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ID NUMBER : 03011190096
Background of the Study
An organization's progress is highly dependent
on the performance of its employees.
Outstanding employee performance can be used
as one of the fundamental factors for measuring
employee success in order to increase their
optimal contribution to the company.
Conversely, poor employee performance
indicates employee absenteeism, which reduces
their optimal contribution to society.
Background of the Study
From a sales performance perspective, sales began to decline in 2019 and sales
began to recover in 2020 and 2021, although the performance of sales in 2019-2021
did not meet the sales target set by the company. The company cannot achieve the
company's goals due to quantity, quality, business behavior and other reasons.
Employees often procrastinate, resulting in work not being completed on time,
employees are often reprimanded and warned by their superiors, employee work
mistakes still exist, employees lack motivation and a sense of responsibility. This will
have a negative impact on the company, as employees who are unwilling to work will
have many effects, including absenteeism and job anxiety.
From training is because, after attending the training, employees have not been able
to complete a number of jobs that have been given by the leadership, so that
employees cannot complete the work on time and after undergoing training,
employees are still not able to improve the knowledge and skills of employees to doing
work, so that employees feel unable provide the best results for the company. In
addition, employees feel that all the equipment provided during the training process is
not in accordance with the employee's latest training, so that employees often do not
have high initiative in doing their work. And every time there is training, it is also found
that there are instructors who do not understand the abilities of employees, so that
employees cannot provide the best results according to their respective fields.
Background of the Study
Another problem that causes employee performance to decline is the
work environment. The work environment also certainly does not
make employees able to improve employee performance, because at
work there are conditions in the workspace that are not yet cool,
which can cause employees to feel stifled in carrying out their duties.
In addition, not all workspaces are protected from noise when they
want to complete work because employees work in one room, which
results in employees not being optimal in completing their own work,
and the lack of lighting in the workspace does not support the
implementation of employee duties, so that employees cannot
complete a number of targets set by the company.
Problem Limitation
1. Training and Work Environment as independent variables (X) and Employee
Performance as dependent variables (Y).
2. According to Mangkunegara (2017), training indicators include Types of Training,
Training Objectives, Materials, Methods Used, Participant Qualifications, Coach
Qualification and Time (Number of Sessions).
3. According to Afandi (2018) work environment indicators include Lighting, Color,
Air and Sound.
4. According to Hamali (2016), the employee performance indicators include Work
Results, Knowledge of Work, Initiative, Mental Dexterity, Attitude and Time
Discipline and Attendance.
5. The research was conducted in PT Alamjaya Wirasentosa Medan is located at Jl.
Raya Medan - Tanjung Morawa KM.13.5 No.54, Tanjung Morawa, North
6. The population and samples used are all employees who working at PT Alamjaya
Wirasentosa Medan during 2022 amount 78 people.
Theoretical Background
According to Sinambela (2016), The organization's methodical process
of developing individual skills, abilities, knowledge, or attitudes that
can influence behavior in order to achieve predetermined
organizational goals is known as training.

According to Afandi (2018), the work environment is something that

affects workers' ability to complete tasks, such as the temperature,
humidity, ventilation, lighting, cleanliness of the workplace, and
whether or not they have adequate work equipment.

According to Hamali (2016), performance is the outcome of work that

has a strong connection to the organization's strategic objectives,
customer satisfaction, and economic contribution.
Research Model

H3 Employees Performance
Work Environment H2

H1: Training has partial effect on Employee Performance at PT. Alamjaya

H2: Work Environment has partial effect on Employee Performance at PT.
Alamjaya Wirasentosa
H3: Training and Work Environment have simultaneous effect on
Employee Performance at PT. Alamjaya Wirasentosa
Research Design
• Research Design use Quantitative
• The type of research used is
descriptive research
• The nature of this research is causal
Population and Sample
• The research object in this research is the
employee of PT. Alamjaya Wirasentosa.
• Population is all employees of PT. Alamjaya
Wirasentosa had 78 members in 2022.
• Samples in this study numbered 78
Test Of Research Instrumen
This test was carried out by distributing questionnaires to 30
respondents outside the study, namely at PT. Adam Dani
•Validity Result
As a result, it is possible to draw the conclusion that
each of the questions pertaining to each variable that was
utilized is valid.
•Reability Result
It can be seen that each question item in each variable
has a Cronbach Alpha value greater than 0.70 and can be said
to be reliable
Normality Test

