 3.35 0.64 2.08 3.12 1.31 1.46 2.19 0.86 1.80 2.70 0.96 1.70 2.55 1.67 1.29 1.94 1.38 1.42 2.13 1.51 1.36 2.04 2.32 1.09 1.64
0.15 1 0.07 6.10 7.47 0.14 4.46 5.46 0.68 2.02 2.47 0.19 3.85 4.72 0.25 3.31 4.06 0.78 1.89 2.31 0.35 2.81 3.44 0.42 2.58 3.17 0.91 1.75 2.14
5 0.24 3.41 4.17 0.31 2.99 3.66 0.88 1.77 2.17 0.41 2.61 3.20 0.48 2.40 2.94 1.05 1.62 1.99 0.67 2.04 2.50 0.74 1.93 2.37 1.30 1.46 1.79
10 0.33 2.91 3.56 0.40 2.63 3.22 0.99 1.68 2.05 0.53 2.29 2.80 0.61 2.13 2.61 1.21 1.52 1.86 0.86 1.80 2.21 0.94 1.72 2.10 1.55 1.34 1.64
Appendix A (continued)
Sway-prevented Case 2.1 Case 2.2 Case 2.3 Case 2.4 Case 2.5 Case 2.6 Case 2.7 Case 2.8 Case 2.9
II/III a c khc C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2
1 0.51 2.33 2.85 0.59 2.17 2.65 1.20 1.52 1.87 0.80 1.87 2.28 0.89 1.77 2.16 1.54 1.34 1.64 1.29 1.47 1.80 1.40 1.41 1.72 2.16 1.13 1.39
0.20 1 0.07 6.29 6.67 0.13 4.59 4.87 0.65 2.07 2.20 0.18 3.97 4.21 0.24 3.42 3.62 0.74 1.94 2.05 0.33 2.91 3.08 0.39 2.67 2.84 0.86 1.80 1.91
5 0.22 3.52 3.73 0.29 3.09 3.27 0.83 1.83 1.94 0.38 2.69 2.86 0.45 2.48 2.63 1.00 1.67 1.77 0.62 2.11 2.24 0.70 2.00 2.12 1.23 1.50 1.59
10 0.31 3.01 3.19 0.38 2.72 2.88 0.93 1.73 1.84 0.50 2.36 2.50 0.57 2.20 2.33 1.14 1.56 1.65 0.80 1.86 1.97 0.88 1.77 1.88 1.46 1.38 1.46
1 0.47 2.42 2.57 0.55 2.26 2.39 1.10 1.59 1.69 0.74 1.93 2.05 0.83 1.83 1.94 1.43 1.39 1.48 1.21 1.52 1.61 1.31 1.45 1.54 2.01 1.18 1.25
0.25 1 0.07 6.47 6.13 0.12 4.72 4.48 0.62 2.12 2.01 0.17 4.08 3.87 0.22 3.51 3.33 0.71 1.98 1.88 0.31 3.00 2.85 0.36 2.76 2.62 0.81 1.85 1.75
5 0.21 3.62 3.44 0.27 3.18 3.02 0.79 1.88 1.78 0.36 2.77 2.63 0.43 2.55 2.42 0.95 1.71 1.62 0.59 2.17 2.06 0.66 2.06 1.95 1.17 1.54 1.46
10 0.29 3.10 2.94 0.35 2.81 2.66 0.87 1.79 1.69 0.47 2.43 2.30 0.54 2.27 2.15 1.08 1.60 1.52 0.76 1.92 1.82 0.83 1.83 1.73 1.39 1.42 1.34
1 0.44 2.51 2.38 0.51 2.34 2.22 1.02 1.65 1.57 0.70 2.00 1.89 0.77 1.89 1.80 1.33 1.44 1.37 1.14 1.56 1.48 1.23 1.50 1.42 1.88 1.22 1.15
0.7 0.05 1 0.13 3.99 13.17 0.19 3.28 10.81 0.61 1.82 6.02 0.40 2.27 7.50 0.46 2.11 6.96 0.84 1.56 5.15 0.92 1.49 4.90 0.99 1.44 4.74 1.28 1.26 4.17
5 0.44 2.16 7.12 0.51 1.99 6.58 0.99 1.44 4.75 0.79 1.61 5.31 0.87 1.53 5.05 1.31 1.25 4.11 1.47 1.18 3.89 1.59 1.13 3.74 1.99 1.01 3.35
0.8 0.05 1 0.24 2.55 14.41 0.29 2.31 13.05 0.59 1.63 9.20 0.92 1.30 7.38 0.98 1.26 7.15 1.16 1.16 6.57 1.58 1.00 5.63 1.71 0.96 5.41 2.50 0.79 4.47
5 0.84 1.36 7.71 0.93 1.29 7.32 1.31 1.09 6.17 1.39 1.06 6.00 1.55 1.00 5.68 2.03 0.88 4.96 1.59 0.99 5.60 1.73 0.95 5.37 3.25 0.69 3.92
10 1.12 1.18 6.69 1.25 1.12 6.32 1.85 0.92 5.21 1.45 1.04 5.88 1.61 0.99 5.58 2.69 0.76 4.31 1.60 0.99 5.60 1.74 0.95 5.36 3.44 0.67 3.81
1 1.35 1.08 6.10 1.50 1.02 5.77 3.24 0.69 3.93 1.48 1.03 5.81 1.64 0.98 5.53 3.52 0.67 3.77 1.60 0.99 5.59 1.75 0.95 5.35 3.58 0.66 3.74
