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Malone, Linda A., "The Chernobyl Accident: A Case Study in International Law Regulating State Responsibility for Transboundary
Nuclear Pollution" (1987). Faculty Publications. Paper 590.
Copyright c 1987 by the authors. This article is brought to you by the William & Mary Law School Scholarship Repository.
The Chernobyl AccIdent: A Case
Study In InternatIonal Law*
RegulatIng State ResponsibilIty for
Transboundary Nuclear PollutIon**
Lmda A. Malone···
An abbreviated versIOn of this article was presented on September 30, 1986, at the
Annual Meetmg m Plymouth, England of the Agncultural Law ASSOCIation of Great Bntam
and the Co mite Europeen de DrOIt Rural.
•• Transboundary pollution may be defined as substance that ongmates m one
nation, moves through natural medium such as air or water, and Imposes hannful effects
m another nation. Comment, LIability for Tra71.matlonal Pollution Anslng from Offshore Oil
Development: A MethodolOgical Approach, 10 ECOLOGY L. Q 641 (1983). It has been
suggested that pollution should not be defined to mclude any change In the environment,
but to encompass "a threshold level of damage of interference whICh IS legally significant.
Spnnger, Towards Meanmgful Concept of Pollution m InternatIOnal Law, 26 INT'L & COMP L.
Q 531, 532 (1977) .
... ASSOCIate Professor of Law, Umverslty of Arkansas Law School, Fayetteville; B.A.
1975, Vassar College; J.D. 1978, Duke Law School; L.L.M. 1984, Umv. of IllinoIs College
of Law.
l. After vIsIting the Chernobyl plant, Hans Blix, Head of the International AtomIC En-
ergy Agency, stated, "It' clear that the radioactive consequences of this aCCIdent also are
more senous than any aCCIdent so far, and also that radioactive releases to the atmosphere
are far more senous. N.Y. Times, May 10, 1986, at AI, A4, col. 3. As of May 15, nme
people had died and 299 others had been hospitalized for radiation SICkness. Withm 19
mile radius, 84,000 people were evacuated, some not until week after the aCCident. A
Fearful Flight from Chernobyl, NEWSWEEK, May 19, 1986, at 36.
2. Barnathan & Strasser, Meltdown, NEWSWEEK, May 12, 1986, at 22 [heremafter
3. /d. at 23.
5. [d.
6. /d. For further diSCUSSIon of the graphite reactor, see Sullivan, Calamity Highlights Old
Reactor - DeSign Debate, N.Y. Times, May 1, 1986, at All, col. I.
7 Meltdown, supra note 2, at 23.
8. /d., N.Y Times, May 3, 1986, at A6, col. 3.
9. Meltdown, supra note 2, at 23.
10. Anatomy of Catastrophe, NEWSWEEK, Sept. 1, 1986, at 26 [heremafter Anatomy].
11. Id.
12. /d. at 27
13. /d.
14. /d.
15. [d.
16. N.Y. Times, May 1, 1986, at All, cols. 1-2.
43. On May IS, the European Parliament called for the Soviet Umon to pay compensa-
tion to Western European farmers. Xinhera General Overseas Service, May 16, 1986. On
July 12, 1986, Oregon declared It would bill the Soviet Umon $73,000.00 for the cost of
radiation tests on air, water and vegetables. Los Angeles Times, July 12, 1986, at AI6, col.
I. The Bntlsh Agnculture Mimster said that consideration was bemg gIven to seekmg
compensation, but there was heSitation because It might set precedent for claims agamst
Great Bntam by Scandinavian countnes for aCId ram damage. Umted Press International,
June 30, 1986, AM cycle. Swedish offiCIals studied the possibility of sumg Moscow for
damages but said It was unlikely they could do so. 1986 Reuters North European ServICe,
May 23, 1986 AM cycle. The West German government demanded that the Soviet Umon
pay damages to their farmers because It was reqUIred to pay Its farmers for damages under
Its own domestic law; ld. A BelgIan farmer declared he was gomg to sue the Soviet Umon
hlmselffor $1500.00. Reuters North European ServICe, May 13, 1986, AM cycle. A Dutch
msurance company hired the International Legal Institute m the Hague to determme
whether SUIt could be brought under Dutch, Soviet or mternatlonallaw, and farmers m
Italy and Austna urged their governments to bnng SUItS for agncultural damage. ASSOCI-
ated Press, May 9, 1986, AM cycle. An Italian farmer sued the Soviet Umon for $730.00 m
damages m an Italian court. Umted Press International, May 7 1986, PM cycle. Farmers
m Northern England asked for compensation for lambs that could not be slaughtered and
sold. Reuters North European Service, June 30, 1986, AM cycle.
44. For an analYSIS of recent mternatlonal efforts to curb aCid ram, see LaBastiIIe,lnterna-
tlonal Acui Test, SIERRA, May-June 1986, at 51.
emissions or releases from one country have crossed mto the ter
ntory of another state. There must be a showmg of matenal dam-
age over and above a vIOlatIOn of soverelgmty 61 Secondly a state
may be held responsible for pollutlOn by pnvate partIes withm Its
tern tory if such pollutIon results m demonstrable mJury to an-
other state or to the property or persons therem.
Support for such a state obligatlOn may also be found outsIde
the pollutIon context m the InternatlOnal Court of JustIce deCi-
sion m the Coifu Channel case. 62 In that case, the Umted Kingdom
sued Albama for physICal damage and loss of life sus tamed by two
Bntish warships whIch ran mto moored contact mmes m the
StraIts of Corfu. 63 Although Albama was not found to have lam
the mmes, the Court determmed that the laymg of the mmefield
could not have been done wIthout Albama s knowledge. 64 Hold-
mg Albama responsible for damages, the Court stated:
The obligatIons Incumbent upon the Albaman authontIes con-
sIsted 10 notifY1Og, for the benefit of shIpp10g 10 general, the
eXIstence of a mmefield 10 Albaman tern tonal waters and 10
warn10g the approach1Og Bntish warshIps of the Immment dan-
ger to WhICh the mmefield exposed them. Such obligatIons are
based not on the Hague ConventIon of 1907 No. VIII, whIch IS
applicable 10 tIme of war but on certam general and well-recog-
mzed pnnCIples, namely' elim1Oat1Og consIderatIOns of human-
Ity even more exact10g 10 peace than 10 war; the pnnCIple of
the freedom mantime navIgatIon and every State s obligatIOn
not to allow knowmgly Its terntory to be used for acts contrary
to the nghts of other States. 65
More than thIrty years ago, both these cases recognIzed the rule
of mternatIonal law whIch says that permmmg extraterntonal
damage from mtrastate aCtIVIty whIch IS m and of Itselflawful (i.e.,
manufactunng, or operatmg nuclear power plants) may render
the state responsible for the damage mflicted. In additlOn, PnnCI-
pIe 21 of the Stockholm Declaration on the Human EnVIronment
m 1972 provIded that states have an obligatlOn to ensure that ac
tIvities occurrmg wlthm theIr JunsdictlOn or under theIr control
61. For an analYSIS emphaslzmg the limited recovery permItted by the Trail Smelter
case, see Rubm, Poilutlon by Analogy: The Trail Smelter ArbitratIOn, 50 OR. L. REV. 259 (1971).
