December Newsletter 2016

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First United Methodist

Church Newsletter
Mineral Wells, Texas November
December 2013
PO Box 1466
301 NE 1st Street
Mineral Wells, TX 76067

Methodist Men
meets every second
Sunday at 7:30 am
with the men of
Central UMC.
This months
meeting is at Central
Dec. 11th. Come join
us for a program,
fellowship and a full


From the Pastor

Christmas always seems to sneak up on me year after year. Its not really
anyones fault but my own since you start seeing some Christmas stuff out
is stores as earlier as later summer (Im looking at you Home Depot). This
early rollout is the retails way of trying to squeeze in some more sales for
this lucrative holiday season and in recent years has been met from the
faithful with cries about keeping Christ in Christmas and needing a
constant reminder about the reason for the season.
This year, instead of picking up a tired culture war, I suggest we recapture
the season in our own spiritual lives. No, not the Christmas season like the
retail world around us believes this time of year is, but the Advent season.
The reality is that these weeks leading up to Dec. 25th are not the
Christmas season, but s season of preparation in the life of the Church
where we begin to make room in our lives for the coming of Christ. Like
some of the afore mentioned stores, we need to make room in our hearts for
the reality of Christmas before it gets here. The difference is that were not
doing it for our own greedy ambition or bottom line, but we do it that we
might come to fully understand who lies in that manger, what gives light to
the star shinning in the East and why the one person bigger than all
creation would fit Himself into a tiny feeding trough. I invite you to come
along this season as we rediscover that it is not yet Christmas, it is time for
Pastor Eric

Our Leadership
Teams will meet
every third Sunday,
using the following
4:30p Staff Parish Re
lations (as needed)
5:00p Trustees
5:45p Finance
6:30p Administrative
This months
meetings will be
Sunday, Dec. 18th.

Advent Readers are available in the church

office for $10. They can also be found on
Amazon. This years reader is Not Yet
Christmas, Its Time for Advent, by J.D. Walt.
The Longhorn Council of the Boy
Scouts will host an interest meeting
at the church @ 5 pm Thursday Dec.
9 . If you are interested in scouting,
you are invited to attend.

Stewardship Drive
We've had 25 pledge cards turned in so
far in our stewardship drive.
As we look forward to 2017 please
pledge to support your church home with
your prayers, your presence, your gifts,
and your service by filling out a pledge
Cards can be found in the office or in
the pews during worship. Cards can be
turned in during office hours or by
dropping them in the offering plate
during worship.

Charge Conference
This years charge conference is
scheduled for 4 pm Sunday, December
11th, at the First United Methodist
Church in Graham. Anyone from the
congregation is welcome to attend. More
details later.

Live Nativity

Our Live Nativity will be the evenings of

Sunday, Dec. 18th and Monday, Dec. 19th.
Sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board
outside the office. We need lots of
volunteers to fill the shifts as actors, as well
as those behind the scenes to help with set
up, costumes, and providing/serving
Please plan to spend one of the evenings
enjoying this annual event thats our gift to
the community and a chance to show
everyone the real meaning of the season

11/6 Ushers count-83 + 4 online
Attendance Slips-67+16 visitors =83 Total
11/13 Ushers count-97 + 5 online
Attendance Slips-85+16 visitors=101 Total

Thank you to everyone who helped with

the Hanging of the Greens Nov. 30.
We have two more Wow Wednesdays
before Christmas break. We will not meet
during break (Dec. 21 & 28) and will
resume in the new year, Jan. 4th.
Remember, our Snack Supper is now
being served at 6 pm.
Children now have their activities
beginning at 6:30. We are finished by
7:30 pm.

11/20 Ushers count-74 + 5 online + 13 community

Thanksgiving worship
Attendance Slips-66+6 visitors=72 Total
11/27 Ushers count-84 + 4 online
Attendance Slips-62+2 visitors =64 Total
*A large group didn't fill out attendance slips!
**Thank you for taking the time to fill out the
attendance slips. It is very helpful! Please invite
visitors near you to sign in, too.

Sunday Services Online

Salvation Army Bell Ringers

Its Christmas time in Mineral Wells and
that means youll see the Salvation Army
bell ringers around town while shopping.
Our churchs day to ring the bells is
Saturday, Dec. 23 from 8 am to 8 pm. A
sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board near
the office.

For those unable to attend a service, or

not able to attend most Sundays, we
hope you will connect with us online
Sunday mornings at 10:30 am.
Simply go to FUMC Mineral Wells on
Facebook (be sure to like and follow us)
or find the link on our homepage at
You can begin watching at the
beginning of worship service, or jump in
and start watching any time. You can like
the broadcast and even make comments.
If you miss the broadcast, you can go
back and watch the service via our
Facebook page at your convenience.
You can also watch current and past
sermons online by going to our website
and click the "Our Pastor" link, then
click the "Video Sermons.

Please help out for this worthy cause that

benefits our neighbors in need. All monies
collected stays here locally to help people
with prescriptions, utilities, gas, bus tickets,
and emergency lodging.

Poinsettias for Christmas

We always adorn the altar area of our

beautiful sanctuary with poinsettias in time
for Christmas!
If you would like to order a poinsettia this
Advent Season to be placed on the altar in
honor or memory of someone, please fill out
an order form available at the church or
contact Duane Eaton at Coles Flowers @

Dec. 1 - Holly Runyon

This years cost is $16.

Orders must be placed
by noon on Monday,
Dec. 19th, to have the
flowers in place for the
6 pm Christmas eve

Dec. 22 - Bill Keller, Jamie Novak

Dec. 2 - Joan McDonald

Dec. 3 - Ed Evans
Dec. 5 - Paul Vaughan, Kenzi Huseman

Dec. 7 - Dianna Runyon

Dec. 10 - Kylie Williams
Dec. 19 - Mary Cox-Stahl
Dec. 24 - Kerry Runyon
Dec. 29 - John Holder
Dec. 31 - Wes Bradshaw
If any members are missing from this list, let us know!

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