Fuller Kinyon Pump
Fuller Kinyon Pump
Fuller Kinyon Pump
The materials to be conveyed enter the Its density is further increased in the
Control your costs and
hopper by gravity and are advanced space between the terminal flight of
improve your availability
through the barrel by the screw. The the screw and the face of the non-
The 3-piece screw makes the Fuller- material is compacted as it is return valve to form a seal against the
Kinyon® Type M Pump the best. advanced. transport line pressure, thus preventing
Replacement or removal of parts - and blowback. The material then enters
lower plant maintenance costs - have the discharge body, is fluidized by
never been easier. compressed air, and is conveyed into
the transport line.
Maximum material temperature
for standard Type M: 400°F (~200° C)
Lightweight, compact flight section
Type M Pump can be furnished to
meet NFPA / ATEX requirements for
Less disassembly during
pulverized fuel firing systems.
screw removal
Combination Base
• Fabricated steel
• Mounts motor and pump on one base
Pump Discharge
(see illustration below)
• Right angle standard
• Right or left hand available
• Parallel available for convenience
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