10 11 035 ErrorList Liebherr V1.0
10 11 035 ErrorList Liebherr V1.0
10 11 035 ErrorList Liebherr V1.0
22860 1836 Visual check of the fuel high pressure fuel system for leakage
Check for Vcv related electrical errors
P1024-00 516121 11 Common rail - Pressure remains above the set point AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS
20320 160 Check high pressure fuel pump
20320 160 Visual check of the fuel high pressure fuel system for leakage
P1019-00 516123 11 Common rail - Start pressure too low AWL 508 1020 Check high pressure fuel pump
Check for Vcv related electrical errors
22860 1836 Visual check of the fuel high pressure fuel system for leakage
Check for Vcv related electrical errors
P12D8-00 516128 11 Common rail 2 - Pressure remains above the set point AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS
20320 160 Check high pressure fuel pump
"Test leakage" procedure to be done and check if the leakage is
coming from DRS-Injector system or high-pressure pump
P12D7-00 516129 11 Common rail 2 - Pressure remains below the set point AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS
Check the installation of the DRS on the engine cylindre head
20320 160 Visual check of the fuel high pressure fuel system for leakage
P12D3-00 516130 11 Common rail 2 - Start pressure too low AWL 508 1020 Check high pressure fuel pump
P1021-00 516131 11 Common rail pressure sensor - No signal variation AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS 2540 2550
P0193-00 157 3 Common rail pressure sensor - Short circuit to battery or open circuit AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS 12 1 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0192-00 157 4 Common rail pressure sensor - Short circuit to ground AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS 12 1 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0190-1C 157 31 Common rail pressure sensor - Supply voltage out of range AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS 127 10
P12D5-00 516133 11 Common rail pressure sensor 2 - No signal variation AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS 2540 2550
P01C1-00 1349 3 Common rail pressure sensor 2 - Short circuit to battery or open circuit AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS 12 1 Check wiring between ECU and component
P01C0-00 1349 4 Common rail pressure sensor 2 - Short circuit to ground AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS 12 1 Check wiring between ECU and component
P01C0-1C 1349 31 Common rail pressure sensor 2 - Supply voltage out of range AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS 127 10
P1566-00 516474 6 Configurable machine digital output 1 - Critical high output current AWL 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1378-00 516275 11 Configurable machine digital output 1 - Electrical error 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
Check wiring between ECU and component
P1149-00 516135 5 Configurable machine digital output 1 - Open circuit
2116 100 LBH: check relais K17 (A4) - activation B581
P1147-00 516135 3 Configurable machine digital output 1 - Short circuit to battery high side 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1376-00 516273 3 Configurable machine digital output 1 - Short circuit to battery low side 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1148-00 516135 4 Configurable machine digital output 1 - Short circuit to ground high side 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1377-00 516274 4 Configurable machine digital output 1 - Short circuit to ground low side 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1155-00 516137 5 Configurable machine lamp output 1 - Open circuit 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1153-00 516137 3 Configurable machine lamp output 1 - Short circuit to battery high side 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1382-00 516285 3 Configurable machine lamp output 1 - Short circuit to battery low side 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1154-00 516137 4 Configurable machine lamp output 1 - Short circuit to ground high side 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1383-00 516286 4 Configurable machine lamp output 1 - Short circuit to ground low side 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P2557-00 2430 11 Coolant level sensor - Out of range AWL 1587 100
P2559-00 2430 3 Coolant level sensor - Short circuit to battery AWL 1270 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P2558-00 2430 4 Coolant level sensor - Short circuit to ground or open circuit AWL 1270 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P2557-1C 2430 31 Coolant level sensor - Supply voltage out of range AWL 1270 100
P0115-13 110 5 Coolant temperature sensor - Open circuit AWL LVL 1 1270 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0116-64 110 2 Coolant temperature sensor - Plausibility error 1587 100
P0118-00 110 3 Coolant temperature sensor - Short circuit to battery AWL LVL 1 1270 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0117-00 110 4 Coolant temperature sensor - Short circuit to ground AWL LVL 1 1270 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0115-1C 110 31 Coolant temperature sensor - Supply voltage out of range AWL LVL 1 1270 100
P0335-64 637 2 Crankshaft position - Plausibility error AWL - RSL LVL 2 635 10 Check speed sensors for visible defects
P0335-F0 637 14 Crankshaft position sensor - Ground error AWL - RSL LVL 2 508 20 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0335-13 637 5 Crankshaft position sensor - Open circuit AWL - RSL LVL 2 508 20 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0338-00 637 3 Crankshaft position sensor - Short circuit to battery AWL - RSL LVL 2 508 20 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0338-00 637 3 Crankshaft position sensor - Short circuit to battery or open circuit AWL - RSL LVL 2 508 20 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0337-00 637 4 Crankshaft position sensor - Short circuit to ground AWL - RSL LVL 2 508 20 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0335-1C 637 31 Crankshaft position sensor - Supply voltage out of range AWL - RSL LVL 2 508 20
U1013-00 516184 2 Dashboard - Communication error 317 10 Check wiring between ECU and component
The sensor is working correctly, the measured temperature is
P12E4-00 1136 0 ECU - Critical overtemperature AWL STOP
100 100 higher than a threshold. Do not exchange the sensor.