0.10 1 0.21 2.75 11.00 0.25 2.49 9.97 0.52 1.74 6.95 0.79 1.41 5.63 0.84 1.37 5.46 1.02 1.24 4.95 1.58 1.00 3.98 1.71 0.96 3.83 2.28 0.83 3.31
5 0.73 1.46 5.85 0.81 1.39 5.57 1.15 1.17 4.67 1.29 1.10 4.41 1.42 1.05 4.20 1.79 0.93 3.73 1.58 0.99 3.97 1.73 0.95 3.81 3.19 0.70 2.80
10 1.00 1.25 4.99 1.11 1.18 4.74 1.61 0.99 3.95 1.39 1.06 4.24 1.55 1.01 4.02 2.37 0.81 3.25 1.59 0.99 3.97 1.73 0.95 3.80 3.44 0.67 2.70
1 1.29 1.10 4.40 1.44 1.04 4.16 2.86 0.74 2.95 1.45 1.04 4.15 1.60 0.99 3.95 3.43 0.68 2.70 1.59 0.99 3.97 1.73 0.95 3.80 3.55 0.66 2.65
0.15 1 0.18 2.94 9.60 0.22 2.66 8.70 0.46 1.84 6.02 0.69 1.50 4.91 0.73 1.46 4.77 0.91 1.31 4.28 1.57 1.00 3.26 1.70 0.96 3.13 2.06 0.87 2.84
5 0.64 1.56 5.08 0.71 1.49 4.85 1.02 1.24 4.04 1.18 1.15 3.76 1.28 1.11 3.61 1.60 0.99 3.23 1.57 1.00 3.25 1.72 0.95 3.12 3.06 0.71 2.33
10 0.90 1.31 4.29 0.99 1.25 4.09 1.42 1.05 3.43 1.32 1.09 3.55 1.47 1.03 3.37 2.11 0.86 2.81 1.57 1.00 3.25 1.72 0.95 3.11 3.44 0.67 2.20
1 1.24 1.12 3.67 1.38 1.06 3.48 2.53 0.79 2.57 1.42 1.05 3.43 1.57 1.00 3.26 3.26 0.69 2.26 1.58 1.00 3.25 1.72 0.95 3.11 3.52 0.67 2.18
Appendix A (continued)
Sway-prevented Case 2.1 Case 2.2 Case 2.3 Case 2.4 Case 2.5 Case 2.6 Case 2.7 Case 2.8 Case 2.9
II/III a c khc C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2 C K1 K2
0.20 1 0.16 3.12 8.82 0.20 2.83 7.99 0.41 1.94 5.49 0.61 1.60 4.51 0.65 1.55 4.38 0.82 1.38 3.90 1.56 1.00 2.83 1.70 0.96 2.71 1.87 0.91 2.59
5 0.58 1.65 4.66 0.63 1.57 4.45 0.91 1.31 3.70 1.07 1.21 3.41 1.16 1.16 3.29 1.44 1.04 2.94 1.56 1.00 2.83 1.71 0.96 2.71 2.85 0.74 2.10
10 0.82 1.38 3.91 0.89 1.32 3.74 1.27 1.11 3.14 1.25 1.12 3.16 1.37 1.07 3.02 1.89 0.91 2.57 1.56 1.00 2.83 1.71 0.96 2.71 3.43 0.67 1.91
1 1.18 1.15 3.25 1.31 1.09 3.09 2.25 0.83 2.36 1.39 1.06 3.00 1.53 1.01 2.86 3.03 0.72 2.03 1.56 1.00 2.83 1.71 0.96 2.71 3.48 0.67 1.90
0.25 1 0.14 3.29 8.32 0.18 2.98 7.53 0.38 2.04 5.15 0.55 1.68 4.26 0.59 1.63 4.13 0.75 1.45 3.66 1.53 1.01 2.56 1.66 0.97 2.45 1.70 0.96 2.42
5 0.52 1.73 4.38 0.57 1.66 4.20 0.83 1.37 3.47 0.98 1.26 3.19 1.05 1.22 3.09 1.31 1.09 2.76 1.55 1.01 2.54 1.69 0.96 2.43 2.61 0.77 1.96
10 0.75 1.45 3.66 0.81 1.39 3.51 1.15 1.17 2.95 1.18 1.15 2.92 1.28 1.10 2.79 1.72 0.95 2.41 1.55 1.01 2.54 1.69 0.96 2.43 3.34 0.68 1.73
1 1.12 1.18 2.99 1.24 1.12 2.84 2.02 0.88 2.22 1.35 1.07 2.72 1.49 1.02 2.59 2.79 0.75 1.89 1.55 1.00 2.54 1.69 0.96 2.43 3.44 0.67 1.71
0.9 0.05 1 0.71 1.32 16.74 0.77 1.27 16.13 0.94 1.15 14.60 1.25 0.99 12.66 1.36 0.95 12.13 2.38 0.72 9.17 1.25 0.99 12.63 1.36 0.95 12.12 2.55 0.70 8.86
5 1.18 1.02 13.02 1.31 0.97 12.36 2.67 0.68 8.66 1.26 0.99 12.59 1.38 0.95 12.04 2.67 0.68 8.66 1.30 0.97 12.39 1.41 0.93 11.89 2.67 0.68 8.66
10 1.19 1.02 12.96 1.32 0.97 12.33 2.69 0.68 8.62 1.26 0.99 12.58 1.39 0.94 12.02 2.72 0.67 8.57 1.33 0.96 12.26 1.45 0.92 11.76 2.74 0.67 8.54
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