Enviline ITR en
Enviline ITR en
Enviline ITR en
EnvilineTM ITR
Integrated Transformer Rectifier
for DC rail transportation
2 E N V I L I N E I T R - I N T E G R AT E D T R A N S F O R M E R R E C T I F I E R F O R D C R A I L T R A N S P O R TAT I O N
Enviline ITR – Integrated Transformer Rectifier
Most compact rectification solutions
for DC wayside supply
Urban population growth combined with Key benefits
environmental performance pressure have
a direct impact on public urban transportation
• Most compact
ABB’s integrated transformer and rectifier units
development. Growth and modernization of the
are specially designed and fitted together to make
public transportation system are essential to
it compact and low weight.
meet the demand and are challenged with
economic and land-use minimization targets. • Highest reliability
Traction power equipment footprint must be ABB’s dedicated support during development and
optimally planned to limit the footprint and execution, wide solution experience and r obust
reduce the size of the substation in expansions, technology minimize cost and risks providing
or enable to fit into restrictive retrofit spacing. highest reliability.
Reliability and efficiency on track
Integrated Transformer
ABB transformers are designed for optimum space
utilization, special requirements and the most
demanding conditions. Dry-type transformers are
the only transformers that can be installed close to
utilization point. This allows an optimized
installation design and r educed low voltage circuits
with corresponding savings in losses.
The main features and accessories are:
• Dry-type vacuum cast coil hi-T Plus transformer
• Off-load tap changer on primary winding
01 Diagram of a typical • Class H insulation (F available)
system setup • Bi-directional wheels
• Electrostatic screen
General information A Diode Status Diagnostics (DSD) unit detects and
Enviline ITR units are tested according to IEC 60076, monitors diode failures. DSD is equipped with
EN 50328, IEC 60146, IEEE 1653.2, NEMA RI-9 and of a basic panel or touch screen for user operation.
fer overload class according to these
standards. ITR units are designed for natural cooling Additional equipment
that ensures low noise and practically A variety of additional equipment can be added such
maintenance - free operation. They provide many as current and voltage measur ement, protective
variants of AC and DC interfaces. ANSI relays, interlocks, door limit switches.
ABB Sp. z o.o.
27, Placydowska Str.
95-070, Aleksandrow Lodzki, Poland
Phone: +48 42 24 00 100
Fax: +48 42 29 93 340
Email: [email protected]
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