The sensor is working correctly, the measured temperature is
P12E5-00 1136 15 ECU - Overtemperature warning AWL - RSL LVL 2
100 100 higher than a threshold. Do not exchange the sensor.
P1239-00 516139 5 Ecu state lamp - Open circuit 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1237-00 516139 3 Ecu state lamp - Short circuit to battery high side 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1360-00 516267 3 Ecu state lamp - Short circuit to battery low side 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1238-00 516139 4 Ecu state lamp - Short circuit to ground high side 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1370-00 516268 4 Ecu state lamp - Short circuit to ground low side 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0666-1C 1136 31 ECU temperature sensor 1 - Supply voltage out of range AWL - RSL LVL 2 2540 100
P06AB-1C 516140 31 ECU temperature sensor 2 - Supply voltage out of range AWL - RSL LVL 2 2540 100
P1345-1C 516141 31 ECU temperature sensor 3 - Supply voltage out of range AWL - RSL LVL 2 2540 100
P1038-00 190 0 Engine - Critical overspeed AWL 635 10
P0219-00 190 15 Engine - Overspeed warning 635 10
P154F-00 516489 5 Engine CAN on machine connector - Open circuit AWL LVL 1 254 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
U1032-00 516355 31 Engine control unit - Communication error to SCR slave control unit MIL Indcmnt - -
U0033-00 639 5 Engine Control Unit CAN 1 - Open circuit 254 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
U0036-00 639 11 Engine Control Unit CAN 1 - Short circuit 254 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
U0012-00 625 5 Engine Control Unit CAN 2 - Open circuit AWL LVL 1 254 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
U0018-00 625 11 Engine Control Unit CAN 2 - Short circuit MIL Indcmnt 254 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
The sensor is working correctly, the measured temperature is
P1016-00 110 0 Engine coolant - Critical overtemperature AWL
1814 100 higher than a threshold. Do not exchange the sensor.
P2560-00 111 17 Engine coolant - Level low AWL 10160 400
The sensor is working correctly, the measured temperature is
P1015-00 110 15 Engine coolant - Overtemperature warning AWL
1814 100 higher than a threshold. Do not exchange the sensor.
The sensor is working correctly, the measured pressure is lower
P1032-00 100 1 Engine oil - Critical underpressure AWL - RSL LVL 2
3048 3060 than a threshold. Do not exchange the sensor.
P252F-00 98 15 Engine oil - Level above max 254 100
P250F-00 98 17 Engine oil - Level below min 1270 100
P127A-00 98 11 Engine oil - Level low 1270 100
P0521-64 100 2 Engine oil - Plausibility error AWL LVL 1 12700 100
The sensor is working correctly, the measured pressure is lower
P0524-00 100 17 Engine oil - Underpressure warning
3048 3060 than a threshold. Do not exchange the sensor.
P140A-00 516354 0 Engine protection power reduction - Turbocharger protection 3810 60
P1142-00 5543 13 Exhaust flap - Calibration error MIL Indcmnt 423 10
U1017-00 5543 2 Exhaust flap - Communication error MIL Indcmnt 317 50 Check wiring between ECU and component
U1016-00 5543 11 Exhaust flap - Communication error detected by smart component MIL Indcmnt 317 10
P1144-00 516151 11 Exhaust flap - Control deviation error AWL LVL 2 1270 10
P1143-00 516153 11 Exhaust flap - Error invalid reference position MIL Indcmnt 423 10
P1140-00 516152 11 Exhaust flap - Hardware error MIL Indcmnt 423 10
P154B-00 516471 31 Exhaust flap - No sensor position data available MIL Indcmnt 423 10
The sensor is working correctly, the measured temperature is
P1141-00 516154 11 Exhaust flap - Overtemperature warning MIL Indcmnt
423 10 higher than a threshold. Do not exchange the sensor.
