Fifi Alfianty Proposal 1 Movie
Fifi Alfianty Proposal 1 Movie
Fifi Alfianty Proposal 1 Movie
Arranged By
Fifi Alfianty
NPM A1B018037
There are so many products of literary works and one of them is film. Film or movie
not only aims to entertain people but also it aims to educate people and give the moral
lesson. The moral lesson mostly is taken by the social phenomena in the society and it is
“packed” with some imagination or viction in order to make it interesting. The messages
are delivered by the action of the role players who do the script. It’s sometimes told
undirectly by the script writer and the movie’s watcher may conclude what the messages
here, for example by doing the bad things we can get the problem. The role player who
does the script is called character and the character can be analyzed in film, we call it
characterization. It’s placed in intrinstict element. The function to analyze the character
in film to know clearly what the attitude is right or not and interestingly we can connect it
by the common unwritten social rules or even society sterotype of something.
In this research, the writer is interested to analyze a movie by considering that almost
all of the people in this world like watching film/movie in daily life. By that case, the
writer want to choose a film which is suitable for any ages and has good moral lesson. In
the preview studies, the writer has found that there are several studies relevant such as “
Brave: A Feminist Perspective on the Disney Princess Movie “ was done by Danniel
Worison as a graduated student from California Univeristy which the result of this
analysis was the main character of that movie broke the rules of patriarchy, being a girl
who is brave and independent. Another study was “ The Beauty and The Beast : An
Analysis of Gender Strerotype “ . etc. The gap that writer find in the previous study is
there is no more explanation about the olden feminism sterotype and now. So the addition
explanation about a character analysis relate to the olden and new feminism sterotype will
make the different of this anaylsis compared by previous study.
The movie will be analyzed is Mulan movie. It tells about a girl who replaces his
father in war. She is so brave and strong. Unfortunately, when she replaces his sick father
in war. She get intimidate and punishment and seen as despicable person because she is a
women which we know that feminism sterotype assumes that woman must stay and home
and beautify herself. Even though in the ending she is forgiven and accepted as the knight
kingdom. From this movie, it enough clearly defines there is feminism sterotype in the
society. So that, if the writer is given the chance. The writer want to analyze this topic as
the study.
The objectives of this research is based on the research question. The function of the
objectives of this research is to analyze the characterization of Mulan movie. The goal of this
study is to answer the research questions that are formulated below :
1. To find out the characters of Mulan
2. To find out the characters of Mulan which are forbidden by her society in that movie
3. To find out her forbidden characters categorized as feminism sterotype or not
4. To find out the feminism sterotype still exist right now or not
2.1 Movie
Movie is one of the literary works just like drama/role play because on producting
movie we need a script of the whole story. Movie has elements just like other literary works.
And the Intrinsict elements include form, language, style, symbols, images, characters,
contras, structure and the delevopment plots. By knowing the elements of movie, we can see
clearly what the message of the whole story. This statement is supported by
In accordance with what has been stated by Wellek and Warren (1948:139): The
natural and sensible starting point for works in literary scholarship is the interpretation
and analysis of the works of literature themselves. After all, only the works
themselves justify all our interest in the life of an author, in his social environment
and the whole process of literature.
So it’s important to learn the elements of literary works especially movie. For this
research, the writer is going to analyze the main character in Mulan movie.
2.2 Character
Character is the role of everyone has in the story. In general they could be antagonist,
protagonist, and tritagonist. Antagonist’s labelled when someone has bad intentions, evil,
cheat, liar, etc. While protagonist is called for the character who has good attitude, polite,
honest, loyal, etc. The last is tritagonist, it rarely happens in the story and the character is the
combination between antagonist and protagonist.
Gender sterotype is the society perspective about the characteristics must be had by
male or female. For male sterotype is often called masculinity and for female is often called
feminism sterotype. If the male or female do the opposite with the unwritten rules
characteristics they can be blamed or punished. The bad impat of feminism sterotype is
making the women feel limited and it’s unfair. If the gender sterotype is generalized and
normalized it could influence the behavior which in fact the behavior’s limited is good to do
for example the feminism sterotype about women are weak but in fact so many women are
strong and brave, as long as the opposite behaviors are good then why it must be banned.
According to Lippa (2005: 112): Of course, gender stereotypes are not just about
personality. People also hold stereotypes about men‟s and women‟s physical traits
(muscular, soft, hairy), social roles (provides, does house work), occupations
(engineer, librarian), and sexuality (has high sex drive, sexually attracted to men)
By the statement above we can conclude that the gender sterotype is not good so in this
movie we will see what kind of feminism sterotype appears and what that sterotype still exist
right now or not.
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