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A Survey of Aircraft Materials: Design for Airworthiness and Sustainability

Article in Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN) · June 2013

DOI: 10.21533/pen.v1i1.13


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2 authors:

Yıldırım Kemal Yıllıkçı Fehim Findik

Turkish Aerospace Industry Sakarya Applied Sciences University


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ISSN 2303-4521
Vol. 1 No. 1 (2013)
Available online at:

A Survey of Aircraft Materials: Design for Airworthiness and

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Y. Kemal Yıllıkçı Prof. Dr. Fehim Fındık
Senior Advisor, Permanent Mission of Turkey Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences

International Civil Aviation Organization International University of Sarajevo

999 University Street Suite 735, Montreal, Canada Ilidza, Bosnia and Herzegovina

[email protected] [email protected]

New developments in material science and its technologies find their best implementation areas in aircraft and space
vehicles. Since the beginning of the powered flight, weight of airframes and systems are needed to be reduced. They
are developed and built by light, durable and affordable materials through highly disciplined design, development,
test and certification as well as manufacturing processes. Besides airframes, engineers are challenged to develop
more efficient engines; both by reducing their weights and improving their aero-thermodynamic properties, sustaining
higher operational and safety reliabilities along with complying stringent emission and noise restrictions. These
conditions are increasing the demand for the development and the utilization of advanced lighter, stronger and
durable materials and alloys, ceramic coatings and relevant manufacturing processes.
In this study, current trends and future expectations from material technologies in general; for accomplishing higher
expectations for future lighter airframes, aircraft systems and engines, are reviewed.
Keywords: Advanced Materials, Aerospace Structures, Airworthiness Regulations, Concurrent Engineering and
Surrogate Models.

1. INTRODUCTION Structure Engineers must develop master Design

Documents defining several objectives, approaches and
Civil Transport Aircraft (CTA) design, development, test,
standards starting with its basic criteria for which the
certification, production and related system technologies
aircraft structure would be designed and certified to
have been developed in parallel with the development
ensure compliance with airworthiness requirement,
levels of countries owning these technologies and
including durability, inspection interval and threshold,
industries. A typical CTA, shown as a generic design in
frequent buckling and reparability of the structure.
Fig. 1, depends on several technological areas and uses
Allowable stresses are generated by analysis supported
various end products of these technologies as shown in
by rigorous test evidences by the design teams. For the
Fig. 2. Production of a CTA, its roll out from the final
durability criterion, the structure must be designed to
assembly line is the end product of a highly diversified
demonstrate sufficiently high fatigue endurance
supply chain of; systems, major assemblies, components,
throughout its Design Service Goal (DSG) to achieve two
parts and equipment depicted as a pyramid in Fig. 3.
durability of the structure and minimize the number of
Civil transport aircraft are first needed to be designed to areas prone to fatigue damage.
fully comply with airworthiness requirements. In this
The development and implementation of new materials
perspective, present and future developments in materials
and manufacturing processes for aerospace application is
are evaluated by Aircraft Structure Engineers; Designing
often hindered by the high cost and long time span
for Structural Integrity, Fatigue and Damage Tolerance.
associated with current qualification procedures [1]. The
Even at the Pre-Feasibility Phase of an aircraft project,

DOI: 10.21533/pen.v1i1.13 8
data requirements necessary for material and process First challenge to reach to the “Right Model” during
qualification are extensive and often require millions of Concept Design of a new CTA; the Empty Weight versus
dollars and multiple years to complete. Furthermore, Maximum Take of Weight ratio, which is also referred as
these qualification data can become obsolete for even Structural Efficiency of an aircraft is needed to be
minor changes to the processing route. This burden is a minimized within the design performance goals and
serious impediment to the pursuit of revolutionary new airworthiness compliance constraints. Fig. 5 also gives
materials and more affordable processing methods for air examples for the weight ratios of a group of well-known
vehicle structures. The application of integrated CTAs [3].
computational materials engineering methods to this
problem can help to reduce the barriers to rapid insertion Structural Efficiency is directly related with the fuel
of new materials and processes. By establishing consumption; cost of fuel plus the cost of released
predictive capability for the development of carbon-dioxide emission. On the other hand reducing the
microstructural features in relation to processing and empty weight is inversely effect structural strength of the
relating this to critical property characteristics, a airframe and the aircraft must also comply with the very
streamlined approach to qualification is possible [1]. stringent structural strength and service life durability
requirements as per civil aviation regulations. These two
Bringing a CTA Program to technical and commercial conflicting two challenges make the material selection,
successes is not a straight forward journey and world civil design approaches and the manufacturing techniques
aviation history may have more failure stories than the quite important for the airframe of a new CTA.
success stories. Availability of advanced materials is
essential but utilizing them successfully and affordably is It is envisioned by the world civil transport aviation
another further technological challenge. Integrated sector that energy efficiency and overall productivity of
Product and Process Design (IPPD) and Concurrent next generation CTAs must be improved between
Engineering (CE) disciplines are widely developed and 60~70% by 2030~2040 as illustrated in Fig. 6 [4].
are being implemented in this perspective especially in In aviation this can be made possible primarily in two
the last twenty years [2]. IPPD and CE disciplines utilizes ways; by reducing the overall fuel burn and by increasing
todays advanced Product Life Cycle Management (PLM) the engine efficiency. Commercial aircraft are expected to
tools, software, process, etc; a knowledge based be dramatically leaner, cleaner and quieter in the next 25
environment help engineers to turn ideas and concepts to years, but manufacturers will have to decide how far they
certified and commercially successful CTAs in to the want to push technology, and airlines must decide how
market. Product Life Cycle Management (PLM), depicted much they are willing to pay for efficiency.
in in Fig. 4 (authors are thankful to Mr. Mustafa Ceren,
Informatik, Turkey, for providing the figure), provides NASA initiated Next Generation Aircraft Concept Design
engineering design, analysis, documentation and the studies [4] for aircraft entering into service by 2030 -
integration of the overall product information 2035 as 70% reduction in fuel burn and 70% reduction in
environment with tools also named as Product emissions release are targeted. In these studies, the
Development System (PDM). All of these engineering contribution of the structure to the takeoff weight of the
disciplines and tools do not automatically guaranties low aircraft is aimed to be reduced 5%, whereas the total
weight and durable airframe developments. Examples for empty weight is aimed to be reduced about 30%.
successful designs were achieved in aeronautical and Moreover, propulsion system’s contribution to the takeoff
space vehicles, but structural designs which are ended weight is aimed to be reduced by 3%. Besides, new
with catastrophic failures or overdesign structures caused propulsion systems’ specific fuel consumption must be
transportation of excess empty weights instead of revenue reduced down to 14 g / [kN s]. In order to achieve these
generating payloads, throughout the service life of the goals, new materials, new processes, utilization of
aircraft, have become real life experiences in aviation. integrated product and process design methods will be
needed for next generation aircraft [5], [6]. NASA N+3
Fig. 5 shows the risk matrix of seven major risk areas of a 2030-2035 subsonic aircraft concepts are shown in Fig. 7.
CTA design to production program and these risks are
related with the phases of the program, whereas if there 2. MATERIALS: AVAILABLE AND IN
would be a major problem related with the corresponding DEVELOPMENT
risk, it is too late to cure it at that stage of the program.
Right Model means that the conceptual design of a new Two completely different trends are competing against
aircraft should be better or superior than its nearest one another within the aviation industry this decade [7].
competitors both technically and commercially just from One way or the other, the issues are just too complex and
the beginning of the program and must fill a Niche the existing technologies, resources and know-how just
Market which is clearly visible in world CTA operation too deeply entrenched. There has been an ongoing contest
environment. between composites and metal construction in aircraft. In

