A Prototype Model of Induction Based and Solar Powered Hybrid Electric Vehicle To Achieve Zero Charging
A Prototype Model of Induction Based and Solar Powered Hybrid Electric Vehicle To Achieve Zero Charging
A Prototype Model of Induction Based and Solar Powered Hybrid Electric Vehicle To Achieve Zero Charging
Abstract: Energy crisis has been one of the major problems that the world is facing today. With the increasing demand, not
only power but also diesel and petrol have been affected. In this technique, the car runs based on solar power and wireless
power transfer during day time and night time respectively. As solar panel installed on car, Solar panel tracks radiant energy
from the sun and solar charge controller produces a constant output voltage of 6v. This 6v helps to charge the rechargeable
battery and helps to run the car.
Wireless power transfer technique consists of transmitter and receiver coils. The D.C supply of 6V is fed to the transmitter
circuit. The transmitter circuit consists of a microcontroller which will produce high frequency alternating current which is
fed to the transmitter coil. The power is transmitted and received by the receiver and produces an output voltage of 5v to
charge the super capacitor which will be fed to the motor by inductive coupling. The receiver coil is placed underneath the
car and the transmitter coils are buried under the ground according to adjustable distances for mutual coupling. A real diesel
or petrol free electric car can easily be made by using the induction and solar power.
Key words: wireless power transfer, solar power, microcontroller, copper coils, inductive coupling, super
The major fuels required for transportation are diesel and petrol and these resources are declining day by day
such that after few years these fuels will be exhausted, and no more fuel is available for transportation. So, we
need to find an alternative for this problem. One of the solutions is hybrid electric vehicle. Our hybrid electric
vehicle makes use of solar energy and wireless power transfer technique. During day time, the vehicle makes use
of radiant energy emitted by the sun which is stored in batteries and it will be used to run the vehicle.
During night time, the vehicle runs with the technique of wireless power transfer. Induction coupling is one of
the methods of contactless power transfer. It comprises of two parts; one part is transmitter, and another is the
receiver. The transmitter section consists of a bridge rectifier, 7805 voltage regulator, AT89S52 microcontroller,
mosfet IRF540 and a transmitter coil. The receiver section consists of a receiver coil, bridge rectifier, 7805
voltage regulators and a super capacitor.
Wireless power transmission is the type of electrical power transmission which transmits power from a
source to a consuming devices with use of no discrete manmade conductors. It is the term that refers to a number
of different power transmission technologies that uses time-varying electromagnetic fields. Wireless
transmission is used where interconnecting wires are inconvenient, hazardous, or are not possible. In this type of
power transfer, a transmitter device is connected to a power source, for example the mains power line, transmits
power by electromagnetic fields across an intervening space to one or more receiver devices, where it will be
converted back to electric power and utilized.
In inductive coupling , power is transferred between coils of wire using a magnetic field. The transmitter and
receiver coils combine to form a transformer. According to Ampere's law, an alternating current through the
transmitter coil creates an oscillating magnetic field . The magnetic field passes through the receiving coil. Here
it induces an alternating EMF by Faraday's law of induction and this will create an AC current in the receiver.
The induced alternating current may either given to the load directly, or rectified to direct current using
a rectifier in the receiver end, and this will drive the load.
A. Solar Cell: The solar cell consists of the semiconductors of the P-N junctions. The supply of current Iph
will represent the electric current generated due to radiation over the solar cell. Rj represents the non-
linear impedance of the P-N junction while Dj represents the P-N junction diode, Rsh and Rs are the
equivalent lineup with the interior of the materials and connecting resistances in series. Usually in general
analysis, Rsh will be much larger value than the value of Rs.
In this technology, we use a 6v solar panel to charge the rechargeable battery which gives supply to the motor to
run the vehicle.
