1 - RCA 1 Pager - Training
1 - RCA 1 Pager - Training
1 - RCA 1 Pager - Training
Phenomenon Cause
(Result) Cause
Phenomenon Keep going until you have the
(Result) root cause !!
Verification Phenomenon
Bulb replace is
Example: immediate action,
Projector does not work – after all checks using 4M, established that bulb was broken but not root
Why? Answer Action
Why did he bulb Break The Filament was broken Replace Bulb
Why did the Filament break The bulb overheated Check against standard
Why did the bulb overheat The PROJECTOR was incorrectly turn off – Check Procedures
unplugged from mains before bulb is cool down
Why was the Projector turned off Because the operator did not know Review Communications
incorrectly there was a specific procedure
Why did the operator not know the No labels on machines to advise Improve Training and Labeling
So Where we go from here?
Finding Root Causes
The Problem Statement: 5W+1H
To create a focused problem statement ask clarifying
... do you see, what is issue do you want fixing? What is wrong?
What... What broke / failed? (The component and its characteristics)
… is it different from what you expect? What are the deviations from
How... ideal state, pre-set standards?
Example Problem Statement: 5W1H (Manufacturing)
2. Define the Problem (5W1H)
2.1 What? (Material: What is wrong? What broke / failed? Component and its characteristics)
Conveyor left side damaged, loosing parts and impacting on product's quality
2.2 Where? (Location: which system / subsystem / position is the component of the break / failure / issue)
Main conveyor SA 0102 (feeding CMY 06, 07 and 08)
2.3 When? (Time: What moment did the problem occur?)
During operation on 04:00am. After the 4th day of production after cleaning/maintenace
2.4 Who? (People: Who is involved? Whom is affected? Can the problem be related to ability? What?)
Operator ability (level 2 on Skill Matrix): the guides may have been installed incorrectly after cleaning.
2.5 Which? (Trend: Is there a tendency in the occurrence of this problem?)
It occurs every time when the conveyor get out of correction
2.6 How? (Status: The change in relation to the original state or expected result)
The main conveyor SA0102 rised on the side of the guide and started to loose parts on the product that
is fed in CMY machines 06, 07 and 08.
• Problem statement: After the line cleaning, during the operation, the main conveyor SA0102 rised on the side of
the guide and started to loose parts on the product that is fed in CMY 06, 07 and 08. Was observed that the conveyor
left side was damaged. The issue may be related to ability if the guides was installed incorrectly and has a tendency in
the occurence when the conveyor get out of correction.
Example Problem Statement: 5W1H (CS&L)
• What is the issue?
. Poor Service level AMEA
. Forecast error 35% month of January
• Where does that happen?
. Snaking category
. Primarily in Australia
. Total retail
• Which product/formats are affected?
. Share packs: gifting & bitesize
• When does that happen? Always? Sometimes?
. Last month – during campaign on promotional items
• Who is involved? Variation amongst people/teams?
Multiple commercial teams & demand planners
• How this different from expectations?
. Promotion never has been part of medium term plan nor part of last month IBP review
. Fail on production delivery due to lack of gifting boxes
• Problem statement: last month shipment loss was driven by 35% forecast error on promotional
items (gifting & bitesize) – event not recorded on IBP process and reviews, affecting production
Increasing the ability to
Improving find to
ability abnormal conditions
find abnormalities
Working Principles
(ideal state, std process)
Working Principles – finding key components
o Working principles captures details about base conditions and
operational standards while reinforcing the need and importance of
deep equipment knowledge
Part A Part B
General drawing
Specific drawing of the
of all working
component mechanism
Microsoft Excel
97-2003 Worksheet
Fishbone Diagram
Brainstorm all potential root causes of the problem with the team and prioritise them
Conveyor material quality Conveyor roller wear
Guides adjust failure Manometer pression of the conveyor strecher out of spec (4)
Man Method
Finding Root Cause and reviewing standards
5 Whys
Finding Root Cause and reviewing standards
5Whys Example: Manufacturing Case
Edge went up
1 Conveyor loosing Conveyor left Feeder guide Guide locked
on the left side incorrectly after
parts side damaged out of position
guide cleaning
Potential causes from Fishbone Diagram
Main conveyor
No periodic
3 Excess dust/dirt
inside the valve
air valve not
included on
maint. plan
maintenace plan
for valves
4 whitout range
Range not
specified on CIL
about correct
5 Whys Exercise - Jefferson Memorial
Jefferson Memorial
Structure Structure was deteriorating
Why ?
Why ?
Action Plan elements
To guarantee the problem will be eradicated, it’s very important to put (at least one)
countermeasures for each root cause found.
1. Action: The countermeasure action that will be provided to eradicate the root
2. Owner: Who will be responsible for the execution of the action
3. Date: The action deadline
4. Status: Current status of each action (eg: planed, complete, delayed)
Action Plan Example
Lack of rod slider A. Install limiter in the end of the course for rod of the A. Ediclei
limiter conveyor correction sense
of the correction B. Fábio/Daniel 30-mai OK
B. Install a safety sensor at each end of the conveyor belt
sense C. Replace centerline of main conveyors C. José Maria
No periodic
Include periodic inspection of the conveyor
maintenance plan for Carla 30-jun OK
valves valves
5W + 1H = focus analysis.
Used to make RCA theme extremely specific: problem statement
Problem/Area of Improvement
Problem/Area of Improvement
KPI - Monthly Trend / 5W+1H Loss Analysis (fish bone vs Ideal State)
Activity Responsable Status
Common Problem Solving Pitfalls
1. Poor problem definition (use of 5W+1H)
2. Jump to conclusions, not applying problem solving sequence and
3. Blame people, ignore systems design/methods
4. Not confirming likely causes
5. Tackling problems without understanding of ideal state.
6. Failing to involve the right people, work beyond scope of team
7. Failing to execute and track effectiveness of solutions
8. Solutions not updated to SOP, Standard Operating Procedure
9. Knowledge and standards generate as result of RCA not passed
on to all individuals involved on affected processes
10. Work towards elimination of issue: may need more than one
cycle of analysis before issue is successfully eradicated
Check for understanding…