a quest for distance, fuel economy, quietness, and cabin importance of corrosion was subsequently demonstrated
environment aircraft makers have invested billions in the by the development of Alclad 2024-T3.
use of composite materials in place of aluminum.
Commercial applications, Boeing with the Dreamliner After the World War II, the higher strength 7178-T6 was
787 that has set the standard for moving composites from developed and was used on the first commercially
use on the boundary to using them as the primary successful jetliner, Boeing 707. Material selection
structure. progressed with the desire for higher fracture toughness;
Alcoa developed 7475 to fill this need. It was first flown
The process has initially started in military aircraft on the Panavia Tornado, and was selected for F16. A big
design; in 1987 the F-15 was constructed from 49% technical and commercial success came with the
aluminum, 32% titanium and just 2% composites, by development of the T77 temper for alloy 7150. For the
2005 when the F22 entered service it was made from just first time, corrosion resistance was accomplished without
16% aluminum, 39% titanium and 24% composites. For having to sacrifice strength. Several materials now in the
commercial aircraft composites, although carrying a early stages of development include Al-Mg-Sc alloys
higher material and construction cost, it is expected to with better corrosion resistance, lower density, and good
result in lower life cycle operating costs. Composites welding characteristics. New generation Al-Li alloy 2097
natural partner is titanium providing key structurally with high resistance to fatigue crack growth is being
stressed component strength and with the rise in developed for the bulkheads of high performance aircraft.
composite use has been a corresponding rise in titanium
use. Titanium use has been on a rise. Recent alloy developments have produced a new
generation of Al-Li alloys which provide not only density
For narrow body aircraft such as the rapidly recovering weight savings, but also many property benefits such as
short haul and commuter jet market for 100–200 seats, excellent corrosion resistance, good spectrum fatigue
metal airframes are offering considerable benefits, crack growth performance, a good strength and toughness
particularly in terms of lower development risks and combination and compatibility with standard
lower material costs. To counter composites claims of manufacturing techniques. This results in well-balanced,
weight reduction and with it lower operating, particularly light-weight aluminum alloys [9]. Finally, Al-Li alloys
fuel costs aluminum producers have introduced new provide many property benefits over previous Al alloys
alloys which exhibit higher strength properties allowing and are often competitive with the performance
thinner gauges to be used and saving on weight. For composites can offer for many aerospace applications.
example has brought out a new aluminum lithium alloy is Chronology of the development Aluminum alloys and
used in fuselage skins, stringers, frames and floor beams. latest Al-Lithium alloys development by Alcoa Company
The alloy has been specified by Bombardier on its new C is shown in Fig. 8.
Series aircraft aimed at the 100-149 seat market [7].
2.2. Current Usage of Composite Materials for
Direct comparison of material properties between Airframe Structures
aluminum alloys and composites is not possible. The
The use of Fiber Reinforced Composite Materials have
design drivers for the materials are significantly different,
been continuously increasing since 1990s as shown in
and therefore a comparison can only be made on a case-
Fig. 9 and new Boeing 787 Dreamliner and Airbus 350
by-case basis. Detailed analyses need to be performed to
XWB series aircraft are utilizing highest amount of
determine which material is best suited for a specific
composite materials [10].
structure. Scientific studies, material qualification and
design implementation of new materials are continuing in The A350 XWB’s airframe materials were selected for
aluminum and titanium alloys, composite material their optimum qualities in uses throughout the jetliner –
processing, manufacturing tools, monitoring and from composites in the fuselage, wings and tail, to
maintenance approaches are being continuously advanced metallic in such major components as the
developed. landing gear, engine pylon and structural beams. Referred
as intelligent airframe, Airbus’ philosophy was about
2.1. Chronology of Aluminum Development
using the best material for each individual application.
The history of world aviation is closely related to Airbus’ extensive application of composites – comprising
aluminum and the history of creating aluminum alloys, 53 per cent of the overall airframe (compared to 11 per
and the more durable and reliable aluminum became, the cent in the A330) – benefits from the design and
higher, farther and safer airplanes flew [8]. The 2017-T4 manufacturing advances for such lightweight, strong and
Al-Cu-Mg-Mn alloy “Duralumin” was developed in durable materials. Their advantages on the A350 XWB
Germany in the early 1900’s has been insensitively used begin with reduced development times and higher
in aviation starting with the first all-aluminum airplane, production rates on the final assembly line; while
Junkers F13 manufactured in Germany in 1920. The contributing to lower overall aircraft weight, along with

