#The Exudation Test For "Bleeding" in Bituminous Roofing
#The Exudation Test For "Bleeding" in Bituminous Roofing
#The Exudation Test For "Bleeding" in Bituminous Roofing
Bituminous Roofing
G. L. OLIENSIS, The Barber Company, Inc., Madison, 111.
“Bleeding,” or “strike-through,” by There is evidence that when asphalts that are incompatible
which is meant the exudation of unsightly in the sense above indicated are placed in contact with one
another at room temperatures, there will develop at the inter-
black spots occasionally noted on the sur- face between the two a very thin layer of bitumen, of a softer
face of ready roofing, is due to a peculiar consistency than either, but that this film will remain per-
type of incompatibility, as yet unexplained, manently at the interface until it is encouraged to migrate
between the asphalt used as saturant and outward by capillarity, as when pinholes are present in the
that used as coating. During the last 7 coating layer, or when a layer of dusting has been applied at
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saturant to the talc-dusted surface of the coating, maintaining test will prevent the formation of the characteristic ring, even
the latter at a temperature of 43.33° C. (110° F.) for 72 hours, when a film of the exudate is knowrn to be present between the
and measuring the width of the black ring of discolored talc two asphalts involved.
that forms around the periphery of the spot. In an effort to The effect of time and temperature in curing the specimen
standardize the conditions of the test, the following technic has also been investigated. The completion of the reaction will
has been developed: require weeks at room temperature. At 43.33° C. (110° F.)
the reaction will be substantially complete in about 3 days.
The coating is warmed to a fluid condition. It may then be Twenty7-four hours at 60.0° C. (140° F.) and 5 hours at
poured into the lid of a 3-ounce (88.7-ml.) penetration tin 79.44° C. (175° F.) will give, very7 roughly7, the same results as
or other convenient receptacle in a layer 0.3 to 0.6 cm. (0.125 to
3 days at 110 F.; but the interfluxing of the coating, saturant,
authors (7) have shown the advantages of internal 0.44 volt) would indicate that nickel and cobalt would be
electrolysis over external electrolysis in the determination deposited on the platinum cathode, if the anode were an iron
of small amounts of metals, and have pointed out that a very plate. The potential difference, 0.19 volt, is sufficient for
simple apparatus without diaphragm may be substituted for such a deposition. However, because of the very small over-
the complicated apparatus, proposed by a number of authors voltage of hydrogen on nickel and cobalt, these metals cannot
(1, 2, 4, 5, 11, 12), without impairing the accuracy of the be deposited by elec tro h’sis in an acid medium, while in am-
analysis {6, 9, 10). moniacal solutions they form complex ions, as a result of which
In addition (1) having selected a suitable anode, we obtain their potentials are shifted and become more negative than in
a definite potential difference not exceeded at any moment an acid medium.
during the course of the electrolysis but very slowly and
gradually diminishing by 0.1 to 0.2 volt. Therefore by
internal electrolysis it is possible to make separations which
by external electrolysis require a constant control of the
cathode potential and a suitable apparatus. (2) The chief
oxidizing process occurring at the anode is the dissolution of
the anode with the formation of the corresponding ions of this
metal in the solution. This eliminates many difficulties of
electrolysis due to the oxidation at the anode of a number of
ions to their higher valency states.
We are therefore justified in hoping that small amounts of
nickel and cobalt may be separated from large quantities of
iron and from chromium by this method. This was the
chief purpose of the present work.
The apparatus for internal hydrolysis used by the authors is
shown in Figure 1 (and in Figure 1 of an earlier article, 7). The
cathode is a Fischer’s platinum gauze; the anode is a metallic
plate of iron, zinc, or aluminum, depending on the metal to be
precipitated and on the conditions of precipitation. To secure a
full contact, the electrodes are firmly held together by a copper
or aluminum clamp, which replaces the copper wire formerly used
(7) and somewhat simplifies manipulations. The places of con-
tact must always be well cleaned with emery paper before pro-
ceeding to work.
Determination of Nickel and Cobalt
The normal potentials (E0) of nickel, cobalt, and iron
(Exi, Sit. 0.25 volt; Eco.-co4·-, 0.255 volt; EFe/ Fo-+,