62. Corfu Channel Case (U.K. v. Albama), 1949 I.CJ. 4.
63. [d.
64. [d. at 20-22.
65. [d. at 22-23.
66. Stockholm DeclaratIon of the United NatIOns Conference on the Human EnVIronment, U.N.
Doc. A/CONF.48/14 (1972), repnnted In, II I.L.M. 1416 (1972).
67 Id. at 1420.
68. See, e.g., Second Report on InternatIonal Liability for hlJunous Consequences Anslng Out oj
Acts Not ProhibIted by InternatIonal Law, U.N. Doc. A/CN 4/346, Add. I and Add. 2 (1981).
See also CooperatIOn In the Field of the EnVIronment Concerning Natural Resources Shared by Two or
More States, G.A. Res. 3129, 28 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 30) at 48-49, U.N. Doc. A/9030
(1973); Draft PnnClples of Conduct In the Field of the EnVIronment for the Guulance of States In the
ConservatIon and HarmOniOUS UtilizatIon of Natural Resources Shared by Two or More States, Report
of the Intergovernmental Workmg Group of Experts on Natural Resources Shared by Two or More
States on the Work of its Fifth SesSIon, U.N. Doc. UNEP/IG.12/2, at 9 (1978), and DECD Council
RecommendatIon on PnnClples GovernIng TransfrontleT PollutIon, 14 I.L.M. 234 (1975) (requmng
poor notice and mfonnatlon about actions affectmg the shared resource); Smith, The
DECD Approach to the SolutIon of the TransfrontleT PollutIon Problem In ENVIRONMENTAL LAw,
Long Range Transboundary Air Pollunon, Nov. 13, 1979, E/ECE/IOIO, T.I.A.S. No.
1054; Wets tone and Rosencranz, Transboundary Air PollutIon In Europe: A Survey of NatIonal
Responses, 9 COLUM.J. ENVTL. L. I (1983).
69. Traditionally states have had absolute sovereignty over use of natural resources
wlthm their terntones. Permanent Soverezgnty Over Natural Resources, G.A. Res. 3171, 28 U.N.
GAOR Supp. (No. 30) at 52, U.N. Doc. A/9030 (1973); Charter of EconomIc Rights and DutieS
of States, G.A. Res. 3281, 29 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 31), at 51; Stockholm DeclaratIon of the
Untted NatIOns Conference on the Human EnVIronment, supra note 66; see also Dec/amtlon on the
Establishment of New InternatIonal EconomIc Order G.A. Res. 3201(S-VI), 6th SpeCial SessIOn
U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. I) at 3, U.N. Doc. A/9559 (1954) and Programme of ActIOn on the
Establishment of New InternatIonal EconomIC Order, G.A. Res. 3202(S-VI), 6th SpeCial SessIOn
U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. I), U.N. Doc. A/559 (1954).
70. The accepted sources of international law are set forth In the Statute of the Interna-
tional Court of Justice, 1945, art. 38(1), 59 Stat. 1055, T.S. No. 933:
(I) The Court, whose function IS to deCide In accordance with international law such
disputes as are submitted to It, shall apply.
(a) mternatlonal conventions, whether general or particular, establishmg rules ex-
pressly recognized by the conceding states;
(b) mternatlonal custom, as eVidence of general practice accepted as law;
(c) the general pnnclples of law recognized by Civilized nations;
(d) subject to the provISIons of Article 59, JudiCIal deCISIons and the teach10gs of
the most hIghly qualified publicIsts of the vanous nations, as subSIdiary means;
(2) ThIS proVISIOn shall not prejudice the power of the Court to decIde case ex aequo
et bono, if the parties agree thereto.
Although the Trail Smelter case was deCIded pursuant to treaty for resolution of that dis·
pute, the Tribunal based Its determmatlon of substantive liability on sources of Interna·
tlonal law aSIde from the treaty Itself. Article IV of the CompromIse govern1Og the case
authonzed the Tribunal to apply "the law and practlCe followed m dealing WIth cognate
questIOns 10 the Umted States of AmerIca as well as 1Oternatlonallaw and practice. 3 R.
Int'l Arb. Awards at 1908.
71. Elk1Od, Footnote to the Nuclear Tests Cases: Abuse of Right - A Blind Alley for EnVironmen-
talists, 9 VAND.J. TRANSNAT'L. L. 57 90-91 (1976).
72. Handl, Terntonal Sovereignty and the Problem of TransnatIOnal Pollution, 69 AM.]. INT'L L.
50 (1975).
73. See, e.g., PROSSER AND KEATON ON TORTS, §§ 13-15,28-34,86-91 (5th ed. 1984).
74. Jenks, LIability for Ultra-Hazardous ActIVItieS In InternatIonal Law, 117 HAGUE RECUEIL
99, 106 (1966-1).
76. /d. at 127 144-45. It should also be noted that the Restatement of Foreign Rela-
tions Law has rejected absolute liability for environmental damage:
(i) A State IS obligated to take such measures as may be practicable under the Cir-
cumstances to ensure that actiVities withm its junsdict\on or control
(a) conform to generally accepted international rules and standards for the preven-
tion, reduction, and control of iIlJury to the environment of another state or of areas
beyond the limits of natural Junsdictlon;
(b) are conduted so as not to cause Significant injury to the environment of another
state or of areas beyond the limits of national Junsdictlon.
77 Elkind, supra note 71, at 91.
79. !d.