P1146-00 5543 7 Exhaust flap - Position sensor error MIL Indcmnt 423 10
P1145-00 5543 31 Exhaust flap - Supply voltage out of range MIL Indcmnt 423 10
P1197-00 516155 13 Exhaust flap 2 - Calibration error MIL Indcmnt 423 10
U1022-00 516155 2 Exhaust flap 2 - Communication error MIL Indcmnt 317 50 Check wiring between ECU and component
U1021-00 516155 11 Exhaust flap 2 - Communication error detected by smart component MIL Indcmnt 317 10
P1199-00 516156 11 Exhaust flap 2 - Control deviation error AWL LVL 2 1270 10
P1198-00 516158 11 Exhaust flap 2 - Error invalid reference position MIL Indcmnt 423 10
P1195-00 516157 11 Exhaust flap 2 - Hardware error MIL Indcmnt 423 10
P1563-00 516472 31 Exhaust flap 2 - No sensor position data available MIL Indcmnt 423 10
P1196-00 516303 11 Exhaust flap 2 - Overtemperature error MIL Indcmnt 423 10
P1201-00 516155 7 Exhaust flap 2 - Position sensor error MIL Indcmnt 423 10
P1200-00 516155 31 Exhaust flap 2 - Supply voltage out of range MIL Indcmnt 423 10
P1327-00 516300 11 Exhaust flap management 1 - Auto calibration task error MIL Indcmnt 423 20
P1328-00 516301 11 Exhaust flap management 1 - Auto learn task error MIL Indcmnt 423 20
P1329-00 516302 11 Exhaust flap management 1 - Learnt values lost during normal operation MIL Indcmnt 423 20
P132A-00 516159 11 Exhaust flap management 2 - Auto calibration task error MIL Indcmnt 423 20
P132B-00 516160 11 Exhaust flap management 2 - Auto learn task error MIL Indcmnt 423 20
P132C-00 516161 11 Exhaust flap management 2 - Learnt values lost during normal operation MIL Indcmnt 423 20
No action required
P1074-00 4360 0 Exhaust gas temperature (upstream SCR) - Critical overtemperature
The sensor is working correctly, the measured temperature is
705 100 higher than a threshold. Do not exchange the sensor.
No action required
P2084-64 4360 2 Exhaust gas temperature sensor (upstream SCR) - Plausibility error MIL Indcmnt Check sensor wiring and mounting
P2A01-64 3235 2 NOx sensor (downstream SCR) - Sensor removed from exhaust line MIL Indcmnt Check sensor wiring and mounting
P2A00-64 3225 2 NOx sensor (upstream SCR) - Sensor removed from exhaust line MIL Indcmnt Check sensor wiring and mounting
If the error is still active during engine warm-up phase after key off-
2540 40 on, test the system with LIDIA routine from the "SCR dashboard"
Proceed according other errors informations link to the "SCR
P1125-00 516235 11 SCR system - Ventilation error (AdBlue)
Test the system with LIDIA routine "system check" from "SCR
20 20 dashboard"
Check if there is deposit in the mixing pipe in which case
clean/change it and change urea nozzle
P1136-00 4364 1 SCR system - Very low conversion efficiency MIL Indcmnt
254 100 Check presence of leakage on exhaust lines
Change urea pump / nozzle
P1122-00 516236 11 SCR system(AdBlue injector) - AdBlue injection path blocked MIL Indcmnt Check air lines (upstream and downstream compressor), if it is
dirty please change and use LIDIA routine from the "SCR
2540 40 dashboard" for first filling
Change urea pump / nozzle
P1123-00 516237 11 SCR system(AdBlue injector) - Air path blocked MIL Indcmnt Check air lines (upstream and downstream compressor), if it is
dirty please change and use LIDIA routine from the "SCR
2540 40 dashboard" for first filling
Check component
Check component
If the error is still active after key off-on, test the system with LIDIA
2540 40 routine from the "SCR dashboard"
P1059-00 516293 11 SCR system(AdBlue pump) - Short circuit load MIL Indcmnt 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P05F0-00 5435 3 SCR system(AdBlue pump) - Short circuit to battery high side MIL Indcmnt 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1390-00 516294 3 SCR system(AdBlue pump) - Short circuit to battery low side MIL Indcmnt 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P05EF-00 5435 4 SCR system(AdBlue pump) - Short circuit to ground high side MIL Indcmnt 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1391-00 516295 4 SCR system(AdBlue pump) - Short circuit to ground low side MIL Indcmnt 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P2042-13 4337 5 SCR system(AdBlue temperature sensor) - Open circuit 635 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P2043-64 4337 2 SCR system(AdBlue temperature sensor) - Plausibility error 1814 100
P2045-00 4337 3 SCR system(AdBlue temperature sensor) - Short circuit to battery 635 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P2044-00 4337 4 SCR system(AdBlue temperature sensor) - Short circuit to ground 635 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1337-00 4337 31 SCR system(AdBlue temperature sensor) - Supply voltage out of range 635 100
Check component
Check component
Check component
2540 40 Test the system with LIDIA routine from the "SCR dashboard"
P2059-19 5796 6 SCR system(air pump) - Critical high output current MIL Indcmnt 20 20 Check wiring between ECU and component
P2059-2A 5796 11 SCR system(air pump) - Electrical error MIL Indcmnt 20 20 Check wiring between ECU and component
