Coping With Stress in Middle and Late Adolescence

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Coping with stress

in middle and
late adolescence
It is defined as a
reaction of the mind and
body to a stimulus that
disturbs the well-being,
state of calm, or
equilibrium of a person
Psychologists have
agreed that small and
sporadic amounts of
stress can be helpful and
beneficial to individuals.
Stress as Stimulus, Response,
and Relational

As stimulus, stress is caused

by situations that may be life
threatening or life changing,
such as separation, moving
into a new home, or having a
new job. These situations or
events are often called
Stress as Stimulus, Response,
and Relational

As a response, is the way the

body reacts to challenging
situations. This involves the
interactions between the
hormones, glands, and
nervous system where the
adrenal gland drives the
production of cortisol or better
known as stress hormone
Stress as Stimulus, Response,
and Relational

the production of Cortisol

enables a person’s body to
produce the energy it needs
to gear it toward action.
Another response of the
body is the release of the
substance called
Stress as Stimulus, Response,
and Relational

Norepinephrine triggers the

body’s reaction, such as an
increased heart rate, higher
blood pressure, and
respiration, to prepare the
body for action.
Stress as Stimulus, Response,
and Relational

Prolonged or chronic
situations that involve both
cortisol and norepinephrine
will eventually affect the body
to wear down fast. Chronic
stressed often causes fatigue,
aging, and illness caused by
low immune system
Stress as Stimulus, Response,
and Relational

As relational is when a person

experiencing stress takes a step
back to look at the situation
that is causing the stress, and
assess it. Assessment here
means that when the person
allows reasoning to prevail and
weigh the relevance and
irrelevance of the situation.
Healthy stress

Stress that is short and

sporadic can propel a person
to a necessary action. These
types of stress can motivate,
energize, and spur an
individual into fruitful action.
Healthy stress

speaking in front of an
audience, it pushes the
speaker to prepare and be an
effective speaker.
Stage performers and
competing sports
Healthy stress

Bad stress can be

transformed into good stress
depending on how an
individual assesses the
Healthy stress

Adolescent students should

learn some coping
mechanisms to assist them in
their development toward a
healthy adult life.
Healthy stress

The mayo clinic in the United

States identified two sources
of stressors as external and
internal source
Healthy stress

External stressors are those

that come outside of you like
situations, people, and
Healthy stress
Internal stressors are those
coming from within you, like
thoughts, that you have that
caused you to feel fearful,
uncertainties about the future,
lack of control over situations
and even your personal beliefs,
which include your own
Samples of possible stressors a high
school students face

1. School demands
2. Selecting a school, college course or
3. Separation anxiety
4. College life
5. Romantic relationship
6. Family demands and expectations
7. Health concerns
8. Demands of social life
9. Bullying
Identify sources of your stress
and illustrate the effect of
stress on your system
Some ways how to cope stress

1. Conduct creative imagery

of the problem.
Look at the stressor as a
relational situation where
you can assess and change
the way you look at the
stressful situation.
Some ways how to cope stress

2. Seek group or social

Talk to people you know and
trust, surround yourself with
friends who can offer you
sincere understanding and
Some ways how to cope stress

3. Get into relaxation

activities like breathing
exercises, regular physical
exercise, meditation, yoga,
self-hypnosis, reading good
book, or listening to relaxing
Some ways how to cope stress

4. Create situation where you

can feel more relaxed like a
quiet environment or a
comfortable position, and
project a passive attitude
toward the stressor.
Some ways how to cope stress

5. Learn to manage your time

Analyze how much time you
are spending for studying, for
being online, for texting or
calling, for watching tv, and
see where you are spending
more time.
Some ways how to cope stress

6. Eat properly by selecting

nutritious, healthy food. Eat
regularly and avoid skipping
Some ways how to cope stress

7. Seek spiritual growth

through prayer and
meditation. Be mindful of the
presence of the Divine in your
life, and interpret the events
and people in it as part of a
bigger plan not even you can
comprehend for now
Some ways how to cope stress

8. Have worthwhile hobby

like cross-stitching, singing,
dancing, drawing, or
collecting items.
Some ways how to cope stress

9. Watch a movie with friends

Some ways how to cope stress

10. If the stressor is one of

your expectations, assess it
and see if it is doable and
realistic or not. Then adjust
the expectations to what you
are capable of doing one step
at a time
Some ways how to cope stress

11. Believe in yourself that

you are strong and
courageous, that you are
capable of overcoming the
challenges that you are

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