proven in-service durability, reduced corrosion and suite of new technologies and its revolutionary design.
fatigue, as well as lower maintenance costs. Composite materials make up 50 percent of the primary
structure of the 787, including the fuselage and wing.
Maintenance will be streamlined with Airbus’ focus on
improved and simplified aircraft systems for the A350 At the heart of the 787 design is a modern systems
XWB – including hydraulics, electronics and power architecture that is simpler, more functional and more
generation – which also enhance the aircraft’s improved efficient. For example, onboard health-monitoring
operating economics. The use of composites in the systems allow the airplane to self-monitor and report
fuselage, wing and tail assumed to reduce maintenance systems maintenance requirements to ground-based
tasks by creating a more “intelligent” airframe with computer systems. Advances in engine technology are the
increased resistance to corrosion and fatigue during the biggest contributor to overall fuel efficiency
jetliner’s lifetime. improvements on the Dreamliner. The 787 features new
engines from General Electric and Rolls-Royce
Advanced metallic materials also have found their place companies that represent nearly a two-generation jump in
on the A350 XWB, including low density/high technology.
performance aluminum-lithium alloys that provide
increased stiffness and resistance at lower weight in floor The design and build process of the 787 has added further
beams, frames, ribs and landing gear bays. The latest efficiency improvements. Boeing and its supplier partners
titanium alloys are applied in main landing gear supports, have developed new technologies and processes to
engine pylons, and attachments. achieve efficiency gains. For example, manufacturing the
787 fuselage as one-piece sections has eliminated 1,500
The A350 XWB’s major fuselage sections are created by aluminum sheets and 40,000 - 50,000 fasteners per
the assembly of four large panels each, which are joined section. More than 50 of the world's most capable top-tier
with longitudinal riveted joints. The 4-panel concept also supplier partners are working with Boeing to bring
is aimed to provide considerable weight savings, as the innovation and expertise to the 787 program. The
use of longer panels requires fewer circumferential joints suppliers have been involved since the early detailed
and relies more on lighter longitudinal joints. This weight design phase of the program and all are connected
savings also results from better optimization of each virtually at 135 sites around the world.
panel for its application. The use of fewer, longer sections
also means fewer joints overall – which are placed for The 787 program opened its final assembly plant in
load and weight optimization. Everett in May 2007 and in North Charleston in July
2011. First flight of the 787-8 Dreamliner occurred on
Another benefit is better reparability in operational December 15, 2009, followed by certification in August
service, as an individual panel can be replaced in the 2011. First delivery of the 787-8 took place on Sept. 25,
event of significant damage – avoiding major repair work 2011. Composite material usage in Boeing 787 aircraft is
that could require extensive composite patching. shown in Fig. 11 [12].
Composite material usage in A350XWB aircraft is shown
in Fig. 10 [11]. 2.3. Titanium Alloys
Responding to the overwhelming preference of airlines Currently a greater amount of titanium is incorporated in
around the world, Boeing Commercial Airplanes in 2004 to aircraft. This is connected with the fact that the share
launched the 787 Dreamliner, an all-new, superefficient of the composite materials with which aluminum
airplane. An international team of top aerospace intensively interacts and corrodes in the new airplanes is
companies builds the airplane, led by Boeing at its being increased. Titanium is not subjected to these
Everett, Wash., facility near Seattle and in North processes and results in increasing the life of components.
Charleston, S.C. In addition to bringing big-jet ranges to Applications run from massive highly stressed, forged
midsize airplanes, the 787 provides airlines with wing structures, and landing gear components, to small
unmatched fuel efficiency, resulting in exceptional critical fasteners, springs and hydraulic tubing.
environmental performance. The airplane uses 20 percent
Titanium usage on Boeing aircraft has increased from 2%
less fuel than today's similarly sized airplanes. The 787
empty weight on the 737 to 17% on the 787. Titanium
also travels at a similar speed as today's fastest twin-aisle
alloys now replace nickel and steel alloys in nacelles and
airplanes, Mach 0.85. Airlines also realize more cargo
landing gear components in newer airframes such as the
revenue capacity -- a 20 to 45 percent advantage over
Boeing 777, 787 and Airbus 380. Super-plastic
today's similarly sized airplanes.
forming/diffusion bonding has helped to increase the use
Passengers also enjoy improvements on the 787 of titanium alloys (Fig. 12) in new airframe designs, by
Dreamliner, from an interior environment with higher lowering the cost through less machining, reworking and
humidity to more comfort and convenience. The key to fewer component parts [13].
the exceptional performance of the 787 Dreamliner is its
Ultra fine-grained titanium is characterised by 2.5. Composite Materials for Future Airframe
exceptional mechanical properties, among which high Structures
ultimate strength and high yield strength are of utmost
The use of composite materials and new concepts for the
importance (Fig. 12). Classical coarse-grained titanium
manufacturing technologies for new composite structures
the relation (strength/density) varies around 70 to 120
are expected to be increased in next generation aircraft.
(N·m/g) Alloy Ti6Al4V it varies around 200 (N·m/g).
As examples by the improvement of 3-D Woven Pi-
Ultra-grained titanium it is possible to predict the values
Preform Joints, creation of large integrated composite
(strength/density) = 270 (N·m/g) (Fig. 13).
structures and sub-structures through composite pi-joints
2.4. Metal Bonding / Fiber Metal Laminates (FML) will be possible. It also prevents the exploitation of
orthotropic properties of carbon fiber and limits out of
The combination of metallic materials with fiber plane failure modes. Moreover, size limitations found on
reinforced polymers into aircraft structural materials is pre-prep systems are removed since it is assembled in dry
commonly denoted as hybrid concepts or technologies. conditions (Fig. 17) [5]. Another concept is the
These concepts have their origin in the addition of Affordable Large Integrated Structures. Advancements in
reinforcing fibers into the bond line of thin laminated alloy, composite, and composite joint technology allow
aluminum sheets [14]. Well-known examples of the FML design flexibility toward utilized structures. The
are Arall (Aramid Reinforced Aluminum Laminates) and introduction of the Affordable Large Integrated Structures
Glare (GLAssREinforced aluminum), aramid/glass fibers eliminates structural discontinuities and fastened
embedded in the epoxy system with aluminum layers, assemblies, increasing structural efficiency, providing
respectively. Glare is currently applied as skin material reduction in part count and weight (Fig. 17) [5].
on Airbus A380 fuselage and as leading edges of the tail
planes of this aircraft [15], [16], [17] (Fig. 14). Main Advancements in composites find their place in airplane
advantages of FMLs over monolithic aluminum alloys are skin too as a new skin concept is introduced. New
the increased fatigue and corrosion resistance. Compared protective skin weighs less than half of the current
to fiber reinforced polymer composites, FMLs have composite coatings with increased damage tolerance by
higher bearing strength and impact resistance and they are the help of energy absorbing foam. The conductive skin
easier to repair. They also provide weight reduction by over the foam protects the composite structure from
15-30%. lightening and also provides electromagnetic interference
and environmental protection as shown in Fig. 18 [19].
A similar recent material is termed as CentrAl. The new,
CentrAl concept comprises a central layer of FML, Carbon nano-tubes are hexagonally shaped arrangements
sandwiched between one or more thick layers of high- of carbon atoms bonded into a tube shape, sometimes
quality aluminum. FMLs consist of alternating layers of with a single wall — called single-wall carbon nano-tubes
uni-directional impregnated fiber lamina and thin metallic or SWCNT — or multiple walls — called multi-wall
sheets adhesively bonded together. This technique of carbon nano-tubes MWCNT. Carbon nano-tubes have
coupling the metal with fiber shows improvements over many remarkable properties which we are only just
the properties of both aluminum alloys and composite starting to exploit. First of all, carbon nano-tubes are
materials individually [18] (Fig. 15). extremely strong, probably one of the strongest materials
that is even theoretically possible. Although nano-tubes
Aluminum metal bonding airframe structures have been are only about a nanometer wide, they can be very long in
widely used in Fokker70 and Fokker100 aircraft; metal comparison to their width, a useful property for strength
bonding and intelligent use of composites have resulted (Fig. 19). Carbon nano-tubes are hexagonally shaped
with light airframe. With the proven excellent in service arrangements of carbon atoms bonded into a tube shape,
life; 11 million flight hours and nearly 10 million flight sometimes with a single wall - called single-wall carbon
cycles, the structural integrity and durability which nano-tubes or SWCNT - or multiple walls - called multi-
guarantee crack-free-life for 45.000 cycles, economical wall carbon nano-tubes MWCNT.
repair life for 90.000 cycles and superior corrosion
resistance, a stretched version F120 Next Generation with Although the longest nano-tubes that have been
new engines and complete new flight deck is being synthesized are only a few cm in length, Nanocomp
proposed. As shown in Figure 16 the proposed F120NG Technologies Inc. have taken a step towards making
can have better “Structural Efficiency” even compared carbon nano-tubes into nano-tube fibers kilometers long.
with new designs which are utilizing higher composite The fibers have the strength of spider silk and more than
material usage. (Authors are thankful to Mr. Rudi den three times its shock-absorbing toughness. These fibers
Hertog and Mr. Maarten van Eeghen, NG Aircraft are both tougher and stronger than steel. The fibers have
Company, Netherland for the information and the figure twice the stiffness and strength and 20 times the
provided). toughness of the same weight and length of steel wire
[20] (Fig. 20).

