Wartsila Bow Trusther

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Excellent thrust

performance for
efficient operations

The Wärtsilä Transverse Thruster (WTT) series addresses the need to provide efficient and
reliable hydrodynamic performance with less maintenance and simplified installation.

The WTTs are tailor designed for the Wärtsilä has delivered over 3200 optional. Special configurations, such
customers’ needs. They feature high transverse thrusters globally. When as horizontal drive, low noise, and
thrust values creating rapid response choosing a Wärtsilä Transverse vertical or inboard demountable ver-
required for efficient mooring and ma- Thruster you are getting inbuilt experi- sions are also available.
noeuvring, their compact dimensions ence and reliability to maximise the Wärtsilä’s commitment to creat-
and light weight simplify integration efficiency of your operations. ing added value for its customers
with the vessel design. The Wärtsilä The WTT can be provided with ei- begins with discussions during the
Dynamic Positioning (DP) solution ther a Controllable Pitch (CP) or Fixed early stage of every project to pre-
ensures excellent station keeping, Pitch (FP) propeller. In the standard cisely evaluate the operational needs
especially important in offshore opera- configuration, the E-motor foundation of the vessel. We have the experience
tions and for cruise ships in locations is built on the tunnel, as are the inte- and in-house expertise to design and
where anchoring is not possible or grated hydraulics. Separately mount- engineer the thruster arrangement
prohibited. ed E-motors, hydraulics, as well as that will provide optimal efficiency and
redundant pump sets and filters are lower operating costs.

——Transverse Thrusters covering the

range from 500KW- 5500KW
—— Wide range of applications:
merchant, offshore, cruise and
ferry as well as other vessel types
—— Supporting manoeuvring, mooring
operations, station keeping and
dynamic positioning
——Reliable and durable
——Low noise and vibration
—— Maintenance friendly design
——Easy to install
——Available with CP or FP propeller
——Compliant with EPA VGP 2013

Royal Caribbean’s ‘Oasis of the Seas’

has Wärtsilä 5500kWtransverse thrusters (4x)
Viking Grace

Multiple sizes and configurations

to suit all vessel applications
The WTT is available in 14 power sizes, from 500 to 5500 kW, for
both bow and stern applications in vessels of all types. Wärtsilä’s
extensive experience with propeller design and tunnel optimisa-
tions using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis is the
key to providing the most appropriate solution with regard to
propulsion performance, efficiency, and the minimisation of
noise and vibration.

OWNER/OPERATOR BENEFITS zz Propulsion Control Systems:

zz Reliability: The WTT is robust and The Wärtsilä Propulsion Control
compactly designed with fewer system (PCS) with Pro-touch
components and integrated hy- This award winning system com-
draulics to minimise the risk of fail- prises a comprehensive set of
ure during its service life. It is built levers, touch-screen interfaces,
to the highest quality standards, displays, indicators and modules age data recorder (VDR) or dy-
with full electrical insulation, load and can be configured to suit any namic positioning (DP) system, are
optimised gears, quality bearings, propulsion. For each propulsor available. The Wärtsilä PCS with
and fine lubrication oil filtering. the rpm and, with CP propellers, ProTouch provides the operator
zz User friendly: Easy access for the pitch are controlled using the with an intuitive, safe, and easy-to-
maintenance is achieved through ProTouch lever, while the vital use control system that requires
the WTT’s compact and clever functions of auxiliary systems can significantly less space for the
design. All components requir- be monitored and controlled via bridge control stations.
ing periodic maintenance are in a the touch screen side panel. The Standard Control Systems
single location. The space require- interface language can be selected, The analogue LIPSTRONIC®
ment for panels and cabinets can as can special functions such as 7000-TTb remote control system
be as much as 50% less than for a pitch to zero system. External can be customised to specific
conventional thrusters. interfaces, for example to the voy- vessel needs, and consists of a
Normand Installer El Coquí and Taíno

