Analisis Conflict in Movie Hua Mulan

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Supporting Lecture: linta wafdan hidayah s.s,m,pd.

NPM. 2018050100006



This study the title an Analysis of Conflict in the Movie "Hua Mulan 2020 ," by Niki Caro
objective of this study was to find the kind of conflict confront by the main actor and source
of the conflict analyzes how the main actor completely of the conflict. This research data is
on the rise of the movie Hua Mulan . This research focus on external conflicts and internal
conflicts. Conflict analyses based on the theory of Kenny (1996) which divided conflicts into
seconds types, including: external conflicts and internal conflicts. Descriptions and character
presentations are analyzed based on Deetz and Stevenson (1986) which consists of: sources
of conflict and solutions from the conflict. The conclusion of this study is to show the main
character of include second conflicts,: eskternal conflicts and internal conflicts. the source of
conflict from the main character is; the difference in opinion, the inappropriate purpose and
role. For the solution that the main character uses to solve the conflict is; the manner of
settlement, the conflict manner.

Key words: conflict, manner, solution.

Baground of study

Literary work has unique and tale it self. Language which is a medium of literary work has
the nature of openness in the imagination of the author, so that the language allows to give
more space for readers to interpret and imagination what they are . A literary works can be
born from social phenomena that take place in the community, the experience of life authors
or others and can contain psychology values and aesthetics. literary works are purpose to
arrange the spiritual satisfaction or inner satisfaction of the author and the readers are. This
form of satisfaction can be represented through the use of meaningful language, sadness,
disappointment, and other phrases that have a value of beauty, in the form of writing

In essence literary works is a arrange of human life in the form of languages. Literary
works include one of the very important parts in the social and cultural process because it
always associates with various problems of life such as religion, philosophy, sociology,
ethics, law, and political. In addition to being seen as a phenomenon of psychology, literary
works also contain many aspects of cultural not individuals. As for the problems described is
a problem that arises in the general public. The literary works tell the character, a certain
place and incident, and by itself through the language of the author.

Both the literary and movie works have their respective conflicts that can become the
attraction for demand. Conflict is a problem that is the center of attention that revives the
attraction of character in a story. The presence of conflict is actually cause by conflict or
differences between individuals, herself and groups. Types of conflicts like this are
interpersonal conflict, which occurs between individuals. Meanwhile, conflict is a form of
intrapersonal conflict because it is triggered by the individual itself. An interesting conflict to
discuss, because each individual certainly has it. Conflict occurs when a need or desire from
someone cannot be arranged, or shadow that can’t fit the reality.

The word "conflict"appears from the Latin "con" meaning along and "filigree" meaning the
impact or collision. Conflict can be interpreted as a social process between two or more with
the goal of destroying one party. People are the main means of the conflict that always occurs
and becomes part of social life. The existence of equations and the difference of social
interest is a factor of the emergence of a conflict. In each conflict arises there are several of
them that can be completed or not strained situation . The conflict raised in a literary work is
one of the important parts of being a story conflict plot and a close relationship has a mutual
relationship. A conflict that appears in a movie usually in the form of conflict experienced by
figures as a movie form of creation (a form of conflict in drama can be in the form of
conflicts between figures, the conflict with a idea or with the surroundin).

basically drama is the means of reflection of conflicts in both physical and psychological
communities. The author creates a variety of conflict with the goal so that the plot of drama
continues to grow. (1994:23) Harjana stated that a conflict occurred when the relationship of
seconds groups, the act of one opposite to the other actions, so one or both disturbed.

this analysis our will discussion deeper about the conflict that occurred in flim Mulan
2020 with the drama genre of war match is written by Elizabeth Martin Lauren, Hynek Rick,
Jaffa Amanda Silver, and is directed by Niki Caro source to Disney Mulan,1998. Mulan' As
the young and boasted both his parents with being a graceful woman and having a husband
but he challenged the laws and traditions that took effect, the story begins to When the
Chinese Emperor issued an edict or an order that one man of each family must join the
imperial army to defend the state of Hun nation's attacks, Hua Mulan, decided to replace his
sickly her father.

