(Asce) 0733 9410 (1983) 109:1
(Asce) 0733 9410 (1983) 109:1
(Asce) 0733 9410 (1983) 109:1
ABSTRACT: The bearing capacity behavior of strip footing located above a con-
tinuous void in silty clay soil was investigated experimentally and analytically.
The experiment was performed in a test tank which contained a compacted
silty clay. The analysis was made by using the finite element method in which
the test soil was treated as an elastic perfectly plastic material. Results of the
study indicate that the bearing capacity of footing above a void can be analyzed
successfully by using the finite element method of analysis. For each footing,
there exists a critical depth below which the presence of the void has negligible
influence on the footing performance. When the void is located above the crit-
ical depth, the bearing capacity of the footing varies with various factors, such
as the size and location of the void and the depth of foundation. Graphs re-
lating the bearing capacity with the influencing factors investigated are devel-
oped. These graphs provide a data base useful for design of continuous footing
centered with an underground void.
The purpose of the experimental study was to provide test data for
better understanding of the footing displacement behavior and failure
mechanism and for validation of the results of theoretical analysis. The
experimental study consisted of model footing tests and determinations
of strength property of the test soil.
Test Soil.—The test soil was a light yellow silty clay abundantly avail-
able at the state college area. The test soil contained about 10% sand,
the optimum moisture content was about 18% with the maximum dry
density of 111 pcf (1,778 kg/m 3 ). For easy mixing and compaction, the
test soil was compacted to a water content of 17% and a dry density of
100 pcf (1,602 kg/m 3 ), which was equivalent to 90% compaction.
Strength Property of Test Soil.—The stress-strain and strength be-
haviors of the compacted soil in compression were determined by using
the triaxial compression tests. The test specimens had a length of 2.82
in. (71.5 mm) and a diameter of 1.40 in. (35.6 mm). The deformation
rate was 0.05 in. /min (1.3 mm/min). Because of highly nonlinear stress-
strain behavior, the deformation moduli in compression were obtained
by using the method proposed by Simons (8). According to this method,
the compression modulus was equal to the ratio of one-half of the axial
stress at failure to the failure axial strain.
The stress-strain and strength behaviors in tension were determined
by using diametral compression (indirect tension) tests. Test specimens
were 4 in. (102 mm) diam with 4.5 in. (114 mm) in length. Loads were
applied at a deformation rate of 0.05 in. /min (1.3 mm/min). The vertical
loads and horizontal diametral deformation were monitored using an
electronic load cell and a linear potentiometer, respectively. The mod-
ulus in tension was obtained from the slope of the initial portion of the
stress-strain curve.
The strengths and moduli in both compression and tension are sum-
marized in Table 1. Included in Table 1 also are Poisson's ratio, the initial
earth pressure coefficient (i.e., the ratio of horizontal to vertical earth
pressure), and wet density of the test soil. The Poisson's ratio and initial
earth pressure coefficient values are estimated from the available liter-
ature (4,12). The strength, modulus, Poisson's ratio, pressure coefficient,
and density of the model footing material (steel plate) are also tabulated
in Table 1. These values are needed in the theoretical analysis which is
described in later sections.
Model Footing Test.—Model footings were tested in a plexiglass-sided
test tank which was approximately 4 ft (1.2 m) high, 5.5 ft (1.7 m) long,
and 5.5 in. (140 mm) wide. The tank was constructed of plywood and
plexiglass heavily reinforced with 3 in. (76 mm) steel channels. The
model footings were 0.5 in. (13 mm) thick steel plates of three different
widths: 2 in. (51 mm), 3 in. (76 mm), and 5 in. (127 mm). The model
footings were welded to the loading device to minimize possible rotation
during testing.
The test soil was compacted in 3 in. (76 mm) layers to the prescribed
density using a steel loading head which covered the entire length and
width of the test tank. A thin line of lightly colored sand was placed
between layers along the transparent plexiglass side to aid in viewing
the slip line fields. Voids of various widths were centered under the test
footing at the bottom of the tank. The voids were formed by placing a
removable, lubricated wooden block at the bottom of the test tank. Void
widths tested were 1 in. (25 mm), 6 in. (152 mm), 12 in. (305 mm), 23
in. (584 mm), and no-void condition. Fig. 1 shows a view of the com-
pacted soil with thin lines of colored sand and a rectangular void.
A Universal testing machine was used to apply load to the model foot-
ing using a constant rate of displacement. The load applied was read
directly from the Universal testing machine and the footing displace-
ment was monitored using a 0.001 in. (0.025 mm) dial gage. The load
was applied at the same constant displacement rate as used in the
strength tests. A total of 47 model footing tests were performed. De-
tailed information on footing tests is documented elsewhere (3).