81. See generally Kelson, State Responsibility and the Abnonnally Dangerous ActiVity, 13 HARV.
INT'L L. J. 197 199 (1972). The author concludes that: "(I) Where the nsk of harm from
an activity IS substantial In either probability or magnitude of harm, and IS transnational In
character, the State wlthm whose JunsdictIon the actIvity IS conducted IS under duty to
prevent such hann as may be caused by the enterpnse; (2) State IS under duty to notify
any other State whIch may be threatened by hann from the abnonnally dangerous actIvI-
tIes whICh the State permIts to be conducted wlthm ItS junsdictIon; and [less Importantly]
(3) State, failing to prevent hann, shall be ongmally responsible and stnctly liable for the
hann caused by abnonnally dangerous actIVItIes wlthm ItS junsdictIon to the reSIdents or
property of another State. !d. at 242-43.
82. Draft Articles on State Responsibility, 33 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 10) 187 U.N. Doc.
A/33/1O (1979), repnnted In, [1978] 2 V.B. INT'L. L. COMM'N 78, U.N. Doc.
A/CN.4/SER.A/1978/Add.1 (Part 2).
The relevant artIcle for state responsibility for mternatIonal pollutIon IS ArtICle 3:
There IS an mtentIonally wrongful act of State when:
(a) conduct conslstmg of an actIon or ommlSSlOn IS attributable to the State under
mternatIonal law; and
(b) that conduct constItutes breach of an mternatlOnal obligatIon of the State.
!d., art. 3. For hIStory of the artIcle m relatIon to trans boundary pollutIon, see Handl,
Terntonal Soveretgnty and the Problem of Transboundary PollutIOn, 69 AM. J. INT'L L. 50, 58-60
The InternatIonal Law CommIssIon has been studymg the law of state responsibility and
has affinned the "prmClple that States, even when undertakmg acts that mternatIonal law
[does] not prohibIt [have] duty to conSIder the mterests of other States that mIght be
affected. Draft Articles on State Responsibility, supra, at 159.
Similarly, the Internauonal Law ASSOCIatIon m 1982 adopted Rules ofInternauonal Law
Applicable to Transfrontler Pollution. Artlcle 3(1) declares: "States are m thelr legltlmate
acuvIUes under an obligauon to prevent, abate and control transfronuer polluuon to such
an extent that no substanual mJunes caused are m the tern tory of another State. INT'L
cantly, the comments to the rules state that the rules merely restate mternauonallaw as It
eXIsts. [d. at 158.
83. Chnstenson, The Doctnne of AttributIOn In State Responsibility, m INT'L LAw OF STATE
84. See Sax, The Public Trust Doctnne In Natural Resource Law: EffectlveJudiCUlI InterventIOn,
68 MICH. L. REV. 475,484-85 (1970); Nanda, The Establishment of InternatIOnal Standards for
TransnatIOnal EnVIronmental InJUry, 60 IOWA L. REV. 1089, 1118 (1975); and Tiewul, Interna-
tIonal Law and Nuclear Test ExplosIons on the High Seas, 8 CORNELL INT'L LJ. 45, 68 (1974).
85. Stockholm DeclaratIOn of the Umted NatIOns Conference on the Human EnVIronment, supra
note 66. PnnClple I states that "[m]an bears a solemn responsibility to protect and
Improve the envIronment for present and future generations; PnnClple 2 proVIdes that
"[t]he natural resources of the earth mcluding the aIr, water, land, flora and fauna. must
be safeguarded for the benefit of present and future generations through careful plannIng
and management. /d. at 1418. See also Sohn, The Stockholm DeclaratIOn on the Human EnVI-
ronment, 145 HARV INT'L LJ. 423 (1973); The World Charter for Nature, G.A. Res. 37/7 37
V.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 51) at 17 V.N. Doc. A/37/51 (1982).
86. See, e.g., United NatIOns ConventIon on the Law of the Sea, V.N. Doc. A/CONF 62/122
(1982), repnnted In 21 I.L.M. 1261 (1982) and Agreement Governing the Actlvltll!s of States on the
Moon and other CelestIal Bodies, G.A. Res. 34/68, 34 V.N. GAOR SUpp. (No. 46) at 77 V.N.
Doc. A/34/46, art. 11 (declanng certam natural resources to be the common hentage of
mankmd). See also The Antarctic Treaty, Dec. I, 1959, 12 V.S.T 794, T.I.A.S. No. 4780;
Treaty on PnnClples Governmg Outer Space, Including the Moon and Other Celestial
Bodies, Jan. 27 1967 V.S.-Bntam-Russla, 18 V.S.T 2410, T.I.A.S. No. 6347 610
V.N.T.S. 205; ResolutIon on the QuestIon of the ReservatIOn ExclUSIvely for Peaceful Purposes of the
Sea-Bed and the Ocean Floor, and the Subsoil Thereof, UnderlYing the High Seas Beyond the LImIts of
NatlOnaljunsdictlOns, and the Use of Thl!lr Resources In the Interests of Mankind, G.A. Res. 2574 D
(XXIV), 24 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 30) II, U.N. Doc. A/7630 (1970), repnnted m, 9 I.L.M.
422 (1970); and DeclaratIon of PrInCIples Governing the LImIts of Natlonaljurndictlon, G.A. Res.
2749 (XXV), 25 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 28) 24, V.N. Doc. A/8028 (1971), repnnted m, 10
I.L.M. 220 (1971).
87 WeISS, The Planetary Trust: ConservatIOn and Intergeneratlonal EqUity, 11 ECOLOGY L.Q
495, 540-41 (1984). The author further contends that not only should the fidUCIary obli-
gation to protect "the planetary trust" be regarded as customary mternatlonal law, but
also as JUS cogens, preemptory norm whIch m theory State could enforce before the
International Court of Justice. !d. at 540-41. The author concedes, however, that "it IS
Assummg for the moment that the mJured state can make the
reqUisIte showmg of fault, unreasonable mterference or stnct lia-
bility that state, under mternatIonal law will face many of the
hurdles to relief that a tort plamtiff encounters under traditIOnal
Anglo-Amencan tort law The state will have to demonstrate ma-
tenal damage, although the full health and SOCIOeconomIC conse
quences of pollutIOn may not be demonstrable until years after
the OrigInal mflictIOn of the mJury It must also be demonstrated
that the damage sus tamed was caused by pollutIOn from sources
m the challenged state. ss Given the mteractIOn of pollutants and
the lengthy latency period for many diseases, It may be difficult or
Impossible to demonstrate, for example, that emISSIons from a
source A m State B caused cancer m resIdents of State C. S9
Even if the prereqUIsItes for liability are established, and mate
rial damage IS proven, full relief may not be readily available.