Problem of Research

Based on the background above, there are three problems in this research;

They is:

1. What a problems is confront by the main character?

2. Where the source of the problems?

3. How did Hua Mulan resolved to the conflicts?

Research Objective

1. Identification the short of conflict confront by the main character of Hua

Mulan's movie

2. To analyze a conflict source of the character.

3. To analyze the way Hua Mulan completed of Conflict.

Research of method

This research take a from movie hua Mulan 2020 at source from the Desney
Hua Mulan 1998, began when the Chinese Empire was invaded by northern
regions, then emperor issued an edict that each family must send one man from
the military service and maintain the country of Hun. about Hua Mulan, a
strong daughter and a agile who decides to follow military service in the
Chinese empire replaced her sick father. Regard to be a man carrying sword and
wearing his father's war Mulan This step was taken by Mulan to keep the safety
of her father, as well as protecting a good name of family.however
unfortunately at the time the woman's soldier considered a witch and for his
family and her country because the age of women could only pride her family
with a good man not to fight.
Method and Technique of collecting Data

The data have collect and selection is use the documentation method. The
process was by watching and understanding the content of the movie and related
them to the topic. It was understanding from listening to dialogue and Readers
movie script. Afterwards, finding out the statement that belong to the intrinsic
study, in this case, the elements of fiction especially about the conflicts which
were selection through note keep taking technique.

Method and Technique of Analyzing Data

The collect data have purpose to analyzed qualitatively based on the

theoretical basic for conflicts. All the data collected have an classified into
certain categories. To determine the data belonging to certain point of analysis,
first the data a have copied from the movie and then, category into internal and
external conflicts. The data an analysed based on the conflict theory of literature
from William Kenney (1966:5), source of conflict and conflict solution was
analyzed be used the theory Arrangement individuals communication from
Deetz and Stevenson (1986).
An analysed types of Conflict it was found of movie “HUA MULAN 2020”

Exsternal conflict

External conflict is a conflict that occurred between figures and an unspecified

outside of him, both in the natural environment or the humans.however
environment, Research Conflicts between the main character hua Mulan with
her father was an external conflict, namely the issue of the conflict that includes
humans between humans because the conflict included about the difference in
the opinion of the conflict occurred as Emperor issued that every family was
obliged to follow the conscription and maintain the country of
empire arrived at the Mulan to ask the Zhou village and his older father who
was forced to have a child. Hua Mulan Mulan realized that her father had no
chance to survive, at night before the departure of Hua zou banned Hua zou to
go to the military service but Hua zou kept stubborn to leave but that's when
Mulan also spoke that her mother right and father of Mulan, zou angrily told
Mulan to Mulan that it was the obligation of a male, in his family. and snapped
to realize that this is a obedient form and a form to serve and pride her family
are also, dutifully with the orders of the king who has already removed and for
Mulan realized that it is the path of a man and not the path that could come from
a woman like Mulan.

The following quotation:

Hua zou: are you suggesting a our family not comply with the edict.
Hua Mulan: but how you can fight?

Hua zou: i am the father!

It's my pleace to bring honor to our family on the bettlefield,your daughter

learn your pleace!

The second conflict occurred during Mulan's identity is known by commander

tung and all soldiers in field the war that Mulan had a woman with chi was a
strong disgrace and became a soldier with family and also his country because
of the age was women could only make her family proud with a marriage
because she was the commander tung Mulan from the war field even though
Mulan could be the strongest soldier. And forced to do expulsion against Mulan.

The following quotation:

Mulan : i am hua Mulan,

Komandan tung: you're imposters you've betrayed the regiment, brought dis
grace to the hua Mulan family

Mulan: commander.....

Komandan tung; your deceit is my shame.

Deputi commander what it's punishment assigned to this imposters?

Komandan tung: expulsion

Conflict Internal

Internal conflict is a flim base on feelings of joy, hardship, happiness and

disappointment, like a conflict between believing and doubting something.

Internal conflicts also are sometimes usually of psychological conflict.

Internal conflicts can conflict between one idea and another or conflict from
one's mind in conflict. The internal conflict sourced within herself or it self. A
personal conflict a viable that takes place in the mind of the characteris, or in
the self-definition of the character exploration. An example like Hua Mulan she
is born with a strong and also agile chi in which strong chi can only be purpose
by a warrior a man whose strong chi is considered against the rule of a witch
After mulan moved all around like the warrior, like a man And witnessed by all
the people in the village their eyes are scornful and disgusted because strong chi
is only purpose to the warrior’s and a man is not a woman at night To speak to
mulan that night, mulan's feelings were so both. she was saddened that she
followed all the rules and laws in force and hid her chi and became a young girl
who prided her family with marriage instead of going to war, because that was
the only man in her family who had to go to war and boast of her family.

