December Newsletter 2016
December Newsletter 2016
December Newsletter 2016
Church Newsletter
Mineral Wells, Texas November
December 2013
PO Box 1466
301 NE 1st Street
Mineral Wells, TX 76067
Methodist Men
meets every second
Sunday at 7:30 am
with the men of
Central UMC.
This months
meeting is at Central
Dec. 11th. Come join
us for a program,
fellowship and a full
Our Leadership
Teams will meet
every third Sunday,
using the following
4:30p Staff Parish Re
lations (as needed)
5:00p Trustees
5:45p Finance
6:30p Administrative
This months
meetings will be
Sunday, Dec. 18th.
Stewardship Drive
We've had 25 pledge cards turned in so
far in our stewardship drive.
As we look forward to 2017 please
pledge to support your church home with
your prayers, your presence, your gifts,
and your service by filling out a pledge
Cards can be found in the office or in
the pews during worship. Cards can be
turned in during office hours or by
dropping them in the offering plate
during worship.
Charge Conference
This years charge conference is
scheduled for 4 pm Sunday, December
11th, at the First United Methodist
Church in Graham. Anyone from the
congregation is welcome to attend. More
details later.
Live Nativity
11/6 Ushers count-83 + 4 online
Attendance Slips-67+16 visitors =83 Total
11/13 Ushers count-97 + 5 online
Attendance Slips-85+16 visitors=101 Total