One suggestIOn IS that damages for trans boundary pollutIOn
under mternatIOnallaw mclude compensatIon for loss or damage
to an mdivIdual's property mcluding loss of an eXlstmg tangible
asset and temporary or permanent loss of ItS use, personal mJury
and damage consequent upon death. SurvIvors are thus enabled
"to obtam compensatIon for finanCIal loss they may suffer when
the VIctIm prOVIded for theIr support."90 On the other hand, eco-
nomIC loss IS ordinarily not recoverable, although variOUS declara-
tIons, resolutIons and conventions on pollutIOn mclude recovery
for such IOSS.91 PsychologIcal damage or emotIOnal distress must
also be conSIdered as a form of damages whIch mayor may not be
recoverable. 92 With regard to transboundary pollutIOn there IS a
trend toward wldemng the range of compensable damage while
limltmg the amount of liability 93
An entirely separate remedial Issue IS whether a state may con-
tmue to permIt conduct for whICh It IS liable m damages, or
whether prospectIve mJunctIve relief would be appropriate whICh
hard to establish that [such an obligation] already eXists as part of customary mternatlonal
law. [d. at 542.
88. See Handl, supra note 72, at 75, n.157
89. See, e.g., Kelson, supra note 81, at 238-242.
90. Pontavlce, CompensatIOn/or Transfrontler PollutIOn Damage, In LEGAL ASPECT OF TRANS-
FRONTIER POLLUTION 409 (Orgamzatlon of Economic Cooperation and Development
1977). See also RESTATEMENT OF FOREIGN RELATIONS LAw § 602 (1983).
91. [d.
92. /d.
93. /d. at 485.
94. McDougal and Schiel, The Hydrogcn Bomb Tests In PerspectIVe: Lawflll Measures for Secur-
Ity, 64 YALE L.J. 648, 694-95, (1955).
95. See, e.g., Boomer v. Atlantic Cement Co., 26 N.Y.2d 219,309 N'y.S.2d 312, 257
N.E.2d 870 (1970).
96. Treaties restnctIng nuclear weapons and other weapons threatenIng environmental
destruction Include: Treaty Banmng Nuclear Weapons Tests In the Atmosphere, In Outer
Space and Under Water, Aug. 5, 1963, 14 U.S.T 1313, T.I.A.S. No. 5433; Treaty on
PrInCiples GovernIng the Actlvltles of States In the Exploration and Use of Outer Space,
Including the Moon and Other Celestial Bodies, supra note 86; Treaty for the Prohibition
of Nuclear Weapons In Latin Amenca (Treaty of TlateIolco) , Feb. 14, 1967 634 U.N.T.S.
281, repnnted In, 61.L.M. 521 (1967); Treaty on the Non-proliferatIon of Nuclear Weapons,
July I, 1968,21 U.S.T. 483, T.I.A.S. No. 6839; Treaty on the Prohibition of the Implace-
ment of Nuclear Weapons and Other Weapons of Mass DestructIon on the Seabed and the
Ocean Floor and m the Subsoil Thereof, Feb. II, 1971,23 U.S.T. 701, T.I.A.S. No. 7337·
ConventIon on Prohibition of the Development ProductIon, and Stockpiling of Bacteno-
logtcal (Biological) and TOXIC Weapons and on Their DestructIon, Apr. 10, 1972, 26
U.S.T 583, T.I.A.S. No. 8062; Conventwn on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use
of Environmental ModificatIOn Techntques, G.A. Res. 31/72,31 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 39) at
36, U.N. Doc. A/3l/39 (1976); see also Weiss, supra note 87 at 556-57' Resolution Regarding
Weapons of Mass Destruction In Outer Space, G.A. Res. 1884 (XVIII), 18 U.N. GAOR Supp.
(No. 15) at 13, U.N. Doc. A/55I5 (1964), repnnted In, 2 I.L.M. 1192 (1963).
97 For analYSIS of state' obligatIon to prevent environmental damage to mterna-
tIonal watercourses, see Carvell, The North Dakota Garnson DiversIOn Project and InternatIOnal
Environmental Law, 60 N.D.L. REV. 603 (1984).
98. The ConventIon on the Contmental Shelf, April 29, 1958, art. 5(7), 1 V.S.T 471,
T.I.A.S. No. 5578, 499 U.N.T.S. 331, makes protectIon of the livmg resources of the high
seas from "harmful agents mandatory for all coastal states.
The ConventIOn on the Terntonal Sea and the Conuguous Zone, April 29, 1958, art. 24
(1),2 U.S.T 1606, T.I.A.S. No. 5639, 516 U.N.T.S. 205, prOVides:
In zone of the high seas contlguous to its terntonal sea, the coastal State may exer-
Cise the control necessary to:
(a) prevent the mfnngement of ItS samtary regulatIons wlthm ItS tern tory or
tern tonal sea;
(b) pumsh mfrmgement of the above regulatIons committed wlthm Its tern tory or
tern tonal sea.
The ConventIon on Fishmg and ConservatIon of the Llvmg Resources of the High Seas,
April 29, 1958, art. 7 I U.S.T. 138, T.I.A.S. No. 5969, 599 U.N.T.S. 285, allows any
coastal state to adopt unilateral measures of conservatIon appropnate to any stock of fish
or other manne resources m an area of the high seas adjacent to Its tern tonal sea, if such
measures are not arnved at through negotIatIons With other mterested states wlthm SIX
The ConventIon on the High Seas, April 29, 1958, art. 24, 13 U.S.T 2312, T.I.A.S. No.
5200,450 U.N.T.S. 82, reqUires States to draw up regulatIons to prevent pollutIon of the
seas by the discharge of oil from shlps or plpelines or resultmg from the exp\01ta110n or
exploratIon of the seabed and ItS subsoil, takmg account of eXlstmg provIsions on the
subject, and Similarly art. 25 reqUires the takmg of measures to prevent pollutIon of the
seas from the dumpmg of radioactIve wastes, "takmg mto account any standards and regu-
lauons which may be formulated by the competent mternatIonal orgamzatIons of the
seas or air space above, resultmg from any radioactIve matenals or other harmful agents.
