Act5 Charless Alexander M. Beltran

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Lesson 3: Less Stress, More Care

1.Define stress and its two types: distress and eustress.

ANSWER: What is Stress? Any form of change that creates physical, emotional, or
psychological distress is referred to as stress. Stress is your body's reaction to
anything that demands your attention or action. To some extent, everyone is
stressed. However, how you respond to stress has a significant impact on your
general well-being. 2 types of stress 1. Distress is defined as a state of extreme
anxiety, sadness, or anguish. 2. refers to tension that causes a favorable reaction.
It is the inverse of distress and can relate to any sort of positive stress, physical or
psychological. This form of stress is perceived as tolerable and even inspiring by

2. Describe the three components of the general stress syndrome.

ANSWER: The 3 components of the general stress syndrome.

Alarm Reaction Stage

-This is the first stage of general adaptation syndrome. During this stage, You may
respond to stress in three ways: fight (facing the stress straight on), flight (running
away from the stress), or freeze (you freeze in the face of the stress). During this
stage, your sympathetic nervous system kicks in and boosts your adrenaline,
among other things. You may respond to stress in one of three ways: fight (front
the stress straight on), flight (run away from the stress), or freeze (you freeze in
the face of the stress). During this stage, your sympathetic nervous system kicks in
and, among other things, boosts your adrenaline.

The Resistance Stage

-The resistance stage is the point at which your body begins to repair itself and
normalizes heart rate, blood pressure, and so on. Your body enters this
recuperation phase after the first shock of a stressful event, but it stays on high
alert for a while.

The Exhaustion Stage

- This stage is caused by long-term or chronic stress. Long durations of stress can
deplete your physical, emotional, and mental resources to the point that your
body no longer has the strength to combat stress. Fatigue, burnout, and
decreased stress tolerance are all signs that you are in the exhaustion stage.

3. Answer briefly how stress happens in our system physically and emotionally.

ANSWER: Stress is a typical bodily reaction to change, resulting in physical and

emotional responses. When you are consistently stressed, you may have bodily
symptoms such as headaches, upset stomach, high blood pressure, tight muscles,
and chest discomfort. Stress can also cause emotional issues such as sadness,
feelings of overload, panic attacks, and other types of anxiety and concern.

4. Discuss the three techniques to counter chronic stress.


(1) The first technique is Intentional Breathing. Breathing is both involuntary and
voluntary. We do not have to plan how and when we take each breath, but we
may adjust our breathing pattern whenever we choose. Our heart rate increases
as we inhale and decreases when we exhale. This heart rate information is
conveyed straight to the brain, which regulates the autonomic nervous system.
Remember to breathe. Start breathing deliberately. Engage in resonant breathing.

(2) The Second Technique is Get active. Physical activity may improve your mood
and lessen stress. Walking is a terrific place to start, but if you are looking for
something more energizing, consider running, dancing, or swimming. Just be sure
you consult your doctor first. Almost any type of exercise or movement may
improve your fitness while lowering your stress. The most essential thing is to
choose an activity that you are interested in. Walking, stair climbing, jogging,
dancing, bicycling, yoga, tai chi, gardening, weightlifting, and swimming are
among examples.

(3) The Third Technique is Social Support. Social Support is a network of family,
friends, neighbors, and community members who are available to provide
psychological, physical, and financial assistance in times of need. Esteem support
is social assistance that helps people cope with stress by giving them a sense of
self-worth and usefulness. Information support is assistance from someone who
gives advice or talks you through a stressful situation. Companionship occurs
when close individuals can spend recreational time together while recovering
from stress. Strong interactions with friends and family members can also boost
your attitude, perspective, and mental well-being. According to research, those
who have a high amount of social support appear to be more robust in stressful

5. Describe briefly self-care therapy as a way to counter stress. What are the steps
according to Nancy Apperson?

ANSWER: These are the6 steps to counter stress according to Nancy Apperson
(2008) of Northern Illinois University:

1. Stop, breathe, and tell yourself: “This is hard and I will get through this 1 step at
a time.”

2. Acknowledge to yourself, what you are feeling. All feelings are normal so
accept whatever you are feeling.

3. Find someone who listens and is accepting. Youdo not need advice. You need
to be heard.

4. Maintain your normal routine as much aspossible.

5. Allow plenty of time for a task.

6. Take Good Care of Yourself. Remember to:

Some tips for self-care include:

 Get enough rest and sleep. Sleep at least 6 hours and not more than 9

 Eat regularly and make healthy choices.