2.6. New Materials in Aircraft Engines manufacturing costs. To realize the full advantages of
PMCs in aircraft-propulsion systems, however, new
A major effort underway in this area is the Advanced
composite materials must be developed with enhanced
High Temperature Engine Materials Technology
thermal-oxidative stability permitting their use at
development which focuses on providing revolutionary
temperatures to 425°C [24].
high-temperature composite materials: to 425°C for
polymer-matrix composites (PMCs); to 1250°C for metal- Lightweight Fan / Fan Cowl can be achieved by the use
matrix / inter-metallic-matrix composites (MMCs / of design optimization. Shape memory alloy nozzles
IMCs); and to as high as 1650°C for ceramic-matrix (variable geometry nozzles) utilize a shape memory alloy
composites (CMCs) (Fig. 21). actuated hinge that is able to be varied and controlled
which allows for optimization of engine for given power
Based on the preliminary designs of next generation
setting and target condition. Active compressor clearance
conceptual engines, however, material temperatures
control provides higher compressor efficiencies by
approaching 1650°C are anticipated for the turbine inlet,
minimizing the blade tip losses by maintaining tip
thus requiring extensive use of CMCs throughout the
clearances which takes the form of variable, flexible
combustor, turbine, and exhaust nozzle. One benefit of
surface maintained by electromagnetic actuators (Fig. 23)
using CMCs is that they allow higher operating
temperatures and thus greater combustion efficiency
leading to reduced fuel consumption. Thanks to the low
density of CMCs, compared with current technology, the
use of CMCs in the hot section of the engine along with
IMCs in the compressor is resulting in a 50% reduction in 3.1. Airworthiness Regulations for CTA
engine weight. In civil aircraft world; design, development, production
and operation, personnel training, maintenance (MRO),
Ceramic matrix composite turbine blades and turbine air traffic control and all related sub-activities are
materials are attractive due to their high temperature regulated and controlled by international rules and
tolerance. Without the need to cool the turbine blades, organizations. The top regulating organization is the
compressor bleed will no longer required and higher International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
temperatures can be achieved with the combustor. established under United Nations in 7th December 1944
Ceramic-matrix composites research is aimed at with Chicago Convention. Under ICAO rules several
developing the basic and applied technologies needed to National Civil Aviation Authorities were established such
fabricate structurally reliable ceramic composites as: EASA in Europe (European Aviation Safety Agency),
reinforced with long or continuous ceramic fibers Fig. 22. FAA (Federal Aviation Authority) in United States.
Like monolithic ceramics, these fiber-reinforced ceramics Turkey operates and maintains aircraft according to
(FRCs) have lower densities, better oxidation resistance, Turkish Civil Aviation Authority Regulations (DGCA-
and potential to operate at significantly higher SHGM) which are fully compliant with EASA and FAA
temperatures than super alloys. However, unlike regulations. The complete Life Cycle of an aircraft; from
monolithic ceramics, FRCs display metal-like design manufacturing and operation must be certified by
deformation behavior, non-catastrophic failure, and the authorized organization.
strength properties that is insensitive to processing- and Aviation Products, their Utilization and Organizations
service-generated flaws [21]. Approval (Aircrafts, Engines) Top Down Regulation
The use of CMCs in gas turbines would permit higher Hierarchy of EASA is shown in Fig. 24 [25], [26]. Top
turbine inlet temperatures, which would improve turbine regulations for airworthiness of civil aircraft are defined
efficiency. Because of the complex shape of stator vanes by Annex 8 of the Chicago Convention and EASA CS25
and turbine blades, the development was first focused on and FAA FAR25 regulations define the design and
the combustion chamber. A combustor made of SiC/SiC certification requirements for CTA (Large Aircraft).
with a special SiC fiber of enhanced high-temperature 3.2. Certification of Product and Parts and Appliances
stability was successfully tested for 15,000 hours [22].
SiC oxidation was substantially reduced by the use of an 3.2.1. Product
oxidation protection coating consisting of several layers Design Organization Approval (Subpart J)
of oxides [23].
Product Organization Approval (Subpart G)
Polymer-matrix composites (PMCs) are the lightest of the
three types of composite materials under study and recent 3.2.2. Aircraft (Type Certification) Certification Basis
applications of PMCs in aircraft propulsion systems, such for Large Aircraft (CS25)
as General Electric`s F-404 engine, have resulted in 3.2.3 Engine (Type Certification) Certification Basis
substantial reductions in both engine weight and (CS-E)
3.2.4. Propeller (Type Certification) Certification Basis 𝑆𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑜𝑤
(CS-P) 𝑀𝑆 − −1
3.2.5. Change to Type Certifications: Where, Sequivalent is the maximum stress with stress ratio R
Design Organization Approval (Subpart j) that produces the same damage to the fatigue spectrum at
the specific location.
Production Organization Approval (Subpart G)
Regarding the durability criterion, the structure must be
STC (Supplemental Type Certification)
designed to demonstrate sufficiently high fatigue
Major Changes/Minor Changes endurance throughout its Design Service Goal (DSG), to
3.2.6. Parts and Appliances achieve the following objectives:

ETSO Parts: (European Technical Standard Orders)  Ensure durability of the structure throughout its
operational life.
3.3. Reliability
 Minimize the number of areas prone to fatigue
The concept of Continuing Airworthiness is
damage and development of cracking in service.
closely related with Reliability of aircraft and its
systems. Relatively few systems are designed to Structural detailed analysis, geometrical sizing and tests
operate without maintenance of any kind. For most must demonstrate that the calculated fatigue life of the
systems there are two types of maintenance, one or structure NF is higher or equal to the DSG multiplied by
both of which may be applied. In preventive or an appropriate Scatter Factor (SF).
scheduled maintenance, parts are replaced, lubricants
changed, or adjustments made before failure 𝑵𝑭 ≥ 𝑫𝑺𝑮 × 𝑺𝑭
occurs. The objective is to increase the reliability of The value of the SF depends on the stress (Stress Life)
the system over the long term by preventing the aging design data used in the analysis.
effects of wear, corrosion fatigue, and related
phenomena. Whereas, corrective or unscheduled The threshold for initial inspection of the structure
maintenance is performed after failure has occurred in should be defined as a design objective. Design
order to return the system to service as soon as possible. precautions will be taken for the following objectives:
Such maintenance is performed at unpredictable intervals
 Ensure the minimum inspection threshold
because the time to any specific unit's failure cannot be
will be equal to the target value.
established ahead of time.
In general structural design load and damage  Ensure that any damage will not reach its
considerations of airworthiness requirements (CS25 and critical size before the first inspection occurs.
FAR25) define Limit and Ultimate Loads. The Limit Analysis and tests must demonstrate that service life of
Load is defined as being the maximum load per life the structure NC is higher or equal to the design objective
which may only cause a detectable damage to be found inspection threshold T, multiplied by an appropriate SF.
and repaired through maintenance. Ultimate Load is the
1.5 times of the Limit Load and it is allowed to cause 𝑁𝐶 ≥ 𝑆𝐹 × 𝑇
only an acceptable but non-detectable damage which is The evaluation of the inspection threshold, using initial
referred as the Allowable Damage Limit [10]. flaw concept, must ensure that cracks will not propagate
3.4. Design Criteria for Fatigue and Damage from the initial defects to the critical sizes within the
Tolerance inspection threshold interval. This approach is applicable
to Single Load path structures and Multiple Load Path
The basic Fatigue and Damage Tolerance (F&DT) criteria structure where it cannot be demonstrated that load path
against which the aircraft structure is designed and failure, partial failure, or crack arrest will be detected and
certified, is to ensure compliance with the airworthiness repaired during normal maintenance.
requirement, include durability, inspection interval and
threshold, frequent buckling and reparability of the The repeat inspection interval is the time between two
structure. Allowable stresses Sallow, are generated by successive directed inspections during which any damage
analysis supported by a series of test evidences. The must not propagate from the detectable size to the critical
allowable stresses are dependent on the design geometry; size. Design precautions will be taken for allowing
the material used as well as in some cases the loading objectives:
pattern. During the detailed sizing of an aircraft structure,
Reserve Factors or Margins of Safety are calculated as,  Provide damage tolerance capability of the