The following quotation:

Hua zou:your chi is strong Mulan but chi ia for wariors not daughters,

Soon you'll be your young woman and It's time for you to hide your gift
Away,to silence to voice,

I say to protect you,this my Job you job,your job ia bring to honor to the family.

Do you think cand you do that?

solution of External Conflict

The solution of the conflict mulan and his father hua zou is that even though
mulan is a woman, having powerful chi is aware that what it does is a mistake
opposing hua mulan's rules and laws remains conscious and begins in her
father's place because hua mulan realizes that her father will not have a chance
to survive, Thus hua mulan went to war to replace his father by pretending to be
a boy soldier named hua jun, and then early the morning before his father's
departure, hua zou and his wife found mulan's comb in the army’s constipation
knowing the mulan was going in his place.
The following quotation:

Hua zou:My sword!

My armort it's gone!

Hua zou wife's: wo would do such a thing?

Hua zou: the conscription scroll, it's Mulan

The second conflict after Mulan's identity knew the commander tung took
expulsion action of Mulan and said that what Mulan did Mulan was a disgrace
for her family and core hered the country and kingdom and he said that he was
disappointed with Mulan and was forced to take expulsion of Mulan

solution of Internal Conflict

Resolution of Internal Conflict is a Creative Integration The solutions of the

conflict is creative integration attempts to break the conflict context than
demonstratio that the way a conflict is being perceived is not the only possible
way to see it. One has have of seeing conflict in others to context rather than to
examine it within the present one, actually defeated of the conflict discussion.
It debilitates individual and relationship conflict solutions because of can’t
afford decision Make and it can expand the complications of the issues, leaving
them more difficulty to address in the future.

Mulan arrived at the training camp, run by commander tung, an old friend of
hua zhou. Along with dozens of other inexperienced recruits, he ended up a
trained soldier under his care without revealing his true identity.

The khan's army pressed on, forcing tung to end his early training and send
his battalion to fight. Mulan pursued a handful of soldiers alone, but was
confronted by xianniang, who mocked him for pretending to be a boy. "... is the
female owner of powerful chi which is the same as herself, and yet she is under
bhori khan, who is called a witch because of being a fighting woman in those
days, the tried to kill mulan but she did. Still protected from the clothes that he
mulan wore out her disguise and defeated the bhori khan's army. after that
mulan returned to training camp, yet she couldn't hide her sex. and she was sent
out from the army on the way home Rather be the emperor's protector and fight
for the kingdom.

The following quotation:

Xianning: we are same,join me,we will take our place together!

Hua Mulan: i know my place and is my duty to fight for the kingdom and
protect the emperor


In the study, mulan faces seconds kinds of conflict; include of exsternal and
internal conflict. In exsternal conflict, mulan faces seconds exsternal conflicts;
And their internal conflict is a conflict between Hua Mulan and his father, hua
zou, A conflict between her, with the laws and rules that applied to a woman in
her time anda conflict with commander tung in the training camp mulan was
exposed to her identity because in the war there are three things that should
come first between brave and true, where mulan cannot hide the truth that she is
a woman with a strong chi, an external conflict is mulan's decision to replace
her father into a madan battle just to protect his father from Death due to his
condition at the time his father was certain to die in battle.

The settlement of conflict with her father Mulan was even though Mulan
became one woman's strong chi owner she could pride her in a battle instead of
being a graceful and married to a man The source of internal conflict They have
different opinions about a woman who has a strong chi and chooses her place.
This is a conflict between private and conflict situation, this is a conflict
resolution because in managing the conflict with xianing, even though she is a
female owner of powerful chi and a warrior, she does not become a witch as
people say she is, and she completes her conflict by choosing a different path
from the xianing and making her family and her royal state proud

Mulan has also proved that never consider a woman an eye for a warrior not
necessarily a man but a woman can also be a warrior to protect her family, the
emperor, and the kingdom.


Deetz, Stanley A and Sheryl. L. New York: Chapter & Row Publisher.H

"Harry Gregson-Williams to Score Disney's 'Mulan' Live-Action Movie". Film

Music Reporter. Diakses tanggal August 24, 2018

Kenny, William. 1966. How to Analyze Fiction. New York: Monarch Press. K.
L. Knickbocker and H.W. Reninger 1963.Interpreting Literature. New York:
Holt Renehart and Winston.

Stevenson. 1986.Managing Interpersonal Communication.

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