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Stress is the way your body reacts to some sort of demand or threat.

When you feel danger –whether real or

imagined- the body’s defenses move into high gear in a shift, automatic mechanism known as the “fight-or-flight”
reaction. It is also called the “stress response”. There are two primary form of stress

1.Acute Stress- it is a short-term stress. Examples of acute stress will be any stress that you experience for a brief
period-such as getting caught in traffic, arguing with a friend, being criticized your parents, or losing your cellular

2. Chronic Stress-it is a long-term stress or stress that affects you for a long period. Examples (death of loved one,
financial struggle, and learning difficulties) Individuals rarely feel stress when they have enough time, experience,
and resources. Stress is a negative experience; therefore, management of this feeling is important to the individual's
success. Being able to identify stress, and its effects, is an important first step in developing the skills to manage the
source of this problem

Differentiate the two types of Stress

A. Eustress- “POSITIVE STRESS” it is the kind of stress that helps motivate us to work hard to accomplish tasks,
makes us feel excited, and feel good about life. Example: having a child, taking a vacation, hanging out with your
friends, buying a home, learning a new hobby, etc.

B. Distress- “NEGATIVE STRESS” can causes anxiety and concern. Decreases performance and can lead to mental and
physical problems. Example: unemployment, sleep problem, being abused or neglected, injury or illness Stress can
affect all aspects of your life. It changes our body, mind, feelings, and behavior. When you’re stress you might
experience body symptoms such as• Headaches •Disrupted sleep •Sweating •Feeling shaky •High blood pressure
•Or feeling really LOW ENERGY

The term stress management skill is used to describe an individual's ability to understand the causes and feelings of
tension or anxiety. It consists of making changes to your life if you are in a constant stressful situation, preventing
stress by practicing self-care and relaxation and managing your response to stressful situations when they occur.

• Is stress normal or essential?

Stress is not only normal, it is essential! Stress keeps us alive by being the spark in human
nature’s fight or flight response. For example, if you are taking part in a sporting event or giving
a speech, a little stress will give you the extra energy you need to perform. But, too much stress
or stress over a long time is bad news for children and youth. Someone who is often in a fight or
flight mode forces their body to mobilize too much energy and release hormones called
adrenaline and cortisol that in excess can (over time) damage the brain.

As the COVID-19 pandemic and its far-reaching implications continue to unfold globally
and in our community, it's normal for people to experience a wide range of thoughts, feeling and
reactions including:•feeling stressed, or overwhelmed •anxiety, worries •sadness •loss of interest
in usual enjoyable activities •frustration, and the feeling of disconnected from others. These
experiences are normal and understandable in the face of this significant challenge. there has
been loss of life, rapid changes to our way of life (work, study and social gatherings

4. USE POSITIVE SELF-TALK-The next time you’re feeling stressed out, tell yourself things such as “I KNOW I CAN DO
THIS”This is a personal mantra it is an affirmation to motivate and inspire you to be your best self. It is typically a
positive phrase or statement that you use to affirm the way you want to live your life.5.TALK TO SOMEONE -It’s easy
to shut down and push people away when you are feeling stressed out. This is not HELPFUL Reach out to the people
who care about you and the people who find ways to get you better. Talk to your parent, teacher, or other trusted
adult about your problems and they may be help you find ways to manage your stressCheck on your loved ones too.
It would be nice to know that you're not going through a stressful time alone.

Stress management offers a range of

strategies to help you better
deal with stress and difficulty
(adversity) in your life. Managing
can help you lead a more balanced,
healthier life.
Stress is an automatic physical, mental
and emotional response to a
challenging event. It's a normal part of
everyone's life. When used
positively, stress can lead to growth,
action and change. But negative,
long-term stress can lessen your
quality of life.
Stress management offers a range of strategies to help you better deal with stress and difficulty (adversity) in your
life. Managing stress can help you lead a more balanced, healthier life.Stress is an automatic physical, mental and
emotional response to a challenging event. It's a normal part of everyone's life. When used positively, stress can lead
to growth, action and change. But negative, long-term stress can lessen your quality of life.

Stress management approaches include:

•Learning skills such as problem-solving, prioritizing tasks and time management.•Enhancing your ability to cope
with adversity. For example, you may learn how to improve your emotional awareness and reactions, increase your
sense of control, find greater meaning and purpose in life, and cultivate gratitude and optimism.•Practicing
relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, yoga, meditation, tai chi, exercise and prayer.•Improving your
personal relationships

ACIVITY: A-OKAY STEPS This activity enables the learners to identify steps on how to deal with difficult problems. -
List five (5) steps that you will do when faced with a difficult problem

Analyze the following statement write EUSTRESS if the statement is in positive response and DISTRESS if it is in
negative response. Write your answer in a separate sheet. _____1. Having a good sleep If your Answer is EUSTRESS,
Correct! _____2. Separation from family and friendsIf your Answer is DISTRESS, Awesome!_____3. Get support from
someone you trust If your Answer is EUSTRESS, good job!_____4. Conflicts on the school workIf your Answer is
DISTRESS, very good!_____5. Finding and joining activities that is new for you.If your answer is EUSTRESS, Correct!

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