Asif 2007
Asif 2007
Asif 2007
The article provides a life cycle assessment (LCA) of a 3-bed room semi detached house in Scotland. Detailed LCA of five main
construction materials i.e. wood, aluminium, glass, concrete and ceramic tiles have been provided to determine their respective embodied
energy and associated environmental impacts. Embodied energy of various construction materials involved has been estimated to be
equal to 227.4 GJ. It is found that concrete, timber and ceramic tiles are the three major energy expensive materials involved. It as been
calculated that concrete alone consumes 65% of the total embodied energy of the home while its share of environmental impacts is even
more crucial.
r 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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1392 M. Asif et al. / Building and Environment 42 (2007) 1391–1394
tool in this regard that not only provides an account of 3. Life cycle assessment
materials and energy involved in a product or system but
also measures the associated environmental impacts, as Life cycle assessment is a process to evaluate the
also highlighted by the ‘Earth Summit 2002’, which, in its environmental burdens associated with a product, process,
plan of action, has urged the world to: or activity by identifying and quantifying energy and
materials used and wastes released to the environment: to
Develop production and consumption policies to assess the impact of those energy and materials used and
improve the products and services provided, while releases to the environment: and to identify and evaluate
reducing environmental and health impacts, where opportunities to affect environmental improvements. The
appropriate, science-based approaches, such as life cycle assessment includes the entire life cycle of the product,
analysis [3]. process or activity, encompassing, extracting and proces-
This article provides a life cycle assessment of a typical sing raw materials: manufacturing, transportation and
semi detached three-bedroom house in Scotland. Embo- distribution: use, re-use, maintenance: recycling, and final
died energy of the materials mainly involved in construc- disposal.
tion and their associated environmental impacts has been ISO 14040 (1997) defines LCA as
estimated. The results and findings of the presented work ‘LCA is a technique for assessing the potential environ-
also include data and information collected from quantity mental aspects associated with a product (or service) by
surveyors, architects and builders involved in construction compiling an inventory of relevant inputs and outputs,
of the house. evaluating the potential environmental impacts asso-
ciated with these inputs and outputs, and interpreting
2. Construction materials the results of the inventory and impact phases in relation
to the objectives of the study’ [4].
Timber has been the traditional building material having Generally there are four interactive steps necessary for a
been widely used for numerous applications in construction complete life cycle study: planning, inventory analysis,
sector i.e. framing, flooring, roofing and lining. In relatively impact assessment and improvement analysis.
recent times a range of alternative materials have been
successfully introduced into the construction industry such Planning: It defines the goals and objectives of the LCA
as steel, concrete, aluminium, plastics. The choice of framework including the investigation boundaries,
construction materials employed depends on the intended breadth and depth of study.
use of building, its design and architecture. In the past the Inventory analysis: It provides a quantitative input/
factors further influencing the choice of building materials output account of the product or system i.e. energy, raw
were predominantly cost, availability and appearance. material, air emissions, water-borne effluent and solid
However, these days environmental suitability of materials waste are examined and measured.
is another important factor that is being acknowledged by Impact assessment: It evaluates how the product or
consumers. system affects the environment adopting a qualitative
Materials involved in construction can normally be and quantitative approach to analyse how raw material
categorised into main families of materials i.e., stone, use, energy generation, water production, effluent out-
concrete, metals, wood, plastics and ceramics. These put, air emission and solid waste affect the environment.
materials can be used in a wide and diverse variety of Improvement analysis: This involves making improve-
architectural applications as given below. ments to reduce environmental burdens associated with
the product or system through taking an objective view
electrical-service distribution, lighting; of the entire life cycle and assessing the impact that
finishes-wallboards, tiles, flooring, wall coverings, paint, changes would have on the environment.
masonry and stonework-walls, roofing; 3.1. Scope and boundaries of the LCA work undertaken
mechanical-plumbing, refrigeration, air distribution,
heating, cooling; The present work has addressed eight different materials
metalwork-structural metal framing, joists, ornamental, that were of significance in the construction of the studied
decorative; house. These materials include: timber, glass, concrete,
site work-excavation, foundation, landscaping, paving, ceramic tiles, aluminium, plasterboard, slat and damp
surfacing, walls and fences; course. Out of these eight materials, detailed life cycle
thermal & moisture-waterproofing, sealants, roofing, assessment has been provided for five main materials
membranes, flashing; that are more important in terms of their embodied
wood & engineered plastic wood products-carpentry, energy and environmental impacts characteristics. These
timber, lumber, prefabricated wood; materials include: timber, glass, concrete, ceramic tiles and
windows & doors-hardware, carpentry, glazing, frames. aluminium.
M. Asif et al. / Building and Environment 42 (2007) 1391–1394 1393
slating damp course Mortar timber embodied energy respectively. Embodied contents the
plaster board 0% 1% 1% 14%
3% materials used in construction indicate that the total
aluminium embodied energy of the home is 227.4 GJ.
It is seen that concrete is the most significant construc-
tion material employed in the studied home not only in
ceramic tiles
15% terms of quantity consumed but also for the embodied
energy and associated environmental impacts. Concrete as
a material has large amount of associated environmental
impacts. Since concrete has been used in very large
quantity, results indicate that concrete and mortar are
concrete responsible for 99% of the total CO2 resulting from the
home construction.
Fig. 2. Embodied energy distribution in the house.
61% of the total embodied energy of the home while its
Authors are thankful both to Mr. Alastair Nicoll of
share of environmental impacts is even much higher (up to
KLM Partnership Chartered Surveyors and Mr. Ian
99%). After concrete, timber and ceramic tiles are the two
Gullane of West Lothian Council for their time and help
important materials accounting for 13% and 14% of the in collecting the necessary data required for this project.
total embodied energy respectively. Energy values indicate
that the total embodied energy of the home is 227.4 GJ.
It can be seen from Table 1 that concrete as a material References
has smaller values of embodied energy and environmental
impacts as compared to other construction materials [1] BSEE, 2001. Building services and environmental engineer, p. 16.
[2] CIWMB, 2000. Designing with vision: a technical manual for materials
involved such as glass, aluminium and ceramic tiles. choices in sustainable construction. California Integrated Waste
However since concrete is used in a very large quantity Management Board.
proportion in any construction, it becomes responsible for [3] ES-2002. In: Plan of implementation, earth summit 2002, Johannesburg,
a large share of the gross embodied energy and environ- September 2002.
mental impacts. [4] ISO 14040, 1997. Environmental management–life cycle assessment–
principles and framework, ISO, Paris.
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