 Know your limits and when you need to let go.

 Identify or create a nurturing place in your home.

 Practice relaxation or meditation.

 Escape for a while through meditation, a book, a movie, or taking a short


6. Describe briefly self-compassion therapy as another way to counter stress.

What are the ways according to Kristin Neff.

ANSWER: Self-compassion has three components: Self-kindness, common

humanity, and mindfulness. Self-kindness is a kind attitude toward oneself
through difficult times, as opposed to harsh self-criticism and self-degradation.
Instead of disregarding our sorrow or flagellating ourselves with self-criticism,
self-compassion means being warm and compassionate toward ourselves when
we suffer, fail, or feel inadequate. Self-compassion Phrases Tender self-
compassion is the ability to just be with ourselves as we are—in all our messiness,
brokenness, and imperfection—while simultaneously being sensitive to the
suffering of life. Self-compassion entails being able to relate to oneself in a way
that is forgiving, accepting, and loving even when circumstances are less than
ideal. We know it is comparable to self-love and different from self-esteem.

There are six ways to counter stress o Kristin Naccording teff

- Self-Compassion Phrases

-Self-compassion and Emotional Well-being

-Self-compassion, Motivation, and Health

-SeIf-compassion versus Self-esteem

-Self-Compassionate Letter

-Less Stress, Care More

As an application to what you answered above, give 3 instances where you

encountered distress and 3 instances where you encountered eustress. Describe
briefly the specific coping technique(s) you applied in each of the 6 situations
following those mentioned by Apperson and Neff. Did each situation equip you to
meet life’s challenges in the future?

ANSWER: ANSWER: The 3 instances where I encountered distress 1. Losing

interest in daily activities 2. Eating or Sleeping too much or too little 3. Having low
or no energy. 1. Personal fitness goal 2. Traveling 3. Increase your energy. Most of
us simply need additional time to experience their world as a secure place again
and receive some emotional support to recover from their distress. Our reactions
to disaster are strongly influenced by how parents, relatives, teachers, and
caregivers respond to the event. They often turn to these individuals for comfort
and help. Teachers and other mentors play an especially important role after a
disaster or other crisis by reinforcing normal routines to the extent possible,
especially if new routines have to be established. Disaster are faced with the
difficult challenge of balancing roles as first responders, survivors, and caregivers.
They are often overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of responsibility and
immediate task of the crisis response and recovery at hand. They must also take
the time to address their own physical and emotional needs as well as those of
their family members and community.
I apply the Apperson self-care therapy. When Losing interest in daily activities,
allow plenty of time for a task or you will be less productive than usual. When you
are anxious, it is tough to be productive, so give yourself plenty of time. Taking
time to unwind and de-stress can enhance your attitude, brain function, and
memory. Relaxation will enable your mind and body to heal. When Having low or
no energy. I apply the Apperson self-care therapy Stop, breathe and tell yourself
that this is difficult and that you will get through it one step at a time, and
acknowledge how you are feeling right now. Personal fitness goals, I apply the
Neff Self-Compassion Therapy. Reduce stress by caring more. Self-care can help
you keep your physical, emotional, and mental reserves in order to prevent and
manage stress. We should look after ourselves better. Traveling, I apply the Neff
Self-Compassion Therapy. Self-compassionate letter It helped me gain confidence
in myself since going for a walk is exercise and allows you to be alone with your
thoughts, allowing you to refocus your thoughts and feelings on being supportive,
helpful, and care of yourself. It may be hot in our region, but traveling here may
help you think a lot, relieve stress, and let us make time to forgive ourselves for
our mistakes in the past. Increase your energy. I apply the Neff Self-Compassion
Therapy. Self-compassion phrases can help us give the motivation or drive to
better in encountering stress in our lives, for we are just human allowing us to
make mistakes then forgive our self and applying some self-compassion phrases
can increase our energy. Life is full of problems; discover how to boldly face and
overcome all of life's challenges today. Life is a tumultuous roller coaster. You
have the option of embracing it and joyously learning from your experiences
along the road.

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