P2059-00 5796 5 SCR system(air pump) - Open circuit MIL Indcmnt 20 20 Check wiring between ECU and component
Change air pump / urea pump / nozzle / air lines (see <a
077_A.pdf#search=ED5%2D36%2D077%5FA">TI ED5-36-077</a>)
and use LIDIA routine from "SCR dashboard" for first filling
P1120-00 5796 2 SCR system(air pump) - Out of service MIL Indcmnt
Check air pump fuse (machine side)
2540 40 Test the system with LIDIA routine from the "SCR dashboard"
P2059-31 516423 11 SCR system(air pump) - Short circuit load MIL Indcmnt 20 20 Check wiring between ECU and component
P2061-00 5796 3 SCR system(air pump) - Short circuit to battery high side MIL Indcmnt 20 20 Check wiring between ECU and component
P138E-00 516291 3 SCR system(air pump) - Short circuit to battery low side MIL Indcmnt 20 20 Check wiring between ECU and component
P2060-00 5796 4 SCR system(air pump) - Short circuit to ground high side MIL Indcmnt 20 20 Check wiring between ECU and component
P138F-00 516292 4 SCR system(air pump) - Short circuit to ground low side MIL Indcmnt 20 20 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1565-00 516473 6 SCR system(air switch valve) - Critical high output current MIL Indcmnt 20 20 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1392-00 516238 11 SCR system(air switch valve) - Electrical error MIL Indcmnt 20 20 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1062-00 516238 5 SCR system(air switch valve) - Open circuit MIL Indcmnt 20 20 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1060-00 516238 3 SCR system(air switch valve) - Short circuit to battery high side MIL Indcmnt 2540 20 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1393-00 516296 3 SCR system(air switch valve) - Short circuit to battery low side MIL Indcmnt 20 20 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1061-00 516238 4 SCR system(air switch valve) - Short circuit to ground high side MIL Indcmnt 20 20 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1394-00 516297 4 SCR system(air switch valve) - Short circuit to ground low side MIL Indcmnt 20 20 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1251-00 516239 11 Slave digital input - Out of range MIL Indcmnt 12 10
P1186-1C 516239 31 Slave digital input - Supply voltage out of range MIL Indcmnt 12 10
P1554-00 516426 6 Smart sensor supply relay - Critical high output current MIL Indcmnt 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P137D-00 516280 11 Smart sensor supply relay - Electrical error MIL Indcmnt 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1139-00 516245 5 Smart sensor supply relay - Open circuit MIL Indcmnt 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1137-00 516245 3 Smart sensor supply relay - Short circuit to battery high side MIL Indcmnt 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P137B-00 516278 3 Smart sensor supply relay - Short circuit to battery low side MIL Indcmnt 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1138-00 516245 4 Smart sensor supply relay - Short circuit to ground high side MIL Indcmnt 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P137C-00 516279 4 Smart sensor supply relay - Short circuit to ground low side MIL Indcmnt 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0615-19 677 6 Starter - Critical high output current AWL 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0615-2C 677 11 Starter - Electrical error AWL 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0615-98 516342 31 Starter - Locked due to overtemperature 12700 100
P0615-13 677 5 Starter - Open circuit 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0617-00 677 3 Starter - Short circuit to battery high side 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1379-00 516276 3 Starter - Short circuit to battery low side 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0618-00 677 4 Starter - Short circuit to ground high side 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P137A-00 516277 4 Starter - Short circuit to ground low side 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1249-00 516247 11 Starter digital input - Out of range 6350 100
P1324-00 516424 11 Starter digital input - Starter inhibition due to short circuit 254 100
P1181-1C 516247 31 Starter digital input - Supply voltage out of range 6350 100
U019A-00 1620 2 Tachograph - Communication error 317 10 Check wiring between ECU and component
U0114-00 1845 2 Transmission - Communication error 317 10 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0001-19 1076 6 Volume control valve - Critical high output current AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS 10 10 Check wiring between ECU and component
P1220-00 1076 0 Volume control valve - Critical overcurrent 1270 255
P12DF-00 1076 1 Volume control valve - Critical undercurrent 1270 255
P1083-00 516251 11 Volume control valve - Current remains above the set point 1270 10 No action required