 Ensure that any damage will be detected before it new materials and manufacturing processes for aerospace
becomes critical within the targeted inspection application is very costly and long process, selection of
interval. right materials and designs for airframe components
which complies very stringent airworthiness
 Maintain airworthiness through scheduled requirements, Structural Engineers often feel as
inspections. surrounded with too many constraints. It is a very
Repeat inspection interval is derived from period of time difficult challenge to minimize the empty weight by
during which damage is detectable, and the residual accomplishing too many conflicting objectives and highly
strength remains above the required levels. Consequently, bounding constrains. But on the other hand, structural
the structural assessment should include a calculation of engineers now have methodologies and tools which
the period of failure crack in the critical location of the enable them to generate innovative solutions to these
structure to develop from the detectable size to the critical challenges.
size under residual strength loads. An inspection interval Integrated Product and Process Design (IPPD),
is then established by applying an appropriate scatter Concurrent Engineering (CE) and Product Life-Cycle
factor to this crack growth period, in order to ensure that Management (PLM) tools (Fig. 4) and methodologies are
the crack will be detected before the residual strength of well developed for robust, integrated and optimized
the structure is compromised. design solutions [1999]. As being one example,
The detectable crack size is assumed in determining the Aerospace Systems Design Laboratory (ASDL) at
inspection interval should be consistent with the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA, has been
capabilities of the proposed inspection method. continuously improving these IPPD methodologies as
well as implementation of new available tools through
The crack growth analysis and crack propagation test various research and design activities [27].
must demonstrate that the period ndet , during which the
crack propagates from the detectable size to the critical An exceedingly large number of scientific and
size, is higher and or equal to the required repeat engineering fields are confronted with the need for
inspection interval I, multiplied by an appropriate SF. computer simulations to study complex, real world
phenomena or solve challenging design problems.
𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑡 ≥ 𝑆𝐹 × 𝐼 However, due to the computational cost of these high
fidelity simulations, the use of neural networks, kernel
Frequent buckling should be avoided because it has an
methods, and other surrogate modeling techniques have
impact on the fatigue lives of the skin and webs and/or its
become indispensable. Surrogate models are compact and
surrounding structure. The fatigue load spectrum should
cheap to evaluate, and have proven very useful for tasks
be analyzed to ensure that the buckling will not occur
such as optimization, design space exploration,
more than specified number during the operational life of
prototyping, and sensitivity analysis. Consequently, in
the aircraft. The allowed numbers repeated buckling
many fields there is great interest in tools and techniques
should be substantiated by test under fatigue damage to
that facilitate the construction of such regression models,
structure buckling within the fatigue load range.
while minimizing the computational cost and maximizing
Repair-ability is a characteristic of the design and related model accuracy. Reference [28] presented a mature,
to the ability of structure to incorporate an acceptable flexible, and adaptive machine learning toolkit for
repair with the minimum of structural modification regression modeling and active learning to tackle these
following the occurrence of reasonable damage. Repair- issues.
ability should be considered in the geometric design and
As being an instructive study to implement IPPD and CE
detailed sizing of the aircraft. Repair-ability is enhanced
methodologies as well as to utilize PLM tools, a CTA
is accessibility, serviceability and standardization are
floor beam structural design and analysis conducted by
maximized and corrosion requirements are minimized. In
reference [29] will be presented as an example.
addition, the maximum use of interchangeable
components becomes desirable which can facilitate rapid 4.1. Problem Definition
repair and replacement. Repair-ability concept, limit and 3-D view of the floor beams in the fuselage and
ultimate load capability of an aircraft structure is simplified beam section are shown in Figure 25. Major
illustrated in Fig. 25. design variables are selected as section dimensions shown
in Figure 26 along with the material type
4. INTEGRATED PRODUCT AND PROCESS (Aluminum/Titanium) and manufacturing method
DESIGN (IPPD): (NC/Sheet Metal). The Overall Evaluation Criteria (OEC)
As introduced in Section 1; the current qualification constructed to represent the overall expectations from the
procedures for the development and implementation of design is formulated as:

OEC= (W/WBL) + (C/CBL) + Shape Criteria) and time consuming codes, can be represented by a
quadratic equation. This response is a function of the
Where , andare weighting parameters for weight, most important design variables and their interaction. In
cost and geometric constrains respectively. W and C are cases where no prior knowledge exists as to which
weight and cost of the component and WBL and CBL are variables are important, a Screening Test (ST) has to be
baseline values to normalize weight and cost respectively. performed. The ST is used to identify primary
The ultimate goal is to determine the values of design contributing factors among a set of design variables at
variables that minimize OEC while satisfying static two-level (minimum and maximum settings) during the
structural constraints. Structurally it is required to ensure DOE phase. The Response Surface Methodology (RSM)
that the beams do not fail under the loads which they will encompasses a set of techniques by which relationships
be exposed during their complete life cycle. The between a set of independent variables and their
constraints are defined as: dependent functions can be studied empirically. The
“response” is the outcome of each individual experiment
Min (MSi) > 0 i = 1,2,3,4,5,6 and the response values are then used to create surface
equation fits based on the various independent
Max Deflection > defined values
parameters. The surface fit equations are selected as with
Where MSi is margin of safety due to any of six primary the form:
static stress failure criteria selected as:
Y = 0+iiXi+iiiXi2+ijijXiXj
Shear buckling
The coefficients of this equation are determined through a
Bending buckling three-level DOE. Since an equation involving too many
variables is impractical, the number of variables must be
Combined shear-bending buckling reduced to a manageable size. Sensitivities and responses
to the design variables are given in Fig. 27.
Shear stress
Response surface for the objective OEC of the beam
Axial stress
design in this example is the Surrogate Model of the
Crippling beam structural and geometrical design. With todays
advanced PLM environment (Fig. 4) and tools, engineers
Deflection constraint has been rewritten so as to make it can utilize Parametric Design and Surrogate Models
“higher than zero” constraint like MS, and it has been connected as several serial and parallel design sub-
assumed as seventh MS. activities and can perform optimization procedures for
4.2. Implementation of DOE-RSM Approach iterating and selecting the Best Affordable Design
Having selected weight, cost, OEC, and minimum and Solutions [28].
norm of the margins of safety – including deflection
constraint – as responses, Design of Experiment (DOE) 5. DISCUSSIONS AND CONCLUSIONS
and Response Surface Method (RSM) have been realized As being one of the major and initial challenges in the
by using JMP, a statistic software by SAS Institute, NC, design and development a new CTA, assuring a desired
and a 128-experiment custom model has been constructed Structural Efficiency is quite complicated engineering
by JMP commercial software [30]. Engineering process. Top decision makers give strategic decisions step
simulations and modeling are performed by CATIA, by step during Pre-Feasibility, Concept Exploration,
MSC PATRAN/NASTRAN and several in-house Preliminary Design and Concept Definition phases of the
structural analyses codes (representing the PLM new CTA Program. They should be provided with precise
environment). In this preliminary study, a simplified solutions and clear alternatives in the decision making
parametric cost model has been used [31]. Formulation is processes.
written for particular design as;
Authors evaluate that difficulties and risks, which are
C W a b W c /Q addressed in Section 1, can be turned to new challenges
and opportunities if correct approaches will be used. First
where C is manufacturing cost including material of all, structural design is a team work and good results
acquisition cost, W is weight, a, b, and c are parameters can be achievable by common and well shared
dependent upon material type and manufacturing method, intelligence. Structural design teams first must respect the
and Q is production quantity. vast experiences of senior engineers and on the other
Response Surface Designs (RSD) [32] are based on the hand young engineers must be knowledgeable and
assumption that complex relationships between design competent in using advanced methodologies and tools in
variables often examined through the use of sophisticated a fast and accurate way. Innovative thinking can give

results with disciplined and systematic design iterations airworthiness of the aircraft throughout its life cycle as
but right modeling always depends on real life long as it operates. Aircraft structural engineers must well
experiences. understand certification aspects of the structural design
even down to very detailed component and small parts
As outlined in Section 2, development new and level. On the other hand regulators must also ease the
affordable materials for aircraft structures will lead qualification processes for new materials, with a parallel
structural engineers to design and manufacture lighter and utilization of new technologies and processes by which
durable airframes. Reversely, aircraft industry will be these new materials and processes will be developed.
seeking and demanding for new materials and processes
for new airframe design applications. Aircraft structures Aviation is expected to grow 6% annually and aircraft
will continue to utilize metallic and composite materials replacements can be realized earlier than expected. There
with different forms of design and manufacturing will be a continuous demand for good structural
processes for near decade. Airplanes are always multi- engineering. As briefly explained in Section 4 available
material and the use of aluminum in aerospace is and continuous developments in IPPD, CE, PLM and all
projected to grow along with the usage of composite other engineering design tools and methodologies will
materials. enable structural engineers to develop better solutions and
intelligent designs.
In section 3 it is emphasized that CTA airframe designs
are strictly regulated to ensure the continued


Figure 1 - A generic CTA, is the end product of a diversified materials equipment and industrial/technical
knowhow supply chain.








Figure 2 - Commercial Transport Aircraft Design, Development, Certification, Production and Operation (Life
Cycle) utilizes several technologies and disciplines which are mainly developed as spin-off technologies of
aerospace industry itself in decades.


Figure 3 - The pyramid of the highly diversified supply chain of systems, major assemblies, components and
parts of CTA production.

