HelpDesk Final Report
HelpDesk Final Report
HelpDesk Final Report
Center for Industrial Effectiveness © 2008 University at Buffalo. All rights reserved.
Project Information
Team Members
Problem Statement
Since 2004 the amount of calls to the DISS Help Desk has steadily risen
from 15,000 calls in 2004 to a projected total of 30,000 calls in 2009
(100% Increase). The helpdesk staff is also responsible for the support
of over 250 different applications.
These calls are initially handled by the frontend helpdesk staff. This
small group consists of 4 people who are responsible for resolving calls
and routing calls to 2nd level support.
Goal Statement
Our goal is to continue improving all services that are provided by the
DISS help desk staff without adding any additional staff. This is done by
better staff training and more management involvement.
Additionally, process improvements are required in order to decrease the
length of time it takes to close a call. If we want to maintain the high quality
that has been established, while maintaining a lean staff, then the help desk
must become more efficient and in the end improve the productivity of
customer. This improved efficiency will reduce the length of call time by at
lease 8 percent.
Term Description
Call/Category Type How Calls are classified in helpdesk System.
Triage Category Type Initial Holding queue for all helpdesk calls.
Level 1 Support Frontend staff that are answering and routing calls.
100% Increase
from 2004 to
Define Phase
Goal Statement
As of August
31, 2009
Fishbone Diagram
Data Collection
Data Collection
Data Collection
Data Collection
Financial Analysis
Define Phase
Goal Statement
Weekends are excluded when calculating wait times and a six hour work day was
used when estimating time.
Initial Improvements
Results after
reorganization of
Call Types
Data Collection
Measurements Continued
Data Collection
Data Collection
Data Collection
Data Collection
Data Collection
Interval Chart by Hours for calls opened on a specific day of week (January – March)
Additional Improvements
New types and sub-types allow for better distribution of calls. This in turn
permits certain calls to be earmarked to specific technician.
70% improvement
after making
password rule
change from 6 to 12
failure attempts
The Original
Percent of
calls that were
completed in
Under 1 Hour
and One Day
were 32.2 and
28.8 percent
Financial Savings
Define Phase
Goal Statement
Next Steps
Define Measure
Measure Analyze
Analyze Improve
Improve Control
Problem Statement SIPOC Diagram Potential X’s Regression Analysis Control Methods
Macro Map Process Flow Diagram Graphical Analysis DOE Planning Control Plans
Identify Customers Value Analysis/ Muda Hypothesis Testing Screening DOEs Poka-Yoke
Project Scope Detailed Flow (I/O) Means Quantifying DOEs SPM – Monitor Y
Primary Metric Measurement System Variance Optimizing DOEs SPC – Control X’s
Secondary Metric Proportions Verify Critical X’s OCAP
Capability Analysis
Consequential Metric ANOVA Y = F(x) Update FMEA
Short Term Capability
Baseline Data Regression Analysis Optimization Project Transition
Long Term Capability Action Plans
Entitlement FMEA Generate Solutions
Data Collection Update Financial
Objective Statement ID Critical X’s Select Solutions
Process Monitoring
Financial Estimates Quick Improvements Pilot Trials
Final report
Lean Opportunities
Non-financial Benefits Lean Improvements Capability Analysis
Close Project
C & E Fishbone
Team Members Process Tracking
C & E Matrix
Define Review Measure Review Analyze Review Improve Review Control Review