Practice Questions For The Pearl Theme
Practice Questions For The Pearl Theme
Practice Questions For The Pearl Theme
1. Explain how the idea of togetherness is potrayed by the main characters in the
2. Discuss how greed influences the actions taken by the characters in the story.
3. Love is an important element in the story. Discuss.
. Love con!uers all. Discuss how far this is true in the story you have read.
". Discuss how the theme of oppression is depicted in the novel. #nclude evidences
to show how far this exists in the novel.
1. $hat have the story taught you%
2. $hat is the most important lesson you have learnt from the hardships faced by the
main character in the story%
3. Explain in detail about two incidents in the novel which teach you two important
moral lessons.
1. &ompare two characters in the novel. Explain how they are similar and how they
are different.
2. &hoose a character from the story. Explain one action taken by the character that
has invoked anger in you.
3. &hoose a character that has gone through changes in his'her character. Explain in
detail his ' her transformation.
1. &ompare the description of the village and the town.