FIG. 1.—Compacted Soil Mass with a Cavity after a Model Footing Test
-r IN
15 I N
k 4
3 IN rhh
in which lx and }2 - the first stress invariant and the second stress in-
variant, respectively; a and k = constants which are functions of
strength parameters of the test soil. According to Drucker and Prager
(6), these two material constants for the plane strain condition can be
expressed as follows:
tan ()>
(9 + 12 tan 4>)I/2
and k = (4)
(9 + 12 tan c)))1
in which c and 4> = cohesion and internal friction angle of the test soil,
Based on these constitutive laws, and incremental stress-strain rela-
tionships for an elastic-perfectly plastic material developed by Reyes and
Deere (7), a finite element computer program was developed by Chang,
et al. (4). This computer program was adapted for analyzing footing
bearing capacity with various boundary conditions. The computer anal-
yses were performed using an IBM 370 Model 168 computer at Penn-
sylvania State University.
In the computer analysis, loading increments of 5% of the total load
to be applied to the footing are used so that the nonlinear stress-strain
property of the soil can be better accounted for. Three iterations at each
0 2 1 6 8 10 12
' 1200
160 -
110 1000
0 1 2 i 4 ' 0
800 _
For the footings tested and analyzed, the footing pressure increases
with vertical displacement in the work-softening manner. Fig. 6 shows
that for a given void size, the maximum footing pressure occurs at a
smaller displacement when the void is closer to the footing. This is as
would be expected because when the void is located near the footing,
the soil mass underneath the footing is thin and can only accommodate
a limited shear strain before failure. With the same reasoning, it can also
0 1 2 3 1 5 6
800 _
0 1 2 3 1 5 6
D/B - 3 800
W/B - 0 ^ - ^ ' ^ ^ '
SO ; C00
/ ? 100 5
• / ^ ^ ^ ? ;
"C OTS O 175" 2~.0 2.5°
7 9
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S 8
/ 1 VOID | ]
1 / ROCK
0 2 1 6 8 10 12
depth is commonly taken at the bottom of the radial shear zone and is
generally no more than two times the footing width. This value of crit-
ical depth is considerably small compared with the values given in Fig.
9. Thus, for footings located above a void, the general shear mechanism
for no-void condition is unable to provide a reasonable estimate of crit-
ical depth.
The preceding results are obtained for rectangular voids. To determine
whether the results differ for different void shapes, a comparison is
made for circular, square, and rectangular voids. The conditions ana-
lyzed include 2 in. (51 mm) footing width, 15 in. (381 mm) depth to
void, and 6 in. (152 mm) void width (for the square void) or diameter
(for the circular void). Results of the analysis are presented in Fig. 10.
Also included in the figure is a curve for a rectangular void which is 6
in. (152 mm) wide, 3 in. (76 mm) high, and located at the same depth;
this curve is replotted from Fig. 4. It is seen that the three curves are
very close together despite the difference in the void shape and void
height. Therefore, for practical purposes, the void shape has negligible
effect on the bearing capacity for the boundary conditions analyzed.
An analysis is also made for a 6-in. (152-mm) square void located at
different locations with respect to the soil-bedrock interface. The footing
analyzed is 2 in. (51 mm) wide and the depth to the top of void is 15
in. (381 mm). The 6-in. (152-mm) square void is located at four different
positions: (1) The top of the void is flush with the top of the bedrock;
(2) the top of the void is 3 in. (76 mm) above the top of the bedrock;
(3) the bottom of the void is at the top of the bedrock; and (4) the bottom
of the void is 3 in. (76 mm) above the top of the bedrock. The footing
pressure-displacement curves for the four different void locations are
shown in Fig. 11. Note that the curves for conditions (2) and (3) are,
respectively, the same curves for the rectangular void and square void
as given in Fig. 10. It is seen that the highest bearing capacity occurs at
condition (1). This is probably because the bedrock is closest (15 in. (381
mm)) to the footing among the four different conditions. With the same
reasoning, it can be explained that condition (2) gives the second highest
j bearing capacity. Also, it would be expected that the condition (4),
i which has the greatest distance (24 in. (608 mm)) between the footing
128 PS I
0 1 2 3 k 5
and bedrock, will offer the lowest bearing capacity. Results of the anal-
ysis, however, indicate that the bearing capacity for condition (2) is
slightly lower than that of condition (4). Exact reasons for this result are
yet to be determined. According to this figure, it would be reasonable
to assume for practical purposes that the bearing capacity is not signif-
icantly affected by the position of the void (with respect to the bedrock
surface) so long as the distance between the footing and the top of the
void remains constant and the top of the void is above the bedrock
The effect of the depth of foundation, Df, on bearing capacity is in-
vestigated for several boundary conditions. Fig. 12 shows that results
of analysis for 2 in. (51 mm) wide footing with 6 in. (152 mm) wide void.