99. Untted NatIOns ConventIOn on the Law of the Sea, supra note 86. Art. 194 requires states
to take all necessary measures to prevent pollutIon of the manne enVironment, mcluding
the prevention of releases of toXIC, hannful and noxIous substances from land-based
sources, from or through the atmosphere, and by dumpmg. Vnder art. 198, state whICh
becomes aware of cases m whIch the manne envIronment IS m Immment danger of bemg
damaged or has been damaged by polluuon shall Immediately notify other States It deems
likely to be affected by such damage, as well as the competent mternatlonal orgamzatlons,
global or regIOnal. Arts. 207 to 211 reqUIre states to establish laws to control pollution
from land-based sources, seabed actlvlUes, dumpmg, and from vessels. Art. 212 provIdes:
1. States shall, wlthm aIr space under theIr soverelgnlty or with regard to vessels or
aIr craft flymg theIr flag or of theIr reglstry, establish national laws and regulations to
prevent, reduce and control pollution of the manne envIronment from or through the
atmosphere, takmg mto account mternatlonally agreed rules, standards and recom-
mended practlCes and procedures, and the safety of all' navIgatIon.
2. States shall also take other measures as may be necessary to prevent, reduce and
control such pollution.
3. States, actmg m particular through competent mternatlonal orgamzatlons or dip-
lomatic conference shall endeavor to establish global and reglonal rules, standards
and recommended practices and procedures to prevent, reduce and control pollution
of the manne envIronment from or through the atmosphere.
100. 1954 International Convention for the Prevention of the Pollution of the Sea by
Oil, July, 1958, 3 V.S.T 2989, T.l.A.S. No. 4900, 327 V.N.T.S. 3; 1962 Amendments to
the 1954 Convention for the Prevention of Pollution by the Sea by Oil, May 18, 1967 2
V.S.T 1523, T.I.A.S. No. 6109, 600 V.N.T.S. 332; 1969 Amendments to the 1954 Con-
vention for the Prevention of the Pollution of the Sea by Oil, annexed to IMCO Assembly
Res. A. 175(vi), Oct. 21, 1969; International ConventIon Relatmg to Intervention on the
High Seas m Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties, Nov. 29, 1969, Brussels, repnnted In, 9
1.L.M. 25 (1970); lnternatlonal Conventlon on Civil LIability fOT Oil PoUutlon Damage,
Nov. 29, 1969, Brussels, repnnted In, 9 I.L.M. 45 (1970); Agreement Concernmg Pollution
of the North Sea Oil,June 9, 1969,704 V.N.T.S. 3, repnnted In, 9 I.L.M. 359 (1970); Con-
vention Relatmg to Civil LIability m the Field of Mantlme Carnage of Nuclear Matenal,
Dec. 17 1971, repnntedln, 1lI.L.M. 277 (1972); Convention on the Establishment of an
International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, Dec. 18, 1971, repnnted In,
11 I.L.M. 284 (1972); Convention for the Prevention of Manne Pollution by Dumpmg
from ShIps and AIrcraft, Feb. 15, 1972, repnnted In, 11 I.L.M. 262 (1972); ConventIOn on
the PreventIOn of Manne Pollution by Dumpmg of Wastes and Other Matter, Nov. 13,
1972,26 V.S.T 2403, T.l.A.S. No. 8165, repnnted In, Il I.L.M. 1294 (1972); International
Convention for the PreventIOn of Pollution from ShIPS, Nov. 2, 1972, repnnted In, 121.L.M.
1319 (1973), (Nordic) Convention on EnVIronmental Protection, Feb. 19, 1974, repnnted
In, 13 I.L.M. 591 (1974); Convention for the Prevention of Manne Pollution from Land
Based Sources, Feb. 16, 1976, repnnted In, 15 I.L.M. 290 (1976).
101. Stockholm DeclaratIOn oj the Umted NatIOns Conference on the Human EnVironment, supra
note 66. PrmCiple 6 states:
The discharge of toXIC substances or of other substances and the release of heat, m
such quantities or concentrations as to exceed the capacity of the envIronment to
render them harmless, must be halted m order to ensure that senous or Irreversible
damage IS not mflicted upon ecosystems. The Just struggle of the peoples of all coun-
tnes agamst pollution should be supported.
PnnClple 7 prOVIdes:
States shall take all possible steps to prevent pollution of the seas by substances that
are liable to create hazards to human health, to harm livmg resources and marme life,
to damage amemtles or to mterfere WIth other legJumate uses of the sea.
PnnC\ple 26 focuses on the harmful effects of nuclear weapons:
Man and hIs envIronment must be spared the effects of nuclear weapons and all other
means of mass destruction. States must stnve to reach prompt agreement, m the rele-
vant mternauonal organs, on the elimmauon and complete destruction of such
See also RESTATEMENT OF FOREIGN RELATIONS LAw §§ 611-612 (1983).
102. Tiewul, supra note 84, at 55; compare McDougal & Schiel, supra note 94 (argumg
that freedom of the hIgh seas mcludes the freedom to conduct nuclear weapons tests); and
Margolis, The Hydrogen Bomb Expmments and InternatIOnal Law, 64 YALE LJ. 629 (1955). Re
cently, many nations have Jomed together to develop standards to control pollutIOn m
mutually shared seas, such as the Baltic, the Meditteranean, and the North Seas. See
Keches, RegIOnal Seas: An Emerging Manne Policy Approach, m CENTER FOR OCEAN MANAGE-
103. Belsky, Management of Large Manne Ecosystems: Developing New Rule of Customary
InternatIOnal Law, 22 SAN DIEGO L. REV. 733, 734-742 (1985).
104. Hargrove, EnVironment and the Third Conference of Law of the Sea, m WHO PROTECTS
THE OCEAN? 191,208 (J. Hargrove ed. 1975). There has been conSiderable debate over
whether the rules m the 1982 Convention are customary law. Belsky, supra note 103, at
753, n.96.
105. /d. at 751-53.
106. Rubm, supra note 61, at 279-81.
107 Nuclear Test Cases (Australia v. France) 1973 I.CJ. 99 and (New Zealand v.
France) 1973 I.C.]. 135.
108. Nuclear Test Cases (Australia v. France) 1974 I.CJ. 253 and (New Zealand v.
France) 1974 I.CJ. 457
109. 1973 I.CJ.99, 102; and 1973 I.CJ. 135, 138. See also ElkInd, French Nuclear Testmg
and ArtIcle 41 - Another Blow to the Authonty of the Court?, 8 VAND.]. TRANSNAT'L L. 39
IIO. RubIn, supra note 61, at 279.
Ill. [d.
