Assesment 2
Assesment 2
Assesment 2
I. Objectives:
At the end of the discussion, 80% of the students are expected to:
a. Define poetry;
b. Compose different types of poems specifically (Blank Verse, Free Verse,
Rhymed Poetry, Haiku, Sonnet, and Ode) and;
c. Reflect on the importance of poetry in our lives.
III. Procedure
Student No. 1, can you lead the prayer? - Student No. 1 will lead the prayer.
That’s great!
3. Checking of Attendance
Class beadle, how many of you are absent (The class beadle will respond.)
4. Recapitulation
What is our previous lesson? (The students will raise their hands.)
- Student No. 2: “Last meeting, we were
introduced to prose. Prose comes from
the word “prosa” which means
straightforward. This is a form of writing
that follows the natural flow of speech and
is in a narrative form. Some of the
examples of this are short stories, novels,
biography, autobiography, fables, myths
5. Motivation:
Okay! Group 1 and Group 2. Ready na, Ready na, - Everyone: “Aba siyempre po!”
Ready na?
Wow, that is correct. Group __, you got the point.
Three eyes have I, all in a row,
When the red one opens, all freeze.
And the answer is? - Student No. 4: “Three eyes. I think, it’s a
traffic light, ma’am.”
It is bright green,
It lives by the pond,
It rhymes with fog,
Hop, hop, hop.
Screaming, soaring, seeking sky,
Flowers of fire, flying high,
Eastern heart, from ancient time,
Name me now and solve this rhyme.
In the morning, I rise,
With golden beams that mesmerize,
What am I, in the skies?
B. Developmental Activities
A. Activity:
This game is called “May Entry Ako”.
Representatives come here in front. Spin the Wheel. (Representatives will spin the wheel.)
(The teacher will teach the clap.) (The students will do the clap.)
B. Analysis:
So, are you ready to explore? (The students will respond actively.)
C. Abstraction:
In your own words, how will you define a poetry? - Student No. 8 will give his/her idea about
Bravo for that. Thank you so much.
Who loves to write a poetry here? Can you raise (The students will raise their hands.)
your hands?
“Poetry is defined as a type of literature or artistic
writing that tries to appeal to the reader’s emotions
and imagination through a variety of different poetic
Do you have any idea about Blank Verse? Yes, (The students will raise their hands.)
Student No. 9. - Student No. 9: “I believe, Blank Verse is
unrhymed but is in metered lines.”
Bravo for that.
An example of rhyming couplet is “Double, double,
toil and trouble, Fire burn and cauldron bubble.”
Who loves to use rhymed poetry? What do you think (Student No. 10 will give an advantage of
is the advantages of using rhymes in your poems? using rhymes in poetry.)
Who can give me an example of free verse? (Student No. 11 will give an example of
free verse.)
Thank you for that. Very good!
An example is:
If you were to write a Haiku, describing the weather (Student No. 12 will create a Haiku about the
right now. How will you do that, Student No. 12. Scorching Heat.)
mistaken Sonnet 18 is the most well-known written
Sonnet of Shakespeare.
What do you think is the importance of poetry in our (The students will raise their hands.)
everyday lives? - Student No. 13 will give its significance.
E. Generalization
- Do you have any questions? - No, Ma’am.
- Okay. If there are no questions. Who can (Student No. 14 will raise his/her hands.)
give me your takeaways about our - Student No. 14 will share her insights and
discussion? takeaways from the discussion. He/she
will also summarize the lesson.
- Very Good!
F. Application:
For your next activity.
Very Impressive, Everyone. To congratulate each
team, let’s do the “Hello Madlang People Mabuhay
(The teacher will teach the clap to her students.) (The students will do the clap.)
Congratulations, Everyone!
lV. Evaluation:
Directions: Answer the following:
1-3. Give at least three (3) defining characteristics of a poem.
4. It is a type of literature that aims to evoke an emotional response in the reader
through language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm.
5. Which type of poetry did Shakespeare often use in his plays and sonnets?
6. It is a type of poetry that follows a rhyme scheme.
7. How many lines does a sonnet typically have?
8. Which type of poem typically has three lines with syllable counts of 5-7-5?
9. What is the defining aspect of free verse poetry?
10. What is the focus of odes, which originated in Ancient Greece?
1-3. Meter, Rhyme, Form, Sound, Rhythm/Timing.
4. Poetry
5. Blank Verse
6. Rhymed Poetry
7. 14 lines
8. Haiku
9. It lacks a consistent rhyme scheme, rhythm, or musical form.
10. They typically focus on a specific individual, object, or event.
(A) Direction: Choose two different forms of poetry (Blank Verse, Free Verse,
Rhymed Poetry, Haiku, Sonnet, Ode). Using a Venn Diagram, compare and
contrast your chosen types of poetry. Focus on its structure and themes.
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