thruster control cabinet (TCU), le- ness and lighter weight compared WÄRTSILÄ SERVICES
vers, and tailored control panels to to conventional thrusters mean that The Wärtsilä WTT is supplied with
interface with the thruster. A pitch less space is needed. The instal- a detailed maintenance information
to zero system or interfaces to ex- lation is, therefore, faster and less document which clearly defines each
ternal systems can also be config- costly. maintenance task in easy steps so
ured within the LIPSTRONIC®. zz Easier Integration: The integrated that even personnel with very basic
zz Environmentally friendly: The hydraulics arrangement saves not skills can manage.
WTT is compliant with the US only space, but also installation Wärtsilä can provide spare part
Environmental Protection Agen- and commissioning time. The hy- packages that are pre-defined ac-
cy’s (EPA) Vessel General Permit draulics are integrated onto the E- cording to the desired redundancy
(VGP) 2013 regulation pertaining motor foundation, with the thruster levels by the owner/operator, along
to discharges to the sea. This is gearbox functioning as the oil tank, with the required technical support
achieved through the use of Envi- thereby eliminating the conven- and field services.
ronmentally Acceptable Lubricants tional stand-alone hydraulic power Wärtsilä can also offer customers
(EALs). unit (HPU). Being pre-installed, the convenient long term concepts to
zz Integrated hydraulics: Wärtsilä yard’s involvement in engineering optimise the maintenance and opera-
Transverse Thrusters have an inte- and installation is minimised, as is tions of their installations. This allows
grated hydraulics system for lubrica- the testing and adjusting during the customer to focus on generating
tion and pitch setting. This integrat- commissioning. the maximum revenue from their core
ed system provides greater reliability operations, while leaving the equip-
and simpler maintainability. It can be SPECIALISTS IN PROPULSION ment worries to us.
configured to match requirements MACHINERY We offer a worldwide service
for pump redundancy, duplex filters, Wärtsilä has the broadest and most network that ensures reliable and
and resilient mounting. complete offering of products, sys- efficient support, and the quickest
tems and integrated solutions in the possible solution to any problem, dur-
SHIPYARD BENEFITS global marine industry. We continue ing the full operational lifetime of your
zz Simplified installation & com- to lead the way in innovations that equipment.
missioning: Each WTT is supplied create greater efficiencies, improved Our Services organization currently
with an extensive installation and safety, and more environmental sus- features more than 11,000 dedicated
planning instruction document (IPI), tainability. professionals in 70 countries. Wärtsilä
which aids the shipyard in the in- We offer single-source supplies for adds value to your business at every
stallation of the thruster with data, all propulsion applications, including stage in the lifecycle of your installa-
diagrams, and clear instructions motors, gearboxes, propellers, seals tion. With us as your service partner
with graphical views. The WTT and bearings, and of course, a com- you receive many measurable ben-
requires a minimal number of welds plete range of thrusters. We realise that efits, such as availability and perfor-
to the hull structure, and has fewer the industry is not standing still and mance, productivity gains, and cost
pipes to be flushed and installed. that as needs change, so too must benefits. Above all, you have peace
No HPU foundation needs to be the products that drive the vessels. of mind in the knowledge that your
designed, and only in the case of Ships are getting bigger, most notably installation is being serviced by the
a DP application for thruster sizes with container ships and in the cruise most experienced partner you could
WTT-28 and up, there is a cooler industry, but also in other sectors as have – Wärtsilä.
to be connected. The connection well. This is why the WTT series has
to the propulsion control system been developed as a next generation
and panels is via CAN-bus (PCS/ solution to provide greater power and
ProTouch). The overall compact- better efficiency for ships of all types.
Maximum Power 1 Dynamic Propeller
Thruster Length Weight 2
Manoeuvring Positioning Diameter
type (L) (mm) (kg)
AUX (kW) DP (kW) (D) (mm)

CT/FT 125 H 614 603 1250 1550 2820

CT/FT 150 H 880 789 1500 1800 4200
WTT-11 1100 1000 1750 1970 5672
WTT-14 1450 1300 2000 2195 8050
WTT-16 1650 1475 2200 2115 11300
WTT-18 1850 1825 2200 2275 12250
WTT-21 2100 1825 2400 2275 12975
WTT-24 2400 2150 2600 2390 13775
WTT-28 2800 2400 2800 2970 20029
WTT-32 3200 2800 3000 3150 25142
WTT-36 3600 3200 3200 3350 29530
WTT-40 4000 3600 3400 3520 30500
WTT-45 3 4500 4050 3600 39504 353504
WTT-55 3 5500 4900 4000 43004 476504

1 Maximum power level is valid for uni-directional rotation (CPP).

Depending on propeller type, net frequency and class society, different power levels may apply.
2 Version with CP propeller including a standard tunnel with E-motor support, excluding E-motor.
3 Available on request.
4 Preliminary values.


zz Controllable pitch (CP) or Fixed pitch (FP) propeller zz Remote control system with multiple control stations
zz Remote control system consisting of a propulsion (e.g. engine control room, bridge wings), control transfer
control cabinet (thruster room) and a lever with side functionality, multifunctional display, and/or interfaces
display for mounting on the bridge; (the remote control with other vessel automation systems
system is standard for thrusters with CP propellers or for zz Compatible with environmentally acceptable lubricant
DP application; available on request for AUX thrusters (EAL) to comply with US EPA VGP 2013 or other
with FP propellers) environmental regulations
zz Mild steel tunnel with foundation suitable for vertical zz Redundant pitch/lubrication pump set
mounting of the E-motor (L-drive configuration) zz Redundant oil filter
zz Electrically insulated coupling with flange suitable for zz Standalone hydraulic system
keyless shrink fit mounting on the E-motor shaft zz Pressurised header tank
zz Integrated hydraulics mounted on the tunnel (versions zz Header tank with integrated EnduraPac water separator
with CP propeller and/or DP application) and separate (available for pressurized and non-pressurized systems)
pump starter zz Tunnel with a mild steel ring instead of a stainless steel
zz Gravity header tank ring at the location of the propeller
zz Standard length tunnel with 3 circular stiffeners and a zz Additional circular or longitudinal stiffeners
stainless steel ring at the location of the propeller zz Lengthened tunnel and/or tunnel ends cut according to
zz Aluminium anodes for 5 year protection hull form
zz Aluminium anodes for 2 year protection
zz L-drive with intermediate shaft and vertical E-motor
11.2017 / Bock´s Office

mounted on a separate motor foundation

zz Configurations such as horizontal drive, low noise, and
vertical or inboard demountable versions are available
on request

WÄRTSILÄ® is a registered trademark. Copyright © 2017 Wärtsilä Corporation.
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

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