Intelligence Manufacturing
Enterprise Process Mgmnt

Configuration Design Distributed

Management Automation Collaboration

Requirements Visualization
Management & Mockup
Supplier &
MCAD Data Component
Management Management
Software Data ECAD Data
Management Enterprise Content & Management
Process Management

Figure 4 - Product Life Cycle Management (PLM) provides engineering design, analysis, documentation and the
integration of the overall product information environment with tools also named as Product Development
System (PDM) (Provided by Mr. Mustafa Ceren, Informatik, Turkey).
Increasing Likelihood of Risk Item Occuring


RIGHT MODEL "Structural Efficiency"
DESIGN ORG Ratio of Empty Weight to
Selected Models Max Take-off Weight
Concorde 0.425
777-200LR 0.426
A340-500 0.460

777-300ER 0.473
VENDOR SCM 787-8 0.482
787-9 0.464
767-300ER 0.482
Consequence Increasing Impact if Risk Item Occurs 747-8 0.482
F-100 Tay 650 0.561
F120NG Proposed 0.535

Figure 5 - CTA Design, Development, Certification and Production Program 7 Major Risk Areas for A New
Indigenous Design and “Structural Efficiency” of the Selected CTAs [3].

Figure 6 - Commercial Transport Aircraft Fuel Burn Goals for 2030-2035 70 % reduction in total fuel burn per
seat-mile [5], [6].

NASA N+3 Future Subsonic Fixed Wing Aircraft

Hybrid Wing Body Aircraft Pax>800

L/D 25-30

Double Bubble Fuselage

Figure 7 - Future Aircraft Concepts NASA N+3 for 2030-2035 [5], [6].

Figure 8 - Chronology of Aluminum Alloys Development and Aluminum Lithium Alloys (Copyright of Alcoa

Aircraft Composite Composite
Content For Content
Select Airframes
% of structural
% of structural weight weight
Next Generation
Narrow body Transport
(expected ≈2015)
*Military Aircraft in Blue . A350 XWB
50% .

A350 .

. .
(mid 2006)
1995. F-35 JSF


. .


. A320 .

. . .
F/A-18C/D . 777

MD-80 757
. . . A300-600
737-300 747-400

1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

Figure 9 - Chronology of Composite Material Usage in Aircraft (Reproduced as based on [10]).

Figure 10 - Composite Material Usage in Aircraft Industry, Airbus A350 XWB Aircraft, Copyright of Airbus

Figure 11 - Composite Material Usage in BOEING 787 Aircraft, Copyright of Boeing Commercial Airplanes,

Figure 12 - Titanium Alloy Development [13].

Figure 13 - Titanium Alloy Development [13].

Fiber Metal Laminates (FML)

Glare is a sandwich material constructed from alternating

layers of aluminum and glass fiber with bondfilm

Weight reduction: 15 to 30%,

Excellent Fatigue Resistance,
Improved Impact Resistance,
Excellent Fire Resistance Behavior,
Lightning Strike Capability.

GLARE® shell with bonded stringers and doublers; A380 section 18, main
deck panel

EADS Deutschland Gmbh, corparate research center

Figure 14 - Glare Fuselage Panel Usage in A380 Aircraft [16], [17].

Figure 15 - Laminated Al components [18].


70% F-70(79 seat)

Existing 78 seat
Fuel consumption per seat

60% Existing 86 seat

50% New Design 72

F-100(110 seats)
40% Existing 90 seatNew Design 103
Existing 74New
seatDesign 90 Existing 104 seats
30% Existing 114 seats
seat Existing 122 seats
20% Existing 132 seats
Existing 145 seats
Existing 148 seat
Proposed F-
10% 90NG(100 seat)
Existing 125 seat
In Production 145 Existing 163 seats
0% Proposed F-120NG
(120 seat)
-20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%
Per trip of 400 NM
Figure 16 - Proposed F120 Aircraft to be developed as based on F100 (Authors are thankful to Mr. Rudi den
Hertog and Mr. Maarten van Eeghen, NG Aircraft Company, Netherland for the information and the figure

Figure 17 - 3-D Woven and Pi-Preform Joints and Large Integrated Composite Structure [5].

Figure 22 - New Composite Conductive Skin-Stringer Concepts with Energy Absorbing Foam [19].

Figure 19 - Carbon Nano-tubes hexagonally shaped arrangements of carbon atoms bonded into a tube shape

Figure 20 - From Nano-tubes to nano-fübers (Nanocomp Technologies Inc., Reference [20]).

Revolutionary High-Temperature Composite Materials

Revolutionary High-Temperature Composite

to 425°C f or polymer-matrix composites


to 1250°C f or metal-matrix / intermetallic-

matrix composites (MMCs / IMCs); and

to as high as 1650°C f or ceramic-matrix

composites (CMCs).

Figure 21 - Advanced High Temperature Engine Technology Development [23].

Figure 22 - Ceramic Matrix composites, ceramic composites reinforced with long or continuous ceramic fibers

Figure 23 - Shape Memory Alloys (variable geometry nozzles for Light Weight Fan / Fan Cowl [5].

Figure 24 - Top Down Hierarchy of EASA Civil Aviation Regulations Covering the Complete Product Life Cycle
of an Aircraft.

Figure 25 - Aircraft Structures Loading, Damage Detection, Inspection; Repair-ability Illustration.

Figure 26 - 3-D view of The Floor Beam Structures and Cross Sectional Dimensions for Design Iterations [29].

Figure 27 - Sensitivities and responses to the design variables for the floor beam design [29].

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Airlines, and Dr. İsmail Demir, CEO Turkish Metals Technology Conference (2007).
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supports of; Mr. Zeki Keskin, Structural
Compliance Verification and Chief Engineer, Mr. [12] BOEING 787 Aircraft
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