P1082-00 516252 11 Volume control valve - Current remains below the set point 1270 10 No action required
P0001-2A 516330 11 Volume control valve - Electrical error AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS 10 10 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0001-13 1076 5 Volume control valve - Open circuit AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS 10 10 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0001-31 1076 11 Volume control valve - Short circuit load AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS 10 10 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0004-00 1076 3 Volume control valve - Short circuit to battery high side AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS 10 10 Check wiring between ECU and component
P13C8-00 516328 3 Volume control valve - Short circuit to battery low side AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS 10 10 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0003-00 1076 4 Volume control valve - Short circuit to ground high side AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS 10 10 Check wiring between ECU and component
P13C9-00 516329 4 Volume control valve - Short circuit to ground low side AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS 10 10 Check wiring between ECU and component
P129D-19 516255 6 Volume control valve 2 - Critical high output current AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS 10 10 Check wiring between ECU and component
P12E0-00 516255 0 Volume control valve 2 - Critical overcurrent 1270 255
P12E1-00 516255 1 Volume control valve 2 - Critical undercurrent 1270 255
P12A1-00 516256 11 Volume control valve 2 - Current remains above the set point 1270 10 No action required
P12A0-00 516257 11 Volume control valve 2 - Current remains below the set point 1270 10 No action required
P13D5-00 516336 11 Volume control valve 2 - Electrical error AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS 10 10 Check wiring between ECU and component
P129D-13 516255 5 Volume control valve 2 - Open circuit AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS 10 10 Check wiring between ECU and component
P129E-00 516255 11 Volume control valve 2 - Short circuit load AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS 10 10 Check wiring between ECU and component
P129B-00 516255 3 Volume control valve 2 - Short circuit to battery high side AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS 10 10 Check wiring between ECU and component
P13D6-00 516336 3 Volume control valve 2 - Short circuit to battery low side AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS 10 10 Check wiring between ECU and component
P129C-00 516255 4 Volume control valve 2 - Short circuit to ground high side AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS 10 10 Check wiring between ECU and component
P13D7-00 516336 4 Volume control valve 2 - Short circuit to ground low side AWL - RSL LVL 2 - CRS 10 10 Check wiring between ECU and component
P12A2-00 516258 11 Volume control valve 2- PWM signal - High limit reached 254 10 No action required
P12A6-00 516259 11 Volume control valve 2- PWM signal - Plausibility error 22860 1836 No action required
P1177-00 516253 11 Volume control valve- PWM signal - High limit reached 254 10 No action required
P12DA-00 516254 11 Volume control valve- PWM signal - Plausibility error 22860 1836 No action required
P0243-19 5386 6 Wastegate valve - Critical high output current AWL LVL 1 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0243-2A 5386 11 Wastegate valve - Electrical error AWL LVL 1 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0243-13 5386 5 Wastegate valve - Open circuit AWL LVL 1 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0243-31 516318 11 Wastegate valve - Short circuit load AWL LVL 1 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0246-00 5386 3 Wastegate valve - Short circuit to battery high side AWL LVL 1 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P135D-00 516266 3 Wastegate valve - Short circuit to battery low side AWL LVL 1 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P0245-00 5386 4 Wastegate valve - Short circuit to ground high side AWL LVL 1 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P135E-00 516266 4 Wastegate valve - Short circuit to ground low side AWL LVL 1 100 100 Check wiring between ECU and component
P2264-13 97 5 Water in fuel sensor - Open circuit AWL LVL 1 1000 1000 Check wiring between ECU and component
P2265-00 97 11 Water in fuel sensor - Out of range AWL LVL 1 1000 1000
P2267-00 97 3 Water in fuel sensor - Short circuit to battery AWL LVL 1 1000 1000 Check wiring between ECU and component
P2266-00 97 4 Water in fuel sensor - Short circuit to ground AWL LVL 1 1000 1000 Check wiring between ECU and component
P2264-1C 97 31 Water in fuel sensor - Supply voltage out of range AWL LVL 1 1000 1000
P1275-00 97 0 Water in fuel sensor - Water in fuel detected AWL LVL 1 12700 1000 Drain water from fuel circuit pre filter