112. [d. In the Umted States, the authonty under whICh ex gratia settlements were made
to foreign claimants by the Executive was generally limited to mentonous" claims. 10
U.S.C. § 2734 (1964); 22 U.S.C. § 2669(b) (Supp. I, 1965-66); 28 U.S.C. §§ 2672, 2674
(1964); but see McDougal & Schiel, supra note 94.
113. RubIn, supra note 61, at 280.
114. Treaty Banmng Nuclear Weapon Tests In the Atmosphere, In Outer Space and
Under Water, supra note 96. A full analysIs of whether nuclear weapons tests, partiCipation
In the nuclear arms race, or use of nuclear weapons vIOlated InternatIOnal law IS beyond
the scope of this article. Bnefly, however, It should be mentioned that the Statute of the
InternatIOnal AtomiC Energy Agency, Oct. 26, 1956, art. 2 and 3, 8 U.S.T 1093, T.I.A.S.
No. 3873, 276 U.N.T.S. 3, prohibits the use of any speCial fiSSionable and other matenals,
servICes, eqUipment, facilities or Information made available by the Agency or at ItS re-
The PartIal Test Ban Treaty prohibIts states from nuclear explo-
SIons m the atmosphere; beyond theIr tern tones, mcluding outer
space; underwater mcluding terntonal waters on hIgh seas, or m
any other enVIronment if such explosIon causes radioactIve debns
to be present outsIde the tern tonal limIts of the State under
whose Junsdictlon or control such explosIOn IS conducted.l 15 If
the PartIal Test Ban Treaty IS eVIdence of customary mtematIOnal
law then any nuclear actIvIty resultmg m radioactIve fallout
outsIde the State s terntory may vIOlate customary mternatIOnal
law WIthout further reference to any other rules of mtematIOnal
law govemmg pollutIOn generally 116
quest or under Its supervISIon or control III such way as to further any military purpose.
The Treaty on the Non-Proliferauon of Nuclear Weapons, July I, 1968, 21 U.S.T 483,
T.I.A.S. No. 6839, 729 U.N.T.S. 161, forbIds "non-nuclear states" (states other than the
People' Republic of Chma, France, the Umted States, the SovIet UnIOn, and the Umted
Kingdom) from manufactunng or otherwIse acqumng nuclear weapons or nuclear explo-
sIve deVICes. It may be argued that the Parual Test Ban Treaty and the Non-Proliferation
Treaty have now become customary mternatlonallaw, and that they together WIth numer-
ous U.N. resolutions mdicate customary mternatlonal law opposed to the acqUlslllon,
development, detonation and/or deployment of nuclear weapons and other nuclear explo-
sIve deVIces. See, e.g., Agal1lst SovIet Plan to Explode 50 Megaton Bomb, G.A. Res. 1632 (XVI),
16 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 17) at 3, U.N. Doc. A/5100 (1961); On an Undertakl1lg by Coun-
tries Possessl1lg No Nuclear Weapons Not to Have Such Weapons 111 their Temtory, G.A. Res. 1664
(XVI), 16 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 17) at 5, U.N. Doc. N5100 (1961); On PreventIOn of the
Wider Disseml1latlOn of Nuclear Weapons, G.A. Res. 1665 (XVI), 16 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 17)
at 5, U.N. Doc. N5100 (1961); On the Urgent Needfor SuspensIOn of Nuclear Tests, G.A. Res.
1762 A & B (XVIII), 18 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 17) at 3, U.N. Doc. N5127 (1962); Regard-
I1Ig Weapons oj Mass DestructIon 111 Outer Space, G.A. Res. 1884 (XVlllL 18 U.N. GAOR Supp.
(No. 15) at 13, U.N. Doc. N5515 (1964); On the Urgent Needfor SuspensIon of Nuclear and
Thermo-Nuclear, G.A. Res. 1910 (XVIII), 18 U.N. GAOR Supp. (No. 15) at 14, U.N. Doc.
N5515 (1963); see also Falk, The Shlmoda Case: A Legal Appraisal of the AtomiC Attacks Upon
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 59 AM.]. INT'L L. 759 (1965); U.N. CHARTER art. 2(4),11(1) and
26(1). However, It may be argued with equal force that the treaties have not been Widely
enough accepted to become customary mternatlOnallaw and that U.N. resolutions by theIr
very nature are not bmding m any legal sense. On the legal effect of General Assembly
resolutions, see R. FALK, THE STATUS OF THE LAw IN INT'L SOCIETY 176 (1970);Johnson, The
Effect of Resolullons of the General Assembly of the United NatIOns, 32 BRIT. Y.B. INT'L L. 97
(1956); and Sloan, The Binding Force of RecommendatIOn of the General Assembly of the Umted
NatIOns, 25 BRIT. Y.B. INT'L L. 1-33 (1948).
115. Treaty Bannmg Nuclear Weapons Tests m the Atmosphere, m Outer Space and
Under Water, supra note 96.
116. It has even been argued by one commentator that local\on of nuclear power
plant near national boundanes VIOlates mternatlOnallaw. The author comes to the conclu-
sIon that:
Assummg that no speCIal authonzmg CIrcumstances prevail, conduct of an activity m
frontier areas IS mcompatible WIth mternatlonal law if: (a) the activity concerned m-
volves major nsk of transnational harm; (b) thIS nsk IS funCtion, at least to SIgnifi-
cant degree, of the location m whIch the activity takes place; and (c) the activity m that
frontier location amounts to an meffiClent use between the nsk creatmg and nsk ex-
posed states of the mternatlonally shared natural resources concerned, provIded the
nsk IS not already of such an obvIOUS nature or magnItude as to render the activIty
mcompatible per se WIth fundamental pnnclples of the sovereIgn equality and mde-
pendence of states.
Handl, An InternatIOnal Legal PerspectIVe on the Conduct of Abnormally Dangerous ActIVities In Fron-
lIer Areas: The Case of Nuclear Power Plant Siting, 7 ECOLOGY L.Q 1,47 (1978).
117 Comment, Compensating Pnvate PartIes for TransnatIOnal POliUtlOTi InJUry, 58 ST. JOHN'S
L. REV. 528, 531 (1984).
118. For companson of domestic polluuon laws, see P DOWNING AND K. HUNF, INT'L
119. Compensating Pnvate PartIeS for TransnatIOnal PollutIOn, supra note 117 at 533.
120. /d.