Unstandardized Residual
N 78
Normal Parametersa,b Mean .0000000
Std. Deviation 3.34398658
Most Extreme Differences Absolute .086
Positive .063
Negative -.086 Sig. (2-tailed) > 0.05 indicates
Test Statistic .086 that the residual data have a
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .200c,d normal distribution
Multicolinearity Test
Collinearity Statistics
Model Tolerance VIF
1 Training .214 4.663
Work Environment .214 4.663
Both variables had tolerance values > 0.1 and variance inflation factor (VIF) values < 10,
it is assume that the regression model did not have multicolinearity

Heteroscedasticity Test
Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
Model B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 2.293 2.450
Training .491 .091 .568
Work Environment .576 .165 .366

Y = 2.293 + 0.491 X1 + 0.576 X2

Coefficient Determination Test

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate
1 .908a .824 .819 3.388

From table above, it can be seen that coefficient of

determination (R Square) is 0.824. It means that 82.4% of
employee performance at PT. Alamjaya Wirasentosa can be
explained by training and work environment, while the
remaining in 17.6% employee performance is affected by other
Partial Test (t Test)
Model T Sig.
1 (Constant) .936 .352
Training 5.427 .000
Work Environment 3.497 .001

Training variables have a calculated t count of 5.427 > t table 1.992 and
significance value of 0.000 < 0.05. This means that training partially affects
employee performance

Work environment variables have a calculated t count of 3.497 > t table

1.992 and significance value of 0.001 < 0.05. This means that work
environment partially affects employee performance
Simultaneous Test (F Test)
Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
1 Regression 4032.505 2 2016.253 175.625 .000b
Residual 861.033 75 11.480
Total 4893.538 77

F count 175.625 > F table 3.12 and significance value F 0.000 < 5%. This
means training variable (X1) and work environment variable (X2) significantly
affect employee performance variable (Y).
• Based on the mean data received for the training variable, it turns out that the training provided to
employees is very appropriate, it is known that many respondents choose to agree with employee
• Based on the mean data received for the work environment variable, it turns out that the work
environment is very good for employees, it is known that many respondents choose to agree with
their work environment.
• Based on the mean data received for the employee performance variable, it turns out that employee
performance can be improved which can be seen that many respondents choose to agree with
employee performance.
• From the t test, it can be seen that the first hypothesis is acceptable because t count of 5.427 > t
table 1.992 and significance value of 0.000 < 0.05. This means that Training has effect on Employee
Performance at PT. Alamjaya Wirasentosa.
• From the t test, it can be seen that the second hypothesis is acceptable because t count of 3.497 > t
table 1.992 and significance value of 0.001 < 0.05. This means that Work Environment has effect on
Employee Performance at PT. Alamjaya Wirasentosa.
• From F test, it can be seen the third hypothesis is acceptable because F count 175.625 > F table 3.12
and significance value F 0.000 less than 5%. This means that Training and Work Environment has
effect on Employee Performance at PT. Alamjaya Wirasentosa. It can be proven at the value of the
coefficient of determination where 82.4% of employee performance at PT. Alamjaya Wirasentosa can
be explained by training and work environment, while the remaining in 17.6% employee performance
is affected by other factors such as motivation or compesation.
• For the Company
• Based on the results of distributing questionnaires for the Training variable, the problem that arises is the training carried
out at PT. Alamjaya Wirasentosa apparently has not been able to improve employee performance, The training materials
provided are not in accordance with the needs of the employee's job, the training method is also not in accordance with
the employee's job position, Training guided by professional instructors is still not in accordance with the type of
employee work. Therefore, the authors would like to propose some practical recommendations for each problem by
providing training according to the needs of the company's capabilities, providing additional education according to the
position of the employee and providing complete and comfortable facilities for employees so that later the training can
run well.
• Based on the results of distributing questionnaires for the work environment variable, the problem that arises is that the
condition of lighting equipment is still a problem in the employee's work room such as lighting from lamps, the placement
of air vents that already exist in the company has not been arranged properly and the air temperature in the workplace
greatly affects body temperature. employee. Therefore, the author would like to propose some practical
recommendations for each problem by paying attention to the lights used in the employee's workspace and improving
the arrangement of air ventilation in the company so that later employees feel comfortable with their work environment.
• Based on the results of distributing questionnaires for employee performance variables, the problem that arises is that
employees have not provided a good job as desired by PT. Alamjaya Wirasentosa, employees have not done any tasks
assigned by their superiors and have not completed them properly, employees are not ready to deal with complicated
situations such as handling complaints from consumers and employees often go in and out of work on time. Therefore,
the author would like to propose some practical recommendations for each problem by providing work bonuses to
employees who have good work performance, providing guidance to employees in dealing with complex problems and
reducing wages for employees who do not regularly work so that employee performance can increase.
• For Future Research
The writer would like to recommend do more or futher research on other variables that may affect employee
performance, such as leadership, compensation, job stressed, motivation, etc.

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