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1.1 Background of the Research

Literature is a creative activity, a literary work, and a form of human

expression. Literature refers to compositions that tell stories, dramatize, situation,

express emotions, and analyze and advocate ideas. Before the invention of writing,

literary works were spoken or sung and were retained only as long as living people

performed them. Literary works is imaginative or creative writing and it is the

product of literature. Literary works can be divided into three categories of genres;

poetry, prose, and drama.

Drama is an essay in prose or poetry presented in dialogue or pantomime, a

story that contains a conflict or contrast of a character, especially as a story that is

destined for the stage staged dramatic. According to Benhart (1984: 7) explained that

drama can be realized with a variety of media: on stage, film and or television. In the

film, there is a drama played to tell the viewer how the main purpose of that film will

be transferred, whereas it is about education, love story, parents, fiction education or

even about religion. According to Wibowo (2006:196) says that the film is a tool for

delivering messages to the public through a media story. The film also a medium of

artistic expression as means for workers artists and film marker in order to express

ideas and story ideas. In this research the writer choose a romantic drama film named

The perks of being wallflower by Stephen Chobsky in 2012 to be analyzed.


The Perks Of Being Wallflower, is a film that adopted from a novel with a

same title. This film is about 15-year-old Charlie Kelmeckis (Logan Lerman), an

endearing and naive outsider, find his first love (Emma Watson). The suicide of his

best friend, and his own mental illness while struggling to find a group of people with

whom he belongs. The introvert freshman is taken under the wings of two seniors,

Sam and Patrick, who welcome him to the real world. Charlie wants to survive high

school, he forces himself to participate in school functions, to prevent himself from

falling back into his depression is interested to be analyzed.

From the explanation above, the problem that makes the writer interests for

this research are to find out what are the characteristics of the main character Charlie

Kelmeckis in The Perks Of Being Wallflower film and the writer wanted to find out

how the main character in the movie changed. In this analysis the writer conducted a

study based on the stages of change on the AIETA’S theory by Roger. The data are

obtained from The Perks Of Being Wallflower film. This analysis deals with the

qualitative method.

1.2 Problem of the Research

The problem of this research is:

What stages of Characteristic Changes are experienced by Charlie Kelmeckis in The

Perks Of Being Wallflower movie?


1.3 Objective of the Research

The aim of this research is:

To find out the stages of individual Characteristic’s Changing of Charlie Kelmeckis

in The Perks Of Being Wallflower movie?

1.4 Scope of the Research

To make this analysis is not going to be wider therefore the writer restrict this

research on the problem of describes how main character in The Perks Of Being

Wallflower changes by passing the stages of changing.

1.1.1 Previous of the Research

The writer finds some research papers written by other researchers which are

relevant to this research. The relevant research papers of :

1. Mochammad Reza Adhansyah (2017), Gunadarma University.

The title is "The Stages of Individual Characteristic’s Changing of

Christopher McCandless In Into The Wild Movie ". This analysis aims to find

out how the main character in Into The Wild Movie changes by passing the

stages of changing by Everrette Roger. The data of the study were collected

from scenes and dialogues in Into The Wild and categorized into the stages of

changing by Rogers, namely Awareness, Interest, Evaluation, Trial, and

Adaption (AIETA). He used qualitative method in analyzing the source of

data. The result of his research revealed that there were 2 scenes in awareness

stage, 3 scenes in interest stage, 2 scenes in evaluation stage, 1 scene in trial

stage and 1 scene in adoption stage.

2. Firmansyah (2012), Gunadarma University.

The title is "The Stages of Individual Characteristic’s Changing of Savannah

Curtis In Dear Jhon Movie". The aim of this study is to find the changes

character of Savannah Curtis by using AIETA analysis. She used qualitative

method by using this method of the main character. As the results, she finds of

Savannah Curtis character from Everette Rogers perspective, there are : There

were 3 scenes in Awareness stage, 4 scenes in Interest stage, 1 scene in

Evaluation stage, 1 scene in Trial stage, and 1 scene in Adoption stage.

3. Valeria Ratna Rosita (2013), Maharaswati University.

The title of this study is "A Psychological Analysis Of The Main Character In

the Just The Sexiest Man Alive by Julie James". The aims of this study is to

analyze the character of Taylor Donovan in terms of the psychology

dimension, and the implications of the study of the character in the novel

toward the English language teaching. The research was done by analyzing

the first character of the novel in terms of psychological aspects. There were 9

personalities of the main character, there are : polite person, loved her job, a

hard worker, a flexible person, optimistic person, a professional person, a

tough person, a punctual person, a discipline worker. She used qualitative

method by using psychological analysis of the main character.


1.1.2. Position of the Research

The similarity between this research and Adhansyah (2017) research are using

the same theory stages of change by Everrete Roger and using same analysis

technique to collect the data. The differences between this research and Adhansyah

(2017) research is in the object. The title of Adhansyah’s (2017) movie is “Into the

Wild” and the name of character that Adhansyah analyze is Christopher McCandless.

Whereas, the title that this research analyze is “The Perks Of Being Wallflower” and

the name of the character that the research analyze is Charlie Kelmeckis.

The similarity between this research and Firmansyah (2012) research are

using the same theory stages of change by Everrete Roger and using same analysis

technique to collect the data. The differences between this research and Firmasnyah

(2012) research is in the object. The title of Firmansyah (2012) movie is “Dear Jhon”

and the name of the character that Firmansyah analyze is Savannah Curtis. Whereas,

the title that this research analyze is “The Perks Of Being Wallflower” and the name

of the character that the research analyze is Charlie Kelmeckis.

The similarity between this research and Rosita (2013) research is we both

analyze about “Character”. The differences between this research and Rosita (2013)

are the object of the research and the theory. The title of Rosita (2013) research is

“Just Sexiest Man” and the name of the character that Rosita analyze is Taylor

Donovan. Rosita used the theory from psychological aspect to analyze the main


1.5 Significance of the Research

The writer hopes that the research can be useful for the readers who are

interested in the film field especially for those who want to know about the changing

personality analysis in the main character. The writer also hopes that the result of the

research can be used for the readers as one of the references in studying character in

the film and its social life.

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