Don'T Seal The Parapet

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Parapet walls may be constructed as the wall evaporates from the surface.
Rain, the primary source of water, is a solid or cavity wall, or in the case of These would normally appear on the
driven by wind through permeable concrete masonry units, as a single face of the wall as efflorescence. When
masonry units, mortar joints and cracks wythe wall. Regardless of the type of the salts are trapped behind the surface
in the wall. It is the wind pressure that construction, they are often a source of the wall, they crystallize and this force
causes the majority of wall leaks—not of leaks and, in the opinion of this of crystallization - which is more than
water flowing down the wall. writer, are best eliminated whenever ten times the force of freezing - can
possible. Parapet walls are exposed severely damage the wall. Additionally,
On the other hand the roof doesn’t know to the weather on both sides and are these salts are hygroscopic and retard
which direction the rain is coming from subjected to the full range of tempera- the rate of moisture release from the
- its function is to withstand the vertical ture extremes. Thus they move more wall. When you are faced with a parapet
force of a head of water sometimes axially and in bending from differential wall over 12" high which appears to be
several inches deep. (The equivalent exposure to the sun. Additionally, they leaking or is the source of leaks into the
of a wind pressure of more than 90 are deprived of the building’s heat to base flashing, never coat it with a vapor
MPH.) To do this, it must maintain its aid in drying after a rain. To compound impermeable material such as roofing
watertight integrity uniformly over the the problem, these walls which are so cement or a membrane. First: deter-
roof surface. Masonry differs from susceptible to failure, are frequently laid mine if the wall is adequately reinforced
roofing in many respects. The most up overhand from the roof deck, which and designed with sufficient control or
obvious is that masonry walls are results in poor workmanship. expansion joints. If this is not the case,
composed of individual units “glued” no amount of surface treatment will
There are three requisites for a leak: a
together with mortar. stop the leaking. Second: check the
driving force, water, and an opening. In
copings to see if they are the source of
a wall, the driving force is mainly wind
In a square foot of brick wall, the mortar leakage. Finally, if all is in order, repair
pressure; in a roof it is a hydrostatic
joints contain a potential 13 ft. of cracks. the wall or eliminate the pressure with
head. Because these driving forces
If the cracks are only 1/64" wide, they a wind screen. Acceptable treatments
differ, the approach toward solving
will equal a slot of 1/4" X 8" in each include special coatings and repair of
the leak similarly differs. The objec-
square foot of wall—an intolerable cracks and joints. The latter can be
tive with a roof is to stop the water at
condition in a roof. Additionally, both accomplished by raking out the joints
the surface by means of a water proof
mortar and masonry have a degree of and tuckpointing or sandblasting the
penetration but reduce the pressure by
porosity that would be unacceptable wall and grouting.
use of a rainscreen or by minimizing
in a BUR.
openings and by providing drainage
Coatings should be breathable and
and evaporation. Because flat roofs are
How thendoes a masonry wall remain reasonably elastic with some ability to
elastomeric or visco-elastic, they can
watertight? The answer is, by permit- bridge minor cracks. They can include
absorb thermally induced movement
ting a limited amount of water to enter vinyls, stearates, silicones, urethanes,
without rupture. However, masonry
the masonry assembly and then allow acrylics, resins and paraffins. Gener-
walls must be strengthened with rein-
evaporate from the wall surface. he ally, they will only bridge cracks less
forcing and control joints must be used
“solid” brick wall limits the amount of than .02". Wider cracks must be cut
to relieve stresses.
water entry through pores and cracks out and filled. Alternately, heavy bod-
by reducing the capillarity in somewhat ied coatings such as a cement plaster
These differences must be taken
of a blotting action. After the rain stops, containing stearates or latex water
into account when remedial work is
the vapor pressure differential allows repellents may be used. It is not within
required. When a black bituminous
the wall to dry by evaporation. the scope of this article to discuss the
coating or a membrane system is ap-
merits of the various coatings available.
plied to one side of a parapet wall, it
Another approach is to relieve the wind When the wall is badly deteriorated
increases the differential movement
pressure—the main driving force of the or has been coated with bituminous
due to the greater heat absorption.
water, by building two connected walls materials that are deteriorated, the best
This movement frequently causes wall
or “wythes” with an air space between solution is a rainscreen. This can be
coatings to crack or flake off. Surface
them. This construction permits water accomplished by furring either or both
treatments also inhibit evaporation from
to enter the exterior wythe and then sides of the wall and then installing
the wall after a rainfall.
drain through the cavity. The water lath and stucco or panels of cement-
f the coating cracks or flakes, water
is now not under pressure and can asbestos or metal which will act as a
will penetrate through these openings
be intercepted by the flashing at the wind screen and still allow the wall to
and soak into the masonry. When the
bottom of the cavity and evacuated breathe. he next time you are convinced
rain stops, this moisture cannot escape
through weepholes. Parapet walls that the parapet is contributing to your
at the same rate at which it entered.
may be constructed as a solid or leaking problems, treat the parapet as
Trapped in the wall the water will freeze
cavity wall, or in the case of concrete a wall - not as a roof!
and spall the coating and the masonry.
masonry units, as a single wythe wall.
A more serious situation occurs if the
Regardless of the type of construction,
water can dissolve salts as the water in

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