Emerging Banking Services

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B.B.A. (IV Sem.

1373 coM 205



COM 205- Emerging Banking Services

Tnas Auowrp : Trnsr Houns
MaximumMarks- 60

Attempt five questions in all, selecting one qiestion

f,.om each Unil. All questions carry equal marlcs.
Calcalatoy is allswed.

Uxrr I
l6 (a) Customer Relationship Management (CRhd) has changed
the service d3aranrics of the krdian banking indusflry. Do
you agree? Justi$. 6
(b) Banking system ira lndia has changed over the years.
Discuss the emerging Indian banking scanario. 6

L. Discuss a growth case study of any ane emerging Indian

bank. L2

Uxn tr
3. (a) Differentiate bet\ffeen Cash Reserve Ratic and Statutory
LiquidityRatio. 6

Tum over
(b) "Every banker foilows generalprinciples for lending when
appraising an advance proposal.,'Discuss.

4. Assume you are planning tbr a vacation to go abroad

with your
famiiy but you are shorr of funds. you approached a bank
for a
loan requirement. Discuss rn detail the personar
loan appraisar
process you will follow to aqply for a loan from a bank. 12

5. Nowadays krdian banl6 are facing a serrous issue of rising
NPA's (Non-Performing Assets). Discuss the resolution
strategies which banks will adopt to tackle this problem ,

6. Write short notes on:-

(a) Business Credit
(b) SAREAESI A$. 6+6

Uxrr [V
? " sumit and Sanj ay get Rs. l 0 lakhs each from their father. Bank
sffers interest rate of 6-5ya per asrnum for r to 10 years. on
0 tr .01 .20CI8, they place the money in fixed deposits rrdth a bank
under simple interest scheme.
Sumit : Fixed deposit of Rs. l0 lakhs for 3 years at 6.5yo
Sanjay : FixeddepositofRs. l0laidrsfor i year at6.S%op.a.
and renews the principal twice on due dates (Jan.
lst 2004 and January 2005).
t373 2
The bank announces changes in the interest rate as below:-
1.5.2003 -7.5'/oP.a.
10.8.2004 - 60/o P.a.
L6.2005 - 5o/o P.a-

Calculate the interest eamed by Sumit and Sanjay for the 3

years. 12

Bancassurance plays an important role in today's insurance

induslry. Diseuss. Also elaborate the bancassurance models
used in india. 12

'9. Are payment banks acting as disnrptors in the lndian banking
iadustry? Do you agree? Justi$. 12

10. i&tite short notes or :

(a) Post-shiprnent financing

(b) Pre*hipmer, t financing
{c} Leti*r cf oredit
(ci) Forex cards. 3x4:l?

131 3

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