The results clearly indicate an increase in bearing capacity with increas-
ing depth of foundation when the depth to void, D, is maintained con-
stant. This is apparently attributed to the increased overburden pres-
sure; the greater shearing resistance under higher overburden pressures
results in an increase in bearing capacity. The rate of bearing capacity
increase with increasing depth of foundation appears to be greater at
larger D/B, according to Fig. 12.
The various graphs presented earlier provide useful data for design of
continuous shallow foundation located above a continuous void in silty
clay soils. By the use of Fig. 9, it is possible to determine whether the
existing void will influence the performance of the proposed foundation
or whether the existing foundation will be influenced by the proposed
mining or tunneling. If the foundation performance is found to be af-
123 PSI
600 E
•N T
• 200
^D/B = 6.25 SOIL D
w ,
100 VOID 1 H
ROCK 600 •
,.—--— ~ D ? B = 5,25
B = 2 IN.
W » 6 IN.
H = 3 IN. 500
c = 1370 PSF
• - 13.5°
fected by the presence of the void, the reduction in bearing capacity can
be estimated by using Fig. 8. From Fig. 8, it is also possible to estimate
footing size required to maintain stability for various void sizes and dif-
ferent void locations.
According to Fig. 10, void shape has negligible effect on the footing
pressure-displacement behavior. Therefore, results obtained from Fig.
8 and 9 are valid regardless of the void shape, at least within the con-
ditions analyzed. Furthermore, foundation is normally embedded in the
ground. Embedment results in a greater bearing capacity, as indicated
by Fig. 12. Thus, some margin of safety is provided by using Fig. 8 for
foundation design.
footing testing and theoretical analysis. The footing testing was con-
ducted in a test tank which contained a compacted silty clay as the foun-
dation soil. The theoretical analysis was made by using the finite ele-
ment method in which the test soil was treated as an elastic perfectly
plastic material.
Results of the theoretical analysis agree well with the experimental
data. There exists a critical depth below which the presence of the void
has negligible influence on the footing performance. When the void is
located above the critical depth, the bearing capacity of the footing de-
pends greatly on the various factors such as the depth of foundation
and the size and location of the void. Results of the study are presented
Based on the results of the study, it is concluded that the bearing ca-
pacity behavior of continuous footing located above a void can be ana-
lyzed successfully by using the finite element method. Results of the
study provide a data base useful for estimation of bearing capacity of
continuous footing centered with an underground void in silty clay soils.
1. Atkinson, J., Brown, E., and Potts, M., "Collapse of Shallow Unlined Tun-
nels in Dense Sand," Tunnels and Tunnelling, Vol. 7, No. 3, May-June, 1975,
pp. 81-87.
2. Atkinson, J., and Cairncross, A., "Collapse of a Shallow Tunnel in a Mohr-
Coulomb Material," Proceedings of the Symposium on the Role of Plasticity in Soil
Mechanics, Cambridge, England, 1973, pp. 202-206.
3. Baus, R. L., The Stability of Shallow Continuous Footings Located Above Voids,
dissertation presented to Pennsylvania State University, at University Park,
Penn., in Mar., 1980, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree
of Doctor of Philosophy.
4. Bowles, J., Foundation Analysis and Design, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York,
N.Y., 1974, p. 51.
5. Chang, C. Y., Nair, K., and Singh, R., "Finite Element Method and Time-
Dependent Analysis of Geotechnical Problems," Analysis and Design in Geo-
technical Engineering, Conference Proceedings, ASCE, Austin, Tex., Vol. 1,
June, 1974, pp. 269-301.
6. Drucker, D., and Prager, W., "Soil Mechanics and Plastic Analysis in Limit
Design," Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, Vol. 10, No. 2, 1952, pp. 157-165.
7. Reyes, S., and Deere, D., "Elastic-Plastic Analysis of Underground Opening
by the Finite Element Method," Proceedings of the First International Congress
B = footing width;
c = cohesion;
D = depth to the top of void measured from the bottom of footing;
Df = d e p t h of foundation;
/ = yield function;
H = height of void;
lt = first stress invariant;
/2 = second stress invariant;
k = material constant;
W = width of void or diameter of circular void;
a. = material constant; a n d
4> = angle of internal friction.