B.AT89S52 Microcontroller: The AT89S52 is a CMOS 8-bit microcontroller which has 8K bytes of in-system
programmable Flash memory with low-power, high-performance. The device is made by using Atmel’s high-
*Corresponding Author: Ravi kumar jalli, Email: [email protected]
Article History: Received: February 01, 2019, Revised: March 20, 2019, Accepted: April 1, 2019 300
Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 11, 05-Special Issue, 2019
density nonvolatile memory technology and is compatible with the industry-standard 89S52 instruction set and
pinout. In wireless power transfer, one of the disadvantages is that if continuous power supply is allowed to the
coil, it will be heated up and the probability of damage caused is higher. So, in this project we use a
microcontroller which minimizes the power losses occurred because of heating, by giving some delay. The
source code is written in keil software and is converted into hex file, which is dumped into the microcontroller
using ProLoad software.
The source code is written to give a higher frequency of nearly 10Mhz and thus microcontroller is used as an
The output pulse obtained is as shown below, which triggers the mosfet.
C. Mosfet IRF540: It is an N-channel Mosfet. The gate is used to give triggering pulse. Mosfet is used as a
switching device in this project, it supplies high alternating current to the primary coil.
The main features are:
Drain-Source Volt (Vds): 100V
Drain-Gate Volt (Vdg): 100V
Gate-Source Volt (Vgs): 20V
Drain Current (Id): 30A
Power Dissipation (Ptot): 150W
D. Super capacitor: Supercapacitor which is also called as electric double layer capacitor (EDLC), super
condenser, pseudo capacitor, electrochemical double layer capacitor, or ultra-capacitors, which is an
electrochemical capacitor with relatively high energy density. Difference between an ordinary electrolytic
capacitor and super capacitor is, the ultra-capacitors have the capacity to hold a larger amount of energy. This
high energy holding capacity makes it possible to have thousands of farads in a single cell. Although they have
a higher energy density than regular electrolytic capacitors they still fall behind conventional batteries in the
amount of energy that they can store. Comparing with conventional batteries or fuel cells, EDLCs also have a
much high power density. In this project we use super capacitor as an alternative to battery to charge quickly.
Key specifications:
Rated Discharge Capacitance: 4F
Capacitance Tolerance: -20%~+80%
Rated Voltage: 5.5V
Surge Voltage: 6V
Nominal Impedance: AC Imp. 16mΩ DC Imp. 25mΩ
Working Temperature Range: -40~60℃
Storage temperature range: -40~70℃
E. Transmitter and Receiver coils: A coil is a series of loops. A coil is formed when a conductor (an insulated
solid copper wire in general ) is wound to form an inductor. One loop of wire is usually referred to as a turn, and
this coil must consist one or more turns. The inductance of single-layer air-cored cylindrical coils can be
calculated to a reasonable degree of accuracy with the simplified formula:
R represents the coil radius in inches, N indicates the number of turns, and L indicates the length of the coil in
inches. The transmitter coil is made of 10 turns while the secondary coil is made of 100 turns.
The prime advantage of this project is authenticated use of power. By the help of microcontroller, one can
control and interface the device for transformation as per his needs. . Direct wireless power eliminates the need
of expensive power wiring or battery replacement and disposal.
1) Mobility: The whole eqipment is very compact, which makes it portable. For example, we can use this
technology for charging our mobile phones, glowing lights etc.
2) Transportation: Automatic wireless charging for existing electric vehicle classes such as golf carts, industrial
vehicles and others. Automatic wireless charging for future hybrid and all electric passenger and commercial
vehicles, at home, in parking garages, at fleet depots, and at remote kiosks
3) Elimination of fuel: This technique eliminates the usage of fuel resources such as diesel and petrol.
In this project, the inductance of primary coil calculated is 0.234µH, and that of secondary coil is 2.346µH.
The power in primary side is 3.8W and the power received by the receiver coil is 2W when measured at a
distance of 1.5cm between the coils.
The minimum voltage required to run the vehicle is 3V and the distance travelled is nearly 4ft. This can be
improved by use of tuned coils and by reducing the distance between the coils.
Fig.7 Designed Prototype model of induction based and solar powered electrical vehicle
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