121. The Paquette Habana, 175 U.S. 677 (1900); see al50 Lillich, Domestic InstitutIOns m 4
THE FUTURE OF THE INT'L LEGAL ORDER 384, 387-392 (1972).
122. See The Paquette Habana, 175 U.S. 677 (1900); Filaruga v. Pena-Irala, 630 F.2d
876 (2d Cir. 1980); see also Fischer, Aod Rain: DeplOYing Pnvate Damage ActIOns Against Trans-
boundary Polluters, 19 TRIAL 57 (1983).
123. 28 U.S.C. § 1605(a)(2) (1982); see generally 28 U.S.C. §§ 1330, 1391, 1441, 1602-
1611 (1982). SectlOn 1605 qualifies the doctnne of absolute sovereIgn Immumty by al-
lOWIng federal courts to have JunsdictIon over claIms agaInst sovereIgn based on waIver
ofimmumty, commerCIal aCtIVIty carned on wIthm the Umted States, or outsIde the Umted
States if the aCtIVIty causes direct effect wIthIn the Umted States, expropnatIon, nghts m
gifts or bequests of immovable property, non-commercIal torts, and certaIn mantIme liens.
Id. § 1605.
124. 405 U.S. 727 (1972).
125. WeISS, supra note 87 at 567
126. ConventIon on the ProtectlOn of the EnvIronment, Feb. 19, 1971, reprtnted In, 13
I.L.M. 591 (1974).
127 Compensating Pnvate PartIes for TransnatIonal PollutIon, supra note 117 at 531-32;
Fischer, supra note 122, at 58.
128. Of course, the state may pursue diplomatIc and InternatIonal channels to obtaIn
compensatory damages, or attempt arbItration or negotIatIon. Compensating Pnvate Parties
for TransnatIonal InJury, supra note II 7 at 531.
129. Statute of the InternatIonal Court ofJustice, supra note 52, art. 36(1); see also WeISS,
supra note 87 at 570.
130. Statute of the InternatIonal Court ofJustIce, supra note 70, art. 34; see also Compen-
satIng Pnvate PartIes for TransnatIOnal PollutIon, supra note 117 at 538.
131. Statute of InternatIonal Court of JustIce, supra note 70, art. 36(2).
but also those of the plamtiff state. 132 Such reservations fre
quently exempt from the JunsdictlOn of the Court Issues of "do-
mestic" Junsdictlon of "national secunty"133 Even If these
hurdles are surmountable, there must be complete exhaustlon of
any domestic remedies. 134 Even assummg that all these obstacles
may be overcome and the plamtiff state wms, opmlOns of the
Court may only be enforced by the Umted Nations Secunty
Council, m which the major nuclear powers have the veto
power 135
132. "The states parties to the present Statute may at any time declare that they recog-
nize as compulsory IPSO facto and WIthout speCIal agreement In relation to any other state ac-
cepting the same obligation, the Junsdictton of the Court. [d.
133. See generally WESTON, FALK & D'AMATO, INT'L LAw AND WORLD ORDER 415-426
134. Compensating Pnvate Parties for Transnational Pollution, supra note 117 at 557
135. U.N. CHARTER art. 94.
136. See, e.g., Compensating PrIvate Plaintiffs for Transnational Pollution, supra note 117 at
137 Id. at 540-41.
138. The 1972 Stockholm Conference led to the creatIon of an mstItutlon, the United
Nations EnVIronmental Program (UNEP) as catalyst and coordinator of international en-
vIronmental efforts, mcluding mternatlonal efforts to protect the manne enVIronment.
Belsky, supra note 103, at 741 n.33. Also followmg the conference, several national gov-
ernments and mternatlonal organizations responded to the dictate of PnnClple 22 of the
Stockholm Declaration calling for states to cooperate to develop mternatlonal law for
transboundary envlronmental damage. One such response was from the EnvlHmment
CommIttee of the Organization for EconomIC Cooperation and Development (OECD).
The OECD IS regIonal economic organization established m Europe m 1961. For VIew
of few regIonal environmental programs, see generally Comment, Equal Rights of Access In
Matters of Transboundary Pollution: Its Prospects In Industnal and Develaplng Countnes, 14 CAL. W
INT'L LJ. 192 (1984); see also Bentil, ImplementatIon of Common Market EnVIronment ProtectIon
Laws, 128 SOLIe. J. 393 (1984); Dickstem, NatIonal EnVIronmental Hazards and InternatIOnal
Law, 23 INT'L & COMP L.Q 426, 443-444 (1974) (describmg Euratom control over radia-
tlon hazards); and the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air pollution, Nov. 13,
1979, E/ECE/IOIO, T.I.A.S. No. 10541. For further elaboration on Umted Nations efforts
to protect the environment and those of other mternatlonal orgamzatlons, see Smith, The
Umted Nations and the Environment: Sometl7T1es Great Notlon~, 19 TEXAS INT'L LJ. 335 (1984);
DeveWpments, The Umted Nations EnVironment Programme After Decade: The NairobI Session of
Special Character May 1981, 12 DENVERJ. INT'L L. & POLICY 269 (1982-83); OFfiCE OF RE-
139. Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage, May 21, 1963, repnnted
In, International AtomiC Energy Agency, International Convention on Civil Liability for
Nuclear Damage (1974) (Legal Senes No.4). See also Telwul, supra note 84, at 61, n.57
The Vienna Conventlon was unammously adopted by the IAEA m 1963. The Sovlet
Union IS member of the IAEA but IS not party to the Convention. The analYSIS of
Soviet responsibility herem, therefore, IS apart from whatever responsibility It may be held
to pursuant to this treaty obligation. DespIte Tiewul' assertion, art. XI(1) gIVes Junsdic
tlon only to where the "incident" occurred.
140. Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage, supra note 139, art. II.
141. 1d. art. I(I)(K).
142. 1d. art. I(1)(a), (c).
161. Statute ofInternatIonal AtomiC Energy Agency, supra note 114, art. IIA.6. Compare
Treaty Establishmg the European AtomiC Energy Community (Euratom) art. 30-39, 77-85,
Mar. 25, 1957 298 V.N.T.S. 167 (mandatory safety standards for all members).
