Project Proposal: Wireless Mobile Charger
Project Proposal: Wireless Mobile Charger
Project Proposal: Wireless Mobile Charger
Jerin Tasnim
Student Id : 171311048
Section: B, Semester: 10
Computer Science and Engineering
Varendra University
Submitted to
Arifa Ferdousi
Assistant Professor,
Computer Science and Engineering
Varendra University
The project seeks to eliminate the use of wires in the transmission of power
from the source to the device to be powered. Although it is based on
electromagnetic induction, there are various methods that are used. Some are
less efficient than others and costly while others don’t allow for a longer range
of transmission. In this project, it is required to design and construct an
electronic device that shall transmit power within a small range. The device can
then be used to charge batteries. In the project a suitable method will be used to
ensure that enough power is transmitted wirelessly so that it can then charge
The major challenge will be in the coupling circuit which comprises of the coils
where electromagnetic induction occurs. The number of turns of the coil,
The project will be divided into the following specific objectives that will aid in
achieving the main objective design and assemble a power supply unit. Develop
transmitter and receiver coils. Design the receiver module and rectify the ac
voltage received on the receiver coil. Designing a battery charging circuit.
Problem Statement
People use gadgets to improve their daily routine work every day. The gadget is
using the power socket as their power supply. If they use many gadgets in their
daily life, then this may be the reason for lack of power socket. Nowadays
people are using smartphones to make their living easier. The problem they are
experiencing is the rapidly dissolving smartphones using multi applications on
standby time or standby batteries. Wireless power transfer was invented by
Nikola Tesla in 1839. Vacuum bulbs without using the cable. Wireless power
transfer resonance is used for power exchange through coil. Figure shows the
comparison of using wire charging and wireless power transfer charging.
Figure : Comparison of using wire charging and wireless power transfer charging.
The difference is the wireless power transfer charging is more tidy and
manageable, it also make user more comfortable to using smartphone without
charging using wires. The problem needs be highlighted in this project, where
wireless power transfers can be transferred to a long range or only for a short
range. Then, the power of wireless power transfer can be effective from the
components used in the coil. Wireless power transfer needs to be implemented
in our lives. It will make people use gadget for better life. In this project, a test
can be used analytical and proven wireless power transfer and get wireless
power transfer skills. On the other hand, we need to consider the health
conditions of radio radiation handover.
Several tools and equipment were used during the design and construction of
this project. Some of these tools and equipment and how they proved useful are
explained below.
Set of screw drivers:
The screwdrivers were used to tighten and loosen screws.
Magnifying glass:
The magnifying glass was used in identifying the colour coding of resistors and
also aided in soldering.
Soldering iron and soldering iron stand:
The soldering iron was used to melt lead to enable soldering of components.
The soldering iron heats to a high temperature which posed danger so the
soldering stand was used to contain it while it was hot to prevent danger.
Soldering iron sucker:
The soldering iron sucker was used to dis-solder the lead
from the PCB.
This is an electronic measuring instrument which combines several electrical
measurement functions into one unit. It is used to measure voltages (volts),
currents (amperes), resistances (ohms), and also to check continuity of the
circuit. It was also used to test components such as the fuses and continuity in
the cables used.
The oscilloscope is an instrument used to display and analyze the waveform of
electronic signal.
Hardware Components:
This chapter elaborates on the method of wireless power transfer that was
selected which is inductive coupling. The concept of transmitting power
wirelessly is based on electromagnetic fields, precisely due to electromagnetic
induction. Biot-Savart's law, which is similar to Coulomb's law, states that the
magnetic field intensity dHat r due to current element / d\ at r' is dR. It gives the
relation between the magnetic field and magnitude, direction, proximity and
length of the electric current by which it has been generated.
Where R is the full displacement vector from the current source to the field point,
Idl is the infinitesimal current source point in the wire. A magnetic field of B(r) is
produced by the copper coil. The magnitude of the magnetic field is affected by r
which is the distance from the center of the coil to the field point. The strength of
magnetic field B is proportional to the current I in the coil. Supposing two copper
laminated coils are placed within the near the field region while aligned together
side by side a magnetic field is generated. This however only occurs provided the
transmitter coil is powered and the current flowing through it alternating current.
This magnetic field that has been generated by the TX coil at the point x which is
on the RX coil is thus going to be given by:
Where N is the number of turns of the coil, I is the transmitter inductor current, a is the radius
of the TX coil while d is the distance of separation between the TX and RX coil. The
magnetic flux that will pass through the Rx coil will be given by:
This clearly shows that the voltage induced to the secondary coil depends on the current and
voltage in the primary coil, the frequency of the current and voltage in the primary coil, the
separation distance between the coils and the surface area of the coils. The resulting two coil
coupling system is depicted below.
Here C1 and C2 are tuning capacitors, L1 and L2 are coupled inductors with mutual
inductance M, R1 and R2 represent parasitic resistances (loss resistances in the inductors), d
is the distance between the coils and V1 and V2 are input and output voltages. The output
power of the second coil can be defined as:
Where the operating frequency of the system, RL is load resistance. Thus the overall efficiency of
the system depends only on the transmission frequency, mutual inductance, coils’ parasitic
resistances and load resistance Quality factor (Q factor) which is defined as the ratio of the
inductance to the resistance of the coil determines the energy transmitted and overall
efficiency of the system. A higher Q factor means a lower energy loss and so better
transmission efficiency. Usually Q factor has values from 0 up to 1000 for WPT coils. It is
define as
Where L is the inductance of the coil, R is its resistance and is the operating frequency of the
system. Obviously, Q factor increases when the operating frequency increases. reaches its
peak values, it will decrease as the operating frequency continues to rise. higher Q factor
means a narrower band-width, which results in dropped coupling efficiency and the need of a
tuning circuit. The maximum transfer efficiency is defined by:
Where k is the coupling factor between two coils, Q1and Q2are the quality factors of the
transmitter and receiver coils. Consequently, in order to reach the maximum efficiency,
developers should optimize the coupling and quality factors of their systems.
Circuit Diagram :
Transmitter circuit
Receiver Circuit
Wireless Mobile Charger Circuit Principle:
Time frame:
Phase Goals Deadline
Phase One Submit proposal 05.08.2020
Phase Four Specification 18.10.2020