Powerful ecopx
controller manages
Reduce costs & energy all energy sources to
consumption, maximize production
increase reliability & minimize consumption
The AEG PS ecopx hybrid The ecopx hybrid power • Intelligent diesel generator
power solution combines solution delivers a world of management reduces fuel
renewable solar or wind benefits for your network: consumption by 50% or more
energy with battery storage • Use any combination in generator/battery hybrid
and, if needed, a stand-by, of diesel, solar and wind configurations by operating
diesel generator. The result is power sources the generator for short
an innovative, highly-reliable periods at optimum load to
solution that optimizes the • A single controller
charge the battery. The results
entire energy system. (ACMi1000e) manages the
include reduced fuel
power solution end-to-end,
consumption, less frequent
seamlessly selecting the
servicing and prolonged
appropriate source
generator lifetime - all of
• The flexible, modular solution which help further reduce
can easily adapt as your OPEX
needs evolve
• A single controller manages
• Innovative, autonomous the complete power solution,
redundancy enhances seamlessly selecting the
reliability and site availability appropriate power source for
• MPPT-enabled solar lowest OPEX
converters maximize solar • By constantly monitoring load
energy production and demand and battery charge,
protect your PV investment the controller eliminates
• High temperature-rated unneeded energy production
components avoid the need during low traffic periods
for special cooling
• Wini1000e Manager provides
• Innovative, embedded N+1 remote monitoring, control
redundancy means that, just and system optimization
like standard telecom power
systems, a single-event fault Smart diesel genset usage
will not compromise system means lower fuel consumption ...
performance or availability. In longer maintenance intervals
the unlikely event of ... longer genset life
a component failure, the
controller identifies the failed Smart battery management
component, isolates the lowers maintenance costs &
failure and flags an alarm. extends battery life:
There is no impact on
• Battery charge rate optimised
revenue generation and you
according to discharge history
choose when to schedule a
service visit • Extended maintenance intervals
• Battery life extended by up
to 25%
PV field PV field
Battery Charge
box regulator
Generator Diesel
Battery & battery
& battery container
Traditionnal Regulator systems process only one type of power source. They are an The ecopx solution manages network site power from end-to-end: from energy
assembly of heterogeneous products which makes hybrid very complex and requires generation to energy storage, load surveillance and remote management.
many options. The cabling is also very complex (large cable sections, junction boxes, ecopx offers unmatched OPEX, security and reliability benefits.
coupling boxes, egulators… are required). The system has no redundancy.