DLP EED ENG1 Ajenth Jacel Aro BEED 2-1 EVE
DLP EED ENG1 Ajenth Jacel Aro BEED 2-1 EVE
DLP EED ENG1 Ajenth Jacel Aro BEED 2-1 EVE
Rhyming Words
At the end of a 40 minutes class, the Grade 1 students are able to:
• Perform a nursery rhymes or poem in the whole class that has a rhyming word.
“Class, please remain standing let’s sing The
Hello! Song.”
“Good day my wonderful students!” “Good day teacher!”
Checking of Attendance
“Let’s check the attendance, find your picture in (1st Row will stand and find their picture in
the Home Column and put in the School Column.” attendance chart, followed by the 2nd Row, 3rd
Row and so on.)
Checking of Assignment
“Class, yesterday I gave you an assignment, “Yes teacher!”
Question 1
“Who are the main characters in the story The Answer 1
Frog Prince?” “The Princess and The Frog Prince.”
Question 2 Answer 2
“Where did the story happen?” “In a big castle.”
Question 3 Answer 3
“What happened to the golden ball of the “The Golden ball fell into the pond and stink it to
Princess.” deep waters.”
Question 4 Answer 4
“What should the frog prince need to do to break “The frog prince needs to spend one night next to
the spell of the evil witch?” a princess and get a kiss from her.”
Question 5 Answer 5
“What happened after the princess kissed the “The Frog became a handsome prince, they got
Frog?” married and lived happily ever after.”
“Do you guys remember the 3 important details “Yes teacher!”
in the short stories?”
“Very Good!”
“This time, we will have a new lesson. But before
that let us sing the song The Itsy-Bitsy Spider. Do “Yes, teacher!”
you know that song?” “No, teacher!”
Spout-out rain-again
“Now, what can you observe on the words that (Pupils will raise their hand to answer.)
we read?”
“Teacher, the ending sound of the words are the
“Very good!”
“Very good!”
“Again, what is rhyming words?” “Rhyming words are words that end in the same
(The teacher will give further examples.)
For example:
Cat – Hat
Hen – Pen
Shell – Bell
Duck – Truck
“Children, can you give examples of words that (Pupils will raise their hand to answer.)
rhyme inside our classroom?”
Student: “Teacher, door and four.”
“(Student name) said door and four, are they “Yes, teacher!”
rhyming words?”
“Now, we will have a group activity.”
“What else do we have to remember when doing Student: “Minimize the noise.”
a group activity?”
“You may now begin doing your group work.” (The children will now start doing the activity
given by the teacher.)
“Great Job!”
Pupils Answers:
1. Tower – Flower
2. Eye – Sky
3. Kick – Brick
4. Hand – Sand
5. Slope – Rope
Direction: Listen carefully to the Song that your teacher will Play. Write on your notebook all the
rhyming words that you can find or hear on the song.
Pupils Answer:
Tragic – Magic
Imposition – Mission
Crown – Down
All – Small
Now – Wow
Dings – Wings
Unicorns – Horns
Fate – Great
V. ASSIGNMENT: Look for an old magazine, cut pictures of rhyming words and paste it on your notebook.