162. InternatIonal Nuclear Safety Concerns: Heanngs Before the Subcomm. on Energy, Nuclear
ProliferatIOn, and Governmental Processes of the Senate Comm. on Governmental AffalTS, 99th Cong.,
2d. Sess., 5 (1986) (statement of Allan I. Mendelowltz, Assoc. Dir., NatIonal Secunty and
Int'l AffaIrS Div., GAO)
163. See generally Umted NatIOns ConventIOn on the Law of the Sea, supra note 86, art. 213-
164. Id., art. 221(1).
165. R. FALK, HUMAN RIGHTS AND STATE SOVEREIGNTY 146-47 (1981); see also W GOR-
sm, Les DrOits de ['homme, 140 RECUEIL DES COURS 321, 327 (1974 IV); Falk, Toward World
Order Respectful of the Global Ecosystem, ENV AFFAIRS 251 (1971); Gofman, The EXIStence of
Nuclear Weapons: PrIme EnVironmental Threat, 1 ENV. AFFAIRS 782 (1972); if. Stockholm Con-
ventIOn supra note 66, PnnClples 1, 2, & 4.
166. See The Perversion of SCIence and Technology: An Indictment (Poona Indict-
ment), adopted by the partiCIpants m the fourteenth meetmg of the World Order Models
Project held m Poona, India, July 2-10, 1978, repnnted In, 4 ALTERNATIVES - A JOURNAL OF
WORLD POLICY 413 (1978-1979); Independent Declaration on the EnVironment (Dal Dong
Dedarauon}, adopted by the partiCipants In the Da\ Dong Independent Conference on the
EnVironment, Gramage Stiftsgard, Sweden, June 1-6, 1972, repnnted In, 1 ALTERNATIVES-
AJOURNAL OF WORLD POLICY 406 (1975); Declaration on the Third World and the Human
EnVironment (01 Committee Declaration) adopted by the particIpants m the Conference
on Problems of the ThIrd World and the Human EnVIronment, Stockholm, June, 1972,
AND WORLD ORDER 427 (1980).
167 N.Y. Times, May 6, 1986, at A7 col. 1.
168. /d.
169. N.Y. Times, May 5, 1986, at A8, col. 1.
170. Id.
171. /d.
172. N.Y. Times, May 3,1986, at 4, col. 2.
173. N.Y. Times, May 1,1986, at All, col. 4.
174. N.Y Times, May 2, 1986, at AlD, col. 6.
175. N.Y. Times, May 3,1986, at 4, col. 2.
176. /d.
177 /d.
178. /d.
179. N.Y. Times, May 15, 1986, at I, col. 6.
180. NEWSWEEK, May 19, 1986, at 37
200. N.Y. Times,June 11,1986, at A4, col. 4; N.Y. Times, Aug. 14, 1986, at AI5, col. I;
Reuters, Sept. 24, 1986, AM cycle.
201. N.Y. Times, July 25, 1986, at A2, cols. 2-4.
202. /d.
203. /d.
204. /d.
205. N.Y Times, May I, 1986, at AI, col. 3; /d. at AI, col. 5.
206. For further diSCUSSIOn concerning whether international law reqUIres notice and
exchange of information regarding state' lawful actIvIties whICh may cause trans-
boundary envIronmental damage, see Carvell, The North Dakota Garnson DiverSIOn Project and
International EnVironmental Law, 60 N.D.L. REV. 603, 637-646 (1984); SchneIder, State Re-
sponsibility/or EnVironmental ProtectIOn and PreservatIOn, 2 YALE STUDIES IN WORLD PUBLIC OR-
DER 32, 60-65 (1975); see also Handl, supra note 116, on the legality of nuclear plant sIting
In border areas. Arucle 28(2) of the AtomIC Law of the Federal Republic of Germany
reqUIred the state to compensate VIctims of the aCCIdent for property damage and agncul-
tural damage. See also RESTATEMENT OF FOREIGN RELATIONS LAw § 601 comment (1983).
207 N.Y. Times, Oct. 7 1986, at A30, col. I.
208. N.Y Times, May 5, 1986, at A6, col. 6. Article 38(2) of the AtomIC Law of the
Federal Republic of Germany reqUIred the state to compensate VICtims of the aCCIdent for
certain property damage and agricultural losses.
209. N.Y. Times, May 3, 1986, at A4 (pIcture caption).
tors to prevent nuclear accidents, the IAEA only has the authority
under Its statute to mspect nuclear reactors to msure that the In-
formatIOn and assistance provided by the agency are not beIng
Improperly used for military purposes. Thus, the IAEA has no
present authority to Impose any bInding safety standards.
What then would be the result if a European state attempted to
seek compensatIOn from the Soviet Umon for the agriculture
damage whICh occurred from the Chernobyl accident? Under the
prInCiples of InternatIOnal law analyzed above what would be the
likely outcome of such a SUIt? Assummg that the Soviet Umon
would not voluntarily provide compensatIOn, successful recovery
IS very unlikely There IS no Issue of VicariOUS liability for the fall-
out damage because the Soviet Umon IS responsible directly as
the operator of the Chernobyl plant. The next, more trouble
some Issue would be the standards for liability As noted above,
state responsibility IS generally predicated on fault, I.e., Inten-
tional wrongs, recklessness, or negligence. However It has been
argued that InternatIOnal law recogmzes strict liability for envI-
ronmental harm based on ultrahazardous activity The operatIOn
of a nuclear power plant should conStitute an ultrahazardous ac
tlvlty In which the harm cannot be removed through reasonable
care. Fault standards are Inadequate to deal with the potential
hazards from complex technology The standards of care and
tests of forseeability become obscure and Inadequate when ap-
plied to the possible scope of a nuclear disaster EqUIty and eco-
nomic analysIs both POInt toward ImposIng the burden of
compensatIOn on the nuclear mdustry and, ulumately on the
state as the parties best able to reduce risk and absorb damages.
In attributIng to the state direct responsibility and strict liability
the state has a direct InCentIVe to legislate and regulate to mIni-
mize the risk of the activity Limitations of causatIOn, force
majeure, and dollar limitatIOns on recovery210 are sufficient to as-
sure that states will not be unduly burdened In such a way as to
hamper their discretIOn m developIng natIOnal energy resources.
It IS partICularly appropnate In the InternatIOnal context that
stnct liability should be recogmzed as the legal standard when
matenal and environmental harm results from ultrahazardous ac
tlvltles. Strict liability for such harm aVOids many of the problems
210. Most states have domesuc statutes limlung the amount of recovery for nuclear
aCCident. Congress IS now reconsidering the Pnce Anderson Act which sets limit of$665
million for single aCCident. N.Y. Times, June 15, 1986, § 3 (BUSiness) at 3, col. 3.